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**(1) Reilly Appauline, Acanian Warrior 7 (CR5, XP1600) -1CR for Bubonic Plague stat damage, ''Exhaustion''
**(1) Reilly Appauline, Acanian Warrior 7 (CR5, XP1600) -1CR for Bubonic Plague stat damage, ''Exhaustion''
It's shortly after midday in the western gardens and the few stalwart enough to brave the weather for an outdoor picnic in the perpetual green of Althea's domain are mostly packing up and heading back to their daily tasks. A few lucky enough to have the day to themselves still idle-- but even with the natural beauty of the sun dazzling on the frost-covered world... it's still far warmer inside.
Somewhere between the Defense and Verdant Earth is a quiet trail hosting a bench here and there amid the flowers, faerie lights, and other thriving flora. On one such bench sits a pair; one of Alexandria's soldiers and a Veyshanti man in brilliant green and gold.
They talk. Well, the Veyshanti talks, sitting back and smiling to show his pearly teeth. His dark, curly hair is oiled and hangs down clear to his shoulders. His companion is bent forward in her seat, dirty-blonde hair hanging down around her face as she coughs. She's in full kit-- which makes the bottle clutched in her gauntleted hand seem out of place-- and wearing a white cloth mask about her nose and mouth to spare others whatever malady is causing the coughing fit.
"... and at some point you have to stand up for yourself, lover," advises the fellow, using one hand to tuck hanging hair behind her ear before resting his palm on the back of her armored back. "At some point those at fault needs be brought to justice. Hm?" He sighs and grins when the soldier nods weakly, standing. "Well, back to work for both of us, I think. Feel better, yes?" And he begins wandering down the path.
A darkly clad xian man makes his way through the region, a raven perched on his shoulder. The bird is keenly looking around, clearly searching for something though the man himself seems unaware of the search. After a moment though he makes a subtle motion with his hand and the bird takes off for one of the lanterns hanging nearby. For a moment the bird fusses atop the lantern and then flies with a package back to his human. The man immediately tucks the package into his clothing and continues on his way.
There's an armored figure that breaks into the western gardens from the markets that isn't dressed for the frigid occasion outside of the Celestial Mother's domain. A mixed scale, lumbering makari, tarnished bronze eating the light, while brilliant silver scales reflect the snow light. Though, a cloak is pulled over most of him to save most eyes.
Skielstregar is a bit busy inspecting the plant life, though his attention shifts to that of the guard and their conversation.
He waits a beat for the man to leave before he takes a few steps near. "... are you alright?" he asks quietly, a rumble felt more than heard.
That raven sure is familiar... to another raven, except he's the polar opposite in terms of color. Pothy sits on Ravenstongue's shoulder as the half-elf pulls a baked treat from her newly acquired box of goodies. However, the sight of freshly baked crescent rolls seems to slip from Pothy's mind--the bird elects to fly from his preferred roost and land in front of the Xian man and his raven. "Snacks!" he says excitedly.
"Oh, gosh. Pothy...!" Ravenstongue almost starts to run after him, but she slows to a crawl once she sees Skielstregar talking to the guard.
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d4: (2): 2
GAME: Skielstregar rolls perception: (15)+8: 23
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Perception: (13)+4: 17
The soldier coughs and lifts her mask without sitting up to answer Skielstregar, spitting a blood-speckled wad of phlegm into the grass between her feet. She groans and rests the cool metal of the gauntlet against her forehead for some time, then ventures a drink from the bottle. She has dark rings under her eyes and her skin is pale and sweaty. Her white cloth mask is wet and brown where it covers her lips.
The Veyshanti man continues on his way, arms folding behind his back. "So many birds... my goodness," he marvels with a smile, watching the ravens fly to and fro. He nods to Karasu from the fork and then makes a deeper nod, half-bowing to Ravenstongue. "Hello, my lovely," he greets with an admiring grin as he continues along his way.
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Sense Motive: (2)+2: 4
GAME: Karasu rolls sense motive: (9)+8: 17
GAME: Karasu rolls heal: (10)+6: 16
Karasu stops at the sight of Pothy, clearly surprised to see the other bird. Wuya doesn't hesitate though, nudging Karasu into action and flying down to greet his corvid buddy. Karasu shakes his head at the pair of ravens, holding his hands out and open to show his distinctive lack of snacks. "I fear I did not expect to see you today, perhaps I can make it up by buying you and Cor'lana lunch?"
His eyes lift to note the Veysahnti man eyeing the woman in question and there's a momentary flicker of some emotion across his face. Though it's hard to tell what it is. His dark eyes flicker to the woman left over by the sith-makar and he ignores them in favor of moving toward the ravens and Cor'lana. "A pleasure to see you again." He bows his head politely to her.
