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Well, monster-culling. That's what the clerk at the Explorer's Guild told you you'd be doing -- they received a letter of distress from a small travellers' lodge a day's travel out from Alexandria bearing vague but ominous descriptions of "horrible monsters" who were "ruining business". So naturally, the Guild chose its very best!
Well, monster-culling. That's what the clerk at the Explorer's Guild told you you'd be doing -- they received a letter of distress from a small travellers' lodge a day's travel out from Alexandria bearing vague but ominous descriptions of "horrible monsters" who were "ruining business". So naturally, the Guild chose its very best!
Unfortunately the very best were busy, so you lot were sent instead.
Unfortunately the very best were busy, so you lot were sent instead.
As the afternoon sun shines in the sky, after a day of uneventful travel, you find yourself coming upon a decidedly ramshackle-looking structure. It's certainly big enough to be an inn of some description, but it's clearly seen better days. On a sign by the road leading to the inn is a signpost bearing an... artistic rendition of an owlbear. In a field of flowers. Prancing. Helpfully, underneath the picture is "The Prancing Owlbear" in Tradespeak. So this must be the place.
As the afternoon sun shines in the sky, after a day of uneventful travel, you find yourself coming upon a decidedly ramshackle-looking structure. It's certainly big enough to be an inn of some description, but it's clearly seen better days. On a sign by the road leading to the inn is a signpost bearing an... artistic rendition of an owlbear. In a field of flowers. Prancing. Helpfully, underneath the picture is "The Prancing Owlbear" in Tradespeak. So this must be the place.
Outside the inn, pacing worriedly to and fro, is a white-haired, grizzled old man in typical innkeeper's clothes including an ale-stained apron. He's wringing his hands. WRINGING them, in the Guild-approved woe-is-me-raiders-are-attacking-my-village sign of distress.
Outside the inn, pacing worriedly to and fro, is a white-haired, grizzled old man in typical innkeeper's clothes including an ale-stained apron. He's wringing his hands. WRINGING them, in the Guild-approved woe-is-me-raiders-are-attacking-my-village sign of distress.
Tak is always available as the second string for the guild. He climbs down off the horse he borrowed/rented for this, still determining some day to buy his own. A moment is taken to tie up the horse to whatever is available while he watches the innkeeper, as far as introductions go, he will wait and see if anyone else jumps out to take charge.
Tak is always available as the second string for the guild. He climbs down off the horse he borrowed/rented for this, still determining some day to buy his own. A moment is taken to tie up the horse to whatever is available while he watches the innkeeper, as far as introductions go, he will wait and see if anyone else jumps out to take charge.
Eligar comes riding up on his horse as he's accepted the job to help out the owner of the Prancing Owlbear. He directs his horse over towards the innkeeper, "Hail. Are you the proprietor of this establishment?" He nods to Tak, "Hello Tak."
Eligar comes riding up on his horse as he's accepted the job to help out the owner of the Prancing Owlbear. He directs his horse over towards the innkeeper, "Hail. Are you the proprietor of this establishment?" He nods to Tak, "Hello Tak."
Temarie is also walking her way up towards the Prancing Owlbear, clanking her armor the whole way. Of course, Eligar beats her to the punch when asking who he is, but she doesn't mind. She rests her left arm on her sword hilt as she listens to the proprietor, and chuckles at Tak. "I guess we can start calling you Tak Tripper?"
Temarie is also walking her way up towards the Prancing Owlbear, clanking her armor the whole way. Of course, Eligar beats her to the punch when asking who he is, but she doesn't mind. She rests her left arm on her sword hilt as she listens to the proprietor, and chuckles at Tak. "I guess we can start calling you Tak Tripper?"
Tak snorts faintly, but grins at Temarie. "I like to remove weapons from the hands of my enemies as well....yet I constantly seem to encounter things with claws. Just the other day I encountered a floating skeleton with mind powers. Now how am I supposed to fight that!" he still grins though about the whole thing. Once the innkeeper looks like he is going to speak though, Tak focuses on him.
Tak snorts faintly, but grins at Temarie. "I like to remove weapons from the hands of my enemies as well....yet I constantly seem to encounter things with claws. Just the other day I encountered a floating skeleton with mind powers. Now how am I supposed to fight that!" he still grins though about the whole thing. Once the innkeeper looks like he is going to speak though, Tak focuses on him.
Nadara is here, of course, trailing along after the others. She's got her dragonspitter out in one hand. "Welp! Ready to assist." She's making her way right toward the old man, of course, speaking in her shrill, goblin voice. "Hello!"
Nadara is here, of course, trailing along after the others. She's got her dragonspitter out in one hand. "Welp! Ready to assist." She's making her way right toward the old man, of course, speaking in her shrill, goblin voice. "Hello!"
"Oh, heavens! Are you the adventurers sent by the Guild? Oh, please say you are!" The innkeeper's tone is quavering, downright -pleading-. He clutches his hands together in front of himself, squinting up at Eligar with watery eyes. "It's terrible, just terrible! We're badgered and beset by brutes and..." he stops abruptly, shakes himself, and continues, "... terrible monsters! They're eating all our food and drinking all our ale! Horrible fiends! I can hardly feed the poor travellers!"
"Oh, heavens! Are you the adventurers sent by the Guild? Oh, please say you are!" The innkeeper's tone is quavering, downright -pleading-. He clutches his hands together in front of himself, squinting up at Eligar with watery eyes. "It's terrible, just terrible! We're badgered and beset by brutes and..." he stops abruptly, shakes himself, and continues, "... terrible monsters! They're eating all our food and drinking all our ale! Horrible fiends! I can hardly feed the poor travellers!"
There are no other horses, carriages or other conveyances to be seen, so any "travellers" must have been turned away. "Please, come in, come in!" The innkeeper turns and dodders on inside, gesturing for you all to follow.
There are no other horses, carriages or other conveyances to be seen, so any "travellers" must have been turned away. "Please, come in, come in!" The innkeeper turns and dodders on inside, gesturing for you all to follow.
Eligar nods, "Yes I am Sir Eligar, Knight of Peace. Yes I believe that we all are adventurers sent by the Explorer's Guild." He dismounts and he takes down his shield and sword. "What sort of horrible creatures? Can you describe them?"
Eligar nods, "Yes I am Sir Eligar, Knight of Peace. Yes I believe that we all are adventurers sent by the Explorer's Guild." He dismounts and he takes down his shield and sword. "What sort of horrible creatures? Can you describe them?"
Temarie raises an eyebrow towards the innkeeper before looking to Tak in silence, then follows the Innkeeper inside. "Sounds like a normal day of business, minus the fact that they're running off all of his other customers...." She then shrugs.
Temarie raises an eyebrow towards the innkeeper before looking to Tak in silence, then follows the Innkeeper inside. "Sounds like a normal day of business, minus the fact that they're running off all of his other customers...." She then shrugs.
Tak has a sneaking suspicon, and nods to Temarie "Its probably just some oruch that have stopped by to have a good time..." He says this quietly as he follows after to look inside the inn.
Tak has a sneaking suspicon, and nods to Temarie "Its probably just some oruch that have stopped by to have a good time..." He says this quietly as he follows after to look inside the inn.
As the innkeeper leads you inside, you find that the inn itself is actually in fairly good shape, probably owing to the efforts of the waitstaff. The waitstaff is a burly-looking half-orc woman in a wildly incongruous floofy, frilly blouse and apron who's sitting at the bar and eyeing you all with deep, deep suspicion as you file in through the low door. "Is this them then?" she says to the elderly inkeeper. "I tell ya, Roddie, we could easily have fixed the problem if you'd just let me bring in some of my cousins..." She's waved to silence by the innkeeper. "Shush, my flower, these are professionals."
As the innkeeper leads you inside, you find that the inn itself is actually in fairly good shape, probably owing to the efforts of the waitstaff. The waitstaff is a burly-looking half-orc woman in a wildly incongruous floofy, frilly blouse and apron who's sitting at the bar and eyeing you all with deep, deep suspicion as you file in through the low door. "Is this them then?" she says to the elderly inkeeper. "I tell ya, Roddie, we could easily have fixed the problem if you'd just let me bring in some of my cousins..." She's waved to silence by the innkeeper. "Shush, my flower, these are professionals."
You're shown behind the bar, where there's a stair down and a sturdy-looking door at the end. "Here's the cellar. I daren't go down there myself these days, for fear of those food-nabbing, ale-drinking MONSTERS." Wild-eyed, the white-haired innkeeper leans close to Temarie and whispers, loudly, "I think it's RATS. Huge rats. HUGE! I caught a glimpse of one of 'em the other day, I think. Rats that walk like men, I tell ya!"
You're shown behind the bar, where there's a stair down and a sturdy-looking door at the end. "Here's the cellar. I daren't go down there myself these days, for fear of those food-nabbing, ale-drinking MONSTERS." Wild-eyed, the white-haired innkeeper leans close to Temarie and whispers, loudly, "I think it's RATS. Huge rats. HUGE! I caught a glimpse of one of 'em the other day, I think. Rats that walk like men, I tell ya!"
Eligar looks at the cellar and he sighs softly, "Looks like Kindroth can't fit down there." He shakes his head a littl ebit as he gets his shield ready, "Well let's go down. It sounds like Were-rats."
Eligar looks at the cellar and he sighs softly, "Looks like Kindroth can't fit down there." He shakes his head a littl ebit as he gets his shield ready, "Well let's go down. It sounds like Were-rats."
Tak pauses a moment, and then looks to the others. "If anyone here does not have a magic of silver weapon, I have some silver daggers you should take just in case. I'd like them back afterwards of course."
Tak pauses a moment, and then looks to the others. "If anyone here does not have a magic of silver weapon, I have some silver daggers you should take just in case. I'd like them back afterwards of course."
Temarie raises an eyebrow. "Rats that walk like men?" She then makes a bit of a face. "That's what it sounds like Eligar." She then chuckles at Tak. "Sorry, but I'll stick with my sword and shield. Even if they ARE resistant to them." She then looks back to the Innkeeper. "When do they come about?"
Temarie raises an eyebrow. "Rats that walk like men?" She then makes a bit of a face. "That's what it sounds like Eligar." She then chuckles at Tak. "Sorry, but I'll stick with my sword and shield. Even if they ARE resistant to them." She then looks back to the Innkeeper. "When do they come about?"
Lanier considers it for a moment then speaks, "Let's not be hasty. It could be anything. Let us prepare for the worst and hope for the best. The best, of course, being rats that just caught the light wrong." He looks towards Tak then shrugs, "I still think I'll fair better with my great sword, but allow me to hold one none-the-less?"
Lanier considers it for a moment then speaks, "Let's not be hasty. It could be anything. Let us prepare for the worst and hope for the best. The best, of course, being rats that just caught the light wrong." He looks towards Tak then shrugs, "I still think I'll fair better with my great sword, but allow me to hold one none-the-less?"
Tak passes out his two silver daggers to whomever wants them, he of course will stick with his whip....if it walks like a man, he can trip it!
Tak passes out his two silver daggers to whomever wants them, he of course will stick with his whip....if it walks like a man, he can trip it!
"Rats in a cellar," remarks Nadara. "You don'y say. Well, have no worries. The Guild of Explorer pays us the big coin sacks so you don't have to worry about a damn thing. WE're gonna take care of this little infestation so you c an get -right- back to business." A beaming smile.
"Rats in a cellar," remarks Nadara. "You don'y say. Well, have no worries. The Guild of Explorer pays us the big coin sacks so you don't have to worry about a damn thing. WE're gonna take care of this little infestation so you c an get -right- back to business." A beaming smile.
"I don't know when they strike, really! I've heard scrabbling about at night, but I've been so afraid to go down there these past few days... why, what if they were worse things than rats? I couldn't possibly endanger my poor darling wife!" The white-haired proprietor sends the half-orc woman a loving gaze. She rolls her eyes and goes back to polishing a glass.
"I don't know when they strike, really! I've heard scrabbling about at night, but I've been so afraid to go down there these past few days... why, what if they were worse things than rats? I couldn't possibly endanger my poor darling wife!" The white-haired proprietor sends the half-orc woman a loving gaze. She rolls her eyes and goes back to polishing a glass.
So, the cellar. There's a flight of stairs, and a door. The innkeeper holds up a key to whoever will take it, and steps back, wide-eyed and fearful.
So, the cellar. There's a flight of stairs, and a door. The innkeeper holds up a key to whoever will take it, and steps back, wide-eyed and fearful.
Tak gesturse to Eligar and Temarie "I suggest our sturdy members take the lead, I'll create a little light and guard the rear." He casts dancing lights now, leading the first one ahead of them down towards the door.
Tak gesturse to Eligar and Temarie "I suggest our sturdy members take the lead, I'll create a little light and guard the rear." He casts dancing lights now, leading the first one ahead of them down towards the door.
Temarie says, "Tak. You take the key and open it for us. Eligar and I will lead." She then looks to Nadara. "Shoot straight." She then puts her shield on her arm, and unties her sword to draw it."
Temarie says, "Tak. You take the key and open it for us. Eligar and I will lead." She then looks to Nadara. "Shoot straight." She then puts her shield on her arm, and unties her sword to draw it."
Tak nods, and takes the key to do as he is told...
Tak nods, and takes the key to do as he is told...
<OOC> Lanier says, "Am I going to have a hard time wielding a great sword in a cellar?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "Am I going to have a hard time wielding a great sword in a cellar?"
<OOC> Narah says, "I wouldn't say so, it's fairly roomy."
<OOC> Narah says, "I wouldn't say so, it's fairly roomy."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Okie dokie."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Okie dokie."
<OOC> Temarie has a bastard sword and a light spiked shield, Lanier. I think you're good.
<OOC> Temarie has a bastard sword and a light spiked shield, Lanier. I think you're good.
Eligar nods, "Sounds like a plan to me. We'll do our best to guard the rest of you." He will move in once the door is open.
Eligar nods, "Sounds like a plan to me. We'll do our best to guard the rest of you." He will move in once the door is open.
Lanier takes the silver dagger, tucking it into his belt. With a heft of his shoulders, he unhooks a longbow from his shoulders drawing an arrow and stringing it before he lines up midway down the stack. He then adds, "Just so you know, as soon as the battle is fully joined, I'm dropping the bow and I'll be right behind you."
Lanier takes the silver dagger, tucking it into his belt. With a heft of his shoulders, he unhooks a longbow from his shoulders drawing an arrow and stringing it before he lines up midway down the stack. He then adds, "Just so you know, as soon as the battle is fully joined, I'm dropping the bow and I'll be right behind you."
CLICK. Creeeak...
CLICK. Creeeak...
There's a sconce holding an extinguished torch just to the side as the door opens, and further in is darkness. As you make your way within, lit by the flickering light of Tak's spell, you find... well, a relatively large and roomy cellar. It's fairly ordered, with crates and shelves stocked with crockery and the necessities of running a busy wayfarer's inn, and along the far wall is a pair of sizeable barrels, probably holding the ale the innkeeper's been going on about. Much of the food looks like something's been at it - a wheel of cheese is broken in half, several loaves of bread are little more than crumbs left, and so on.
There's a sconce holding an extinguished torch just to the side as the door opens, and further in is darkness. As you make your way within, lit by the flickering light of Tak's spell, you find... well, a relatively large and roomy cellar. It's fairly ordered, with crates and shelves stocked with crockery and the necessities of running a busy wayfarer's inn, and along the far wall is a pair of sizeable barrels, probably holding the ale the innkeeper's been going on about. Much of the food looks like something's been at it - a wheel of cheese is broken in half, several loaves of bread are little more than crumbs left, and so on.
<OOC> Narah says, "Perception checks, please."
<OOC> Narah says, "Perception checks, please."
GAME: Tak rolls perception: (12)+7: 19
GAME: Tak rolls perception: (12)+7: 19
GAME: Temarie rolls perception: (3)+5: 8
GAME: Temarie rolls perception: (3)+5: 8
GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (4)+7: 11
GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (4)+7: 11
GAME: Eligar rolls perception: (7)+10: 17
GAME: Eligar rolls perception: (7)+10: 17
GAME: Nadara rolls Pereption: (15)+Pereption: 15
GAME: Nadara rolls Pereption: (15)+Pereption: 15
You paged Tak with 'Along the back wall, beside the ale barrels, some long planks of wood have been conspicuously leant against the wall as if to hide something. It's fairly sloppily done - you can see they're an attempt at covering up a sizeable hole in the wall.'
You paged Tak with 'Along the back wall, beside the ale barrels, some long planks of wood have been conspicuously leant against the wall as if to hide something. It's fairly sloppily done - you can see they're an attempt at covering up a sizeable hole in the wall.'
You paged Nadara with 'Along the back wall, beside the ale barrels, some long planks of wood have been conspicuously leant against the wall as if to hide something. It's fairly sloppily done - you can see they're an attempt at covering up a sizeable hole in the wall.'
You paged Nadara with 'Along the back wall, beside the ale barrels, some long planks of wood have been conspicuously leant against the wall as if to hide something. It's fairly sloppily done - you can see they're an attempt at covering up a sizeable hole in the wall.'
Tak gestures, sending one of his floating lights ahead to the far wall. "Appears to be something odd over by those planks. I'll let you folks with big pointy steel objects go inspect that." He grins a bit.
Tak gestures, sending one of his floating lights ahead to the far wall. "Appears to be something odd over by those planks. I'll let you folks with big pointy steel objects go inspect that." He grins a bit.
"Ah HA! I believe we have our rat hole," says Nadara, loudly. If there were any rats around here, they'r probably hiding from the loud goblin now. She's already on her way towards some of the ale barrels in back, moving them out of the way as best she can (which is not really all that great) to reval som eplanks that've been placed in front of a hole in the wall. It's fairly obvious once it's pointed out. The hole is pretty big.
"Ah HA! I believe we have our rat hole," says Nadara, loudly. If there were any rats around here, they'r probably hiding from the loud goblin now. She's already on her way towards some of the ale barrels in back, moving them out of the way as best she can (which is not really all that great) to reval som eplanks that've been placed in front of a hole in the wall. It's fairly obvious once it's pointed out. The hole is pretty big.
"These are some... very... large rats."
"These are some... very... large rats."
Temarie makes a bit of a face, but doesn't see it until it's pointed out. "Hmmm....Let's make sure they're not just thieves wearing rat costumes..."
Temarie makes a bit of a face, but doesn't see it until it's pointed out. "Hmmm....Let's make sure they're not just thieves wearing rat costumes..."
As it's pointed out - and lit up - by Tak, and uncovered by Nadara, it's hard to miss: the planks were covering up a hole that looks pretty uneven, as if it's been clawed out of the earth itself with someone's hands. Or claws. It's big enough that an adult human can get through it with little difficulty, and leads into what looks like pitch blackness beyond.
As it's pointed out - and lit up - by Tak, and uncovered by Nadara, it's hard to miss: the planks were covering up a hole that looks pretty uneven, as if it's been clawed out of the earth itself with someone's hands. Or claws. It's big enough that an adult human can get through it with little difficulty, and leads into what looks like pitch blackness beyond.
Eligar nods as he looks at the hole in the wall. "It seems to be. Shall we go in?" He moves to lead the way.
Eligar nods as he looks at the hole in the wall. "It seems to be. Shall we go in?" He moves to lead the way.
"There's no doubt about it!" Shouts Brom, the big blustery dwarf with the giant beard and monocle. Wait, when did he get here? Irrelevant, he's here now. And shouting. "The hunt is afoot! Onwards, to the chase!"
"There's no doubt about it!" Shouts Brom, the big blustery dwarf with the giant beard and monocle. Wait, when did he get here? Irrelevant, he's here now. And shouting. "The hunt is afoot! Onwards, to the chase!"
Tak recasts his dancing lights, its a short duration spell so he does this every 45 seconds or so. He sends the new lights up ahead into the tunnel. "After you then."
Tak recasts his dancing lights, its a short duration spell so he does this every 45 seconds or so. He sends the new lights up ahead into the tunnel. "After you then."
<OOC> Narah says, "So, you're moving in through the hole in the wall?"
<OOC> Narah says, "So, you're moving in through the hole in the wall?"
<OOC> Temarie says, "yup."
<OOC> Temarie says, "yup."
<OOC> Narah says, "Who goes in first?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Who goes in first?"
<OOC> Temarie will.
<OOC> Temarie will.
<OOC> Narah says, "Arrite, roll me a Reflex safe, Temarie. :)"
<OOC> Narah says, "Arrite, roll me a Reflex safe, Temarie. :)"
<OOC> Narah says, "Save*"
<OOC> Narah says, "Save*"
GAME: Temarie rolls reflex: (9)+4: 13
GAME: Temarie rolls reflex: (9)+4: 13
<OOC> Eligar says, "I'll go second."
<OOC> Eligar says, "I'll go second."
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm back."
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm back."
<OOC> Brom goes third.
<OOC> Brom goes third.
<OOC> Lanier will go 3rd.
<OOC> Lanier will go 3rd.
<OOC> Nadara will bring up the rear like the tiny goblin she is.
<OOC> Nadara will bring up the rear like the tiny goblin she is.
So in you go.
So in you go.
As Temarie steps through the hole in the wall, her foot trips a string that was cleverly stretched across the opening. From above comes... a bucket. Full of water. It lands on her head. SPLOOSH.
As Temarie steps through the hole in the wall, her foot trips a string that was cleverly stretched across the opening. From above comes... a bucket. Full of water. It lands on her head. SPLOOSH.
Also, there's an ungodly racket of empty tin cans, sticks and various noise-makers rattling together. Whoever or whatever's lurking within is surely alerted to your presence by now!
Also, there's an ungodly racket of empty tin cans, sticks and various noise-makers rattling together. Whoever or whatever's lurking within is surely alerted to your presence by now!
The passage beyond the hole turns out to look like an old, abandoned mineshaft, full of dust and dirty from years of neglect. It stretches left to right, with only darkness at either end for as long as you can easily see.
The passage beyond the hole turns out to look like an old, abandoned mineshaft, full of dust and dirty from years of neglect. It stretches left to right, with only darkness at either end for as long as you can easily see.
Temarie makes a bit of a face. "Well, whoever was comign in here, knows we're coming now." She says softly after she spits out the water. "Nothing like taking a bath huh? But I think I'll have to take another one after this." She says before stepping over the wire, and looking where they have to go.
Temarie makes a bit of a face. "Well, whoever was comign in here, knows we're coming now." She says softly after she spits out the water. "Nothing like taking a bath huh? But I think I'll have to take another one after this." She says before stepping over the wire, and looking where they have to go.
Tak shakes his head at the sound, then gestures for the next person to enter the hole. "Might as well hurry now before whoever it is gets away."
Tak shakes his head at the sound, then gestures for the next person to enter the hole. "Might as well hurry now before whoever it is gets away."
Eligar winces a little bit as he hears the splash and the racket, "Are you all right?" He asks as he keeps his shield up.
Eligar winces a little bit as he hears the splash and the racket, "Are you all right?" He asks as he keeps his shield up.
Brom holds his musket at the ready, eyes darting about suspiciously as he wades through the terrible dusty, wet tunnel. "I don't like it. I don't like it at all." He grumbles.
Brom holds his musket at the ready, eyes darting about suspiciously as he wades through the terrible dusty, wet tunnel. "I don't like it. I don't like it at all." He grumbles.
Lanier raises his bow as the water splashes and the cans sound, perhaps expecting something more sinister. The young woodsman has an intense expression on his face as he adds in a whisper, "Hurry! Don't give them time to mount a defense."
Lanier raises his bow as the water splashes and the cans sound, perhaps expecting something more sinister. The young woodsman has an intense expression on his face as he adds in a whisper, "Hurry! Don't give them time to mount a defense."
<OOC> Narah says, "You can go two ways. Left or right."
<OOC> Narah says, "You can go two ways. Left or right."
<OOC> Tak pokes Brom. "Track!"
<OOC> Tak pokes Brom. "Track!"
<OOC> Brom will attempt to do that!
<OOC> Brom will attempt to do that!
<OOC> Narah says, "Do so!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Do so!"
<OOC> Brom says, "Do the things being tracked qualify as magic beasts? I get a +2 if so."
<OOC> Brom says, "Do the things being tracked qualify as magic beasts? I get a +2 if so."
<OOC> Narah says, "Nnno."
<OOC> Narah says, "Nnno."
GAME: Brom rolls survival: (9)+9: 18
GAME: Brom rolls survival: (9)+9: 18
You paged Brom with 'There are tracks ALL OVER. Whoever or whatever it is, it's not cared to hide their movements much. Most of them go through the hole, back and forth, and off through the mineshaft to the left. They're clearly humanoid tracks.'
You paged Brom with 'There are tracks ALL OVER. Whoever or whatever it is, it's not cared to hide their movements much. Most of them go through the hole, back and forth, and off through the mineshaft to the left. They're clearly humanoid tracks.'
You paged Brom with '-Small- humanoid tracks.'
You paged Brom with '-Small- humanoid tracks.'
<OOC> Lanier will attempt to track as well.
<OOC> Lanier will attempt to track as well.
<OOC> Narah nods.
<OOC> Narah nods.
GAME: Lanier rolls Survival+1: (17)+7+1: 25
GAME: Lanier rolls Survival+1: (17)+7+1: 25
You paged Lanier with 'There are tracks ALL OVER. Whoever or whatever it is, it's not cared to hide their movements much. Most of them go through the hole, back and forth, and off through the mineshaft to the left. They're clearly humanoid tracks. -Small- ones. And... clawed, it seems.'
You paged Lanier with 'There are tracks ALL OVER. Whoever or whatever it is, it's not cared to hide their movements much. Most of them go through the hole, back and forth, and off through the mineshaft to the left. They're clearly humanoid tracks. -Small- ones. And... clawed, it seems.'
Brom narrows his eyes as he looks at the tunnel floor. "... It's not just spiders and rats we're dealing with down here." He intones, voice low and grim. "... These are humanoids. Just look at the prints. Tiny ones. Going in and out of the holes, mostly."
Brom narrows his eyes as he looks at the tunnel floor. "... It's not just spiders and rats we're dealing with down here." He intones, voice low and grim. "... These are humanoids. Just look at the prints. Tiny ones. Going in and out of the holes, mostly."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Sorry for being slow on the uptake."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Sorry for being slow on the uptake."
Lanier pages: Can I roll Knowledge/Nature to identify the tracks?
Lanier pages: Can I roll Knowledge/Nature to identify the tracks?
You paged Lanier with 'You certainly can.'
You paged Lanier with 'You certainly can.'
GAME: Lanier rolls Knowledge/Nature: (5)+8: 13
GAME: Lanier rolls Knowledge/Nature: (5)+8: 13
<OOC> Narah says, "Brom, you roll that too."
<OOC> Narah says, "Brom, you roll that too."
You paged Lanier with 'Hard to tell exactly, most of them are scuffed too much.'
You paged Lanier with 'Hard to tell exactly, most of them are scuffed too much.'
<OOC> Narah says, "To try and identify 'em. :)"
<OOC> Narah says, "To try and identify 'em. :)"
GAME: Brom rolls knowledge/nature: (3)+7: 10
GAME: Brom rolls knowledge/nature: (3)+7: 10
Lanier lowers his bow to begin reading the tracks in the dirt before them. He then looks towards Tak and asks, "Can I get a little light over this way?" He gets down low on the stairs, poking his head through Temarie's knees (just kidding) to look at one particular track. He then nods his head, "Humanoid, and clawed. They're too scuffed for me to identify however." He looks over towards Brom, "Have you ever seen them before?"
Lanier lowers his bow to begin reading the tracks in the dirt before them. He then looks towards Tak and asks, "Can I get a little light over this way?" He gets down low on the stairs, poking his head through Temarie's knees (just kidding) to look at one particular track. He then nods his head, "Humanoid, and clawed. They're too scuffed for me to identify however." He looks over towards Brom, "Have you ever seen them before?"
You paged Brom with 'Too scuffed to tell easily. Humanoid, small, clawed... nope.'
You paged Brom with 'Too scuffed to tell easily. Humanoid, small, clawed... nope.'
Brom strokes the waxy ends of his beard, shaking his head. "Small and clawed. Maybe... no. Can't be sure. Nothing good, I'll wager."
Brom strokes the waxy ends of his beard, shaking his head. "Small and clawed. Maybe... no. Can't be sure. Nothing good, I'll wager."
Eligar stands back to let those who can track do their thing. He nods, "So which way did they go or did they head in both directions?"
Eligar stands back to let those who can track do their thing. He nods, "So which way did they go or did they head in both directions?"
Lanier stands back up, shrugging his shoulders, "Pesky maybe, but not necessarily evil. Unless otherwise, we must assume this happening is a natural occurrence due to human oversettlement in this area. We should act accordingly." He pauses for a moment and then adds, "Unless it's a troll."
Lanier stands back up, shrugging his shoulders, "Pesky maybe, but not necessarily evil. Unless otherwise, we must assume this happening is a natural occurrence due to human oversettlement in this area. We should act accordingly." He pauses for a moment and then adds, "Unless it's a troll."
You paged (Brom, Lanier) with 'They're all leading off to the left through the shaft. It looks like the passage's been used a fair bit in rcent times.'
You paged (Brom, Lanier) with 'They're all leading off to the left through the shaft. It looks like the passage's been used a fair bit in rcent times.'
Temarie says, "It wouldn't be surprising if they went in both directions and it led to the same hideout. If they have any tactical sense."
Temarie says, "It wouldn't be surprising if they went in both directions and it led to the same hideout. If they have any tactical sense."
Tak puts the light where folks need it, and nods as he listens. "We need to track them then, lets get moving."
Tak puts the light where folks need it, and nods as he listens. "We need to track them then, lets get moving."
Brom keeps his eyes on the tracks, then points off to the left. "... That way. That's where most of them seem to be going."
Brom keeps his eyes on the tracks, then points off to the left. "... That way. That's where most of them seem to be going."
Tak smiles faintly at Lanier "Sometimes you can't really make that judgement. A rust monster is essentially harmless if you throw all your metal stuff away, yet no one seems to balk at killing it do they? Whatever this is, its gone out of its way to conceal its presence, the best we have is no ones been hurt yet, but that doesnt mean its not spreading disease right now and we are all going to get deathly ill just being down here."
Tak smiles faintly at Lanier "Sometimes you can't really make that judgement. A rust monster is essentially harmless if you throw all your metal stuff away, yet no one seems to balk at killing it do they? Whatever this is, its gone out of its way to conceal its presence, the best we have is no ones been hurt yet, but that doesnt mean its not spreading disease right now and we are all going to get deathly ill just being down here."
"You're kidding, right?" says Nadara to Tak, "Spreading diseases? They said the same thing about goblins as an excuse to wipe us out a few centuries ago. Check the bullshit, all right?" Still, though, he does nod to Lanier. "let's see what ht esituation is, eh?" She's moving cautiously, herself.
"You're kidding, right?" says Nadara to Tak, "Spreading diseases? They said the same thing about goblins as an excuse to wipe us out a few centuries ago. Check the bullshit, all right?" Still, though, he does nod to Lanier. "let's see what ht esituation is, eh?" She's moving cautiously, herself.
Tak looks to Nadara "Regular rats spread disease, its why people try to keep them out of thier homes. I'm not suggesting we kill everything without question, I'm just saying sometimes there are larger issues behind things." He moves along carefully behind the others, recasting his lights when necessary.
Tak looks to Nadara "Regular rats spread disease, its why people try to keep them out of thier homes. I'm not suggesting we kill everything without question, I'm just saying sometimes there are larger issues behind things." He moves along carefully behind the others, recasting his lights when necessary.
Eligar nods to Brom, "Sounds like a good idea to me." He keeps his shield up and ready as he starts towards the left.
Eligar nods to Brom, "Sounds like a good idea to me." He keeps his shield up and ready as he starts towards the left.
Lanier looks towards Tak, "The point I'm getting at is this is a home, not a fortress." He then raises his bow again, "I'm ready."
Lanier looks towards Tak, "The point I'm getting at is this is a home, not a fortress." He then raises his bow again, "I'm ready."
It's... well, a mineshaft. There are wooden supports here and there along the way, but all in all - apart from some rusty, discarded old mining equipment that probably not even kobolds would care to nab - it's all pretty empty. The shaft seems to go on outward from the cellar the inn was built atop, and it's lengthy, but before long those of you with better vision underground/in the dark will see you're approaching a bend in the tunnel.
It's... well, a mineshaft. There are wooden supports here and there along the way, but all in all - apart from some rusty, discarded old mining equipment that probably not even kobolds would care to nab - it's all pretty empty. The shaft seems to go on outward from the cellar the inn was built atop, and it's lengthy, but before long those of you with better vision underground/in the dark will see you're approaching a bend in the tunnel.
<OOC> Narah says, "Perception checks, please."
<OOC> Narah says, "Perception checks, please."
GAME: Tak rolls perception: (20)+7: 27
GAME: Tak rolls perception: (20)+7: 27
GAME: Eligar rolls perception: (7)+10: 17
GAME: Eligar rolls perception: (7)+10: 17
GAME: Brom rolls perception: (7)+9: 16
GAME: Brom rolls perception: (7)+9: 16
GAME: Temarie rolls perception: (13)+5: 18
GAME: Temarie rolls perception: (13)+5: 18
GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (10)+7: 17
GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (10)+7: 17
GAME: Nadara rolls Perception: (6)+5: 11
GAME: Nadara rolls Perception: (6)+5: 11
You paged Tak with 'There are voices ahead. High, piping voices. They're still too far away to make out clearly what they're saying, but they sound agitated. Fearful, even.'
You paged Tak with 'There are voices ahead. High, piping voices. They're still too far away to make out clearly what they're saying, but they sound agitated. Fearful, even.'
Tak holds up a hand for folks to pause, then taps his ear a few times and points ahead, finally he puts a finger to his lips. Its all rather self explanitory.
Tak holds up a hand for folks to pause, then taps his ear a few times and points ahead, finally he puts a finger to his lips. Its all rather self explanitory.
<OOC> Narah says, "There's still a little distance left to the bend in the tunnel when Tak does that."
<OOC> Narah says, "There's still a little distance left to the bend in the tunnel when Tak does that."
NAdara was going to contest Tak's statement wiht something, but she stops and then peer sahead, trying to see into the darkness. Unsuccesfully, at the moment.
NAdara was going to contest Tak's statement wiht something, but she stops and then peer sahead, trying to see into the darkness. Unsuccesfully, at the moment.
Lanier stops, leaning to the right slightly to get a clear show between Eligar and Temarie. He narrows his eyes and then nods to Tak quickly, his eyes moving back down the path.
Lanier stops, leaning to the right slightly to get a clear show between Eligar and Temarie. He narrows his eyes and then nods to Tak quickly, his eyes moving back down the path.
Temarie can see in the dark though, being an Arvek Nar. She raises her shield and sword and peers into the darkness.
Temarie can see in the dark though, being an Arvek Nar. She raises her shield and sword and peers into the darkness.
Brom adjusts his moncole as he peers at the darkness, musket still held up. "Steady, lads and lasses. Steady."
Brom adjusts his moncole as he peers at the darkness, musket still held up. "Steady, lads and lasses. Steady."
Eligar starts to move along at the head of the group. He keeps his shield up ready to block anything. HE starts to look around. Well this is not good."
Eligar starts to move along at the head of the group. He keeps his shield up ready to block anything. HE starts to look around. Well this is not good."
As you begin to round the corner, you become aware of a glow ahead: flickering, orange... a campfire of some sort. Also as you round the corner, you're aware of several high, piping voices, which all suddenly fall silent as you appear. There's a small stretch of corridor left, but it's clear it's leading to a room of some sort: there's no door, and the fire's not immediately visible -- it must be just around the corner. What IS visible, though, is a scaled, spined little head, peering intently out at you, poking out from the side of the doorway. Its eyes go wide as saucers, and it squeaks, "Bad adventurers! Bad men! Hidehidehide!"
