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Clearly, Ashlee was true to her word: Blar is not kind to those who stand out.
Clearly, Ashlee was true to her word: Blar is not kind to those who stand out.
Elyanna looks to the Mourner with a considerate eye, then absently asides as she scratches at the nape of her neck, "Then there is the hope that the plan works in the first place."5r5rShe steps up to accept the crossbow, "I'll treat it properly." she affirms softly, to affirm Ashlee's trust isn't misplaced.
Elyanna looks to the Mourner with a considerate eye, then absently asides as she scratches at the nape of her neck, "Then there is the hope that the plan works in the first place."
She steps up to accept the crossbow, "I'll treat it properly." she affirms softly, to affirm Ashlee's trust isn't misplaced.
It may be time to do some more shooting and throwing. Three rocks at the statue, which ones will it bless?
It may be time to do some more shooting and throwing. Three rocks at the statue, which ones will it bless?
[[Category:Unfinished Duet]]

Latest revision as of 02:22, 8 March 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Three Rocks at the Statue
  • Emitter: Delilah
  • Characters: Delilah, Donna, Ashes, Elyanna
  • Place: Underground: Magus Ectra N'Garra's Manse
  • Time: Monday, May 17, 2021, 9:08 PM
  • Summary: The Valethor gang and Lerethil follow Lady Reginald, the skeleton deep underground. Three hours of walking an ensorcelled path, to arrive at a bridge which ends in a floating manse. Reginald keeps going, approaching an alabaster statue of a nude woman, human, in chains. The skeleton is blasted by a green beam, a modified disintegrate spell. This stops the gang and their... aide in their tracks. They speculate various ways of getting past while Ashes elaborates on the fine details of Disintegrate. The stock version. Donna pitches stones, and they discover the stones will trigger it, aren't destroyed, and it can't fire so quickly as to hit all of them. So it might be possible to slip by. They ponder this course of action.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Donna        5'4"     106 Lb     Human             Female    A black-haired human girl in black robes.
Delilah      5'4"     106 Lb     Human             Female    A golden haired human girl in white robes.
Ashes        5'11"    177 Lb     Hobgoblin         Female    A somber arvec in grey clothes with a skull face
Elyanna      5'11"    153 Lb     Half-Orc          Female    A grim, Arvek-blooded woman in raven feathers. 

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  NPCs of Note  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Lerethil                         Half-elf          Female    A trader with questionable connections.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Delilah      5'4"     106 Lb     Human             Female    A golden haired human girl in white robes.

As the party, with Lerethil, fall into step behind Reginald the skeleton, they learn one thing very quickly; Ectra's Manse is not just a hop skip and a jump away. It appears that the Illithid Magus picked a meeting spot that was not anywhere near where she actually lives.

In point of fact, it's a good three hours walk away; and none of it over open ground. The first thing Reginald does is retreat into a spiral staircase -- treacherous with steps overgrown with moss and slime, but navigable -- that takes everyone deep into the earth. What follows is a treck through a maze of catacombs, which are actually lit in some places with flickering mage lights that cast a pallid illumination on carved stone walls and stacks upon stacks of bones; skeletons either complete or... cataloged. At one point Reginald's lower jaw falls off, and the skeleton grinds to a halt, stooping to pick it up and spending several minutes on attempting to reattach it, before simply placing it (with some reverence) on the golden tray and carrying onwards.

Eventually, the catacombs open out onto a deep, yawning chasm; the type that you can't see to the bottom of. A crumbling stone bridge crosses perhaps fifty feet of distance to where an island of rock floats in the air, with what can only be described as a small, granite palace built upon it; though it looks more like it was poured there than built.

"The Manse, I presume," Delilah observes as they get close, and Reginald just keeps going onto the bridge. "So, I mean, I suggest that at no point should we cast Dispell Magic. I feel like that would lead to bad things happening."

"Seconded," Donna mutters, eyeing the bridge as a starving person might eye an abandoned, half-eaten meat pie; want tempered with the knowledge that it'd be a bad idea in many ways. "But now the idea of traps has got me *seriously* worried. Cos what's the simplest way o' dealin' with people who ain't supposed to be on your floatin' castle, when you're too dead to care?"

Ashes has been casting Detect Magic the whole time. It's become an automatic rote for her, the moment the glow starts to fade from her eyes she taps her breastplate and mumbles, "Feiu of the Tears, let me see."

