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<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;">
== Log Info ==
*Title: Talking to Mei
*Emitter: Aftershock
*Characters: Paenitia, Seyardu, Tronnar
*Place: Lower Alexandrian Market Tea Shop
*Time: Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 6:37 PM
*Summary: Paenitia, Seyardu and Tronnar meet up with Mei at a Tea Shop. Seyardu is there to check on his injuries, with Tronnar along to assist in case the Sith'Makar gets confused by human anatomy. This is fortunate, as she does. The lucht and the lizard go on to explain how they rescued or captured and Erinyes from the Tower, and now aren't sure what to do with it. They want to know how he was treated by the devil. Mei says terribly, and that they should slay it. Details of the second tower are shared, and Paenitia asks Mei about his sources, as there are forces at play that are attempting to set up adventurers. Mei assures that the rumours come from the adventuring community, and shares that he knows of a third tower, in Charn, where people are being sacrificed. He is told that aligns with what they know, regarding Lord Altay's statue scheme, and the cult that appears to be worshipping his fertility consort, Maraiel. With all queries exhausted, they break. </div>
It's not a terribly pleasant day. There's a low gray mist hovering near the ground, and the air is cold and damp even inside most of the buildings. Thankfully the tea house that they are currently sitting within has a grand fireplace set inside it, and you're seated rather close by.
It's not a terribly pleasant day. There's a low gray mist hovering near the ground, and the air is cold and damp even inside most of the buildings. Thankfully the tea house that they are currently sitting within has a grand fireplace set inside it, and you're seated rather close by.
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She laughs suddenly, genuinely amused, "Perhaps we can be blamed for starting the war with Charn too." She slaps her knee, it's a knee-slapper. Of course.
She laughs suddenly, genuinely amused, "Perhaps we can be blamed for starting the war with Charn too." She slaps her knee, it's a knee-slapper. Of course.
"I deal with the demons, the faeries, the steak eating monkey, the undead, the rooms full of time, the bandits, the oppressive nobles, even the gnolls." She pats at her silver sword, "the solution is always, hit harder."
"I deal with the demons, the faeries, the steak eating monkey, the undead, the rooms full of time, the banditos, the oppressive nobles, even the gnolls." She pats at her silver sword, "the solution is always, hit harder."
"Yes, we should know where this tower is, what they are doing." Seyardu notes, then sighs. "If I can go, that is, but I would still like to know."
"Yes, we should know where this tower is, what they are doing." Seyardu notes, then sighs. "If I can go, that is, but I would still like to know."
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She takes another sip of tea.
She takes another sip of tea.

Latest revision as of 17:30, 21 October 2021

Log Info

  • Title: Talking to Mei
  • Emitter: Aftershock
  • Characters: Paenitia, Seyardu, Tronnar
  • Place: Lower Alexandrian Market Tea Shop
  • Time: Wednesday, October 20, 2021, 6:37 PM
  • Summary: Paenitia, Seyardu and Tronnar meet up with Mei at a Tea Shop. Seyardu is there to check on his injuries, with Tronnar along to assist in case the Sith'Makar gets confused by human anatomy. This is fortunate, as she does. The lucht and the lizard go on to explain how they rescued or captured and Erinyes from the Tower, and now aren't sure what to do with it. They want to know how he was treated by the devil. Mei says terribly, and that they should slay it. Details of the second tower are shared, and Paenitia asks Mei about his sources, as there are forces at play that are attempting to set up adventurers. Mei assures that the rumours come from the adventuring community, and shares that he knows of a third tower, in Charn, where people are being sacrificed. He is told that aligns with what they know, regarding Lord Altay's statue scheme, and the cult that appears to be worshipping his fertility consort, Maraiel. With all queries exhausted, they break.

It's not a terribly pleasant day. There's a low gray mist hovering near the ground, and the air is cold and damp even inside most of the buildings. Thankfully the tea house that they are currently sitting within has a grand fireplace set inside it, and you're seated rather close by.