Skielstregar frowns some at seeing the spittle and actions. "... thisss one thinksss you are not fit to be on duty," he intones. "Coughing blood, fever. Thisss one implores that you ressst on a cot in the Defenssse."
He squints more. "... your mouth needsss cleaning badly. Whatever that isssn't clearly working. Reilly, right? Come, let'sss get you checked out."
Pothy's tail bobs up and down in absolute delight as he meets Wuya again, making happy little croaks. Meanwhile, Ravenstongue is visibly a little off put by the passing man's comment--until Karasu greets her, that is, to which she smiles. "Well, it /is/ nice to see you again, Karasu, but..."
She looks over at the soldier, her mouth falling back into a rather firm line. Ravenstongue folds her arms underneath her chest, waiting to see what the soldier says in reaction to Skielstregar's assessment. A small noise leaves her--something like a muffled 'hmph'.
The fancy fellow takes up a humming tune and glances back as folks gather around Appauline. One patchy eyebrow quirks and he shrugs to himself before disappearing around a corner.
"Who...?" Croaks the soldier, grunting with effort as she forces herself to stand. One hand rests on the pommel of her sword as she looks between Karasu and Skielstregar. Brown eyes narrow up at the sith-makar and she pulls down her mask. "Mercenary bastard. City's falling apart." She accuses, infected lips glistening with her sickness. She ways and lets go the bottle to fall to the ground, finally espying Ravenstongue a short distance down the road.
"You..." she growls, setting her shoulders forward and moving to approach the sorceress.
GAME: Skielstregar rolls sense motive: (20)+1: 21
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Sense Motive: (10)+2: 12
GAME: Karasu rolls sense motive: (18)+8: 26
GAME: Skielstregar rolls cmb: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (8)+10: 18
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (11)+10: 21
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d8+2: (6)+2: 8
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 2d4+2: (5)+2: 7
"Justice." Growls the woman, narrowing unfocused eyes and drawing her blade as she stomps across the path towards the sorceress. She wards off the sith-makar's attempted trip with a clumsy swipe of her own. She pushes past Karasu and stabs into the half-Sil's arm, sores around her lips weeping as she twists her face into a look of pure hatred. "... tired of being pushed around."
GAME: Skielstregar rolls melee+2-2: (12)+9+2+-2: 21
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage0+4: aliased to 1d3+5+4: (2)+5+4: 11
Ravenstongue yelps as she's quite suddenly stabbed. Her violet eyes fill with tears from the attack. "What, couldn't bully Boti anymore so you're gonna kill me instead?!" she yells, snarling as she unleashes magic missiles at the soldier, sending them into a solid hit into the soldier.
Skielstregar is corpse-still watching the soldier. He dead pans in a rumble, "This one caresss not what you think of them, but you need help..."
The makari squints more. "... your mind is addled."
The thought comes a moment too late as the sick soldier is rushing off towards. He pivots his hips and his tail whips out to the side, trying to trip the woman, but misses.
His armor prevents any lasting damage, but he's running up to them. "Her mind is compromisssed," he hastily hisses out. "Thisss one thinksss that man did ssssomething."
He huffs once as things take a turn towards the lethal. He curls a fist back, and slugs her in the dome. Trying to knock her out. "Sssomeone ssstop that man, or track him, thisss one will take care of her!"
GAME: Karasu rolls acrobatics: (3)+8: 11
GAME: Karasu rolls 1d20+2: (2)+2: 4
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+5: (16)+5: 21
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d8+2: (7)+2: 9
Karasu moves away from the woman at the sith-makar's words, urging Cor'lana to move away from the fight occurring. Killing the woman is an option, but one that he didn't want to take so easily. "Come, after the man that enchanted her!" He urges her, one hand urging Wuya up into the air after the man. The raven would have an easier time tracking him than Karasu from the ground. A mild surprise flashes across Karasu's features, the familiar's emotions harder to control on his features than his own.
He manages to get a few steps before the woman is on him, he swings a fist in her direction, but gets her blade in retribution. He says nothing, makes no sound to show his pain, but shoves Cor'lana further from danger. It seems he might not have a choice.
The soldier pants, reeling from the sith-makar's punch and watching the object of her hatred slip away. She yells, choking on her rage and coughing as she staggers the short distance to Karasu. "Out of the way... filth," she snarls. The sores have come open to bleed freely now. The color continues to pull from her face and sweat drips down from her slender jaw.
