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Tenebrae - Friday, October 11, 2013, 7:35 PM

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* A08: Banks of the Tornmawr *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

In the shadow of the great Highbridge, and beneath the guardhouses, a stretch of river has been laid out as a public park and fishing area. Here, the descending landscape of Alexandria folds into the river and crafts a comfortable view. On a typical day, a number of small boats and picnic blankets dot the landscape. To the side, a small shrine to Rada the River Serpent, as well as a dual shrine Althea and Daeus, in their guise as Mother and Father of the world.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Schneider Athletic giantborn male with long platinum hair, in a 2m 1h Dinala Veyshanti with robes of the deep desert. 4s 1h Boshter An arvek nar in robes. Oh no! 1m 2d Mikilos Tall male dawn elf, rosey blonde and handsome. 0s 1m

Dinala moves into the area.. taking most of the surrounding in, but her gaze stops at the giantborn fishing.. She stands a moment and stares, then corrects the faulty manners and gives a breif nod in greeting.. just incase he glances up while she was staring. "He must be freezing.." she states in an accented voice.

Swimming out of the river comes Boshter! Just like that. He walks up onto the shore and dries himself off with a waiting towel. He is wearing clothes still so everyone's eyes are saved. He puts on the robe he had waiting. Looks happy. Smiling, even! Tuskily.

"F'eegot? F'eegot! Here F'eegot! It's okay!" Mikilos strides rapidly down the side of the river, his expression somewhere between worried and annoyed. His head bobs and his eyes dart, checking every tree and bush along the way. "Damn it F'eegot, where are you?"

Schneider wears only his loincloth despite the icy wind. It does not seem to bother him. He offers a sort of wave to Dinala, and calls out, "Good evening! It's all right to come closer, I don't bite." He chuckles wryly. "Not unless you ask nicely, at least." This elicits a longer chuckle. "Ah, Boshter!" he calls out as the hobgoblin comes out of the water. Apparently freezing is relative? "Out for a brisk swim?" As Mikilos comes by, calling out for someone, Schneider looks his way. "Lost someone?" he asks.

Dinala blinks a bit as many folks come from various directions, but the blinking is doubled as the giantborn waves and makes nice. She shares a tenative smile, which quickly fades as Boshter comes up out of the water. She shivers dispite being completely dry. "I don't know how you do it..." She gathers her wrap closer, though it has gotten no colder than it was. She turns as Mikilos comes calling to... something. She waits for his response to the giantborn.

"Wow! There weren't that many people here when I went in," says Boshter, alarmed. He ties his robe off in the front and looks around. "Hello, everyone! Oh! It is the elf wizard!" ANd he is walking towards Mikilos.

Mikilos mmms distractedly, still peering around. "Hello Boshter. Have you seen a little blue man around? About six inches, bright red beard? He's not supposed to be out alone."

Schneider hrms at Dinala. "How I do what? It's not really cold, you see." He nods towards Boshter. "I got here a few minutes ago ... maybe an hour ago? I dunno. How're you doing? Getting exercise again?" he asks with a laugh.

Dinala glances towards the elf, now his occupation of sorts had been identified.. she nods at him in greeting, but the mention of a little blue man with a red beard gets her looking about as well. "Is he an elemental?" she asks worriedly. She spares Schneider a glance, "It is very cold here, with much moisture. It takes much getting used to."

Mikilos blinks peering at Dinala. "Er, yes. Well, no, not exactly, but he is of an elemental nature-"

Schneider pulls his dangling foot out of the water, where a layer of ice is trying to form. He reaches down to brush off the slushy pre-ice off his calf and shrugs, points out Boshter. "Cold is relative, I guess?" he says. "Am I an elemental? Sort of ..." he falls silent, realizing Dinala was addressing Mikilos.

"I have not seen a little blue man," says Boshter. And then he grabs Mikilos and squeezes him. Hard. HUG. Just like that. Then he lets him go and turns towards the others. "Hello!"

Dinala looks a bit more nervous, even to the point of stepping closer to the giantborn. "Wh... what kind of elemental?" she is now steadily searching for the little blue man with the red beard. So concentrated is she, that she doesn't hear the "Sort of..." from Schneider. Her hands clench to her staff, as the few whisps of hair that has strayed from her headdress raise from her face... statically charged.

