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"Oh, thank you for telling me!" Sevanon says. "Though, I am not sure how much use we'd get out of it as a dwelling. I had an idea for a school, though. A place where orphans and other such wards of the kingdom may learn of the arts, and send those willing on to the Bardic College." <sildanyari>
"Oh, thank you for telling me!" Sevanon says. "Though, I am not sure how much use we'd get out of it as a dwelling. I had an idea for a school, though. A place where orphans and other such wards of the kingdom may learn of the arts, and send those willing on to the Bardic College." <sildanyari>
Morgan nods even more, "Well then, that home would be a bad place for that as it's too small, but in the theater district you would have some good places. I just don't know if the people of the area would like orphans to be around." <sildanyari>
Sevanon takes in the advice. "Good point about orphans, but then, who wants orphans around at all? That is why something must be done. They all have the potential inside of them to create beauty. I carry a responsibility to nurture that seed wherever it may be found. I'm sorry if that sounds melodramatic, but I was chosen for a reason, you know?" <sildanyari>
Morgan says a bit softly, "Well at least you will be giving them a trade and skills and getting them off the street. I have been feeding them some apples from a grove I know of, but apples alone are not enough." <sildanyari>
"It seems the ravages of war bring no shortage of children denied the chance to tend the spark within," Sevanon says, his voice solemn. "That is something those blessed with power and influence must work to counteract. If not orphans, then artists and their works must be protected. That, at least, is what I was chosen to defend." <sildanyari>
Morgan looks to the time, "Well, as an adopted kid myself, it's nice to see others wishing to do more. But I better go I have things to do before I go to bed." She gives a polite wave and moves at a good speed. <sildanyari>
[[Category:Logs|Sevanon Finds a Project]]
[[Category:Logs|Sevanon Finds a Project]]

Latest revision as of 06:19, 10 September 2018

Roleplay Nexus: Museum of Reflections

It's Eliday, Daeshen 09 22:35:48 1020. The full moon is up. The tide is low and slack. Cold rain falls from a grey-black sky without moon or stars. A raw wind blows from the east.

Ga'Elian sits facing a rose bush with his back to the mirror. He is stripped from the waist up, and barefoot and as still as though in a trance, except that he is humming. The tune is calm and repetitive.

Filling his back is an exquisitely inked tattoo depicting in magically animated grayscale the Great Stag of Gilead the Hunter standing boldly in front of the Ygdrassil Tree, gazing up at Eluna's full moon as the Tree's branches and leaves sway in a gusty breeze.

Sevanon eventually finds his way into this museum, drawn by tales of the architecture and artwork. He finds that here, of course, but also Ga'Elian. The depiction of the World Tree on the Wood Elf's back puts him in a pensive mood, and before long he too is looking up at the sky, contemplating it along with what he has seen. He doesn't bother his sylvan cousin. Not until he rouses himself from his reverie, anyway. The Dawn Elf also wants some time to think.

After some time passes, the ranger stops humming, puts his clenched fists down upon the floor, then slowly and with impeccable grace, lifts himself into a perfect handstand, his long hair dragging on the floor below him. The utter strength required by this maneuver shows in the flexing of his biceps and abdominals, and by the calm steady rhythm of his breathing. The move is sheer poetry in motion.

Sevanon is aware of Ga'Elian's feats of strength, and he looks over at the sylvan elf, contemplating the artistry behind his motions, while switching between him and the vista of the museum in the background. This is not a bad place to be if you're an artist!

Ga'Elian sets his feet down and stands. He looks at Sevanon and greets with "Inspiring place, is it not?" He bends down and picks up the shabby leather satchel next to where he was, opens it, and pulls out his tunic. He lifts it over his head and slips it onto his arms, then pulls it down onto his torso. <sildanyari>

Sevanon looks back to Ga'Elian. "Certainly is," he replies. "What is this place? It's beautiful, but it appears to have taken some damage, somehow." <sildanyari>

Morgan walks in to the area and says "Time and past wars, but over time this place will be brought up to its greatness." She takes note to the ballroom and says in a deep sigh-like voice, "The dances this place must have had." <sildanyari>

Ga'Elian is about to answer, but aborts at the sudden appearance of the wizard. He nods to her, then says, "Actually, it was only several months ago, this house, having been repurposed as a... a... a, um, place for displaying and preserving the memorial keepsakea of this culture. They were holding an event, open to all, in which the place was presented to the citizens, and the contibuting artisans were showing their masterpieces. In the course of the evening, a horde of wights erupted from the very walls and rushed through the event, dstroying things and threatening people. There were rumors that a Void Disciple was responsible." <sildanyari>

Sevanon listens silently for now, letting the two others talk about what happened here.