As you begin to round the corner, you become aware of a glow ahead: flickering, orange... a campfire of some sort. Also as you round the corner, you're aware of several high, piping voices, which all suddenly fall silent as you appear. There's a small stretch of corridor left, but it's clear it's leading to a room of some sort: there's no door, and the fire's not immediately visible -- it must be just around the corner. What IS visible, though, is a scaled, spined little head, peering intently out at you, poking out from the side of the doorway. Its eyes go wide as saucers, and it squeaks, "Bad adventurers! Bad men! Hidehidehide!"
Then it disappears, pulled back as though it's been yanked away.
Then it disappears, pulled back as though it's been yanked away.
Temarie makes a bit of a face. "Well.....that explains a lot. But it didn't look like a rat person." She then shrugs a bit. "Can we see where it went?"
Temarie makes a bit of a face. "Well.....that explains a lot. But it didn't look like a rat person." She then shrugs a bit. "Can we see where it went?"
Tak frowns, then looks to the others. "Kobolds...so what nowd? They tend to favor cowardice and treachery, so unless you have a plan that they can't double cross, I'm not sure how to proceede here."
Tak frowns, then looks to the others. "Kobolds...so what nowd? They tend to favor cowardice and treachery, so unless you have a plan that they can't double cross, I'm not sure how to proceede here."
Eligar comes around the corner and he has his shield up. He looks at the kobold, "Where are your friends that were just here?" He looks towards Temarie, "It was dark the innkeeper might be mistaken."
Eligar comes around the corner and he has his shield up. He looks at the kobold, "Where are your friends that were just here?" He looks towards Temarie, "It was dark the innkeeper might be mistaken."
"Little terrible dragon men. Awful pests." Brom says with a scowl. "If they're behind this, then this hunt just got a lot more dangerous... or at least annoying. Definitely one of the two, possibly both."
"Little terrible dragon men. Awful pests." Brom says with a scowl. "If they're behind this, then this hunt just got a lot more dangerous... or at least annoying. Definitely one of the two, possibly both."
"Oh, Kobolds," says Nadara, putting a hand over her face. "All right. We saw you. Come on out. I mean it. Right now. In the name of RADA. You come out and talk to us RIGHT NOw." She's pushing beyond the others to do just that.
"Oh, Kobolds," says Nadara, putting a hand over her face. "All right. We saw you. Come on out. I mean it. Right now. In the name of RADA. You come out and talk to us RIGHT NOw." She's pushing beyond the others to do just that.
"Go away!" Squeaky little voice. "Go away, bad adventurers! Shoo! We have no treasure for you!" -"Yes, go away! Or we'll... we'll... oh, just go away!"
"Go away!" Squeaky little voice. "Go away, bad adventurers! Shoo! We have no treasure for you!" -"Yes, go away! Or we'll... we'll... oh, just go away!"
They're still inside that room, it seems. It's just ahead, down the short corridor.
They're still inside that room, it seems. It's just ahead, down the short corridor.
Eligar frowns, "Now listen kobolds, you can't go stealing from the innkeeper. It's not your food. Why don't you just leave here before you get hurt."
Eligar frowns, "Now listen kobolds, you can't go stealing from the innkeeper. It's not your food. Why don't you just leave here before you get hurt."
GAME: Eligar rolls diplomacy: (12)+8: 20
GAME: Eligar rolls diplomacy: (12)+8: 20
Temarie shakes her head and strides her way down the short corridor all right.
Temarie shakes her head and strides her way down the short corridor all right.
Tak moves along behind Temarie, looking to see if it truely is just kobolds down there.
Tak moves along behind Temarie, looking to see if it truely is just kobolds down there.
So, there's this room. It's full of old junk. Mining equipment that looks so rusty it'd fall apart if you took a swing with it, natty old piles of rags... and food. There's a neat little store of food on top of one of the cleaner barrels, clearly taken from the innkeeper's cellar. In the middle of the room, on top of an upturned old minecart, is a dim little fire that looks in danger of going out at any moment.
So, there's this room. It's full of old junk. Mining equipment that looks so rusty it'd fall apart if you took a swing with it, natty old piles of rags... and food. There's a neat little store of food on top of one of the cleaner barrels, clearly taken from the innkeeper's cellar. In the middle of the room, on top of an upturned old minecart, is a dim little fire that looks in danger of going out at any moment.
And there's kobolds. Squeezed right up into one of the corners, four tiny little kobolds that look no older than hatchlings lie huddled together, shaking, clutching on to the legs of one slightly larger one, but still clearly a kid, who's making a brave show of waving a stick at you all. "Go away!" Wavewave. "We have no treasure!" One of the smaller ones bursts into tears. "I want my mooooommy!"
And there's kobolds. Squeezed right up into one of the corners, four tiny little kobolds that look no older than hatchlings lie huddled together, shaking, clutching on to the legs of one slightly larger one, but still clearly a kid, who's making a brave show of waving a stick at you all. "Go away!" Wavewave. "We have no treasure!" One of the smaller ones bursts into tears. "I want my mooooommy!"
Eligar puts away his sword as he is not going to fight a kid. "That's enough. We aren't going to hurt you. Just put down the stick and we'll talk about this. What happened to your parents?"
Eligar puts away his sword as he is not going to fight a kid. "That's enough. We aren't going to hurt you. Just put down the stick and we'll talk about this. What happened to your parents?"
And that's when Nadara's drops down and she holsters her pistol. "Okay. Is this some kind of joke?" She asks, rhetorically, eyes going up to the ceilking.
And that's when Nadara's drops down and she holsters her pistol. "Okay. Is this some kind of joke?" She asks, rhetorically, eyes going up to the ceilking.
Temarie also lowers her sword, but doesn't put it away yet. Children are one thing to her, but attacking.....well.....
Temarie also lowers her sword, but doesn't put it away yet. Children are one thing to her, but attacking.....well.....
Brom doesn't put his musket away. But at least he's not pointing it /at/ the kobold children. "What are ye up to back here?" He asks.
Brom doesn't put his musket away. But at least he's not pointing it /at/ the kobold children. "What are ye up to back here?" He asks.
Tak moves back behind someone for a second, and whispers a few arcane words to detect magic, then of course he looks back at the kobolds and thier home....it could be a trick!
Tak moves back behind someone for a second, and whispers a few arcane words to detect magic, then of course he looks back at the kobolds and thier home....it could be a trick!
"Huh?" The oldest kobold kid looks momentarily confused. Then he brandishes the stick at Eligar. BRANDISHES it. So brave! "You took our parents! Now you've come for us! We don't have anything! What do you WANT?"
"Huh?" The oldest kobold kid looks momentarily confused. Then he brandishes the stick at Eligar. BRANDISHES it. So brave! "You took our parents! Now you've come for us! We don't have anything! What do you WANT?"
The rest of the clutch are holding so tightly on to the oldest kid's legs, it looks like he couldn't move if he wanted to.
The rest of the clutch are holding so tightly on to the oldest kid's legs, it looks like he couldn't move if he wanted to.
"Well, at least that one speaks decent trade," mutters Nadara, irritably, "Took your parents? How old -are- you, anyways?" She glances back and forth between the others, then she pinches the ridg of her protruding nose. "Oh, bloody hell. Who took your parents?"
"Well, at least that one speaks decent trade," mutters Nadara, irritably, "Took your parents? How old -are- you, anyways?" She glances back and forth between the others, then she pinches the ridg of her protruding nose. "Oh, bloody hell. Who took your parents?"
Temarie says, "How about telling us why you've been taking the innkeeper's food?" She then gestures to Nadara. "And what Nadara said.""
Temarie says, "How about telling us why you've been taking the innkeeper's food?" She then gestures to Nadara. "And what Nadara said.""
Lanier lowers his bow, returning the arrows to the quiver, yet he seems hesitant to put his bow back on his shoulder. Rather than engaging the young kobolds in conversation, he takes a quick look around, seeming to be watching everything that isn't the children. At Temarie's question, he replies, "Who is going to give a kobold child a job making a fair wage?"
Lanier lowers his bow, returning the arrows to the quiver, yet he seems hesitant to put his bow back on his shoulder. Rather than engaging the young kobolds in conversation, he takes a quick look around, seeming to be watching everything that isn't the children. At Temarie's question, he replies, "Who is going to give a kobold child a job making a fair wage?"
Eligar sighs, "I'm sorry that adventurers took your parents, but you can't stay down here and steal from the Innkeeper. We'll have to tell the innkeeper." He looks to Lanier, "You don't put children to work no matter what race they are."
Eligar sighs, "I'm sorry that adventurers took your parents, but you can't stay down here and steal from the Innkeeper. We'll have to tell the innkeeper." He looks to Lanier, "You don't put children to work no matter what race they are."
Temarie looks to Eligar. "I was a squire when I was younger, Eligar. I also didn't have much of a choice." She then looks to the children. "In this case, they may not have much of a choice. Working for their reason to eat and live around here......."
Temarie looks to Eligar. "I was a squire when I was younger, Eligar. I also didn't have much of a choice." She then looks to the children. "In this case, they may not have much of a choice. Working for their reason to eat and live around here......."
The oldest kid's lower lip trembles. He's not going to cry!
The oldest kid's lower lip trembles. He's not going to cry!
Sniffle. "Y-you're not with the ones who took mama and papa?" The stick is lowered slightly. Slightly. "We... w-we're hiding. Bad adventurers took our parents. We were a-afraid they were gonna come for us." There's quiet sniffling from the younger ones as they look up at the Explorer's Guild representatives with huge eyes.
Sniffle. "Y-you're not with the ones who took mama and papa?" The stick is lowered slightly. Slightly. "We... w-we're hiding. Bad adventurers took our parents. We were a-afraid they were gonna come for us." There's quiet sniffling from the younger ones as they look up at the Explorer's Guild representatives with huge eyes.
Lanier chuckles, "The battlecry of the cityborn..." He falls silent a moment later, now taking a moment to look at the children before he adds, "They have the right to survive." He then returns to looking out and around the home the kobolds have made for themselves.
Lanier chuckles, "The battlecry of the cityborn..." He falls silent a moment later, now taking a moment to look at the children before he adds, "They have the right to survive." He then returns to looking out and around the home the kobolds have made for themselves.
"Gobber children work all the time. There's nothing wrong with learning a trade, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. We don't know what's happened to their parents. I think it's obvious they're just trying to hide down here. They're scared, and they want help. So tell us about these adventurers." Nadara taps her holy symbol. "You see this? It mens I'm a servant of Rada, God of Dealmaking. I'm going to make you a deal. You're going to come out of hiding, all of you, and we won't hurt you. And we might even get you some food if you're really good and tell us more about why you're down here."
"Gobber children work all the time. There's nothing wrong with learning a trade, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. We don't know what's happened to their parents. I think it's obvious they're just trying to hide down here. They're scared, and they want help. So tell us about these adventurers." Nadara taps her holy symbol. "You see this? It mens I'm a servant of Rada, God of Dealmaking. I'm going to make you a deal. You're going to come out of hiding, all of you, and we won't hurt you. And we might even get you some food if you're really good and tell us more about why you're down here."
Tak looks to Nadara, then the kobolds. Its apparent he is thinking, but its also apparent he isn't going to say anything at this time, he just watches as everyone tries to figure out what to do with the situation.
Tak looks to Nadara, then the kobolds. Its apparent he is thinking, but its also apparent he isn't going to say anything at this time, he just watches as everyone tries to figure out what to do with the situation.
Temarie watches as Nadara makes her deal, and she puts the point of her sword on the ground, but she doesn't take her hand off the hilt.....yet. She watches to see if the Kobolds come out before she puts her sword away.
Temarie watches as Nadara makes her deal, and she puts the point of her sword on the ground, but she doesn't take her hand off the hilt.....yet. She watches to see if the Kobolds come out before she puts her sword away.
Eligar looks to Temarie, "And when I was younger I was given a chance to learn and better myself to become what I am today." He looks back towards the children, "How long ago did the bad adventurers take your parents? Did you come down from the other way?"
Eligar looks to Temarie, "And when I was younger I was given a chance to learn and better myself to become what I am today." He looks back towards the children, "How long ago did the bad adventurers take your parents? Did you come down from the other way?"
It's a pretty pitiful little den, truth be told. Everything's banged up and useless. There's a heavy steel door set in one of the walls, but it looks like it's been rusted shut for ages, so there's no accessing the outside through that, at least for weak little kobold kids.
It's a pretty pitiful little den, truth be told. Everything's banged up and useless. There's a heavy steel door set in one of the walls, but it looks like it's been rusted shut for ages, so there's no accessing the outside through that, at least for weak little kobold kids.
"W-we didn't know what to do.." says the oldest of the kids, finally lowering the stick completely. "There were these, these adventurers, they came around and wanted money from mama and papa all the time, and... and then they took mama and papa with them and now we don't know what to do!" He really does burst into tears this time.
"W-we didn't know what to do.." says the oldest of the kids, finally lowering the stick completely. "There were these, these adventurers, they came around and wanted money from mama and papa all the time, and... and then they took mama and papa with them and now we don't know what to do!" He really does burst into tears this time.
Brom scowls. "Those don't sound like any proper adventurers. Sounds more like hooligans and villains to me." He scowls. "... Do you know where to find these 'adventurers'?"
Brom scowls. "Those don't sound like any proper adventurers. Sounds more like hooligans and villains to me." He scowls. "... Do you know where to find these 'adventurers'?"
Eligar nods in agreement with Brom, "Yes if you could show us where these bad adventurers are we'll do our best to get your parents back if we can."
Eligar nods in agreement with Brom, "Yes if you could show us where these bad adventurers are we'll do our best to get your parents back if we can."
Temarie says, "Hopefully we can...."
Temarie says, "Hopefully we can...."
Tak continues to remain quiet and just observe, he has nothing useful to add at this point.
Tak continues to remain quiet and just observe, he has nothing useful to add at this point.
Lanier raises an eyebrow, "Slavers, I'll bet." The youthful ranger, always so sad looking, undergoes an almost dreadful change. His normal facade of melancholy is now replaced by one, single, overarching expression which can only be summarized thusly: Now he's pissed...
Lanier raises an eyebrow, "Slavers, I'll bet." The youthful ranger, always so sad looking, undergoes an almost dreadful change. His normal facade of melancholy is now replaced by one, single, overarching expression which can only be summarized thusly: Now he's pissed...
"...that does *not* sound like adventurers, no. Extortion is the lowest of low sins!" This clearly offends Nadara a great deal, ctually. "Where do you think we can find these 'adventurers'?"
"...that does *not* sound like adventurers, no. Extortion is the lowest of low sins!" This clearly offends Nadara a great deal, ctually. "Where do you think we can find these 'adventurers'?"
"I knows wheres they are!" one of the younger ones pipes up. Their "spokeskid" shushes, then turns back to stare up at the big, well-armed individuals gathered in front of them. "Y-you promise you're not gonna... gonna take us or... go join the bad men or, or... something? They were comin' around all the time, always asking mama and papa for money, and saying it was for our protection, and... and, and I know where they have their camp." As he speaks, the oldest of the kids seems to gain some measure of resolve. "If, if you're gonna go... teach them a lesson, I can tell you."
"I knows wheres they are!" one of the younger ones pipes up. Their "spokeskid" shushes, then turns back to stare up at the big, well-armed individuals gathered in front of them. "Y-you promise you're not gonna... gonna take us or... go join the bad men or, or... something? They were comin' around all the time, always asking mama and papa for money, and saying it was for our protection, and... and, and I know where they have their camp." As he speaks, the oldest of the kids seems to gain some measure of resolve. "If, if you're gonna go... teach them a lesson, I can tell you."
Brom strokes his beard. "Well... I think we'd better find you a better place to live, someplace you can be comfortable without stealing from the innkeeper. But we're not gonna hurt you or take you anyplace you don't want to go. That fair enough?"
Brom strokes his beard. "Well... I think we'd better find you a better place to live, someplace you can be comfortable without stealing from the innkeeper. But we're not gonna hurt you or take you anyplace you don't want to go. That fair enough?"
Lanier turns quickly, approaching the spokechild with a quick step. As he nears, he draws himself down, his cloaking arraying itself around him with little regard for the dirt of the tunnel. Dirt of the tunnel, dirt of the forrests. What's the difference? Less of a bow, and more of an attempt to come eye to eye with the children, he responds, "I need not hold any particular affection for Rada to ensure to you that I will teach them a lesson they shall not soon forget." He then stands up, "Your kind are savvy. You can learn to hunt with respect for the dark forests that your kind favor. You can learn to live with and on the land, if you choose to do so. Though your parents, if they are still alive, will surely have some say in this matter." He glances towards Brom, nodding, before he turns to head back towards the entrance and take a look left and right.
Lanier turns quickly, approaching the spokechild with a quick step. As he nears, he draws himself down, his cloaking arraying itself around him with little regard for the dirt of the tunnel. Dirt of the tunnel, dirt of the forrests. What's the difference? Less of a bow, and more of an attempt to come eye to eye with the children, he responds, "I need not hold any particular affection for Rada to ensure to you that I will teach them a lesson they shall not soon forget." He then stands up, "Your kind are savvy. You can learn to hunt with respect for the dark forests that your kind favor. You can learn to live with and on the land, if you choose to do so. Though your parents, if they are still alive, will surely have some say in this matter." He glances towards Brom, nodding, before he turns to head back towards the entrance and take a look left and right.
Tak coughs and finally speaks up. "I have a question, what did your parents do when they were around? These bad adventurers asked them for money, how did they know your parents had money?"
Tak coughs and finally speaks up. "I have a question, what did your parents do when they were around? These bad adventurers asked them for money, how did they know your parents had money?"
Eligar nods "We'll go find the bad adventurers and try to find your parents." He looks towards Lanier, "Why don't we take them up to the innkeeper and see if he won't give them a real meal and keep them until we get back from trying to find their parents."
Eligar nods "We'll go find the bad adventurers and try to find your parents." He looks towards Lanier, "Why don't we take them up to the innkeeper and see if he won't give them a real meal and keep them until we get back from trying to find their parents."
"I'll pay for it," says Nadara to ELigar, agreeably. "What DId your aprents do, though? That's a good question.." And with that, she's ready to move on.
"I'll pay for it," says Nadara to ELigar, agreeably. "What DId your aprents do, though? That's a good question.." And with that, she's ready to move on.
<OOC> Narah says, "I'm going to do a little scene change now. :)"
<OOC> Narah says, "I'm going to do a little scene change now. :)"
<OOC> Temarie says, "Fast Forward it is."
<OOC> Temarie says, "Fast Forward it is."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Fine by me."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Fine by me."
<OOC> Tak says, "Ok"
<OOC> Tak says, "Ok"
<OOC> Brom says, "Sounds good."
<OOC> Brom says, "Sounds good."
<OOC> Nadara says, "SOunds great. :)"
<OOC> Nadara says, "SOunds great. :)"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Sure"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Sure"
So, after much sniffling, crying, and cajoling, the little clutch of kobold children give you, between them, a fairly good idea of where the "adventurers" are holed up, though the route there is described in terms a child might find important: "past the big stump that looks like a troll," "under the fallen-over rocks that kinda look like a castle," and so on. The bandits' hideout is under the side of a sheer cliff face with a little cave, and apparently they use it as a base from which to conduct thieving raids, extort local businesses for "protection money" and the like. The innkeeper, when pressed, confesses to having heard about them, but has never been personally visited by them. He also mentions that the kids' parents likely come from a village nearby that's known for its very varied inhabitants, a kind of free haven for merchants and craftspeople.
So, after much sniffling, crying, and cajoling, the little clutch of kobold children give you, between them, a fairly good idea of where the "adventurers" are holed up, though the route there is described in terms a child might find important: "past the big stump that looks like a troll," "under the fallen-over rocks that kinda look like a castle," and so on. The bandits' hideout is under the side of a sheer cliff face with a little cave, and apparently they use it as a base from which to conduct thieving raids, extort local businesses for "protection money" and the like. The innkeeper, when pressed, confesses to having heard about them, but has never been personally visited by them. He also mentions that the kids' parents likely come from a village nearby that's known for its very varied inhabitants, a kind of free haven for merchants and craftspeople.
Between Brom and Lanier, and with the route description laid out, it's a fairly simple process to find the hideout, though afternoon approaches evening by the time you've made your way there. They've made little effort to conceal their presence; the surrounding area has been somewhat littered, and there are signs of trees having been felled for firewood for some time.
Between Brom and Lanier, and with the route description laid out, it's a fairly simple process to find the hideout, though afternoon approaches evening by the time you've made your way there. They've made little effort to conceal their presence; the surrounding area has been somewhat littered, and there are signs of trees having been felled for firewood for some time.
Maintaining a stealthy position by which to observe the cave entry, the Gileadran ranger looks over the entrance with distaste, then frowns, "This isn't exactly a hideout. They've done everything to make their presence known except spell out 'Welcome' in the trash by their cookfires." In the travel time, the ranger has become animated, as he is now quite a bit on the hunt.
Maintaining a stealthy position by which to observe the cave entry, the Gileadran ranger looks over the entrance with distaste, then frowns, "This isn't exactly a hideout. They've done everything to make their presence known except spell out 'Welcome' in the trash by their cookfires." In the travel time, the ranger has become animated, as he is now quite a bit on the hunt.
The camp is pretty ramshackle. It's in a natural depression in the land, with a cluster of tents and semipermanent wooden structures built up around a natural cave entrance in the cliff face overlooking it. From a vantage point nearby you have a pretty good view of the whole layout of the place; there's also a good deal of noise coming from the camp. It seems they're having some kind of a party or celebration.
The camp is pretty ramshackle. It's in a natural depression in the land, with a cluster of tents and semipermanent wooden structures built up around a natural cave entrance in the cliff face overlooking it. From a vantage point nearby you have a pretty good view of the whole layout of the place; there's also a good deal of noise coming from the camp. It seems they're having some kind of a party or celebration.
There's a largish firepit in the middle of the camp, and a small gaggle of rough-looking men are have formed a semi-circle, jeering and jostling as they watch two of their number, stripped to the waist, lurch around in what is clearly some kind of an arranged fighting competition of some sort.
There's a largish firepit in the middle of the camp, and a small gaggle of rough-looking men are have formed a semi-circle, jeering and jostling as they watch two of their number, stripped to the waist, lurch around in what is clearly some kind of an arranged fighting competition of some sort.
Tak looks to the others, then at the bandits cave from wherever everyone is hiding. "So, do we want to plan something, or just try to charge in there when we can? We should move fast, they could have plenty of hostages inside."
Tak looks to the others, then at the bandits cave from wherever everyone is hiding. "So, do we want to plan something, or just try to charge in there when we can? We should move fast, they could have plenty of hostages inside."
Brom hoists up his musket, eyes the camp, and shrugs. "I suppose we could just go in guns blazing... but... well, seems like it might be unnecessary bloodshed. Might be, Could be entirely necessary."
Brom hoists up his musket, eyes the camp, and shrugs. "I suppose we could just go in guns blazing... but... well, seems like it might be unnecessary bloodshed. Might be, Could be entirely necessary."
Nadara has her dragonspitter out again. "You're kidding, right? Are they beatging each other in the face? For coin? Oooh, I say we volutneer the dwarf!" She points at Brom.
Nadara has her dragonspitter out again. "You're kidding, right? Are they beatging each other in the face? For coin? Oooh, I say we volutneer the dwarf!" She points at Brom.
Tak frowns "You can't negotiate with a superier force, they outnumber us, and they will figure that out pretty fast when we start."
Tak frowns "You can't negotiate with a superier force, they outnumber us, and they will figure that out pretty fast when we start."
Eligar is on his horse and he has his lance ready with him. "We could, I doubt they are going to just give up. i wouldn't want to give the advantage of surprise. We could wait until they knock each other out or drink themselves stupid, tie them up after they pass out and question them."
Eligar is on his horse and he has his lance ready with him. "We could, I doubt they are going to just give up. i wouldn't want to give the advantage of surprise. We could wait until they knock each other out or drink themselves stupid, tie them up after they pass out and question them."
Temarie says, "It'll be a long wait." She then watches the group beat each other up."
Temarie says, "It'll be a long wait." She then watches the group beat each other up."
Tak shakes his head. "Alright, the quietest and sneakiest of us need to get closer and figure out if the kobolds are still here. If we can, rescue them, if not, we start a fight. Right now they are distracted, and....I can be invisible, so...anyone object to me going to explore?"
Tak shakes his head. "Alright, the quietest and sneakiest of us need to get closer and figure out if the kobolds are still here. If we can, rescue them, if not, we start a fight. Right now they are distracted, and....I can be invisible, so...anyone object to me going to explore?"
Eligar looks to Tak, "If you think you can do it go ahead. If something goes wrong, signal us."
Eligar looks to Tak, "If you think you can do it go ahead. If something goes wrong, signal us."
"Oi, you hit me in the ear, Trev! You hit me in the -ear-!" -"Sorry man, I wasn't ready an' you moved! And don't call me Trev, it's Tyler now, 'member?"
"Oi, you hit me in the ear, Trev! You hit me in the -ear-!" -"Sorry man, I wasn't ready an' you moved! And don't call me Trev, it's Tyler now, 'member?"
The two fighters are clearly not very good. There's a good deal of goodnatured jeering from the other assembled thugs and lowlives, and two of the more well-equipped ones seem to share a signal, then get up and walk back to the cave entrance, disappearing within.
The two fighters are clearly not very good. There's a good deal of goodnatured jeering from the other assembled thugs and lowlives, and two of the more well-equipped ones seem to share a signal, then get up and walk back to the cave entrance, disappearing within.
That leaves only six out front, including the two "fighters".
That leaves only six out front, including the two "fighters".
Lanier frowns, "Let's drop them all. It will clean up the mess once and for all that these men have done." He then looks towards Tak, "I'll go with you. If dear do not hear me, neither will these drunken fools." He stands up, still pressed against a tree, "You make yourself invisible, and I will follow along the treeline."
Lanier frowns, "Let's drop them all. It will clean up the mess once and for all that these men have done." He then looks towards Tak, "I'll go with you. If dear do not hear me, neither will these drunken fools." He stands up, still pressed against a tree, "You make yourself invisible, and I will follow along the treeline."
"I have a better idea," says Nadara, cheerily. She looks between the others, then adds to Tak, "Take a scan over invisibly, yeah. See what you can see. But if you get caught, you'll be on your own until we can get to you. Now, I say we give them a chance to explain. In fact, we can learn a lot about them by how they react to our approach. Tak, actually.. why don't you see about invisbly finding the parent -while- we distrct them? It's better for everyone that way, and we're not as far from you if something eos wrong."
"I have a better idea," says Nadara, cheerily. She looks between the others, then adds to Tak, "Take a scan over invisibly, yeah. See what you can see. But if you get caught, you'll be on your own until we can get to you. Now, I say we give them a chance to explain. In fact, we can learn a lot about them by how they react to our approach. Tak, actually.. why don't you see about invisbly finding the parent -while- we distrct them? It's better for everyone that way, and we're not as far from you if something eos wrong."
Tak nods, and then begins to whisper arcane words to cast the spell that will cloak him in an illusion of nothingness! When done, he quickly and quietly moves off towards the camp to peek in tents or anyplace they might have a couple of kobolds hidden at.
Tak nods, and then begins to whisper arcane words to cast the spell that will cloak him in an illusion of nothingness! When done, he quickly and quietly moves off towards the camp to peek in tents or anyplace they might have a couple of kobolds hidden at.
GAME: Tak casts Invisibility.
GAME: Tak casts Invisibility.
GAME: Tak rolls stealth: (8)+9: 17
GAME: Tak rolls stealth: (8)+9: 17
<OOC> Tak says, "For sound"
<OOC> Tak says, "For sound"
<OOC> Narah says, "The ones out front seem pretty distracted. I'm gonna handwave you getting past them. Are the rest of you moving down along with him to distract them?"
<OOC> Narah says, "The ones out front seem pretty distracted. I'm gonna handwave you getting past them. Are the rest of you moving down along with him to distract them?"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Nadara's gonna head down there to the group, Narah, unless someone object to her idea."
<OOC> Nadara says, "Nadara's gonna head down there to the group, Narah, unless someone object to her idea."
Eligar looks to Nadara, "They are drunk Nadara, walking down there would make us come rescue you. I doubt they are going to treat you kindly. Let Tak and Lanier find out what they can and then if they look like they would be reasonable we can do talk."
Eligar looks to Nadara, "They are drunk Nadara, walking down there would make us come rescue you. I doubt they are going to treat you kindly. Let Tak and Lanier find out what they can and then if they look like they would be reasonable we can do talk."
<OOC> Eligar says, "Will try"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Will try"
<OOC> Lanier will also be sneaking in with Tak along the treeline.
<OOC> Lanier will also be sneaking in with Tak along the treeline.
GAME: Lanier rolls Stealth: (18)+9: 27
GAME: Lanier rolls Stealth: (18)+9: 27
"Could just start shooting and hollerin' and see how they react." For some reason, Brom seems to think this is an acceptable plan.
"Could just start shooting and hollerin' and see how they react." For some reason, Brom seems to think this is an acceptable plan.
"That's fine, then!" Nadara says, cheerfully, "If they attack me, well, we'll know they're bad guys and we'll make sure they get a chance to surrender. We don't know who they are. WE need to find out. All we've got to go on right now is one set of kobold's stories." And with that, she's on her wya down.
"That's fine, then!" Nadara says, cheerfully, "If they attack me, well, we'll know they're bad guys and we'll make sure they get a chance to surrender. We don't know who they are. WE need to find out. All we've got to go on right now is one set of kobold's stories." And with that, she's on her wya down.
Temarie groans. "Well......Eligar.....get ready to charge."
Temarie groans. "Well......Eligar.....get ready to charge."
Eligar goes to move his horse in front of her, "Nadara...stop. Think it through. Let Tak and Lanier find out what they can before you just go walking down in there."
Eligar goes to move his horse in front of her, "Nadara...stop. Think it through. Let Tak and Lanier find out what they can before you just go walking down in there."
You paged Tak with 'You can get to the cave entrance pretty easily, there doesn't seem to be any guards. Are you going inside?'
You paged Tak with 'You can get to the cave entrance pretty easily, there doesn't seem to be any guards. Are you going inside?'
Tak pages: Yes
Tak pages: Yes
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (2): 2
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (2): 2
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (20): 20
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (20): 20
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (17)+1: 18
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (17)+1: 18
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+5: (13)+5: 18
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+5: (13)+5: 18
As Tak disappears, Lanier turns and disappears into the trees, the keen hunter finding his way quietly through the forested areas surrounding this encampment with apparent ease. He approaches the cave as best he can, fading in and out from tree to tree in the most unobtrusive way possible.
As Tak disappears, Lanier turns and disappears into the trees, the keen hunter finding his way quietly through the forested areas surrounding this encampment with apparent ease. He approaches the cave as best he can, fading in and out from tree to tree in the most unobtrusive way possible.
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay, Lanier, are you sticking to the treeline? There's open space between the trees and the first of the tents."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay, Lanier, are you sticking to the treeline? There's open space between the trees and the first of the tents."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ah ok. Yeah, I'll use anything I can find cover behind to get to the cave."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ah ok. Yeah, I'll use anything I can find cover behind to get to the cave."
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (19): 19
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (19): 19
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (6): 6
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (6): 6
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (1): 1
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (1): 1
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (17): 17
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (17): 17
"I *have* thought it through. Are you so confident in your friends here that you think that they can get through without being noticed? We need to be in a position to help them. More than that, I need to be in a position to heal them. If they're hostile, then they're gonna attack and you can charge on in. If they're not hostile, then we'll be talking and sorting out business like two people gone to market. This *is* the right way to do it. Follow me, okay?" NAdara tries to go under Eligar's horse.
"I *have* thought it through. Are you so confident in your friends here that you think that they can get through without being noticed? We need to be in a position to help them. More than that, I need to be in a position to heal them. If they're hostile, then they're gonna attack and you can charge on in. If they're not hostile, then we'll be talking and sorting out business like two people gone to market. This *is* the right way to do it. Follow me, okay?" NAdara tries to go under Eligar's horse.
You paged Tak with 'Inside the cave entrance is a house, basically. It's a small natural cave that they've built up with lumber. There are four people in there - three burly, but human men, and one Giantborn. The Giantborn guy is currently poking a stick into a small cage, in which is... a kobold. There's another cage with another kobold next to it. They seem to be trying, not very well, to interrogate them.'
You paged Tak with 'Inside the cave entrance is a house, basically. It's a small natural cave that they've built up with lumber. There are four people in there - three burly, but human men, and one Giantborn. The Giantborn guy is currently poking a stick into a small cage, in which is... a kobold. There's another cage with another kobold next to it. They seem to be trying, not very well, to interrogate them.'
You paged Lanier with 'You can get to the cave entrance and peek inside. Inside is a house, basically. It's a small natural cave that they've built up with lumber. There are four people in there - three burly, but human men, and one Giantborn. The Giantborn guy is currently poking a stick into a small cage, in which is... a kobold. There's another cage with another kobold next to it. They seem to be trying, not very well, to interrogate them.'
