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(Created page with " DM: Zahara. Players: Astraea, Donna, Karuda, Rassata Summary: A few Alexandrian Irregulars are recruited to help defend evacuation ships from Dran mercenaries engaging in ae...")
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 15: Line 15:
Karuda has been wating a piece of Dran for months now, but she hasn't really been feeling all that great lately. Now, she felt lots better.....and she wanted Dran to realize that they were not acting in Angoron's name. Angoron was now acting against them.
Karuda has been wating a piece of Dran for months now, but she hasn't really been feeling all that great lately. Now, she felt lots better.....and she wanted Dran to realize that they were not acting in Angoron's name. Angoron was now acting against them.
And Karuda would be his instrument....
And Karuda would be his instrument....
Line 226: Line 226:
Seeing Rassata in major trouble, Karuda doesn't hestitate in going after the shieldbearer in front of her, trying to go through him for Rassata. Unforunately, her earlier oomph isn't there....this time.
Seeing Rassata in major trouble, Karuda doesn't hestitate in going after the shieldbearer in front of her, trying to go through him for Rassata. Unforunately, her earlier oomph isn't there....this time.
GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+5: (2)+5: 7
GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+5: (2)+5: 7
Line 278: Line 278:
The Earthbreaker smashes heavily into the most tactically problematic of the two Shieldbearers, leaving only two. There's the swordsman caught in the prow now, and there's the shieldbearer now trapped between Karuda and Thistle. Meanwhile, Astraea and Donna have relatively free movement in the fight now.
The Earthbreaker smashes heavily into the most tactically problematic of the two Shieldbearers, leaving only two. There's the swordsman caught in the prow now, and there's the shieldbearer now trapped between Karuda and Thistle. Meanwhile, Astraea and Donna have relatively free movement in the fight now.
Karuda's hair begins to change from it's dark black color....to blonde. She doesn't even realize it either. What she DOES do, however, is smash the shieldbearer in front of her THROUGH the tower shield.
Karuda's hair begins to change from it's dark black color....to blonde. She doesn't even realize it either. What she DOES do, however, is smash the shieldbearer in front of her THROUGH the tower shield.
GAME: Rassata rolls weapon1-4: (7)+6+-4: 9
GAME: Rassata rolls weapon1-4: (7)+6+-4: 9
Line 291: Line 290:
GAME: Zahara rolls 2d6+4: (5)+4: 9
GAME: Zahara rolls 2d6+4: (5)+4: 9
GAME: You damaged Rassata for 9 points. -1 remaining. (DYING)
GAME: You damaged Rassata for 9 points. -1 remaining. (DYING)
GAME: Zahara advances the initiative order.
Round Three - Init 8.
It is now Donna's turn! Karuda is next!
The brutal swordsman chuckles as his blade sweeps around, slicing heavily at Rassata and felling him, for now, starting to bleed onto the deck. It seems that things have taken an unexpected turn for the frightening now - but with only two of the assaulters still up, it seems that the outcome is all but certain.
The brutal swordsman chuckles as his blade sweeps around, slicing heavily at Rassata and felling him, for now, starting to bleed onto the deck. It seems that things have taken an unexpected turn for the frightening now - but with only two of the assaulters still up, it seems that the outcome is all but certain.
Line 313: Line 308:
GAME: Zahara rolls 1d6+3: (2)+3: 5
GAME: Zahara rolls 1d6+3: (2)+3: 5
Karuda sees the swordbearer fell Rassata and she immediately goes after the swordbearer.....whiffing her attack.
Karuda sees the swordbearer fell Rassata and she immediately goes after the swordbearer.....whiffing her attack.
GAME: Rassata rolls con-1: (15)+0+-1: 14
GAME: Rassata rolls con-1: (15)+0+-1: 14

Latest revision as of 06:52, 17 October 2016

DM: Zahara. Players: Astraea, Donna, Karuda, Rassata

Summary: A few Alexandrian Irregulars are recruited to help defend evacuation ships from Dran mercenaries engaging in aerial assaults on refugee ships!

The Alexandrian Irregulars are recruiting, nonstop.

