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[[image:Broken-blade-00.png|thumb]]Broken Blade: Enchantment Research
|April 24, 2015
|Broken Blade: Researching the Enchantments
|[[Kyson]] and [[Cesran]]
Cesran is sitting at one of the tables towards the back of the library on the upper level. He has a stack of books in front of him and some are open. He has his own book in front of him with his inkwell and pen. The sound of scratching on parchment can be heard as Cesran makes some notes about his latest research.
Cesran is sitting at one of the tables towards the back of the library on the upper level. He has a stack of books in front of him and some are open. He has his own book in front of him with his inkwell and pen. The sound of scratching on parchment can be heard as Cesran makes some notes about his latest research.

Revision as of 00:23, 6 May 2015

Date Title People
April 24, 2015 Broken Blade: Researching the Enchantments Kyson and Cesran

Cesran is sitting at one of the tables towards the back of the library on the upper level. He has a stack of books in front of him and some are open. He has his own book in front of him with his inkwell and pen. The sound of scratching on parchment can be heard as Cesran makes some notes about his latest research.

The tell-tale clack of Kyson's wooden staff can be heard heralding his steps as he walks through the stacks and down the halls of the library in search of his master. Spying Cesran at one of the far tables on the upper level, he makes the slow climb and pauses a respectful distance from the senior mage. "Master..." he mutters to gain the man's attention.

Cesran looks up from his studies, "Hello Kyson how are you doing?" He doesn't both asking you not to call him master as now is not the time nor the place. "Do you need some help with something?" He asks as it is not their appointed time for lessons.

Kyson draws a cloth bundle from his satchel and takes a step towards the table. "I need some assistance in discerning the echoes of some enchantments placed on an old sword..." While unwrapping the bundle the cloth is revealed to be the tattered remains of the flag of the kingdom of Rune. "It's of a somewhat personal nature, sir... and I'm stumped by what I'm seeing." With that, the young man gently offers the broken fragment of the sword to the magister and remains standing next to the table.

Cesran moves some books as he sees the Kyson has something and he carefully stacks them off to the side. He stands up and looks over what's before him, "Do you mind if I ask where you got this?" He asks as he looks over everything taking it all in. "Don't tell me what you are seeing, let me look at it. An unbiased opinion may offer another angle that you might not have considered."

Kyson explains, briefly, "It was a gift from my mother, sir. She gave it to me - well, the whole bundle - when I left our village to come to the city." After a second or two pause he remembers some small detail and adds, "Oh, she mentioned that it was the only inheritance she had from her family."

((OOC)) The flag is dated to the Kingdom of Rune over 50 years ago.

Cesran stops as he finishes a circuit around the table looking at the blade from every angle that he can without touching it. He hmms, "Well the flag is from at least 50 years ago if not more. The flags of nations don't change too often, although this one smells as it has spent a considerable amount of time in the bottom of a chest." He turns his attention to the blade, "Now for the blade. Excellent craftmanship, even though it is broken. Do you know where the other piece is?" He asks curiously as he leans forward to look at it, "Don't answer that just yet." He says as he looks closely at where it was broken, "Looks like someone sundered this weapon, probably had a weapon of the same material to do it. Yes probably two adamantine weapons. A rare metal, but if you have the right amount of coin you can acquire some, the Khazads seem to be able to work it the best, although it's hard to say if this is Khazad make or not." He leans in carefully to look for a maker's mark.

Kyson is transfixed upon his master's explanation. "I didn't even know that it existed until I left the village. I mean, based on what I'm hearing - the other part may still be around somewhere." He pulls out his own, smaller journal and flips to a blank page to scribble some notes. The notion of the bundle being kept hidden in a chest makes perfect sense to him but it also raises a half-dozen more questions. "-Two- blades of Star-Metal? That sounds like quite an epic duel..."

Cesran nods, "Could have been a blade or it could have been a hammer made from the metal." He rubs his chin thoughtfully, "I wonder if using a scrying spell I can scry upon where the other piece of the weapon is. Then it'd be an easy matter to teleport to it and then retrieve it...hopefully. Well if you want the second piece, there could be a good reason that this is broken. Did whoever give it to you tell you anything about it? Even the smallest detail could be useful."

Kyson hrms thoughtfully for a moment and then flips back in his journal to scan for any small details of the broken blade's history. "Mother said that it was her only inheritance from her family. She never really spoke of her own family before she married father - said it was too painful of a memory." Flipping through a few more pages he notes something that catches his eye. "Well, here's something that might be meaningful - when I went to Rune to investigate the blade, no one seemed to want to talk about it." Leaning back from his seat at the table he taps his chin with the side of his thumb. "They were embroiled in their war - so maybe they just didn't want to talk to any foreigner. Not sure."