She nearly falls over with the first slice, staggering and finding only air. The return stroke is a stab into the xian man's belly. And she grins in grim satisfaction as the well-maintained weapon slides in deep.
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Glitterdust. Caster Level: 4 DC: 16
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+4: (18)+4: 22
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (12)+10: 22
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d8+2: (3)+2: 5
GAME: Skielstregar rolls melee: (16)+9: 25
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage0: aliased to 1d3+5: (1)+5: 6
"R-Right!" Ravenstongue manages to eek out as Karasu urges her further back--her eyes widening as she sees the soldier slash at Karasu in front of her. "No! Shit!"
She throws out some sparkly magic dust with a quick murmur of words, Pothy soaring into the air to follow Wuya's lead.
"Where the /fuck/ are you, bastard," Ravenstongue murmurs in her Grandfather's language as she runs after Pothy... And they are mutually surprised by a brightly colored parrot in the street. <Sylvan>
"Get that bird!" Ravenstongue calls out, pointing to the parrot.
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d8+2: (2)+2: 4
Skiel snarls a bit as the befuddled soldier is attacking innocents, he runs through the glittery field, the sparkle sticking to some of his scales. A blade flashes across skin. "Ugh, thossse jussst came in!" he snaps back before horse kicking the soldier in the gut. "Sssstand down!"
Karasu slips his dagger down his sleeve as he chases after Cor'lana. Trying to keep the woman in sight. He makes almost no sound as he runs, and noticing... A parrot? He doesn't question Cor'lana's words on the bird, remembering Wuya's surprise and focusing on the bright plumage of the small animal.
"Standing up for myself..." Reilly counters Skielstregar, struggling to keep the defiant set of her jaw as the attacks continue to land and her exhaustion makes her limbs leaden. She cuts back across her body to hit the sith-makar across his chest but the following stab is low and awkward, missing his leg by inches. "Tired of shit details..."
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+6+2: (20)+6+2: 28
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+6+2: (1)+6+2: 9 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+4: (12)+4: 16
GAME: Skielstregar rolls melee: (9)+9: 18
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (2)+10: 12
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage0: aliased to 1d3+5: (2)+5: 7
Pothy is the biggest hero of them all. He soars into the sky, and his eyes lock onto the target. "I've got you now," he says in a deep tone before he swerves hard and *RAMS* into the parrot--
Which he bounces off of like it's a trampoline. Not even a single feather is out of place on the parrot. "FUCK!" he screams in Ravenstongue's voice.
"Pothy!" Ravenstongue says, more concerned about her familiar than his language usage. She presses her lips tightly together as she unleashes more magic missiles--but they fizzle out as they reach the parrot.
Skielstregar winces as the bite of the blade hits him. He follows up as she tries to slide past him, the tall makari yanking his shield off his belt and strapping it to his arm. "By attacking people on the ssstreet? Duel your sssuperiorsss, not usss. Stand-" He back hands her with a closed fist. "Down!"
Good, it looked like she was wavering. He felt that inkling of the urge to let loose, but on the city streets, attacking a soldier, while going full feral? Not a good idea.
But if fate decides otherwise, he may have to do just that.
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (18)+10: 28
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+5: (8)+5: 13
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d8+2: (4)+2: 6
Karasu trades his dagger for his crossbow seeing the bird is evading spell and raven efforts alike. Wuya is not one to let such things as friends attack alone however. He's on Pothy's tail, harrying the more brightly colored bird in the manner that raven's have when something is _really_ irritating them. Karasu shakes his head, already realizing that the two raven's in close proximity are going to cause issues for him shooting the surprisingly sized parrot.
The parrot laughs-- wait... what? Yes, it laughs! Which might be less-strange considering its corvid company. But, regardless, its amusement is obvious as the smaller animals flap and claw and peck at it ineffectively. Brightly-colored wings beat furious as it turns and speeds off into the air with incredible speed.
The diseased soldier is slumped, one hand nearly touching the ground as it hangs limp against her side. Still, she swings and her training pushes through her exhaustion. Another blow landed to batter and scatter scales. Again, the second strike has her nearly falling onto her face. "... protecting spies..." she pants between haggard coughs.
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Charm Person. Caster Level: 4 DC: 16
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (12)+9: 21
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (7)+10: 17
GAME: Skielstregar rolls melee: (15)+9: 24
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage0: aliased to 1d3+5: (1)+5: 6