Casualty reports from the far-off Dran war have been shockings, and certainly a toll in casualties and even greater tragedies have been taken among those adventurers, members of the Explorer's Guild, and other such intrepid organizations that claim at least the modest affiliation with those the Irregulars tend to recruit from. You.

The pay is reasonable, but the mission is potentially dangerous: those who have been through a scrap or two are needed to help guard airships traveling back from the Rune theater with wounded soldiers and with some civilian evacuees on board. Philanthropic members of Alexandrian society seem to have pooled resources to fund the Irregulars to guard such vessel after it was proven that rocs have enabled attacks upon airships, even if lesser, more poorly trained rocs sometimes used by mercenary allies of the Dran are more suitable just to drop off attack squads.

So each of you are able to find through the Guild postings to request to meet one Lieutenant Lexa at the Alexandria Airstation, in exchange for GLORY and GOLD to help protect wounded soldiers and civilians being evacuated from Rune against aerial attacks that manage to slip past the ships' defenses.

Karuda has been wating a piece of Dran for months now, but she hasn't really been feeling all that great lately. Now, she felt lots better.....and she wanted Dran to realize that they were not acting in Angoron's name. Angoron was now acting against them.

And Karuda would be his instrument....

Returning from the place you ran away from is always fraught with mixed emotions. But upon hearing that the bulk of Rune's noncombatants had been evacuated, and with her sister safely ensconced in Alexandria, the moment seemed right for Donna to take a little bit of her anger on some badly-deserving targets. With so many faces in need of a fist, and so many Irregulars streaming into Rune for a piece of the action, what's one more?

It seems to be much of what she does as of late. Deal with random postings regarding Dran. Or things upon its fringes. Astraea almost turned it down, but honestly? She needs the gold. The half-sil came to Alexandria with very little to her name. So used to just... living off the lands. But interacting with people in a city -- a largely //human// city -- has necessitated funds. Especially as she keeps having to replace clothes. Sigh. So it's astride a griffon that sort of ambles along towards the airstation that the dragonger shows. She's largely letting Thistle go his own way as she leans up against the creature's neck. He's been there often enough and there shouldn't be anything in the street to distract him...

The posting had all the hallmarks of the adventurer's life: travel the world for pay and try not to get killed doing it. So, Rassata has come. And few things can put a fellow in good graces like helping people. Always a positive aspect when new to city. Despite all that, he looks out of place. Or perhaps merely ill at ease.

Lieutenant Lexa awaits at the airstation, a tall, somewhat muscular, dark eyed woman with short dark eyes and a bit of a rakishly brash smile. She's wearing elven chain for quick movement and a tabard that bears the logo of the Skyguild.

"All right. I'm going to be in the lead ship of the convoy on the return ship. We've heard odd reports that the Dran forces are trying to get captives. Perhaps they want hostages, but they've even been letting the supply ships go through untouched so that they have more ships full of evacuees to try to attack on the back run," she says.

"A lot of their war rocs have been killed, but what we've been seeing lately is contracted mercenary forces. They use lesser trained rocs to drop off a couple warriors for example. That's the reason for these new patrols. Even basic defenses, we think, should prevent them from overrunning ships. Part of the eternal chess match of a war of attrition."

She grins, indicating the large, gasbag-supported airship you'll be on. It has a couple cannons for defense, but is clearly a trade model, rather lumbering. "Your group will be on that one, renamed the Intrepid for these missions. Any further questions? If not, then good luck - for the reasons mentioned above, your trip out should be uneventful."

Karuda says, "We're anything but 'basic'." She says as she looks at the gathered people. "Greetings Rassata." She says before looking towards the lieutenant. "believe meSlow and steady might win the race here. We're expecting trouble....""

"....No questions," Donna says, hefting a small kit-bag and turning to make her way to the docking slip. Once her gear is stowed away, she heads up to the deck, choosing an out-of-the-way spot by the railing to lurk against.

"And I'm very glad to hear it," says Lieutenant Lexa. "In my experience, Irregular personnel shine when presented with ad-hoc threats that we don't have a military solution for. That also frees up the soldiers to be sent at the things that they're good at. Believe me, I couldn't be more grateful that you folks have taken up the Skyguild's call," the tall woman says to Karuda.