Morgan nods to Elian and says "I would've loved to have seen the dances they had here." <sildanyari>

Ga'Elian asks Morgan, "Are you more interested in the dances or the clothing the dancers wear? I'm just curious. Frankly, I don't think dances have been held here since it was converted from a residence, but it seems to have been a grand house indeed." <sildanyari>

Morgan smiles, "Oh both, to dress up in pretty clothing with the fancy music and elegant moves." <sildanyari>

Sevanon seems to break from a reverie. "I need to bring this place back to glory," he murmurs. "These stones were beautiful, once. They can be again. I have it now. My purpose!" <sildanyari>

Ga'Elian shrugs at Morgan, but smiles. Then at Sevanon's declaration he turns to face the cleric and says, "Well, that sounds great. Purpose gives meaning to life, and what better purpose than to restore lost beauty?" <sildanyari>

Morgan smiles and says, "I bet many of the nobles will love that... mostly it will be less work they will need to do." <sildanyari>

Sevanon appreciates the affirmation of his goals, and he replies to Morgan, "Oh, they'll be footing the bill. I just need to do some convincing. Maybe find lost artifacts, discover new artists and architects. It's a project!" <sildanyari>

Ga'Elian raises an eyebrow and says, "I'd be happy to help, but I'm utterly inexperienced in convincing aristocrats to spend money." <sildanyari>

Morgan agrees with Elian, "I always say the wrong things with people like that." <sildanyari>

"I'm no diplomat, but I have a way of showing people that they can bring about beauty with wealth and power," Sevanon says. "The wonders of the Muse speak in a way that no silver tongue ever could." <sildanyari>

Ga'Elian chuckles, "Well, maybe Vera will convince a few to part company with their gold by dancing." <sildanyari>

Morgan chuckles, "Well don't let her know a pseudodragon is nearby; she will give them all the shinies they can convince out of her." <sildanyari>

"Rebuilding something like this?" Sevanon says, looking all around him. "This will take many a mighty quest, to bring the wonders of ages to the feet of the nobility. They must feel the power of art, and know what they must do without a single word." <sildanyari>

Ga'Elian says, "Well, it sounds to me like your creative juices are flowing. I'm glad you seem to be developing a plan, and will leave you to your brainstorming." He bows to both priest and wizard, then turns to head out. <sildanyari>

Morgan waves goodbye to Elian and then turns to the cleric, "It is a bit of a shame that you might not have too much luck with paintings that are lost." <sildanyari>

Sevanon looks back to Morgan, and shakes his head. "There is a place for regret," he says. "It can lend strength and passion to replace what was lost, to create something greater. But that is the beauty of creation, isn't it? To defy tide and time in the search for beauty, sometimes one must create anew. What is your passion? Furthermore," he asks, chuckling softly, "What is your name?" <sildanyari>

Morgan gives a nod and says, "It is Morgan, and I remembered your name from that one night we met in the Fel woods." By the look of her, if you don't remember from the fight, she is an arcane caster of some sort. <sildanyari>

"Ah, well, good to finally speak to you," Sevanon replies. "I admit, I... don't remember much of what happened that night." He laughs, only a little embarrassed, it seems. "But we made it through, thanks in part to you. That isn't a mistake I'll be repeating twice!" <sildanyari>

Morgan nods "Yes, it's best not to camp there without a group of people. Mostly because of the daemons and corrupted fae that linger throughout the woods. If you want to know more about that talk to Elian; he is a powerful ranger that knows a lot of the woods." <sildanyari>

Sevanon's eyes widen at the mention of demons. "That is far more dangerous than even we thought," he admits. "I don't know what it is about Vera, though. She makes me forget myself, in a way that I don't really know how to explain. She is why I am here, and not in my home in Olonai, you see. But I believe it was the will of Ceinara." <sildanyari>

Morgan smirks, "She told me about how you two grew up, and she is glad that you went with her. I think the open road is best for her... Oh, I did tell her about an empty house next to mine that does have beds in it. The last people who lived there moved as they did not want to live near a wizard or spellcaster of any sort." <sildanyari>

"Oh, thank you for telling me!" Sevanon says. "Though, I am not sure how much use we'd get out of it as a dwelling. I had an idea for a school, though. A place where orphans and other such wards of the kingdom may learn of the arts, and send those willing on to the Bardic College." <sildanyari>

Morgan nods even more, "Well then, that home would be a bad place for that as it's too small, but in the theater district you would have some good places. I just don't know if the people of the area would like orphans to be around." <sildanyari>

Sevanon takes in the advice. "Good point about orphans, but then, who wants orphans around at all? That is why something must be done. They all have the potential inside of them to create beauty. I carry a responsibility to nurture that seed wherever it may be found. I'm sorry if that sounds melodramatic, but I was chosen for a reason, you know?" <sildanyari>

Morgan says a bit softly, "Well at least you will be giving them a trade and skills and getting them off the street. I have been feeding them some apples from a grove I know of, but apples alone are not enough." <sildanyari>

"It seems the ravages of war bring no shortage of children denied the chance to tend the spark within," Sevanon says, his voice solemn. "That is something those blessed with power and influence must work to counteract. If not orphans, then artists and their works must be protected. That, at least, is what I was chosen to defend." <sildanyari>

Morgan looks to the time, "Well, as an adopted kid myself, it's nice to see others wishing to do more. But I better go I have things to do before I go to bed." She gives a polite wave and moves at a good speed. <sildanyari>