Pothy huffs as the parrot flies far away. He returns to Ravenstongue's shoulder as the half-elf girl turns around and looks back to the sick soldier.
Ravenstongue rolls her eyes. "Okay... Well... Let's try this and hope /she/ doesn't fall madly in love with me either," she says. She weaves charming magic, but it appears that even if love and hate are divided only by a thin line, the soldier has decided to remain on the side of hate.
Skielstregar gasps lightly as blood starts to trickle down his legs and stain the ground. He pushes his shield against her and puts his weight into it, shifting to be front of her advance. A swing knocks his guard open, and he has to step back for a moment. "Sssspiess? Delusional."
He gives a soft, if pained sigh, watching her sprawl around on the floor, barely able to stand. "... just... stop."
He pivots on a heel, his armored tail coming around and clocking her beside the head. She crumples out cold.
The makari chuffs, glancing around for any other threats before looking back to the others. "How fare you two?" he calls over.
Reilly crumples, performing a half-turn from the force of the hit to head face and them falling like a marionette with its strings cut. Her sword falls from limp fingers and clatters away. Her armored skirts and manacles rattle and scratch against each other.
She groans, her face battered, bloody, and greasy from the sores and fight with Alexandria's adventurers.
Karasu returns his crossbow to its rightful place, waiting a moment for Wuya to join him before checking to make sure that Cor'lana has not been injured in the course of things. She seems fine however, but the sith-makar... He frowns subtly at the other's wounds. A hand touches his stomach, hiding from view his own injury. He looks slightly pale, but he doesn't utter a word of complaint. Instead he moves toward the sith-makar, choosing not to yell over the distance between them. "You seem to have gotten the worst of it, and for that you have my gratitude. You should have those tended to as soon as possible. The woman was infected with some disease, and if her blood touched yours..."
The half-elf looks up at Skielstregar, holding her slashed arm with a trembling hand. "Honestly... Shaken." She sighs. "I didn't think I'd be /attacked/ like that today. Or... any day." She looks at Karasu and nods, although she looks at his stomach. "You should come with me to the Soldier's Defense, then. You got hurt, too. Gods, Tel is going to throw a fit..."
Pothy nuzzles against Ravenstongue's face. "It'll be okay," he says in Raven's own voice. Ravenstongue manages a small smile.
Skiel huffs a few breaths, icy breath spilling from him before he takes a deep one, and mellows out some hidden shakes. He works on unstrapping his shield, nodding. "It isss nothing, it isss thisss one'sss duty. But, yesss. Thisss one will go to the Defense. We all ssshould."
He glances over to the bottle she had before reaching down to push the soldier over onto her side carefully. "Could one of you sssee what that wasss she was drinking?" he requests, working on staunching some of his own bleeding.
"I failed to notice her drinking anything." Offers Karasu, his eyes on Cor'lana's arm. Wuya offers a series of whistles and clicks and Karasu shakes his head at the raven. "No Wuya." Clearly irritated with this response Wuya nibbles on Karasu's ear until the man looks at him sharply. The two exchange a long look before Karasu looks away first. In spite of this there's no explanation of what passed between them.
Karasu kneels beside the woman. "I will help you carry her to the Soldier's Defense." He slides an arm under her and around her arm. It's clear from this one motion that he's carried an unconscious body before. Wuya makes the same series of noises at Karasu, but this time the man ignores the bird entirely.
Pothy looks at Wuya, tilting his head in confusion at the bird-but-not-quite 'language' that Wuya speaks to Karasu. He looks at Ravenstongue, and Ravenstongue just sighs. "Don't pry into other people's things, Pothy."
Pothy gives a sigh in reply, throwing his head back as he does. Ravenstongue almost looks like she's about to help Karasu with the carrying, but she looks down at her arm and... decides not to. It's for the best. "I think it was just booze, Skiel," she says to the sith-makar.
Skielstregar picks up the bloodied sword and sheathes it back into the soldier's scabbard, him taking up the other side to help hoist her up. Though, really, he's just grabbing her equipment belt on the other side and all but hoisting her up. "Thanksss."
A glance to Ravenstongue, and he nods slowly. "Keep presssure on that cut. And an eye behind usss."
He readjusts his stance, and sighs languidly. "Let'sss get looked at."
The paths through the gardens are winding and pleasant-- though less-so for your wounds. The trip to the Soldier's Defense is uneventful beyond your earning a few confused looks on the way and you're met by a curious egalrin Essence named Anchor Chain. He squawks in amusement at Pothy and Wuya, turning his midnight-feathered face to blink one eye at the bloodied adventurers and limp soldier.
"Hmmmmm." He crows before lifting a wing and directing you into a room for medical attention.

