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Latest revision as of 02:27, 19 November 2012

Who: Cesran, Fiona

What: Fiona comes to town and meets Cesran at a local Inn.

Cesran is sitting at a table by the fire reading a book. He's trying to keep as warm as possible as he dislikes the cold Alexandria winters. It's midmorning and he's all ready had some breakfast.

New! Exciting! Almost nothing like the rumors in the merchant caravan’s said! But what more can Fiona really hope for. Apparently in her small, megar, travels the young woman is learning simply that one city is like the eachother city. Stepping into the pub, a quick glance is given to the world about her and then settles upon the fireplace. Moving slowly she stops in front of the fire to warm her fingers. A soft, polite smile is offered to Cesran as she attempts to pilfer some of the warmth into her body.

Cesran looks up as he notices the new person coming in. He looks Fiona over and gives her a polite smile, "Good morning. Can't stand the cold either?"

A soft chuckle comes from her chest. Its full, rich, “Nay.” she replies. Her voice is a soft alto, though nothing one would remember for a long time. Turning to look at the man who spoke, her smile turns a bit brighter on her plain face. “I am from the Vast.” she offers as a way of explanation. “I guess I shall have to get used to it.”

Cesran smiles back as his voice is a deep bass voice, "Ah yes I've read about the Vast." He takes a moment to try to remember, "Also known as the Great Plains of Arcana. Very magical." He smiles, "I'm Cesran I come from the Jade Islands, a very tropical environment."

Fiona takes a moment to look at the man and nods with a smile, “Yes.” She answers and moves to sit on the edge of the hearth. “Sand, sun, and many interesting people.” A shrug is given to the magical remark. “Fiona.” She offers her name in reply to his introduction. “I haven’t heard of the Jade Islands, What are they like?” She pauses and shakes her head, “Well other than tropical...”

Cesran smiles, "Depends on where you live, I grew up in one of the trading cities. It's very nice nice there, although there are others who lived in the jungles. Most of my time was spent in the Academy of Sages learning and training on how to use magic."

“Ah.” The smile is gone from Fiona’s face. “My mother tried to teach me magic.” She looks almost embarrassed. “It didn’t work out too well.” The sentence trails off before Fiona suddenly picks up with; “I can use scrolls and wands.” Its almost defensive on how she says it, “But it doesn’t run through me as it would a sorcerer or wizard.” She explains. “I really can’t sit still long enough to learn the spells.” Fiona offers a shrug and smiles. “Is that what you do here?” She motions around them. “Well not here at the pub, but here in the city. Learn how to use magic?”

Cesran nods, "It's all right some people have the talent for it, some have other talents in other areas, like being able to expertly swing a sword or being able to sneak around. Ah well to be a sorcerer it has to be in your blood, a rather lazy way to do magic if you ask me, but their talents can't be denied."

Cesran smiles, "I come here to eat, but yes for the city I did come here to learn and to try to help re-establish the Academy of Sages. Unfortunately that has failed as the Society for Progressive Arcanists had all ready done much of the legwork so I've become an adventurer. Although I still hope to establish myself in the Society."

“I am not fully sure where my talents lie. I just know what my father taught me.” Fiona offers and then waves over a waitress. Hot tea, with a bit of honey and some biscuits are ordered before she turns back to her conversation mate. “How long have you been here? You seem to have done a lot of work.” She offers, “Who are the Society of Progressive Arcanists?” Fiona leans a bit closer. “Mages?” She almost seems enthralled with the idea. “I saw a mage one, he was an elemental specialist of fire. At least that is what he said he was...” She shrugs. “I just saw him light a bunch of bandits on fire and made them all run...”

Cesran ahs, "Well I'm sure that you'll find your way. I've been in the city for about a year and a half. Well I joined the Explorer's Guild, if you are an adventurer that is where you want to go for jobs." He nods, "Wizards, Sorcerers and even." He rolls his eyes, "Artificers. Well that's one way to deal with bandits...I am an envoker myself so I do tend to specialize in battle field magic."

Fiona nodded slowly and offered a huge smile to the server as her tea is brought, “I joined that when I arrived here last night.” She states simply and sips the tea softly. The look of relaxation comes to her face as the warmth spreads inwards. “The merchant that brought me suggested it as a way to make a living. I can’t just keep going back and forth with him all the time. He doesn’t have enough money to pay me.” Fiona beamed. “Battle field magic?” Her head tilts at this. “I didn’t realize there was different types of magic.”

Cesran nods, "There are seven different schools of magic, evocation is one of them that I specialize in. It's mostly spells that can be used to hurt others, but there are also some spells that allow you to create something out of magic." He smiles, "Well that's good perhaps we'll adventure together once you've become more experienced."

“Mayhaps.” Fiona offers as she smothers the biscuit with a generous amount of butter, “I am hoping to get a lot of work.” she states simply. “Its not that I need the money. I just hate being bored. When I get bored I get into trouble, and I really rather not get into trouble.” She gives a glance around. “I heard SO much about this city, and worked hard to get here; I rather not get kicked out.”

Cesran nods, "This city does have an interesting history, more so than almost any other city." He nods, "I can understand that, fortunately the libraries and my own research keep me busy between adventures so I'm never at a shortage of work."

Fiona blinks as if she is thinking hard about something, “The library.” its as if this thought never dawned on her. “Where is it?” She beams lightly. “If I could learn more about the city, I might not have to wait for people to hire me.” She explains, “Maybe I could find some treasure that is long lost or something...You sir, Are brilliant.”

Cesran hmms, "Well there are a couple, there is one in the University district, some temples have their own libraries and there is one in the Academy of Sages. So you have plenty to pick from. I'd say you go to the one in the University district if you are interested in general information in the city." He smiles, "But of course."

Fiona looks at him an narrows her eyes with a bit of mirth. “Humble.” She states with a wink. “The university district.” She makes a note mentally and her eyes flicker with mischief, “Last time I was in a temple, it was a mistake. We stopped to sleep for the night, and were attacked by something that should have been dead.” She shrugs. “Though I doubt that would happen here...” She points out and then winks at him, “I should go.” She stands up and pulls out a few coins before downing her tea. A wince crosses her face, “Hot..” she licks her lips, “Forgot..” Fiona shakes her head and smiles to Cesran, “I should go see what work I can find before it gets to late in the day. Mayhaps check out the libraries. Hopefully we meet again.” She offers a soft bow to him and a beaming smile.

Cesran hmms, "Really what temple was that? Usually the undead try to avoid clerics. Good luck. I'm sure I'll see you around."

Fiona shrugs, “I don’t know, But that.” She points at him, “I will remember. Travel with a cleric, Holy men the dead do not like.” She points to her head. “Good to know. SEe you around..” And with that she slips out the door.