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Latest revision as of 21:42, 14 May 2013

As is the way of things, a call goes out by the heralds;

"Hear ye, hear ye! The adventurer's guild is offering a job for low ranking members! Seek the local office for details on the mission. Hear ye, hear ye! Bread is on sale at ye local Plaid-Kilt Market! Two loaves for the price of one!"

[RPFour] Folkmar says, "Free RP until I say stop! =)"

Eligar has heard the heralds calling out for adventurers and he makes his way over there on his horse Kindroth. He leaves the horse outside as he heads into the Explorer's Guild to find out about this mission.

"Then I said to him..." Madde "Kettle" sweeps by in a pair of heavy boots and woodsmens' trousers. She carries a pack of something on her hip, too, as she walks, and speaks animatedly with the person beside her.

"Well, don't that beat...well, I'll be seein you! Got to earn money for orphans!" she says, and the arvek bustles off that way!

Tak is always eager for adventure, it gives him a chance to be a part of the stories he tells. He heads to the guild, looking to find out how he can sign up for a grand adventure, which will likely be killing rats in a sewer, thats how all mighty adventurers start thier careers.

Porarna hrms, having no horse, and... well, two loaves for the price of one is a good deal as a giantborn. Of course, the thought of an actual mission intrigues the mercenary, so she strolls over, tilting her head slightly as she notes the others gathering about.

The usual seasoned veterans lull about the Adventurer's guild, swapping stories of who killed the biggest kobold, or saved the prettiest damsel. Though, most of them look past their prime. "Iradol, when are you going to get some work in worthy of us, eh? Rats? In the sewers? It's like a cliche!" the adventurer waves his hand at the guildmaster behind the counter. Iradol, in turn, leans an elbow on the countertop and sighs, shaking his head. "We need a good war, is what. Or maybe some ruins found. Undead? Is it too much to ask for a necromancer?"

This illicts a round of chuckles from the men. As the group of 'youngling' adventurers make their way into the guild, chatter ceases. Iradol straightens up, clearing his throat, smiling at the assemblage. The rest of the customers and hangers-about snicker behind their hands.

Madde eyes them, arvek that she is and all their military past. "Look where those eyes are going, or I'll have your fingers," she warns. "And you! Don't think I don't know who your mother is, or your grandmother." And with that, she plops down into one of the chairs. The only thing that'd complete the image are a full set of skirts and a wooden spoon. Except she's wearin boots. Kickin boots.

Tak leans against a table, doing his best to appear casual. "Times are tough, madness runs in the streets, the least we can do is help even on a humble task such as this. Then again, I suppose the more prideful sorts would pass opportunity by, and let innocents suffer." He smiles.

Eligar gives polite nods to the veterans of the past before he makes his way up to the Guildmaster. He has his sword and shield with him. He waits for the guild master to explain what the situation will be.

Iradol eyes the gathering skeptically, "Well, cliche though it might be, rats. In the sewers. It's about right, but these do be strange rats, to be certain. Organized, like. Now, most times rats will be chewing their way into cellars and eating the grain and stored foods. But these? These are going into houses and making off with shiny trinkets. Rings and other jewelry. As yet, they haven't truly been pestering the gentry, but if they do? I'll be hearing no end of it." He brings a hand up and wipes the underside of his nose, offering a sniff as to his opinions on that subject.

Porarna blinks, "Sounds like they're being controlled by something. What, I wouldn't ken, but that's what I'd say is the case." She frowns a little, scratching the back of her neck as she looks down at Iradol.

"Sounds like trouble, suh. Get a Defoliator out there, they'd do that, I imagine." Madde cracks her knuckles as she says the word. Apparently. No love lost.

Tak grins and nods, "Sounds exciting, mind controlled rats, some mysterous personage behind this." He straightens up, looking like he is ready to go.

Iradol eyes the eager adventurers and chuckles, shaking his head. "Well, if there's anyone that knows about rats in the sewers, it's ol' Freddy-Four-Toes. Used to be a decent enough sort, until he got a toe bit off by a dire-rat. Now, he sells rat on a stick over in low-town. Just, uh... don't tell him I sent ya, hm?" He squints his eyes, "You /are/ all members in good standing with the guild, yeah? You know our policies on death, dismemberment and disease? Payment on completion, when we get around to it?" He waves a hand, nodding, "Well, of course you do. Off with ye then!"

Porarna eyes Iradol at the "when they get around to it" part. "Just as long as it is gotten around to, yes." She looks at the others, then shrugs slightly, letting them lead the way.

Madde stands up from the chair, and dusts her hands off. "Never any different," she says to Iradol, and then eyes the grizzled group again. Points to them, points to her eyes. Got an eye on you! that says.

A round of guffaws at Madde's gesture. And of course, as soon as she turns her back, a wolf whistle is offered from one corner.

Tak grins "Well then, we are off!" he starts towards the exit, apparently ready to go talk to this freddy person, who must know where the rats are hanging out.

"Don't go lookin at the human that way. I'm not explaining it to yer mothers!" Madde calls back. Ahem!

Freddy-Four-Toes is at his usual place, in the middle of an intersection in low-town, crying his wares. Rumors abound in various taverns as to the origin of Freddy's.. condition. The most popular being that he caught a nasty bit of filth fever that cooked his wits, leaving him slightly off kilter, and with a thirst for vengance against all rodent-kind. As the group approaches his intersection, he can be seen handing off what appears to be a trio of roasted rats on a single long skewer to a disheveled looking dockworker.

And also, Freddy-Four-Toes is now a goblin. Because that's what rushing a plot does. It makes goblins appear magically when you were picturing a human. How you like them apples? xD

Porarna makes a face, looking at Freddy with a decidedly disdainful expression. She does, however, glance at Tak, tilting her head, "Suppose you want to do the talking?"

"Well don't you look..." Arvek aren't great liars. Stereotypically, they're not. So Madde sort of looks at him and tries not to say: you look like a rotted piece of fish-toes left to cook overnight. So her mouth hangs open a little bit.

Tak grins, and shrugs "I do have a way with words, though I don't speak goblin, I am familiar with low common." He moves ahead of the group, waving a hand to get Freddys attention. "Good day valiant destroyer of vermin! We have come seeking your enlightened wisdom to aid us in a battle against your mortal foes! Will you grant us a moment of your time?"

Freddy-Four-Toes looks at Tak and says, "Huh? No understandy high-speak. You want rats on stick? One copper." and he thrusts one of his... cullinary devices... in the general direction of Tak. Some might mistake this as a gesture of hostility, and understandably.

Tak switches to low common to address the goblin. "Gimmie four." He pulls out four coppers for the goblin. "Heard about rats stealing shit, taking gold and jewels instead of food, you know anything about that?"

"Could use a bit more pepper, dear," says Madde, before she can stop herself. The arvek looks over the device and...carefully closes her mouth. She wasn't about to give him advice on rat stew. She /wasn't/!