Latest revision as of 23:49, 24 January 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Reilly Bad Eggs
  • Emitter: Jinks
  • Characters: Karasu, Ravenstongue, Skielstregar
  • Place: Lower Gardens District
  • Time: Monday, January 24, 2022, 12:30 PM
  • Summary: Skielstregar is out on a stroll after the midday meal. Karasu and Ravenstongue have a chance encounter when their familiars meet. A familiar unfriendly soldier suffers through some malady as she's talked-up by a charming Veyshanti man before the latter departs.

Skielstregar checks in on the woman and recognizes her as Reilly Appauline, who'd helped seal a path to the underworld not long ago. Ravenstongue had a less-pleasant experience with the woman in the Soldier's Defense and goes on guard. Karasu attempts to identify what afflicts her but has little luck.

Combat erupts when the diseased woman recognizes Ravenstongue. Skielstregar attempts to busy the crazed woman while the others pursue the odd Veyshanti man and find an overlarge parrot in his place. The strange bird escapes and the soldier is knocked out before the three adventurers gather her up and all venture to the Soldier's Defense for treatment.

  • Encounter 1: CR4 XP1200
    • (1) Reilly Appauline, Acanian Warrior 7 (CR5, XP1600) -1CR for Bubonic Plague stat damage, Exhaustion

It's shortly after midday in the western gardens and the few stalwart enough to brave the weather for an outdoor picnic in the perpetual green of Althea's domain are mostly packing up and heading back to their daily tasks. A few lucky enough to have the day to themselves still idle-- but even with the natural beauty of the sun dazzling on the frost-covered world... it's still far warmer inside.

Somewhere between the Defense and Verdant Earth is a quiet trail hosting a bench here and there amid the flowers, faerie lights, and other thriving flora. On one such bench sits a pair; one of Alexandria's soldiers and a Veyshanti man in brilliant green and gold.

They talk. Well, the Veyshanti talks, sitting back and smiling to show his pearly teeth. His dark, curly hair is oiled and hangs down clear to his shoulders. His companion is bent forward in her seat, dirty-blonde hair hanging down around her face as she coughs. She's in full kit-- which makes the bottle clutched in her gauntleted hand seem out of place-- and wearing a white cloth mask about her nose and mouth to spare others whatever malady is causing the coughing fit.

"... and at some point you have to stand up for yourself, lover," advises the fellow, using one hand to tuck hanging hair behind her ear before resting his palm on the back of her armored back. "At some point those at fault needs be brought to justice. Hm?" He sighs and grins when the soldier nods weakly, standing. "Well, back to work for both of us, I think. Feel better, yes?" And he begins wandering down the path.

A darkly clad xian man makes his way through the region, a raven perched on his shoulder. The bird is keenly looking around, clearly searching for something though the man himself seems unaware of the search. After a moment though he makes a subtle motion with his hand and the bird takes off for one of the lanterns hanging nearby. For a moment the bird fusses atop the lantern and then flies with a package back to his human. The man immediately tucks the package into his clothing and continues on his way.

There's an armored figure that breaks into the western gardens from the markets that isn't dressed for the frigid occasion outside of the Celestial Mother's domain. A mixed scale, lumbering makari, tarnished bronze eating the light, while brilliant silver scales reflect the snow light. Though, a cloak is pulled over most of him to save most eyes.

Skielstregar is a bit busy inspecting the plant life, though his attention shifts to that of the guard and their conversation.

He waits a beat for the man to leave before he takes a few steps near. "... are you alright?" he asks quietly, a rumble felt more than heard.

That raven sure is familiar... to another raven, except he's the polar opposite in terms of color. Pothy sits on Ravenstongue's shoulder as the half-elf pulls a baked treat from her newly acquired box of goodies. However, the sight of freshly baked crescent rolls seems to slip from Pothy's mind--the bird elects to fly from his preferred roost and land in front of the Xian man and his raven. "Snacks!" he says excitedly.

"Oh, gosh. Pothy...!" Ravenstongue almost starts to run after him, but she slows to a crawl once she sees Skielstregar talking to the guard.

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d4: (2): 2
GAME: Skielstregar rolls perception: (15)+8: 23
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Perception: (13)+4: 17

The soldier coughs and lifts her mask without sitting up to answer Skielstregar, spitting a blood-speckled wad of phlegm into the grass between her feet. She groans and rests the cool metal of the gauntlet against her forehead for some time, then ventures a drink from the bottle. She has dark rings under her eyes and her skin is pale and sweaty. Her white cloth mask is wet and brown where it covers her lips.

The Veyshanti man continues on his way, arms folding behind his back. "So many birds... my goodness," he marvels with a smile, watching the ravens fly to and fro. He nods to Karasu from the fork and then makes a deeper nod, half-bowing to Ravenstongue. "Hello, my lovely," he greets with an admiring grin as he continues along his way.

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Sense Motive: (2)+2: 4
GAME: Karasu rolls sense motive: (9)+8: 17
GAME: Karasu rolls heal: (10)+6: 16

Karasu stops at the sight of Pothy, clearly surprised to see the other bird. Wuya doesn't hesitate though, nudging Karasu into action and flying down to greet his corvid buddy. Karasu shakes his head at the pair of ravens, holding his hands out and open to show his distinctive lack of snacks. "I fear I did not expect to see you today, perhaps I can make it up by buying you and Cor'lana lunch?"