This eventually contracts to, "Let me see," then "see." It imparts an extra eerie aspect to her. Not only does she naturally have an uncomfortable aura reminiscent of the grave, when she is surrounded by actual skeletons, this becomes hard to ignore. As well as her tattoo markings. She seems at times almost a skeleton herself, following the first with an ultraviolet fire burning in her eye-sockets.

Primarily she's looking for traps, although around is nice. The view of the bridge and the manse is likewise spectacular. "If the bridge is the front entrance, do you see the side?" She asks in monotone.

Then cautions, "Don't let Lady Reginald get too far ahead."

So, this is undergruond...

Elyanna walks with her buckler and lash at the ready, examining the decor with a sort of clinical curiosity, though she is also looking for signs of damage, hints of past trespass. The pause of the skeletop is noted with some veiled annoyance, quickly tamped as the trek resumes. She looks to Delilah, "I do not have that spell." she notes with a shrug, her voice low, "Traps may be only part of our problems, we should speak softly."

Delilah turns a lopsided grin towards Elyanna, "Me neither," she replies, "But, just in case, I kinda thought we should make it clear up front, yeah? No dispelling. All problems to be otherwise handled here on out, just to make sure we don't accidentally dispell the rock-float gizmo."

To Ashes' eyes, with detect magic on repeat, the catacombs were certainly well laced with the stuff; something dormant, a shadowy enchantment, but definitely still there. The same, shadowy style of magic surrounds the floating island as well, obscuring itself in the process of making itself known to her sight.

It seems that Ectra was a skilled enchantress, and left knots that were most difficult to unravel.

"Yes, but definitely keep up with Reginald," Lerethil agrees, and makes to keep up with the automaton. "I mean, really, how bad could it be?"

About halfway across the bridge, standing in the middle is a humanoid figure, clutching a tall staff; and as the party approaches, it resolves into view as... a statue, carved from white marble. A nude human woman with a bowed head, wrists and ankles manacled, clutching a tall staff tipped with an emerald. As Reginald approaches the emerald flares to brilliance and a green beam blasts the skeleton, having... absolutely no effect on it, other than to make the air smell of ozone. Reginald just keeps walking past.

GAME: Ashes rolls knowledge/arcana: (6)+16: 22
GAME: Ashes rolls knowledge/religion: (17)+16: 33
GAME: Ashes rolls spellcraft: (10)+10: 20
GAME: Donna rolls knowledge/arcana: (3)+10: 13
GAME: Donna rolls spellcraft: (7)+10: 17

The statue doesn't seem to be a religious figure of any sort. She's just a woman with nothing on but manacles. HOWEVER. The spell: it's a modified version of Disintegrate, in that it doesn't seem to kill skeletons.

The Mourner is fascinated by the darkly woven enchantment she's observed the whole way, revealed by her spell, yet obscured also. Clearly the egotistical mollusc was not entirely unfounded in her self-esteem. She maintains her vigilant observation as Lady Reginald crosses the bridge, and passes the statue.

A statue that once again challenges her standards of beauty. She shakes her head slightly, best not to dwell on that. She does examine the statue in detail, the face primarily. Other parts she's less likely to recognize or encounter. Although it crosses her mind that some of this involved the Black Diamond. Could this be one of those dancers? No, too old now, it would have to be the madame. It's a line of thinking she metaphorically attempts to toss off the bridge. Merek spent more time with the working girls, he would have a better chance of recognizing... something.

"Do you think that's Veren?"

Elyanna draws up at the beam washing over Lady Reginald(Regina? Reginalinda?), holding her arms to either side to try and dissuade the others from continuing into it's reach. LIke her countryman, the Keeper considers the statue, noting the contours and adornments with equal purpose, then looking to Delilah for a quick structural comparison, as complexion's out.

"I am uncertain if that would make things better or worse." she remarks dryly.

"...What in the *hells* was that?" Donna whispers, tugging back on Delilah's shoulder as the beam lances out. "...Okay so, there's th'first trap... An' I don't even know what it is, 'cept it ain't worried 'bout deadstuff."

"It's not religious. Just a human woman wearing nothing but manacles." Ashlee says in monotone. That's obvious, she's repeated the obvious. This might seem like she's fixated, but rarely has she cared what others think. She did notice where Elyanna's attention went. She adjusts her hold on her satchel strap. Chippen, around her neck as a choker, runs a circle then settles down.

"The spell is a modified disintegrate. It won't destroy skeletons." Skeleton tattoos, those are a grey area, much like the ashen Arvec. "Could be a good way to become one. Shooting or whipping the gem out might work."

Unless there's some wildly acrobatic alternative route. Ashlee briefly imagines swinging through the darkness like a bat, on a wire. Very improbable. She's not an action adventurer.