You paged Lanier with 'You can get to the cave entrance and peek inside. Inside is a house, basically. It's a small natural cave that they've built up with lumber. There are four people in there - three burly, but human men, and one Giantborn. The Giantborn guy is currently poking a stick into a small cage, in which is... a kobold. There's another cage with another kobold next to it. They seem to be trying, not very well, to interrogate them.'
Eligar frowns at Nadara, "I am confident in them and if there is trouble we are close enough. What if because of you going down they hurt those they hurt or our actions cause Tak and Lanier to be hurt. Look at those men Nadara, they don't look like they are going to be friendly to you or want to talk to you." He looks towards the others to try to get his help on restraining Nadara from going down.
Eligar frowns at Nadara, "I am confident in them and if there is trouble we are close enough. What if because of you going down they hurt those they hurt or our actions cause Tak and Lanier to be hurt. Look at those men Nadara, they don't look like they are going to be friendly to you or want to talk to you." He looks towards the others to try to get his help on restraining Nadara from going down.
Meanwhile, the "fight club" seems to be going on. They're just not very good at fist-fighting - the two men in the middle have fallen down and are kind of ineffectively flailing at each other while trying to keep the other from getting a good punch in. The others are getting restless.
Meanwhile, the "fight club" seems to be going on. They're just not very good at fist-fighting - the two men in the middle have fallen down and are kind of ineffectively flailing at each other while trying to keep the other from getting a good punch in. The others are getting restless.
<OOC> Narah says, "There's a total of six people outside, to reiterate. Four guys standing around in a semi-circle, two guys fighting. If you can call it that."
<OOC> Narah says, "There's a total of six people outside, to reiterate. Four guys standing around in a semi-circle, two guys fighting. If you can call it that."
Tak pages: Just going to stay and watch for a minute, if no distraction comes I'll move away since my spell only has a 4 minute limit
Tak pages: Just going to stay and watch for a minute, if no distraction comes I'll move away since my spell only has a 4 minute limit
"Yes, because god knows they'll react *so well* to having people sneaking around their camp, Eligar, if they catch them." Nadara lets out a sigh. "All I'm going to do is offer to bet on the fights, and talk to them. We don't know for sure who they are."
"Yes, because god knows they'll react *so well* to having people sneaking around their camp, Eligar, if they catch them." Nadara lets out a sigh. "All I'm going to do is offer to bet on the fights, and talk to them. We don't know for sure who they are."
Temarie chuckles. "Eligar. it's actually a good idea." She says looking up to him. "That way we get everyone's attention away from the pair sneaking into the cave."
Temarie chuckles. "Eligar. it's actually a good idea." She says looking up to him. "That way we get everyone's attention away from the pair sneaking into the cave."
Tak pages: Is there a place I can hide in the cave that I'm sure I wont be seen when the spell wears off?
Tak pages: Is there a place I can hide in the cave that I'm sure I wont be seen when the spell wears off?
You paged Tak with 'Not really. It's kind of a crude office/living quarters thing. There's one proper bed in the back - big enough to be for the giantborn guy - and some cots up front. Otherwise there's lots of beer and food and shoddy loot.'
You paged Tak with 'Not really. It's kind of a crude office/living quarters thing. There's one proper bed in the back - big enough to be for the giantborn guy - and some cots up front. Otherwise there's lots of beer and food and shoddy loot.'
Eligar continues to frown, "And people just wander around the forest looking to place bets on impromptu fist fights." He rolls his eyes, "Why should let them scout it out and find out what they can. Information can make the difference between victory and defeat. Not just strolling down and going, 'Hey guys can I bet on your fight, you don't know me and I just happened to be wandering around the forest a night, with my friend here the mounted knight."
Eligar continues to frown, "And people just wander around the forest looking to place bets on impromptu fist fights." He rolls his eyes, "Why should let them scout it out and find out what they can. Information can make the difference between victory and defeat. Not just strolling down and going, 'Hey guys can I bet on your fight, you don't know me and I just happened to be wandering around the forest a night, with my friend here the mounted knight."
You paged Lanier with 'It's really just kind of a crude office/living quarters thing. There's one proper bed in the back - big enough to be for the giantborn guy - and some cots up front. Otherwise there's lots of beer and food and shoddy loot.'
You paged Lanier with 'It's really just kind of a crude office/living quarters thing. There's one proper bed in the back - big enough to be for the giantborn guy - and some cots up front. Otherwise there's lots of beer and food and shoddy loot.'
"Hey, it could happen." Brom says to Eligar with something of a grin. "If we down a few ales first, the wandering forest gambler story may sound more convincing."
"Hey, it could happen." Brom says to Eligar with something of a grin. "If we down a few ales first, the wandering forest gambler story may sound more convincing."
Lanier pages: What is the line of questioning that the giantborn is using?
Lanier pages: What is the line of questioning that the giantborn is using?
You paged Lanier with 'You can't really hear unless you try to go inside, and there's not much to hide behind.'
You paged Lanier with 'You can't really hear unless you try to go inside, and there's not much to hide behind.'
You paged Lanier with 'You're fairly sure you hear the word "treasure" several times, though.'
You paged Lanier with 'You're fairly sure you hear the word "treasure" several times, though.'
Lanier pauses at the the treeline, looking around quickly and then transitioning from tent to tent as he feels he is clear to do so. He stops next to the entrance of the cave, hunkering down in the shadows as he pulls his dark green cloak around himself in a camouflaging pattern. He listens at the cave, and then frowns slightly, looking towards the fight ring. The approaching cleric causes the ranger to tilt his head slightly, a confused expression on his face.
Lanier pauses at the the treeline, looking around quickly and then transitioning from tent to tent as he feels he is clear to do so. He stops next to the entrance of the cave, hunkering down in the shadows as he pulls his dark green cloak around himself in a camouflaging pattern. He listens at the cave, and then frowns slightly, looking towards the fight ring. The approaching cleric causes the ranger to tilt his head slightly, a confused expression on his face.
Temarie simply remains silent.
Temarie simply remains silent.
"...I was going to be a bit more clever about it than -that-, Eligar," says Nadara with a low, hissing laugh. "The goal is to distract them. If they get violent, well.. we can handle it. Yeah, they outnumber us, but how many of you are willing to bet that they don't have a priestess with them?" She then squints down at them, worriedly.
"...I was going to be a bit more clever about it than -that-, Eligar," says Nadara with a low, hissing laugh. "The goal is to distract them. If they get violent, well.. we can handle it. Yeah, they outnumber us, but how many of you are willing to bet that they don't have a priestess with them?" She then squints down at them, worriedly.
Eligar looks to Brom, "It could, but it's highly unlikely." He looks back to Nadara, "And if they are more of them hiding then the six of them down there? You just want to march down there without knowing anything. We can still go down there when Lanier and Tak come back with more information."
Eligar looks to Brom, "It could, but it's highly unlikely." He looks back to Nadara, "And if they are more of them hiding then the six of them down there? You just want to march down there without knowing anything. We can still go down there when Lanier and Tak come back with more information."
Temarie takes a deep breath and shakes her head. "Worried abotu getting a few dings in your armor, Eligar?" She then looks down at the group at the camp. "If there are more, bring them on. If I die, then I go to the Lady of Battle."
Temarie takes a deep breath and shakes her head. "Worried abotu getting a few dings in your armor, Eligar?" She then looks down at the group at the camp. "If there are more, bring them on. If I die, then I go to the Lady of Battle."
The two fighters seem to have gotten whatever it was out of their systems. It's not clear which of them is the winner, if anyone, but they kind of sheepishly slog back to the semicircle with the others and start putting their shirts back on. Meanwhile, two of the others proceed to take THEIR shirts off and square up against each other. It seems it really is a kind of tournament, or something, because the others take up a ragged cheer. You can faintly hear one of them saying something about "the boss" being undefeated.
The two fighters seem to have gotten whatever it was out of their systems. It's not clear which of them is the winner, if anyone, but they kind of sheepishly slog back to the semicircle with the others and start putting their shirts back on. Meanwhile, two of the others proceed to take THEIR shirts off and square up against each other. It seems it really is a kind of tournament, or something, because the others take up a ragged cheer. You can faintly hear one of them saying something about "the boss" being undefeated.
Temarie now....turns her attention towards the camp, especially hearing about 'the boss'.
Temarie now....turns her attention towards the camp, especially hearing about 'the boss'.
Lanier waits until the second set of fighters start to go at it, slinking through the shadows to the tents and attempting to work his way back to the treeline to get to where is party is.
Lanier waits until the second set of fighters start to go at it, slinking through the shadows to the tents and attempting to work his way back to the treeline to get to where is party is.
Eligar looks at Temarie, "Obviously you don't know me Temarie. Rushing into battle when you can get some information is foolhardy. We sent them down there let's not change the plan just because some people are bored." He looks at Nadara.
Eligar looks at Temarie, "Obviously you don't know me Temarie. Rushing into battle when you can get some information is foolhardy. We sent them down there let's not change the plan just because some people are bored." He looks at Nadara.
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm going to head back now, Narah."
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm going to head back now, Narah."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! They're still pretty distracted out there."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! They're still pretty distracted out there."
"We could always just send our toughest fighter to challenge their toughest in a one on one brawl for supremacy." Brom suggests, stroking his beard. "... 'Course, I suppose we'd have to start sparring like them to determine who our toughest fighter is. That could take some time."
"We could always just send our toughest fighter to challenge their toughest in a one on one brawl for supremacy." Brom suggests, stroking his beard. "... 'Course, I suppose we'd have to start sparring like them to determine who our toughest fighter is. That could take some time."
GAME: Lanier rolls Stealth: (15)+9: 24
GAME: Lanier rolls Stealth: (15)+9: 24
<OOC> Narah doesn't even bother rolling perception, none of 'em can beat that. :P
<OOC> Narah doesn't even bother rolling perception, none of 'em can beat that. :P
<OOC> Lanier grins.
<OOC> Lanier grins.
Temarie says, "Who said I was bored?" She's not even paying much attention to Eligar anymore. Of course, she's looking for their 'boss'."
Temarie says, "Who said I was bored?" She's not even paying much attention to Eligar anymore. Of course, she's looking for their 'boss'."
"Bored? Fuck you," is Nadara's immedite response to Eligar, "I'm doing what I think is sound and right. Don't be an ass."
"Bored? Fuck you," is Nadara's immedite response to Eligar, "I'm doing what I think is sound and right. Don't be an ass."
Eligar looks to Nadara, "No thanks. Right what you think is right. It's not your own life that you are putting in danger by just wandering down there, it's all of our lives."
Eligar looks to Nadara, "No thanks. Right what you think is right. It's not your own life that you are putting in danger by just wandering down there, it's all of our lives."
"Right, them," says Nadara, cooly, "Forget getting healed by me."
"Right, them," says Nadara, cooly, "Forget getting healed by me."
Lanier does make it to the treeline, moving stealthily from tree to tree until he arrives back in time for an f-bomb. He looks around for a moment, his eyes narrowing before he speaks, "We're hunting. Stay focused." He then looks to Nadara, "A scout went out. When you send scouts out, ensure they have someone to report back to. Leaving here would have been foolish and would have jeopardized Tak's life and mine for what would have ultimately been a useless mission. You were not thinking clearly, Current." He then continues in a whisper, "Aside from the six out here, there are four in the cave. The cave is furnished, and the two kobolds are locked in cages. They are being interrogated by a giantborn." He then looks towards Nadara, "So, what you're basically saying is that we must do as you say or you will not do your job to the best of your abilities? If so, you may leave now and we will revisit this issue again in the company of the Guildmaster."
Lanier does make it to the treeline, moving stealthily from tree to tree until he arrives back in time for an f-bomb. He looks around for a moment, his eyes narrowing before he speaks, "We're hunting. Stay focused." He then looks to Nadara, "A scout went out. When you send scouts out, ensure they have someone to report back to. Leaving here would have been foolish and would have jeopardized Tak's life and mine for what would have ultimately been a useless mission. You were not thinking clearly, Current." He then continues in a whisper, "Aside from the six out here, there are four in the cave. The cave is furnished, and the two kobolds are locked in cages. They are being interrogated by a giantborn." He then looks towards Nadara, "So, what you're basically saying is that we must do as you say or you will not do your job to the best of your abilities? If so, you may leave now and we will revisit this issue again in the company of the Guildmaster."
Eligar shrugs, "That is your choice Nadara."
Eligar shrugs, "That is your choice Nadara."
Temarie turns her head. "Giantborn, huh? That must be their 'boss' that has never been defeated." It's clear Temarie was listening to the camp more than the argument that was going on.
Temarie turns her head. "Giantborn, huh? That must be their 'boss' that has never been defeated." It's clear Temarie was listening to the camp more than the argument that was going on.
"Actually, no," says Nadara to Lanier, "What I'm saying is that if you wnt the assistance of the cleric, don't rudely insult the cleric. I wasn't going to refuse to heal him until -after- he insulted me three seperate times. *That*'s my personal line. Unless he apologizes for his insults. I'm going to support the rest of you just fine, and he may get a little help in the process." She shakes herh head. "Don't misinterpret my motivations like he did." A thumb is gestured at ELigar. "I was intending to move down there to suss out their motivations and provide you cover. Just because you didn't need it doesn't mean you might not've if anything'd gone wrong. But we can discuss this later. We've a job to finish."
"Actually, no," says Nadara to Lanier, "What I'm saying is that if you wnt the assistance of the cleric, don't rudely insult the cleric. I wasn't going to refuse to heal him until -after- he insulted me three seperate times. *That*'s my personal line. Unless he apologizes for his insults. I'm going to support the rest of you just fine, and he may get a little help in the process." She shakes herh head. "Don't misinterpret my motivations like he did." A thumb is gestured at ELigar. "I was intending to move down there to suss out their motivations and provide you cover. Just because you didn't need it doesn't mean you might not've if anything'd gone wrong. But we can discuss this later. We've a job to finish."
Tak pops into visibility just short of the group, sticking to the shadows the last little bit. He heard Lanier giving the intelligence report, and gives his own description of the inside of the cave. "Ok, now, I can go invis one more time. I suggest you all attack after I get inside the cave, I'll free the kobolds and then move to help you, or if you think we need to we can simply run for it at that point. I know our mounted guy here is pretty tough, so I'm sure he can do alot of damage. My only curiosity is these guys were questioning the kobolds it looked like.....so we may want to keep that in mind for later."
Tak pops into visibility just short of the group, sticking to the shadows the last little bit. He heard Lanier giving the intelligence report, and gives his own description of the inside of the cave. "Ok, now, I can go invis one more time. I suggest you all attack after I get inside the cave, I'll free the kobolds and then move to help you, or if you think we need to we can simply run for it at that point. I know our mounted guy here is pretty tough, so I'm sure he can do alot of damage. My only curiosity is these guys were questioning the kobolds it looked like.....so we may want to keep that in mind for later."
Temarie looks to Tak. "Lanier mentioned something about a Giantborn, Tak. I'm assuming that is their 'boss who has never been defeated' in this little group." She then looks to Lanier, then to Nadara. "Nadara, Now that we have our information, lets head down and talk to them. Eligar.....you hang back a bit, but make sure you have a clear path.....just in case they decide to become hostile. Tak, you look for a way to get into the cave when you're able.....especially when that Giantborn comes out. Lanier......you do what you do best."
Temarie looks to Tak. "Lanier mentioned something about a Giantborn, Tak. I'm assuming that is their 'boss who has never been defeated' in this little group." She then looks to Lanier, then to Nadara. "Nadara, Now that we have our information, lets head down and talk to them. Eligar.....you hang back a bit, but make sure you have a clear path.....just in case they decide to become hostile. Tak, you look for a way to get into the cave when you're able.....especially when that Giantborn comes out. Lanier......you do what you do best."
Biff! Slap! Oh god, these guys are terrible fistfighters. The others don't seem to mind though, they're kind of drunk and watching people get hurt is an excellent way to spend the evening. The fire is roaring in the firepit, and there's half-hearted waving of weapons.
Biff! Slap! Oh god, these guys are terrible fistfighters. The others don't seem to mind though, they're kind of drunk and watching people get hurt is an excellent way to spend the evening. The fire is roaring in the firepit, and there's half-hearted waving of weapons.
Tak nods "Sounds like a solid plan, I'll hide near the cave, when the time comes I'll go invisible and get the kobolds out if the cave is empty." With that, he turns to move off back to find a safe place to wait until a good moment.
Tak nods "Sounds like a solid plan, I'll hide near the cave, when the time comes I'll go invisible and get the kobolds out if the cave is empty." With that, he turns to move off back to find a safe place to wait until a good moment.
"Best plan I've heard so far." Brom says in agreement with Tak. "But then again, my plans were all terrible." At least he's aware of that.
"Best plan I've heard so far." Brom says in agreement with Tak. "But then again, my plans were all terrible." At least he's aware of that.
"That's fine," says Nadara to Tak, agreeably, on that count.
"That's fine," says Nadara to Tak, agreeably, on that count.
Lanier nods his head, "Indeed, we will discuss this later." He then looks to Eligar, "Now that the scouts are back, now is a good time to go down to the encampment. When someone listening at the cave won't be discovered by someone coming out of it at the sign of a threat." He then looks towards Temarie, nodding his head with a slight smile, "Sure will." He shoulders his bow, reaching up afterwards the loosen the sword from the scabbard there.
Lanier nods his head, "Indeed, we will discuss this later." He then looks to Eligar, "Now that the scouts are back, now is a good time to go down to the encampment. When someone listening at the cave won't be discovered by someone coming out of it at the sign of a threat." He then looks towards Temarie, nodding his head with a slight smile, "Sure will." He shoulders his bow, reaching up afterwards the loosen the sword from the scabbard there.
Eligar nods to Lanier, "Thank you Lanier for the information." He looks to Nadara, "I don't want your healing ever again. Go talk to them and find out what kind of men they are." He looks to Lanier, "I will do as they asked since, admitted unwillingly, and waited for the scouts to come back I shall do as they ask." He turns his horse and starts to ride off to get into position.
Eligar nods to Lanier, "Thank you Lanier for the information." He looks to Nadara, "I don't want your healing ever again. Go talk to them and find out what kind of men they are." He looks to Lanier, "I will do as they asked since, admitted unwillingly, and waited for the scouts to come back I shall do as they ask." He turns his horse and starts to ride off to get into position.
"I wasn't even suggesting we all go down. Just me. I can take care of myself, and would've been able to keep you and Tak alive had anything gone wrong. I can't *heal* you if you're not close enough ot me, and I don't exactly run very fast. Plus, being able to talk to them on my own, as a cleric of Rada, would probably be easier to get their motivations compared to not doing so." Then she eyeballs Eligar. "So, let me get this straight: You'd rather risk death than say 'I'm sorry I insulted you'? Wow. Just... wow. That's impressive. Okay." She shrugs, then start on down.
"I wasn't even suggesting we all go down. Just me. I can take care of myself, and would've been able to keep you and Tak alive had anything gone wrong. I can't *heal* you if you're not close enough ot me, and I don't exactly run very fast. Plus, being able to talk to them on my own, as a cleric of Rada, would probably be easier to get their motivations compared to not doing so." Then she eyeballs Eligar. "So, let me get this straight: You'd rather risk death than say 'I'm sorry I insulted you'? Wow. Just... wow. That's impressive. Okay." She shrugs, then start on down.
Temarie places a gentle hand upon Nadara's shoulder and speaks to her in goblinspeak.....
Temarie places a gentle hand upon Nadara's shoulder and speaks to her in goblinspeak.....
Eligar looks back at Nadara, "I apologize for implying that your intelligence as less than average. I disagreed with your plan, but should not have insulted your intelligence. I felt you were putting our two companions in unneeded danger."
Eligar looks back at Nadara, "I apologize for implying that your intelligence as less than average. I disagreed with your plan, but should not have insulted your intelligence. I felt you were putting our two companions in unneeded danger."
So you go towards the camp!
So you go towards the camp!
It actually takes surprisingly long before any of the men at the firepit -notice-. At some point, one of the fellows nudges another and goes, "Hey... do we know those guys?"
It actually takes surprisingly long before any of the men at the firepit -notice-. At some point, one of the fellows nudges another and goes, "Hey... do we know those guys?"
Sudden silence. The two fighters scramble away from each other and stumble over to where they left their clothes, taking up weapons, while the rest of the men kind of... await pensively. "Weren't you going to be standing watch, Bill?" -"Uh, I thought it was your turn." -Why didn't you say anything?" -"Just... shut up."
Sudden silence. The two fighters scramble away from each other and stumble over to where they left their clothes, taking up weapons, while the rest of the men kind of... await pensively. "Weren't you going to be standing watch, Bill?" -"Uh, I thought it was your turn." -Why didn't you say anything?" -"Just... shut up."
One of the less obviously drunk men, an unwashed lout by the looks of him, steps forward. "Yeah, uh, what do you want? We're busy here."
One of the less obviously drunk men, an unwashed lout by the looks of him, steps forward. "Yeah, uh, what do you want? We're busy here."
Tak is carefully hidden back among the trees, waiting for the chance to go invisible and enter the cave, for now he watches and listens to see how things go.
Tak is carefully hidden back among the trees, waiting for the chance to go invisible and enter the cave, for now he watches and listens to see how things go.
As Eligar begins to ride, Lanier turns to walk beside the horse. He reaches out to pat the horse on the neck. In between two of his fingers are thin vials of white liquid. He looks up towards the knight and speaks in a lyrical and effortless Sildanyari. Without another word, Lanier balances the two vials on the pommel of the saddle and then breaks away to continue forward and a number of feet to the side, his narrowed eyes on the humans. Crossing his arms across his chest and assuming a casual posture, little do they know he is mere moments from any of the array of weapons he has at his disposal.
As Eligar begins to ride, Lanier turns to walk beside the horse. He reaches out to pat the horse on the neck. In between two of his fingers are thin vials of white liquid. He looks up towards the knight and speaks in a lyrical and effortless Sildanyari. Without another word, Lanier balances the two vials on the pommel of the saddle and then breaks away to continue forward and a number of feet to the side, his narrowed eyes on the humans. Crossing his arms across his chest and assuming a casual posture, little do they know he is mere moments from any of the array of weapons he has at his disposal.
Temarie walks towards the encampment. She uses that opportunity to count how many of the guys were actually there in a quick count. She does have her sword out, but as she comes to a stop, she plants the point of it in the ground, resting both hands up top of it's hilt, watching. She lets Nadara handle the talking.
Temarie walks towards the encampment. She uses that opportunity to count how many of the guys were actually there in a quick count. She does have her sword out, but as she comes to a stop, she plants the point of it in the ground, resting both hands up top of it's hilt, watching. She lets Nadara handle the talking.
"Apology acepted," says Nadara to Eligar, "I was worried they'd be in danger if they got noticed... and I wouldn 't be able to get to them in time. Negotiating with them for the kobolds would be the better result anyways. That way, nobody has to die and they can be put out of business."
"Apology acepted," says Nadara to Eligar, "I was worried they'd be in danger if they got noticed... and I wouldn 't be able to get to them in time. Negotiating with them for the kobolds would be the better result anyways. That way, nobody has to die and they can be put out of business."
Then when tey rrive, scrambling for ther thigns, Nadara chirps, "Hullo there! I'm Nadara. I'm a servant of Rada." She holds her holy syumbol up, then asks. "I *thought* I saw some betting going on here! For shame. Don't stop on our account."
Then when tey rrive, scrambling for ther thigns, Nadara chirps, "Hullo there! I'm Nadara. I'm a servant of Rada." She holds her holy syumbol up, then asks. "I *thought* I saw some betting going on here! For shame. Don't stop on our account."
"What the hell do you want? If that hag of a wife of mine sent you, tell 'er we're through! I got a gang now!" One of the ones at the back says this. The speaker in front shoots him a quick, angry glare. "Shut -up-, Clive." Composing himself and trying to look threatening, he proceeds to put his hand on the hilt of his sword. "We ain't got no business with you. This is our territory, an' everybody 'round here knows it. Fuck off, or we'll get the boss, an' he'll pound ya flat."
"What the hell do you want? If that hag of a wife of mine sent you, tell 'er we're through! I got a gang now!" One of the ones at the back says this. The speaker in front shoots him a quick, angry glare. "Shut -up-, Clive." Composing himself and trying to look threatening, he proceeds to put his hand on the hilt of his sword. "We ain't got no business with you. This is our territory, an' everybody 'round here knows it. Fuck off, or we'll get the boss, an' he'll pound ya flat."
Temarie almost seems bored with the threatening gesture. "Well....we're not from around here." She says softly, but then she looks to Nadara....
Temarie almost seems bored with the threatening gesture. "Well....we're not from around here." She says softly, but then she looks to Nadara....
Brom keeps his musket visible, though pointed at the sky. "Ye shouldn't take that sort of tone with mighty hunters like us!" He boasts. "What if yer wife had sent us? Then we'd have tae hog-tie you an' haul you back!"
Brom keeps his musket visible, though pointed at the sky. "Ye shouldn't take that sort of tone with mighty hunters like us!" He boasts. "What if yer wife had sent us? Then we'd have tae hog-tie you an' haul you back!"
Eligar holds himself ready out of sight, but with a clear path to the camp should the need arise, which more then likely it will.
Eligar holds himself ready out of sight, but with a clear path to the camp should the need arise, which more then likely it will.
"Your territory? -Your- terrtiory?" says Nadara, "Oh, well. You'll have to forgive me. I'm new here. Who's -territory- am I in and what sort of tax do I have to pay for safe passage through it?" Banditry confirmed in three, two, one...
"Your territory? -Your- terrtiory?" says Nadara, "Oh, well. You'll have to forgive me. I'm new here. Who's -territory- am I in and what sort of tax do I have to pay for safe passage through it?" Banditry confirmed in three, two, one...
The one near the back - Clive - starts looking antsy. He takes a half-step back. "I should maybe get the boss, these guys look like trouble..."
The one near the back - Clive - starts looking antsy. He takes a half-step back. "I should maybe get the boss, these guys look like trouble..."
The speaker near the front scoffs. "Pah! Looks more like free loot to me," he says, and takes a half-step -towards- you. "Whatcha say? Hand over your stuff and maybe we'll let ya go." The rest of the crew gives a half-hearted "yeah!" and assorted other sounds of assent. There's the sound of weapons being drawn.
The speaker near the front scoffs. "Pah! Looks more like free loot to me," he says, and takes a half-step -towards- you. "Whatcha say? Hand over your stuff and maybe we'll let ya go." The rest of the crew gives a half-hearted "yeah!" and assorted other sounds of assent. There's the sound of weapons being drawn.
<OOC> Tak says, "I'd like to cast first, a ghost sound, and then a silent image, and create an illusion of four archers, opposite side of where I am, stepping out in kind of a flanking gesture, perhaps let our cleric negotiate better :)"
<OOC> Tak says, "I'd like to cast first, a ghost sound, and then a silent image, and create an illusion of four archers, opposite side of where I am, stepping out in kind of a flanking gesture, perhaps let our cleric negotiate better :)"
<OOC> Tak says, "Hrm, well it says object....woudl that mean only 1?"
<OOC> Tak says, "Hrm, well it says object....woudl that mean only 1?"
<OOC> Narah says, "An object, creature, or force... sounds like one, yeah."
<OOC> Narah says, "An object, creature, or force... sounds like one, yeah."
<OOC> Tak says, "Ok, so I'll illusion one guy, but it should help a little"
<OOC> Tak says, "Ok, so I'll illusion one guy, but it should help a little"
<OOC> Tak says, "That alright?"
<OOC> Tak says, "That alright?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Sure!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Sure!"
GAME: Tak casts Silent Image.
GAME: Tak casts Silent Image.
GAME: Tak casts Ghost Sound.
GAME: Tak casts Ghost Sound.
Tak whispers a few arcane words, and draws out a small lump of wax. Across on the other side of the camp, there is the sound of brushes being moved, by multiple sources, and then from behind a tree steps a single archer, bow drawn, arrow ready. "I suggest you be nice to the little woman there." The illusion speaks towards the man who just suggested they loot the goblin and the party.
Tak whispers a few arcane words, and draws out a small lump of wax. Across on the other side of the camp, there is the sound of brushes being moved, by multiple sources, and then from behind a tree steps a single archer, bow drawn, arrow ready. "I suggest you be nice to the little woman there." The illusion speaks towards the man who just suggested they loot the goblin and the party.
<OOC> Tak says, "Btw, the illusion looks 'similar' to tak, but there are enough differences you realize its not him"
<OOC> Tak says, "Btw, the illusion looks 'similar' to tak, but there are enough differences you realize its not him"
"They've got a dude with a bow!" Clive half-turns and looks like he's about to run, now. The others... well, they draw their weapons. Looks like adding to the threat only makes 'em more aggressive.
"They've got a dude with a bow!" Clive half-turns and looks like he's about to run, now. The others... well, they draw their weapons. Looks like adding to the threat only makes 'em more aggressive.
GAME: You clear initiatives.
GAME: You clear initiatives.
GAME: Narah has cleared initiatives.
GAME: Narah has cleared initiatives.
<OOC> Temarie says, "+Inits?"
<OOC> Temarie says, "+Inits?"
GAME: Nadara rolls initiative: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 11
GAME: Nadara rolls initiative: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 11
<OOC> Nadara says, "I believe so. Right, Narah?"
<OOC> Nadara says, "I believe so. Right, Narah?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Right. ;)"
<OOC> Narah says, "Right. ;)"
GAME: Temarie rolls initiative: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 6
GAME: Temarie rolls initiative: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 6
<OOC> Nadara says, "So +init!"
<OOC> Nadara says, "So +init!"
GAME: Tak rolls initiative: Roll: 13 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 17
GAME: Tak rolls initiative: Roll: 13 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 17
GAME: Eligar rolls initiative: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 4
GAME: Eligar rolls initiative: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 4
GAME: Lanier rolls initiative: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 19
GAME: Lanier rolls initiative: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 19
GAME: You roll initiative for Bandits: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 11
GAME: You roll initiative for Bandits: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 11
GAME: Brom rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 10
GAME: Brom rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 10
===== Current Initiative Order =========
===== Current Initiative Order =========
Line 558: Line 887:
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! You've got a situation. The bandits are pretty well gathered up into a clump. One looks like he's about to run and get reinforcements."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! You've got a situation. The bandits are pretty well gathered up into a clump. One looks like he's about to run and get reinforcements."
<OOC> Narah says, "Lanier!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Lanier!"
<OOC> Lanier says, "Alright. The one about to turn and get reinforcements. Is he next to anyone?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "Alright. The one about to turn and get reinforcements. Is he next to anyone?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Yeah. You could get to him, but it'd mean one AoO."
<OOC> Narah says, "Yeah. You could get to him, but it'd mean one AoO."
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'll take it."
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'll take it."
<OOC> Lanier is going to go in and set up the cleave.
<OOC> Lanier is going to go in and set up the cleave.
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Rolling AoO."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Rolling AoO."
<OOC> Lanier says, "My AC is 18, btw."
<OOC> Lanier says, "My AC is 18, btw."
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+3: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+3: (4)+3: 7
<OOC> Lanier says, "17, excuse me."
<OOC> Lanier says, "17, excuse me."
<OOC> Narah says, "Whoosh."
<OOC> Narah says, "Whoosh."
<OOC> Lanier says, "They're humans, right?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "They're humans, right?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Yep."
<OOC> Narah says, "Yep."
<OOC> Lanier nods, "Favored Enemy bonus in effect."
<OOC> Lanier nods, "Favored Enemy bonus in effect."
<OOC> Narah says, "You think. Under all the grime."
<OOC> Narah says, "You think. Under all the grime."
<OOC> Lanier smirks.
<OOC> Lanier smirks.
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+9: (7)+9: 16
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+9: (7)+9: 16
<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"
<OOC> Lanier says, "Second attack roll."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Second attack roll."
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+9: (11)+9: 20
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+9: (11)+9: 20
<OOC> Lanier says, "Here comes the pain."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Here comes the pain."
<OOC> Narah says, "Ooh, hit."
<OOC> Narah says, "Ooh, hit."
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+11: (10)+11: 21
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+11: (10)+11: 21
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+11: (3)+11: 14
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+11: (3)+11: 14
<OOC> Narah says, "Clive goes a-tumblin', straight off the bat. The other one looks very badly hurt. Pose it!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Clive goes a-tumblin', straight off the bat. The other one looks very badly hurt. Pose it!"
As swords start coming out and the threat is made, this seems to be the Gilead Ranger's cue. He reaches up, drawing the greatsword with lightning precision, and taking it in two hards. Leaping forward, Lanier cuts a figure-eight in the air above his head, slicing down into the torso of the one who broke to get help. He then pulls it across with a grunt, swinging the greatsword with terrible efficiency and cutting slightly less deeply into the second. The Ranger has gone from melancholy, to alive, and has just arrived at hyperactive.
As swords start coming out and the threat is made, this seems to be the Gilead Ranger's cue. He reaches up, drawing the greatsword with lightning precision, and taking it in two hards. Leaping forward, Lanier cuts a figure-eight in the air above his head, slicing down into the torso of the one who broke to get help. He then pulls it across with a grunt, swinging the greatsword with terrible efficiency and cutting slightly less deeply into the second. The Ranger has gone from melancholy, to alive, and has just arrived at hyperactive.