His eyes lift to note the Veysahnti man eyeing the woman in question and there's a momentary flicker of some emotion across his face. Though it's hard to tell what it is. His dark eyes flicker to the woman left over by the sith-makar and he ignores them in favor of moving toward the ravens and Cor'lana. "A pleasure to see you again." He bows his head politely to her.

Skielstregar frowns some at seeing the spittle and actions. "... thisss one thinksss you are not fit to be on duty," he intones. "Coughing blood, fever. Thisss one implores that you ressst on a cot in the Defenssse."

He squints more. "... your mouth needsss cleaning badly. Whatever that isssn't clearly working. Reilly, right? Come, let'sss get you checked out."

Pothy's tail bobs up and down in absolute delight as he meets Wuya again, making happy little croaks. Meanwhile, Ravenstongue is visibly a little off put by the passing man's comment--until Karasu greets her, that is, to which she smiles. "Well, it /is/ nice to see you again, Karasu, but..."

She looks over at the soldier, her mouth falling back into a rather firm line. Ravenstongue folds her arms underneath her chest, waiting to see what the soldier says in reaction to Skielstregar's assessment. A small noise leaves her--something like a muffled 'hmph'.

The fancy fellow takes up a humming tune and glances back as folks gather around Appauline. One patchy eyebrow quirks and he shrugs to himself before disappearing around a corner.

"Who...?" Croaks the soldier, grunting with effort as she forces herself to stand. One hand rests on the pommel of her sword as she looks between Karasu and Skielstregar. Brown eyes narrow up at the sith-makar and she pulls down her mask. "Mercenary bastard. City's falling apart." She accuses, infected lips glistening with her sickness. She ways and lets go the bottle to fall to the ground, finally espying Ravenstongue a short distance down the road.

"You..." she growls, setting her shoulders forward and moving to approach the sorceress.

GAME: Skielstregar rolls sense motive: (20)+1: 21
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Sense Motive: (10)+2: 12
GAME: Karasu rolls sense motive: (18)+8: 26
GAME: Skielstregar rolls cmb: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (8)+10: 18
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (11)+10: 21
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d8+2: (6)+2: 8
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 2d4+2: (5)+2: 7

"Justice." Growls the woman, narrowing unfocused eyes and drawing her blade as she stomps across the path towards the sorceress. She wards off the sith-makar's attempted trip with a clumsy swipe of her own. She pushes past Karasu and stabs into the half-Sil's arm, sores around her lips weeping as she twists her face into a look of pure hatred. "... tired of being pushed around."

GAME: Skielstregar rolls melee+2-2: (12)+9+2+-2: 21
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage0+4: aliased to 1d3+5+4: (2)+5+4: 11

Ravenstongue yelps as she's quite suddenly stabbed. Her violet eyes fill with tears from the attack. "What, couldn't bully Boti anymore so you're gonna kill me instead?!" she yells, snarling as she unleashes magic missiles at the soldier, sending them into a solid hit into the soldier.

Skielstregar is corpse-still watching the soldier. He dead pans in a rumble, "This one caresss not what you think of them, but you need help..."

The makari squints more. "... your mind is addled."

The thought comes a moment too late as the sick soldier is rushing off towards. He pivots his hips and his tail whips out to the side, trying to trip the woman, but misses.

His armor prevents any lasting damage, but he's running up to them. "Her mind is compromisssed," he hastily hisses out. "Thisss one thinksss that man did ssssomething."

He huffs once as things take a turn towards the lethal. He curls a fist back, and slugs her in the dome. Trying to knock her out. "Sssomeone ssstop that man, or track him, thisss one will take care of her!"

GAME: Karasu rolls acrobatics: (3)+8: 11
GAME: Karasu rolls 1d20+2: (2)+2: 4
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+5: (16)+5: 21
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d8+2: (7)+2: 9

Karasu moves away from the woman at the sith-makar's words, urging Cor'lana to move away from the fight occurring. Killing the woman is an option, but one that he didn't want to take so easily. "Come, after the man that enchanted her!" He urges her, one hand urging Wuya up into the air after the man. The raven would have an easier time tracking him than Karasu from the ground. A mild surprise flashes across Karasu's features, the familiar's emotions harder to control on his features than his own.

He manages to get a few steps before the woman is on him, he swings a fist in her direction, but gets her blade in retribution. He says nothing, makes no sound to show his pain, but shoves Cor'lana further from danger. It seems he might not have a choice.