The man that you are meeting with has arrived somewhat early, and is sitting at the table when you arrive. He's a man of fairly average height, with black hair braided on the top and shaved on the sides. His warm brown skin is covered in tattoos from his fingers on up his arms to his elbows where green-black vines give way to lovely white roses. The man is dressed like an adventurer, in leather armor of very fine make and a sword on his hip that is comfortable there.

He smiles warmly as you enter, rising to his feet and offering his hand in greeting. Each vine is dotted with little thorns winding their way up his arms. "I'm Mei, a pleasure to see you."

A halfling woman in red astride an ivory hippogryph arrives and tethers his reins where he won't block traffic. She stands all of three feet in height, with a red coat, a wide brimmed hat and a cloak of peacock feathers. She also has on a strange mask, a dramatically stylized man's face, complete with curled mustache, pencil beard and wide grin. The face of anarchy and villainy, surrounded by her dark curly locks.

The feathers are from the hippogryphs, who is part peacock and part gypsy-horse (the andalusian breed) and all white except for crimson eyespots, and crown, with a splash across his breast.

"Ramirez! Wait there. Do not peck at the hats." The woman orders, then enters the tea house and crosses to Mei's table. She grabs a tall chair and climbs up. "Hola Mei. You forget me already?" She laughs behind her mask, "I am Sister Paenitia Snapdragon del Haranna, Knight of the Pillar and Paladina of Tarien."

She chuckles again, "even if they do not admit it."

With a grunt, a stocky dwarf pushes open the door to the tea house with his shoulder after some fiddling with the handle for an annoyed moment. The reason for the fumbling becomes clear as the dwarf's hands are both currently occupied, one with an overly large calzone and the other with a tankard of some sort of beverage, likely ale, or something stronger. "I'm late," he states with no apology, murmuring around a mouthful of food. "This is, strange, but good... yes," he admits after consideration following the swallow.

Realization hits as Tronnar notices they're in a tea room and he looks down at his tankard then to the rest of the room, and shrugs a shoulder in a very typical dwarvish fashion before washing down his last bite with a drink. He's caught the last of the introduction, and there's a narrowing of his eyes, a pinched brow at the mention of Paenitia being a Paladin, before he recovers, nodding his thanks while stumping on over to the table that they're at. "Tronnar Stoneheart, here to see about a bum leg and if'n they be feedin' you proper!" he announces in his deep baritone, looking from Paenitia to the one called Mei.

The recent closing of the temple district had left many things in a state of disarray, And certainly for the temple of Althea, whose doctrine led to them dealing with perhaps the most outside of the temple out of all in the district. So today was a day when they were trying to get on top of things again, in this case, meeting with a familiar adventurer to make sure they were recovering from a fiend attack.

Seyardu had a breastplate strapped on, but no weapons accompanying it when she joins the table. Finding now stools, she stands at the table after waving to the adventurer.

"Peace on your nest Mei. This one is also here to ensure that your healing is going properly."

"Forget you?" Mei says to Paenitia, looking shocked at the very idea, then shakes his head. "It's I that thought you might have forgotten me. For I'm sure that random adventurers recovering in the temple are of a common sort." He smiles lightly here and nods politely to the unfamiliar dwarf, and then to Seyardu who he certainly remembers.

"Peace on your nest." He offers to the sith-makar and he waves to the waitress to bring them the round of tea that he had ordered in advance. Thus it comes quickly and is a beautiful, warm tea that he invites everyone - including the dwarf who has clearly already partaken of other foods - to enjoy. He picks up his own cup to warm his fingers and nods to Seyardu and the dwarf. "You can have a look at my leg if it will appease your higher-ups, but they did a fine job healing it. It kept me standing in a fight against a fearsome foe not that long ago, and ever since as well."

"No, I do not forget." Paenitia says cheerfully, patting at her red coat. Notably, she's not wearing armour. Well, her hat likely has an iron brim underneath the cloth, but the rusty red armour she has so oft been seen in is absent. "I have been busy, fitting the new armour, and doing the public service for my crimes."

She waves at a server, signalling for some black tea, then rests an elbow on the table, "Hola Friend Dragon, friendly dwarf, it is good to see you both. I have the few questions for Mei when you have check his legs still attached."