Looking at the coppers with a grin that was once probably toothy, but is not mostly just gummy, Freddy begins swapping, one at a time, the coppers for rats on a stick. Counting is for chumps. One for one trading? That's the way to go. He stops after two, though, narrowing his eyes at Tak, "Four? That a joke?" He lifts up one uncovered, and disturbingly grimy, foot, towards Tak. It is, of course, missing a toe. "Freddy-Four-Toes sells four rat-stick? You clever guy?" The gobbo turns his head and looses a rather large-for-his-size glob of green phlegm on the cobbles.

Freddy turns to Madde, then, reaching under his loincloth for a handkerchief with a thong tied around it, "Pepper? I hear pepper! One copper extra!" and he shakes his grimy little satchel at her.

Porarna just shakes her head, "I have a suspicion that the guild might be running us on a wild goose... or rat, in this case, chase." She narrows her eyes towards Freddy, as if measuring just how hard it would be to kick him over the nearest building.

DC 35

Tak grins and shrugs "I'll just keep these two, you keep the extra coppers if you tell me what you know about rats stealing jewelry. Fair nuf?"

"Thinkin you might be right," Madde says to Para and then eyes the pepper. "Thank you, dear," she says. Then, "Why don't you hold onto that a bit longer for me? We can pick it up on our way back."

"I didn't do it!" Freddy exclaims, even as he stuffs the coins in his pocket. "Me hate rat! Rat steal toe!" he wiggles his foot again. "I don't know nuffin' bout no rats steal.. what word? Jooaree?" he nods to Madde then, and stuffs the pepper back up under the loincloth. Safe and sound. To Porana he blinks, "Chase goose? Goose no taste good. Chase rat! In sewer! Many good rats to eat! More than most times." He seems at the same time excited and angered by this prospect.

Tak frowns, and wonders if there is a point to this, how come the guild didn't bother giving any information about who complained and where...whatever. He looks to Freddy, continuing to try to get information out of him. "Alright, where is the best place to hunt rats? My friends and I want to kill alot of rats, all of them, where ever thier nest is."

Freddy 'ohs!' at Tak, then nods. "Come, follow! Show you Freddy super-secret-hidden entrance!" and with that, the goblin scurries off. All of 5 feet. He looks left, he looks right, then reaches down to pull the cover from a hole leading down under the streets. He looks down the hole a moment, scowling, "You not kill ALL rats, huh? Freddy need his copper for rat-stick food!"

Porarna nods, "Might as well get this over with." She shrugs a bit at Tak, then gives Madde a grin, "If this turns out to be a waste of time, I might need to visit some members of the Guild..."

"...remind me never to eat in Goblintown again," Madde says to Pora. And then returns the grin before she loosens the bardiche across her back, and prepares to go underneath the streets!

Tak tosses the rat on a stick away when Freddy isnt looking. He does follow the little goblin and looks down the hole. He nods to Freddy, "No, won't kill them all, just some of them."

Seemingly satisfied with this, Freddy nods. "One ting. Sometimes, when me hunts rats, I hear strange sound." he gestures, "Take the first fork left, then left again, and right. Then you come to place where maybe you hear sound, if you have good ears like Freddy!" and his wiggle proudly. "Go now! Freddy must sell more ratsticks." And with that, the gobbo scurries away. He spots the two sticks that Tak has thrown down, and picks them up. He gives them a wary glance, then a sniff. Looking around a moment he shrugs, then holds them up, "Fresh ratstick! One copper! So fresh, tails still wiggle!" and he waves the stick up and down so they do just that, as the party descends into the sewers. Which are, of course, always a fun place. Light sources and marching orders?

[RPFour] Porarna can drop a light spell on her axe.

[RPFour] Folkmar says, "That'll work! Discuss with the rest of the party. =)"

[RPFour] Tak says, "I have cantrips for dancing lights"

[RPFour] Madde has darkvision!

[RPFour] Tak says, "Well, cantrips are effectively unlimited, so I'll have dancing lights moving around"

[RPFour] Porarna says, "That works."

[RPFour] Folkmar says, "Ahh, see? That's where marching orders comes in! Darkvision is sort of fubar'd by light sources, isn't it? And by discuss, I meant dicuss IC xD"

Porarna looks at the dark sewer tunnels, then glances at the others, "Suggestions?" She reaches back, drawing out her greataxe. "I can place a light on my axeblade." Her head looks between Tak and Madde.

"You know, they're not so bad when you get them in a stew...but that's if it's all you have to eat," Madde chatters as they make their way down. "...I can't imagine eating it on purpose, though." Pause. "Now, I can see just fine down here. ...would you like me to keep a look out on the front or the back?" she asks. "I'm probably more useful in the rear, if your lights are going to face for'ward."

Tak speaks a few whispered words, and gestures. Four balls of light appear, rotating around him, he points and one of them moves further down the hole. "This should distract things down there, and give us light. I suggest we keep the light ahead of us, and our friend with the excellent vision take up the rear."

At the appearance of the light, squeaking can be heard, and a pair of rats scurry off down the tunnel in the direction that Freddy-Four-Toes had indicated.

Madde beams at Tak, before passing him a small packet. "Here you go, dear. In case you get hungry in the meantime." ...before heading off to the back of the group, bardiche in hand. And well, what she passed? Cookies. Chocolate chip cookies.

Apparently. He needs to put on a little weight.

[RPFour] Folkmar says, "For the sake of time, being as I said I'd try to have this wrapped up an hour from now, do you guys want to fast forward to the encounter? It was basically just going to be some perception checks along the way."

Porarna takes the lead, keeping her axe out as she is, well, definitely not stealthy. But on the other hand, she's intimidating just by her mere presence as she murmurs something under her breath.

Tak chuckles and pockets the food, maybe he can distract rats with it later. He moves down, then gestures for Por to take the lead. "I would feel comfortable with your axe up front." He sends his lights, spread out 10 foot apart, one on the party, and 3 more ahead each at 10 foot. He draws a longsword, apparenly he figures the whip wont be much help against rats.

Upon arrival to the location indicated by Freddy-Four-Toes, after discovering via a dead end that the goblin doesn't know his left from his right, the party does come to an intersection where something can be heard. At first, it sounds like wind whistling through an opening somewhere in the tunnels, causing a haunting melody. But Tak, the bard, makes a wonder move and thinks, 'Hey, those sound like pan-pipes!' The party follows the direction of the pipes for a time, stopping occasionally at intersections to listen, or search for signs of rats. Eventually, up ahead, Tak's light is reflected off of something further up the hall. As the light dances closer, feral eyes can be discerned gazing with a disturbing intelligence, right at the party.

[RPFour] Folkmar says, "Declaration of intent?"

[RPFour] Porarna is going to try and get her shield spell going.

[RPFour] Tak says, "I'll try to move a light over it to see it better"

<OOC> Madde says, "Free action, wooden fist. And speak with animals, standard. Ask them wtf they're doing."

Porarna narrows her eyes, feeling the gaze as she murmurs a soft incantation... then pauses a moment. Nothing seems to happen, which only causes her to tighten her grip on the greataxe, adjusting her stance slightly.

Tak holds his sword at the ready, and gestures with a hand, sending the lights farther ahead, still spaced out at 10 foot intervals until the first one is over whatever it is that is ahead of them.