The soldier pants, reeling from the sith-makar's punch and watching the object of her hatred slip away. She yells, choking on her rage and coughing as she staggers the short distance to Karasu. "Out of the way... filth," she snarls. The sores have come open to bleed freely now. The color continues to pull from her face and sweat drips down from her slender jaw.

She nearly falls over with the first slice, staggering and finding only air. The return stroke is a stab into the xian man's belly. And she grins in grim satisfaction as the well-maintained weapon slides in deep.

GAME: Ravenstongue casts Glitterdust. Caster Level: 4 DC: 16
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+4: (18)+4: 22
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (12)+10: 22
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d8+2: (3)+2: 5
GAME: Skielstregar rolls melee: (16)+9: 25
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage0: aliased to 1d3+5: (1)+5: 6

"R-Right!" Ravenstongue manages to eek out as Karasu urges her further back--her eyes widening as she sees the soldier slash at Karasu in front of her. "No! Shit!"

She throws out some sparkly magic dust with a quick murmur of words, Pothy soaring into the air to follow Wuya's lead.

"Where the /fuck/ are you, bastard," Ravenstongue murmurs in her Grandfather's language as she runs after Pothy... And they are mutually surprised by a brightly colored parrot in the street. <Sylvan>

"Get that bird!" Ravenstongue calls out, pointing to the parrot.

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d8+2: (2)+2: 4

Skiel snarls a bit as the befuddled soldier is attacking innocents, he runs through the glittery field, the sparkle sticking to some of his scales. A blade flashes across skin. "Ugh, thossse jussst came in!" he snaps back before horse kicking the soldier in the gut. "Sssstand down!"

Karasu slips his dagger down his sleeve as he chases after Cor'lana. Trying to keep the woman in sight. He makes almost no sound as he runs, and noticing... A parrot? He doesn't question Cor'lana's words on the bird, remembering Wuya's surprise and focusing on the bright plumage of the small animal.

"Standing up for myself..." Reilly counters Skielstregar, struggling to keep the defiant set of her jaw as the attacks continue to land and her exhaustion makes her limbs leaden. She cuts back across her body to hit the sith-makar across his chest but the following stab is low and awkward, missing his leg by inches. "Tired of shit details..."

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+6+2: (20)+6+2: 28
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+6+2: (1)+6+2: 9 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d20+4: (12)+4: 16
GAME: Skielstregar rolls melee: (9)+9: 18
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (2)+10: 12
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage0: aliased to 1d3+5: (2)+5: 7

Pothy is the biggest hero of them all. He soars into the sky, and his eyes lock onto the target. "I've got you now," he says in a deep tone before he swerves hard and *RAMS* into the parrot--

Which he bounces off of like it's a trampoline. Not even a single feather is out of place on the parrot. "FUCK!" he screams in Ravenstongue's voice.

"Pothy!" Ravenstongue says, more concerned about her familiar than his language usage. She presses her lips tightly together as she unleashes more magic missiles--but they fizzle out as they reach the parrot.

Skielstregar winces as the bite of the blade hits him. He follows up as she tries to slide past him, the tall makari yanking his shield off his belt and strapping it to his arm. "By attacking people on the ssstreet? Duel your sssuperiorsss, not usss. Stand-" He back hands her with a closed fist. "Down!"

Good, it looked like she was wavering. He felt that inkling of the urge to let loose, but on the city streets, attacking a soldier, while going full feral? Not a good idea.

But if fate decides otherwise, he may have to do just that.

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (18)+10: 28
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+5: (8)+5: 13
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d8+2: (4)+2: 6

Karasu trades his dagger for his crossbow seeing the bird is evading spell and raven efforts alike. Wuya is not one to let such things as friends attack alone however. He's on Pothy's tail, harrying the more brightly colored bird in the manner that raven's have when something is _really_ irritating them. Karasu shakes his head, already realizing that the two raven's in close proximity are going to cause issues for him shooting the surprisingly sized parrot.

The parrot laughs-- wait... what? Yes, it laughs! Which might be less-strange considering its corvid company. But, regardless, its amusement is obvious as the smaller animals flap and claw and peck at it ineffectively. Brightly-colored wings beat furious as it turns and speeds off into the air with incredible speed.

The diseased soldier is slumped, one hand nearly touching the ground as it hangs limp against her side. Still, she swings and her training pushes through her exhaustion. Another blow landed to batter and scatter scales. Again, the second strike has her nearly falling onto her face. "... protecting spies..." she pants between haggard coughs.

GAME: Ravenstongue casts Charm Person. Caster Level: 4 DC: 16
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (12)+9: 21
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+10: (7)+10: 17
GAME: Skielstregar rolls melee: (15)+9: 24
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage0: aliased to 1d3+5: (1)+5: 6

Pothy huffs as the parrot flies far away. He returns to Ravenstongue's shoulder as the half-elf girl turns around and looks back to the sick soldier.