Her expression can't be seen behind her widely grinning mask, but from the amused tones in her voice, it's likely very similar.

Seyardu says, "I would be a poor cleric of I did not keep record or memory of those needing aid, especially those injured more gravely, who need follow up assistance." The silver makari chuckles, taking the cup but setting it down so she could kneel next to his leg. "We will check it over, get this out of the way. Tronnar, yes? I believe they mentioned you coming. An extra set of eyes is certainly welcome in my case, as is another opinion."

Tronnar grunts at Seyardu's comment, looking the Sith-makar over as she chooses to remain standing. At first there's a note of confusion in his eyes as he shrugs and settles into one of the chairs with a well practiced hop at the end, even if it leaves the chair groaning as it suddenly takes the dwarf's weight. Understanding is revealed within the dwarf's eyes as he notices the tail, the chairs, puts it all together, and simply shrugs afterwards. Another bite of the calzone leaves a few crumbs in his beard, while a pull at the tankard results in some froth hanging on the dwarf's moustache.

The tea is served and a cup is placed in front of him on the table and Tronnar just stares at it for a long moment, setting his tankard down beside it and clearly comparing sizes, or more likely durability, due to the nature of the dwarf's thick fingers and hefty hand. To Mei, "Right, well I'll poke it and the like after I finish eating, unless you'd prefer now?" he notes, holding up a greasy hand from the calzone, swapping it over to his now free hand as he wipes his palm and fingers on his trouser leg. A look to Seyardu as she takes point and he shrugs, "Aye, spose we could poke it now," a sigh.

After a moment he grunts, slapping the calzone down on the table, where it's hot innards slowly begin to ooze out onto the surface as he pushes himself off his chair and wanders over to Mei and Seryadu, looking over the man, "Both legs, or just one was needing healing?" He shrugs and before he gets an answer, he'll simply reach out with both hands and poke firmly at each of the man's upper thighs.

Mei quickly sets his cup aside, then laughs a bit uncomfortably when the dwarf wanders over and starts poking him in the leg. "Ah! Just the one needed healing. Though you should have seen me I was quite a wreck at the beginning." He chuckles lightly, but there's a darkness in his eyes that makes it no laughing matter and he waves the pair off a little so he can roll up the pant of his right leg and show off his very healthy-looking limb. "As you can see though, it broke right there and it's fine now." He points to the middle of his lower leg and he's not smiling anymore.

GAME: Tronnar rolls heal: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Seyardu rolls heal: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)

The little red knight remains seated. Her tea has arrived, as has some cheese scones. She casually picks one up and bumps it into her mask. Right. This must be saved for later.

She avoids leaning over to peer under the table, although she does listen to the examination. As this proceeds, she attempts to spare Mei's dignity by overlooking the direct questions. She's been a healer, she's been in need of healing attention. She's used to it.

"I have the things I was wondering, if you are up to the answering." Paenitia says, her voice goes soft, "It can need the time. I understand." Then her voice goes conspiratorial, "the women adventurers, they like the scars. You have the good story there my friend."

"This is true, the scars are a sign of strength, even amongst my people." Seyardu chuckles, squinting at the leg. "Yet I can not tell if it did scar or not, it may blend in too much for me."

The silver sith-makar shakes her head, and steps away. "It looks fine as far as I can tell. But I am not the best with physical examinations, I will be the first to say. It is hard enough to tell when softskins are embarrassed, or they simply were bludgeoned in the face."

"Right, well you're fine, you don't squeel like a stuck pig, so that's somethin'. You be a bit on the skinny side there though, probably something to do with the tea. Be seein' you drink properly and eat, right..." Tronnar waves his hand to the calzone indicating what right 'could be,' perhaps even 'should be' as the dwarf gives a meaningful glance to emphasize the point. He shakes his head at Paenitia's conspiratorial comment, "Pshaw don' you be listen' to her, they like the beards, don't let anyone tell ya different." He nods, sage wisdom now passed on free of charge, a glance to Paenitia with a wink. A gruff chuckle at Seyardu's comments and the dwarf grunts before moving away from the table, off to the side of the tea house to grab a stool, bringing it back as he drops it beside Seryadu. "There, can't eat with you looming and all," he tells her by way of an explanation. He then returns to his chair and picks up his food, wiping the errant cheese and sauce off the surface with his elbow, before taking a bite and slapping his belly below his breastplate, "Beards, and stature," he offers in addition.