Madde tightens her hands around the bardiche. "Hunter take it," she says firmly, and her fists harden, becoming almost wood-like in form, the arvek's natural coloration turning to a dark brown from elbow down. A pause, and then, she clears her throat. Twice. <You're Gilead's children. What are you doing here, snarling like that?>

The features of a rat, one ear notched and a scar across its snout, can be plainly seen, now. It hisses at the light, backing away from it. A series of snarls and hisses in Madde's direction, <You are not the master. I serve the master. You intrude!> and it turns, making as though to scurry off.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Inits please!"

GAME: You clear initiatives.

GAME: Folkmar has cleared initiatives.

GAME: Madde rolls initiative: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 5

GAME: Tak rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 14

GAME: Porarna rolls initiative: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 15

GAME: porarna's inititave total changed to '20'.

GAME: You roll initiative: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 11

GAME: Folkmar rolls initiative: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 11

GAME: folkmar's inititave total changed to '10'.

GAME: Folkmar has changed your initiative total to '10'.

<OOC> Porarna says, "Also, you're on the initiative chart. ;)"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Yep! I'm rolling for the dire rat. ;-)"

<OOC> Porarna says, "Ah, ok."

Current Initiative Order ====

20 Porarna

14 Tak

10 Folkmar

5 Madde


From afar, Porarna is gonna try to cast shield again.

GAME: Porarna casts Shield.

You paged (Madde, Tak) with 'Go ahead and page intent. After Porarna's pose, I'll give you a chance to change what you want to do, if need be.'

Tak pages: Standard Action start inspiring courage bard ability

You paged Tak with 'Sounds good!'

Porarna twirls her axe, chanting again in Draconic, and now an azure field seems to hover before her. Her axe gleams in the flickering light of Tak's cantrip, the blade seeming fairly well notched, and eager to add more.

From afar, to (Folkmar, Tak): Madde's going to cast magic weapon, and step up. She has a reach weapon, and threatens close as well. ':)

You paged (Tak, Madde) with 'Well, I meant to just page me! xD But that's fine. Tak, your turn/pose if you want to go with the same thing.'

Tak grins and shakes his head. He speaks now, his words using a strange measured cadence. "Did you both know that Urgo the Great fought rats when he was young, he was a small fellow, so well built for tunnel work. He became quite the legend, and it all started just like this."

<OOC> Tak says, "Inspire Courage, everyone within 30' gets +1 attack and damage, and +1 saves vs charm and fear"

The rat hisses again as it turns to flee down the tunnel. An outline can be seen off in the distance, as the rat is silhoutted by a light that does not belong to Tak.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "What's your cha-mod, Tak?"

<OOC> Tak says, "+3"

<OOC> Folkmar nods, "So you get 11 rounds total of performances, yeah? I take it your perf is story telling?"

<OOC> Tak says, "Performance/Oratory, or Comedy, but right now Oratory. And I also have lingering performance, so when I stop, it lasts +2 rounds without counting against my total"

"Hunter take it," Madde hisses, the words hurried and thick. "Alright, then. ...something isn't right, here. They don't sound right." She passes her hand over the bardiche, and it glows faintly in the light, before fading just as quickly. She steps forward.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Groovy! Good to know."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Madde, you used your magic weapon slot?"

GAME: Madde casts Magic Weapon.

The rat has disappeared around a corner, about 30 ft. up the corridor from where the party now stands.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Same inits! Open declarations, please!"

<OOC> Porarna advances 30' and looks around the corner.

<OOC> Madde says, "Do we all declare at once, or should we declare on our turn?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Pose it, Porarna."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Can all declare at once. Or, really, just pose it, but keep it in round by round mode."

<OOC> Madde says, "Drop bardiche to one hand, and take out sling. Fire at the rat from where she stands. :)"

Porarna moves down the corridor, keeping her axe out as she nears the corner that rat passed through. Then she looks back at the others before peering forward along the new corridor.

GAME: Madde rolls 1d20+4: (14)+4: 18

The rat has disappeared around a corner, about 30 ft. up the corridor from where the party now stands.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Which is a shame, because that was a nice roll xD"

<OOC> Madde guesses I'll move, then!

<OOC> Folkmar says, "But that pose happened at the end of last round. Hehe, okay."

<OOC> Madde says, "It's good. X)"

<OOC> Tak says, "I'll move up behind Porarna and continue my performance, and thats it. 2 rounds of perform used."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Tak, pose it."

Madde grips the bardiche and jogs forward, but pauses when she sees the rat rush around the corner. "He's leading us somewhere," she says. She advances more slowly.

Tak moves up behind Porarna, continuing his story. "Granted, Urgo made his glory taking out were-rats, but he fought alot of other rats. I hope we don't find a were-rat, I didn't bring any silver....we could throw coins at them I suppose."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Madde, do you intend to move close enough to the corner to look around?"

<OOC> Madde says, "Look around, but not against the corner. Stand back and do so, in case they'd been waiting to launch something at us as soon as we moved around."

<OOC> Madde says, "He's obviously leading, so. >.>"

As you peek around the corner you see a 15' hallway that opens into a room, lit with torchers. Sewage empties through a pipe into a central cistern, which drains off. Two kobolds perch upon piled boxes, with a smaller pile between them, covered with shiny trinkets. The previously spotted dire rat is communicating with one of the kobolds, who hops up on his stack of boxes and points down the hall in response.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "New round. Porarna, declare please =)"

<OOC> Porarna will swift action for arcane strike, and CHARGE THE KOBOLD! :)

<OOC> Porarna says, "Kobolds with stolen loot, looks pretty solid. :)"

GAME: You roll initiative for Kobold1: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 22

GAME: You roll initiative for Kobold2: Roll: 15 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 18

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Okay, didn't expect that high for Kobold one. Arcane strike? (sorry, so many things new to PF!)"

<OOC> Porarna gets +1 to attack and damage with her weapon this turn, it's a swift action so I can do that.

<OOC> Porarna says, "It's also a magic weapon for the moment."

<OOC> Madde says, "Arcane Strike's only +1 to damage, isn't it?"

<OOC> Tak says, "+1 to damage, but treated as magic weapon"

<OOC> Porarna says, "Right."

<OOC> Tak says, "BUt I also give you +1/+1"

<OOC> Porarna says, "Tired. +1 to damage only."

<OOC> Tak says, "So dont forget me!"

From down the hall, the other kobold, not the one on the box, also jumps to its feet. It begins chanting in some arcane language, making quick gestures with its hands and tail.

<OOC> Porarna says, "So +3 to hit, +2 damage, -2 AC, total modifiers."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Okay, so you swift the arcane strike, and then make a charge attack?"

<OOC> Porarna says, "Right."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Roll it!"

<OOC> Porarna is gunning for the spellcasting kobold, if she can.

GAME: Porarna rolls 1d20+8: (14)+8: 22

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Yeah, that would be the option, as the other has an obstacle (IE another creature). Oooh, nice roll. Succesful hit. Roll damage."

GAME: Porarna rolls 1d12+6: (11)+6: 17

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Concentration is 1D20 + character level, then?"

<OOC> Madde says, "Plus casting stat, yeah."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "+cl AND casting stat?"

