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== Log Info ==
== Log Info ==
*'''Title''': Machinists Grand Parade
*'''Title''': Huggin' Ugly Bats
*'''Emitter''': [[Fiaol]]
*'''Emitter''': [[Fiaol]]
*'''Characters''': [[Aruk]], [[Shadair]], [[Caillyn]], [[Zarkhan]]
*'''Characters''': [[Aruk]], [[Shadair]], [[Caillyn]], [[Zarkhan]]
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Eyes widening, frost strands lengthening about her body, Caillyn squeaks at the words spoken both by her brother and the orc. Wild, icy winds blow about the sorceress for a moment, ice crystals forming about the girl. And then, suddenly...everything stops about her as she slumps to the ground in a faint.
Eyes widening, frost strands lengthening about her body, Caillyn squeaks at the words spoken both by her brother and the orc. Wild, icy winds blow about the sorceress for a moment, ice crystals forming about the girl. And then, suddenly...everything stops about her as she slumps to the ground in a faint.

Latest revision as of 20:19, 10 January 2011

Log Info

  • Title: Huggin' Ugly Bats
  • Emitter: Fiaol
  • Characters: Aruk, Shadair, Caillyn, Zarkhan
  • NPCs: A few here and there
  • Place: Alexandria - A Homestead
  • Time: Jan 4th? 5th? I don't remember, 2011
  • Summary: The group is asked to check on an elder couple not seen for a few days in one of the farmsteads outside of town. They come up against two Vargouilles (the couple) and an advanced Vargouille that 'mated' with the pair. Oh, and Caillyn gets some tongue. Ewwwww.

The cold deepens around Alexandria, and some mutter quietly under their breath about how the mists at least protected them from the chill in the air. None the less, Alexandria is used to such changes in temperature, and moves on, seemingly ignoring the fact that it was gone from the World of Mortals for five years.

One pasttime that sets Alexandria apart from other cities, is it's large population of adventuring souls looking for ... well, adventure. A typical gathering place for such 'odd jobs' is the Guild of Adventurers and Explorers, which conveniently has a board filled with postings of job offers and needs and the like.

It is here that people begin to gather, looking for ways to pass the day, earn some more coin, or perhaps simply looking for conversation amoung friends and like-minded individuals.

Shadair stands quietly at the meeting point for such adventurers. Always willing to put his skills to the test to aid others and support his current residence's survival. More-over to learn more about what has happened in the world. So clothed in a warmer version of his usual vestments, the half-elf stands easy awaiting to see what if any interesting jobs will float down from on high.

Aside a place for possible employment, the Guild of Adventurers is also an excellent place to pick up rumours from the outside world. This is the capacity that has brought Zarkhan here today. Again. He's not really browsing the bounty postings, but instead lingering near a larger group of adventurers, absently eavesdropping on their conversation. His gaze drifts about with a bored expression however. Doesn't look like there's a lot of juicy rumours at this time.

Standing by the board, Caillyn looks over the postings curiously, amber gaze flicking from one to the other as she plays with a long strand of curls absently. Her interest in the board would seem to be absolute...until she turns around and hisses to Shadair, "Really, you don't have to follow me /everywhere/. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself!" The sorceress actually stomps a foot with her last word before turning her back on the monk and pretending that he isn't there.

Is that a green wall? No, it's just Aruk. The orc, typically of quiet disposition, is nevertheless a looming paragon of incivility set against an otherwise orderly guild. Rough hides are stretched taut across his frame, and long, vicious claws of steel extend from his thick fingers. Given the way he looks, Aruk probably just needs to stand there for a while to find work. Long distance to Fiaol: Caillyn giggles and couldn't resist.

Shadair smiles at Caillyn, "All evidence to the contrary?" Then he looks ready to hop out of the way to avoid whatever freezing retribution his sister would lay down upon him should she turn about again. Still the young monk/cleric's attention is drawn by others as well, seeing an orc approaching and he smiles for the large creature. "Well now, your -are- a big one aren't you? I am impressed."

A figure moves through the area, a note in hand, ready to be posted. But upon reaching the board, the green-cloaked figure stops. Pulling back the hood, Fiaol looks at Shadair and Caillyn with a smile. "Oh good, faces I know," she states, nodding to the orc she hs met once before.

Fiaol closes the distance and hands the paper to Shadair. "I'm looking into some rumors about those Mulridden in the Mythwood," notes the Huntress as she looks around, flashing a smile at Caillyn again. "There's been rumor of a couple, a little on the elderly side, not having been seen for the last two days. This is unusual, mind. Would you be kind enough to take a group out to the Halan's farm just a few clicks north of here?"

Zarkhan is trying to keep attention to a minimum. Which would probably have been easier if he wasn't dressed for a particular warm day in the Dune Seas. There just /has/ to be some kind of magic involved. Or else he's really keen to catch his death. It's all calculated indifference until the word 'Mythwood' reaches him and he seems to flash a hint of sudden interest, gaze settling firmly on Fiaol. "Mulridden?" he questions before realizing he's spoken out loud.

"I am normal among my kind," replies Aruk to Shadair, his voice naturally rumbling, yet calm in tone. "I would say that -you- are a small one." He seems to have nothing more to say regarding the peculiar greeting, which is convenient, as that's when Fiaol makes her appearance. What she says seems to jar the orc's memory, his head tilting just slightly to the right. "Mulridden? You mean the shadow elves? I would not be surprised if they are already dead. The elves did negotiate to use the spiderfolk as assassins." Ah, to be tearing off giant spider heads. The memory nearly brings a smile to his lips, but only nearly.

The comment from her brother brings Caillyn swinging about again, ice playing along her fingertips for a moment before dissipating as the sorceress squeaks. Eyes going wide, she looks up...and up...and then manages a faint and shy smile at the orc, "Ummm...hi!? You were with us a couple days ago...Arug right?" Wracking her brain to think of something else to say, Caillyn actually sighs in relief when she hears Fiaol's voice. Her attention shifts, as does her quicksilver temperament, and the young woman smiles brightly at Gilead's paladin, "Fia!" A bright smile appears as Cai listens, elbowing Shadair discreetly as she does so.

Shadair is almost ducking already as Caillyn whirls about, and /does/ audibly erk when she eblows him a moment later. "And indeed I -am- a small one in comparisson. I do not mind though." His mood brightens further as Fiaol makes herself known to them, warm smile widening. "Why hello again! Wait. Your search has turned up more evidence of them? I.. well of course we will check it out. You won't be coming with us?"