Mei has the grace to look embarrassed at the topic of conversation, and he's glad to lower his pant leg to cover his limb once more. He almost immeidately picks up his tea once again, holding it in his hands for warmth and then nodding to Paenitia. "As you will, I'm happy to answer your questions if you think that it might help." His black eyes are heavy with thought now, but he seems determined to continue on in spite of the fact that perhaps the events are a little recent in memory.

Paenitia laughs at Tronnar, "That is true, even I have the beard!" She taps the thin line on the chin of her mask, and winks back. Her long lashes and the dark skin of her eyelid briefly visible through the mask's eye-hole. She waves a hand at the 'stature' comment, "you are all the over-size, one day you see the advantage of being right-sized."

The little lucht sits back in her tall chair, her very tall chair that is most assuredly not for children, with a satisfied huff. She does not kick her feet. Her tea gets a straw and that is slipped under her mask for a sip. "So, we rescue the devil from the dungeon of that tower, and put her in the other dungeon. She say there is two group, hers and the others, and that she lose the fight."

She looks at Seyardu, facing her with her mask, then back at Mei, "The devil ask us for mercy, but we think she not give much to you or you friends. The outsiders, they do not get the trials. You have describe the attack, but maybe there are the more details? That we can recognize the devil we get, know if there reasons to offer mercy or not."

Another glance at the silverscale, a questioning nod. This is a thing they wish to know, yes?

Seyardu takes the stool with a grateful nod, and another nod is given to Paenitia after she speaks.

"Thank you for the assistance, your leg should be fine. I will write a report afterwards so they will not address it again. But yes, this is a concern. We did not get a chance to speak, after returning from that tower."

From poking legs, to drinking and eating, to questioning about devils and attacks, Tronnar was following along right up until that last part right there. He notices the interaction between the silverscale and the lucht and so refrains from asking for clarification, though the desire is clearly there in his eyes. Instead he silences himself with more eating, chewing, and drinking, contented noises coming from his place at the table. Noises that are completely counter to the traditional type found in a tea house.

When Seryadu mentions she will write the report, the dwarf quickly grabs his tankard and raises it up, leaning over and clanking it against her tea cup, the chip was always there, honest. "That's a great plan," he exclaims and nods in content. Drinking and eating will take over his functions, but he'll continue to listen, curious to see what it is that he has missed, having only recently arrived.

Mei's mien darkens and darkens. "They..." His grip tightens on his cup and it almost seems as if he might break the delicate china. "They don't /deserve/ mercy. I don't know what details to give you. They tortured us. My comrades and me. They /enjoyed/ it. Keeping us alive so that they could torment us longer. I wouldn't suffer a single one of them to live. They should all.." He bites his lip to keep from saying anything harsher and stares at his tea.

The Dark Lucht listens attentively, watching Mei, sitting still. No actions that would challenge or demean his statements. Only a nod, as she considers them, fits them in with what she already knows. Finally she says, "This is what I think too."

A careful exhale. "There are more details, I catch you both up so the same book and verse is read."

"We find the thing. The couple things. We can explain the more detail, if you wish to join with us in this task. It is in safe hands." A glance towards Seyardu, "Be ware this will bring you against the devils you face before. Also," a glance at his attire, the man's sword, "Adventurers are not the welcome folk in Alexandria, now. I am used to be the outlaw. It is no shame to step aside."

Her head turns, her grinning mask facing Tronnar now, and she taps a gloved hand to the brim of her hat, "The same warning for you, and the quick catch up. Mei's injury he get from a group of devils attack his party. They go to see this tower that appear in a farmer field. We go, and it have some devils in, that we fight, and the injured Ashwing devil."