"Fweeee..." Mikilos gasps, recovering from the Boshter-hug, and tries to stand up stragiht again, shaking his head to Dinala. "No no, not malicious or anything. Just forgin. Native to the quasi-elemental plane of Steam."

Schneider raises one hand above his head, and chants, "Let there be ... Fire!" in his native Jotun. A fierce torch-like glow surrounds one hand. It seems like he's clutchng a ball of fire, though there's no heat. He holds it up so everyone has an easier time looking around for whatever it is that got lost. "Steam?" he asks with new interest. "That's a bit like fire. Perhaps I can help?"

With Mikilos' explination she seems to relax a bit, hair drops back to normal. But she turns quickly towards the giantborn when he conjurs light, and Dinala's jaw drops open in surprise. She shakes her head, and answers to Mikilos.. "Oh.. steam. Steam is.." her comment switches to the giantborn, her lips pull into a smile. "Not expecting that... but you.. you look.." she looks back to the one that /looks/ like a wizard. "Does everyone here cast..?" Now she looks to Boshter, as if she is expecting him to cast, just because..

"Hahaha. It is good to see you, elf," says Boshter, patting Mikilos on the shoudler. His eyes go back to Shcneider and DInala and he looks entirely urious. "Steam?" He ask.

Mikilos sighs, peering around a moment more, and shrugs. "By now he's likely gone back to his home. Or if not, isn't around here." Glancing to the hob, he smiles to Dinala. "No, Boshter here just tackles dragons out of the sky."

Schneider laughs at Dinala, shakes his head. "Oh, no, I'm not like him," he gestures to Mikilos. "The spirits obey me out of respect, because it is my destiny. And because I am so handsome, of course." He smiles cheesily. "I do not study their ways to command them against their will," he says dismissively. "Steam," he explains to Boshter, "is what you get when fire and water mix." He thinks for a moment. "Or is it air and water?" Not as much of an expert as he claims.

Dinala nods at Schneider, "Fire and water.. or heat and water..." she turns her attention to Boshter, after Mikilos talks of tackling dragons. out of the sky.. on the ground.. in the water.. dragons are dragons no matter what environment. Her black brows shoot upwards, "Dragons... you.. you tackle dragons?" she looks slightly disbelieving. "In jest?" she looks over at Mikilos for confirmation. "Is this common.. this jesting here?" Now she looks as if she is just not in on the cultural customs.

"I like steam! It is very warm! We used to use it in training all the time after a very hard day of beating each other up with sticks"!

Boshter beams at everyone.

Mikilos smiles faintly to Schneider. "Positive Energy and Water, so far as Planes are concerned, anyway." He shrugs lightly to Dinala. "Jesting is pretty common, espically in certain crowds. But Boshter truely did tackle a dragon out of the air. Bit of a famed story, really." He frowns faintly, and murmurs a bit quieter. "PRetty sure he hit his head on the way down, though. And not for the first time."

Schneider nods about fire and water. "So!" he says, "Fire is what I am, and what I do. But fire and water ... " He puts his feet in the frigid water. He is at least not bothered by it. "I do not know how they work together. Commanding it would be strange." When Mikilos corrects that, he nods slowly. "I see," he says, but then it seems less interesting. Because it's not fire.

Dinala grins at Boshter's comment of liking steam, her grin broadening after the part about the sticks. "Steam would definately be better than sticks.." she looked over a Mikilos with his explination, looking back at Boshter impressed. Then she tilts her head a bit, "Yes.. hitting his head.. I can see this." Her smile doesn't fade. She turns now to look at Schneider, when he talks of fire. "I understand you, though I am not fire." She turns back to look at Boshter. "I begin to see, here nothing is as it seems."

Mikilos frowns thoughtfully, and shrugs. "I think I am as I seem, but not knowing how I seem to others I can't be certain of that. Which I suppose is ever the case."

"The sticks were good too!" Boshter makes with a waving gesture, "I got hit a lot." Who's surprised? Anyone?

Schneider admits, "There are some surprises here. But a lot of things are exactly what they seem. Mikilos is a wizard, for instance," he says, echoing the wizard's comment. "And Boshter is exactly what he seems as well," he adds, though it begs the question of what he thinks Boshter seems like.