Fiaol shakes her head with a gentle smile at Shadair. "Alas, no. I just came back into town for some supplies and heard about the Halan couple on my way in. I was about to post that," she notes with a wave of her hand towards the paper she pushed on Shadair, "And then be on my way." Emerald eyes turn to Zarkhan and the woman offers a nod towards him. "Just their tracks, which have no doubt already been investigated. But I feel it my own duty to look into these things. Fiaol Dilis," she says sticking her hand out to Zarkhan. "I take it you are interested? If I find anything concrete, I am more than happy to have others with me when I investigate it."

Fiaol then laughs brightly and smiles up at Aruk. "Perhaps. We shall see. And I will definitely be letting you know! I saw how you handled those spiders, I'm more than happy to have you on my side if it comes to battle."

Nervously glancing at the unknown half-elf, Caillyn nods at Fiaol's information, "I understand. Shad just needs better timing when he flirts." A typical little sister response, complete with a tongue stuck-out in the monk's directions. Then, of course, the sorceress blushes pink, her amber gaze dropping to the floor as she introduces herself in a shy voice, "I'm Caillyn Laerial." Her next comment is obviously meant for the Huntress, however, as she comments easily, "I don't mind helping, Fia."

Zarkhan eyes the offered hand critically for a moment before reaching to brush his fingertips against the palm of Fiaol's hand. "Zarkhan Tahir ibn Fayyad al'Tashraan.." he introduces smoothly "..Saviour of Vinas Solmnus". The latter followed by a sly smirk. "Zarkhan will do. And if there are Mulridden involved, I would gladly offer my aid." there is a slight pause. "If the cause is just. Of course."

Shadair blinks as his cheeks go pink. "Wha-hey now that's. . . ahem. . . We both will be happy to help. Stay safe now hmm?" Turning his gaze away from Fiaol, he nods at Zarkhan. "And that's a long name, very nice! I am Shadair Laerial. Pleased to meet you? Wanting to come along, great!" Then he turns toward some of the other nearby folk, Aruk amoung them. "So who else wants in?"

Aruk addresses Fiaol's words with a nod of his head. "When you have the information, call upon me, and I will come." Of his prowess with the spiders, he simply says, "I am of the wilds, as were they. There was an understanding." The orcs seems to only belatedly hear Caillyn's mistake, but this appears to be the moment for introductions, anyhow. "Aruk, of the Burning Blade," he says. "I'll go to have a look at this farm. If the shadow elves are helping the spiderfolk to spread, it will greatly disturb the balance here. They are insatiable."

Fia claps Zarkhan's hand with her other hand, nodding to the man. "I do not do unjust causes," she notes with a bit of humor to her tone and features. Then she turns back to look at Caillyn, before studying Shadair. "He was flirting? Really? You didn't tell me your brother was the subtle type before. A good thing to know," she offers, giving a sidelong smile to Caillyn.

An eyebrow is then arched at Shadair, and Fiaol shakes her head with a warm chuckle. "I will be safe. You, as well, Shadair Laerial," she notes, emphasizing the man's name. Finally, Fiaol looks at Zarkhan and Aruk both, nodding. "I will contact you when I have information. My thanks again. The directions to the Halan farm are on that paper. Gods be with you!" she offers, lifting a hand, before trotting away.

Caillyn can't help but laugh, softly, at Fiaol's comments, though she waves after the paladin easily. Tiptoeing to read the paper in Shadair's hands, the sorceress then nods at the others as she murmurs, "It will be good to have some help in case of trouble." Her cheeks are still pink, but the laughter disappears, leaving behind a serious expression and sober voice.

Shadair looks after the retreating Fiaol with an unreadable look. Then with cheeks still slightly pink he begins to review the directions that will lead them to the Halan farm. Upside down.

Zarkhan flashes Fia another smile and a little bow, inclinding his head. "In that case." he looks up, glancing over the rest of the little group before nodding. "A farm, eh? A few miles out? We should secure transport then." Another glance offered around the group. "And you all understand the threat we face, yes?"

"Yes. Cows. Perhaps sheep," Aruk says in respose to Zarkhan. His own form of humor, maybe, though that subdued tone makes it difficult to tell. The orc's claws slide against each other as he flexes his fingers, issuing a satisfyingly sharp sound. "We do not know what danger we face, if any. Their disappearance may not involve the spiders."

GMNote: Oh my GOSH! Aruk had me in STITCHES! Can you give him a bonus 25 XP or something? He was awesome through the whole thing, but this pose had me on the floor.

With an impish grin, Caillyn looks up at Aruk and has to nod, bringing up a hand that now displays ice-tipped claws instead of delicate fingers, "If anything troubles us, I think we should be fine...and yes, I think we know that some dangers could arise." That said, the sorceress fastens her amber gaze on the Veyshanti, one ebony brow going up, "It could also be completely calm and safe as well. It is hard to tell unless we make the journey." That whole speech would probably have been more effective if the girl wasn't squirming nervously and blushing a bright pink...but, oh well.

"Indeed. We are doing an investigation, not always an extermination." Shadair says pleasantly enough. "Like as not if anyone is there who can talk, we will only talk to them. Maybe even have dinner with them you never know." The half-elf fumbles about with the directions a bit more absently prior to checking his own modest gear. "Well then. Everyone set to go?"

Zarkhan arches a brow "Sounds more like lunch than adventure then." he flashes the massive orc a wide smile. "We should be well equipped for /that/, eh?" Wink wink, nudge nudge. "But yes, it is a fool that doesn't prepare for the best case scenario." Another bright smile. "I'm ready to g... find transport to the farm. Certainly."

A cart is found, for those not particularly in favor of walking the distance to the Halan farm. Ambling down the road, the woods may be cold and filled with snow, but there are ample sighs of life - birds, fauna, and the evergreens intersperced with deciduous trees in the area.

A cold wind blows through the woods which seems to startle some birds finding shelter in the branches of a sleeping tree, setting them to flying off in a flurry with various calls and the flapping of wings.

<OOC> Shadair says, "Perception check as Shadair is looking out for interesting/troubling signs?" <OOC> Fiaol nods.