There's a pause, the little Lucht looks at Mei, then down at the table. Scones are interesting again, one is folded in a napkin and slipped into a pouch, "She ask for help. It hard to tell what she is, even the race, the torture was so great. They do to her what they do to you. We bring her back in the somewhat ill advise rescue."

"The tower is still there, though other adventurers go? I am unsure." Her head lifts and she looks around, as if confirmation is on the walls, "the devil recover and the Arcanists, do not like to keep her. So something must be done."

"The object in question is elsewhere, in safe hands." Seyardu adds when Paenitia mentions what was found."

Seyardu explains. The talk of how to treat the erinyes makes her sigh though. "We can not stoop to the level of the fiends, but also, they were summoned here in a way that does not tie their corporeal for to Ea. So slaying them would send them back."

"I can not condone their actions, but there is no need for them to be slain. A spell of banishment would work just as well, and force them off this plane."

She turns to the dwarf, and nods. "The adventurer's guild is not held in good regards of late, so we must handle things carefully. I heard of another expedition, but know little about it, save for a few things found. I will tell you more another time Paenitia, in a safer location."

Tronnar follows along as the lucht explain the situation in words that he can understand. Crumbs and froth continue to accumulate in and on his beard as the dwarf finishes his calzone and eventually empties the tankard with a deep satisfied exhale. Wiping his hands on his trouser legs again, he finally reaches for the tea cup, hands daintily holding it, cradling it really for dwarf fingers and handle will only spell disaster. He'll take a small sip of the tea and then make a face behind the beard. He holds onto the cup a few moments longer before inconspicuously (he hopes) placing it back on the table.

Avoiding tea for now, the dwarf listens and nods his head at Seyardu's words, "Quite, one thing, a few questions on the field of battle before putting down a foe, but once a prisoner, there's a bit less in the way of flexibility that doesn't fall into more grey areas..." he agrees. "If Banishment is a solution, it would seem the best in this case, though it's not my case, nor decision to be makin', just pointin out that your legs are fine, and that you should eat more," the way he looks to the door suggests he's thinking about doing that himself as well.

Mei nods to these explanations. He doesn't really understand the oblique references, but he doesn't question them either. Particularly not once Seyardu expressed that she thinks that this location might not be safe to speak in. He shakes his head though, and finally sets his tea down. "Did you have other questions for me? About either of the towers?"

"True." Paenitia nods to Tronnar, "She yield, and test the limits of my vows. Banishment I think is what we should do."

She looks up, at Mei, "Wait, two towers? We only visit the one, and there is illusion about it. There is a second? The one we find have a crumbled top with small flying devils, and the stairs down to underground. A room of summons and a torture chamber."

"There was no dungeon of treasures beneath it, like you tell us when we visit you." The Red Knight clarifies, "We thought you not get in, that was only rumour."

The mention of a second tower makes one of Seyardu's brows raise slightly, and she squints at Mei. "There is another tower, I believe I heard some of it, but not specifics." She admits.

"They asked for assistance when imprisoned, so I had to do so within reason. And there was hope of what could be learned. Which was not too much, but there was some. They do not like speaking to mortals, for certain."

"Yes, there was very little in terms of things inside the tower itself. I am curious as to what is actually the purpose of it, but I do not know if it can be discerned."

Tronnar was going to excuse himself, but now there's more to be told and he can't help but notice the intrigue and curiosity of the other two whom know more than him, so clearly he does what he must. That is to say that Tronnar settles back into his chair, crossing his arms over his chest, though that pushes up his beard in such a way that he's able to notice the crumbs. He rumbles a sigh and preoccupies himself with wiping the crumbs out of his beard with his hand and the back of his sleeve.

He looks up, between the three and from each to another to see if there's more to be learned and no one has kicked him out just yet, so he'll be nosey. "Towers and tricks, this be interestin', what of the second tower?" he asks, he's known all about what they're talking about, honest. The dwarf is terrible at both subtlety and lying.