Lerethil grinds to a halt the moment Ashes mentions the word 'disintegrate', and backpedals a good two feet, "Well, that seems remarkably unnecessary," she observes, and tries to play it cool as she wipes a bead of sweat off her forehead.

Delilah, for her part, doesn't need to be tugged back by Donna, she's on her way to stand behind her sister anyway. "That was..." she glances sideways and points forwards Ashes, "Yes, disintegrate. Ashes is right now that she mentions it." Delilah ahems softly. "So... Yeah, so we don't want to get closer than Reginald there was to the statue before it zaps us into our next life. ...Anyone got any rope? Or something?" she looks at Lerethil, "Did you bring rope?"

"No, I did not," the elf replies, effecting an irritated tone. "I'm not a pack mule, I have people for that."

Elyanna has, to some measure, tried such alternative transportation. Interestingly, the sisters were there to see the results of that.

She turns to Ashes as she makes her appraisals and nods, drawing her hand back and allowing Maidenhead to uncoil.

"I have a knife with rope in it, or I can try and pull the statue down with Maidehead."

"I have a Goblin Army Knife too, cavalry model, but it has rope." Ashlee adds. Rope, and so many hoof-picks. She straightens suddenly, it might help, it might not. She touches her breastplate, "Feiu of the Tears, let me see invisible things."

Her eyes take on an even stranger glow. She gazes around, "What about using the rope to move past it under the bridge?"

It doesn't sound like a good idea the moment she voices it. Still, it had to be asked.

"...Got a couple things I wanna see before we try an' cross," Donna says slowly, frowning at the impact point on the bridge. "Anyone up for a bit of experimentin'?"

"What did you have in mind?" Ashes asks, curious, even though she doesn't sound like it.

"So okay," Donna says, dropping to an easy squat in place, drawing a line in the sandy rock with one finger. "We saw one blast, cos one skeleton, an' it didn't do nothin' to it. An' I ain't never seen magic get twisted on that level. So... figure it's worth seein' if there's limits to the spell. First thing I need's a double handful o' rocks."

Delilah leans over Donna's shoulder, to watch what she's drawing in the sandy debris that covers the bridge. "I think I see what you're planning," she murmurs. "I mean, it's worth a shot, definitely."

"Well I don't see it." Lerethil shrugs, and kicks a rock with the side of her foot to send it tumbling to within range of Donna. "But I feel like anything is better than playing Tazik of the Jungle under the bridge. That sounds entirely too physical for me." She pauses, and points at Delilah, "And her, for that matter."

"Hey!" comes the indignant complaint from Delilah.

"It doesn't affect things." Ashlee says, recalling a long lecture on the subject. One that went on and on. She starts to nod automatically as she recalls more details, "Wait. It depends. There are a lot of conditions."

She looks around for a stone, finds one and hands it to Donna, "It will be a good test."

"It is not as much fun without crocodiles." Elyanna remarks dryly toward the merchant. With a shrug, she looks to Donna and the others, considering what's been put forth, then arches an eyebrow at Ashlee, "Conditions?"

"Equipment of a disintegrated creature doesn't disintegrate." Ashlee states in monotone, "Equipment directly targeted can be, up to 10 cubic feet of non-living contiguous matter. Walls of force, completely insubstantial, also count as matter, but not antimagic fields, which are insubstantial effects."

She frowns a little, "Only the first creature or thing struck can be affected. But there is a minimum size limit, otherwise it could be effectively stopped by the first grain of sand in a thrown handful."

"It's a ray, but somehow it knows a collection of things around a person is the equipment, because striking the entity not getting past its armour is required, and it disintegrates the person instead of their petticoat." The Mourner finishes, "Which suggests some intelligence, either in the caster or the spell."

She stares at the statue some more.

"...Good to know," Donna says, nodding thoughtfully as she sketches a second line across the top of the first. "Right now, big questions are motion, size, an' firin' speed. Spells that big, like as not they're gonna take energy. So... See what the minimum size is, then start testin' charge speed. See if we can slip in between shots?"

The proffered rocks are taken, each with a nod and a smile. "Perfect t'start with."

Elyanna seems dubious about this, but it's soecery beyond her ken. Though, for the moment seeming that her weapons won't be needed, she coils the lash and folds her arms beneath her cloak, taking up a watch of sorts, ears perked, peepers peeled while the others test the boundaries of the magic.

For Science!