GAME: Shadair rolls Perception: (17)+8: 25

<OOC> Aruk is being watchful of tracks, walking just behind the wagon. <OOC> Caillyn says, "back, sorry" <OOC> Zarkhan is napping, but may be up for sound-based-perception-checks (man that's long :p)

GAME: Aruk rolls Survival+1: (13)+9+1: 23

<OOC> Aruk says, "For Shadair's sake, I shall clarify: tracks on or /alongside/ the road. :p"

Shadair blinks as he looks about, eyes catching onto one sight in particular. "Wow. That is one, -huge- raven over there. See it? The other birds are afraid it's going to eat them I think. That's just. . . have you ever seen one so big?" He looks truely fascinated.

Zarkhan takes full advantage of the comforts of cart-travel, sprawling out over as much space as possible. One hand rests on the edge of the wagon, making a constant tapping sound that probably gets a bit aggrevating after a while. "So... was this inside or outside the mists?" he wonders out loud, before twisting a bit to glance in the direction Shadair indicates "Oh that's not a big raven, it's just far awa... uh, I mean. How can you tell at this distance?"

Caillyn is happily perched on the cart because, let's face it, sorceresses aren't exactly physically robust. Playing with her long dark curls, she watches the road ahead and sighs as Shadair has to point out a stupid bird. Looking over at her brother and then to Aruk, the girl rolls her eyes, "Really, I don't think ravens are worried that another one will eat them, Shad." The girl glances around and then sighs again, "Aren't we there yet?"

Aruk plods along just behind the wagon. Perhaps he's being courteous, giving the others space and taking up the rear guard. Maybe he just doesn't like wagons. "Do you believe that all large creatures will eat all smaller creatures?" The orc's question is presenting in something of a flat tone, but the answer doesn't really have his attention. He's watching the road, and with greater emphasis, the untamed environs to either side of it.

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Let's for inits, shall we?"

"Well, certainly looks like /they/ believe it." Shadair says quietly as he watches the big bird.

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Zarkhan, give me a perception"

GAME: Zarkhan rolls perception: (8)+5: 13

<OOC> Fiaol says, "You see something. Knowledge oh... The Planes?" <OOC> Zarkhan says, "if it's not arcana or religion, it's not worth knowing!" <OOC> Zarkhan says, "unless an untrained check is enough?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "You could TRY." <OOC> Aruk can throw in a Know/Nature check, if that is applicable?

GAME: Zarkhan rolls knowledge/planes: (10)+knowledge/planes: 10

<OOC> Zarkhan says, "thaaat's not how it works :)" <OOC> Fiaol says, "That's the ugliest bat you've ever seen. Action?" <OOC> Zarkhan says, "is it comming at us?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Mmmm, possibly." <OOC> Zarkhan is going to agitate it by shooting at it. :p <OOC> Fiaol says, "Okay, do so!"

GAME: Zarkhan rolls ranged: (17)+3: 20

<OOC> Zarkhan, master archer <OOC> Fiaol says, "Okay, that'll hit. Damage!"

GAME: Zarkhan rolls 1d8: (7): 7

<OOC> Fiaol says, "It shrieks with an unhuman sound, anyone with Know/Planes can roll now." <OOC> Caillyn says, "wrong group" <OOC> Shadair says, "Not a chance." <OOC> Zarkhan says, "we are pretty but we don't know anything." <OOC> Fiaol says, "You have NO idea what this thing is... but somethign with bat winds and ... the ugliest, most hideous face EVAR!" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Pose it, Zarkhan." <OOC> Fiaol says, "Ugly one ... tries to charge Zarkhan. Ugly two... likes the look of Aruk."

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d20+5: (3)+5: 8

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d20+5: (18)+5: 23

<OOC> Aruk says, "Uhoh." <OOC> Fiaol says, "Aruk, give me a fort save?"

GAME: Aruk rolls Fort: (19)+6: 25

<OOC> Fiaol says, "You're lucky. NO POISON FOR YOU!"

"Wait, that's not a..." Zarkhan begins, still craning his neck to peer in the direction Shadair was indicating. He suddenly begins grapling with the loaded crossbow that has somehow gotten tangled up in his robe. Safety first and all that. After a few frantic seconds, he gets the weapon free and fires a bolt at the not-at-all-normal raven that is swooping menacingly towards them. "Look out! Demons!" he warns. Having /no/ idea what those things are. But you can't be too paniced against monsters like that.

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d4: (4): 4

<OOC> Fiaol says, "you do take 4 damage though." <OOC> Aruk says, "Ow. :("

GAME: Fiaol damaged Aruk for 4 points. 17 remaining.

Two creatures shriek after Zarkhan's attack, and turn, flapping bat-like wings as they careen towards the group. One flies up to Zarkhan, exposing a horrific face and terrible fangs as it tries to bite the sorcerer. The other wheels towards the unsuspecting Aruk and manages a bite to the arm - and while there is blood, the poison dripping from the creature's fangs takes no hold in the orc.

<OOC> Aruk says, "Alrighty. Full attack on the batman already attacking me."

GAME: Aruk rolls 1d20+6: (18)+6: 24

GAME: Aruk rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19

<OOC> Fiaol says, "K." <OOC> Aruk says, "First roll is crit range."

GAME: Aruk rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19

GAME: Aruk rolls 2d6+8: (8)+8: 16

GAME: Aruk rolls 1d6+2: (3)+2: 5

<OOC> Fiaol giggles. Pose, Aruk. Then Shad <OOC> Aruk says, "Is it ded?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Oh, yes. Sorry. (Kids got me there.)" <OOC> Shadair says, "still charging the one on Zark"

GAME: Shadair rolls 1d20+4: (8)+4: 12

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Is that +2 for Charging?" <OOC> Shadair says, "13 then :) was doing +1 for charge." <OOC> Fiaol says, "And Zarkhan just has a bow out, right?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "You miss, alas."

Aruk doesn't take very kindly to being bitten. Who would? The orc brings his left hand up, brandishing its claws. The blades rake across the demonic creature's face, forcing it to free his strong arm from the pinching fangs. That's all the room he needs. With an angry grunt, the orc drives his right hand forward, plunging talons of steel through the being's chest and out the back. Aruk pulls his fingers free after a few final twitches, and the demon drops to the road, quite dead.

With the danger approaching so swiftly, Shadair does not have time to call a warning, nor do anything more than react. At speed he races toward Zarkhan, trusting the Orc to handle it's foe handily. A leaping fist strike attempts to gain the creature's attention, but does little more than catch air. At least he is in a position to work with the others to tackle this. . . whatever it is!