"Halani encouraged me to go when I learned tell of a second tower. We gathered a small group together and headed to investigate it. There, we found the balor Eclavdran and were able to stymie him though... We nearly died in the process. I think in truth we irritated him by destroying something that we found there." Mei shrugs. "There was some kind of dread alter within a hidden room, and when Halani destroyed it he became infuriated and left. Aya said that she thought that perhaps he was still recovering from her having killed him before. Though he seemed lively enough to me." A thin smile here.

"Ah! This is the news." Paenitia eagerly leans forward, "I have been warned of him." A glance towards Tronnar, "by the Silverguard. Eclavdran, he is the bad news."

The Dark Lucht's focus returns to Mei, nodding, "Some things come back like the bad coin. Death is for the rest of us. So, this dread altar, it have signs to which god it dedicated? The destruction is good. This tower completely explore, or it need more looking at?"

She taps thoughtfully at the table, "I do not know these names, Halani, Aya, they are strong adventurers like you, or the beginning ones?"

"This altar, it is good that it was destroyed, their devices should not be left to work in our world." Seyardu nods, glancing to Paenitia before she is back to focusing on Mei. She does her best to hide her concern at mention of the monk. "They are a strange fiend to be infuriated as such. But they are strange in many of their actions, so this one can not even begin to say they understand them."

The makari sighs and reaches to take her cup of teas and sip on it. "Eclair, they are bad news indeed. They should be avoided if encountered, and even that is not a guarantee."

GAME: Paenitia rolls sense motive: (18)+11: 29

The dwarf remains quiet, he's still new to this and they're talking about things that he's trying to follow, but he's three ales short of a coherent thought and so he remains quiet. Tronnar does however notice another bit of cheese that was missed on the table top from his earlier placement of food, and so he casually scoots the teacup over to hide it. Done, he nods to himself and then goes back to listening. "Aside from banishment, was there a weakness that they have?" he asks, finally able to note something into the conversation.

"I didn't recognize it as being a thing to a specific deity?" Mei offers, his voice thoughtful. He seems deep in consideration now however. "Thinking back it didn't have any markings on it like that it was belonging to one of the evil gods, it was... a horrible thing though. Made of human parts and... it almost seemed /alive/. Covered in blood and... I'm no priest. I'm not the sort to ask about that sort of thing." He sighs in disappointment at himself.

"We survived against him though, and that's no small feat. In my eyes it's thanks to the others that I lived. Halani herself saved my life more than once. Blocking blows meant for me." Mei looks down again, seeming humbled and yet angry that this was so. "I felt so useless in the face of him, but... If we do nothing then he wins right?" He looks up, black eyes determined.

This said he looks at the dwarf, thinking a moment and then shrugging. "Mostly powerful magics are how you defeat creatures like Eclavdran. Magic, and using whatever it is that they want against them. For he comes to this world for a reason; do not doubt that."

GAME: Tronnar rolls Knowledge/Religion: (18)+7: 25
GAME: Seyardu rolls knowledge/religion: (8)+8: 16

The Red Knight has been carefully watching the ivy covered man, noting his expressions, his manner, what he says, how he says it, the tiny expressions the flicker across his face. There's a reason she wears a mask; she reads him.

And finds he has been honest. The only instance he seemed to hold back was regarding the Ashwings, likely unwilling to upset the others with how much he hates the thing. With good reason, as he details the ugly altar. Her eyes widen, she is once again glad the Smiling Man hides her thoughts and fears.

"Ha! Yes, all it take is for the good man to do nothing. Or the good woman." Paenitia laughs, forcing herself to, then delays by taking another sip of tea, "I am told he want the Silverguard. I am not sure what else, I do not think that the only goal. The revenge on Silvermoon, perhaps. The mage Mikilos tell the history after we defeat the risen horde present of his."

There's a long sip of tea after that. "I do not have the magics, powerful or otherwise. I hit the things and stop the things hitting the powerful magic users." She waves a gloved hand, "it the upward strike, but this too I am used to. Do not listen to the feeling of useless Mei, it come for us all at different times."

"They do enjoy such abominable creations, this has been made abundantly clears." Seyardu notes. "It is good it was destroyed, at the very least. but, as for what to be done? This one, does not have an idea."