<OOC> Madde uses this handy table: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic#TOC-Concentration And yes'm. :3

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d20+6: (15)+6: 21

Porarna sees the spellcaster starting to work, "Well... maybe NOT a wild goose chase!" She grins and charges at the caster, an azure glow forming around her axe as she has no subtlety, bringing the axe into the kobold's midsection. She doesn't cleave him in two, but it's pretty close as the kobold suddenly finds other things on his mind than that spell he was going to cast... say, holding his innards in the proper place.

<OOC> Tak says, "Does the second kobold have a weapon or something?"

The kobold's chanting ceases in a screech of pain as Porarna's strike sends a stream of red droplets splattering against the wall behind it. It howls in rage, and does indeed clutch at its midsection, hissing and spitting at the giantborn.

The second kobold howls as well, seeing its ... partner? Mate? Conveient affiliate? Wounded so direly. It reaches up to ring a bell above its head, then chants something abrupt. Its hand glows and extends towards its cohort.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Not that you can see at the moment, no."

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d8+3: (5)+3: 8

<OOC> Porarna says, "Casting defensively, I'm guessing? :)"

<OOC> Porarna says, "Or not in my reach?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "There's nothing threatening it. Yeah."

<OOC> Porarna says, "Ok."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "If they weren't on top of piles of boxes. The first one was within reach of your axe, but you'd have to move over to reach the other."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Tak, your action?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "This round and 1 more for inspire courage."

<OOC> Tak says, "The second kobold, its standing now right, but behind boxes?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "On top of, yes. Piled about 6' high. Boxes to the sides make a sort of climbable ascension."

<OOC> Tak says, "I'd like to grease the boxes."

<OOC> Madde says, "Nice. ':)"

<OOC> Tak says, "And watch him bounce down them like falling down stairs :)"

<OOC> Tak says, "Then I'll move up towards them."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Save DC?"

<OOC> Tak says, "Reflex vs 14"

<OOC> Tak says, "10 + spell level + casting stat."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Are you greasing his box, or a 10' square?"

<OOC> Tak says, "Just his box, Dont want to hit porena"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Roger!"

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28

<OOC> Folkmar says, "xD"

<OOC> Madde says, "Yipes!"

<OOC> Tak says, "Well, at least we sucked up a 20~"

GAME: Tak casts Grease.

<OOC> Tak says, "Advancing 30"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Roger."

Tak approaches, walking quickly towards the kobolds. He gestures again, grinning as he incants a minor spell to coat the box the Kobold is on in a slick pile of grease.

As Tak covers the box that the wounded kobold is standing on with a layer of slick grease, the creature manages to maintain a sure foot. It shoots a hateful glare at the man, but that's the least of the party's worries. At the chiming of the bell, rats have begun swarming into the small chamber from the drainage pipes above. In addition, the dire-rat that the part first spotted turns and hisses at Porarna. It makes a quick hop towards her, then lashes out with its teeth.

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d20+1: (4)+1: 5

<OOC> Folkmar says, "xD Porarna, pose the dire-rat failing to strike your leg. Then, Madde, your action?"

Porarna looks disdainfully at the dire rat that tries to bite her, but doesn't seem to bother with it as she has bigger fish, or in this case kobolds, to fry.

<OOC> Madde says, "Are there weeds or algae, and the like?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Oh, uhh, 11+ yes, 1-10 no"

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d20: (6): 6

<OOC> Madde XD

<OOC> Madde says, "Okay. She'll step up and poke the one on the greased boxes."

<OOC> Madde has reach and is medium-sized. Would it work?

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Uhhh, 10' reach? I think it's 40' away, so you could move 30 and reach 10', sure. But you'd be aiming basically at it's feet. Which is fine!"

<OOC> Madde says, "Okay!"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Roll it!"

GAME: Madde rolls 1d20+6: (6)+6: 12

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Negatory! Pose the swing, I'll pose the kobold's side of it!"

<OOC> Madde failed to stab toes.

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d20+9: (1)+9: 10

Madde brings the bardiche around and jogs forward. Her boots splat-slat on the no doubt oozing, horrid surface of the sewers as she moves. And then, well, then she sees the rats. No, not just one big one, but the ones slipping out of the pipes, too...she jerks at the critical moment, staring in disbelief.

That's right. Lots.. and lots... and LOTS... of rats. They begin swarming out of every hole, in fact, filling the 15'x15' room with squeaky, bitey, angry-eyed, black and stinky little vermin. They begin dropping from holes in the ceiling, claws leading the way. Meanwhile, the kobold on top of the boxes shoots a baleful glare at Tak, after hopping over Madde's blade. It lands with its legs akimbo on the box's edges, then lobs a pinch of butter at the ground in the middle of the party.

<OOC> Tak says, "HE is casting grease!"

<OOC> Porarna says, "Perfect. I have a plan."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "reflex save, DC 14"

GAME: Porarna rolls Ref: (2)+1: 3

GAME: Tak rolls ref: (17)+7: 24

<OOC> Porarna says, "Yeah, that didn't work."

<OOC> Folkmar patpats Porarna.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "First roll dire rat, second roll swarm"

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d20+5: (17)+5: 22

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d20+5: (15)+5: 20

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Just for mental imagery or positioning, or whatever, the room is 15'x15', with a row of boxes against the back wall, 3' high in the center square, 6'~ high on the left and right corners. That leaves a 10'x15' space. So..."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Madde, did you roll reflex DC 14?"

GAME: Madde rolls ref: (15)+2: 17

<OOC> Folkmar says, "You're good!"

Having raised one foot to avoid the bite of the dire rat, Porarna isn't quite prepared when the grease covers the floor. *WHUMP* Down goes the greataxe-wielding arcanist.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Porarna, your turn."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "And, let me set the stage a little, as I see it."

<OOC> Porarna says, "Standing up, and pulverizing the kobold."

<OOC> Porarna says, "Or trying to, anyway."


<OOC> Folkmar says, "B = boxes"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "P = Porarna, M = Madde, T = Tak. the middle # contains a dire rat, and the bottom right corner is relatively open. The rats are occupying the lower left 4 squares as a 'swarm' creature."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Alright, move equivalent action that provokes AoO from the dire rat and the kobold on the box. You good with that? Move action also means you have to roll reflex again to stand."

GAME: Porarna rolls acrobatics: (8)+1: 9

<OOC> Porarna sighs.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Alright, can't move this turn."

<OOC> Porarna attacks while prone at the kobold near her.

<OOC> Porarna says, "-4 to hit."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "So, I guess the reflex save is sort of not applicable when trying to stand. Basically, you try to push yourself up, and slip some more. The kobold is on a stack of boxes, and out of reach, but you can attack either the swarm of rats, or the dire rat."

<OOC> Porarna says, "What about the one I just hit?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "That was before you fell. It's on a pile of boxes 6' high"

<OOC> Porarna just attacks the dire rat.

GAME: Porarna rolls 1d20+2: (19)+2: 21

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Woo!"

GAME: Porarna rolls 1d12+6: (3)+6: 9

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Is that including the +1 from inspire?"

<OOC> Porarna says, "Yes, and swift action for arcane strike"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Okay, so you do 9 damage to the dire rat. Pose it!"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Not quite dead, but definitely feeling the burn."