Line 588: Line 941:
<OOC> Narah says, "Tak."
<OOC> Narah says, "Tak."
<OOC> Tak says, "Hrm, is there a clump of 4 guys at all?"
<OOC> Tak says, "Hrm, is there a clump of 4 guys at all?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Six."
<OOC> Narah says, "Six."
<OOC> Tak says, "And can grease work out here?"
<OOC> Tak says, "And can grease work out here?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Don't see why not."
<OOC> Narah says, "Don't see why not."
<OOC> Narah says, "Well, five. Clive is down."
<OOC> Narah says, "Well, five. Clive is down."
<OOC> Tak says, "Then I can grease a 10x10, so thats 4 guys get greased, I'll get the 4 clumped farthest away from the party"
<OOC> Tak says, "Then I can grease a 10x10, so thats 4 guys get greased, I'll get the 4 clumped farthest away from the party"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
<OOC> Tak says, "Dropping my illusion"
<OOC> Tak says, "Dropping my illusion"
<OOC> Narah says, "Cast, pose."
<OOC> Narah says, "Cast, pose."
GAME: Tak casts Grease.
GAME: Tak casts Grease.
Tak finds that the illusion, while quite good in his mind, is obviously the straw that broke the camels back. He quickly gestures, tossing a small pinch of butter as he mutters arcane words from his hiding spot. A patch of grease appears underneath most of the rear members of the group
Tak finds that the illusion, while quite good in his mind, is obviously the straw that broke the camels back. He quickly gestures, tossing a small pinch of butter as he mutters arcane words from his hiding spot. A patch of grease appears underneath most of the rear members of the group
<OOC> Tak says, "They need to save"
<OOC> Tak says, "They need to save"
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh, right!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh, right!"
<OOC> Tak says, "Reflex vs 14"
<OOC> Tak says, "Reflex vs 14"
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (5)+1: 6
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (5)+1: 6
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (7)+1: 8
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (7)+1: 8
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (12)+1: 13
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (12)+1: 13
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (3)+1: 4
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (3)+1: 4
<OOC> Narah says, "Bwahaha."
<OOC> Narah says, "Bwahaha."
<OOC> Narah says, "All four go down!"
<OOC> Narah says, "All four go down!"
<OOC> Tak says, "Woo!"
<OOC> Tak says, "Woo!"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Anyone in view left up?"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Anyone in view left up?"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Not falling down and/or dead? XD"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Not falling down and/or dead? XD"
<OOC> Narah says, "One bandit is unconscious. Four are flailing on the ground. One is up and looking very confused."
<OOC> Narah says, "One bandit is unconscious. Four are flailing on the ground. One is up and looking very confused."
<OOC> Narah says, "Nadara."
<OOC> Narah says, "Nadara."
<OOC> Nadara says, "I'm going to cast command and tell him to lay down."
<OOC> Nadara says, "I'm going to cast command and tell him to lay down."
<OOC> Nadara says, "Good bandit!"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Good bandit!"
GAME: Nadara casts Command.
GAME: Nadara casts Command.
<OOC> Nadara says, "DC 13."
<OOC> Nadara says, "DC 13."
<OOC> Nadara says, "Er, 14."
<OOC> Nadara says, "Er, 14."
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (2): 2
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (2): 2
<OOC> Narah says, "He lies down."
<OOC> Narah says, "He lies down."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Pose it."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Pose it."
"Hey. You. The guy still standing. DOWN." Nadara points a finger at him like he's a dog being given an order.
"Hey. You. The guy still standing. DOWN." Nadara points a finger at him like he's a dog being given an order.
And lay down he does.
And lay down he does.
<OOC> Narah says, "Bandits! They're... all lying on the ground. It's all very confusing. They're going to try and get up. Lanier, you're threatening one of them, the guy you hurt. AoO!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Bandits! They're... all lying on the ground. It's all very confusing. They're going to try and get up. Lanier, you're threatening one of them, the guy you hurt. AoO!"
<OOC> Narah says, "If you wanna."
<OOC> Narah says, "If you wanna."
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+9: (10)+9: 19
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+9: (10)+9: 19
<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"
<OOC> Lanier says, "Can you power attack on an AoO?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "Can you power attack on an AoO?"
<OOC> Narah says, "I don't think so?"
<OOC> Narah says, "I don't think so?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "I didn't think so."
<OOC> Lanier says, "I didn't think so."
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+8: (9)+8: 17
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+8: (9)+8: 17
It's all so very confusing. One moment they're up and threatening and having a good time, the next one of their number is down and they're all flailing around on the ground. The bandits all try and get up, amid much swearing and fumbling and disgusting greasy ground. Not all of them make it.
It's all so very confusing. One moment they're up and threatening and having a good time, the next one of their number is down and they're all flailing around on the ground. The bandits all try and get up, amid much swearing and fumbling and disgusting greasy ground. Not all of them make it.
<OOC> Narah says, "Feel free!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Brom."
<OOC> Narah says, "Brom."
<OOC> Brom says, "How near is the injured one?"
<OOC> Brom says, "How near is the injured one?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Well, you've got one unconscious and dying one and one who's just plain dead. The others are, aside from being greasy and disgusting, pretty healthy."
<OOC> Narah says, "Well, you've got one unconscious and dying one and one who's just plain dead. The others are, aside from being greasy and disgusting, pretty healthy."
<OOC> Brom says, "Hrm. Get to within 30' of the nearest healthy/greasy one, fire thunderbelcher."
<OOC> Brom says, "Hrm. Get to within 30' of the nearest healthy/greasy one, fire thunderbelcher."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Roll it."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Roll it."
GAME: Brom rolls ranged + 2: (5)+7+2: 14
GAME: Brom rolls ranged + 2: (5)+7+2: 14
<OOC> Brom says, "It's a touch attack at that range."
<OOC> Brom says, "It's a touch attack at that range."
<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"
GAME: Brom rolls 1d12+1: (10)+1: 11
GAME: Brom rolls 1d12+1: (10)+1: 11
<OOC> Narah says, "Ow. You got him good. He's hurt. Pose it."
<OOC> Narah says, "Ow. You got him good. He's hurt. Pose it."
Brom finally gets an excuse to fire off that musket he's been waving around all day. "Get 'em, Julie!" He shouts, pulling the trigger and showering the nearest bandit with musket shot. He lets out a triumphant whoop.
Brom finally gets an excuse to fire off that musket he's been waving around all day. "Get 'em, Julie!" He shouts, pulling the trigger and showering the nearest bandit with musket shot. He lets out a triumphant whoop.
<OOC> Narah says, "Temarie!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Temarie!"
<OOC> Temarie says, "I'm gonna trot my way up to the nearest healthy greased guy, if I can, and hit him."
<OOC> Temarie says, "I'm gonna trot my way up to the nearest healthy greased guy, if I can, and hit him."
<OOC> Narah says, "You can do that! Roll it."
<OOC> Narah says, "You can do that! Roll it."
GAME: Temarie rolls weapon1: (4)+8: 12
GAME: Temarie rolls weapon1: (4)+8: 12
<OOC> Narah says, "Juuust missed."
<OOC> Narah says, "Juuust missed."
<OOC> Temarie says, "ah well."
<OOC> Temarie says, "ah well."
Trotting her way up to the small group, Temarie swings her sword at one of the guys in the grease pit.....and they just move out of the way.....
Trotting her way up to the small group, Temarie swings her sword at one of the guys in the grease pit.....and they just move out of the way.....
<OOC> Narah says, "Eligar?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Eligar?"
<OOC> Eligar says, "I'll charge, ride by attack and hit the closest greased guy"
<OOC> Eligar says, "I'll charge, ride by attack and hit the closest greased guy"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Rollin' it, please."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Rollin' it, please."
GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+11: (7)+11: 18
GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+11: (7)+11: 18
<OOC> Narah says, "That's a hit!"
<OOC> Narah says, "That's a hit!"
GAME: Eligar rolls 2d8+8: (6)+8: 14
GAME: Eligar rolls 2d8+8: (6)+8: 14
<OOC> Narah says, "He's badly hurt."
<OOC> Narah says, "He's badly hurt."
From behind the others Eligar makes his charge on his steed. Kindroth comes thundering down and as one of the bandits is just getting to his feet, Eligar slams his lance hard into him, badly hurting him as he rides by.
From behind the others Eligar makes his charge on his steed. Kindroth comes thundering down and as one of the bandits is just getting to his feet, Eligar slams his lance hard into him, badly hurting him as he rides by.
<OOC> Narah says, "Top of the round! Lanier."
<OOC> Narah says, "Top of the round! Lanier."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Any of them up?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "Any of them up?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Four of 'em. Two are unhurt, two look pretty badly roughed up."
<OOC> Narah says, "Four of 'em. Two are unhurt, two look pretty badly roughed up."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Putting down my sword. Quick drawing the bow. Rapid shotting the one Eligar just nailed."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Putting down my sword. Quick drawing the bow. Rapid shotting the oOOC> Narah says, "Yeah. You could get to him, but it'd mean one AoO."
<OOC> Narah says, "Righty! Roll it."
<OOC> Narah says, "Righty! Roll it."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Since Eligar did a ride-by, he's no longer considered in Melee correct?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "Since Eligar did a ride-by, he's no longer considered in Melee correct?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Correct."
<OOC> Narah says, "Correct."
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25
<OOC> Narah says, "Ouch. hit!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Ouch. hit!"
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Shot #2."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Shot #2."
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+6: (17)+6: 23
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+6: (17)+6: 23
<OOC> Narah says, "And a hit."
<OOC> Narah says, "And a hit."
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d8+4: (7)+4: 11
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d8+4: (7)+4: 11
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d8+4: (5)+4: 9
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d8+4: (5)+4: 9
<OOC> Narah says, "He's so very, very down."
<OOC> Narah says, "He's so very, very down."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Posing it."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Posing it."
Lanier looks somewhat perturbed when the second man he just hit gets put to the ground by means outside his own weapons. When he begins to get up, however, the Ranger is there to swing the sword and put him down once again. With the enemies in front of him down, the Ranger switches up tactics by driving his greatsword into the dirt and removing the bow in one smooth motion. The knight enters the fray, knocking one of them men hard with his lance and giving Lanier the perfect idea. With a hunter's accuracy, his hand moves to his quiver like lightning, drawing and firing one arrow and then the next almost as soon as the first leaves the bow. End result: Two arrows sticking out of a dead bandit.
Lanier looks somewhat perturbed when the second man he just hit gets put to the ground by means outside his own weapons. When he begins to get up, however, the Ranger is there to swing the sword and put him down once again. With the enemies in front of him down, the Ranger switches up tactics by driving his greatsword into the dirt and removing the bow in one smooth motion. The knight enters the fray, knocking one of them men hard with his lance and giving Lanier the perfect idea. With a hunter's accuracy, his hand moves to his quiver like lightning, drawing and firing one arrow and then the next almost as soon as the first leaves the bow. End result: Two arrows sticking out of a dead bandit.
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay. Tak?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay. Tak?"
<OOC> Tak says, "Hrm"
<OOC> Tak says, "Hrm"
<OOC> Tak says, "I'm going to hold right now, staying hidden"
<OOC> Tak says, "I'm going to hold right now, staying hidden"
<OOC> Tak says, "Wait"
<OOC> Tak says, "Wait"
<OOC> Tak says, "I'll cast invis for now, might as well use my time wisely"
<OOC> Tak says, "I'll cast invis for now, might as well use my time wisely"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Cast, pose."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Cast, pose."
GAME: Tak casts Invisibility.
GAME: Tak casts Invisibility.
Tak gestures again, whispering arcane words of magic that wrap him in the illusion of nothingness once more. He fades from sight, then begins to move slowly closer to the cave, ready to run inside should the need arrise, or if things go well, assist the others fighting if it comes to that.
Tak gestures again, whispering arcane words of magic that wrap him in the illusion of nothingness once more. He fades from sight, then begins to move slowly closer to the cave, ready to run inside should the need arrise, or if things go well, assist the others fighting if it comes to that.
<OOC> Narah says, "Nadara."
<OOC> Narah says, "Nadara."
<OOC> Nadara says, "I'm a bit fuzzy on the positioning."
<OOC> Nadara says, "I'm a bit fuzzy on the positioning."
<OOC> Nadara says, "But can I move to Prayer everyone? :)"
<OOC> Nadara says, "But can I move to Prayer everyone? :)"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Or actually"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Or actually"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Bless."
<OOC> Nadara says, "Bless."
<OOC> Nadara says, "I'll save prayer for when we meet more baddies."
<OOC> Nadara says, "I'll save prayer for when we meet more baddies."
<OOC> Narah says, "Actually."
<OOC> Narah says, "Actually."
<OOC> Narah says, "Bless is a 50 foot circle?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Bless is a 50 foot circle?"
<OOC> Narah says, "You're getting everyone but Eligar, I think."
<OOC> Narah says, "You're getting everyone but Eligar, I think."
<OOC> Nadara says, "Okay."
<OOC> Nadara says, "Okay."
<OOC> Nadara says, "I thinkthat's fine."
<OOC> Nadara says, "I thinkthat's fine."
<OOC> Narah says, "Or wait. Brom was 30 feet away. Just missin' him."
<OOC> Narah says, "Or wait. Brom was 30 feet away. Just missin' him."
<OOC> Nadara nods. Cast ut.
<OOC> Nadara nods. Cast ut.
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
GAME: Nadara refreshes spells.
GAME: Nadara refreshes spells.
GAME: Nadara casts Bless.
GAME: Nadara casts Bless.
GAME: Nadara casts Command.
GAME: Nadara casts Command.
"Rada! Bless our companions in this right. Guys, really. You should give up onw. You seem y friends? They're really good at what they do. All of them. Give it up, stop getting killed. IT's not so much to ask is it?" Nadara doesn't sound all that happy with all the bloodshed.
"Rada! Bless our companions in this right. Guys, really. You should give up onw. You seem y friends? They're really good at what they do. All of them. Give it up, stop getting killed. IT's not so much to ask is it?" Nadara doesn't sound all that happy with all the bloodshed.
<OOC> Narah says, "Bandits. They're looking pretty shaken. One takes a swing at you, Temarie, and one rushes at Nadara. The other one's droppin' his sword and shooting at..."
<OOC> Narah says, "Bandits. They're looking pretty shaken. One takes a swing at you, Temarie, and one rushes at Nadara. The other one's droppin' his sword and shooting at..."
GAME: Narah rolls 1d6: (1): 1
GAME: Narah rolls 1d6: (1): 1
<OOC> Narah says, "Lanier!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Lanier!"
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+3: (7)+3: 10
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+3: (7)+3: 10
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm going to kill them all."
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm going to kill them all."
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+3: (19)+3: 22
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+3: (19)+3: 22
<OOC> Narah says, "Bow guy hits!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Bow guy hits!"
GAME: Narah rolls 1d8: (3): 3
GAME: Narah rolls 1d8: (3): 3
GAME: Narah damaged Lanier for 3 points. 26 remaining.
GAME: Narah damaged Lanier for 3 points. 26 remaining.
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh the pain."
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh the pain."
<OOC> Lanier laughs.
<OOC> Lanier laughs.
Finally able to react, the bandits rally impressively! By swinging and totally missing both Temarie and Nadara. Nobody told them they'd have to be fighting actual adventurers! The third drops his sword and shoots an arrow straight at Lanier! It nicks him. Kinda.
Finally able to react, the bandits rally impressively! By swinging and totally missing both Temarie and Nadara. Nobody told them they'd have to be fighting actual adventurers! The third drops his sword and shoots an arrow straight at Lanier! It nicks him. Kinda.
<OOC> Narah says, "Brom."
<OOC> Narah says, "Brom."
<OOC> Brom says, "Is the guy I shot still up?"
<OOC> Brom says, "Is the guy I shot still up?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Yes. Barely. He's the guy who shot Lanier."
<OOC> Narah says, "Yes. Barely. He's the guy who shot Lanier."
<OOC> Brom says, "Switch to earthbreaker, charging him."
<OOC> Brom says, "Switch to earthbreaker, charging him."
<OOC> Narah says, "Uh-oh."
<OOC> Narah says, "Uh-oh."
<OOC> Narah says, "Roll it!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Roll it!"
GAME: Brom rolls melee + 4: (13)+4+4: 21
GAME: Brom rolls melee + 4: (13)+4+4: 21
<OOC> Narah says, "Dat's a hit."
<OOC> Narah says, "Dat's a hit."
GAME: Brom rolls 2d6 + 2: (6)+2: 8
GAME: Brom rolls 2d6 + 2: (6)+2: 8
<OOC> Narah says, "And dat's a downed bandit."
<OOC> Narah says, "And dat's a downed bandit."
<OOC> Narah says, "Pose it!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Pose it!"
Brom frowns deeply. "What, you mean I shot you in the face and ye don't even have the common courtesy to pay me any attention? Ye go off and shoot one of the other hunters?" He sighs as he swiftly swaps out his musket for his oversized hammer, dashing forward and striking the wounded bandit over the head with it. He goes down. "Shouldn'ta ignored me. Rookie mistake."
Brom frowns deeply. "What, you mean I shot you in the face and ye don't even have the common courtesy to pay me any attention? Ye go off and shoot one of the other hunters?" He sighs as he swiftly swaps out his musket for his oversized hammer, dashing forward and striking the wounded bandit over the head with it. He goes down. "Shouldn'ta ignored me. Rookie mistake."
<OOC> Narah says, "Temarie."
<OOC> Narah says, "Temarie."
<OOC> Temarie says, "am I still next to the one I attacks?"
<OOC> Temarie says, "am I still next to the one I attacks?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Yus!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Yus!"
<OOC> Narah says, "He swung at you. He missed really badly."
<OOC> Narah says, "He swung at you. He missed really badly."
<OOC> Temarie says, "Full attack. Sword and shield bash."
<OOC> Temarie says, "Full attack. Sword and shield bash."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Roll it."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Roll it."
GAME: Temarie rolls weapon1-2: (18)+8+-2: 24
GAME: Temarie rolls weapon1-2: (18)+8+-2: 24
GAME: Temarie rolls weapon2-2: (1)+0+-2: -1
GAME: Temarie rolls weapon2-2: (1)+0+-2: -1
<OOC> Narah says, "Ooh, ow. One hit!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Ooh, ow. One hit!"
<OOC> Temarie says, "hah. figures."
<OOC> Temarie says, "hah. figures."
GAME: Temarie rolls 1d10+3: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Temarie rolls 1d10+3: (4)+3: 7
<OOC> Narah says, "That hurt him. Pose it!"
<OOC> Narah says, "That hurt him. Pose it!"
Blocking the attack with her shield, Temarie stabs the guywith her shield, but it clearly staggers him back enough to miss with the shield. Lucky him cuz it's a spiked shield....
Blocking the attack with her shield, Temarie stabs the guywith her shield, but it clearly staggers him back enough to miss with the shield. Lucky him cuz it's a spiked shield....
<OOC> Narah says, "Eligar?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Eligar?"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Don't forget your bonuses from bless, folks!"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Don't forget your bonuses from bless, folks!"
<OOC> Temarie did forget.
<OOC> Temarie did forget.
<OOC> Temarie says, "so my roll with the shield was a zero. XD"
<OOC> Temarie says, "so my roll with the shield was a zero. XD"
<OOC> Narah grins.
<OOC> Narah grins.
<OOC> Eligar says, "Any bandits still up?"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Any bandits still up?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Two. One's hurt, one's not."
<OOC> Narah says, "Two. One's hurt, one's not."
<OOC> Narah says, "One's being bashed by Temarie, one's trying and very badly failing to bash Nadara."
<OOC> Narah says, "One's being bashed by Temarie, one's trying and very badly failing to bash Nadara."
<OOC> Eligar says, "I'll swin around and charge the one that's trying to bash Nadara"
<OOC> Eligar says, "I'll swin around and charge the one that's trying to bash Nadara"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Ride-by again?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Ride-by again?"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Yep"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Yep"
GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+11: (17)+11: 28
GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+11: (17)+11: 28
<OOC> Narah says, "Roll i-- right. Hit."
<OOC> Narah says, "Roll i-- right. Hit."
GAME: Eligar rolls 2d8+8: (5)+8: 13
GAME: Eligar rolls 2d8+8: (5)+8: 13
<OOC> Narah says, "That hurt! He's barely hanging on."
<OOC> Narah says, "That hurt! He's barely hanging on."
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
Eligar wheels around and he sets off on another charge. He aims his lance at the one that is harassing Nadara and he slams the lance into him badly hurting him.
Eligar wheels around and he sets off on another charge. He aims his lance at the one that is harassing Nadara and he slams the lance into him badly hurting him.
GAME: You roll initiative for Lieutenants: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 7
GAME: You roll initiative for Lieutenants: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 7
"What the hell is going o-- ohshit." Someone poked their head out from the cave entrance! Almost immediately, two significantly more burly-looking men wielding polearms rush out, intent on joining the fray!
"What the hell is going o-- ohshit." Someone poked their head out from the cave entrance! Almost immediately, two significantly more burly-looking men wielding polearms rush out, intent on joining the fray!
<OOC> Narah says, "Top of the round. There are two bandits still up, but both are pretty hurt. Two new arrivals are just joining in, but they're some distance away, plodding towards you!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Top of the round. There are two bandits still up, but both are pretty hurt. Two new arrivals are just joining in, but they're some distance away, plodding towards you!"
===== Current Initiative Order =========
===== Current Initiative Order =========
Line 813: Line 1,335:
<OOC> Narah says, "Lanier."
<OOC> Narah says, "Lanier."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Going to shoot one of the El-Tees."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Going to shoot one of the El-Tees."
<OOC> Lanier says, "How far are they?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "How far are they?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Me and my bad head for imperial measurements..."
<OOC> Narah says, "Me and my bad head for imperial measurements..."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Give it to me in metric."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Give it to me in metric."
<OOC> Narah says, "You should be able to hit 'em without extending the range."
<OOC> Narah says, "You should be able to hit 'em without extending the range."
<OOC> Narah says, "About... thirty, fourty metres out?"
<OOC> Narah says, "About... thirty, fourty metres out?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Rapid Shot."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Rapid Shot."
<OOC> Lanier says, "We'll call it 100 feet since 40m is 130something feet."
<OOC> Lanier says, "We'll call it 100 feet since 40m is 130something feet."
<OOC> Narah says, "Wait, I got that wrong. Nvm."
<OOC> Narah says, "Wait, I got that wrong. Nvm."
<OOC> Narah will wing it. :D
<OOC> Narah will wing it. :D
<OOC> Lanier says, "K. :)"
<OOC> Lanier says, "K. :)"
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+7: (14)+7: 21
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+7: (14)+7: 21
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+7: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+7: (7)+7: 14
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ack."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ack."
<OOC> Narah says, "That's one hit, one miss."
<OOC> Narah says, "That's one hit, one miss."
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d8+6: (5)+6: 11
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d8+6: (5)+6: 11
<OOC> Narah says, "Ow! Yeah, that stung. Pose it!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Ow! Yeah, that stung. Pose it!"
Lanier takes a moment to assess the situation. One on Temarie, who is quite capably standing behind a sword and shield, and one on Nadara and Eligar who are capable at their own things. So when someone sticks their head out and emits a curse word, this draws the fatal attention of Lanier. Who prepares his next volley of arrows at the approaching Lieutenants. Selecting one seeming at random, Lanier draws and fires two arrows in rapid succession. The first arrow penetrates armor, protruding from the Lieutenant's shoulder. The second arrow deflects harmlessly from his armor.
Lanier takes a moment to assess the situation. One on Temarie, who is quite capably standing behind a sword and shield, and one on Nadara and Eligar who are capable at their own things. So when someone sticks their head out and emits a curse word, this draws the fatal attention of Lanier. Who prepares his next volley of arrows at the approaching Lieutenants. Selecting one seeming at random, Lanier draws and fires two arrows in rapid succession. The first arrow penetrates armor, protruding from the Lieutenant's shoulder. The second arrow deflects harmlessly from his armor.
<OOC> Narah says, "Tak?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Tak?"
<OOC> Tak says, "I'll wait near the cave enterance for now."
<OOC> Tak says, "I'll wait near the cave enterance for now."
<OOC> Tak says, "Er, wait"
<OOC> Tak says, "Er, wait"
<OOC> Tak says, "While invisible, I shall use inspire courage! They can hear me, but they still wont see me"
<OOC> Tak says, "While invisible, I shall use inspire courage! They can hear me, but they still wont see me"
<OOC> Tak says, "Its not an attack, so it wont affect the invis"
<OOC> Tak says, "Its not an attack, so it wont affect the invis"
<OOC> Tak says, "Everyone gets +1 to attack and damage, and +1 save vs fear/charm, that stacks with the bless on attack only."
<OOC> Tak says, "Everyone gets +1 to attack and damage, and +1 save vs fear/charm, that stacks with the bless on attack only."
<OOC> Narah says, "Pose it. Nadara?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Pose it. Nadara?"
Tak speaks up, shouting out to his companions, his voice taking on a strange magical quality that seems to refresh those that hear it, and are allied with him. "There is only the gianborn left! We shall defeat these few easily and then take care of him!" And of course, then he starts moving to a new hiding spot, cause you never want to stand where you shout.
Tak speaks up, shouting out to his companions, his voice taking on a strange magical quality that seems to refresh those that hear it, and are allied with him. "There is only the gianborn left! We shall defeat these few easily and then take care of him!" And of course, then he starts moving to a new hiding spot, cause you never want to stand where you shout.
<OOC> Narah says, "Actually there were four inside the cave, not three."
<OOC> Narah says, "Actually there were four inside the cave, not three."
<OOC> Narah says, "The guys with the halberds, and two other guys."
<OOC> Narah says, "The guys with the halberds, and two other guys."
<OOC> Nadara says, "We seem okay."
<OOC> Nadara says, "We seem okay."
<OOC> Nadara says, "Still wanna hold the prayer. Divine Favor on myself."
<OOC> Nadara says, "Still wanna hold the prayer. Divine Favor on myself."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Cast, pose."
<OOC> Narah says, "Cast, pose."
<OOC> Narah says, "Actually. If you're casting while under attack..."
<OOC> Narah says, "Actually. If you're casting while under attack..."
<OOC> Narah is fuzzy on these things.
<OOC> Narah is fuzzy on these things.
<OOC> Nadara says, "Oh."
<OOC> Nadara says, "Oh."
<OOC> Nadara says, "I can five foot step back, right?"
<OOC> Nadara says, "I can five foot step back, right?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Should be able to!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Should be able to!"
<OOC> Nadara Does so!
<OOC> Nadara Does so!
"You can stop rtying to hit me now. Eesh. Don't you people know when to give yup? You might be bandits, but -we're- professinals." And with that, she waves her holy symbol in a pattern in the air in front of her. A brief, wavy image in the air hangs there, the symbol of Rada, before fading out again.
"You can stop rtying to hit me now. Eesh. Don't you people know when to give yup? You might be bandits, but -we're- professinals." And with that, she waves her holy symbol in a pattern in the air in front of her. A brief, wavy image in the air hangs there, the symbol of Rada, before fading out again.
<OOC> Narah says, "The bandit mooks... look at their downed and dead comrades, drop their weapons and turn tail(withdraw). Even with the appearance of the lieutenants, they're none too keen on getting dead."
<OOC> Narah says, "The bandit mooks... look at their downed and dead comrades, drop their weapons and turn tail(withdraw). Even with the appearance of the lieutenants, they're none too keen on getting dead."
"Hey! What the hell! Come the hell back!" That's from one of the halberdiers who just appeared. Who's it for? The two remaining bandits, who've taken it upon themselves to get the hell outta Dodge. "Sorry, chief! I just remembered I left a partridge in the oven! You can handle these guys, hey?" -"I can hear Clive's wife callin' for me!"
"Hey! What the hell! Come the hell back!" That's from one of the halberdiers who just appeared. Who's it for? The two remaining bandits, who've taken it upon themselves to get the hell outta Dodge. "Sorry, chief! I just remembered I left a partridge in the oven! You can handle these guys, hey?" -"I can hear Clive's wife callin' for me!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Brom."
<OOC> Narah says, "Brom."
<OOC> Brom says, "Reload thunderbelcher. Shout threats."
<OOC> Brom says, "Reload thunderbelcher. Shout threats."
GAME: 'Bandits' removed from initiative list.
GAME: 'Bandits' removed from initiative list.
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Pose it."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Pose it."
Brom swaps his hammer back for his musket, grabbing handfuls of ammunition and powder to ram back down the barrel. He yells at the approaching lieutenants. "Hey, your boys have the right idea! Best get while the getting's good, if you know what's what!"
Brom swaps his hammer back for his musket, grabbing handfuls of ammunition and powder to ram back down the barrel. He yells at the approaching lieutenants. "Hey, your boys have the right idea! Best get while the getting's good, if you know what's what!"
<OOC> Narah says, "The guys with the halberds... run up to you lot. They're not too clever. Also, out of shape."
<OOC> Narah says, "The guys with the halberds... run up to you lot. They're not too clever. Also, out of shape."
There's huffin', and there's puffin'. Clearly, the two burly men with halberds didn't think this through. Shouting horrible, nasty curses after the fleeing bandits, they proceed to run up to the rest of the adventurers. "Ooh, you're gonna get it!"
There's huffin', and there's puffin'. Clearly, the two burly men with halberds didn't think this through. Shouting horrible, nasty curses after the fleeing bandits, they proceed to run up to the rest of the adventurers. "Ooh, you're gonna get it!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh, yeah. Temarie."
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh, yeah. Temarie."
<OOC> Temarie says, "so one of the halberd guys ran up to me?"
<OOC> Temarie says, "so one of the halberd guys ran up to me?"
<OOC> Narah says, "They ran.. up to you-plural. They're not quite there yet. It's a bit of a way from the cave."
<OOC> Narah says, "They ran.. up to you-plural. They're not quite there yet. It's a bit of a way from the cave."
<OOC> Temarie says, "okie, who's the closest to me?"
<OOC> Temarie says, "okie, who's the closest to me?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Er... both of them? They're kinda both running together. Not willing to go first, really."
<OOC> Narah says, "Er... both of them? They're kinda both running together. Not willing to go first, really."
<OOC> Narah says, "You should be able to charge at 'em."
<OOC> Narah says, "You should be able to charge at 'em."
<OOC> Temarie says, "Uh....no. I'll move up closer and that's it."
<OOC> Temarie says, "Uh....no. I'll move up closer and that's it."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
Seeing the two guys with halberds run up from the cave, Temarie moves her way towards them....
Seeing the two guys with halberds run up from the cave, Temarie moves her way towards them....
<OOC> Narah says, "Eligar?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Eligar?"
<OOC> Eligar says, "i'll charge one of them."
<OOC> Eligar says, "i'll charge one of them."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay, roll the attack :)"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay, roll the attack :)"
<OOC> Eligar says, "I have to be 5 ft away to use my lance so I'll try to be on the side so he'll have to swing through his buddy... okay"
<OOC> Eligar says, "I have to be 5 ft away to use my lance so I'll try to be on the side so he'll have to swing through his buddy... okay"
GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+12: (5)+12: 17
GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+12: (5)+12: 17
<OOC> Narah says, "Miss."
<OOC> Narah says, "Miss."
Eligar turns his horse around as the other bandits run off and the two lieutenants come running out. He sets himself ready for another charge, but this time his aim is off and he misses.
Eligar turns his horse around as the other bandits run off and the two lieutenants come running out. He sets himself ready for another charge, but this time his aim is off and he misses.
<OOC> Narah says, "New round! Lanier."
<OOC> Narah says, "New round! Lanier."
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm going to drop my bow, grab my greatsword, and charge the halberders. They should be still next to each other, right?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm going to drop my bow, grab my greatsword, and charge the halberders. They should be still next to each other,
<OOC> Narah says, "Yus!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Yus!"
<OOC> Lanier will cleave if he hits.
<OOC> Lanier will cleave if he hits.
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay."
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+11: (13)+11: 24
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+11: (13)+11: 24
<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22
<OOC> Narah says, "And hit."
<OOC> Narah says, "And hit."
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+12: (2)+12: 14
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+12: (2)+12: 14
<OOC> Lanier says, "Balls."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Balls."
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+12: (10)+12: 22
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+12: (10)+12: 22
Lanier says, "Better."
Lanier says, "Better."
<OOC> Narah says, "You drop one of 'em outright. The other's very badly injured."
<OOC> Narah says, "You drop one of 'em outright. The other's very badly injured."
Conflict develops fast, a concept Lanier is well aware of. When the two goons split, he turns his full attention to the two halbarders. Without hesitation, the ranger drops his bow to the ground, reaching out swifting to grab his greatsword and yank it from the ground. He takes off at a run, meeting the Lieutenants halfway and stopping next to Temarie. With a mighty cleave, the Ranger demonstrates his precision swordwork with such a great weapon by mollywhopping the hell out of the one he had hit moments ago with an arrow, and severely injuring the second one with pure momentum.
Conflict develops fast, a concept Lanier is well aware of. When the two goons split, he turns his full attention to the two halbarders. Without hesitation, the ranger drops his bow to the ground, reaching out swifting to grab his greatsword and yank it from the ground. He takes off at a run, meeting the Lieutenants halfway and stopping next to Temarie. With a mighty cleave, the Ranger demonstrates his precision swordwork with such a great weapon by mollywhopping the hell out of the one he had hit moments ago with an arrow, and severely injuring the second one with pure momentum.
<OOC> Narah says, "Tak?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Tak?"
<OOC> Tak says, "Going to maintain performance for this round."
<OOC> Tak says, "Going to maintain performance for this round."
<OOC> Tak says, "Thats all, still invisible"
<OOC> Tak says, "Thats all, still invisible"
Tak keeps moving around in the bushes, shouting encouragement to the party with his magical bardic vocal abilities. "Amazing work! A little more and these bandits will be nothing more than a local legend!"
Tak keeps moving around in the bushes, shouting encouragement to the party with his magical bardic vocal abilities. "Amazing work! A little more and these bandits will be nothing more than a local legend!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay. Nadara?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay. Nadara?"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Prayer!"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Prayer!"