'Should' be uneventful. Astraea appears to be skeptical of this, but she doesn't protest. Nor does she ask questions. No, the half-sil is as stingy with her words as always. She just slides off of Thistle and encourages the griffon aboard. It takes some quiet promises spoken in a language that is not remotely in Tradespeak. And barely spoken above a murmur. Aboard, the two opt to remain above-deck. Somewhere aft. Out of the way and towards the midline. No need for that ill feeling as the ground drops away!

Karuda says, "Part of it was to make Dran regret invading the north." She says bluntly as she walks her way over towards a railing and sits on the ground....."

"I admit, I would be concerned if tales of such ships falling out of the sky were not so rare," Rassata remarks to no one in particular. Despite the words, he doesn't immediately move to board the ship. Maybe he's a romantic and wants to admire it some more. "Karuda," he greets the oruch. "Come to test how readily I am willing to rely on your skills?" He raises his hand to his forehead in an informal salute. "I had hoped my first trip on such a thing would be on a rather grander vessel." Then, without further ado, he takes his traveling pack and makes for the Intrepid. There, he asks - less charitable persons might have said demands - to be told how to get below decks.

The trip out to Rune is, as promised, uneventful. When landing there, there's no invitation to disembark. Your services are to be needed to defend the vessel after all. However, there is a time there when, hour after hour, it seems, a small gangplank admits the tired and wounded and stretcher-borne back from that war, thoe who have made it to this small outpost with Rune far out of sight, but rendered as a pall of smoke to the north, over the hill line.

Eventually, though, the airship is filled with its sentient cargo, those who are to be rescued from the oblivion this day cramming and almost overloading the ship, which wallows in the air as it takes off.

As the vessel takes off, the Skyguild captain asks for you to take defensive positions. The four cannons, two on each beam, magitek operated, are crewed by experience crewpeople; the role for those of you are to fight off any who manage to board.

Soon after the convoy has formed up, it seems that there's a cloud ahead. But as you get closer, it seems there is no cloud...no, instead there are what seems like dozens, a hundred or more, brutal Dran mercenaries mounted on the backs of younger rocs. It seems the convoy itself is to be subjected to an attempt to seize it. A number of larger rocks engage the fighting vessels to the frount - trading heavy explosives, giants throwing boulders from atop the majestic battle-birds, that fight seems to drift away as the much lighter reserves fall upon the transport ships. It seems that two manage to be overwhelmed, as the Dran over focus their assaault on two of them - falling out of formation, most of the transport convoy hugs up.

But there are so many of them. The cannons are worked furiously, shooting at the rocs as they fly from below the hulls, aiming to pop up at the last moment and disgorging their cargo onto the decks, then veering away. And then, suddenly, to make it up to the Intrepid herself, those of you on the deck surprised by the sudden pop up of a roc on either side of the bow of the deck, each bearing a pair of sturdy Dranei mercenaries!

Karuda says, "I don't think you need to worry about the airships, Rassata." She says before they lift off. However, once they encounter the 'cloud', Karuda smirks a bit. "And...as predicted, Here comes Dran." She then draws a deep breath. "IT'S TIME TA FIGHT!!!!!" Oh yeah...that's a bellow."

The upside to hanging out on the flight deck is, you have plenty of notice when trouble's headed your way. The downside... well, you're usually the first one to *meet* trouble when it heads your way, with intent to board. Thus, Donna's already on her feet and armed, and the sudden appearance of the pair of merc-bearing rocs only startles her a little. But, rather than loose a war cry similar to Karuda, Donna simply points at one of the closer mercs, and makes a beckoning gesture.

The trip out is almost a lazy thing. Enough that Astraea is itching to get back to things as she observes the slew of refugees boarding. The dranger has kept to herself the whole time, at that. The battle on the ships ahead is watched almost passively... but the guarded stance of Thistle, at her side, is obvious enough. Oh yes, they're ready for battle. And it's a cry from the griffon that alerts her to the roc that appears nearer them on the port side. With her bow already out, Astraea is soon putting arrow to it.

