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"Six second timer has expired. This one will be returning to fire arsenal, as no complaints have been lifted by its allies." Thoth points out dutifully, before a little 'flute' like noise sounds. Just a cute little 'FFWOOOP!' as one of the hollow 'pipes' that form its wings launches a red dart.
It just makes a cute arc for the plant that has been assaulting it and Tlanex from afar, and lands on it with a fierce blazing blast of flame!
"Starting Bush Burning Protocols."
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls ranged+1-2: (8)+6+1+-2: 13
GAME: Tlanexhuani spends ONE use of CHARGE POOL.
Three scorched ferns. Two bushes burnt. And a druid in some manacles.
That leaves the one fern way over there trying to grab Crick. More. "Be still!" Tlanexhuani advises both Crik and the plant as he ajusts his aim carefully and releases another amplified spark at it. He takes care not to hit his ally. Perhaps too much, as the bolt flies wide of the fern, too.
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon20-2+1: (16)+10+-2+1: 25
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon20-2+1: (14)+10+-2+1: 23
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon20-2+1: (19)+10+-2+1: 28 (THREAT)
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon20-2+1: (2)+10+-2+1: 11
GAME: Warrick rolls xbowdamage: aliased to 1d10+1: (9)+1: 10
GAME: Warrick rolls xbowdamage: aliased to 1d10+1: (3)+1: 4
GAME: Warrick rolls xbowdamage: aliased to 1d10+1: (4)+1: 5
Warrick glances over at the elf in custody. "Sorry, have to use a bit because they're trying to kill us," he mentions with zero feeling. A fist full of bolts are grabbed, and Warrick shifts his stance, holding the crossbow up high on his hip to aim over the lip over cover. "Crik! Volley!"
A trio of bolts, one after another, slam into the shrub, each one stapling it to the stone floor underneath the dirt.
The weapon swivels around once. Twice. Then rests lazily in the elf's direction. "Phew. Clear. Good work."
Volley? Crik? Be still? The egalrin was utterly at the conflicting words. "Wait that volley wh-" The egalrin starts before the bolts and lightning starts to slam around him.
After few moments, Crik carefully holds up his hands. "I think it is dead now at least?" He offers as a truce.
Thoth stands down when Warrick declares that the coast is clear, and its body comes to a slightly more relaxed posture. "This one will halt Bush Burning Protocols." It declares without any particular emotion to this. It then looks towards Crik for a moment, then at the Elf. "This one is uncertain of why you would take up arms against capable Adventurers. Art thee this desperate?"
Tlanexhuani eyes the greenery around Crik for some moments, wary of any suspicious movement. "Ssa, are no more." His spear turns vertical and is leaned upon once more before he continues to Crik. "Are injured?"
The last of the hostile plants fall to the ground, either burnt or torn up, and the room is still, save for the sound of water, and quiet crackle of some of the scorched plants. The elf glares back at Warrick. "So that's that then. I'll come quietly." They grunt. "Because if I don't do shit about the scum living up there fat from the backs of slavery and necromancy, then no one's gonna do anything about it, last I heard we've got some swell deals going with Charn." The druid spits. "Thought it was worth bringing their place down around them."
Warrick collects his weapons and stows them away, returning to the elf and taking a familiar hold on the manacles. "If you have proper evidence of necromantic practice or slave trade, the Watch can investigate," Warrick sighs back at him, sounding like this wasn't his first dealing with rebellious folks. "Look. If take this into your own hands, then innocent blood will also be on your hands from the fallout. What about members of the estate that have no knowledge of this? The surrounding area? A beggar walking by?"
He coaxes the druid forward. "I swear, morons like you make my old job harder than it needs to be."
Crik looks at Tlanexhuani, then at himself. Then at Tlanexhuani. He raises his leg, then looks at the bloody cuts. "... I will walk." The corvid says, before slowly making his across the foliage, taking extreme care.
Then at those words, Crik's head perks up. He slowly walks, half hops, over Warrick and then looks at the ex-guard. "But you know the Watch might... not look into it." The corvid quietly whispers at him. "Would it not make sense for the Guild to investigate?" And by Guild, he probably means him and his endless curiosity. "Slavery and necromancy."
"This one is not very familiar with the 'Charn' yet. But it believes that they are known for performing rather negative things. This one believes its master once said that - in trying to destroy one's enemies, ensure one does not become that which one loathes about them." It chirps to the Elf. "This one believes this may apply to this particular situation?"
Tlanexhuani eyes Crik a moment longer with some concern, though the the words from the sildanyari cause snout and eyes to promptly pan towards. "Must share words of thiss. If they do these thingss..." He has his own opinions on Charneth, slavery, and similar, but that doesn't mean every accusation is true. "Watch check, Watch stop, ssa?" He looks between Warrick and Crik at their somewhat conflicting statements.
"Oh, don't you worry, they keep their business well and sequestered away from Alexandria, just how the council likes it. They can still benefit from the trash Charn pulls at arm's length. You know full well they'll never keep anything where the watch can actually investigate it, if they could even be bothered." The elf grumbles. "No use dwelling on, no one died and they're still free to do whatever they please."
The elf keeps grumbling while they are led out and away from the overgrown sewers, but there are no further problems on their exit journey. They guard from before remains at a nearby sheltered post, and they quickly summon for assistance in detaining the perpetrator, after thanking the adventurers for their work.
== Combatty ==
== Combatty ==