Cesran shrugs a little bit, "Perhaps, although I'm sure someone in Rune would be interested in it. Especially if it is magic, but you are right that they have to focus on beating the Dran lest they lose and be over run." He straightens up, "Speaking of magic, let's see if this has any of it." He casts a simple cantrip spell of detect magic and his eyes glow blue as he looks up on the broken blade and focuses on it. GAME: Cesran rolls spellcraft: (6)+32: 38

((OOC: When the blade was snapped, the enchants on the blade were also broken leaving only echoes))

Kyson stands up and takes a step back from the table so that his master can work without his interference. "I've tried to see what's there master but..." and he falls quiet as the man's eyes start to pick up that familiar blue glow. Yup, time to be quiet.

Cesran just stares at the blade as he lets the spell do it's work. Soon enough it comes into focus and Cesran studies the blade, "Intersting, it looks like the enchantment was on this blade at least one of them was the Axiomatic enchantment." He looks up to see if Kyson knows what that is before he continues, "An Axiomatic weapon is one that is infused with lawful power. As such it deals more damage to chaotic creatures, such as demons, and chaotic creatures or persons cannot touch the blade without physical pain." He looks at Kyson, "Hopefully you are not a chaotic creature." He jests. "Other then that some faint enchantments of conjuration and necromancy, an interesting combination, but it could be leftover from whatever sundered the blade."

Kyson finds a seat at the opposite side of the table so that he won't disturb his master's spell. Scribbling furiously he glances up and over to his master to ask, "I've never actually held the weapon, sir. I just keep it in the cloth, er...flag." Copper-green eyes flick over to the weapon curiously, hesitantly. He has no idea if it would somehow 'strike' him should he touch it. Is he lawful enough? Only after writing down the definition does he glance up once again to his master and asks, "So two enchantments from opposing weapons can then...merge? Maybe because one broke the other?"

Cesran looks over the weapon once more before he dismisses the spell and his eyes stop glowing, "Well I would continue to leave it wrapped in the cloth just incase. It might be a cursed item and trust me you do not want to deal with those. I once bought a pen that never ran out of ink at an auction...turned out it was cursed and I could not sleep as it made my ears ring something awful. Thankfully I have friends at the local temples who were able to remove the curse. I keep the pen as a reminder to look before I touch anything." He leans back a little, "It's hard to say normally weapons don't get sundered, it's simpler just to strike down the owner and take it to be sold, but in this case it might have been broken after the owner died. What is your mother's full name?" He asks curiously.

"Lynna - but she married my father, Jatham in a small village south of the city." Kyson begins. "I don't know her unmarried name. No one really used 'family' names in Blackbriar - there were simply not enough of us. You were known by your trade. My father was just 'Jatham Tanner - as he was a leather worker." He turns in his seat to fully face his master and slides his staff to the edge of the table so it won't fall to the floor. "A pen that doesn't require inking?" He can't resist, "I wonder how it was enchanted."

Cesran nods, "Well I would start there, your mother might know something about this sword and where it came from. It's important to know the history of it. It could have been broken on purpose, all we know is that it was a lawful blade, it could have been just as easily wielded by someone evil rather than good. I don't want to put together a sword that shouldn't be put together. I do know of a spell that I could scribe into my own spellbook as it is not above my ability, called legend lore. It's spell components are expensive though, if there is any history about this item that spell would reveal it."

Kyson peers curiously, "A form of divination? I didn't know that such magic even existed Ma...magister." He's still having issue not referring to the man by his 'new' title. "My mother might know more about the item but I'm not sure if she would tell us." Standing from the table, he starts to re-wrap the blade in the fragments of the flag while he continues his thoughts. "But we can go there sometime if you wish. It's only a few days walk from the city - would take less time to ride or," and his eyes drop at the word before he even mentions it, "...fly."

Cesran smiles a little bit, "Well we can ask there is no harm in asking. She gave it to you for a reason so she should know at least a little about it." He moves to sit back down, "Walking would be fine no need to use up spells when our own two legs can carry us."

Kyson seems a bit disappointed at using his feet to get back home. Secretly - though not as privately as he might have hoped, the young mage told himself that he would not return to his small village the same way he left. He wanted to return as a powerful wizard - not as 'just' an apprentice. The evoker's fondness for flight has been no secret during his apprenticeship. Several times he's climbed to the roofs of some of the tallest buildings in the city just to jump off and 'test' his mastery of Feather Fall. "Yes sir...should I make arrangements then?" He asks while tieing the bundle closed and sliding it into his satchel.

Cesran nods as all ready he has pulled a book in front of him to open it again to begin his research, "Yes go ahead, unless you think she will answer you in a letter. Write her a letter anyway, to let her know that we are coming. We'll await her response before we leave. No sense in going all the way there if she's not going to talk to us at all."

The apprentice nods and heads out of the library to pen a letter to his mother. Soon, he hopes, she will be able to shed more light on the source of the mysterious 'broken blade'.