Ravenstongue rolls her eyes. "Okay... Well... Let's try this and hope /she/ doesn't fall madly in love with me either," she says. She weaves charming magic, but it appears that even if love and hate are divided only by a thin line, the soldier has decided to remain on the side of hate.

Skielstregar gasps lightly as blood starts to trickle down his legs and stain the ground. He pushes his shield against her and puts his weight into it, shifting to be front of her advance. A swing knocks his guard open, and he has to step back for a moment. "Sssspiess? Delusional."

He gives a soft, if pained sigh, watching her sprawl around on the floor, barely able to stand. "... just... stop."

He pivots on a heel, his armored tail coming around and clocking her beside the head. She crumples out cold.

The makari chuffs, glancing around for any other threats before looking back to the others. "How fare you two?" he calls over.

Reilly crumples, performing a half-turn from the force of the hit to head face and them falling like a marionette with its strings cut. Her sword falls from limp fingers and clatters away. Her armored skirts and manacles rattle and scratch against each other.

She groans, her face battered, bloody, and greasy from the sores and fight with Alexandria's adventurers.

Karasu returns his crossbow to its rightful place, waiting a moment for Wuya to join him before checking to make sure that Cor'lana has not been injured in the course of things. She seems fine however, but the sith-makar... He frowns subtly at the other's wounds. A hand touches his stomach, hiding from view his own injury. He looks slightly pale, but he doesn't utter a word of complaint. Instead he moves toward the sith-makar, choosing not to yell over the distance between them. "You seem to have gotten the worst of it, and for that you have my gratitude. You should have those tended to as soon as possible. The woman was infected with some disease, and if her blood touched yours..."

The half-elf looks up at Skielstregar, holding her slashed arm with a trembling hand. "Honestly... Shaken." She sighs. "I didn't think I'd be /attacked/ like that today. Or... any day." She looks at Karasu and nods, although she looks at his stomach. "You should come with me to the Soldier's Defense, then. You got hurt, too. Gods, Tel is going to throw a fit..."

Pothy nuzzles against Ravenstongue's face. "It'll be okay," he says in Raven's own voice. Ravenstongue manages a small smile.

Skiel huffs a few breaths, icy breath spilling from him before he takes a deep one, and mellows out some hidden shakes. He works on unstrapping his shield, nodding. "It isss nothing, it isss thisss one'sss duty. But, yesss. Thisss one will go to the Defense. We all ssshould."

He glances over to the bottle she had before reaching down to push the soldier over onto her side carefully. "Could one of you sssee what that wasss she was drinking?" he requests, working on staunching some of his own bleeding.

"I failed to notice her drinking anything." Offers Karasu, his eyes on Cor'lana's arm. Wuya offers a series of whistles and clicks and Karasu shakes his head at the raven. "No Wuya." Clearly irritated with this response Wuya nibbles on Karasu's ear until the man looks at him sharply. The two exchange a long look before Karasu looks away first. In spite of this there's no explanation of what passed between them.

Karasu kneels beside the woman. "I will help you carry her to the Soldier's Defense." He slides an arm under her and around her arm. It's clear from this one motion that he's carried an unconscious body before. Wuya makes the same series of noises at Karasu, but this time the man ignores the bird entirely.

Pothy looks at Wuya, tilting his head in confusion at the bird-but-not-quite 'language' that Wuya speaks to Karasu. He looks at Ravenstongue, and Ravenstongue just sighs. "Don't pry into other people's things, Pothy."

Pothy gives a sigh in reply, throwing his head back as he does. Ravenstongue almost looks like she's about to help Karasu with the carrying, but she looks down at her arm and... decides not to. It's for the best. "I think it was just booze, Skiel," she says to the sith-makar.

Skielstregar picks up the bloodied sword and sheathes it back into the soldier's scabbard, him taking up the other side to help hoist her up. Though, really, he's just grabbing her equipment belt on the other side and all but hoisting her up. "Thanksss."

A glance to Ravenstongue, and he nods slowly. "Keep presssure on that cut. And an eye behind usss."

He readjusts his stance, and sighs languidly. "Let'sss get looked at."

The paths through the gardens are winding and pleasant-- though less-so for your wounds. The trip to the Soldier's Defense is uneventful beyond your earning a few confused looks on the way and you're met by a curious egalrin Essence named Anchor Chain. He squawks in amusement at Pothy and Wuya, turning his midnight-feathered face to blink one eye at the bloodied adventurers and limp soldier.

"Hmmmmm." He crows before lifting a wing and directing you into a room for medical attention.