======================> Combat Map for Plot Room: One <=======================
     A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T
    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .        Map Key
 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
 15 . . . . . . . . . ININININ. . . . . . . . 15
 14 . . . . . . . . ININ. . ININ. . . . . . . 14
 13 . . . . . . . . IN. . . . IN. . . . . . . 13
 12 . . . . . . . IN. . . . . . IN. . . . . . 12
 11 . . . . . . . IN. . . . . . IN. . . . . . 11
 10 . . . . . . . IN. . . . . . IN. . . . . . 10
 9  . . . . . . . IN. . . . . . IN. . . . . . 9 
 8  . . . . . . . IN. . . . . . IN. . . . . . 8 
 7  . . . . . . . IN. . . . . . IN. . . . . . 7 
 6  . . . . . . . IN. . . . . . IN. . . . . . 6 
 5  . . . . . . . ININININININININ. . . . . . 5 
 4  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 
 3  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 
 2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 
 1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 
     A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T
---------------------------- Map Key (continued) -----------------------------
IN : Intrepid            

Rassata winces as the cannons begin to work. He goes so far as to cover his ears with his hands, but eventually they become more accustomed to the noise. And, as the danger becomes ever more present, he becomes more interested in having a hand near his weapon. "May your greed turn the taste of victory to ash on your tongues," he murmurs as the enemy mercenaries arrive to do their worst to the ship.

<OOC> Zahara says, "Because it's not like you had no warning of this type of attack, as per GMpose." <OOC> Zahara says, "So first let's work out where you guys wanna be" <OOC> Donna calls L10! :D <OOC> Karuda is right next to her.

GAME: Karuda rolls initiative: 20 + 6 = 26 GAME: Donna rolls initiative: 4 + 4 = 8

<OOC> Rassata says, "I figured I'd be by one of the cannon crews. Call it N11."

GAME: Rassata rolls initiative: 9 + 4 = 13 GAME: Astraea rolls initiative: 7 + 4 = 11 GAME: You roll initiative for Port Swordsman: Roll: 19 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 25 GAME: You roll initiative for Starboard Swordsman: Roll: 2 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 8 GAME: You roll initiative for Starboard Shieldbearer: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 16 GAME: You roll initiative for Port Shieldbearer: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 6 = Total: 17

It seems that the Dran mercenaries are trained to fight in pairs: one of them each has a big tower shield and a shortsword, while the other is lightly armored with a massive two-handed sword. They start to leap on the deck as they are appropriately able, the rocs quickly swooping down as soon as the last one is off.

<OOC> Zahara says, "Okay. Karuda gets the drop first, though, before any hop off. What's your move, K?" <OOC> Zahara says, "You very much can. Holding an attack, trigger is someone enters your threat range. Right?" <OOC> Zahara says, "Here it is:" <OOC> Zahara says, "http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/coreRulebook/combat.html" <OOC> Zahara says, "Do you want to Delay or Ready?" <OOC> Zahara says, "It's at the bottom of the page." <OOC> Karuda says, "delay, might as well."

===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
    25   Port Swordsman      
    25   Karuda           1  
    17   Port Shieldbear     
    16   Starboard Shiel     
    13   Rassata          1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    11   Astraea          1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    8    Starboard Sword     
    8    Donna            1  

The first Dran warrior, a swordsman, hops off, and, perhaps predictably, roars to charge at Karuda. However, the latter counter-charges as well, leading to a bloodcurdling sympathy of screams!

GAME: Karuda RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 6 temporary HP

GAME: Karuda rolls weapon1: (20)+9: 29 GAME: Karuda rolls weapon1: (8)+9: 17

<OOC> Zahara says, "Crit confirmed."

GAME: Karuda rolls 6d6+9+3: (25)+9+3: 37

The Earthbreaker might as well be renamed a Chestsmasher, as the proud Dranei warrior, a veteran of a number of battles, is pounded into oblivion by the rampaging parade of Karuda's Earthbreaker. He goes down, limply, a broken body in maile armor, leaving only three warriors for the group to contend with. It seems that the odds have improved greatly.

The companion of the man who was just pasted by Karuda hops off as well, hoping to get in a poke with his short sword, even as he is slightly slowed by the huge heft of his shield. Still, once he's made his assault he then slams his shield down, hoping to lock shields with his comrade from the other roc now.