Latest revision as of 05:36, 6 December 2023

Log Info

  • Title: Seedy Underbelly Part 2
  • Place: Alexandrian Sewers
  • Summary: The Alexandrian City Guard have received reports of suspicious individuals entering the sewers on several repeat occasions, and are enlisting the help of adventurers to investigate.

Warrick nods along with the others, him peering back and-- blinking at the much smaller Thoth! Opting to hide his bewilderment, he quietly lowers the visor on his helmet. "Alright then. Stick close."

Double checking the entryway, the arbalest steps through, crossbow first.

"This one will fit through entryways more easily this way." Thoth indicates to Warrick as it notices being peered at. The little War Golem then immediately follows after Warrick. Motioning its hand forward to send Ra ahead to scout the area, hoping that if there are any severe threats, they'd get a warning ahead of time.

GAME: Thoth rolls 10+3: (15)+10+3: 28

Crik takes a slow step after Warrick, still holding up his knife. "... should have asked if the grass is actively trying to kill us." He says, looking at Tlanexhuani. "As you are not wrong." But it seemed he was, so he was carefully following on after Warrick, keeping a close eye on the walls around them.

As Ra continues down the tunnel, eventually Thoth speaks. "A long tunnel. There's more and more overgrowth." It indicates. "And at the end of the tunnel, a man awaits. They have not yet seen Ra. But I do not guarantee this will last. I recommend we pay particular care to these strange plants."

Tlanexhuani watches as the artifice-ial avian compacts itself: part in surprise and part in fascinated curiosity. He then blknks slowly at Crik. "This one hopes green iss not dangerouss..." Especially as he steps in after War Rick, Thoth and the others.

The tunnel behind the overgrown vines is not recently made, as the stonework, where it can still be seen beneath the plants that is, indicates that it was a pre planned passage to some other part of the sewers. It's difficult to move through, as the vines had not only covered the entrance, but were stuck to and hanging through as the group continues, constantly obstructing all the way.

Eventually you do however meet what seems to be the exit, difficult to tell in the dark of the tunnel save for what light seemed to be coming through another wall of vines and mosses that obscured what lay beyond save for a few spots.

Warrick halts briefly as Ra takes up scouting, him giving a slight nod towards Thoth at the report. Deeper and deeper they go. The vines growing thicker. The arbalest takes a moment to put his crossbow away and carefully pull out his longsword and a dagger.

He squints in the darkness, rifles around in a pouch, and pulls out a dull prism. Letting it go to hover near his head. A glance to it, he taps it with a dagger. It softly glows a pale white light like a torch.

"Watch for an ambush," Crik quietly says as he pushes at the vines with his knife. It was hard for him to see through the growth despite his darkvision, and Warrick's light. And the news about an extra man at the end of the tunnel was not reassuring. "Anyone bring hedge cutters?"

With little pitter-patter, the smol War Golem birb wanders along with the group. Keeping an eye out while listening intently to what Ra might pass on during its scouting. It isn't the most stealthy thing in the world, but it's trying its best!

Tlanexhuani looks to the plants as they are warned of them. Just because he hopes they are not dangerous, and doesn't think they would be, one cannot be too sure? It also helps in watching for any ambushes from them. "No, Thiss one hass hammer. Not good cutting."