<OOC> Caillyn says, "so...umm... how far away am I?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Probably 20' at most" <OOC> Caillyn says, "ray of frost then?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Go for it."

GAME: Caillyn casts Ray of Frost.

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Roll to hit."

GAME: Caillyn rolls 1d20+1: (13)+1: 14

<OOC> Caillyn facepalms. <OOC> Fiaol says, "Hits"

GAME: Caillyn rolls 1d3+1: (1)+1: 2

<OOC> Zarkhan says, "behold the power of ice!" <OOC> Fiaol says, "2 damage. Still up. But cold!"

Squeaking in dismay as Shadair's "raven" turned out to be a very ugly unfriendly...thing... Caillyn extends a hand toward the creature that still lives. Murmuring to herself under her breath, the sorceress seems to concentrate for just a second before a flash of light flickers amongst her fingers, flaring and then forming into more light that streams over to...whatever that thing is. As the light hits the monster, frost and ice form, leaving the thing damaged, if only a little. For the part of the sorceress, Caillyn wrinkles her nose and sighs, bringing her hand back down... Well, at least she hit it..

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Okay NOW Z" <OOC> Zarkhan is going to chill touch it defensively. Then five-foot step away from it. <OOC> Fiaol says, "Roll your defensive casting. CL + Cha"

GAME: Zarkhan rolls 1d20+3+4: (17)+3+4: 24

<OOC> Zarkhan says, "thaaat should be plenty" <OOC> Fiaol says, "you make it." <OOC> Fiaol says, "Roll to hit."

GAME: Zarkhan rolls melee: (10)+2: 12

<OOC> Fiaol says, "That hits touch. Damage." <OOC> Zarkhan says, "The DC is 15"

GAME: Zarkhan rolls 1d6: (4): 4

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d20+4: (14)+4: 18

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Makes the save." <OOC> Zarkhan says, "no strength loss for you!" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Still up, but not happy." <OOC> Fiaol says, "So it moves to bite at Zarkhan."

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d20+5: (8)+5: 13

<OOC> Fiaol says, "And will hit, yes?"

GAME: Zarkhan casts endure elements.

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Fort save, Zarkhan." <OOC> Zarkhan notes that bloodline spells aren't coded in. Hence the Endure Elements.

GAME: Zarkhan rolls fort: (11)+3: 14

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d4: (4): 4

<OOC> Fiaol says, "No poison but 4 damage."

GAME: Fiaol damaged Zarkhan for 4 points. 17 remaining.

In a fury or rage as it's ... mate is killed, the hideous flying ... head - for there is no other description - snaps and flaps it's wings at Zarkhan, biting into his shoulder. But at least the Veyshanti is made of stern stuff than the things poison.

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Aruk." <OOC> Aruk says, "Do I have enough distance to charge it?" <OOC> Aruk says, "If so, that is what I will do. :)" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Yeah, you can manage"

Zarkhan grimaces as the monstrous thing gets close, speaking a few words of eldritch power, his hand glows with an eerie ominous light as he reaches to touch the thing. There is no visible damage done but the creature seems... diminished, somehow. If only slightly. Drained by the creepy glow. The effort is repaid, however, as the monster's teeth sink into his unprotected shoulder.

GAME: Aruk rolls 1d20+10: (13)+10: 23

<OOC> Fiaol says, "That'll hit."

GAME: Aruk rolls 1d6+4: (5)+4: 9

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Almost dead!" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Your AC is 12, Zarkhan." <OOC> Shadair says, "My turn then? :P"

Having finished his business with the first demon, Aruk turns around to find his companions tangling with a second. The orc draws a deep breath and sets into a charge, his large feet thudding heavily against the road with each impact. This culminates in his right claws slamming deep into the creature's bulk, hopefully taking its attention.

<OOC> Fiaol nods. While Aruk poses <OOC> Shadair says, "Small step to get into flanking with . . well anyone, and FoB!" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Hehehe. K. W/ Aruk"

GAME: Shadair rolls 1d20+4: (2)+4: 6

GAME: Shadair rolls 1d20+4: (6)+4: 10

<OOC> Shadair says, "wiffwiff!" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Wow, yes." <OOC> Fiaol says, "Cai" <OOC> Zarkhan says, "yes it is :)" <OOC> Caillyn says, "another ray of frost. I'm staying away"

GAME: Caillyn casts Ray of Frost.

GAME: Caillyn rolls 1d20+1: (10)+1: 11

<OOC> Caillyn says, "ugh" <OOC> Fiaol says, "That'll miss." <OOC> Caillyn says, "I figured." <OOC> Fiaol says, "Z"

Grossed out by the 'thing' they are fighting, even the advantageous position Shadair takes alongside his allies is not enough to aid the cleric/monk in beating down this winged foe. With strikes missing entirely or glancing of it's hide, Shadair is unable to make an impression on it just now.

<OOC> Zarkhan says, "can/am I flank with anyone?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Well, sure, cai" <OOC> Zarkhan says, "she's in melee with it?" <OOC> Zarkhan will touch it again, then politely step out of its reach. <OOC> Fiaol says, "No, she's not. Dur." <OOC> Fiaol says, "K, do so Z"

GAME: Zarkhan rolls melee: (20)+2: 22

GAME: Zarkhan rolls melee: (7)+2: 9

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Dang... almost." <OOC> Zarkhan whews. "Record remains unbroken" :)

GAME: Zarkhan rolls 1d6: (3): 3

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Okay, that just kills it."

Emboldened by her first "success", Caillyn is again shifting and throwing a hand out in the direction of the creature. Something, however, has distracted the sorceress this time as her eyes are wide, though it's hard to tell just what has caught her attention. As the spell forms, the girl loses her concentration and the spell fizzles, frost flakes falling from her hand as an audible "snap" can be heard when the casting falls apart. Caillyn squeaks and then groans as she realizes that, once again, she lost control and messed up.

The errie glow remains, and ducking out of the clash of melee, Zarkhan reaches to grasp the creature again, his eyes sparkling in the creepy light as the last life is slowly chocked out of the flying aberration. "What in Ta'ara's name are these things?" he curses and spits.

What lay before the group are two large heads... with writhing tentacles at the base and large bat wings for heads. They are, more than just a little, disturbing.