The silver makari sighs. "If Mikilos and Cesran can do nothing, then this one does not know what can be done. Perhaps something but, this one is not the one to figure it out."

Tronnar hmmms, nodding thanks to Mei's explanation, but then will look to Seyardu as he has a dim-bulb moment while his eyes sparkle, "Bones, effifies in the shapes of altars, a defacement, or even more worrisome, a wicked mockery. There's passages about demons whom are powerful enough, whom flout their wills at the gods, and instead claim right to be worshipped. This has happened in the records, and from what's been shared, this would seem to possible?" The Dwarf's gruff attitude melts away for a moment as the light of the scholar within does shine to the fore. "Has this been something discussed, or queried?" he asks of those present before reaching up to stroke his beard in a more thoughtful manner.

"I would need to search the archives as well as likely see this altar, or pieces of it if it has already been destroyed," he offers, looking for reactions from those present. At Paenttia's words, Tronnar chuckles, "Aye, now I've taken a shining to smacking a few heads with my warhammer and its not lead me astray so far," he agrees with an affectionate pat of his hand upon the weapon so explained at his hip. He'd almost missed it, the comment about not having the magics, and then Tronnar's staring a little harder at the little lucht, "Aye..." the word strung out, disbelief sort of hanging in it, a note of concern, "Most holy knights have their own ways of dealing with such things..." he adds, and it almost sounds like a question.

Mei nods to Paenitia after a moment, seeming to take himself to task and listening intently to the words of the others. Particularly to Tornnar who gets a flicker of surprise from Mei. The man stares at the dwarf and then Mei drinks his tea quite suddenly. Gulping it down as if it were alcohol rather than tea. "Stars save us! A demon worshiped as a god?" He stares at his cup as if wondering how it got empty and shudders. "The alter is... gone as far as I know, but..."

Here he hesitates again and takes a deep breath to steady himself. "I have been keeping my feelers out in the adventuring community. For more of those towers. It seems that there's one that's come up in Charn, but rather than tear it down the locals are... using it. I've heard of them ritualistically sacrificing people at the location. Even the locals avoid it because the priests have taken it over."

"They are." Paenitia confirms, nodding slowly, "hm, the third tower in Charn. Okay, that the big piece of the puzzle."

She adjusts herself on her seat, then stands on it, so she has an easier time pointing. She looks between Mei and Tronnar as she elaborates, "There is the cult, that worship Eclavdran's consort. Maraiel. They have the statues of her they carry. She very fertile." The Red Knight traces a round shape in the air.

"If you see, do not touch, they take over the mind." Paenitia cautions, "They also make the dead cultists stand up and fight again. She talk through them to you. These cultists, they make the statues, of people. Send to Charn."

"This way, they sneak around the anti slavery rules. Friend Dragon and I, we save some, but we are not fast enough to save them all." Her voice becomes ominous, "Lord Altay full of falsehoods regarding these, plays the innocent fool, has the warehouse full of petrify people, now gone. Now dead. He should be shorter."

The Dark Lucht thumps back down in her seat, tilting her mask towards Tronnar, "You do not know the Laughing Coyote? Tarien, the Silver Knight, companion to Angoron, that poke him for being too dour? Whose priests is called the Luckbringers, the Inquisitors the Tricksters? That has the ever changing maze inside you get lost trying to find the altar?"

The little knight chuckles, "Tarien is having the laugh, he think the other holy knights too pampered. They should fight harder. Not so serious."

Seyardu listens, and nods to what Paenitia is stating. "The statues are dangerous to touch, yes. If you have to deal with them, have a priest on hand, and ward yourself prior to doing so." She warns. And then a low growl comes to her voice. "Yes, there are those here who think little of what is going on in Charn. And the guard will turn a blind eye to them. This is why the adventurer's guild is being questioned of late, so we must all be on our best behaviour so the guards paid off by the nobles do not find more reason to cause trouble."

"Cults, and those whom aid in facilitating such things through control of the mind, I believe what you have is a deadline. The more of these altars that are created, the more the demon is worshipped, the stronger it will become," Tronnar shares with the gathered group. "It sounds like your adventurers are side-lined with their current situation, and the temples, I do not know what happened, but I have only heard that they were recently re-opened?" he asks this in a way that makes it clear such an answer is less important than that of which they are currently speaking.