Porarna can't seem to get her feet under her, thanks to the greased floor. However, before any rodents of unusual size might express amusement at the giantborn's plight, she swings her axe around and carves a nice chunk out of the dire rat's hide.

The kobold atop the boxes hisses angrily as it sees its companion dire rat injured, and begins waving its hands side to side, muttering something that sounds decidedly magical in nature. (Spellcraft DC 16)

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Tak, declare please"

<OOC> Tak says, "Drawing my whip, using its 15' reach to trip the box kobold standing on my grease. No movement."

<OOC> Tak says, "Thats the one casting right?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Er, kobold on the right side of the boxes, that is. No, casting one is the other, that the rat first 'spoke' to."

<OOC> Tak says, "Does a trip make a concentration check?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Either way, you can reach it. Ummmmm"

<OOC> Folkmar looks around for a clue before he turns to SRD?

<OOC> Tak says, "Violtent motion while casting?"

<OOC> Tak says, "Violent"

<OOC> Madde shakes off. Trip counts as an attack. Ah...

<OOC> Tak says, "I'll trip the guy casting"

<OOC> Tak says, "Vigorous motion is 10+spell, Violent motion is 15+spell"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Yeah, sounds good to me."

GAME: Tak rolls cmb+4: (3)+6+4: 13

<OOC> Tak says, "Vs his CMD....sheesh....could be close."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Ug, yeah, CMD of 14"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "I used a basic CG'd druid stats. I can show you later if you like! xD"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Armor Class: 18 ASF: 0 AC Pen: CMD: 14"

<OOC> Tak blinks

<OOC> Tak says, "Wait though...."

<OOC> Tak says, "Its a small size right? How does that affect CMD?"

<OOC> Madde says, "Small gives a +1 bonus."

<OOC> Porarna says, "Granted, I'm already in the prone position of one, if someone doesn't mind rolling for me, I'm okay with that."

<OOC> Madde haha, yeah. It is getting late. ^^;

Tak shifts his sword to his buckler hand, and draws his whip, he snaps it rapidly out at the Kobold thats trying to cast, but is unable to affect him more than perhaps a bit of a scare.

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d20+5: (10)+5: 15

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d4: (3): 3

The dire rat takes advantage of Porarna's prone position to finally get a snap at the giantborn. It sinks its pointed little teeth right into the place where the foot meets the shin. Also known as the ankle.

<OOC> Madde says, "Oof. The one talking with the rats--is that the one who was healing, or the one Pora had nearly cleaved in two?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "The one talking with the rats, who is now casting, is also the one that did the healing. Think of him as kobold druid."

<OOC> Madde says, "Okay."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "The one Porarna nearly cleaved in two think of as kobold bard"

<OOC> Madde says, "Can she reach the druid?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "If she makes an acrobatics check to move, yes. Otherwise, you're in the opposite corner atm."

<OOC> Madde says, "Sure."

GAME: Madde rolls acrobatics: (10)+-1: 9

<OOC> Madde says, "Nope!"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Reflex DC 14"

GAME: Madde rolls ref: (15)+2: 17

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Okay, you don't fall, but you can't move. However, you still have a standard action."

<OOC> Madde says, "Attack whatever I can reach!"


<OOC> Folkmar says, "Swarm of rats, dire rat, or using your reach you can hit the kobold bard."

<OOC> Madde says, "Bard."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Roll it!"

GAME: Madde rolls 1d20+6: (20)+6: 26

<OOC> Madde says, "Threat."

GAME: Madde rolls 1d20+6: (14)+6: 20

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Hit! Crit!"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "BARELY a crit, but a crit."

GAME: Madde rolls 2d10+12: (8)+12: 20

<OOC> Folkmar blinks.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Niiiiiice"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Some spluttage going on there!"

<OOC> Madde says, "Hooray!"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Pose away!"

As the rats swarm around them, Madde clenches her jaw. Swallows. And shoves the business end of the polearm into the bard's stomach, gives it a vicious twist and hook as she yanks it out again, sending guts, entrails everywhere. Arvek nar!

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Ah, Madde, if you're rolling for Por, please do DC11 fort save (she's got a +4)"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Kobold 1 goes down in a blaze of guts! Porarna's turn. Start with the fort roll please."

GAME: Porarna rolls fort+1: (1)+4+1: 6

<OOC> Madde says, "Erp."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Por does NOT have good lucks. =("

<OOC> Madde :(

<OOC> Folkmar says, "But she DOES have filth fever."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "and an action."

<OOC> Madde says, "Can she try to attack the druid? I'm going to keep asking silly questions like this, btw. :3"

<OOC> Tak says, "Dire rats still alive too right?"

<OOC> Madde says, "Yar. The druid seems to be directing them, though."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Yep, DR is still alive. Par can try to attack the druid if she can stand up. PF still has 5' step, right? Or is that only if you don't take any other move actions?"

<OOC> Madde says, "It does."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Oh, em. Sec."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Bottom of the round"

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d6: (6): 6

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d6: (2): 2

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d6: (3): 3

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d6: (6): 6

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Porarna and Madde take 6 points of damage from swarming rats, Tak takes 2, and the dire rat takes 3, leaving it looking not good at all."

<OOC> Tak is at 23 hp then....should have started at 25, but was wounded last plot and never fixed it...how do you do that?

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Everyone also makes a filth fever check, DC12 for the swarm."

<OOC> Madde says, "So, +pdamage name=amount. It takes neg numbers."

GAME: Madde rolls fort+1: (6)+5+1: 12

GAME: Tak rolls fort: (10)+3: 13

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Por doesn't have to roll, as she already has it. <.<"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "But the onset is 1d3 days."

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d20+3: (14)+3: 17

[RPFour] Folkmar says, "Roll knowledge/animal if anyone has it."

GAME: Madde rolls knowledge/animal: (17)+knowledge/animal: 17

GAME: Tak rolls 1d20+3: (4)+3: 7

GAME: Madde rolls knowledge/nature: (6)+5: 11

[RPFour] Folkmar says, "Chances are, they were trained to come to the call of the bell. They've been trained for it, like a trick. This isn't a magical summoning. It's refuse disposal. Thus the boxes."

[RPFour] Tak says, "IS there grease on the boxes? or just the ground and the 1 box I greased?"

[RPFour] Folkmar says, "1 box you greased, and the ground."

[RPFour] Madde may grab the kobold carcass and toss it where the swarm can get to it. ^^;

[RPFour] Folkmar says, "That's an option, though according to swarm rules, it's anything in the 10'x10' range gets bit at. But if you walked out of that range? *shrugs*"

[RPFour] Madde says, "It's pretty packed. I'm not sure she can move. >.>"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "So, what was Por going to attack?"

[RPFour] Madde says, "Tossing it with the polearm might be something, though."

<OOC> Tak says, "Can por reach the druid?"

<OOC> Tak says, "From the ground"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Not from the ground, no."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "The druid is further away than the bard was."

<OOC> Madde says, "Por has feat of strength, which gives her a nat 20 on a str check."

<OOC> Madde says, "Can she use that to toss the dead body, or the box with the dead body, away from us but within reach of the swarm?"

Box/box/druid Por/Dire/Open Madde/Tak/Open

<OOC> Folkmar says, "That's a rough layout of the room."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "behind Tak is the door."