Shadair looks positively sick looking at the things, no wonder he couldn't bring himself to really touch them fully. "What. . /are/ those? That's just. . eech." Turning his eyes and attention away, he consults the directions to determine how far they are from their destination.

"They are dead," explains Aruk, no doubt providing Zarkhan with all the information he needs. As the demon stops moving, he slides his claws free of its corpse, flicking his hand so as to clean the steel of excess blood. "There /are/ two of them, and Fiaol did not say what the farmers looked like." Another attempt at humor? Maybe so! Regardless, he seems to have that certain discipline in battle for which orcs are known, and it extends into his calm following the fray.

Dodging the splattering sprays of blood from the orc, Caillyn stays in her spot, looking on from a distance. She's unhappy, that's for sure, and wrinkles her nose a litttle, "I think we should probably check on that farm and quickly." The blushes and shy demeanor are gone now, leaving only an upset sorceress who begins to tap a foot impatiently.

Zarkhan kneels down, poking experimentally with a dagger at the tentacles at the base of the creature's neck. "Hmmm. I don't think it's undead. At least not in the traditional sense."

<OOC> Zarkhan think we move on? Preferably with one of the things still on the waggon ;)

Shadair nods in agreement. "Let us move swiftly then. And cautiously I should add." Once more the half-elf is paying a good deal of attention to their surroundings, even moreso perhaps with such dangers lurking so near the city.

<OOC> Shadair says, "Mooov'n right along!" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Okay, pose moving along, I need to smack yelling kids."

Aruk no longer bothers so much with watching the road for tracks, considering these creatures apparently favor the trees. The orc moves alongside the wagon, long, plodding steps readily keeping up with its wheels. Dark eyes shift periodically from left to right, remaining vigilant.

Carefully minding her skirts, Caillyn climbs into the cart again, settling herself with a graceful movement and a little sigh. Smoothing her skirts absently, the girl looks around as well, amber eyes taking in everything about them, far more alert than she had been before.

Zarkhan waits for the wagon to set into motion once more, before returning attention to the /perhaps/ dead monstrous thing in the bottom of the cart. He prods it experimentally with the dagger, grimacing a little in disgust. Ew. While he keeps his right arm covered under his robe, the faint hint of a pale unnatural glow can just be sensed emanating from underneath it.

Deeper into the forest the group goes, shadows of the swaying trees playing cruel tricks in the light. The moaning of the wind and the creeking of the wood are far from comforting sounds. Eventually the group come to a clearing where a farmstead has been etched out, right on the edge of the wood. There is naught but snow and silence, all is eerily still here.

With this in mind, Shadair gets aboard the wagon again, glad their draft horse was not injured in the fight. Waiting for everyone to get settled on or off the wagon, he then gets things moving with a flick of the reigns and off they go again.

<OOC> Shadair says, "Perception!"

GAME: Aruk rolls Perception: (4)+7: 11

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Oh heck yes!"

GAME: Shadair rolls Perception: (15)+8: 23

GAME: Caillyn rolls perception: (11)+7: 18

<OOC> Aruk says, "Oops, sorry. I thought Fiaol was calling for that check. :S Well, I'm looking anyhow." <OOC> Fiaol says, "I am! All can roll Perception!"

GAME: Zarkhan rolls perception: (12)+5: 17

To (Shadair, Zarkhan, Caillyn), Fiaol pages: There is no evidence that anyone has left the home since yesterday's snow. The barn door is open in the front, and the kitchen window is open, and there is no light.

<OOC> Fiaol poses something real quick.

The house, as you approach, is still and dead. There is no light, that you can see, and there are droplets of bright red blood dotting the snow here and there. The front door stands open, swinging back and forth with any breeze it catches. And while the barn door is open, there are no sounds of livestock at all - no chickens in the roost, no cattle, no horses ... nothing but silence and cold.

"There is blood behind the barn," says Aruk, speaking low and deliberately avoiding pointing in that direction. "Enough snow has fallen to cover any tracks, which means such a bright spray is likely fresh blood." This, aside from all else that's plainly wrong about the farmstead. He slowly curls and then unfurls his thick fingers, keeping his steel claws at the ready.

Shadair sighs sadly as they roll to approach the farmstead and take a look about. "I fear the owners are gone, or even worse, dead." Still he looks quite on edge, alert for dangers that he senses movement from inside the home. "We are not alone."

Caillyn jumps down again from the cart, not even seeming to notice she landed in snow...and her without a cloak. Dark hair tumbles behind her, the ends hitting the snow as the girl takes a couple cautious steps forward. Shadair's words, however, bring her to a halt and she scans the area with concern, "This...I don't think I've ever seen a farm so still...or heard one this silent."

Zarkhan looks up as the wagon rolls closer towards the dark, quiet farmhouse. He drapes some cloth over the zombie-demon-head before rising slowly, crossbow held in the left hand, eerie glow still surrounding his right hand as he emerges from the sleeve. He rarely looks this serious. As Caillyn descends, he nods once and jumps off the cart on the other side, sinking into the snow. "What do you hear?" he remarks through clenched teeth in Shadair's general direction. Maybe the cold is finally getting to him.

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Keep RPing, I'll say pause, or call for inits, or whatever. What are you folks doing?"

Shadair's focus is upon the house, tense and focused as he watches and listens further. A quiet voice sounds in explaination. "Someone is inside the house, moving. And not calling for aid." With that the half-elf is stepping carefully toward the open front door.

<OOC> Shadair will cast Magic Weapon on himself. Just in case. <OOC> Fiaol says, "Go ahead, Shadair."

Caillyn rolls her eyes as Shadair, of course, walks right into trouble. The sorceress doesn't even try to moderate her voice as she hollers after her brother, "Shad, wait for us! Althea wouldn't like it if you got yourself killed!" With mincing steps through the snow, trying to keep her skirts from getting /too/ wet, the girl moves after the monk, though not nearly in a rush.

<OOC> Aruk says, "May I attempt a Survival check to take a closer look for tracks?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Go ahead."

GAME: Aruk rolls Survival+1: (6)+9+1: 16

GAME: Shadair casts Magic Weapon.

<OOC> Shadair says, "And another perception check for more info on what's moving in the house?"

Zarkhan approaches the house as well, spreading out to keep a little distance from the rest of the group. He's not really trying to be sneaky though. Just cautious. Their arrival wasn't exactly subtle. And there's no way he'll turn invisible against all this snow. "Hey, anyone home?" he calls out in what he hopes is a jovial tone. It isn't quite. "Weary travellers. Not looking for trouble... at all..."