<OOC> Nadara says, "+1 for us, -1 for them."
<OOC> Nadara says, "+1 for us, -1 for them."
<OOC> Narah says, "So pious. Okay!"
<OOC> Narah says, "So pious. Okay!"
<OOC> Tak says, "So thats now +3 for us to hit, +1 for our damage, heh"
<OOC> Tak says, "So thats now +3 for us to hit, +1 for our damage, heh"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Yep."
<OOC> Nadara says, "Yep."
<OOC> Nadara says, "+1 to saves too."
<OOC> Nadara says, "+1 to saves too."
<OOC> Nadara says, "And skill checks."
<OOC> Nadara says, "And skill checks."
<OOC> Narah says, "Brom fires on the remaining dude!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Brom fires on the remaining dude!"
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+12: (3)+12: 15
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+12: (3)+12: 15
<OOC> Narah says, "And misses."
<OOC> Narah says, "And misses."
<OOC> Narah says, "Temarie!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Temarie!"
<OOC> Temarie says, "Attacking the remaining guy...."
<OOC> Temarie says, "Attacking the remaining guy...."
<OOC> Narah says, "He's in bad shape. You could pretty much push him over with halitosis."
<OOC> Narah says, "He's in bad shape. You could pretty much push him over with halitosis."
<OOC> Temarie says, "I move up and hit him."
<OOC> Temarie says, "I move up and hit him."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Roll it."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Roll it."
GAME: Temarie rolls weapon1: (9)+8: 17
GAME: Temarie rolls weapon1: (9)+8: 17
<OOC> Narah says, "Miss. :("
<OOC> Narah says, "Miss. :("
<OOC> Temarie says, "yikes."
<OOC> Temarie says, "yikes."
These guys are apparently better armored than the last ones. So Temarie's sword just taks off of the armor......
These guys are apparently better armored than the last ones. So Temarie's sword just taks off of the armor......
<OOC> Narah says, "He attacks Lanier! Because he's dangerous as hell."
<OOC> Narah says, "He attacks Lanier! Because he's dangerous as hell."
<OOC> Lanier says, "AC 17, again."
<OOC> Lanier says, "AC 17, again."
<OOC> Narah gotta check something quick, first. :D
<OOC> Narah gotta check something quick, first. :D
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok."
<OOC> Narah says, "Will to try and resist Nadara's awesome prayer. <.<"
<OOC> Narah says, "Will to try and resist Nadara's awesome prayer. <.<"
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (20)+1: 21
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (20)+1: 21
<OOC> Narah !
<OOC> Narah !
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay. Attackin' Lanier."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay. Attackin' Lanier."
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+5: (12)+5: 17
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+5: (12)+5: 17
GAME: Narah rolls 1d10+3: (7)+3: 10
GAME: Narah rolls 1d10+3: (7)+3: 10
GAME: Narah damaged Lanier for 10 points. 16 remaining.
GAME: Narah damaged Lanier for 10 points. 16 remaining.
Not one to be deterred even if he's running ragged, the remaining halberdier takes a big swing at Lanier! The axe end of the polearm digs into the poor ranger's shoulder. That looked like it hurt! "Could use some help out here!" he's bellowing, desperately.
Not one to be deterred even if he's running ragged, the remaining halberdier takes a big swing at Lanier! The axe end of the polearm digs into the poor ranger's shoulder. That looked like it hurt! "Could use some help out here!" he's bellowing, desperately.
<OOC> Narah says, "Actually, I forgot the lieutenants were before Temarie, but details. <.<"
<OOC> Narah says, "Actually, I forgot the lieutenants were before Temarie, but details. <.<"
<OOC> Narah says, "Eligar."
<OOC> Narah says, "Eligar."
<OOC> Eligar says, "Charge the lieutentant"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Charge the lieutentant"
GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+14: (20)+14: 34
GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+14: (20)+14: 34
GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+14: (13)+14: 27
GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+14: (13)+14: 27
<OOC> Narah says, "It's a crit!"
<OOC> Narah says, "It's a crit!"
<OOC> Lanier says, "FINISH HIM!"
<OOC> Lanier says, "FINISH HIM!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Roll damage. Just to see how badly you murder him. ;)"
<OOC> Narah says, "Roll damage. Just to see how badly you murder him. ;)"
GAME: Eligar rolls 4d8+16: (21)+16: 37
GAME: Eligar rolls 4d8+16: (21)+16: 37
<OOC> Narah says, "... you pretty much turn him into a fine red mist. Yikes."
<OOC> Narah says, "... you pretty much turn him into a fine red mist. Yikes."
Eligar turns his horse around and charges towards the last standing Lieutenant. He hits the lieutenant right in the chest spearing his heart and dropping him. He looks towards the cave, "Come out and face us you cur."
Eligar turns his horse around and charges towards the last standing Lieutenant. He hits the lieutenant right in the chest spearing his heart and dropping him. He looks towards the cave, "Come out and face us you cur."
<OOC> Narah says, "Nobody left outside! There's still no sound from within the cave. Ominous."
<OOC> Narah says, "Nobody left outside! There's still no sound from within the cave. Ominous."
<OOC> Nadara says, "OMINOUSNESS"
<OOC> Nadara says, "OMINOUSNESS"
<OOC> Narah says, "We're gonna be running a new +init if you move into the cave."
<OOC> Narah says, "We're gonna be running a new +init if you move into the cave."
GAME: You clear initiatives.
GAME: You clear initiatives.
GAME: Narah has cleared initiatives.
GAME: Narah has cleared initiatives.
<OOC> Tak says, "I'll try to peek inside while invisible"
<OOC> Tak says, "I'll try to peek inside while invisible"
Temarie has disconnected.
Temarie has disconnected.
With the remaining halberdier eliminated, an eerie silence descends on the camp. There's no sound from within the cave, and outside, just the merry crackling of the firepit and the soft groaning of the unconscious and/or dying bandits. Eerie.
With the remaining halberdier eliminated, an eerie silence descends on the camp. There's no sound from within the cave, and outside, just the merry crackling of the firepit and the soft groaning of the unconscious and/or dying bandits. Eerie.
"Okay, guys. Let's go get our kobolds, eh? I imagine the other guys are getting tired of the kids," And with that <Nadara is getting ready to head right into the cave.
"Okay, guys. Let's go get our kobolds, eh? I imagine the other guys are getting tired of the kids," And with that <Nadara is getting ready to head right into the cave.
Tak moves over to the edge of the cave while he is still invisible, and peers inside, looking to see if anyone is alive in there, hopefully the kobolds.
Tak moves over to the edge of the cave while he is still invisible, and peers inside, looking to see if anyone is alive in there, hopefully the kobolds.
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm going to pop a CLW potion, btw."
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm going to pop a CLW potion, btw."
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d6+1: (3)+1: 4
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d6+1: (3)+1: 4
GAME: Lanier used a Potion of Cure Light Wounds.
GAME: Lanier used a Potion of Cure Light Wounds.
GAME: Narah damaged Lanier for -4 points. 20 remaining.
GAME: Narah damaged Lanier for -4 points. 20 remaining.
You paged Tak with 'They're right in your face as you peek inside. The big Giantborn has drawn a sword and a dagger, and his right-hand man is holding a giant two-handed axe. They're talking softly among themselves. "Good," says the giantborn guy. "I could never stand those fuckers anyway. Let's go kill us some morons."'
You paged Tak with 'They're right in your face as you peek inside. The big Giantborn has drawn a sword and a dagger, and his right-hand man is holding a giant two-handed axe. They're talking softly among themselves. "Good," says the giantborn guy. "I could never stand those fuckers anyway. Let's go kill us some morons."'
[RPOne] Nadara says, "Aw, dude."
[RPOne] Nadara says, "I was gonna channel. xD"
Tak backs up just a bit, still invisible, and waits just outside the cave enterance, letting his associates get closer.
Tak backs up just a bit, still invisible, and waits just outside the cave enterance, letting his associates get closer.
[RPOne] Lanier has plenty more to heal.
[RPOne] Nadara nods. I'll getcha. :)
[RPOne] Narah says, "You can still channel, but that's about all you have time for. :)"
[RPOne] Narah says, "Until inits, anyway."
<OOC> Nadara says, "YEah, I'll spare a channel."
<OOC> Nadara says, "YEah, I'll spare a channel."
GAME: Nadara rolls 3d6: (13): 13
GAME: Nadara rolls 3d6: (13): 13
GAME: Narah damaged Lanier for -13 points. 29 remaining.
GAME: Narah damaged Lanier for -13 points. 29 remaining.
Lanier nods his head, "On that we can agree." Having seen the cave himself, he begins detailing structural details to the rest of the company. He then continues, "Remember, he has hostages, so don't be afraid to quickly smack that Giantborn as quickly as you can. The quicker we make this..." He withdraws a vial from one of his belt pouches, yanking out the stopper with his teeth and dumping it down his throat, "...the longer we'll live."
Lanier nods his head, "On that we can agree." Having seen the cave himself, he begins detailing structural details to the rest of the company. He then continues, "Remember, he has hostages, so don't be afraid to quickly smack that Giantborn as quickly as you can. The quicker we make this..." He withdraws a vial from one of his belt pouches, yanking out the stopper with his teeth and dumping it down his throat, "...the longer we'll live."
And that's all you have time for. A huge, copiously tattooed Giantborn man steps out of the cave, closely followed by a green skinned half-orc who's almost as big. The Jotun holds a gleaming longsword and a dagger, and the half-orc has a two-handed axe. They're both grinning. "Thanks for clearing my gang of useless rabble," says the mountain of a tattooed man. "I'd been meaning to move on anyway. Now, who wants to play?"
And that's all you have time for. A huge, copiously tattooed Giantborn man steps out of the cave, closely followed by a green skinned half-orc who's almost as big. The Jotun holds a gleaming longsword and a dagger, and the half-orc has a two-handed axe. They're both grinning. "Thanks for clearing my gang of useless rabble," says the mountain of a tattooed man. "I'd been meaning to move on anyway. Now, who wants to play?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Inits!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Inits!"
GAME: Tak rolls initiative: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 15
GAME: Tak rolls initiative: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 15
GAME: Eligar rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 18
GAME: Eligar rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 18
GAME: Nadara rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 15
GAME: Nadara rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 15
GAME: You roll initiative for Right-Hand Man: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 14
GAME: You roll initiative for Right-Hand Man: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 14
GAME: You roll initiative for Big Boss: Roll: 2 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 4
GAME: You roll initiative for Big Boss: Roll: 2 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 4
GAME: Lanier rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 23
GAME: Lanier rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 23
===== Current Initiative Order =========
===== Current Initiative Order =========
Line 1,031: Line 1,698:
<OOC> Narah meant to set "Big Boss" and "Right-Hand Man", but eh. :P
<OOC> Narah meant to set "Big Boss" and "Right-Hand Man", but eh. :P
<OOC> Narah says, "Right-Hand and Big works. :P"
<OOC> Narah says, "Right-Hand and Big works. :P"
<OOC> Nadara says, "You have to do it as one word."
<OOC> Nadara says, "You have to do it as one word."
GAME: Brom rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 13
GAME: Brom rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 13
GAME: Temarie rolls initiative: Roll: 5 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 8
GAME: Temarie rolls initiative: Roll: 5 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 8
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh."
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh."
<OOC> Narah says, "Thanks, Whirl! <.<"
<OOC> Narah says, "Thanks, Whirl! <.<"
<OOC> Nadara says, "No prob."
<OOC> Nadara says, "No prob."
<OOC> Narah says, "Right!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Right!"
Line 1,059: Line 1,735:
4 Big
4 Big
<OOC> Narah says, "Top of the round. Lanier! They're a ways off, waiting at the entrance to the cave."
<OOC> Narah says, "Top of the round. Lanier! They're a ways off, waiting at the entrance to the cave."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Can I hit em at a charge?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "Can I hit em at a charge?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Probably not."
<OOC> Narah says, "Probably not."
<OOC> Narah says, "You can double move. That'd put you at a risk from a charge from one of them though."
<OOC> Narah says, "You can double move. That'd put you at a risk from a charge from one of them though."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. I'm going to single move forward and fire a warning shot in the shape of a handaxe."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. I'm going to single move forward and fire a warning shot in the shape of a handaxe."
<OOC> Narah says, "What's the throwing range on one of those?"
<OOC> Narah says, "What's the throwing range on one of those?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "Crap. Make that a dagger. I forgot handaxes don't have range increments. I'll be taking a -6 on the attack you figure? Given the range increment on them is 10'?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "Crap. Make that a dagger. I forgot handaxes don't have range increments. I'll be taking a -6 on the attack you figure? Given the range increment on them is 10'?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Sounds good to me."
<OOC> Narah says, "Sounds good to me."
<OOC> Nadara says, "All thrown weapons are a 10 foot range increment"
<OOC> Nadara says, "All thrown weapons are a 10 foot range increment"
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh, okay!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh, okay!"
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+3+3: (1)+3+3: 7
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+3+3: (1)+3+3: 7
<OOC> Lanier says, "Bah. :P Use up the 1s with crap attacks. I like it."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Bah. :P Use up the 1s with crap attacks. I like it."
<OOC> Narah says, "It bravely thunks into the ground some ways off! Eligar."
<OOC> Narah says, "It bravely thunks into the ground some ways off! Eligar."
Lanier moves forward as the giantborn and his right hand man close in towards them. He mentions off-handedly to Nadara, "You might want to hang back a second while I speak with him in a language he'd understand." He draws the dagger from his belt, flipping it around and chucking it towards the giantborn boss and missing badly. He then announces, "My name is Lanier Vaylan, Green Warden of these forests. Your continued presence here is a blight on this land and the people who inhabit it. That was a warning shot. The second time my blade is swung towards you," he points towards the right hand man, "I'm taking his head off," then to the giantborn, "And splitting you neck to nuts."
Lanier moves forward as the giantborn and his right hand man close in towards them. He mentions off-handedly to Nadara, "You might want to hang back a second while I speak with him in a language he'd understand." He draws the dagger from his belt, flipping it around and chucking it towards the giantborn boss and missing badly. He then announces, "My name is Lanier Vaylan, Green Warden of these forests. Your continued presence here is a blight on this land and the people who inhabit it. That was a warning shot. The second time my blade is swung towards you," he points towards the right hand man, "I'm taking his head off," then to the giantborn, "And splitting you neck to nuts."
<OOC> Eligar says, "I will challenge big boss and hold ready action to charge when they get within 30'"
<OOC> Eligar says, "I will challenge big boss and hold ready action to charge when they get within 30'"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
Eligar spots the pair and he focuses on the giantborn, "Come and face me in battle you foul cur."
Eligar spots the pair and he focuses on the giantborn, "Come and face me in battle you foul cur."
<OOC> Narah says, "Tak."
<OOC> Narah says, "Tak."
<OOC> Narah says, "You're right by 'em, I think."
<OOC> Narah says, "You're right by 'em, I think."
<OOC> Tak says, "Yea..."
<OOC> Tak says, "Yea..."
<OOC> Tak says, "I'm going to inspire courage. Still invisible!"
<OOC> Tak says, "I'm going to inspire courage. Still invisible!"
<OOC> Narah says, "A nearby tent inspires you all! Okay, pose it."
<OOC> Narah says, "A nearby tent inspires you all! Okay, pose it."
Tak chuckles as the pair steps out, then speaks loudly in his bardic magic voice. "I'm afraid you shall find this day your last, we will defeat you, and end your rule of terror over this land!" Sure, its a little dramatic, but hey, its a bard.
Tak chuckles as the pair steps out, then speaks loudly in his bardic magic voice. "I'm afraid you shall find this day your last, we will defeat you, and end your rule of terror over this land!" Sure, its a little dramatic, but hey, its a bard.
<OOC> Narah says, "Nadara."
<OOC> Narah says, "Nadara."
<OOC> Nadara says, "Shield of Faith on Lanier."
<OOC> Nadara says, "Shield of Faith on Lanier."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
<OOC> Nadara says, "That's +2 to his AC."
<OOC> Nadara says, "That's +2 to his AC."
<OOC> Narah says, "Cast, pose."
<OOC> Narah says, "Cast, pose."
"Rada, watch over this one. He's gonna need it hwen he gets in close," says Nadara, slapping a hand on Lanier's hip. He's surrounded by a brief green glow.
"Rada, watch over this one. He's gonna need it hwen he gets in close," says Nadara, slapping a hand on Lanier's hip. He's surrounded by a brief green glow.
<OOC> Narah says, "Right-hand man is gonna... saunter out to his normal range, and wait. They're overconfident."
<OOC> Narah says, "Right-hand man is gonna... saunter out to his normal range, and wait. They're overconfident."
<OOC> Narah says, "That puts 'im in range of a charge."
<OOC> Narah says, "That puts 'im in range of a charge."
"Pfah!" The half-orc spits into the trodden-down grass, hefting his greataxe over his shoulder. "These idiots are barely worth our time. Come on then, if you're coming!" He saunters out from the cave entrance a ways, earning him a warning glance from his boss(which he ignores), and sets up in a "ready" stance, as if saying he'll take any comers. So bold.
"Pfah!" The half-orc spits into the trodden-down grass, hefting his greataxe over his shoulder. "These idiots are barely worth our time. Come on then, if you're coming!" He saunters out from the cave entrance a ways, earning him a warning glance from his boss(which he ignores), and sets up in a "ready" stance, as if saying he'll take any comers. So bold.
<OOC> Narah says, "Brom... moves in, and fires his gun at the half-orc. Bang."
<OOC> Narah says, "Brom... moves in, and fires his gun at the half-orc. Bang."
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+9: (11)+9: 20
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+9: (11)+9: 20
<OOC> Narah says, "And hits!"
<OOC> Narah says, "And hits!"
GAME: Narah rolls 1d12+1: (11)+1: 12
GAME: Narah rolls 1d12+1: (11)+1: 12
<OOC> Narah says, "Ouch. That smarts!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Ouch. That smarts!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Temarie."
<OOC> Narah says, "Temarie."
<OOC> Nadara says, "I'll proxy hr."
<OOC> Nadara says, "I'll proxy hr."
GAME: Temarie rolls 1d20+7: (2)+7: 9
GAME: Temarie rolls 1d20+7: (2)+7: 9
<OOC> Nadara says, "Miss. xD"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Miss. xD"
<OOC> Narah says, "Boss runs in to smack Temarie!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Boss runs in to smack Temarie!"
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+10: (4)+10: 14
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+10: (4)+10: 14
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+8: (4)+8: 12
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+8: (4)+8: 12
<OOC> Narah says, "And misses with both swings."
<OOC> Narah says, "And misses with both swings."
"What are you doing, you idiot! We agreed to wait f- ah, fuck it," says the Giantborn as his comrade in arms saunters out and gets a facefull of buckshot and attacked by an Arvek Nar. He springs into action! And misses both his swings at Temarie. Not quite the glorious performance he had in mind.
"What are you doing, you idiot! We agreed to wait f- ah, fuck it," says the Giantborn as his comrade in arms saunters out and gets a facefull of buckshot and attacked by an Arvek Nar. He springs into action! And misses both his swings at Temarie. Not quite the glorious performance he had in mind.
<OOC> Narah says, "Lanier!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Lanier!"
<OOC> Lanier says, "The boss came out but the other guy stuck by the cave?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "The boss came out but the other guy stuck by the cave?"
<OOC> Narah says, "No, they're both out in the open now."
<OOC> Narah says, "No, they're both out in the open now."
<OOC> Lanier says, "How close to each other?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "How close to each other?"
<OOC> Narah says, "They were going to stay by the wall, but half-orc got overconfident. xD"
<OOC> Narah says, "They were going to stay by the wall, but half-orc got overconfident. xD"
<OOC> Narah says, "Back to back."
<OOC> Narah says, "Back to back."
<OOC> Narah says, "Or, well, side by side. Something."
<OOC> Narah says, "Or, well, side by side. Something."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Well then. I can get into reach of both of them with a charge, yeah?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "Well then. I can get into reach of both of them with a charge, yeah?"
<OOC> Narah says, "You can! Oh dear."
<OOC> Narah says, "You can! Oh dear."
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+12: (12)+12: 24
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+12: (12)+12: 24
<OOC> Narah hadn't counted on Lanier being quite such a beast. xD
<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+12: (2)+12: 14
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+12: (2)+12: 14
<OOC> Narah says, "Miss."
<OOC> Narah says, "Miss."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Gah!"
<OOC> Lanier says, "Gah!"
<OOC> Lanier says, "So, we'll call the hit vs. right hand man."
<OOC> Lanier says, "So, we'll call the hit vs. right hand man."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay."
<OOC> Lanier says, "If that's ok with you?"
<OOC> Lanier says, "If that's ok with you?"
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+10: (4)+10: 14
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+10: (4)+10: 14
<OOC> Narah says, "Ooh, that hurt! He's injured, but still up."
<OOC> Narah says, "Ooh, that hurt! He's injured, but still up."
Lanier rushes forward as the right hand man becomes overconfident and charges Temarie. With a mighty swing of his greatsword, Lanier nearly does cut into the neck of the lackey, just as he said we was going to do, yet comes up short on his threat to split the boss from neck to nads. Soon, though...
Lanier rushes forward as the right hand man becomes overconfident and charges Temarie. With a mighty swing of his greatsword, Lanier nearly does cut into the neck of the lackey, just as he said we was going to do, yet comes up short on his threat to split the boss from neck to nads. Soon, though...
<OOC> Narah says, "Eligar."
<OOC> Narah says, "Eligar."
<OOC> Eligar says, "Did the boss come within 30' from before?"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Did the boss come within 30' from before?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Yes."
<OOC> Narah says, "Yes."
<OOC> Eligar says, "I'll ride by charge him."
<OOC> Eligar says, "I'll ride by charge him."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
<OOC> Eligar says, "we still under buffs?"
<OOC> Eligar says, "we still under buffs?"
<OOC> Narah says, "... You should be under Tak's inspire, at least. Nadara, is Bless still up?"
<OOC> Narah says, "... You should be under Tak's inspire, at least. Nadara, is Bless still up?"
<OOC> Eligar says, "And prayer or not?"
<OOC> Eligar says, "And prayer or not?"
<OOC> Tak says, "Inspire just started, so its good"
<OOC> Tak says, "Inspire just started, so its good"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Prayer is still good"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Prayer is still good"
GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+14: (5)+14: 19
GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+14: (5)+14: 19
<OOC> Nadara says, "For a few more rounds at least."
<OOC> Nadara says, "For a few more rounds at least."
<OOC> Narah says, "That's a hit."
<OOC> Narah says, "That's a hit."
<OOC> Narah says, "Wait, did you charge the boss?"
<OOC> Narah says, "Wait, did you charge the boss?"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Yes"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Yes"
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh, right, you did. Yeah, hit."
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh, right, you did. Yeah, hit."
GAME: Eligar rolls 2d8+12: (6)+12: 18
GAME: Eligar rolls 2d8+12: (6)+12: 18
<OOC> Narah says, "Ow. Solid hit!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Ow. Solid hit!"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Sorry add 2 more."
<OOC> Eligar says, "Sorry add 2 more."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Challenge is a sweet deal."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Challenge is a sweet deal."
<OOC> Eligar says, "Adds my level to damage"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Adds my level to damage"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Then charging with a lance doubles it"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Then charging with a lance doubles it"
Eligar readies his lance after waiting for the big boss to come out far enough. He charges on his mount Kindroth and he slams the lance into the gaintborn doing some damage before he rides off.
Eligar readies his lance after waiting for the big boss to come out far enough. He charges on his mount Kindroth and he slams the lance into the gaintborn doing some damage before he rides off.
<OOC> Narah says, "Right. Tak!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Right. Tak!"
<OOC> Tak says, "I shall go ahead and do something!"
<OOC> Tak says, "I shall go ahead and do something!"
<OOC> Tak says, "I'm going to move within 15 of the giantborn, and trip him!"
<OOC> Tak says, "I'm going to move within 15 of the giantborn, and trip him!"
<OOC> Tak says, "I get a +2 for invis, +1 for inspire, +1 prayer, and he loses dex cause I'm invisible"
<OOC> Tak says, "I get a +2 for invis, +1 for inspire, +1 prayer, and he loses dex cause I'm invisible"
<OOC> Narah says, "Roll it."
<OOC> Narah says, "Roll it."
GAME: Tak rolls whiptrip+4: aliased to : (19)+7+4+4: 34
GAME: Tak rolls whiptrip+4: aliased to : (19)+7+4+4: 34
<OOC> Narah says, "... yeah, he falls over."
<OOC> Narah says, "... yeah, he falls over."
Tak moves forward quickly, as he snaps his whip out his invisiblity fails and he pops into being behind the giantborn. "You need to sit down and relax a moment, this is all going to be over very soon." As he snaps the whip he grabs one of the giantborns legs and then jerks back, sending the big guy down onto his back.
Tak moves forward quickly, as he snaps his whip out his invisiblity fails and he pops into being behind the giantborn. "You need to sit down and relax a moment, this is all going to be over very soon." As he snaps the whip he grabs one of the giantborns legs and then jerks back, sending the big guy down onto his back.
<OOC> Narah says, "Nadara. :)"
<OOC> Narah says, "Nadara. :)"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Okay."
<OOC> Nadara says, "Okay."
<OOC> Nadara says, "I'll put a bullet in him!"
<OOC> Nadara says, "I'll put a bullet in him!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Ooo."
<OOC> Narah says, "Ooo."
GAME: Nadara rolls 1d20+9: (7)+9: 16
GAME: Nadara rolls 1d20+9: (7)+9: 16
<OOC> Narah says, "Miss. :("
<OOC> Narah says, "Miss. :("
<OOC> Nadara says, "Yeah, it's a miss, even at a touch attack. Since he's prone, he gets more AC. xD"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Yeah, it's a miss, even at a touch attack. Since he's prone, he gets more AC. xD"
<OOC> Nadara shake fist.
<OOC> Nadara shake fist.
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh, wait, it's a touch att-- oh."
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh, wait, it's a touch att-- oh."
<OOC> Narah xD
<OOC> Narah xD
Blam! A gunshot goes off at the tripped up fellow. The bullet hits the ground there in a little cloud of dust. "NExt one's in your ear," she announces.
Blam! A gunshot goes off at the tripped up fellow. The bullet hits the ground there in a little cloud of dust. "NExt one's in your ear," she announces.
<OOC> Narah says, "Right-hand man attacks Lanier! And tries to cleave with Temarie."
<OOC> Narah says, "Right-hand man attacks Lanier! And tries to cleave with Temarie."
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+7: (13)+7: 20
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+7: (13)+7: 20
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12
GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12
<OOC> Narah says, "Misses Temarie."
<OOC> Narah says, "Misses Temarie."
GAME: Narah rolls 1d12+6: (11)+6: 17
GAME: Narah rolls 1d12+6: (11)+6: 17
GAME: Narah damaged Lanier for 17 points. 12 remaining.
GAME: Narah damaged Lanier for 17 points. 12 remaining.
"Raaaaargh!" This charming bellow comes from the half-orc right hand man of the boss. He swings that giant two-handed axe overhead and slices painfully into Lanier, dragging it out to try and nick Temarie with the same swing... and bounces harmlessly off her shield. Oh well.
"Raaaaargh!" This charming bellow comes from the half-orc right hand man of the boss. He swings that giant two-handed axe overhead and slices painfully into Lanier, dragging it out to try and nick Temarie with the same swing... and bounces harmlessly off her shield. Oh well.
<OOC> Narah says, "Brom reloads."
<OOC> Narah says, "Brom reloads."
<OOC> Narah says, "Temarie! xD"
<OOC> Narah says, "Temarie! xD"
GAME: Temarie rolls 1d20+8: (8)+8: 16
GAME: Temarie rolls 1d20+8: (8)+8: 16
<OOC> Nadara says, "Now she misses. Right?!"
<OOC> Nadara says, "Now she misses. Right?!"
<OOC> Narah says, "... yes. <.<"
<OOC> Narah says, "... yes. <.<"
<OOC> Nadara says, "She misses! XD"
<OOC> Nadara says, "She misses! XD"
<OOC> Narah says, "And the boss... tries to get to his feet. AoOs!"
<OOC> Narah says, "And the boss... tries to get to his feet. AoOs!"
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'll take one."
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'll take one."
<OOC> Nadara says, "I can't take one. I think only Laniaer and Tak get them?"
<OOC> Nadara says, "I can't take one. I think only Laniaer and Tak get them?"
<OOC> Tak says, "I dont get it, I'm 15 and whips dont threaten :)"
<OOC> Tak says, "I dont get it, I'm 15 and whips dont threaten :)"
<OOC> Narah says, "Yeah... oh. Yeah, Lanier."
<OOC> Narah says, "Yeah... oh. Yeah, Lanier."
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+11: (6)+11: 17
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+11: (6)+11: 17
<OOC> Narah says, "Miss. :("
<OOC> Narah says, "Miss. :("
<OOC> Lanier says, "It's all good. I'll get him next time."
<OOC> Lanier says, "It's all good. I'll get him next time."
<OOC> Narah says, "Which is... now! xD Lanier."
<OOC> Narah says, "Which is... now! xD Lanier."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Same deal. Nailing right-hand man. Cleaving into the big boss."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Same deal. Nailing right-hand man. Cleaving into the big boss."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay."
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+10: (16)+10: 26
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+10: (16)+10: 26
<OOC> Narah says, "Hit."
<OOC> Narah says, "Hit."
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+10: (18)+10: 28
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+10: (18)+10: 28
<OOC> Narah says, "And hit!"
<OOC> Narah says, "And hit!"
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+10: (12)+10: 22
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+10: (12)+10: 22
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+10: (4)+10: 14
GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+10: (4)+10: 14
<OOC> Narah says, "Half-orc is out. Boss is still standing."
<OOC> Narah says, "Half-orc is out. Boss is still standing."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Rawr."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Rawr."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Thanks. Posing it up."
<OOC> Lanier says, "Thanks. Posing it up."
Lanier is knocks back a step from the impact of the greataxe hitting his shoulder. In a fit of rage that would do any barbarian proud, the Green Warden bellows a feral roar back towards the orc as he raises his greataxe above his head once again. With an angry downward swing, the ranger buries his greatsword into the neck of the orc, damn near beheading him. He pulls through, and with a less convincing bellow, swings overhead to indeed leave a nice slash from just under the bosses neck to just over the bosses naval. Fell a little short, but it'll do.
Lanier is knocks back a step from the impact of the greataxe hitting his shoulder. In a fit of rage that would do any barbarian proud, the Green Warden bellows a feral roar back towards the orc as he raises his greataxe above his head once again. With an angry downward swing, the ranger buries his greatsword into the neck of the orc, damn near beheading him. He pulls through, and with a less convincing bellow, swings overhead to indeed leave a nice slash from just under the bosses neck to just over the bosses naval. Fell a little short, but it'll do.
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh. Uh. Eligar!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Oh. Uh. Eligar!"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Charge the Boss"
<OOC> Eligar says, "Charge the Boss"
GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+14: (13)+14: 27
GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+14: (13)+14: 27
<OOC> Narah says, "Roll the Dice."
<OOC> Narah says, "Roll the Dice."
<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"
GAME: Eligar rolls 2d8+12: (12)+12: 24
GAME: Eligar rolls 2d8+12: (12)+12: 24
<OOC> Narah sniff. Poor boss.
<OOC> Narah sniff. Poor boss.
<OOC> Narah says, "A moment of silence, please."
<OOC> Narah says, "A moment of silence, please."
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"
Eligar turns his horse around and he charge back toward the boss. He aims his lance just right and slam it hard into the chest of the Gaintborn taking him down. He reins in his horse and he starts to ride towards the cave.
Eligar turns his horse around and he charge back toward the boss. He aims his lance just right and slam it hard into the chest of the Gaintborn taking him down. He reins in his horse and he starts to ride towards the cave.
GAME: You clear initiatives.
GAME: You clear initiatives.
GAME: Narah has cleared initiatives.
GAME: Narah has cleared initiatives.
<OOC> Nadara laughs.
<OOC> Nadara laughs.
<OOC> Narah says, "Free RP! Those of you with especially keen hearing can hear faint cries of help from inside the cave, now that the din of combat is over."
<OOC> Narah says, "Free RP! Those of you with especially keen hearing can hear faint cries of help from inside the cave, now that the din of
combat is over."
Tak has disconnected.
Tak has disconnected.
<OOC> Narah says, "Arrite. Want a wrap-up em-- nvm xD"
<OOC> Narah says, "Arrite. Want a wrap-up em-- nvm xD"
<OOC> Lanier says, "I can take a wrap-up. I'm not far behind Tak."
<OOC> Lanier says, "I can take a wrap-up. I'm not far behind Tak."
After the last of the bandits are dispatched and the big boss, who turned out not to be quite so fearsome after all, is defeated, in the course of investigating the cave you come across two kobolds in little wooden cages. They're probably the most respectable, craftsman-looking kobolds you've ever seen. The female one is wearing a -dress-, for crying out loud! They thank you happily for their rescue and promise that you'll always get a discount at their weavery.
After the last of the bandits are dispatched and the big boss, who turned out not to be quite so fearsome after all, is defeated, in the course of investigating the cave you come across two kobolds in little wooden cages. They're probably the most respectable, craftsman-looking kobolds you've ever seen. The female one is wearing a -dress-, for crying out loud! They thank you happily for their rescue and promise that you'll always get a discount at their weavery.
Once the kobold family is taken back and reunited, the whole story comes out: the bandits had been squeezing everyone in the little craftsman's village for 'protection money', but one day one of the mooks had overheard the kobold parents talking about their "treasures". Figuring it'd be better to get one big lump of money than a little trickle now and then, the gang had kidnapped the parents, aiming to get the whereabouts of the loot.
Once the kobold family is taken back and reunited, the whole story comes out: the bandits had been squeezing everyone in the little craftsman's village for 'protection money', but one day one of the mooks had overheard the kobold parents talking about their "treasures". Figuring it'd be better to get one big lump of money than a little trickle now and then, the gang had kidnapped the parents, aiming to get the whereabouts of the loot.
The actual truth of the matter of what they were talking about comes out with the tearful reunion with their children. "My treasures!"
The actual truth of the matter of what they were talking about comes out with the tearful reunion with their children. "My treasures!"
Line 1,264: Line 2,106:
<OOC> Nadara awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
<OOC> Nadara awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
<OOC> Eligar aws!
<OOC> Eligar aws!
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm going to journey back and stab every one of those corpses one more time for making me witness kobold cuteness like that."
<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm going to journey back and stab every one of those corpses one more time for making me witness kobold cuteness like that."
<OOC> Narah says, "Thanks for playin' and having patience with my nooby running, folks! It was a pleasure. :)"
<OOC> Narah says, "Thanks for playin' and having patience with my nooby running, folks! It was a pleasure. :)"
GAME: You nominated Brom for good roleplay.
GAME: You nominated Brom for good roleplay.
GAME: You nominated Nadara for good roleplay.
GAME: You nominated Nadara for good roleplay.
GAME: You nominated Tak for good roleplay.
GAME: You nominated Tak for good roleplay.
GAME: You nominated Lanier for good roleplay.
GAME: You nominated Lanier for good roleplay.
GAME: You nominated Temarie for good roleplay.
GAME: You nominated Temarie for good roleplay.
GAME: You nominated Eligar for good roleplay.
GAME: You nominated Eligar for good roleplay.