<OOC> Madde says, "Okay. Can she bust open one of the boxes and throw its contents in a way to lead the swarm away?"

<OOC> Tak says, "Wait..."

<OOC> Tak says, "You said the sound of the bell drew the rats?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "She could, from where she's at, pull the bottom box out of the stack that the bard is on."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Yep, Tak."

<OOC> Tak says, "Then I could use ghost sound to make the bell sound back away from us, maybe the rats would go after it"

<OOC> Tak says, "Look, have por kill the dire rat"

<OOC> Tak says, "Then we kill the druid and climb up on the boxes"

<OOC> Tak says, "And wait out the swarm since apparently it will eat whatever is on the ground"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "I think Tak has a REALLY solid plan. Clever, too."

<OOC> Tak says, "The bell?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "mmhmm"

<OOC> Madde will do everything Tak says.

<OOC> Tak says, "Por kills the dire rat then, Madde focuses on the druid. I'll ring the bell"

<OOC> Madde says, "Roll'em, Tak. ':)"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "I'll add, the dire rat is very very close to dead. The druid is still casting."

<OOC> Tak says, "Pors turn right now :)"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Por rolls first."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "-4 for being prone, or acro 10 check to stand"

<OOC> Tak says, "And the druid goes before me, so hopefully it wont blow me away"

<OOC> Tak says, "Try the acro, if it fails, then the -4"

<OOC> Tak says, "Move action to stand right?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Yep."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "It does provoke, from the dire"

<OOC> Madde says, "Standing up provokes an AoO."

<OOC> Madde says, "So no. XD"

<OOC> Madde says, "Honestly."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "So it's either that, or -4 to attack. =)"

<OOC> Tak says, "Take the -4"

<OOC> Tak says, "Just kill the dire rat first"

<OOC> Tak says, "Less attackers"

<OOC> Madde withdraws. XD

<OOC> Madde says, "Tak, go for the bell. I'll cover you. This is insane. ':3"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Okay, tell you what"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "You asked about a strength check?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "With a feat of strength, she could kick off against the boxes, and slide out of the room, off the grease."

<OOC> Tak says, "Might be wise, get her out of combat for now"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "it's up to you guys!"

<OOC> Tak says, "She isnt hurt is she?"

<OOC> Tak says, "Bad?"

<OOC> Madde says, "It's 4 am, guys. My apologies. Tak, you seem to have it in hand. But I need to go. ^^;"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "It's late. If you want to pause, and try to pick up tomorrow, we can. But this is still resolvable."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Okay, totally understandable."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "I didn't think it'd run this late. I apologize."

<OOC> Tak says, "We should pause"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "That's fine with me!"

<OOC> Porarna ahs, guesses we didn't continue after I collapsed?

<OOC> Madde brings in some chocolate yogurt. Brownies on the side. :9

<OOC> Tak says, "We had some ideas, but MAdde got really tired too"

<OOC> Tak says, "Madde did Crit one of the kobolds and kill it"

<OOC> Tak says, "So its a kobold, a dire rat, and a swarm left"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Yar! Let me set the scene real quick."

Box/box/druidk Porarna/DireRat/open Madde/Tak/Open

The situation, as it stands; Porarna is next to take an action, and is still prone, struggling with the kobold's cunning grease spell. The kobold on the boxes that cast the grease spell was skewered by Madde, and Porarna has all but annhilated the dire rat. The second kobold, who seems to have a druid like connection to the dire rat, is casting a spell upon another pile of boxes. Grease still covers the floor of the lower left quadrant of the room, in a 10'x10' square. Two squares on the right side of the room are ungreased, and unoccupied. Tak has made a rather clever observation, but has yet to capitalize on it, or speak it aloud. Madde thinks the guildmaster and his clients are insane.

<OOC> Madde says, "Por, if you want to delay until after me, I'll try to knock out the dire rat so you can stand up and punch the druid. X)"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Porarna, you did take a 3 damage bite from the dire rat, and a 6 damage bite from the swarm. Tak, I believe, also took a 6 damage bite, and Madde took a 2 damage bite from the swarm. Porarna has failed a saving throw vs disease, and has contracted filth fever which will onset in...."

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d3: (2): 2

<OOC> Folkmar says, "2 days"

<OOC> Porarna is at 10/19 then.

<OOC> Folkmar nods.

<OOC> Porarna says, "Well, I have an idea."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Let's hear it!"

<OOC> Porarna uses her racial feat of strength ability to knock over all the boxes, which should send the kobold flying.

<OOC> Tak is going to use ghost sound to mimic the bell, but down the hall, so maybe the rats will follow the noise

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Keep in mind, the druidic kobold's action is next, and he's in the middle of casting a spell. Nobody has given me a spellcraft check to identify said spell yet, though."

<OOC> Tak says, "Por SMASH!"

GAME: Tak rolls spellcraft: (3)+8: 11

[RPFour] Madde doesn't have selective channel, guys. Hoping to get it next level. :/

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Negative, Tak. DC is 16"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Alright, Porarna, how do you intend to go about knocking over all the boxes? Specifically?"

<OOC> Porarna figured she would grab the bottom one and /yoink/.

<OOC> Madde :D

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Alright, there's 3 squares worth of boxes total. 15' across. Various boxes stacked up. If you pull the boxes from the square nearest you, there's a 20 chance it'll cause all of the boxes to fall down. If you pull the boxes from the square behind the dire rat IE


The rat is in the middle of the room, you're left center, kobold is top right. Get it?"

<OOC> Tak says, "What if she smashes alot of boxes with her big axe?"

<OOC> Porarna says, "Well, I would think I'd do more damage by pulling the box out."

<OOC> Tak says, "Depends on the size of the boxes"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "If you pull the box from behind the dire rat, since it's in the middle, you'll draw an AoO, but have an 80 chance. Keep in mind, though, that the square you're in has boxes stacked up 6' high next to it, too."

<OOC> Tak says, "How big are each of these boxes?"

<OOC> Porarna will try to stand up. Then see about box lifting. :)

GAME: Porarna rolls acrobatics: (12)+1: 13

<OOC> Porarna is UP!

<OOC> Tak says, "Just smack the kobold!"

<OOC> Tak says, "Now that your up"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Woohoo! Now, since you've got leverage, and your weapon, you can sunder/break the box in the top middle square, at the bottom. The boxes are various sizes, from 2-3' cubed, stacked somewhat haphazardly."

<OOC> Porarna says, "Pretty much my plan."

<OOC> Tak says, "Disruption chance is high!"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Not close enough."


<OOC> Porarna says, "He's out of melee range? Alright. HULK SMASH BOXES!"

<OOC> Porarna will take an AOO since she no longer has that -4 to AC.

<OOC> Folkmar nods. "Since you're no longer prone, and you threaten the square, you can make an attack without drawing AoO."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "So we're using item damage rules. One sec."

<OOC> Porarna says, "Okay. So do I roll an attack versus box, or just declare I'm using my feat of strength for the auto-20?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Ah, feat of str works."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Box has hardness of 3 and 10 hps."

<OOC> Porarna nods. Just wants to bring everything tumbling down, box-wise.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "So roll damage."