GAME: Shadair rolls Perception: (18)+8: 26

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Folks roll inits."

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d20+10: (1)+10: 11

Aruk turns his attention to the ground, where he seems to be onto something. The orc tromps along through the snow, following faint tracks uncovered by his keen eyes. Eventually, he comes to the side of the barn, enough that he can peer around behind it. "The male is dead," calls Aruk to his companions, a clawed hand gesturing towards what is no doubt an unpleasant sight. "His head is gone."

<OOC> Shadair says, "Okay, how far away am I from what I saw?"

Current Initiative Order ====

21                  Shadair

19                  Aruk

13                  Big_Ugly

12                  Caillyn

7                   Zarkhan


<OOC> Fiaol says, "A move action should be fine. I'd say 5' but you have to get through the door." <OOC> Shadair says, "Okay. Casting Shield of Faith on himself then."

GAME: Shadair casts Shield of Faith.

"Gagh! Another one!" Shadair points in horror at another of those hideous head-things near the door. Reflexively the half-elf mutters a prayer to Althea to protect him from the foul things as he prepares to combat them and attempts to get over his squeemishness. He isn't looking very successful on that second part. . .

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Aruk.. you're up!" <OOC> Aruk says, "Is the critter in sight?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Not quite yet. But Shadair is looking in the house right in front of him... (blocked by the wall, but if you want to take up the doorway....)" <OOC> Aruk says, "I will move to stand alongside Shadair, and that's it. Don't want to take up the door and block other attacks." <OOC> Fiaol says, "K." <OOC> Fiaol says, "Well, I need everyone to give me a Fort Save, please."

GAME: Aruk rolls Fort: (20)+6: 26

GAME: Zarkhan rolls fort: (15)+3: 18

<OOC> Caillyn says, "oh boy"

GAME: Caillyn rolls fort: (10)+1: 11

GAME: Shadair rolls Fort: (14)+6: 20

GAME: Fiaol rolls 2d4: (7): 7

Fiaol pages: Um... I'm sorry, hon, but you are likely out of this fight. The shriek is a supernatural effect and you are paralized for 7 rounds ... from fright or something!

There is a howl ... no, it is a shriek! A sound that pierces the mind, the very heart and soul of a creature with it's other-worldly power and vibration. The sound is horrifying to hear, painful, and to some, paralyzing.

The noise washes over Aruk easily, while Shadair and Zarkhan both have to fight to regain their senses. Alas, Caillyn is left staring in horror, the shriek sinking into the depths of her very being and freezing her completely in place.

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Caillyn... we're goint to skip, alas. Zarkhan." <OOC> Zarkhan says, "so the thing never came out?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Sorry. it moved so you can see it, but it's not foolish and isn't ... yet, settling in the door." <OOC> Fiaol says, "It's a 5' step into the door to reach it. That make sense?" <OOC> Zarkhan says, "Can I hit it with a ray of enfeeblement and then move the heck away from the doorway?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Yes." <OOC> Zarkhan does that then :)

GAME: Zarkhan rolls ranged: (15)+3: 18

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Cast, and roll... that'll hit."

GAME: Zarkhan casts ray of enfeeblement.

GAME: Zarkhan rolls 1d6+1: (5)+1: 6

<OOC> Zarkhan says, "Fort DC 15 for half"

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d20+: (5)+: 5

<OOC> Fiaol flails.

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Takes full!" <OOC> Zarkhan says, "woot!" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Shadair!" <OOC> Shadair says, "Can I step up and FoB now that it's moved a touch?" <OOC> Shadair says, "Hopefully leaving enough room that Aruk can still get in on the fun." <OOC> Fiaol says, "Not quite for that." <OOC> Shadair says, "For which? :D" <OOC> Fiaol says, "You'll have to take a move or throw a shurikin or something." <OOC> Fiaol says, "You can move up, w/ a 5' but you'll block Aruk."

Zarkhan senses movement from within, and quickly raises a hand, speaking a few words of power to let a beam of energy lash out to strike at the creature... with little effect, seemingly. He grimaces again and glances over his shoulder to the stunned Caillyn, moving away from the doorway to cover her. Yes, let's say that's why he's backing away from the doorway.

<OOC> Shadair says, "Okay, Shadair will then draw one of his shuriken and step to get a clear shot, then throw it at the thing." <OOC> Fiaol says, "Throw away."

GAME: Shadair rolls 4: (16)+4: 20

<OOC> Fiaol says, "That'll hit."

GAME: Shadair rolls 1d2+3: (1)+3: 4

<OOC> Fiaol says, "And you hurt it a little." <OOC> Fiaol says, "Aruk, you're up. Shadair is throwing shinies at it." <OOC> Aruk says, "Is there any sign that the lady is alive in there? Noises, anything?"

Not quite overcoming his weirded out state of being near that thing, and not helped by that. . . scream either, Shadair ends up staying a bit distant from it while it stays in the doorway. Shifting a bit to one side, he quickly hurls a shurkien at the thing, almost cutting free one tentacle. "Get'it Aruk! Ack! Getit!"

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Nothing, Aruk. Absolutely nothing." <OOC> Fiaol says, "There's blood on the doorframe, on the floor, drips." <OOC> Aruk says, "I want to try and drive it outside. Can I toss my torch in there?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Sure, go for it!" <OOC> Aruk figures the place would burn right quick in this dry weather.

Aruk is entirely unfazed by the monster's otherwordly shriek. Somehow, he appears more dumbfounded by Shadair's commands. "I'm about to," the orc assures him in his typically subdued tone. He moves to stand to the right of the door as he reaches for his belt, sliding his everburning torch free of its loop. With its business end sparked up, he briefly shifts left, tossing the flame into the house itself.

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Well, the cold temps won't help, and well ... it snowed yesterday... but yeah, it's not HUMID." <OOC> Fiaol says, "Okay, Shad, Aruk, even Z, you all get AoO's as it heads out of the house!" <OOC> Aruk says, "Cold = dry! :>" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Shad and Aruk are flanking." <OOC> Aruk :]

GAME: Shadair rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19

GAME: Shadair rolls 1d6+3: (1)+3: 4

<OOC> Zarkhan says, "I... get an AoO? That's so rare I almost don't know what to do with it :)" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Do you have a weapon in hand? Then yes. If not, no." <OOC> Zarkhan still has the last chill touch charge <OOC> Fiaol says, "There you go, you can use it."