Latest revision as of 09:08, 18 June 2013


Well, monster-culling. That's what the clerk at the Explorer's Guild told you you'd be doing -- they received a letter of distress from a small travellers' lodge a day's travel out from Alexandria bearing vague but ominous descriptions of "horrible monsters" who were "ruining business". So naturally, the Guild chose its very best!

Unfortunately the very best were busy, so you lot were sent instead.

As the afternoon sun shines in the sky, after a day of uneventful travel, you find yourself coming upon a decidedly ramshackle-looking structure. It's certainly big enough to be an inn of some description, but it's clearly seen better days. On a sign by the road leading to the inn is a signpost bearing an... artistic rendition of an owlbear. In a field of flowers. Prancing. Helpfully, underneath the picture is "The Prancing Owlbear" in Tradespeak. So this must be the place.

Outside the inn, pacing worriedly to and fro, is a white-haired, grizzled old man in typical innkeeper's clothes including an ale-stained apron. He's wringing his hands. WRINGING them, in the Guild-approved woe-is-me-raiders-are-attacking-my-village sign of distress.

Tak is always available as the second string for the guild. He climbs down off the horse he borrowed/rented for this, still determining some day to buy his own. A moment is taken to tie up the horse to whatever is available while he watches the innkeeper, as far as introductions go, he will wait and see if anyone else jumps out to take charge.

Eligar comes riding up on his horse as he's accepted the job to help out the owner of the Prancing Owlbear. He directs his horse over towards the innkeeper, "Hail. Are you the proprietor of this establishment?" He nods to Tak, "Hello Tak."

Temarie is also walking her way up towards the Prancing Owlbear, clanking her armor the whole way. Of course, Eligar beats her to the punch when asking who he is, but she doesn't mind. She rests her left arm on her sword hilt as she listens to the proprietor, and chuckles at Tak. "I guess we can start calling you Tak Tripper?"

Tak snorts faintly, but grins at Temarie. "I like to remove weapons from the hands of my enemies as well....yet I constantly seem to encounter things with claws. Just the other day I encountered a floating skeleton with mind powers. Now how am I supposed to fight that!" he still grins though about the whole thing. Once the innkeeper looks like he is going to speak though, Tak focuses on him.

Nadara is here, of course, trailing along after the others. She's got her dragonspitter out in one hand. "Welp! Ready to assist." She's making her way right toward the old man, of course, speaking in her shrill, goblin voice. "Hello!"

"Oh, heavens! Are you the adventurers sent by the Guild? Oh, please say you are!" The innkeeper's tone is quavering, downright -pleading-. He clutches his hands together in front of himself, squinting up at Eligar with watery eyes. "It's terrible, just terrible! We're badgered and beset by brutes and..." he stops abruptly, shakes himself, and continues, "... terrible monsters! They're eating all our food and drinking all our ale! Horrible fiends! I can hardly feed the poor travellers!"

There are no other horses, carriages or other conveyances to be seen, so any "travellers" must have been turned away. "Please, come in, come in!" The innkeeper turns and dodders on inside, gesturing for you all to follow.

Eligar nods, "Yes I am Sir Eligar, Knight of Peace. Yes I believe that we all are adventurers sent by the Explorer's Guild." He dismounts and he takes down his shield and sword. "What sort of horrible creatures? Can you describe them?"

Temarie raises an eyebrow towards the innkeeper before looking to Tak in silence, then follows the Innkeeper inside. "Sounds like a normal day of business, minus the fact that they're running off all of his other customers...." She then shrugs.

Tak has a sneaking suspicon, and nods to Temarie "Its probably just some oruch that have stopped by to have a good time..." He says this quietly as he follows after to look inside the inn.

As the innkeeper leads you inside, you find that the inn itself is actually in fairly good shape, probably owing to the efforts of the waitstaff. The waitstaff is a burly-looking half-orc woman in a wildly incongruous floofy, frilly blouse and apron who's sitting at the bar and eyeing you all with deep, deep suspicion as you file in through the low door. "Is this them then?" she says to the elderly inkeeper. "I tell ya, Roddie, we could easily have fixed the problem if you'd just let me bring in some of my cousins..." She's waved to silence by the innkeeper. "Shush, my flower, these are professionals."

You're shown behind the bar, where there's a stair down and a sturdy-looking door at the end. "Here's the cellar. I daren't go down there myself these days, for fear of those food-nabbing, ale-drinking MONSTERS." Wild-eyed, the white-haired innkeeper leans close to Temarie and whispers, loudly, "I think it's RATS. Huge rats. HUGE! I caught a glimpse of one of 'em the other day, I think. Rats that walk like men, I tell ya!"

Eligar looks at the cellar and he sighs softly, "Looks like Kindroth can't fit down there." He shakes his head a littl ebit as he gets his shield ready, "Well let's go down. It sounds like Were-rats."

Tak pauses a moment, and then looks to the others. "If anyone here does not have a magic of silver weapon, I have some silver daggers you should take just in case. I'd like them back afterwards of course."

Temarie raises an eyebrow. "Rats that walk like men?" She then makes a bit of a face. "That's what it sounds like Eligar." She then chuckles at Tak. "Sorry, but I'll stick with my sword and shield. Even if they ARE resistant to them." She then looks back to the Innkeeper. "When do they come about?"

Lanier considers it for a moment then speaks, "Let's not be hasty. It could be anything. Let us prepare for the worst and hope for the best. The best, of course, being rats that just caught the light wrong." He looks towards Tak then shrugs, "I still think I'll fair better with my great sword, but allow me to hold one none-the-less?"

Tak passes out his two silver daggers to whomever wants them, he of course will stick with his whip....if it walks like a man, he can trip it!

"Rats in a cellar," remarks Nadara. "You don'y say. Well, have no worries. The Guild of Explorer pays us the big coin sacks so you don't have to worry about a damn thing. WE're gonna take care of this little infestation so you c an get -right- back to business." A beaming smile.

"I don't know when they strike, really! I've heard scrabbling about at night, but I've been so afraid to go down there these past few days... why, what if they were worse things than rats? I couldn't possibly endanger my poor darling wife!" The white-haired proprietor sends the half-orc woman a loving gaze. She rolls her eyes and goes back to polishing a glass.

So, the cellar. There's a flight of stairs, and a door. The innkeeper holds up a key to whoever will take it, and steps back, wide-eyed and fearful.

Tak gesturse to Eligar and Temarie "I suggest our sturdy members take the lead, I'll create a little light and guard the rear." He casts dancing lights now, leading the first one ahead of them down towards the door.

Temarie says, "Tak. You take the key and open it for us. Eligar and I will lead." She then looks to Nadara. "Shoot straight." She then puts her shield on her arm, and unties her sword to draw it." Tak nods, and takes the key to do as he is told...

<OOC> Lanier says, "Am I going to have a hard time wielding a great sword in a cellar?"

<OOC> Narah says, "I wouldn't say so, it's fairly roomy."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Okie dokie."

<OOC> Temarie has a bastard sword and a light spiked shield, Lanier. I think you're good.

Eligar nods, "Sounds like a plan to me. We'll do our best to guard the rest of you." He will move in once the door is open.

Lanier takes the silver dagger, tucking it into his belt. With a heft of his shoulders, he unhooks a longbow from his shoulders drawing an arrow and stringing it before he lines up midway down the stack. He then adds, "Just so you know, as soon as the battle is fully joined, I'm dropping the bow and I'll be right behind you."

CLICK. Creeeak...

There's a sconce holding an extinguished torch just to the side as the door opens, and further in is darkness. As you make your way within, lit by the flickering light of Tak's spell, you find... well, a relatively large and roomy cellar. It's fairly ordered, with crates and shelves stocked with crockery and the necessities of running a busy wayfarer's inn, and along the far wall is a pair of sizeable barrels, probably holding the ale the innkeeper's been going on about. Much of the food looks like something's been at it - a wheel of cheese is broken in half, several loaves of bread are little more than crumbs left, and so on.

<OOC> Narah says, "Perception checks, please."

GAME: Tak rolls perception: (12)+7: 19

GAME: Temarie rolls perception: (3)+5: 8

GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (4)+7: 11

GAME: Eligar rolls perception: (7)+10: 17

GAME: Nadara rolls Pereption: (15)+Pereption: 15

You paged Tak with 'Along the back wall, beside the ale barrels, some long planks of wood have been conspicuously leant against the wall as if to hide something. It's fairly sloppily done - you can see they're an attempt at covering up a sizeable hole in the wall.'

You paged Nadara with 'Along the back wall, beside the ale barrels, some long planks of wood have been conspicuously leant against the wall as if to hide something. It's fairly sloppily done - you can see they're an attempt at covering up a sizeable hole in the wall.'

Tak gestures, sending one of his floating lights ahead to the far wall. "Appears to be something odd over by those planks. I'll let you folks with big pointy steel objects go inspect that." He grins a bit.

"Ah HA! I believe we have our rat hole," says Nadara, loudly. If there were any rats around here, they'r probably hiding from the loud goblin now. She's already on her way towards some of the ale barrels in back, moving them out of the way as best she can (which is not really all that great) to reval som eplanks that've been placed in front of a hole in the wall. It's fairly obvious once it's pointed out. The hole is pretty big.

"These are some... very... large rats."

Temarie makes a bit of a face, but doesn't see it until it's pointed out. "Hmmm....Let's make sure they're not just thieves wearing rat costumes..."

As it's pointed out - and lit up - by Tak, and uncovered by Nadara, it's hard to miss: the planks were covering up a hole that looks pretty uneven, as if it's been clawed out of the earth itself with someone's hands. Or claws. It's big enough that an adult human can get through it with little difficulty, and leads into what looks like pitch blackness beyond.

Eligar nods as he looks at the hole in the wall. "It seems to be. Shall we go in?" He moves to lead the way.

"There's no doubt about it!" Shouts Brom, the big blustery dwarf with the giant beard and monocle. Wait, when did he get here? Irrelevant, he's here now. And shouting. "The hunt is afoot! Onwards, to the chase!"

Tak recasts his dancing lights, its a short duration spell so he does this every 45 seconds or so. He sends the new lights up ahead into the tunnel. "After you then."

<OOC> Narah says, "So, you're moving in through the hole in the wall?"

<OOC> Temarie says, "yup."

<OOC> Narah says, "Who goes in first?"

<OOC> Temarie will.

<OOC> Narah says, "Arrite, roll me a Reflex safe, Temarie. :)"

<OOC> Narah says, "Save*"

GAME: Temarie rolls reflex: (9)+4: 13

<OOC> Eligar says, "I'll go second."

<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm back."

<OOC> Brom goes third.

<OOC> Lanier will go 3rd.

<OOC> Nadara will bring up the rear like the tiny goblin she is.

So in you go.

As Temarie steps through the hole in the wall, her foot trips a string that was cleverly stretched across the opening. From above comes... a bucket. Full of water. It lands on her head. SPLOOSH.

Also, there's an ungodly racket of empty tin cans, sticks and various noise-makers rattling together. Whoever or whatever's lurking within is surely alerted to your presence by now!

The passage beyond the hole turns out to look like an old, abandoned mineshaft, full of dust and dirty from years of neglect. It stretches left to right, with only darkness at either end for as long as you can easily see.

Temarie makes a bit of a face. "Well, whoever was comign in here, knows we're coming now." She says softly after she spits out the water. "Nothing like taking a bath huh? But I think I'll have to take another one after this." She says before stepping over the wire, and looking where they have to go.

Tak shakes his head at the sound, then gestures for the next person to enter the hole. "Might as well hurry now before whoever it is gets away."

Eligar winces a little bit as he hears the splash and the racket, "Are you all right?" He asks as he keeps his shield up.

Brom holds his musket at the ready, eyes darting about suspiciously as he wades through the terrible dusty, wet tunnel. "I don't like it. I don't like it at all." He grumbles.

Lanier raises his bow as the water splashes and the cans sound, perhaps expecting something more sinister. The young woodsman has an intense expression on his face as he adds in a whisper, "Hurry! Don't give them time to mount a defense."

<OOC> Narah says, "You can go two ways. Left or right."

<OOC> Tak pokes Brom. "Track!"

<OOC> Brom will attempt to do that!

<OOC> Narah says, "Do so!"

<OOC> Brom says, "Do the things being tracked qualify as magic beasts? I get a +2 if so."

<OOC> Narah says, "Nnno."

GAME: Brom rolls survival: (9)+9: 18

You paged Brom with 'There are tracks ALL OVER. Whoever or whatever it is, it's not cared to hide their movements much. Most of them go through the hole, back and forth, and off through the mineshaft to the left. They're clearly humanoid tracks.' You paged Brom with '-Small- humanoid tracks.'

<OOC> Lanier will attempt to track as well.

<OOC> Narah nods.

GAME: Lanier rolls Survival+1: (17)+7+1: 25

You paged Lanier with 'There are tracks ALL OVER. Whoever or whatever it is, it's not cared to hide their movements much. Most of them go through the hole, back and forth, and off through the mineshaft to the left. They're clearly humanoid tracks. -Small- ones. And... clawed, it seems.'

Brom narrows his eyes as he looks at the tunnel floor. "... It's not just spiders and rats we're dealing with down here." He intones, voice low and grim. "... These are humanoids. Just look at the prints. Tiny ones. Going in and out of the holes, mostly."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Sorry for being slow on the uptake."

Lanier pages: Can I roll Knowledge/Nature to identify the tracks? You paged Lanier with 'You certainly can.' GAME: Lanier rolls Knowledge/Nature: (5)+8: 13

<OOC> Narah says, "Brom, you roll that too."

You paged Lanier with 'Hard to tell exactly, most of them are scuffed too much.'

<OOC> Narah says, "To try and identify 'em. :)"

GAME: Brom rolls knowledge/nature: (3)+7: 10

Lanier lowers his bow to begin reading the tracks in the dirt before them. He then looks towards Tak and asks, "Can I get a little light over this way?" He gets down low on the stairs, poking his head through Temarie's knees (just kidding) to look at one particular track. He then nods his head, "Humanoid, and clawed. They're too scuffed for me to identify however." He looks over towards Brom, "Have you ever seen them before?"

You paged Brom with 'Too scuffed to tell easily. Humanoid, small, clawed... nope.'

Brom strokes the waxy ends of his beard, shaking his head. "Small and clawed. Maybe... no. Can't be sure. Nothing good, I'll wager."

Eligar stands back to let those who can track do their thing. He nods, "So which way did they go or did they head in both directions?"

Lanier stands back up, shrugging his shoulders, "Pesky maybe, but not necessarily evil. Unless otherwise, we must assume this happening is a natural occurrence due to human oversettlement in this area. We should act accordingly." He pauses for a moment and then adds, "Unless it's a troll."

You paged (Brom, Lanier) with 'They're all leading off to the left through the shaft. It looks like the passage's been used a fair bit in rcent times.'

Temarie says, "It wouldn't be surprising if they went in both directions and it led to the same hideout. If they have any tactical sense."

Tak puts the light where folks need it, and nods as he listens. "We need to track them then, lets get moving."

Brom keeps his eyes on the tracks, then points off to the left. "... That way. That's where most of them seem to be going."

Tak smiles faintly at Lanier "Sometimes you can't really make that judgement. A rust monster is essentially harmless if you throw all your metal stuff away, yet no one seems to balk at killing it do they? Whatever this is, its gone out of its way to conceal its presence, the best we have is no ones been hurt yet, but that doesnt mean its not spreading disease right now and we are all going to get deathly ill just being down here."

"You're kidding, right?" says Nadara to Tak, "Spreading diseases? They said the same thing about goblins as an excuse to wipe us out a few centuries ago. Check the bullshit, all right?" Still, though, he does nod to Lanier. "let's see what ht esituation is, eh?" She's moving cautiously, herself.

Tak looks to Nadara "Regular rats spread disease, its why people try to keep them out of thier homes. I'm not suggesting we kill everything without question, I'm just saying sometimes there are larger issues behind things." He moves along carefully behind the others, recasting his lights when necessary.

Eligar nods to Brom, "Sounds like a good idea to me." He keeps his shield up and ready as he starts towards the left.

Lanier looks towards Tak, "The point I'm getting at is this is a home, not a fortress." He then raises his bow again, "I'm ready."

It's... well, a mineshaft. There are wooden supports here and there along the way, but all in all - apart from some rusty, discarded old mining equipment that probably not even kobolds would care to nab - it's all pretty empty. The shaft seems to go on outward from the cellar the inn was built atop, and it's lengthy, but before long those of you with better vision underground/in the dark will see you're approaching a bend in the tunnel.

<OOC> Narah says, "Perception checks, please."

GAME: Tak rolls perception: (20)+7: 27

GAME: Eligar rolls perception: (7)+10: 17

GAME: Brom rolls perception: (7)+9: 16

GAME: Temarie rolls perception: (13)+5: 18

GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (10)+7: 17

GAME: Nadara rolls Perception: (6)+5: 11

You paged Tak with 'There are voices ahead. High, piping voices. They're still too far away to make out clearly what they're saying, but they sound agitated. Fearful, even.'

Tak holds up a hand for folks to pause, then taps his ear a few times and points ahead, finally he puts a finger to his lips. Its all rather self explanitory.

<OOC> Narah says, "There's still a little distance left to the bend in the tunnel when Tak does that."

NAdara was going to contest Tak's statement wiht something, but she stops and then peer sahead, trying to see into the darkness. Unsuccesfully, at the moment.

Lanier stops, leaning to the right slightly to get a clear show between Eligar and Temarie. He narrows his eyes and then nods to Tak quickly, his eyes moving back down the path.

Temarie can see in the dark though, being an Arvek Nar. She raises her shield and sword and peers into the darkness.

Brom adjusts his moncole as he peers at the darkness, musket still held up. "Steady, lads and lasses. Steady."

Eligar starts to move along at the head of the group. He keeps his shield up ready to block anything. HE starts to look around. Well this is not good."

As you begin to round the corner, you become aware of a glow ahead: flickering, orange... a campfire of some sort. Also as you round the corner, you're aware of several high, piping voices, which all suddenly fall silent as you appear. There's a small stretch of corridor left, but it's clear it's leading to a room of some sort: there's no door, and the fire's not immediately visible -- it must be just around the corner. What IS visible, though, is a scaled, spined little head, peering intently out at you, poking out from the side of the doorway. Its eyes go wide as saucers, and it squeaks, "Bad adventurers! Bad men! Hidehidehide!"

Then it disappears, pulled back as though it's been yanked away.

Temarie makes a bit of a face. "Well.....that explains a lot. But it didn't look like a rat person." She then shrugs a bit. "Can we see where it went?"

Tak frowns, then looks to the others. "Kobolds...so what nowd? They tend to favor cowardice and treachery, so unless you have a plan that they can't double cross, I'm not sure how to proceede here."

Eligar comes around the corner and he has his shield up. He looks at the kobold, "Where are your friends that were just here?" He looks towards Temarie, "It was dark the innkeeper might be mistaken."

"Little terrible dragon men. Awful pests." Brom says with a scowl. "If they're behind this, then this hunt just got a lot more dangerous... or at least annoying. Definitely one of the two, possibly both."

"Oh, Kobolds," says Nadara, putting a hand over her face. "All right. We saw you. Come on out. I mean it. Right now. In the name of RADA. You come out and talk to us RIGHT NOw." She's pushing beyond the others to do just that.

"Go away!" Squeaky little voice. "Go away, bad adventurers! Shoo! We have no treasure for you!" -"Yes, go away! Or we'll... we'll... oh, just go away!"

They're still inside that room, it seems. It's just ahead, down the short corridor.

Eligar frowns, "Now listen kobolds, you can't go stealing from the innkeeper. It's not your food. Why don't you just leave here before you get hurt."

GAME: Eligar rolls diplomacy: (12)+8: 20

Temarie shakes her head and strides her way down the short corridor all right.

Tak moves along behind Temarie, looking to see if it truely is just kobolds down there.

So, there's this room. It's full of old junk. Mining equipment that looks so rusty it'd fall apart if you took a swing with it, natty old piles of rags... and food. There's a neat little store of food on top of one of the cleaner barrels, clearly taken from the innkeeper's cellar. In the middle of the room, on top of an upturned old minecart, is a dim little fire that looks in danger of going out at any moment.

And there's kobolds. Squeezed right up into one of the corners, four tiny little kobolds that look no older than hatchlings lie huddled together, shaking, clutching on to the legs of one slightly larger one, but still clearly a kid, who's making a brave show of waving a stick at you all. "Go away!" Wavewave. "We have no treasure!" One of the smaller ones bursts into tears. "I want my mooooommy!"

Eligar puts away his sword as he is not going to fight a kid. "That's enough. We aren't going to hurt you. Just put down the stick and we'll talk about this. What happened to your parents?"

And that's when Nadara's drops down and she holsters her pistol. "Okay. Is this some kind of joke?" She asks, rhetorically, eyes going up to the ceilking.

Temarie also lowers her sword, but doesn't put it away yet. Children are one thing to her, but attacking.....well.....

Brom doesn't put his musket away. But at least he's not pointing it /at/ the kobold children. "What are ye up to back here?" He asks.

Tak moves back behind someone for a second, and whispers a few arcane words to detect magic, then of course he looks back at the kobolds and thier home....it could be a trick!

"Huh?" The oldest kobold kid looks momentarily confused. Then he brandishes the stick at Eligar. BRANDISHES it. So brave! "You took our parents! Now you've come for us! We don't have anything! What do you WANT?"

The rest of the clutch are holding so tightly on to the oldest kid's legs, it looks like he couldn't move if he wanted to.

"Well, at least that one speaks decent trade," mutters Nadara, irritably, "Took your parents? How old -are- you, anyways?" She glances back and forth between the others, then she pinches the ridg of her protruding nose. "Oh, bloody hell. Who took your parents?"

Temarie says, "How about telling us why you've been taking the innkeeper's food?" She then gestures to Nadara. "And what Nadara said.""

Lanier lowers his bow, returning the arrows to the quiver, yet he seems hesitant to put his bow back on his shoulder. Rather than engaging the young kobolds in conversation, he takes a quick look around, seeming to be watching everything that isn't the children. At Temarie's question, he replies, "Who is going to give a kobold child a job making a fair wage?"

Eligar sighs, "I'm sorry that adventurers took your parents, but you can't stay down here and steal from the Innkeeper. We'll have to tell the innkeeper." He looks to Lanier, "You don't put children to work no matter what race they are."

Temarie looks to Eligar. "I was a squire when I was younger, Eligar. I also didn't have much of a choice." She then looks to the children. "In this case, they may not have much of a choice. Working for their reason to eat and live around here......."

The oldest kid's lower lip trembles. He's not going to cry!

Sniffle. "Y-you're not with the ones who took mama and papa?" The stick is lowered slightly. Slightly. "We... w-we're hiding. Bad adventurers took our parents. We were a-afraid they were gonna come for us." There's quiet sniffling from the younger ones as they look up at the Explorer's Guild representatives with huge eyes.