Dinala looks up at the giantborn, "Friendly.." she looks to Mikilos, "Respectfull of him.." she motions to Bosther, and she smiles at Boshter, tilting her head one way, then another. "And he wears white..." Her smile appears genuine. "I think I like it here... that is a surprise. Though, it is still cold."

"I find things very surprising!" says Boshter, loudly, clasping his hands together. "I like to hug people and they are always so surprised when I do it! Especially when I fix their backs!"

Mikilos chuckles, and shakes his head. "I assure you, this is not cold. Come early spring, a day like this you will thank as blessedly warm. Though i do much prefer the weather of summer."

Schneider laughs, nods. "As I said, it's not too cold, though people without magic will die of it if they don't have magical protection. I am naturally comfortable in any sort of temperature, myself. My people all are, I suppose."

Dinala holds her hands up, stepping back from Boshter. "My back isn't broken.. " her face softened, "But if you hug softly..." she smiles then glances at Mikilos and Schneider. "This... this is warm?!" Her thoghts of a rib-cracking Bosther hug is lost, "This is very cold where I am from. Only the Djinn storms make this kind of cold."

"Well, warm enough," says Boshter. He walks over to Dinala. "Hello, there. I am Boshter of Blar and I give lots of hugs! Your back is not broken, but that does not mean it can not feel better!"

Mikilos hehs, and shrugs. "This isn't 'warm', but it does get a lot colder. Snow everywhere, sometimes several feet thick. Though truely bitter cold days are uncommon. Those tend to be further north, where it gets so chill if you spit, will freeze before it hits the ground."

Schneider nods at what Mikilos says. "So cold," he allows, "That I think about a warmer loincloth." He grins widely. As Boshter introduces himself, he realizes he hasn't, and quickly adds, "I am Schneider."

Dinala blinks abit at this additional information.. "Snow.. I've not seen snow. Compared to desert heat, much would be cold.. one must adapt." these words bring an involuntary shudder. She shakes the cold thoughts and looks towards the others.. "Oh!!.. " she smiles at them, "I am Dinala.. very pleasant to meet you." She bows towards them in a traditional form of greeting. "We are of a knowing.. this is good."

Mikilos grins. "Mikilostravia Abrioudelanarchie Mithralla, though nobody seems able to remember it all. 'Mikilos' is fine."

And that's when BOshter promptly gos to hug Dinala, "HELLO. IT IS VERY NICE TO MEET YOU." He is also very loud.

Dinala is about to work through the name of the elf, but Boshter-rib-cracking hug takes place.. "I .. oh.. yes, yes.. ow.. ow.. " She blinks at the others, but can't help but smile at the overly-zealous Boshter. "This.. is a good meeting. But I must find my way to rest. And a place to warm. If I shake much more.. I'll start sparking." She grins and what she thought was funny.

Schneider watches Boshter hug Dinala with an amused grin. "Ah, there you go, groping all the girls and hugging them against their will. But I guess if you can hug dragons, you can hug anyone you like."

SQueeeeeeze goes Boshter. Dinala's back probably pops at least a couple times before she is let go and then he steps back, beaming. "I do not grope anyone! What does grope mean?"

Mikilos mmmms. "Not Sandy. Sandy would banish him to another plane if he tried. She honestly does that quite a bit, though it really isn't so hard to find your way back."

Dinala has left.

AS Dinala departs, Boshter looks saddened by this! Really. He then turns to Mikilo and looks at him confusedly.

Schneider considers Sandy, and nods agreement with Mikilos, an evil grin on his face. "That," he says to Boshter, "should be your next challenge. If you have the /guts/ to give Sandy a hug.... and if you survive it. I think that'd be more impressive than a dragon. I heard she killed a vampire by kissing it."

Mikilos shrugs to Boshter, blinks, and frowns mildly at Schneider. "Sandy really isn't the sort of thing should be making dares over. Though i hadn't heard the vampire thing." He not saying he doubts it, however.

Schneider nods about the Vampire. "There was a play. I met the playwright. I was going to be the male lead in a sequel, but I haven't heard much on that for a while, so I don't know what's going on with it."

Schneider has disconnected.