Warrick grunts, putting a dagger away and shoving vines aside to get the wall of vegetation. "Don't worry Tlan, I've got it." It's a slow process, he's no warden of the woods. But piece by piece, the sword bites into a vine, and a gauntleted hand yanks a rope free.

Thoth wishes they could help. But they did not prepare any 'subtle' spells that could deal with vines of this sorts. So it quietly waits behind Warrick as he starts opening the way for them, and follows after him.

Crik had a knife, but it was more efficient at stabbing than slashing. So he stands there, giving Warrick his space to work - until he quite wasn't. No wait, he just pulled a greener shade of cloak over him in an attempt to hide.

GAME: Crik rolls stealth: (15)+12: 27

Tlanexhuani watches and waits. He also hunches over further and crouches deeper, as if that might make him smaller. The still-larger lizard doesn't move until Warrick has cut something of a path and the others move through. All to guard the rear, and not at all to avoid blocking others in case he gets stuck.

Bit by bit, the heavy mat of vines and moss are cut and torn away, letting more light into the tunnel from the room ahead.

Past the threshhold is a large open area, almost like a glade, only found this deep underground. There was little stone still visible, and the greenery was illuminated by hanging mana lamps. A river of water cuts through the middle with two bridges across, and the far wall is bare, with piles of brick left in several areas as the stone and dirt behind was exposed.

There is a figure matching the description given to them before, a black cloaked humanoid with a shovel in one hand and a pair of secateurs held loosely in the other, as they went around inspecting the massive roots hanging from the ceiling.

They turn to the doorway, and the elf lifts their head. "Excuse me, this is private property connected to the municipal waterways, and I would have to ask you to leave. And could you try announcing your presence next time instead of just tearing through everything? I'm going to need to regrow those, and do you realize how long that can take?" The figure offers gruffly, waving away the adventuring party away.

Warrick can't help but crane his head up and around at the underground little marvel. If only his shifts back in the day would have been here instead of the more.... main lines.

His attention pulls back to the black cloaked figure. In a rote manner, he deadpans. "Do you have a permit for this?"

Crik slips in after Warrick whilst laying flat against the wall. The corvid stays quiet to let the others talk; instead trying to sneak around the long way to see what else was in the room.

Thoth looks to the others, then back to the man digging. It doesn't know whether or not one even needs a permit for this kind of greenery being kept beneath the city within the sewers. There's a few bird-like tilts of its head as it considers what the proper parameters are for engaging in this kind of social situation. "This one apologizes for harming your plantlife."

Tlanexhuani blinks at the unexpected cavern and the even more surprising greenery. Twice, even, as he looks around. "Iss many sewer like thiss? Iss very nice." He only notices the other individual that looks very much like their quarry was described after they speak.

This causes more blinking which is compounded by the softskin's words. "This one..." he isn't sure what to offer in explanation or apology "... not know... is home?" The questioning in his words only partly conveys his current level of confusion.

The hooded elf ceases their waving seeing as the party is making no move to leave, they stop and stretch, turning their focus entirely. "Thank you, doesn't mean much to the plants, but at least you're owning up to your mistake." The man grunts. "Yeah, the owner of the estate does, back up top, they're the one you'd need to talk to about it. Far as I know, everything is above board there, so shouldn't be any problems."

GAME: Warrick rolls sense motive: (13)+5: 18

Warrick doesn't make a bother towards apologizing, him keeping his sword tip down, but a hand rests on a pair of manacles on his hip. "No, Tlan, this is different," he mutters to the Makari before turning back to the hooded elf.

Even with the visor down, it's clear he's blankly staring. "Unfortunately for you, that's not the case. There's been multiple reports of suspicious activity matching your exact description. Sewers are municipal. Come with us to speak the Watch, get the owner to give you the clear and check that permit, and I'm sure the guard will see this as a misunderstanding."

He shifts his weight, the manacles on his belt clinking. "Please comply."

Crik's head spins around at the sound of those manacles, beak opening. It was a reflex. His head spins in place for a moment, before he continues to creep along the wall towards the water's edge, laying flatter and more flat as he goes along. It was quite incredible really, how flat an egalrin could go with enough determination.