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+5: (6)+5: 11

The other shieldbearer makes a similar assault, moving to lash blades at Karuda, before locking shields with his compatriot, forming a brutal wall across the prow of the ship. This is apparently their plan - to advance and stab behind protection.

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+5: (14)+5: 19

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d6+3: (6)+3: 9

<OOC> Rassata says, "I'll have to poke at one of the shieldbearers, right? And just to be sure, any chance for flanking?"

<OOC> Karudawill grant if I can, Rass.

<OOC> Zahara says, "It seems a tower shield gives you cover from one 'side' but it doesn't prevent flanking. I think that the ship geometry means you'd provoke an AoO unless you beat his CMD with an Acrobatics check though."

<OOC> Rassata can do Acrobatics!

GAME: Rassata rolls Acrobatics: (3)+8: 11

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+5: (12)+5: 17

The soldier with the large shield is nimble, and his blade flashes out to attempt to punish Rassata, but the nimble elf is able to dodge the blade and gain an advantageous position.

GAME: Rassata rolls 2d6+1: (7)+1: 8

GAME: Astraea rolls weapon1+1: (11)+6+1: 18

GAME: Astraea rolls 1d8: (6): 6

Perhaps cruelly, but considering the position Rassata put himself in, understandably, the remaining swordsman hops off to try to flank the elf, and put an end to his interventions with his counter-flanking greatsword swipe!

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+8: (16)+8: 24 GAME: Zahara rolls 2d6+4: (6)+4: 10

As things on port side appear to be handled (what with the squishing), Astraea turns on a heel as she draws back her bow. It's the Dranei astride a roc that is sighted. The arrow is let fly and even in the winds and air currents up here... it flies true. Perhaps not enough to fell him, but he certainly has an arrow's fletching sticking out of him now.

<OOC> Donna says, "Okay!" <OOC> Donna says, "So, the swordsman who just tagged Rassata, is he flankable?" <OOC> Zahara says, "Not really he's way up at the north now" <OOC> Zahara says, "Like he's in the very tip of the bow" <OOC> Zahara says, "You could flank one of the shieldbearers though" <OOC> Zahara says, "The one that Rassata doesn't have flanked"

GAME: Donna RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 4 temporary HP GAME: Donna rolls acrobatics: (6)+9: 15

<OOC> Zahara says, "Success" <OOC> Donna says, "And I have two gauntlets, so I'll be rolling with un-TWF penalties."

GAME: Donna rolls finesse+1+2+2-2: (1)+6+1+2+2+-2: 10 GAME: Donna rolls finesse+1+2+2-6: (16)+6+1+2+2+-6: 21

GAME: Donna rolls 1d4+2+2: (4)+2+2: 8

One swordsman is dead, and all three of the others are wounded to varying degrees. Rassata is the only casualty on the defenders of the Intrepid, but he is caught dangerously within the melee. The two ragers Donna and Karuda are mixed in deeply while Astraea has lanced an arrow into the surviving berserker. The fight rages on.

As the battle is joined, Donna hangs back for a moment, watching the warriors take their positions... then narrows her eyes, a brief explosion of arcane energy shining through the wrappings on her arm. Streaking around the side of the shieldwall, her spiked fists loop through the air, one scraping off an armored plate, the other driving deep into an unprotected spot in the warrior's ribs. "You shouldn't have come here," she snarls.

<OOC> Zahara says, "So you're not moving, and going to try to kill the shieldbearer that is activating flanking on Rassata along with the surviving swordsman? Roll it up."

<OOC> Karuda says, "so, I'm doing the flanking thing on the shieldbearer."

GAME: Karuda rolls weapon1+2: (2)+9+2: 13

Confident that Rassata will be taken care of by their comrade, the two shieldbearers attempt to both stab Karuda with their wickedly sharp shortswords. They move slowly and deliberately - it looks like they are clearly trying to push the flank and flake Karuda between them, as one shifts to the south a bit, presenting a shield to each of Karuda's front and left.

Seeing Rassata in major trouble, Karuda doesn't hestitate in going after the shieldbearer in front of her, trying to go through him for Rassata. Unforunately, her earlier oomph isn't there....this time.