GAME: Zarkhan rolls melee: (20)+2: 22

GAME: Zarkhan rolls melee: (6)+2: 8

<OOC> Zarkhan whews "close one" <OOC> Fiaol facepalms. Wow, again you fail to crit. But you hit!

GAME: Zarkhan rolls 1d6: (5): 5

GAME: Aruk rolls 1d20+10: (7)+10: 17

<OOC> Zarkhan says, "aaaand the DC 15 fort save or lose a point of strength (which I have no idea if stacks with ray of enfeeblement or not)"

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d20+6: (14)+6: 20

<OOC> Fiaol says, "It makes that. (And yes, it stacks, I believe)" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Aruk, that hit."

GAME: Aruk rolls 1d6+4: (6)+4: 10

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d20+5: (5)+5: 10

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Cai... give me a fort save. (roll well)"

GAME: Caillyn rolls fort: (8)+1: 9

<OOC> Caillyn says, "umm, yeah" <OOC> Fiaol says, "You need to get to a temple, ayup." <OOC> Zarkhan pats "That's pretty good. /Belive/ in yourself.

Aruk remains with his back to the wall of the cottage, waiting for the creature to come charging past, away from the fire. The demon does exactly as hoped. With Shadair there to intercept it, the orc plods into an opposing position, stabbing his primary claws into the beast's prone hide.

<OOC> Caillyn bites Zarkhan's hand. <OOC> Zarkhan says, "Power Word: Optimism"

With the torch spreading flames around it, the hideous creature screams and moves quickly past the three men of the group - it's yellow-stained eyes only for Caillyn. Unable to move away, still held in the thrall of that horrible shriek, Caillyn is unable to duck away as the creature flies up, and presses it's slimey, hideous lips to hers - green poison-like coloring veining around Caillyn's lips before she suddenly starts blinking and is able to stagger back away from the ... thing.

<OOC> Caillyn says, "GROSS" <OOC> Zarkhan says, "oh hey, it's Poison Ivy" <OOC> Caillyn says, "my turn or still no?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Your turn!" <OOC> Caillyn says, ".... chill touch. I'm pissed" <OOC> Caillyn says, "defensively is CL + chamod right?" <OOC> Zarkhan says, "right" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Yes."

GAME: Caillyn rolls 1d20+7: (13)+7: 20

<OOC> Fiaol says, "That'll do it."

GAME: Caillyn rolls 1d20+1: (11)+1: 12

<OOC> Caillyn says, "touch attack miss?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "No that hits."

GAME: Caillyn rolls 1d6+1: (5)+1: 6

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d20+6: (9)+6: 15

<OOC> Fiaol says, "DC of your Chill Touch?" <OOC> Caillyn says, "cha spell dc?" <OOC> Caillyn says, "15" <OOC> Zarkhan says, "why is it not 16?" <OOC> Caillyn says, "the others are lower. 11 and 12." <OOC> Fiaol says, "Not a happy monster." <OOC> Fiaol says, "Zarkhan! IT IS RIGHT NEXT TO YOU!" <OOC> Zarkhan says, "Aiiiieeee!" <OOC> Zarkhan says, "and it's trying to make out with Caillyn?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Yes, yes it is." <OOC> Zarkhan gives the kids some privacy <OOC> Zarkhan says, "I mean, I'll try to defensively cast another chill touch"

Shaken, grossed-out and seriously annoyed now, Caillyn shoves a hand out, power already crackling along her palm as she spits out the words taught her. Ice flickers along with the odd light in her hand as she slams her palm into the...whatever the hell the thing is... Light and ice flare and spread along the monster's body before the sorceress pulls her hand away...staggering just a little as she turns and loses the contents of her stomach into the snow.

<OOC> Caillyn thwaps Zarkhan. <OOC> Fiaol giggles.

GAME: Zarkhan rolls 1d20+3+4: (11)+3+4: 18

<OOC> Zarkhan says, "DC 17, so narrowly!" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Roll to hit!"

GAME: Zarkhan rolls melee: (12)+2: 14

GAME: Zarkhan rolls 1d6: (5): 5

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Nice!"

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d20+6: (10)+6: 16

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Your DC on that strength drain?" <OOC> Zarkhan says, "15" <OOC> Fiaol says, "Okay, no more Strength drain..." <OOC> Fiaol says, "Pose away. SHADAIR! It's trying to tongue your sister!" <OOC> Shadair says, "Step after it and FoB! Can he get a flank going?"

Zarkhan can't let Caillyn be the only one exchanging juices with that thing. Speaking the words to another spell, another cold blue eerie glow spreads from the palm of his hand to envelop his lower arm, and he reaches to touch the creature - grimacing in the process - eyes sparkling as his touch leeches life energy from the monster. "Release her!" he demands through clenched teeth.

<OOC> Caillyn says, "rofl" <OOC> Zarkhan isn't flanking with Callie, so you should be able to flank with either of us. <OOC> Fiaol nodnods. You can get flank, go for it.

GAME: Shadair rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19

GAME: Shadair rolls 1d20+6: (14)+6: 20

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Hits."

GAME: Shadair rolls 1d6+3: (1)+3: 4

GAME: Shadair rolls 1d6+3: (5)+3: 8

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Oh man, it is definitely on it's last leg, so to speak... ARUK, come finish it!" <OOC> Aruk says, "Am I still in flanking position?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "You can step into flanking." <OOC> Aruk says, "Okay. Moving into flanking, and ... full attack!"

GAME: Aruk rolls 1d20+8: (8)+8: 16

GAME: Aruk rolls 1d20+8: (17)+8: 25

Horrified now for a different reason, Shadair quickly overcomes his squeamishness about the ucky creature. "Get away from my -sister- now!" Anger clearly in his voice as well, the cleric/monk gets into position and launches into a dizzying flurry of kicks, punches and knee shots to get the foul abomination away from his family!

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Ow. Damage."

GAME: Aruk rolls 1d6+4: (1)+4: 5

GAME: Aruk rolls 1d6+2: (1)+2: 3

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Even with those rolls... dead."

