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(Created page with "The sun is westering over the city far below when Seldan returns to the camp that they have set up for their use while in the area. It's a clearing below the tree line, shady and with a small but fast-moving brook nearby running down the slope towards the mighty Tornmawr below. One of the trees is thick enough to obscure the rope that dangles from the spell they use to shield themselves from view while they sleep. The rush of wings much larger than any normal bird is p...")
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[[Category:A Friend Indeed]]

Latest revision as of 20:05, 31 July 2022

The sun is westering over the city far below when Seldan returns to the camp that they have set up for their use while in the area. It's a clearing below the tree line, shady and with a small but fast-moving brook nearby running down the slope towards the mighty Tornmawr below. One of the trees is thick enough to obscure the rope that dangles from the spell they use to shield themselves from view while they sleep.

The rush of wings much larger than any normal bird is plainly audible from down the path to where there is a larger clearing, followed closely by the clank of armor. Clanking footsteps move swiftly in the direction of the camp. It sounds like Seldan, moving with considerably more purpose than he normally does.

Zeke, who is recently himself returned from Mictlan and visitation there with various individuals, is nonetheless returned for some time and comfortably watching the brook flow down toward the river whilst drinking tea. As always he has made extra, either for himself to drink later or for sharing with those who he shares camp with.

The rushing of wings is a startling sound, and he's halfway to his feet before the more familiar clanking of metal follows it. He reminds himself mentally that Seldan is quite capable of summoning wings for himself, but does get all the way to his feet just in case he's wrong and the clanking of metal means someone other than the paladin.

Thus he is obviously relieved when he spies the man incoming and relaxes considerably, offering a slight swish to his tail and a welcoming wave toward the tea. "Peasssce on your nesst kin. What bringsss you with sssuch hassste?"

Once within the familiarity of the camp, Seldan slows, inclining his head at the presence of the tea. "I -" He pauses, as if searching. While he searches, he removes haversack, bow, and quiver, and lays them in their proper places, followed by the swordbelt with Reunion attached. This last, he lays beside him, the handle towards his hand, and settles down still fully armored on the log across from Zeke. His elbows rest on his knees, and he stares blankly into the fire.

"It is in my mind that I have encountered a danger. It is yet hidden, and I know not its nature, but - something seeks to reach me. To lull me."

Zeke settles into his spot, allowing Seldan whatever time he needs to make himself comfortable and uses the time wisely to make Seldan his own cup of tea ready. Thus when Seldan is ready, so too is the tea. It's a minty flavored tea this morning, or at least that's the vast majority of it. He blinks at Seldan's words and tilts his head to the side. "Lull you? What makessss you ssay sssuch a thing Sseldan?"

Seldan absently takes the tea between his hands. It is clear that he is troubled, his gaze into the fire a thousand leagues away. "I - have just come from a conversation most unusual," he begins. A sip of tea and a long sigh seems to settle mind as much as stomach, and he releases the cup long enough to brush that unruly lock of now-windblown hair away from his eyes. "Yet another has offered to be my friend. She approached me within the temple grounds, and wished to speak in private. Expressed concern for me."

Puzzlement creases his brows. "She claimed to be a spellcaster of some renown, and yet when I bade her study protection circles, she admitted that she had not the power to do so. She claimed concern for me, and yet did she speak extensively of herself and her origins. I offered her a few things, but they seemed to be of no interest to her. She was quick to speak of a fey "grandfather"."

At first Zeke's brow furrows slightly. It's clear he's taking Seldan's concern very seriously. "Thisss one would take ssuch an asssossiation with caution... yet..." He gazes himself at the flowing stream for a moment. "The young _can_ be erstwhile. Perhaps ssshe meant to assswage any conscernsss you had by telling you a great deal about herssself? Do you have reasssson to sssusspect her? Assside from her assssociation with a fae creature?"

Here he stiffens slightly, a mild tension he can't quite shake. A memory that is unpleasant. He sips his tea to make it go away. Focus's on the current situation and Seldan's concern.

"She and her husband-to-be now live in the house Mal and I once shared," Seldan answers, still staring into the fire tensely. He does take another deep breath, and a long, slow sip of tea, clearly trying to sort out his own thoughts. "Once already has one of Eclavdran's minions visited them in search of me. They denied her, and while that one has since been banished, I cannot say with certainty that neither she or another minion has not been summoned back to this plane. They have since sought Mourner Verna's aid with warding the house against evil. Demons are no fools, and if she is warded from the house, then well may she have tried a different path."

Zeke nods slowly to this news and watches Seldan a moment. His tail curls around himself and he seems to consider his words before he speaks them. "Thisss one can underssstand your caution. It isss wisssdom. Particularly conssidering the foesss that you have and do fassce." Zeke warms his claws on his tea cup and his gaze is thoughtful. "Would you like thisss one to... feel her out? Sssee if thisss one can draw out the reasssonss that ssshe hass approached you ssso unexpectedly?"

The fire crackles merrily for several moments before Seldan answers. "I feel that we must needs learn more. They fey ancestor was supposedly approached with an offer to serve the Queen of Air and Darkness, which he declined. She did not speak of her encounter with the Queen, but she made it clear to me that she did, and that her familiar Pothy has suffered a great deal at the Queen's hand. I cannot say if her intentions be good, if a demon moves, or if the Queen has a hand in this. There are too many possibilities." He finally takes another long, slow sip of tea. "Think you that you might be able to learn what influences her, and whether her intentions are pure? She may also be merely another seeking protection."