Tlanexhuani trusts War Rick's judgement and experience. He certainly has much more knowledge of the city and sewers than the azure Makari. So he offers optimistic encouragement and agreement. "Ssa! Is missed understand, words will repair. No more worry guard, no more visitor, no more sad plant."

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4: (16)+4: 20

Thoth tilts its head a few more times. It has no particular reason to engage right now, even as Crik is halted part-way. After all, it doesn't even notice where Crik has gone. Maybe Ra has more luck, but it is not particularly watching Crik in that moment - it is focused on the man ahead of it. "Yes. Please comply peacefully. This one is certain it is just a misunderstanding."

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d4: (3): 3

Crik's creeping is cut short suddenly by the plants he was seeking to step through one of the plants, he finds it does not bend away to let him through. In fact, it seems to sweep at the corvid's shins, cutting surprisingly easily through the fabric, but not managing to draw any blood.

The elf stops, and drops the shovel they were carrying off to the ground. "Would have been easier if you just went on your ways." The elf sighs. "Leave, now, before I'm forced to dump your unconcious bodies somewhere else down in the sewers." They threaten now, suddenly grabbing a bow out that was hidden beneath their cloak.

GAME: Crik rolls weapon1: (10)+8: 18
GAME: Crik rolls damage1: aliased to 1d4+1: (4)+1: 5
GAME: Crik rolls stealth: (11)+12: 23

There's sudden rustling in the foliage nearby. Accompanied by sudden 'caw', and even more rustling. A particularly perceptive person may see a green shadow slowly step back - before the shadow falls back down into the grass again.

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4: (8)+4: 12
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4: (15)+4: 19
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d4: (2): 2

With Crik sneaking backwards in an attempt to hide himself, he finds one of the plants rustling ominously and giving away his position right next to it. The small fern from before shakes itself free from the soil, almost a tiny human shaped plant, that shimmies across the ground, slicing at the egalrin rogue, and cutting through enough of the layers of cloaks to draw blood.

GAME: Thoth casts Haste. Caster Level: 5 DC: 18

Thoth watches things quickly unfold. The Elf grabbing their bow, and the plants starting to come to life and assalting Crik. The War Golem clacks its small little beak twice, no more, no less, before it starts drawing on a small piece of fabric on it. It plucks off a little golden looking thread, snaps it off of the remainder of the fabric, and then takes it between its fingers.

It burns quickly, forming a beautiful 'web' of golden in the air and expands outwards, connecting it and its allies. "This one says, Go, mine allies. Swift as the winds."

<OOC> Eztli says, "The elf will be moving, and casting entangle over the majority of the lower area of the map. reflex saves from everyone!"
<OOC> Warrick says, "haste adds +1"
GAME: Warrick rolls reflex+1: (17)+5+1: 23
GAME: Thoth rolls Reflex+1: (20)+4+1: 25 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
<OOC> Thoth is too tiny to entangle
GAME: Crik rolls reflex+1: (10)+8+1: 19

The elf, instead of drawing an arrow, instead pulls a large sprig of misteltoe out from somewhere, and they quickly brush it over one of the plants near to where they were standing, chanting in an unknown tongue. Suddenly, the grasses and mosses around on the ground spring taller grasping at the legs and ankles of the adventuring party and attempting to trap them in place.

Warrick groans. "It's always fools in the sewers. Fine then." Sudden celerity fills the once-guard, him gritting his teeth as its makes his joints creak twice as fast. Thoth gets a sharp nod, and he- "Shit!" Magic swiftness gets steel to swipe and cleave at brush grasping at his legs, only for him to tear himself out. "Engaging!"

He charges forward with metallic clanks of his scalemail, him ducking behind the low wall briefly to pull out a brown bag. He smacks it briefly against the wall, activating the reagent and zipping around and behind the elf. "Stand down!" he barks, sword poised over the shoulder.

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4+2: (4)+4+2: 10
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4+2: (13)+4+2: 19
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d4: (3): 3
<OOC> Eztli says, "One of the bushes attempts to shoot Warrick"
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4: (12)+4: 16

The second fern behind Crik ceases rustling, replaced with a swishing through the air as it too lashes out with a pair of fronds, nicking the rogue again. Warrick meanwhile passes by a small brown bush on his way to the druid, which suddenly stretches out, revealing numerous sharp looking thorns which are flung in the guard's direction, bouncing harmlessly off the armor in non critical locations.