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+5: (2)+5: 7

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+5: (15)+5: 20

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d6+3: (6)+3: 9

GAME: You damaged Karuda for 9 points. 36 remaining.

ooc You are flanking a shieldbearer along with Karuda. There is a two-handed swordsman who is in turn flanking you. There is one other shieldbearer who is moving around to try to flank Karuda.

GAME: Rassata rolls weapon1-2: (1)+6+-2: 5

Rassata does not look unhappy. 'Unhappy' is not the term to apply when there is so much blood in evidence. However, his only concession is to change his stance. Gritting his teeth he continues to press the attack. Perhaps 'mad' would be the more fitting term. Alas, he proves a fine example that, even when the mind is willing, the body can fail. His blade manages nothing more than to put a furrow into the deck.

<OOC> Astraea says, "Hmmm... Could the griffon somehow help me get around them... >.> Y'know, all 'GO FOR THE EYES BOO' style while I slip about. >.>" <OOC> Zahara says, "that's where hthe opportunity attack comes from." <OOC> Zahara says, "You can move your companion in a way that might intentionally provoke an AoO" <OOC> Zahara says, "In fact you can do both" <OOC> Zahara says, "Provoke an AoO on your companion from one, then have him flank the other one." <OOC> Zahara says, "Would you like to do that?" <OOC> Astraea says, "Yes! Thank you." <OOC> Zahara says, "Then you can move in freely to heal Rassata"

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+5: (11)+5: 16 GAME: Zahara rolls 1d6+3: (6)+3: 9

GAME: Astraea rolls 1d20+2: (10)+2: 12

Thistle manages to draw the attention of one of the shieldbearers, getting a sword in his flank for his trouble, but then bravely leaps away to then attack the other one. That shieldbearer is now flanked between the griffon and Karuda. To the north of them are a shieldbearer with Astraea next to him. To the north of that shieldbearer is Rassata, with Donna next to him now. And finally a swordsman is right in the prow of the vessel - he attempts to attack Rassata, trying to finish him off for good!

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+8: (9)+8: 17

It's a sort of combined effort from Astraea and Thistle. The griffon flares his wings and dives past one of the shieldbearers towards the other. To be flanking with the other 'Irregulars.' He does take a rather nasty attack to his side, but seems to still be up. Just... not looking entirely great. Better than Rassata, at least. Well... that is until Astraea uses the distraction to duck around; bow in one hand and the other reaching out for the elf's arm. Divine power flows through, aiding in tending to some of his wounds.

GAME: Donna rolls finesse+1+2+2-2: (1)+6+1+2+2+-2: 10 GAME: Donna rolls finesse+1+2+2-6: (17)+6+1+2+2+-6: 22 GAME: Donna rolls 1d4+2+2: (1)+2+2: 5

Fortunately there is some method to Rassata's madness. His chosen method for pressing his attack has allowed him to be more aware of the warrior behind him, so when that large sword sweeps about once more the mul'niessa is prepared to evade it. He ducks beneath the mighty weapon as though executing a set piece for a stage play. Thus the greater is his shock when Astraea touches him and he suddenly goes from being mostly dead to the happier side of half-alive. He spares her a look of surprise and a nod.

Having selected her target, Donna seems content to keep punching away at the armored and be-shielded swordsman until she strikes organ. Once again, one blackened-steel fist slides off the armor, but the other slams into the same joint as before.

GAME: Karuda rolls weapon1+2: (10)+9+2: 21 GAME: Karuda rolls 2d6+3+1+2: (3)+3+1+2: 9

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+5: (12)+5: 17 GAME: Zahara rolls 1d6+3: (5)+3: 8

The Earthbreaker smashes heavily into the most tactically problematic of the two Shieldbearers, leaving only two. There's the swordsman caught in the prow now, and there's the shieldbearer now trapped between Karuda and Thistle. Meanwhile, Astraea and Donna have relatively free movement in the fight now.

Karuda's hair begins to change from it's dark black color....to blonde. She doesn't even realize it either. What she DOES do, however, is smash the shieldbearer in front of her THROUGH the tower shield.