"If one were forming a response, it would seem that those with divine protection and resistance to mind control should be present within the parties that go out to deal with such things. Paladins and the Priests of the goodly aligned gods and goddesses should likely have the strength and faith to present a strong resistance to such things," the first of the groups mentioned has Trannor looking at Paenitia with a suspicious eye. Yes 'suspicious.'

As Seyardu mentions being part of the Adventuring guild, things click into place and Tronnar takes a breath, holding back whatever else he was going to say for a moment, clearly re-evaluating his words and line of thought. "Dealing with demons is serious and tricks and games can often cause more harm than one ever initially intends..." Tronnar remarks quietly, still not convinced.

"We must be cautious and wise." Offers Mei, his expression shadowed. "I will help however I can. Is there anything further that I can do for you now? Other questions I might answer or information I might share?"

Paenitia stares at Tronnar for a little bit, her smouldering eyes intense behind the mask. The masculine, crazed mask with a smile that's unsettlingly wide. A face that suggests insanity.

"Mei, if you sure the source is good, then we need the details on the Charn location." The Red Knight switches her attention, "Mayhap there adventurers that want the tasks outside the city."

She laughs suddenly, genuinely amused, "Perhaps we can be blamed for starting the war with Charn too." She slaps her knee, it's a knee-slapper. Of course.

"I deal with the demons, the faeries, the steak eating monkey, the undead, the rooms full of time, the banditos, the oppressive nobles, even the gnolls." She pats at her silver sword, "the solution is always, hit harder."

"Yes, we should know where this tower is, what they are doing." Seyardu notes, then sighs. "If I can go, that is, but I would still like to know."

The talk makes her shake her head.

"It is not a matter of being cautious and wise. It is a fact, no matter what happens, it can and will be held against you, or will be simply ignored. Be careful, just know that there are those actively seeking to discredit the guild."

"You're too skinny and too sober to tell me where the best drink and food are in this town," Trannor replies to the man, giving him a nod of his chin exaggerated lest the gesture be hidden by the depth and breadth of the dwarf's beard. "Though I think it would behoove all to keep a hard ear to the ground for any whispers and signs of more of these cults and altars, and to keep the rest informed," he notes as a suggestion.

The sudden maniacal moment from the short and light one has Tronnar arching a brow and reaching over to casually move cups and drinks away from the direct space of Paenitia, "Yes... yes... you hit harder," he nods to her, and glances towards Seyardu, looking for answers to the madness, or anything really, though her words don't help to alleviate the worries of a crazy person brewing in their midst and so the dwarf does the next best thing, he gets vacate post haste, "Whelp, you offered to write the report, which means I've a free afternoon to take care of well... things," he announces, mysterious... things.

He slides off the chair and settles onto the ground with a hardy thump that can be felt through the floor, even setting the cups to tinking about on the table. "If'n ya have need of my hammer, shield, or a little divine intervention, be seeking me out at the temple of Altea, I'll leave a note there should I be elsewhere," he shares with the group, then will exit, should nothing prevent it.

"I'll put in a request at the guild." Says Mei decisively. "For a mission to the location. And if they do not take it seriously I'll look for volunteers." With that he draws himself out of his seat. "It seems I have some work to do, ensuring that I have the proper location for the tower and such. So if you don't mind, I'll be on my way. I hope to see you all again soon." He flashes a smile and heads for the door after the dwarf. He pays for the tea on the way out.

"Ok! That the good idea." Paenitia waves, as both Tronnar then Mei abandon the table. That leaves her alone with Seyardu, and the little lucht turns her ever grinning mask towards the silverscale. She tilts her head to the side, calling out as the two men reach the door, "beware the Peacock!"

They'll understand in a moment.

She kicks her feet, swinging her legs in the chair and pulling another scone over to wrap it up and slip into a pouch, "I have the new armour coming. It will not crush easy."

She takes another sip of tea.

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