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d6: (2): 2

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d6: (3): 3

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d6: (1): 1

Aruk's fine with kissing (possibly), but flying, kissing demon heads? No, not so much. The orc moves after the creature with swiftness defiant of his hulk. His thick arms rise and then come down, claws biting deeply into the creature. He keeps up the momentum, dragging it to the ground, where he's slammed and held in place. Only once the last twitches of life ebb from the demon does he stand upright, pulling his fingers free.

<OOC> Fiaol says, "Free RP."

Caillyn still looks queasy and definitely shaken as she tries to steady herself on her feet. Scooping up some clean snow, the sorceress puts it into her mouth and then spits it out again, not even caring how unladylike the action is...at least not at the moment. Spitting again, she looks over at the others, "That was the most disgusting thing EVER!"

Shadair looks apologetically at Caillyn and offers her a small cloth to help the cleaning process. "That, was. . eww. I'm sorry sis. I tried to stop it." Well at least she was still alive. Checking over the area for any more of the 'kissing heads' to come flying at them, the half-elf asks, "Is anyone hurt? I can heal them if so."

GAME: Fiaol rolls 1d6: (5): 5

Zarkhan nudges the dead thing with the toe of his boot. Hard. Alright, he kicks it, once. Just to make sure there's no twitching left in it. "That's... remarkably disgusting" he remarks in a cheerful tone, now that the heavy atmosphere is almost done with. "Well. That wasn't too bad. We better have a look around the farmstead and see if there's anything left." there's a long pause aas he looks between everyone. "Survivors. Not valuables." Ahem. Hero of Solmnus indeed. He glances at Shadair "Oh! Right, my shoulder is going a bit stiff. I think the bite might be poisoned. Or at least not terrible clean." he indicates his wounded shoulder.

"Only somewhat," says Aruk to Shadair, referencing his right forearm, where one of the earlier creatures had bitten him. It doesn't seem to terribly concern the orc, who ventures into the doorway just long enough to fetch his torch. Into the snow it goes, stabbed deep so as to extinguish the flame. The ichor of the disgusting creature stains the white crystals.

<OOC> Shadair does a nice Channel Energy (rolling a 1 of course) to heal anyone as well as Aruk. Everyone within 30 feet.

GAME: Shadair rolls 1d6: (5): 5

Sighing a little, Caillyn moves further away from the corpse, not wanting anything to do with kicking it...even though she was sorely tempted. Gagging a little, the sorceress has to wrinkle her nose and complain, "I can still taste... oh that's so disgusting..." The girl shivers, ice trailing down her dark locks and over her skin. Yup, Caillyn is upset.

<OOC> Shadair says, "It really is. rolling something other than a 1 for CE. First time /evar/" <OOC> Caillyn says, "it's harder to catch the frosty scents since she's already outside :P"

GAME: Fiaol damaged Aruk for -6 points. 21 remaining.

GAME: Fiaol damaged Zarkhan for -6 points. 21 remaining.

GAME: Fiaol damaged Caillyn for -6 points. 13 remaining.

GAME: Fiaol damaged Shadair for -6 points. 16 remaining.

GAME: Shadair rolls Perception: (20)+8: 28

Zarkhan, being a desert warrior, always carries a skin of water. He unhooks it from his belt, handing it to Caillyn. "You should wash out your mouth. In case of poisons and such. You know." he comments, a serious expression on his face for a moment. "I have studied the corpses. They are unnatural aberrations, neither demonic, nor undead. We should burn the remains, there is nothing of value to learn from them. And there is no telling how long they stay disabled." Long distance to (Amir'a, Xander): Caillyn is definitely disappointed in her first brush with breeding then... *RUNS*

Blinking, Shadair takes a step closer to Caillyn with a frown and a tilted head. "Cai? Are you, feeling alright? There was. . . something is effecting you, I can feel it." The cleric/monk steps a little closer still, examining her with concerned eyes.

<OOC> Shadair would like a heal check on Caillyn to diagnose what's up?

GAME: Shadair rolls Heal: (5)+9: 14

<OOC> Zarkhan says, "this creature was clearly the victim of decapitation!" <OOC> Aruk will contribute as well, if he can? <OOC> Fiaol says, "Sure, roll to assist."

GAME: Aruk rolls Heal: (17)+7: 24

Caillyn reaches to take the water from Zarkhan, actually gracing him with a sweet smile, "Thank you..." And then, still gripping the water skin, she looks over at her brother, blinking a little, "Well...no, I don't feel alright, Shad. That thing...well, it kissed me!" Her nose wrinkles and the sorceress looks disgusted again as she adds, "I definitely prefer being kissed by..." With a squeak, her eyes widen and she's suddenly drinking from the water skin instead of finishing her sentence.

Despite Caillyn's assurance that she is alright, just grossed out, Shadair's look darkens further. After a closer examination of her, the half-elf brother shakes his head. "No. There is something wrong here Caillyn. It did not go after you out of spite. It did not try to put it's lips to yours for fun. It, did something to you. We have to get you back to the city, fast." Looking increasingly concerned, Shadair looks quite firm on the idea.

Aruk's arm mends swiftly under the care of divine energies, leaving him unscathed. He's already tromping towards Caillyn as that happens, his eyelids drawn into a tight, scrutinous squint. The orc, living off of the land as he does, knows enough of the healing arts to be concerned with what he sees. "You must be taken to a priest, a shaman," says Aruk, a bit of additional seriousness laced through his rumbling voice. "The creature has left something within you. It is causing changes." Aruk uses the steel tip of his index claw to indicate Caillyn's lips, though he's careful to not touch.

Abruptly, Aruk straightens his posture, as though something had occurred to him. "The male farmer's body is headless," he states, "and these creatures are flying heads."

<OOC> Caillyn says, "Oh thanks!" <OOC> Fiaol says, "And now... Caillyn totally looses it." <OOC> Fiaol says, "Nice bit of logic there, Aruk!" <OOC> Aruk says, "... Sorry. :]" <OOC> Zarkhan says, "can I adopt one of the chest bursters when they mature?" <OOC> Fiaol says, "No." <OOC> Fiaol says, "Thankfully this is a Non-Death Concent plot. You make it to the church in time! ;)" <OOC> Zarkhan says, "No Ripley for you!"

Eyes widening, frost strands lengthening about her body, Caillyn squeaks at the words spoken both by her brother and the orc. Wild, icy winds blow about the sorceress for a moment, ice crystals forming about the girl. And then, suddenly...everything stops about her as she slumps to the ground in a faint.