GAME: Rassata rolls weapon1-4: (7)+6+-4: 9

Now that the situation before him appears quite under control, Rassata turns to face the not-so-little problem behind him. But even a warrior of such size is not without nimbleness, so his sword fails to find its mark once again. There's also no denying that he is still too wary of that greatsword to be at his best.

GAME: Astraea rolls 1d20+2+2: (4)+2+2: 8 GAME: Astraea rolls weapon1: (4)+6: 10

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+6: (16)+6: 22 GAME: Zahara rolls 2d6+4: (5)+4: 9 GAME: You damaged Rassata for 9 points. -1 remaining. (DYING)

The brutal swordsman chuckles as his blade sweeps around, slicing heavily at Rassata and felling him, for now, starting to bleed onto the deck. It seems that things have taken an unexpected turn for the frightening now - but with only two of the assaulters still up, it seems that the outcome is all but certain.

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+6: (16)+6: 22 <OOC> Zahara says, "COME ON" GAME: Zahara rolls 2d6+4: (4)+4: 8

GAME: Donna rolls melee+2+1+2: (3)+6+2+1+2: 14

As her punching-bag is crushed to the deck, Donna turns in search of a new target... just in time to spot Rassata being cut down. Her upper lip skins back from her teeth, and once more the diminuitive brawler hurls herself to the attack, lowering her shoulder and quite clearly seeking to pitch the swordsman through the gunwale.... only to stop dead, as she comes in at *just* the wrong angle to be effective. Pausing, she looks up, eyes widening a bit. ".....What?"

GAME: Karuda rolls weapon1-2+2: (6)+9+-2+2: 15

The shieldbearer turns to try to stab Donna from behind, now flanking her along with the swordsman!

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+7: (18)+7: 25 GAME: Zahara rolls 1d6+3: (2)+3: 5

Karuda sees the swordbearer fell Rassata and she immediately goes after the swordbearer.....whiffing her attack.

GAME: Rassata rolls con-1: (15)+0+-1: 14

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+6: (4)+6: 10

<OOC> Zahara says, "So you actually stabilized. Astraea, do you wanna shoot someone?"

GAME: Donna rolls finesse+1+2+2-2: (2)+6+1+2+2+-2: 11 GAME: Donna rolls finesse+1+2+2-6: (2)+6+1+2+2+-6: 7

GAME: Astraea rolls weapon1: (20)+6: 26

<OOC> Zahara says, "Okay!" <OOC> Astraea ! <OOC> Zahara says, "Wow" <OOC> Astraea says, "apparently my dice like facehate" GAME: Astraea rolls weapon1: (15)+6: 21 GAME: Astraea rolls 3d8: (12): 12

Seeing as how Rassata doesn't appear to be in //wholly// imminent danger, Astraea draws another arrow on the swordsman. This time, she properly accounts for the wind and oh, what a shot. Maybe he's getting the brunt of anger re: //you hurt my griffon//. Said griffon, mind, is drawing back. Probably to literally lick its wounds.

Astraea manages to send an arrow directly into the chest of the swordsman. He staggers back in surprise, falling backwards off of the vessel entirely, his eyes rolling up. The last shieldbearer, his shortsword red with blood, realizes this is a fight to the death - after all, both rocs have long gone.

GAME: Karuda rolls weapon1+4-2: (7)+9+4+-2: 18 GAME: Karuda rolls 2d6+4+2+2+1: (8)+4+2+2+1: 17

The brutal two handed maul destroys the resistance of the last of the shieldbearers, leaving the deck covered with broken forms. But it doesn't seem like the battle has gone perfectly. The convoy is noticeably smaller - civilians and wounded being stolen, captured away, for purposes unknown.

There's lull. One of the priests amidst the crew is able to offer a salve. However, it seems that the gauntlet is not over yet. Because what is it that is ahead? It seems that the disgusting ingenuity of the mercenaries has not reached its limit. Because what can be seen other than apparently nasty looking ice spiders, the likes that might have been seen by some in the pass, brutally hairy and each suspended between a pair of rocs. A spider is dropped onto the deck of each ship, eager, hungry for prey. And as you look up...it seems a spider is about to fall on the Intrepid...