GAME: Crik rolls weapon1: (18)+8: 26
GAME: Crik rolls damage1: aliased to 1d4+1: (4)+1: 5

Crik! Surrounded by all sides, betrayed by the foliage that he thought was on his side! The corvid lets out another loud caw - this time getting straight up on his feet, slashing at the ferns besides him. "They are alive! They are angry!" The rogue shouts to the rest of the team, as he dismantles one and starts to back away from the other.

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4: (8)+4: 12
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4: (6)+4: 10
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+2: (12)+2: 14
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4: (17)+4: 21
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d4: (4): 4
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4: (1)+4: 5 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4: (11)+4: 15
GAME: Thoth casts Fireball. Caster Level: 5 DC: 20
GAME: Thoth rolls 5d6+2: (23)+2: 25
<OOC> Thoth says, "25 Fire damage on plants - Reflex vs 20"
<OOC> Thoth says, "(and Druid, of course)"
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+1: (9)+1: 10
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+3: (16)+3: 19

With its allies moving with increased swiftness, it is time for Thoth to move as well. The moment those tangling roots come up, the small bird jumps up. Hippity-hopping from vine to vine as it moves forward in an attempt to get away from the capturing grips.

One of the ferns manages to lash its sharp grassy blades onto its leg, leaving behind a mark, but it doesn't stop moving. Instead, it uses its beak to pull a feather off of its wings, and starts rapidly clicking its beak on it.

The little feather quickly turns to a glowing hot ember, after which it grabs it into its hand, and then blows it towards the druid and some of the hazardous bushes...

Just a cute little red glowing ember. Which then suddenly erupts into an enormous ball of fire. "This one will start clearing the sewer of plantlife. Other - Warrick - declared this is against regulations."

GAME: Tlanexhuani activates his Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Dex
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls ranged: (20)+6: 26 (THREAT)
GAME: Tlanexhuani refreshes special ability pools.
GAME: Tlanexhuani spends ONE use of CHARGE POOL.
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls ranged: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls 2d6+1: (4)+1: 5

Tlanexhuani doesn't expect his hammer to work any better on moving angry plants than on nice, quiet, normal ones. Nor does he want to be grabbed by them any further. He moves away from the clinging vines to stand with Thoth, raising his spear after to point it at one of the ferns that formerly surrounded the avian. A spark from his claws trails along the haft of the spear along the copper wire, spirals into the mount of the crystal tip to make it glow blue-white before a lance of miniature lightning lashes out to scorch the foliage.

The sudden explosion of fire leaves a massive scorched patch of plants in the middle of the room, and the druid from before yelling as they attempt to pat out the worst of the flames, dropping their bow to do so. "Gods damned kulthos bullshit!" The druid snarls, before bowing their head. "I yield! Not going to die over this, but those plants aren't going to listen to me and let you go. Just no more burning."

Warrick's shoulder jerks back as thorns ricochet off his armor. Casting a glance towards the animated brush, he swirls his sword in the air. "Rally and regroup! Get out of that mess!" he shouts to the team before settling his attention on the suspect. Wait, what was that red ember--

The ex-guard ducks as scorching heat fills the space, shielding his face briefly with a gauntlet. "Gah-- technicalities Thoth, but--" he turns to the elf, sword still out with a tanglefoot bag in the other hand cocked and ready to throw if they flee.

A sigh of relief echoes in the helmet. "Kulthos bullshit or not, you're coming with us. Alexandrian Common Law, Section three, subsection two, citizen's detainment. Hands behind your back." The sword is dropped and manacles come out, cuffing the elven druid. "Clean it up! Please don't start an underground fire!" he calls out to the team.

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4: (11)+4: 15
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4: (18)+4: 22
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d4: (3): 3
GAME: Crik rolls weapon1: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Crik rerolls that. ._.
GAME: Crik rolls weapon1: (4)+8+1: 13
GAME: Crik rolls weapon1+1: (4)+8+1: 13

True to their word, the remaining plants are completely unperturbed, and the remaining fern near crik continues to attempt to slice at the egalrin, missing once, but catching them with the second swipe.

Crik holds up his hand as there is suddenly fire and lightning all around him, covering his head. Then with the last remaining angry fern around him - he slashes. He dashes. He slashes again. All above the fern itself. "... they are really plants?" He asks then, looking with uncertainty at his knife.