<OOC> Porarna says, "Arcane strike for lolz."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Sure!"

<OOC> Porarna hrms.

<OOC> Porarna says, "That, wasn't what I was trying to do, but okay"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Weird, my screen blipped. Roll again."

GAME: Porarna rolls 1d12+5: (12)+5: 17

<OOC> Madde grins.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Woohoo!"

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d100: (18): 18

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d20+3: (19)+3: 22

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Alright, Por, reflex save, DC 12"

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d20+5: (7)+5: 12

GAME: Porarna rolls ref: (8)+1: 9

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d20+5: (18)+5: 23

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Good grief."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Porarna, throw your dice away."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Naow."

<OOC> Porarna snickers.

GAME: Porarna rolls 1d20+1: (6)+1: 7

<OOC> Porarna snickers.

<OOC> Tak blows on Por's dice

GAME: FeFiFoPorarna rolls ref: (19)+1: 20

<OOC> FeFiFoPorarna eyes Tak.

<OOC> FeFiFoPorarna also eyes her name.

<OOC> Madde :3

You paged FeFiFoPorarna with 'Okay, so here's what happens. You swing your axe mightily, and bring the boxes tumbling down in itty bitty shards! The dire rat jumps out of the way of a falling box, and into the back corner of the room. The druid, through amazing ninja kobold reflexes, and disturbingly high concentration, manages to leap off the boxes as they come tumbling down, and into the back corner of the room, maintaining its cast. Many of the rats in the swarm get squished, but not all.'

You paged FeFiFoPorarna with 'Pose it.'

You paged FeFiFoPorarna with 'Oh, and a box lands on your hip, doing minor (1) damage.'

Porarna slowly rises to her feet, hefting her axe in both hands. Snarling at the out-of-reach kobold, she shouts a challenge in Jotun, her muscles seeming to swell as she makes a mighty swing at one of the lower boxes. Shattering it into splinters, the loss of that box in the stack causes all the others to collapse and tumble about. A few boxes bounce against her, but most seem to find their way down to squash smaller rats as the dire rat and kobold both manage to tumble out of the way, the latter still casting his spell.

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16

Finishing it's spell, the kobold thrusts its hands out forward, then clenches its fists and raises them above its head. Another dire rat materializes atop the shards of boxes where the kobold was formerly standing. The druidic kobold then hisses something to its companion, and tries to run past Tak and out the door, illiciting an Attack of Opportunity.

<OOC> Tak says, "I shall trip him! With my whip!"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "And actually, Madde, since you've got reach, I believe you threaten the square it's trying to move through as well, and receive an AoO. Tak, roll it!"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "CMD 14"

GAME: Tak rolls cmb+3: (18)+6+3: 27

<OOC> Porarna says, "Awww, he's not running by me! :)"

Tak grins as the Kobold starts to flee, then snaps his whip at him. "This is the part where you fall down."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Haha, no, he's running the feck away from the crazy giantborn with a big crazy arcane axe thing. xD Or trying!"

GAME: Madde rolls 1d20+6: (20)+6: 26

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Madde, your AoO?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "NIIIICE"

<OOC> Madde says, "Threat. :D"

GAME: Madde rolls 1d20+6: (6)+6: 12

<OOC> Folkmar says, "No crit."

GAME: Madde rolls 1d10+6: (8)+6: 14

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Oh! Wait!"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "It was prone"

<OOC> Madde !!!

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Crit!"

GAME: Madde rolls 2d10+12: (16)+12: 28

<OOC> Madde eee. :3

<OOC> Folkmar says, "xD splorch!"

<OOC> Madde :D

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Pose it! The kobold falls to Tak's trip, and then you nail it."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "And let me say, this was an excellent teamwork situation! Good job all!"

"Hunter take it!" Madde cries, and steps forward just enough to bring the bardiche around. She jams it in the running kobold's ribs, the bardiche's blade sliding wickedly through. She jerks abruptly back, moving the pole as her arvek instructor had taught her--barking as he did years ago, to the line of her and her cousins. Only this time she isn't sparring with Gundri, or Gark. This time, blood follows, covering the floor and mixing with the grease.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Tak, your action. 1 heavily wounded dire rat, 1 recently summoned and not quite as nasty looking dire rat, and a swarm remains."

<OOC> Tak says, "I will use ghost sound to make the bell noise, but back out of the way of us, down the hall"

GAME: Tak casts Ghost Sound.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Pose it!"

Tak gestures again, pointing down the hall and whispers a few arcane words. Down the hall comes the same tone and sound the original bell gave off, ringing just as many times as the Kobold rang it.

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d20+1: (15)+1: 16

Furious at the death of its master, the dire rat, adjacent to the corner of Tak now after its dodging of boxes, lungers at the bard with a hiss, sharp-pointy-teeth snapping. The shifting of broken wood beneath its feet causes its attack to fail, however, and it snaps only at empty air.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Madde!"

<OOC> Madde ok!

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Declaration? =)"

<OOC> Madde says, "Try and 5' back and stab a rat."

<OOC> Madde says, "Or. Let's punch a rat. :D"

<OOC> Madde says, "That sounds like fun and should totally happen. :3"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Wounded dire rat, or newly summoned? You can reach either if you step to the now open center square."

<OOC> Madde says, "Wounded."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "However, since there is wood and planks around, the DC for acrobatics to move is now 8. It'd be nill, but the swarm is, for now, still here, and they've been swirling around in the grease."

1/2/3 4/5/6 7/8/9

1 is crushed boxes. 2 is crushed boxes where the hoard was. 3 is crushed boxes with a newly summoned dire rat on top. 4 is Porarna 5 is open. 6 is where dire rat companion moved to. 7 is where Madde is. 8is where Tak is. 9 is where dead kobold druid is. Grease and swarm both cover 4, 5, 7, and 8

<OOC> Madde'll use polearm. :3

<OOC> Folkmar says, "That help? =) Okay, cool! You can, I think? hit 6 from 7, without 5'"

GAME: Madde rolls 1d20+6: (1)+6: 7

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Faaaaail."

<OOC> Tak says, "Drat, I forgot to blow on the dice!"

<OOC> Folkmar snickers. "Pose it!"

'Suh, yus suh!' the memory plays on in Madde's head, cousins barking in unison as they wield the polearms. The arvek instructor, a Blarite vetran, stood in the field, his Thulite robes proudly stitched... The bardiche goes wide. "Don't think about that part, Madde..."

Hearing the bell that means 'dinner this way' the rats pause a bit, sniffing the air. They begin to surge down the hall, but as they swarm over each other and past the companions, the continue their biting and scratching.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Por, then Tak, then Madde"

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d6: (2): 2

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d6: (2): 2

GAME: Folkmar rolls 1d6: (4): 4

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Also, each rolls DC 12 fort save, except Por, who's already fubar."

GAME: Tak rolls fort: (19)+3: 22

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Nice."

<OOC> Madde says, "Performans still up?"

<OOC> Tak blows on Maddes dice

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Nope."

<OOC> Tak says, "Thats only for fear or charm anyhow"

<OOC> Madde eyes spelling. Sighs. X)

GAME: Madde rolls fort: (3)+5: 8

Porarna pages: Declare intent?