Zeke doesn't answer immediately. Proof that he's not being caviler with Seldan's worries. "Thisss one isss not ass good with detecting liesss asss some are." Here he gives Seldan a soft swish of his tail to show his faint amusement. It shows in his green eyes as well. “Yet if sshe sseekss merely protection, then thisss one can offer it to her. If ssshe sseekss friendssship, thiss one hasss faith that thisss one can learn sssuch, and if there isss a demon or fae creature behind it... bessst that thisss one become embroiled. You have much on your plate already Sseldan. At leassst allow thiss one to ssee what thiss one can learn."

Still Seldan does not look up from the fire. "I would welcome your aid in this. I think it quite unlikely that she truly desires to aid me. Few do, without seeking something in return."

"Then thisss one will do ssso." Still, something in what Seldan says has clearly worried the sith-makar. He is watching Seldan more carefully now. "Thissss one thinksss that ssuch isss a sssymptom of sssicknesss in Alexandria. Yet... There isss alwaysss the posssibility of good kin. After all, we have found sssome alliesss here yesss?"

"There is a great gulf between allies, and friends, kin." For the first time since he sat down, Seldan looks up and over the fire at Zeke, his gaze sober and intent. "Almost always have we had allies. Without them, would we sit here now? Friends are another matter."

Admittedly, the common tongue is not Zeke's primary language, so he mulls over for a long moment the meaning behind the words which are familiar to him. Realizing then, that Seldan is right he grows more sober. "You are right. Thisss one hasss hope, that alliesss can become friendsss, for thosse we count upon for good armsss in the fight are alssso thosse who might make wissse companionsss to call friend." He meets Seldan's gaze. "Thisss one hass heard it sssaid that the man who hasss but a sssingle hand of friendss who will watch hisss back and ssstand in hiss corner hassss greater... luck? Than the man with many who will not defend him."

The word is odd, and yet the intent is clear. Seldan considers those words, taking another noisy pull of his tea, and nods sober agreement. "Thus do I not lightly name one _friend_, whatever may be desired. I know not her intentions, and I know not enough of her to know if this be truly her mind, or if she be but a puppet. I know that she would have me believe her stronger than she truly is."

"Then thisss one will find out." Zeke nods to Seldan gently. "Thisss one will determine what isss going on." He considers Seldan's words a moment and then shakes his head. "Ssshe sssoundss young Ssseldan."

Suddenly he lets out a little chuckle and glances at the fire. "But then ssso many sseem young to thisss one thesssse daysss."

A ghost of a smile begins to play around the corners of Seldan's lips, but more telling is the way his shoulders beneath teh armor relax. "Even so? You are growing old? I think not, at least not yet." That smile expands, just a little more, into a small thing. "You have my thanks, as always, kin. Learn what you can, but - I would remind you that this is not without risk. Let us establish a means by which we may know one another."

Zeke's green eyes twinkle with good humor. He is not as young as he once was, but he wasn't THAT old. Not yet. "Thisss one knowsss kin, and thisss one will act with care. If you are being lulled, then they will not act againssst thisss one too quickly thisss one thinksss. If thisss one were to suddenly vanisssh; you would ssurely notisce." He looks at Seldan. "Asss for thisss one, thisss one can not be ssso easssily pretended."

He lifts a crystal claw purposefully. Indeed the crystal limbs are quite unique, and the lack of them would leave an imposter without limbs. "Asss for you... You only need touch a wound that thisss one createsss and heal it. No one who issss not of your abilitiesss would be able to cure sssuch yesss?"

Rueful amusement touches the small ghost of a smile that continues to play around Seldan's lips. He is still troubled, but less so, now. "Even so, you shall know me by my magic. It is in my mind to send with you a measure of protection, and yet - does not the strength of the Draco Solis stand at your back? Shield your mind with his protection."

Here Zeke nods readily. "Thisss one ssshall remember well to asssk the Dragonfather for ssspellsss that will keep thissss onesss mind clear. To readily doess thisss one remember our enemiesss and their willingnesss to ussse sssuch magicsss that might twissst onesss body to actionsss that do not sssuit." Here he looks more seriously at Seldan. "Thisss one could not abide harming you Ssseldan. If thisss body isss usssed againssst you or any innosscent... thisss one would assk that you ssend thisss one to the Dragonfather for a time rather than allow thisss one to do harm."

The words - the very idea - cuts like a knife through Seldan's soul, and that cut twists his features into revulsion. Still - the more logical side of him cannot deny the truth of the words. "Even so shall I do, and I would ask the same for myself, though I pray that it be not needed." Again, Seldan's eyes go to the fire, searching its depths, and he drains his teacup, setting it aside.

"Thisss one will pray alssso." Zeke is a priest of Daeus after all, and communing with his deity is not something that is unusual for him. He has long since finished his own tea, and stretches somewhat in the late daylight. "Thisss one ssshould sssee about food. Will you remain here for sssupper?" He rises to his feet, purposefully moving slightly closer to Seldan. Offering his presence as comfort. They are - neither of them - dead yet. And that means a great deal.