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4: (14)+4: 18
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4: (12)+4: 16
GAME: Thoth casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 5 DC: 18
GAME: Thoth rolls 3d4+3+2: (6)+3+2: 11

"This one would request you do not refer to this one as 'Kulthos Bullshit'. This one's master took great care in the construction and reconstruction of this Unit." It seems to be mildly offended at this. Still, it appreciates that it is joined by Tlanex to protect it.

"Very well. Switching to Magic Missiles." As it is assaulted by the Bush to the north of it. It sidesteps, quickened by magic, and then points its fingers towards the bush. Its 'talons' opening, and a series of missiles rushing forwards, each impacting upon the bush.

"This one is now out of offensive spells unrelated to fire. Will return to Fire sequences within the next six seconds."

The remaining ferns, seeing the metal bird take off, turning instead to the living, and proven injurable living bird. They creep off after the rogue, one getting a swipe in, but barely missing crik.

Meanwhile, another of the brown leaved bushes spring out of the ground where it was hidden by the foliage, this time, sending a barrage of spikes across the stream, missing the war golem and the makari behind them.

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls ranged+1: (7)+6+1: 14
GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls 2d6+1: (7)+1: 8
GAME: Tlanexhuani spends ONE use of CHARGE POOL.

Tlanexhuani is pleased that the quarry relents. He is less pleased about the comment. "Kulthiansss much knowledge. Not only fire, bullshit." He may not know the full connotation of the word, but that doesn't invalidate his statement. As for the plants, they will do as they must. So shall he, and he looses another bolt of electricity at the nearest, singed one, vaporizing the remains.

GAME: Warrick rolls weapon20+1: (9)+10+1: 20
GAME: Warrick rolls xbowdamage: aliased to 1d10+1: (9)+1: 10

"Duly noted, Thoth," Warrick mentions, tossing the rest of his armaments to the side as another brush animates and attempts to assail the small golem. A little fire wouldn't hurt. They've got that handled, he thinks to himself as he gives the elf a glare. "Stay put. Or I'll make you."

Stepping out into the line of fire, Warrick spies Crik facing off with the two small ferns. "Crik! Covering fire!" he shouts out to the egalrin. Covering fire? More fire-? A large bolt sails and slams center mass into the fern, pinning it to the ground and stilling it.

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4: (17)+4: 21
GAME: Eztli rolls 1d4: (3): 3
GAME: Crik rolls weapon1+1: (17)+8+1: 26
GAME: Crik rolls weapon1+1: (1)+8+1: 10 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Crik rolls damage1: aliased to 1d4+1: (1)+1: 2

Crik turns his head towards Warrick - then watches a bolt sail over and hit a fern. After a moment of staring, he hoists up his thumb up in the air. "Nice hi-caw!" The corvid shakes his leg. "They really hurt."

Speaking of plants, the corvid takes another swipe at the plant near him, but doesn't manage to still the living creature.

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d20+4: (8)+4: 12
GAME: Thoth casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 5 DC: 19
GAME: Thoth rolls Ranged: (13)+6: 19
GAME: Thoth rolls 4d6+2: (9)+2: 11

"Six second timer has expired. This one will be returning to fire arsenal, as no complaints have been lifted by its allies." Thoth points out dutifully, before a little 'flute' like noise sounds. Just a cute little 'FFWOOOP!' as one of the hollow 'pipes' that form its wings launches a red dart.

It just makes a cute arc for the plant that has been assaulting it and Tlanex from afar, and lands on it with a fierce blazing blast of flame!

"Starting Bush Burning Protocols."

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls ranged+1-2: (8)+6+1+-2: 13
GAME: Tlanexhuani spends ONE use of CHARGE POOL.

Three scorched ferns. Two bushes burnt. And a druid in some manacles.

That leaves the one fern way over there trying to grab Crick. More. "Be still!" Tlanexhuani advises both Crik and the plant as he ajusts his aim carefully and releases another amplified spark at it. He takes care not to hit his ally. Perhaps too much, as the bolt flies wide of the fern, too.