<OOC> Tak eeps!

You paged Porarna with 'Yeah, go for it!'

GAME: You roll initiative for dire rat2: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 4

<OOC> Folkmar says, "xD"

GAME: Porarna rolls 1d20+5: (15)+5: 20

1/2/3 4/5/6 7/8/9

1 is crushed boxes. 2 is crushed boxes where the hoard was. 3 is crushed boxes with a newly summoned dire rat on top. 4 is Porarna 5 is open. 6 is where dire rat companion moved to. 7 is where Madde is. 8is where Tak is. 9 is where dead kobold druid is. Grease and swarm both cover 4, 5, 7, and 8

<OOC> Porarna says, "Arcane strike yada yada yada."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Just a reminder. 4 is Porarna, 9 is companion, so you can 5' step to 4, and be adjacent"

<OOC> Porarna says, "Okay."

GAME: Porarna rolls 1d12+5: (12)+5: 17

<OOC> Folkmar says, "before the damage and attack, make your acro 10 roll"

<OOC> Porarna ohs. Even for a 5' step?

<OOC> Folkmar says, "I'll hold those rolls as good, though."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Movement, yeah."

<OOC> Porarna ...

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Tak, blow on dice."

<OOC> Porarna is filled with hate.

<OOC> Tak blows on por's dice!

GAME: Porarna rolls 1d20+1: (20)+1: 21

<OOC> Porarna says, "Note to self, skill rolls, bad. Raw dice, good."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Woah. Strange. Internet blipped again. Did I miss the rolls?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "That works! you make your 5' step. I saw a damage roll, but not an attack roll, earlier."

<OOC> Porarna got a 20

<OOC> Porarna says, "Not natural"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Oh! Success! Splat and a half."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Cleave that badboy in half!"

Porarna takes a careful step, next to the wounded dire rat, and neatly chops its head clean off in a fluid motion. She then looks over at the remaining rats, and glances at Madde and Tak, "Alright, just one big one left..."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Tak, you're up!"

<OOC> Tak says, "Can you intimidate a rat?"

<OOC> Tak says, "Like snapping my whip at it?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Sure!"

<OOC> Tak says, "DC: 10+rats HD+ rats wis mod"

GAME: Tak rolls perform/comedy: (8)+9: 17

<OOC> Tak says, "Versitile performance, comedy is my intimidate"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Er, wouldn't it be an intimidate roll?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Ahhhh nice!"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Though...."

Tak lashes his whip in the air above the rat, "Roll over! Play dead! Fetch!"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "I'm not sure that's applicable in this case? I don't see how you can comedically intimidate the rat by snapping a whip at it?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "But, we'll let it fly. xD"

<OOC> Tak says, "Like that :)"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Are you trying to demoralize it?"

<OOC> Tak says, "Yes, shaken, -2 to everything but damage rolls"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Roger!"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Madde, declaration?"

With the whip cracking over head, the rat seems confused, and shaken. It cowers back from Tak into its corner.

<OOC> Madde says, "Ratstab? ^^;"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Madde, your declare. You're not threatening, and the 5' that would allow you to be is occupied."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "You can move onto the rubble strewn boxes with a move action, or the open bottom-right corner. Neither of which have applicable grease."

<OOC> Madde says, "Speak with animals and try to get the rat to run off?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "from either of those corners, you'll threaten."

<OOC> Madde says, "What would I roll for that?"

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Hmmm, normally I would say intimidate, but according to the skill desc, you can only increase duration. Although... give me spellcraft checks."

<OOC> Folkmar says, "And Tak, give me a perception."

GAME: Tak rolls spellcraft: (6)+8: 14

GAME: Tak rolls perception: (10)+5: 15

<OOC> Madde will just hiss and squeak at it ineffectually, then!

You paged Tak with 'First of all, you know that the rat will disappear in 2 more rounds. Second, your perception tells you that there's a pipe 10' above your head. Well within range of your whip, if you wanted to swing off the grease. The pipe leads through the wall above you, so you could use it to leave the room and land on non-greased ground that way, too. DC 15 CMB check.'

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Alright, you can roll to intimidate, if you like."

GAME: Madde rolls intimidate: (5)+1: 6

<OOC> Madde bwah. XD

<OOC> Madde says, "I don't mind, really. :3"

The rat just tilts its head at Madde, and hisses back.

Tak speaks up, still keeping his whip ready. "We can wait it out, it will vanish in a few moments."

"Oh, geez..." the arvek takes a half-step back as she brings the bardiche back around. When she does, she sees the rat cowering in the corner and hisses at it. The Stag translates the words: go away! Run! Leave! Except...she reaches up, and spits something out of her mouth. The /hell/.

The rat watches the others warily. Seeing lots of sharp pointy things and angry looking humans, it rushes over to sink its teeth into the dead dire rat, then drags it under its pile of boxes. Disturbing gnashing and crunching sounds commence.

Tak waves a hand at the ladies, "Lets back up, hopefully the other rats wont come back, and as soon as this grease vanishes in a few minutes we can find the stolen items to return them."

Porarna nods slightly, "Sounds like a good idea. Seems like the main source of the trouble was taken care of." She hmphs at the corpses of the kobolds, then shakes her head a bit.

<OOC> Folkmar says, "Looks good! Free RP! Now that the grease covered swarm of rats are gone, you could 5' step without a DC check to walk across boards and such that Porarna splintered all over the room."

Madde grunts as Tak makes his wave. She brings the polearm about to rest at the instep of her boot. "Can't see a problem with it. If you can watch the front, I've got the back."

Tak creates fresh dancing lights, his others likely almost expired. He directs them to spread out among the room and the hall behind them. He backs up slowly using the rubble to get out of the grease, then simply waits for it and the summoned creature to vanish.

Most of the rats have disappeared down the hall. While some trickle back into the room, the swarm has effectively been dispersed. The ones that do return also seem more interested in the easy prey of dead kobolds than giving the living any grief. In a few seconds more, the crunching and gnashing in the corner stops suddenly, and after a longer period the grease seems to evaporate in a cloud of arcane mist, returning to whatever nether realms created it. Amidst the piles of carnage that was once stacked boxes, shiny trinkets can be spotted. Here an old copper ring, there a thin silver chain comprising a necklace. One or two even appear to have some greater value, with a small gem or two inset.

Porarna looks through the stolen goods, pulling out a sack to help pack the pilfered items back to their owners. Or at least to the guild directly. "Might as well get this all together and get it out of here." She frowns, "Hate fighting rats."

The arvek looks down at the messy pile, the bits of trinkets, here and there... "Hah. Guess we'd better get started..." and at the latter comment, she throws a grin over her shoulder before crouching down and doing just that.

Back at the Guild, Madde helps unload the trinkets onto their employer's desk. Bits of rat-nibbled jewelry, cloth, and various items spill over the surface. "We found a critter or two, but my friends here are probably better at telling the tale."

Idoral lifts an eyebrow, "You guys really did it, eh?" He shakes his head, "Well done, well done. I'll contact the clients and see that payment is processed as soon as possible. We'll be keeping you in mind for more jobs. With all the craziness going about? Something is sure to come up soon."