Lanier chuckles, "The battlecry of the cityborn..." He falls silent a moment later, now taking a moment to look at the children before he adds, "They have the right to survive." He then returns to looking out and around the home the kobolds have made for themselves.

"Gobber children work all the time. There's nothing wrong with learning a trade, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. We don't know what's happened to their parents. I think it's obvious they're just trying to hide down here. They're scared, and they want help. So tell us about these adventurers." Nadara taps her holy symbol. "You see this? It mens I'm a servant of Rada, God of Dealmaking. I'm going to make you a deal. You're going to come out of hiding, all of you, and we won't hurt you. And we might even get you some food if you're really good and tell us more about why you're down here."

Tak looks to Nadara, then the kobolds. Its apparent he is thinking, but its also apparent he isn't going to say anything at this time, he just watches as everyone tries to figure out what to do with the situation.

Temarie watches as Nadara makes her deal, and she puts the point of her sword on the ground, but she doesn't take her hand off the hilt.....yet. She watches to see if the Kobolds come out before she puts her sword away.

Eligar looks to Temarie, "And when I was younger I was given a chance to learn and better myself to become what I am today." He looks back towards the children, "How long ago did the bad adventurers take your parents? Did you come down from the other way?"

It's a pretty pitiful little den, truth be told. Everything's banged up and useless. There's a heavy steel door set in one of the walls, but it looks like it's been rusted shut for ages, so there's no accessing the outside through that, at least for weak little kobold kids.

"W-we didn't know what to do.." says the oldest of the kids, finally lowering the stick completely. "There were these, these adventurers, they came around and wanted money from mama and papa all the time, and... and then they took mama and papa with them and now we don't know what to do!" He really does burst into tears this time.

Brom scowls. "Those don't sound like any proper adventurers. Sounds more like hooligans and villains to me." He scowls. "... Do you know where to find these 'adventurers'?"

Eligar nods in agreement with Brom, "Yes if you could show us where these bad adventurers are we'll do our best to get your parents back if we can."

Temarie says, "Hopefully we can...."

Tak continues to remain quiet and just observe, he has nothing useful to add at this point.

Lanier raises an eyebrow, "Slavers, I'll bet." The youthful ranger, always so sad looking, undergoes an almost dreadful change. His normal facade of melancholy is now replaced by one, single, overarching expression which can only be summarized thusly: Now he's pissed...

"...that does *not* sound like adventurers, no. Extortion is the lowest of low sins!" This clearly offends Nadara a great deal, ctually. "Where do you think we can find these 'adventurers'?"

"I knows wheres they are!" one of the younger ones pipes up. Their "spokeskid" shushes, then turns back to stare up at the big, well-armed individuals gathered in front of them. "Y-you promise you're not gonna... gonna take us or... go join the bad men or, or... something? They were comin' around all the time, always asking mama and papa for money, and saying it was for our protection, and... and, and I know where they have their camp." As he speaks, the oldest of the kids seems to gain some measure of resolve. "If, if you're gonna go... teach them a lesson, I can tell you."

Brom strokes his beard. "Well... I think we'd better find you a better place to live, someplace you can be comfortable without stealing from the innkeeper. But we're not gonna hurt you or take you anyplace you don't want to go. That fair enough?"

Lanier turns quickly, approaching the spokechild with a quick step. As he nears, he draws himself down, his cloaking arraying itself around him with little regard for the dirt of the tunnel. Dirt of the tunnel, dirt of the forrests. What's the difference? Less of a bow, and more of an attempt to come eye to eye with the children, he responds, "I need not hold any particular affection for Rada to ensure to you that I will teach them a lesson they shall not soon forget." He then stands up, "Your kind are savvy. You can learn to hunt with respect for the dark forests that your kind favor. You can learn to live with and on the land, if you choose to do so. Though your parents, if they are still alive, will surely have some say in this matter." He glances towards Brom, nodding, before he turns to head back towards the entrance and take a look left and right.

Tak coughs and finally speaks up. "I have a question, what did your parents do when they were around? These bad adventurers asked them for money, how did they know your parents had money?"

Eligar nods "We'll go find the bad adventurers and try to find your parents." He looks towards Lanier, "Why don't we take them up to the innkeeper and see if he won't give them a real meal and keep them until we get back from trying to find their parents."

"I'll pay for it," says Nadara to ELigar, agreeably. "What DId your aprents do, though? That's a good question.." And with that, she's ready to move on.

<OOC> Narah says, "I'm going to do a little scene change now. :)"

<OOC> Temarie says, "Fast Forward it is."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Fine by me."

<OOC> Tak says, "Ok"

<OOC> Brom says, "Sounds good."

<OOC> Nadara says, "SOunds great. :)"

<OOC> Eligar says, "Sure"


So, after much sniffling, crying, and cajoling, the little clutch of kobold children give you, between them, a fairly good idea of where the "adventurers" are holed up, though the route there is described in terms a child might find important: "past the big stump that looks like a troll," "under the fallen-over rocks that kinda look like a castle," and so on. The bandits' hideout is under the side of a sheer cliff face with a little cave, and apparently they use it as a base from which to conduct thieving raids, extort local businesses for "protection money" and the like. The innkeeper, when pressed, confesses to having heard about them, but has never been personally visited by them. He also mentions that the kids' parents likely come from a village nearby that's known for its very varied inhabitants, a kind of free haven for merchants and craftspeople.

Between Brom and Lanier, and with the route description laid out, it's a fairly simple process to find the hideout, though afternoon approaches evening by the time you've made your way there. They've made little effort to conceal their presence; the surrounding area has been somewhat littered, and there are signs of trees having been felled for firewood for some time.

Maintaining a stealthy position by which to observe the cave entry, the Gileadran ranger looks over the entrance with distaste, then frowns, "This isn't exactly a hideout. They've done everything to make their presence known except spell out 'Welcome' in the trash by their cookfires." In the travel time, the ranger has become animated, as he is now quite a bit on the hunt.

The camp is pretty ramshackle. It's in a natural depression in the land, with a cluster of tents and semipermanent wooden structures built up around a natural cave entrance in the cliff face overlooking it. From a vantage point nearby you have a pretty good view of the whole layout of the place; there's also a good deal of noise coming from the camp. It seems they're having some kind of a party or celebration.

There's a largish firepit in the middle of the camp, and a small gaggle of rough-looking men are have formed a semi-circle, jeering and jostling as they watch two of their number, stripped to the waist, lurch around in what is clearly some kind of an arranged fighting competition of some sort.

Tak looks to the others, then at the bandits cave from wherever everyone is hiding. "So, do we want to plan something, or just try to charge in there when we can? We should move fast, they could have plenty of hostages inside."

Brom hoists up his musket, eyes the camp, and shrugs. "I suppose we could just go in guns blazing... but... well, seems like it might be unnecessary bloodshed. Might be, Could be entirely necessary."

Nadara has her dragonspitter out again. "You're kidding, right? Are they beatging each other in the face? For coin? Oooh, I say we volutneer the dwarf!" She points at Brom.

Tak frowns "You can't negotiate with a superier force, they outnumber us, and they will figure that out pretty fast when we start."

Eligar is on his horse and he has his lance ready with him. "We could, I doubt they are going to just give up. i wouldn't want to give the advantage of surprise. We could wait until they knock each other out or drink themselves stupid, tie them up after they pass out and question them."

Temarie says, "It'll be a long wait." She then watches the group beat each other up."

Tak shakes his head. "Alright, the quietest and sneakiest of us need to get closer and figure out if the kobolds are still here. If we can, rescue them, if not, we start a fight. Right now they are distracted, and....I can be invisible, so...anyone object to me going to explore?"

Eligar looks to Tak, "If you think you can do it go ahead. If something goes wrong, signal us."

"Oi, you hit me in the ear, Trev! You hit me in the -ear-!" -"Sorry man, I wasn't ready an' you moved! And don't call me Trev, it's Tyler now, 'member?"

The two fighters are clearly not very good. There's a good deal of goodnatured jeering from the other assembled thugs and lowlives, and two of the more well-equipped ones seem to share a signal, then get up and walk back to the cave entrance, disappearing within.

That leaves only six out front, including the two "fighters".

Lanier frowns, "Let's drop them all. It will clean up the mess once and for all that these men have done." He then looks towards Tak, "I'll go with you. If dear do not hear me, neither will these drunken fools." He stands up, still pressed against a tree, "You make yourself invisible, and I will follow along the treeline."

"I have a better idea," says Nadara, cheerily. She looks between the others, then adds to Tak, "Take a scan over invisibly, yeah. See what you can see. But if you get caught, you'll be on your own until we can get to you. Now, I say we give them a chance to explain. In fact, we can learn a lot about them by how they react to our approach. Tak, actually.. why don't you see about invisbly finding the parent -while- we distrct them? It's better for everyone that way, and we're not as far from you if something eos wrong."

Tak nods, and then begins to whisper arcane words to cast the spell that will cloak him in an illusion of nothingness! When done, he quickly and quietly moves off towards the camp to peek in tents or anyplace they might have a couple of kobolds hidden at.

GAME: Tak casts Invisibility.

GAME: Tak rolls stealth: (8)+9: 17

<OOC> Tak says, "For sound"

<OOC> Narah says, "The ones out front seem pretty distracted. I'm gonna handwave you getting past them. Are the rest of you moving down along with him to distract them?"

<OOC> Nadara says, "Nadara's gonna head down there to the group, Narah, unless someone object to her idea."

Eligar looks to Nadara, "They are drunk Nadara, walking down there would make us come rescue you. I doubt they are going to treat you kindly. Let Tak and Lanier find out what they can and then if they look like they would be reasonable we can do talk."

<OOC> Eligar says, "Will try"

<OOC> Lanier will also be sneaking in with Tak along the treeline.

GAME: Lanier rolls Stealth: (18)+9: 27

"Could just start shooting and hollerin' and see how they react." For some reason, Brom seems to think this is an acceptable plan.

"That's fine, then!" Nadara says, cheerfully, "If they attack me, well, we'll know they're bad guys and we'll make sure they get a chance to surrender. We don't know who they are. WE need to find out. All we've got to go on right now is one set of kobold's stories." And with that, she's on her wya down.

Temarie groans. "Well......Eligar.....get ready to charge."

Eligar goes to move his horse in front of her, "Nadara...stop. Think it through. Let Tak and Lanier find out what they can before you just go walking down in there."

You paged Tak with 'You can get to the cave entrance pretty easily, there doesn't seem to be any guards. Are you going inside?'

Tak pages: Yes

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (2): 2

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (20): 20

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (17)+1: 18

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+5: (13)+5: 18

As Tak disappears, Lanier turns and disappears into the trees, the keen hunter finding his way quietly through the forested areas surrounding this encampment with apparent ease. He approaches the cave as best he can, fading in and out from tree to tree in the most unobtrusive way possible.

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay, Lanier, are you sticking to the treeline? There's open space between the trees and the first of the tents."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ah ok. Yeah, I'll use anything I can find cover behind to get to the cave."

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (19): 19

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (6): 6

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (1): 1

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (17): 17

"I *have* thought it through. Are you so confident in your friends here that you think that they can get through without being noticed? We need to be in a position to help them. More than that, I need to be in a position to heal them. If they're hostile, then they're gonna attack and you can charge on in. If they're not hostile, then we'll be talking and sorting out business like two people gone to market. This *is* the right way to do it. Follow me, okay?" NAdara tries to go under Eligar's horse.

You paged Tak with 'Inside the cave entrance is a house, basically. It's a small natural cave that they've built up with lumber. There are four people in there - three burly, but human men, and one Giantborn. The Giantborn guy is currently poking a stick into a small cage, in which is... a kobold. There's another cage with another kobold next to it. They seem to be trying, not very well, to interrogate them.'

You paged Lanier with 'You can get to the cave entrance and peek inside. Inside is a house, basically. It's a small natural cave that they've built up with lumber. There are four people in there - three burly, but human men, and one Giantborn. The Giantborn guy is currently poking a stick into a small cage, in which is... a kobold. There's another cage with another kobold next to it. They seem to be trying, not very well, to interrogate them.'

Eligar frowns at Nadara, "I am confident in them and if there is trouble we are close enough. What if because of you going down they hurt those they hurt or our actions cause Tak and Lanier to be hurt. Look at those men Nadara, they don't look like they are going to be friendly to you or want to talk to you." He looks towards the others to try to get his help on restraining Nadara from going down.

Meanwhile, the "fight club" seems to be going on. They're just not very good at fist-fighting - the two men in the middle have fallen down and are kind of ineffectively flailing at each other while trying to keep the other from getting a good punch in. The others are getting restless.

<OOC> Narah says, "There's a total of six people outside, to reiterate. Four guys standing around in a semi-circle, two guys fighting. If you can call it that."

Tak pages: Just going to stay and watch for a minute, if no distraction comes I'll move away since my spell only has a 4 minute limit

"Yes, because god knows they'll react *so well* to having people sneaking around their camp, Eligar, if they catch them." Nadara lets out a sigh. "All I'm going to do is offer to bet on the fights, and talk to them. We don't know for sure who they are."

Temarie chuckles. "Eligar. it's actually a good idea." She says looking up to him. "That way we get everyone's attention away from the pair sneaking into the cave."

Tak pages: Is there a place I can hide in the cave that I'm sure I wont be seen when the spell wears off?

You paged Tak with 'Not really. It's kind of a crude office/living quarters thing. There's one proper bed in the back - big enough to be for the giantborn guy - and some cots up front. Otherwise there's lots of beer and food and shoddy loot.'

Eligar continues to frown, "And people just wander around the forest looking to place bets on impromptu fist fights." He rolls his eyes, "Why should let them scout it out and find out what they can. Information can make the difference between victory and defeat. Not just strolling down and going, 'Hey guys can I bet on your fight, you don't know me and I just happened to be wandering around the forest a night, with my friend here the mounted knight."

You paged Lanier with 'It's really just kind of a crude office/living quarters thing. There's one proper bed in the back - big enough to be for the giantborn guy - and some cots up front. Otherwise there's lots of beer and food and shoddy loot.'

"Hey, it could happen." Brom says to Eligar with something of a grin. "If we down a few ales first, the wandering forest gambler story may sound more convincing."

Lanier pages: What is the line of questioning that the giantborn is using?

You paged Lanier with 'You can't really hear unless you try to go inside, and there's not much to hide behind.'

You paged Lanier with 'You're fairly sure you hear the word "treasure" several times, though.'

Lanier pauses at the the treeline, looking around quickly and then transitioning from tent to tent as he feels he is clear to do so. He stops next to the entrance of the cave, hunkering down in the shadows as he pulls his dark green cloak around himself in a camouflaging pattern. He listens at the cave, and then frowns slightly, looking towards the fight ring. The approaching cleric causes the ranger to tilt his head slightly, a confused expression on his face.

Temarie simply remains silent.

"...I was going to be a bit more clever about it than -that-, Eligar," says Nadara with a low, hissing laugh. "The goal is to distract them. If they get violent, well.. we can handle it. Yeah, they outnumber us, but how many of you are willing to bet that they don't have a priestess with them?" She then squints down at them, worriedly.

Eligar looks to Brom, "It could, but it's highly unlikely." He looks back to Nadara, "And if they are more of them hiding then the six of them down there? You just want to march down there without knowing anything. We can still go down there when Lanier and Tak come back with more information."

Temarie takes a deep breath and shakes her head. "Worried abotu getting a few dings in your armor, Eligar?" She then looks down at the group at the camp. "If there are more, bring them on. If I die, then I go to the Lady of Battle."

The two fighters seem to have gotten whatever it was out of their systems. It's not clear which of them is the winner, if anyone, but they kind of sheepishly slog back to the semicircle with the others and start putting their shirts back on. Meanwhile, two of the others proceed to take THEIR shirts off and square up against each other. It seems it really is a kind of tournament, or something, because the others take up a ragged cheer. You can faintly hear one of them saying something about "the boss" being undefeated.

Temarie now....turns her attention towards the camp, especially hearing about 'the boss'.

Lanier waits until the second set of fighters start to go at it, slinking through the shadows to the tents and attempting to work his way back to the treeline to get to where is party is.

Eligar looks at Temarie, "Obviously you don't know me Temarie. Rushing into battle when you can get some information is foolhardy. We sent them down there let's not change the plan just because some people are bored." He looks at Nadara.

<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm going to head back now, Narah."

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! They're still pretty distracted out there."

"We could always just send our toughest fighter to challenge their toughest in a one on one brawl for supremacy." Brom suggests, stroking his beard. "... 'Course, I suppose we'd have to start sparring like them to determine who our toughest fighter is. That could take some time."

GAME: Lanier rolls Stealth: (15)+9: 24

<OOC> Narah doesn't even bother rolling perception, none of 'em can beat that. :P

<OOC> Lanier grins.

Temarie says, "Who said I was bored?" She's not even paying much attention to Eligar anymore. Of course, she's looking for their 'boss'."

"Bored? Fuck you," is Nadara's immedite response to Eligar, "I'm doing what I think is sound and right. Don't be an ass."

Eligar looks to Nadara, "No thanks. Right what you think is right. It's not your own life that you are putting in danger by just wandering down there, it's all of our lives."

"Right, them," says Nadara, cooly, "Forget getting healed by me."

Lanier does make it to the treeline, moving stealthily from tree to tree until he arrives back in time for an f-bomb. He looks around for a moment, his eyes narrowing before he speaks, "We're hunting. Stay focused." He then looks to Nadara, "A scout went out. When you send scouts out, ensure they have someone to report back to. Leaving here would have been foolish and would have jeopardized Tak's life and mine for what would have ultimately been a useless mission. You were not thinking clearly, Current." He then continues in a whisper, "Aside from the six out here, there are four in the cave. The cave is furnished, and the two kobolds are locked in cages. They are being interrogated by a giantborn." He then looks towards Nadara, "So, what you're basically saying is that we must do as you say or you will not do your job to the best of your abilities? If so, you may leave now and we will revisit this issue again in the company of the Guildmaster."

Eligar shrugs, "That is your choice Nadara."

Temarie turns her head. "Giantborn, huh? That must be their 'boss' that has never been defeated." It's clear Temarie was listening to the camp more than the argument that was going on.

"Actually, no," says Nadara to Lanier, "What I'm saying is that if you wnt the assistance of the cleric, don't rudely insult the cleric. I wasn't going to refuse to heal him until -after- he insulted me three seperate times. *That*'s my personal line. Unless he apologizes for his insults. I'm going to support the rest of you just fine, and he may get a little help in the process." She shakes herh head. "Don't misinterpret my motivations like he did." A thumb is gestured at ELigar. "I was intending to move down there to suss out their motivations and provide you cover. Just because you didn't need it doesn't mean you might not've if anything'd gone wrong. But we can discuss this later. We've a job to finish."

Tak pops into visibility just short of the group, sticking to the shadows the last little bit. He heard Lanier giving the intelligence report, and gives his own description of the inside of the cave. "Ok, now, I can go invis one more time. I suggest you all attack after I get inside the cave, I'll free the kobolds and then move to help you, or if you think we need to we can simply run for it at that point. I know our mounted guy here is pretty tough, so I'm sure he can do alot of damage. My only curiosity is these guys were questioning the kobolds it looked like.....so we may want to keep that in mind for later."

Temarie looks to Tak. "Lanier mentioned something about a Giantborn, Tak. I'm assuming that is their 'boss who has never been defeated' in this little group." She then looks to Lanier, then to Nadara. "Nadara, Now that we have our information, lets head down and talk to them. Eligar.....you hang back a bit, but make sure you have a clear path.....just in case they decide to become hostile. Tak, you look for a way to get into the cave when you're able.....especially when that Giantborn comes out. Lanier......you do what you do best."

Biff! Slap! Oh god, these guys are terrible fistfighters. The others don't seem to mind though, they're kind of drunk and watching people get hurt is an excellent way to spend the evening. The fire is roaring in the firepit, and there's half-hearted waving of weapons.

Tak nods "Sounds like a solid plan, I'll hide near the cave, when the time comes I'll go invisible and get the kobolds out if the cave is empty." With that, he turns to move off back to find a safe place to wait until a good moment.

"Best plan I've heard so far." Brom says in agreement with Tak. "But then again, my plans were all terrible." At least he's aware of that.

"That's fine," says Nadara to Tak, agreeably, on that count.

Lanier nods his head, "Indeed, we will discuss this later." He then looks to Eligar, "Now that the scouts are back, now is a good time to go down to the encampment. When someone listening at the cave won't be discovered by someone coming out of it at the sign of a threat." He then looks towards Temarie, nodding his head with a slight smile, "Sure will." He shoulders his bow, reaching up afterwards the loosen the sword from the scabbard there.

Eligar nods to Lanier, "Thank you Lanier for the information." He looks to Nadara, "I don't want your healing ever again. Go talk to them and find out what kind of men they are." He looks to Lanier, "I will do as they asked since, admitted unwillingly, and waited for the scouts to come back I shall do as they ask." He turns his horse and starts to ride off to get into position.

"I wasn't even suggesting we all go down. Just me. I can take care of myself, and would've been able to keep you and Tak alive had anything gone wrong. I can't *heal* you if you're not close enough ot me, and I don't exactly run very fast. Plus, being able to talk to them on my own, as a cleric of Rada, would probably be easier to get their motivations compared to not doing so." Then she eyeballs Eligar. "So, let me get this straight: You'd rather risk death than say 'I'm sorry I insulted you'? Wow. Just... wow. That's impressive. Okay." She shrugs, then start on down.

Temarie places a gentle hand upon Nadara's shoulder and speaks to her in goblinspeak.....

Eligar looks back at Nadara, "I apologize for implying that your intelligence as less than average. I disagreed with your plan, but should not have insulted your intelligence. I felt you were putting our two companions in unneeded danger."

So you go towards the camp!

It actually takes surprisingly long before any of the men at the firepit -notice-. At some point, one of the fellows nudges another and goes, "Hey... do we know those guys?"

Sudden silence. The two fighters scramble away from each other and stumble over to where they left their clothes, taking up weapons, while the rest of the men kind of... await pensively. "Weren't you going to be standing watch, Bill?" -"Uh, I thought it was your turn." -Why didn't you say anything?" -"Just... shut up."

One of the less obviously drunk men, an unwashed lout by the looks of him, steps forward. "Yeah, uh, what do you want? We're busy here."

Tak is carefully hidden back among the trees, waiting for the chance to go invisible and enter the cave, for now he watches and listens to see how things go.

As Eligar begins to ride, Lanier turns to walk beside the horse. He reaches out to pat the horse on the neck. In between two of his fingers are thin vials of white liquid. He looks up towards the knight and speaks in a lyrical and effortless Sildanyari. Without another word, Lanier balances the two vials on the pommel of the saddle and then breaks away to continue forward and a number of feet to the side, his narrowed eyes on the humans. Crossing his arms across his chest and assuming a casual posture, little do they know he is mere moments from any of the array of weapons he has at his disposal.

Temarie walks towards the encampment. She uses that opportunity to count how many of the guys were actually there in a quick count. She does have her sword out, but as she comes to a stop, she plants the point of it in the ground, resting both hands up top of it's hilt, watching. She lets Nadara handle the talking.

"Apology acepted," says Nadara to Eligar, "I was worried they'd be in danger if they got noticed... and I wouldn 't be able to get to them in time. Negotiating with them for the kobolds would be the better result anyways. That way, nobody has to die and they can be put out of business."

Then when tey rrive, scrambling for ther thigns, Nadara chirps, "Hullo there! I'm Nadara. I'm a servant of Rada." She holds her holy syumbol up, then asks. "I *thought* I saw some betting going on here! For shame. Don't stop on our account."

"What the hell do you want? If that hag of a wife of mine sent you, tell 'er we're through! I got a gang now!" One of the ones at the back says this. The speaker in front shoots him a quick, angry glare. "Shut -up-, Clive." Composing himself and trying to look threatening, he proceeds to put his hand on the hilt of his sword. "We ain't got no business with you. This is our territory, an' everybody 'round here knows it. Fuck off, or we'll get the boss, an' he'll pound ya flat."

Temarie almost seems bored with the threatening gesture. "Well....we're not from around here." She says softly, but then she looks to Nadara....

Brom keeps his musket visible, though pointed at the sky. "Ye shouldn't take that sort of tone with mighty hunters like us!" He boasts. "What if yer wife had sent us? Then we'd have tae hog-tie you an' haul you back!"

Eligar holds himself ready out of sight, but with a clear path to the camp should the need arise, which more then likely it will.

"Your territory? -Your- terrtiory?" says Nadara, "Oh, well. You'll have to forgive me. I'm new here. Who's -territory- am I in and what sort of tax do I have to pay for safe passage through it?" Banditry confirmed in three, two, one...

The one near the back - Clive - starts looking antsy. He takes a half-step back. "I should maybe get the boss, these guys look like trouble..."

The speaker near the front scoffs. "Pah! Looks more like free loot to me," he says, and takes a half-step -towards- you. "Whatcha say? Hand over your stuff and maybe we'll let ya go." The rest of the crew gives a half-hearted "yeah!" and assorted other sounds of assent. There's the sound of weapons being drawn.

<OOC> Tak says, "I'd like to cast first, a ghost sound, and then a silent image, and create an illusion of four archers, opposite side of where I am, stepping out in kind of a flanking gesture, perhaps let our cleric negotiate better :)"

<OOC> Tak says, "Hrm, well it says object....woudl that mean only 1?"

<OOC> Narah says, "An object, creature, or force... sounds like one, yeah."

<OOC> Tak says, "Ok, so I'll illusion one guy, but it should help a little"

<OOC> Tak says, "That alright?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Sure!"

GAME: Tak casts Silent Image.

GAME: Tak casts Ghost Sound.

Tak whispers a few arcane words, and draws out a small lump of wax. Across on the other side of the camp, there is the sound of brushes being moved, by multiple sources, and then from behind a tree steps a single archer, bow drawn, arrow ready. "I suggest you be nice to the little woman there." The illusion speaks towards the man who just suggested they loot the goblin and the party.

<OOC> Tak says, "Btw, the illusion looks 'similar' to tak, but there are enough differences you realize its not him"

"They've got a dude with a bow!" Clive half-turns and looks like he's about to run, now. The others... well, they draw their weapons. Looks like adding to the threat only makes 'em more aggressive.

GAME: You clear initiatives.

GAME: Narah has cleared initiatives.

<OOC> Temarie says, "+Inits?"

GAME: Nadara rolls initiative: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 11

<OOC> Nadara says, "I believe so. Right, Narah?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Right. ;)"

GAME: Temarie rolls initiative: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 6

<OOC> Nadara says, "So +init!"

GAME: Tak rolls initiative: Roll: 13 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 17

GAME: Eligar rolls initiative: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 4

GAME: Lanier rolls initiative: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 19

GAME: You roll initiative for Bandits: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 11

GAME: Brom rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 10

Current Initiative Order ====

19                  Lanier

17                  Tak

11                  Nadara

11                  Bandits

10                  Brom

6                   Temarie

4                   Eligar


<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! You've got a situation. The bandits are pretty well gathered up into a clump. One looks like he's about to run and get reinforcements."

<OOC> Narah says, "Lanier!"

<OOC> Lanier says, "Alright. The one about to turn and get reinforcements. Is he next to anyone?" <OOC> Narah says, "Yeah. You could get to him, but it'd mean one AoO."

<OOC> Lanier says, "I'll take it."

<OOC> Lanier is going to go in and set up the cleave.

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Rolling AoO."

<OOC> Lanier says, "My AC is 18, btw."

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+3: (4)+3: 7

<OOC> Lanier says, "17, excuse me."

<OOC> Narah says, "Whoosh."

<OOC> Lanier says, "They're humans, right?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Yep."

<OOC> Lanier nods, "Favored Enemy bonus in effect."

<OOC> Narah says, "You think. Under all the grime."

<OOC> Lanier smirks.

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+9: (7)+9: 16

<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"

<OOC> Lanier says, "Second attack roll."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+9: (11)+9: 20

<OOC> Lanier says, "Here comes the pain."

<OOC> Narah says, "Ooh, hit."

GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+11: (10)+11: 21

GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+11: (3)+11: 14

<OOC> Narah says, "Clive goes a-tumblin', straight off the bat. The other one looks very badly hurt. Pose it!"

As swords start coming out and the threat is made, this seems to be the Gilead Ranger's cue. He reaches up, drawing the greatsword with lightning precision, and taking it in two hards. Leaping forward, Lanier cuts a figure-eight in the air above his head, slicing down into the torso of the one who broke to get help. He then pulls it across with a grunt, swinging the greatsword with terrible efficiency and cutting slightly less deeply into the second. The Ranger has gone from melancholy, to alive, and has just arrived at hyperactive.

<OOC> Narah says, "Tak."

<OOC> Tak says, "Hrm, is there a clump of 4 guys at all?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Six."

<OOC> Tak says, "And can grease work out here?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Don't see why not."

<OOC> Narah says, "Well, five. Clive is down."

<OOC> Tak says, "Then I can grease a 10x10, so thats 4 guys get greased, I'll get the 4 clumped farthest away from the party"

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"

<OOC> Tak says, "Dropping my illusion"

<OOC> Narah says, "Cast, pose."

GAME: Tak casts Grease.

Tak finds that the illusion, while quite good in his mind, is obviously the straw that broke the camels back. He quickly gestures, tossing a small pinch of butter as he mutters arcane words from his hiding spot. A patch of grease appears underneath most of the rear members of the group

<OOC> Tak says, "They need to save"

<OOC> Narah says, "Oh, right!"

<OOC> Tak says, "Reflex vs 14"

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (5)+1: 6

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (7)+1: 8

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (12)+1: 13

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (3)+1: 4

<OOC> Narah says, "Bwahaha."

<OOC> Narah says, "All four go down!"

<OOC> Tak says, "Woo!"

<OOC> Nadara says, "Anyone in view left up?"

<OOC> Nadara says, "Not falling down and/or dead? XD"

<OOC> Narah says, "One bandit is unconscious. Four are flailing on the ground. One is up and looking very confused."

<OOC> Narah says, "Nadara."

<OOC> Nadara says, "I'm going to cast command and tell him to lay down."

<OOC> Nadara says, "Good bandit!"

GAME: Nadara casts Command.

<OOC> Nadara says, "DC 13."

<OOC> Nadara says, "Er, 14."

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20: (2): 2

<OOC> Narah says, "He lies down."

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Pose it."

"Hey. You. The guy still standing. DOWN." Nadara points a finger at him like he's a dog being given an order.

And lay down he does.

<OOC> Narah says, "Bandits! They're... all lying on the ground. It's all very confusing. They're going to try and get up. Lanier, you're threatening one of them, the guy you hurt. AoO!"

<OOC> Narah says, "If you wanna."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+9: (10)+9: 19

<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"

<OOC> Lanier says, "Can you power attack on an AoO?"

<OOC> Narah says, "I don't think so?"

<OOC> Lanier says, "I didn't think so."

GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+8: (9)+8: 17

It's all so very confusing. One moment they're up and threatening and having a good time, the next one of their number is down and they're all flailing around on the ground. The bandits all try and get up, amid much swearing and fumbling and disgusting greasy ground. Not all of them make it.

<OOC> Narah says, "Brom."

<OOC> Brom says, "How near is the injured one?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Well, you've got one unconscious and dying one and one who's just plain dead. The others are, aside from being greasy and disgusting, pretty healthy."

<OOC> Brom says, "Hrm. Get to within 30' of the nearest healthy/greasy one, fire thunderbelcher."

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Roll it."

GAME: Brom rolls ranged + 2: (5)+7+2: 14

<OOC> Brom says, "It's a touch attack at that range."

<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"

GAME: Brom rolls 1d12+1: (10)+1: 11

<OOC> Narah says, "Ow. You got him good. He's hurt. Pose it."

Brom finally gets an excuse to fire off that musket he's been waving around all day. "Get 'em, Julie!" He shouts, pulling the trigger and showering the nearest bandit with musket shot. He lets out a triumphant whoop.

<OOC> Narah says, "Temarie!"

<OOC> Temarie says, "I'm gonna trot my way up to the nearest healthy greased guy, if I can, and hit him."

<OOC> Narah says, "You can do that! Roll it."

GAME: Temarie rolls weapon1: (4)+8: 12

<OOC> Narah says, "Juuust missed."

<OOC> Temarie says, "ah well."

Trotting her way up to the small group, Temarie swings her sword at one of the guys in the grease pit.....and they just move out of the way.....

<OOC> Narah says, "Eligar?"

<OOC> Eligar says, "I'll charge, ride by attack and hit the closest greased guy"

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Rollin' it, please."

GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+11: (7)+11: 18

<OOC> Narah says, "That's a hit!"

GAME: Eligar rolls 2d8+8: (6)+8: 14

<OOC> Narah says, "He's badly hurt."

From behind the others Eligar makes his charge on his steed. Kindroth comes thundering down and as one of the bandits is just getting to his feet, Eligar slams his lance hard into him, badly hurting him as he rides by.

<OOC> Narah says, "Top of the round! Lanier."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Any of them up?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Four of 'em. Two are unhurt, two look pretty badly roughed up."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Putting down my sword. Quick drawing the bow. Rapid shotting the oOOC> Narah says, "Yeah. You could get to him, but it'd mean one AoO."

<OOC> Narah says, "Righty! Roll it."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Since Eligar did a ride-by, he's no longer considered in Melee correct?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Correct."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25

<OOC> Narah says, "Ouch. hit!"

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Shot #2."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+6: (17)+6: 23

<OOC> Narah says, "And a hit."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d8+4: (7)+4: 11

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d8+4: (5)+4: 9

<OOC> Narah says, "He's so very, very down."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Posing it."

Lanier looks somewhat perturbed when the second man he just hit gets put to the ground by means outside his own weapons. When he begins to get up, however, the Ranger is there to swing the sword and put him down once again. With the enemies in front of him down, the Ranger switches up tactics by driving his greatsword into the dirt and removing the bow in one smooth motion. The knight enters the fray, knocking one of them men hard with his lance and giving Lanier the perfect idea. With a hunter's accuracy, his hand moves to his quiver like lightning, drawing and firing one arrow and then the next almost as soon as the first leaves the bow. End result: Two arrows sticking out of a dead bandit.

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay. Tak?"

<OOC> Tak says, "Hrm"

<OOC> Tak says, "I'm going to hold right now, staying hidden"

<OOC> Tak says, "Wait"

<OOC> Tak says, "I'll cast invis for now, might as well use my time wisely"

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Cast, pose."

GAME: Tak casts Invisibility.

Tak gestures again, whispering arcane words of magic that wrap him in the illusion of nothingness once more. He fades from sight, then begins to move slowly closer to the cave, ready to run inside should the need arrise, or if things go well, assist the others fighting if it comes to that.

<OOC> Narah says, "Nadara."

<OOC> Nadara says, "I'm a bit fuzzy on the positioning."

<OOC> Nadara says, "But can I move to Prayer everyone? :)"

<OOC> Nadara says, "Or actually"

<OOC> Nadara says, "Bless."

<OOC> Nadara says, "I'll save prayer for when we meet more baddies."

<OOC> Narah says, "Actually."

<OOC> Narah says, "Bless is a 50 foot circle?"

<OOC> Narah says, "You're getting everyone but Eligar, I think."

<OOC> Nadara says, "Okay."

<OOC> Nadara says, "I thinkthat's fine."

<OOC> Narah says, "Or wait. Brom was 30 feet away. Just missin' him."

<OOC> Nadara nods. Cast ut.

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"

GAME: Nadara refreshes spells.

GAME: Nadara casts Bless.

GAME: Nadara casts Command.

"Rada! Bless our companions in this right. Guys, really. You should give up onw. You seem y friends? They're really good at what they do. All of them. Give it up, stop getting killed. IT's not so much to ask is it?" Nadara doesn't sound all that happy with all the bloodshed.

<OOC> Narah says, "Bandits. They're looking pretty shaken. One takes a swing at you, Temarie, and one rushes at Nadara. The other one's droppin' his sword and shooting at..."

GAME: Narah rolls 1d6: (1): 1

<OOC> Narah says, "Lanier!"

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+3: (7)+3: 10

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6

<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm going to kill them all."

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+3: (19)+3: 22

<OOC> Narah says, "Bow guy hits!"

GAME: Narah rolls 1d8: (3): 3

GAME: Narah damaged Lanier for 3 points. 26 remaining.

<OOC> Narah says, "Oh the pain."

<OOC> Lanier laughs.

Finally able to react, the bandits rally impressively! By swinging and totally missing both Temarie and Nadara. Nobody told them they'd have to be fighting actual adventurers! The third drops his sword and shoots an arrow straight at Lanier! It nicks him. Kinda.

<OOC> Narah says, "Brom."

<OOC> Brom says, "Is the guy I shot still up?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Yes. Barely. He's the guy who shot Lanier."

<OOC> Brom says, "Switch to earthbreaker, charging him."

<OOC> Narah says, "Uh-oh."

<OOC> Narah says, "Roll it!"

GAME: Brom rolls melee + 4: (13)+4+4: 21

<OOC> Narah says, "Dat's a hit."

GAME: Brom rolls 2d6 + 2: (6)+2: 8

<OOC> Narah says, "And dat's a downed bandit."

<OOC> Narah says, "Pose it!"

Brom frowns deeply. "What, you mean I shot you in the face and ye don't even have the common courtesy to pay me any attention? Ye go off and shoot one of the other hunters?" He sighs as he swiftly swaps out his musket for his oversized hammer, dashing forward and striking the wounded bandit over the head with it. He goes down. "Shouldn'ta ignored me. Rookie mistake."

<OOC> Narah says, "Temarie."

<OOC> Temarie says, "am I still next to the one I attacks?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Yus!"

<OOC> Narah says, "He swung at you. He missed really badly."

<OOC> Temarie says, "Full attack. Sword and shield bash."

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Roll it."

GAME: Temarie rolls weapon1-2: (18)+8+-2: 24

GAME: Temarie rolls weapon2-2: (1)+0+-2: -1

<OOC> Narah says, "Ooh, ow. One hit!"

<OOC> Temarie says, "hah. figures."

GAME: Temarie rolls 1d10+3: (4)+3: 7

<OOC> Narah says, "That hurt him. Pose it!"

Blocking the attack with her shield, Temarie stabs the guywith her shield, but it clearly staggers him back enough to miss with the shield. Lucky him cuz it's a spiked shield....

<OOC> Narah says, "Eligar?"

<OOC> Nadara says, "Don't forget your bonuses from bless, folks!"

<OOC> Temarie did forget.

<OOC> Temarie says, "so my roll with the shield was a zero. XD"

<OOC> Narah grins.

<OOC> Eligar says, "Any bandits still up?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Two. One's hurt, one's not."

<OOC> Narah says, "One's being bashed by Temarie, one's trying and very badly failing to bash Nadara."

<OOC> Eligar says, "I'll swin around and charge the one that's trying to bash Nadara"

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Ride-by again?"

<OOC> Eligar says, "Yep"

GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+11: (17)+11: 28

<OOC> Narah says, "Roll i-- right. Hit."

GAME: Eligar rolls 2d8+8: (5)+8: 13

<OOC> Narah says, "That hurt! He's barely hanging on."

Eligar wheels around and he sets off on another charge. He aims his lance at the one that is harassing Nadara and he slams the lance into him badly hurting him.

GAME: You roll initiative for Lieutenants: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 7

"What the hell is going o-- ohshit." Someone poked their head out from the cave entrance! Almost immediately, two significantly more burly-looking men wielding polearms rush out, intent on joining the fray!

<OOC> Narah says, "Top of the round. There are two bandits still up, but both are pretty hurt. Two new arrivals are just joining in, but they're some distance away, plodding towards you!"

Current Initiative Order ====

19                  Lanier

17                  Tak

11                  Nadara

11                  Bandits

10                  Brom

7                   Lieutenants

6                   Temarie

4                   Eligar

<OOC> Narah says, "Lanier."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Going to shoot one of the El-Tees."

<OOC> Lanier says, "How far are they?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Me and my bad head for imperial measurements..."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Give it to me in metric."

<OOC> Narah says, "You should be able to hit 'em without extending the range."

<OOC> Narah says, "About... thirty, fourty metres out?"

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Rapid Shot."

<OOC> Lanier says, "We'll call it 100 feet since 40m is 130something feet."

<OOC> Narah says, "Wait, I got that wrong. Nvm."

<OOC> Narah will wing it. :D

<OOC> Lanier says, "K. :)"

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+7: (14)+7: 21

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+7: (7)+7: 14

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ack."

<OOC> Narah says, "That's one hit, one miss."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d8+6: (5)+6: 11

<OOC> Narah says, "Ow! Yeah, that stung. Pose it!"

Lanier takes a moment to assess the situation. One on Temarie, who is quite capably standing behind a sword and shield, and one on Nadara and Eligar who are capable at their own things. So when someone sticks their head out and emits a curse word, this draws the fatal attention of Lanier. Who prepares his next volley of arrows at the approaching Lieutenants. Selecting one seeming at random, Lanier draws and fires two arrows in rapid succession. The first arrow penetrates armor, protruding from the Lieutenant's shoulder. The second arrow deflects harmlessly from his armor.

<OOC> Narah says, "Tak?"

<OOC> Tak says, "I'll wait near the cave enterance for now."

<OOC> Tak says, "Er, wait"

<OOC> Tak says, "While invisible, I shall use inspire courage! They can hear me, but they still wont see me"

<OOC> Tak says, "Its not an attack, so it wont affect the invis"

<OOC> Tak says, "Everyone gets +1 to attack and damage, and +1 save vs fear/charm, that stacks with the bless on attack only."

<OOC> Narah says, "Pose it. Nadara?"

Tak speaks up, shouting out to his companions, his voice taking on a strange magical quality that seems to refresh those that hear it, and are allied with him. "There is only the gianborn left! We shall defeat these few easily and then take care of him!" And of course, then he starts moving to a new hiding spot, cause you never want to stand where you shout.

<OOC> Narah says, "Actually there were four inside the cave, not three."

<OOC> Narah says, "The guys with the halberds, and two other guys."

<OOC> Nadara says, "We seem okay."

<OOC> Nadara says, "Still wanna hold the prayer. Divine Favor on myself."

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"

<OOC> Narah says, "Cast, pose."

<OOC> Narah says, "Actually. If you're casting while under attack..."

<OOC> Narah is fuzzy on these things.

<OOC> Nadara says, "Oh."

<OOC> Nadara says, "I can five foot step back, right?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Should be able to!"

<OOC> Nadara Does so!

"You can stop rtying to hit me now. Eesh. Don't you people know when to give yup? You might be bandits, but -we're- professinals." And with that, she waves her holy symbol in a pattern in the air in front of her. A brief, wavy image in the air hangs there, the symbol of Rada, before fading out again.

<OOC> Narah says, "The bandit mooks... look at their downed and dead comrades, drop their weapons and turn tail(withdraw). Even with the appearance of the lieutenants, they're none too keen on getting dead."

"Hey! What the hell! Come the hell back!" That's from one of the halberdiers who just appeared. Who's it for? The two remaining bandits, who've taken it upon themselves to get the hell outta Dodge. "Sorry, chief! I just remembered I left a partridge in the oven! You can handle these guys, hey?" -"I can hear Clive's wife callin' for me!"

<OOC> Narah says, "Brom."

<OOC> Brom says, "Reload thunderbelcher. Shout threats."

GAME: 'Bandits' removed from initiative list.

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Pose it."

Brom swaps his hammer back for his musket, grabbing handfuls of ammunition and powder to ram back down the barrel. He yells at the approaching lieutenants. "Hey, your boys have the right idea! Best get while the getting's good, if you know what's what!"

<OOC> Narah says, "The guys with the halberds... run up to you lot. They're not too clever. Also, out of shape."

There's huffin', and there's puffin'. Clearly, the two burly men with halberds didn't think this through. Shouting horrible, nasty curses after the fleeing bandits, they proceed to run up to the rest of the adventurers. "Ooh, you're gonna get it!"

<OOC> Narah says, "Oh, yeah. Temarie."

<OOC> Temarie says, "so one of the halberd guys ran up to me?"

<OOC> Narah says, "They ran.. up to you-plural. They're not quite there yet. It's a bit of a way from the cave."

<OOC> Temarie says, "okie, who's the closest to me?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Er... both of them? They're kinda both running together. Not willing to go first, really."

<OOC> Narah says, "You should be able to charge at 'em."

<OOC> Temarie says, "Uh....no. I'll move up closer and that's it."

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"

Seeing the two guys with halberds run up from the cave, Temarie moves her way towards them....

<OOC> Narah says, "Eligar?"

<OOC> Eligar says, "i'll charge one of them."

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay, roll the attack :)"

<OOC> Eligar says, "I have to be 5 ft away to use my lance so I'll try to be on the side so he'll have to swing through his buddy... okay"

GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+12: (5)+12: 17

<OOC> Narah says, "Miss."

Eligar turns his horse around as the other bandits run off and the two lieutenants come running out. He sets himself ready for another charge, but this time his aim is off and he misses.

<OOC> Narah says, "New round! Lanier."

<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm going to drop my bow, grab my greatsword, and charge the halberders. They should be still next to each other, right?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Yus!"

<OOC> Lanier will cleave if he hits.

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+11: (13)+11: 24

<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22

<OOC> Narah says, "And hit."

GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+12: (2)+12: 14

<OOC> Lanier says, "Balls."

GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+12: (10)+12: 22

Lanier says, "Better."

<OOC> Narah says, "You drop one of 'em outright. The other's very badly injured."

Conflict develops fast, a concept Lanier is well aware of. When the two goons split, he turns his full attention to the two halbarders. Without hesitation, the ranger drops his bow to the ground, reaching out swifting to grab his greatsword and yank it from the ground. He takes off at a run, meeting the Lieutenants halfway and stopping next to Temarie. With a mighty cleave, the Ranger demonstrates his precision swordwork with such a great weapon by mollywhopping the hell out of the one he had hit moments ago with an arrow, and severely injuring the second one with pure momentum.

<OOC> Narah says, "Tak?"

<OOC> Tak says, "Going to maintain performance for this round."

<OOC> Tak says, "Thats all, still invisible"

Tak keeps moving around in the bushes, shouting encouragement to the party with his magical bardic vocal abilities. "Amazing work! A little more and these bandits will be nothing more than a local legend!"

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay. Nadara?"

<OOC> Nadara says, "Prayer!"

<OOC> Nadara says, "+1 for us, -1 for them."

<OOC> Narah says, "So pious. Okay!"

<OOC> Tak says, "So thats now +3 for us to hit, +1 for our damage, heh"

<OOC> Nadara says, "Yep."

<OOC> Nadara says, "+1 to saves too."

<OOC> Nadara says, "And skill checks."

<OOC> Narah says, "Brom fires on the remaining dude!"

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+12: (3)+12: 15

<OOC> Narah says, "And misses."

<OOC> Narah says, "Temarie!"

<OOC> Temarie says, "Attacking the remaining guy...."

<OOC> Narah says, "He's in bad shape. You could pretty much push him over with halitosis."

<OOC> Temarie says, "I move up and hit him."

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay! Roll it."

GAME: Temarie rolls weapon1: (9)+8: 17

<OOC> Narah says, "Miss. :("

<OOC> Temarie says, "yikes."

These guys are apparently better armored than the last ones. So Temarie's sword just taks off of the armor......

<OOC> Narah says, "He attacks Lanier! Because he's dangerous as hell."

<OOC> Lanier says, "AC 17, again."

<OOC> Narah gotta check something quick, first. :D

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok."

<OOC> Narah says, "Will to try and resist Nadara's awesome prayer. <.<"

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+1: (20)+1: 21

<OOC> Narah !

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay. Attackin' Lanier."

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+5: (12)+5: 17

GAME: Narah rolls 1d10+3: (7)+3: 10

GAME: Narah damaged Lanier for 10 points. 16 remaining.

Not one to be deterred even if he's running ragged, the remaining halberdier takes a big swing at Lanier! The axe end of the polearm digs into the poor ranger's shoulder. That looked like it hurt! "Could use some help out here!" he's bellowing, desperately.

<OOC> Narah says, "Actually, I forgot the lieutenants were before Temarie, but details. <.<"

<OOC> Narah says, "Eligar."

<OOC> Eligar says, "Charge the lieutentant"

GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+14: (20)+14: 34

GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+14: (13)+14: 27

<OOC> Narah says, "It's a crit!"

<OOC> Lanier says, "FINISH HIM!"

<OOC> Narah says, "Roll damage. Just to see how badly you murder him. ;)"

GAME: Eligar rolls 4d8+16: (21)+16: 37

<OOC> Narah says, "... you pretty much turn him into a fine red mist. Yikes."

Eligar turns his horse around and charges towards the last standing Lieutenant. He hits the lieutenant right in the chest spearing his heart and dropping him. He looks towards the cave, "Come out and face us you cur."

<OOC> Narah says, "Nobody left outside! There's still no sound from within the cave. Ominous."

<OOC> Nadara says, "OMINOUSNESS"

<OOC> Narah says, "We're gonna be running a new +init if you move into the cave."

GAME: You clear initiatives.

GAME: Narah has cleared initiatives.

<OOC> Tak says, "I'll try to peek inside while invisible"

Temarie has disconnected.

With the remaining halberdier eliminated, an eerie silence descends on the camp. There's no sound from within the cave, and outside, just the merry crackling of the firepit and the soft groaning of the unconscious and/or dying bandits. Eerie.

"Okay, guys. Let's go get our kobolds, eh? I imagine the other guys are getting tired of the kids," And with that <Nadara is getting ready to head right into the cave.

Tak moves over to the edge of the cave while he is still invisible, and peers inside, looking to see if anyone is alive in there, hopefully the kobolds.

<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm going to pop a CLW potion, btw."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d6+1: (3)+1: 4

GAME: Lanier used a Potion of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Narah damaged Lanier for -4 points. 20 remaining.

You paged Tak with 'They're right in your face as you peek inside. The big Giantborn has drawn a sword and a dagger, and his right-hand man is holding a giant two-handed axe. They're talking softly among themselves. "Good," says the giantborn guy. "I could never stand those fuckers anyway. Let's go kill us some morons."'

Tak backs up just a bit, still invisible, and waits just outside the cave enterance, letting his associates get closer.

<OOC> Nadara says, "YEah, I'll spare a channel."

GAME: Nadara rolls 3d6: (13): 13

GAME: Narah damaged Lanier for -13 points. 29 remaining.

Lanier nods his head, "On that we can agree." Having seen the cave himself, he begins detailing structural details to the rest of the company. He then continues, "Remember, he has hostages, so don't be afraid to quickly smack that Giantborn as quickly as you can. The quicker we make this..." He withdraws a vial from one of his belt pouches, yanking out the stopper with his teeth and dumping it down his throat, "...the longer we'll live."

And that's all you have time for. A huge, copiously tattooed Giantborn man steps out of the cave, closely followed by a green skinned half-orc who's almost as big. The Jotun holds a gleaming longsword and a dagger, and the half-orc has a two-handed axe. They're both grinning. "Thanks for clearing my gang of useless rabble," says the mountain of a tattooed man. "I'd been meaning to move on anyway. Now, who wants to play?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Inits!"

GAME: Tak rolls initiative: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 15

GAME: Eligar rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 18

GAME: Nadara rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 15

GAME: You roll initiative for Right-Hand Man: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 14

GAME: You roll initiative for Big Boss: Roll: 2 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 4

GAME: Lanier rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 23

Current Initiative Order ====

23                  Lanier

18                  Eligar

15                  Tak

15                  Nadara

14                  Right-Hand

4                   Big


<OOC> Narah meant to set "Big Boss" and "Right-Hand Man", but eh. :P

<OOC> Narah says, "Right-Hand and Big works. :P"

<OOC> Nadara says, "You have to do it as one word."

GAME: Brom rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 13

GAME: Temarie rolls initiative: Roll: 5 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 8

<OOC> Narah says, "Oh."

<OOC> Narah says, "Thanks, Whirl! <.<"

<OOC> Nadara says, "No prob."

<OOC> Narah says, "Right!"

Current Initiative Order ====

23                  Lanier

18                  Eligar

15                  Tak

15                  Nadara

14                  Right-Hand

13                  Brom

8                   Temarie

4                   Big

<OOC> Narah says, "Top of the round. Lanier! They're a ways off, waiting at the entrance to the cave."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Can I hit em at a charge?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Probably not."

<OOC> Narah says, "You can double move. That'd put you at a risk from a charge from one of them though."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. I'm going to single move forward and fire a warning shot in the shape of a handaxe."

<OOC> Narah says, "What's the throwing range on one of those?"

<OOC> Lanier says, "Crap. Make that a dagger. I forgot handaxes don't have range increments. I'll be taking a -6 on the attack you figure? Given the range increment on them is 10'?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Sounds good to me."

<OOC> Nadara says, "All thrown weapons are a 10 foot range increment"

<OOC> Narah says, "Oh, okay!"

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+3+3: (1)+3+3: 7

<OOC> Lanier says, "Bah. :P Use up the 1s with crap attacks. I like it."

<OOC> Narah says, "It bravely thunks into the ground some ways off! Eligar."

Lanier moves forward as the giantborn and his right hand man close in towards them. He mentions off-handedly to Nadara, "You might want to hang back a second while I speak with him in a language he'd understand." He draws the dagger from his belt, flipping it around and chucking it towards the giantborn boss and missing badly. He then announces, "My name is Lanier Vaylan, Green Warden of these forests. Your continued presence here is a blight on this land and the people who inhabit it. That was a warning shot. The second time my blade is swung towards you," he points towards the right hand man, "I'm taking his head off," then to the giantborn, "And splitting you neck to nuts."

<OOC> Eligar says, "I will challenge big boss and hold ready action to charge when they get within 30'"

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"

Eligar spots the pair and he focuses on the giantborn, "Come and face me in battle you foul cur."

<OOC> Narah says, "Tak."

<OOC> Narah says, "You're right by 'em, I think."

<OOC> Tak says, "Yea..."

<OOC> Tak says, "I'm going to inspire courage. Still invisible!"

<OOC> Narah says, "A nearby tent inspires you all! Okay, pose it."

Tak chuckles as the pair steps out, then speaks loudly in his bardic magic voice. "I'm afraid you shall find this day your last, we will defeat you, and end your rule of terror over this land!" Sure, its a little dramatic, but hey, its a bard.

<OOC> Narah says, "Nadara."

<OOC> Nadara says, "Shield of Faith on Lanier."

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"

<OOC> Nadara says, "That's +2 to his AC."

<OOC> Narah says, "Cast, pose."

"Rada, watch over this one. He's gonna need it hwen he gets in close," says Nadara, slapping a hand on Lanier's hip. He's surrounded by a brief green glow.

<OOC> Narah says, "Right-hand man is gonna... saunter out to his normal range, and wait. They're overconfident."

<OOC> Narah says, "That puts 'im in range of a charge."

"Pfah!" The half-orc spits into the trodden-down grass, hefting his greataxe over his shoulder. "These idiots are barely worth our time. Come on then, if you're coming!" He saunters out from the cave entrance a ways, earning him a warning glance from his boss(which he ignores), and sets up in a "ready" stance, as if saying he'll take any comers. So bold.

<OOC> Narah says, "Brom... moves in, and fires his gun at the half-orc. Bang."

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+9: (11)+9: 20

<OOC> Narah says, "And hits!"

GAME: Narah rolls 1d12+1: (11)+1: 12

<OOC> Narah says, "Ouch. That smarts!"

<OOC> Narah says, "Temarie."

<OOC> Nadara says, "I'll proxy hr."

GAME: Temarie rolls 1d20+7: (2)+7: 9

<OOC> Nadara says, "Miss. xD"

<OOC> Narah says, "Boss runs in to smack Temarie!"

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+10: (4)+10: 14

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+8: (4)+8: 12

<OOC> Narah says, "And misses with both swings."

"What are you doing, you idiot! We agreed to wait f- ah, fuck it," says the Giantborn as his comrade in arms saunters out and gets a facefull of buckshot and attacked by an Arvek Nar. He springs into action! And misses both his swings at Temarie. Not quite the glorious performance he had in mind.

<OOC> Narah says, "Lanier!"

<OOC> Lanier says, "The boss came out but the other guy stuck by the cave?"

<OOC> Narah says, "No, they're both out in the open now."

<OOC> Lanier says, "How close to each other?"

<OOC> Narah says, "They were going to stay by the wall, but half-orc got overconfident. xD"

<OOC> Narah says, "Back to back."

<OOC> Narah says, "Or, well, side by side. Something."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Well then. I can get into reach of both of them with a charge, yeah?"

<OOC> Narah says, "You can! Oh dear."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+12: (12)+12: 24

<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+12: (2)+12: 14

<OOC> Narah says, "Miss."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Gah!"

<OOC> Lanier says, "So, we'll call the hit vs. right hand man."

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay."

<OOC> Lanier says, "If that's ok with you?"

GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+10: (4)+10: 14

<OOC> Narah says, "Ooh, that hurt! He's injured, but still up."

Lanier rushes forward as the right hand man becomes overconfident and charges Temarie. With a mighty swing of his greatsword, Lanier nearly does cut into the neck of the lackey, just as he said we was going to do, yet comes up short on his threat to split the boss from neck to nads. Soon, though...

<OOC> Narah says, "Eligar."

<OOC> Eligar says, "Did the boss come within 30' from before?"

<OOC> Narah says, "Yes."

<OOC> Eligar says, "I'll ride by charge him."

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"

<OOC> Eligar says, "we still under buffs?"

<OOC> Narah says, "... You should be under Tak's inspire, at least. Nadara, is Bless still up?"

<OOC> Eligar says, "And prayer or not?"

<OOC> Tak says, "Inspire just started, so its good"

<OOC> Nadara says, "Prayer is still good"

GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+14: (5)+14: 19

<OOC> Nadara says, "For a few more rounds at least."

<OOC> Narah says, "That's a hit."

<OOC> Narah says, "Wait, did you charge the boss?"

<OOC> Eligar says, "Yes"

<OOC> Narah says, "Oh, right, you did. Yeah, hit."

GAME: Eligar rolls 2d8+12: (6)+12: 18

<OOC> Narah says, "Ow. Solid hit!"

<OOC> Eligar says, "Sorry add 2 more."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Challenge is a sweet deal."

<OOC> Eligar says, "Adds my level to damage"

<OOC> Eligar says, "Then charging with a lance doubles it"

Eligar readies his lance after waiting for the big boss to come out far enough. He charges on his mount Kindroth and he slams the lance into the gaintborn doing some damage before he rides off.

<OOC> Narah says, "Right. Tak!"

<OOC> Tak says, "I shall go ahead and do something!"

<OOC> Tak says, "I'm going to move within 15 of the giantborn, and trip him!"

<OOC> Tak says, "I get a +2 for invis, +1 for inspire, +1 prayer, and he loses dex cause I'm invisible"

<OOC> Narah says, "Roll it."

GAME: Tak rolls whiptrip+4: aliased to : (19)+7+4+4: 34

<OOC> Narah says, "... yeah, he falls over."

Tak moves forward quickly, as he snaps his whip out his invisiblity fails and he pops into being behind the giantborn. "You need to sit down and relax a moment, this is all going to be over very soon." As he snaps the whip he grabs one of the giantborns legs and then jerks back, sending the big guy down onto his back.

<OOC> Narah says, "Nadara. :)"

<OOC> Nadara says, "Okay."

<OOC> Nadara says, "I'll put a bullet in him!"

<OOC> Narah says, "Ooo."

GAME: Nadara rolls 1d20+9: (7)+9: 16

<OOC> Narah says, "Miss. :("

<OOC> Nadara says, "Yeah, it's a miss, even at a touch attack. Since he's prone, he gets more AC. xD"

<OOC> Nadara shake fist.

<OOC> Narah says, "Oh, wait, it's a touch att-- oh."

<OOC> Narah xD

Blam! A gunshot goes off at the tripped up fellow. The bullet hits the ground there in a little cloud of dust. "NExt one's in your ear," she announces.

<OOC> Narah says, "Right-hand man attacks Lanier! And tries to cleave with Temarie."

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+7: (13)+7: 20

GAME: Narah rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12

<OOC> Narah says, "Misses Temarie."

GAME: Narah rolls 1d12+6: (11)+6: 17

GAME: Narah damaged Lanier for 17 points. 12 remaining.

"Raaaaargh!" This charming bellow comes from the half-orc right hand man of the boss. He swings that giant two-handed axe overhead and slices painfully into Lanier, dragging it out to try and nick Temarie with the same swing... and bounces harmlessly off her shield. Oh well.

<OOC> Narah says, "Brom reloads."

<OOC> Narah says, "Temarie! xD"

GAME: Temarie rolls 1d20+8: (8)+8: 16

<OOC> Nadara says, "Now she misses. Right?!"

<OOC> Narah says, "... yes. <.<"

<OOC> Nadara says, "She misses! XD"

<OOC> Narah says, "And the boss... tries to get to his feet. AoOs!"

<OOC> Lanier says, "I'll take one."

<OOC> Nadara says, "I can't take one. I think only Laniaer and Tak get them?"

<OOC> Tak says, "I dont get it, I'm 15 and whips dont threaten :)"

<OOC> Narah says, "Yeah... oh. Yeah, Lanier."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+11: (6)+11: 17

<OOC> Narah says, "Miss. :("

<OOC> Lanier says, "It's all good. I'll get him next time."

<OOC> Narah says, "Which is... now! xD Lanier."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Ok. Same deal. Nailing right-hand man. Cleaving into the big boss."

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+10: (16)+10: 26

<OOC> Narah says, "Hit."

GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+10: (18)+10: 28

<OOC> Narah says, "And hit!"

GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+10: (12)+10: 22

GAME: Lanier rolls 2d6+10: (4)+10: 14

<OOC> Narah says, "Half-orc is out. Boss is still standing."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Rawr."

<OOC> Lanier says, "Thanks. Posing it up."

Lanier is knocks back a step from the impact of the greataxe hitting his shoulder. In a fit of rage that would do any barbarian proud, the Green Warden bellows a feral roar back towards the orc as he raises his greataxe above his head once again. With an angry downward swing, the ranger buries his greatsword into the neck of the orc, damn near beheading him. He pulls through, and with a less convincing bellow, swings overhead to indeed leave a nice slash from just under the bosses neck to just over the bosses naval. Fell a little short, but it'll do.

<OOC> Narah says, "Oh. Uh. Eligar!"

<OOC> Eligar says, "Charge the Boss"

GAME: Eligar rolls 1d20+14: (13)+14: 27

<OOC> Narah says, "Roll the Dice."

<OOC> Narah says, "Hit!"

GAME: Eligar rolls 2d8+12: (12)+12: 24

<OOC> Narah sniff. Poor boss.

<OOC> Narah says, "A moment of silence, please."

<OOC> Narah says, "Okay!"

Eligar turns his horse around and he charge back toward the boss. He aims his lance just right and slam it hard into the chest of the Gaintborn taking him down. He reins in his horse and he starts to ride towards the cave.

GAME: You clear initiatives. GAME: Narah has cleared initiatives.

<OOC> Nadara laughs.

<OOC> Narah says, "Free RP! Those of you with especially keen hearing can hear faint cries of help from inside the cave, now that the din of combat is over."

Tak has disconnected.

<OOC> Narah says, "Arrite. Want a wrap-up em-- nvm xD"

<OOC> Lanier says, "I can take a wrap-up. I'm not far behind Tak."


After the last of the bandits are dispatched and the big boss, who turned out not to be quite so fearsome after all, is defeated, in the course of investigating the cave you come across two kobolds in little wooden cages. They're probably the most respectable, craftsman-looking kobolds you've ever seen. The female one is wearing a -dress-, for crying out loud! They thank you happily for their rescue and promise that you'll always get a discount at their weavery.

Once the kobold family is taken back and reunited, the whole story comes out: the bandits had been squeezing everyone in the little craftsman's village for 'protection money', but one day one of the mooks had overheard the kobold parents talking about their "treasures". Figuring it'd be better to get one big lump of money than a little trickle now and then, the gang had kidnapped the parents, aiming to get the whereabouts of the loot.

The actual truth of the matter of what they were talking about comes out with the tearful reunion with their children. "My treasures!"

<OOC> Nadara awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

<OOC> Eligar aws!

<OOC> Lanier says, "I'm going to journey back and stab every one of those corpses one more time for making me witness kobold cuteness like that."

<OOC> Narah says, "Thanks for playin' and having patience with my nooby running, folks! It was a pleasure. :)"

GAME: You nominated Brom for good roleplay.

GAME: You nominated Nadara for good roleplay.

GAME: You nominated Tak for good roleplay.

GAME: You nominated Lanier for good roleplay.

GAME: You nominated Temarie for good roleplay.

GAME: You nominated Eligar for good roleplay.