GAME: Warrick rolls weapon20-2+1: (16)+10+-2+1: 25
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon20-2+1: (14)+10+-2+1: 23
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon20-2+1: (19)+10+-2+1: 28 (THREAT)
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon20-2+1: (2)+10+-2+1: 11
GAME: Warrick rolls xbowdamage: aliased to 1d10+1: (9)+1: 10
GAME: Warrick rolls xbowdamage: aliased to 1d10+1: (3)+1: 4
GAME: Warrick rolls xbowdamage: aliased to 1d10+1: (4)+1: 5

Warrick glances over at the elf in custody. "Sorry, have to use a bit because they're trying to kill us," he mentions with zero feeling. A fist full of bolts are grabbed, and Warrick shifts his stance, holding the crossbow up high on his hip to aim over the lip over cover. "Crik! Volley!"

A trio of bolts, one after another, slam into the shrub, each one stapling it to the stone floor underneath the dirt.

The weapon swivels around once. Twice. Then rests lazily in the elf's direction. "Phew. Clear. Good work."

Volley? Crik? Be still? The egalrin was utterly at the conflicting words. "Wait that volley wh-" The egalrin starts before the bolts and lightning starts to slam around him.

After few moments, Crik carefully holds up his hands. "I think it is dead now at least?" He offers as a truce.

Thoth stands down when Warrick declares that the coast is clear, and its body comes to a slightly more relaxed posture. "This one will halt Bush Burning Protocols." It declares without any particular emotion to this. It then looks towards Crik for a moment, then at the Elf. "This one is uncertain of why you would take up arms against capable Adventurers. Art thee this desperate?"

Tlanexhuani eyes the greenery around Crik for some moments, wary of any suspicious movement. "Ssa, are no more." His spear turns vertical and is leaned upon once more before he continues to Crik. "Are injured?"

The last of the hostile plants fall to the ground, either burnt or torn up, and the room is still, save for the sound of water, and quiet crackle of some of the scorched plants. The elf glares back at Warrick. "So that's that then. I'll come quietly." They grunt. "Because if I don't do shit about the scum living up there fat from the backs of slavery and necromancy, then no one's gonna do anything about it, last I heard we've got some swell deals going with Charn." The druid spits. "Thought it was worth bringing their place down around them."

Warrick collects his weapons and stows them away, returning to the elf and taking a familiar hold on the manacles. "If you have proper evidence of necromantic practice or slave trade, the Watch can investigate," Warrick sighs back at him, sounding like this wasn't his first dealing with rebellious folks. "Look. If take this into your own hands, then innocent blood will also be on your hands from the fallout. What about members of the estate that have no knowledge of this? The surrounding area? A beggar walking by?"

He coaxes the druid forward. "I swear, morons like you make my old job harder than it needs to be."

Crik looks at Tlanexhuani, then at himself. Then at Tlanexhuani. He raises his leg, then looks at the bloody cuts. "... I will walk." The corvid says, before slowly making his across the foliage, taking extreme care.

Then at those words, Crik's head perks up. He slowly walks, half hops, over Warrick and then looks at the ex-guard. "But you know the Watch might... not look into it." The corvid quietly whispers at him. "Would it not make sense for the Guild to investigate?" And by Guild, he probably means him and his endless curiosity. "Slavery and necromancy."

"This one is not very familiar with the 'Charn' yet. But it believes that they are known for performing rather negative things. This one believes its master once said that - in trying to destroy one's enemies, ensure one does not become that which one loathes about them." It chirps to the Elf. "This one believes this may apply to this particular situation?"

Tlanexhuani eyes Crik a moment longer with some concern, though the the words from the sildanyari cause snout and eyes to promptly pan towards. "Must share words of thiss. If they do these thingss..." He has his own opinions on Charneth, slavery, and similar, but that doesn't mean every accusation is true. "Watch check, Watch stop, ssa?" He looks between Warrick and Crik at their somewhat conflicting statements.

"Oh, don't you worry, they keep their business well and sequestered away from Alexandria, just how the council likes it. They can still benefit from the trash Charn pulls at arm's length. You know full well they'll never keep anything where the watch can actually investigate it, if they could even be bothered." The elf grumbles. "No use dwelling on, no one died and they're still free to do whatever they please."

The elf keeps grumbling while they are led out and away from the overgrown sewers, but there are no further problems on their exit journey. They guard from before remains at a nearby sheltered post, and they quickly summon for assistance in detaining the perpetrator, after thanking the adventurers for their work.


Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=m9nyek52kf8"