With her arms full of rocks, Donna creeps up to the edge of the bridge; just in case the former owner's defenses are more... proactive... than previously observed. First, she chooses the smallest stone, one that can more accurately be called a pebble, and lobs it in a low arc toward the other side.

The second the pebble is in range, the green gem flares to life and zaps the little rock in passing; but it doesn't change its directory, nor, as it turns out, does it destroy the rock, which lands on the other side and skitters across the bridge.

"Okay, so it doesn't blow up rocks," Delilah observes. "I mean I guess that makes sense, wouldn't want to crater your own bridge I guess. But I mean, seems like a stone golem could get past here pretty easily."

If only someone here were a stone golem, then.

"Slipping between shots feels, I don't know, horrifying?" the sorceress adds. "But I'll grant, less scary than getting disintigrated. I don't want to see Ectra again today."

Elyanna considers the matter a moment, then, "It's a shame we can't just summon a barrier of stone and stroll past." <goblin-talk>

She looks to the others, "Will the beam pass through a cloak?" A sonnet for a tower shield!

"She would laugh." Ashlee states humourlessly. She continues to stare at the staff, the gem. "Could you Mage Hand and wiggle that out?"

That's not one of the spells she prepared today. Nor invisible servant, which also likely couldn't do much, but would have been amusing to watch carry rocks about.

"The bridge isn't wide enough for obscuring mists to hide us fully."

She continues to stare a little more, and says something unthinkable. Shocking! Transgressive and Taboo. "I could summon my magic horse. Maybe it would count as the first creature and substantial enough to shield you as you run behind."

"Good ideas," Donna mutters, picking another, larger stone, "but let's see if we can learn a lil bit more than one pebble can tell us..." Winding up, she hurls another stone across the bridge. Then another and another, in rapid succession.

Throwing three stones in rapid succession yields results; and it turns out that Donna's hunch was correct, and there might just be time to slip in between the beams. The evil green gem does blast the first rock, and the third one, but the second one flies through the air without challenge.

Ectra's traps, it seems, may have been fiendish, but are not perfect.

"Well that doesn't give a lot of time," Lerethil points out. She stands at the edge of the beam's range, arms folded across her chest. "So... what, we just... run for it? One at a time or all in a big squad?" The merchant tilts her gaze towards Elyanna, "Is it always like this? Formulating some sort of plan and then literally staking your life and... flesh on it?"

Ashlee thinks carefully about that question. She ponders her adventuring experience, and her military training. And goblins. Must factor goblins in. She's forced to shake her head, "No. Sometimes there is no plan, just rushing in."

"I think one at a time. The first one past can help throw rocks from the other side." Might be a good idea to pick up some rocks then. The ashen Arvec makes a short, quick search to find a few more.

Whatchoo talkin' bout, Ashes?

The notion raised by Ashlee, a cavalry officer, of sacrificing her horse, even a summoned one, takes the Keeper briefly aback.

"Perhaps I may borrow your crossbow?" Elyanna asks, not entirely sure the Mourner is still packing it at this point. She's had a lot on her mind.

The question from Lerethil gets a snort and a shake of the head, "Hardly. There are days when I fervently wished for even a modicum of forethought. As to the rest..." her eyes lock to the merchant's, "whenever we venture forth, it is with the expectation that we will face danger. Perhaps that is why many adventurers are prone to.... quirks."

The results of the three round burst are interesting, though.

"It's not a real horse." Ashes says, defensively, sounding chagrined instead of her usual monotone. Perhaps this horse-flesh topic is a serious one. She takes her crossbow out of her satchel and holds it out for Elyanna to take.

"It's a spell horse. They wouldn't trust me with a real horse." The story deepens.

"Hrn," Donna muses, clearly unhappy that only one rock made it through unshot. "Yeah they got it right; if you're *lucky,* there's a plan. Half the time you're goin' in half-informed an' half-prepared, an sometimes you don't even get that. An' sometimes, you walk into the Grey Halls, an' come out t'see your mom's garden on fire."

Apparently the brawler holds the tiniest bit of a grudge over that."

She still has half an armload of rocks, though, and all of them get hurled out ar once in a narrow fan of debris. Catharsis *and* science, like chocolate and mashed peanuts.

Clearly, Ashlee was true to her word: Blar is not kind to those who stand out.

Elyanna looks to the Mourner with a considerate eye, then absently asides as she scratches at the nape of her neck, "Then there is the hope that the plan works in the first place."

She steps up to accept the crossbow, "I'll treat it properly." she affirms softly, to affirm Ashlee's trust isn't misplaced.

It may be time to do some more shooting and throwing. Three rocks at the statue, which ones will it bless?

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