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Latest revision as of 19:31, 7 July 2012


<OOC> Conrad says, "I was severely wounded!"

<OOC> Emir says, "You fought and killed a small creature wearing a porcelain fox mask, who stole Jibbom's voice. Conrad went off on his own into the jungles of the downstairs room, and got a face full of Dweomercat claws. The battle has been taken to the living room, where Rotgut just smacked the Dweomercat, who's rightly pissed!"

<OOC> Rotgut says, "BRING IT!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Rotgut's at the top of the order, and he just swung a hammer at the cat. Which makes it Albrecht's turn!"

<OOC> Albrecht says, "So I had just tagged Conrad so am already in the kitty's direction, so can I move around and get a flank with Rotgut?"

GAME: Rotgut rolls initiative: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 9

GAME: Rotgut's inititave total changed to '21'.

<OOC> Rotgut says, "I believe I'm directly in front of the cat, which just charged at me. So yeah, I think you can get behind it."

<OOC> Emir says, "Yep! You can run behind it and flank."

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Then I shall do so, and stab it in it's butt!"

GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d20+8: (10)+8: 18

<OOC> Emir says, "Doesn't hit!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Pose it; Ashlynn~"

Albrecht breaks left as Conrad continues past him, and he circles around cagily to the rear of the many-eyed catbeast, taking a cut at it's haunch but it is deflected by the beast's hide, turning away ineffectually.

<OOC> Emir says, "Which is to say, Ashlynn, your turn XD"

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "Do I have a clear shot to kitty? I mean, I'd like to make friends with kitty, but it's got bits of Conrad all over its claws and teeth. :("

<OOC> Emir says, "You can get a clear shot with a five-foot step."

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "Then I will do so, and Rapid Shot, and spend about 10 minutes figuring out my bonuses! Issit within 30 ft? And we had a Bless up from Rotgut?"

<OOC> Emir says, "You have the Bless, yus, I believe; and it's... yeah 30 feet."

<OOC> Emir says, "Cause it made it about halfway across the room I think :|a"

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+3+4+1+1+1+1-2: (2)+3+4+1+1+1+1+-2: 11

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+3+4+1+1+1+1-2: (15)+3+4+1+1+1+1+-2: 24

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "Ack, didn't include DA. I guess I'll do this one without DA because I failed at declaring AND counting it."

<OOC> Emir says, "The second one hits!"

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d8+3: (7)+3: 10

<OOC> Emir says, "Woo!"

<OOC> Ashlynn poses arrowing poor kitteh, then. :(

<OOC> Emir says, "Yar!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Dweomer's turn. He just got womped by an orc and shot by Ash. The orc is closer though, so he attacks Rotgut."

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (5)+16: 21

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (8)+16: 24

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (19)+16: 35

GAME: Emir rolls 1d4+2: (1)+2: 3

GAME: Emir rolls 1d4+2: (3)+2: 5

<OOC> Rotgut says, "Owwwww"

GAME: Emir rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8

GAME: Emir damaged Rotgut for 16 points. 2 remaining.

<OOC> Emir says, "Yew gais, kill it fast!"

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Oh snap. Is this thing med size?"

<OOC> Emir says, "Yeup!"

<OOC> Albrecht says, "K."

<OOC> Emir says, "Indeed, Savannah your turn."

With one foe dispatched, Ashlynn spins about, bow and all, sidestepping so that her allies are not blocking her view of the enormous toy-turned-ferocious-animal. The blood dripping from the creature's fangs and overpronounced claws proves its hostility, and the scarred archer wastes no time dealing with the threat in her usual fashion: by sending pointy things flying at it.

The first of the two arrows is snatched up by the magic of the house, a tiny tendril of purple lightning that dismantles the thing in mid-air in a show of the still-present instability of the location. The other, however, finishes its travel unimpeded and finds place just above the forepaw joint, digging deep into the jungle cat's flesh.

The cat roars in anger and pain as it's smashed and skewered by the party and it whirls on the most threatening of the bunch: the loud, annoying orc with the hurty hammer. It lunges in a flurry of claws and teeth, ripping viciously into the cleric's body.

<OOC> Savannah says, "Okie....my turn I imagine. Rapid shot as well."

<OOC> Emir says, "Go for it!"

<OOC> Savannah says, "within 30 feet?"

<OOC> Emir says, "Yus."

GAME: Savannah rolls weapon4-1: (16)+8+-1: 23

GAME: Savannah rolls weapon4-1: (14)+8+-1: 21

<OOC> Emir says, "First hits, second doesn't."

GAME: Savannah rolls 1d8+3: (5)+3: 8

<OOC> Emir says, "Jibbom!"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Divine Fire on Rotgut."

<OOC> Emir says, "Do eet!"

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d4+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: Emir damaged Rotgut for -4 points. 6 remaining.

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Better than nothing!"

<OOC> Emir :D

<OOC> Emir says, "Pose it! Conrad!"

As the new cat thing comes into the house, savannah fires another pair of shots at the new enemy. The first one makes it to hurt it, but the second disappears on the way towards. "This can't be good."

Jibbom goes wide-eyed with alarm, his mouth opening to attempt to shout something. He fails at this, of course. His middle fingers are lowered for the first time in a while, instead raising his index finger to point at the wounded Oruch. A beam of pure white light fires out, healing the worst of his wounds and soothing the pain somewhat.

<OOC> Conrad says, "Shooting the cat!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Roll it!"

GAME: Conrad rolls weapon2+2: (7)+7+2: 16

<OOC> Emir says, "Miss! Shot goes wide."

<OOC> Emir says, "New round. Rotgut!"

<OOC> Rotgut says, "Five foot step back, casting Sanctuary, and then spending a free action to yell at the cat as LOUD AS I POSSIBLY CAN"

<OOC> Emir says, "Pose it!"

Conrad whews as he is saved from death by the quick healing, but turns in time to see it nearly rip another adventurer in half. Conrad roars and swings the rifle about, barely avoiding bonking someone else in the head. Leveling the rifle, he is about to fire when his wounds are brushed by ragged cloth, and the wince sends his bullet off target.

GAME: Rotgut casts Sanctuary.

<OOC> Emir says, "Al!"

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Going to move between cat and Rotgut and tag him with LoH"

GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d6: (3): 3

<OOC> Emir says, "That will provoke an Attack of Opportunity,I believe."

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Go ahead"

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (10)+16: 26

GAME: Emir rolls 1d4+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Emir damaged Albrecht for 6 points. 14 remaining.

GAME: Emir damaged Rotgut for -3 points. 9 remaining.

<OOC> Emir says, "Okay, pose it!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Ash~"

Rotgut roars in pain when the cat leaps on him, teeth and claws burying in his skin. He tries to protect his face, but the oruch's nipple-plate doesn't do much to protect him. He manages to shove the cat off him, stepping back with a slight stagger. Blinking through the blood pouring down his face, Rotgut snarls and wipes it away. "Angoron, help me live to beat this thing into bloody pulp..."

A light shimmer covers his body from head to toe, and the oruch grins. "Here kitty kitty kitty..." he growls, before spreading his arms wide and bellowing harshly enough to make the walls rattle, "HERE KITTY KITTY KITTY!"

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "I, uh, I shoot s'more. With arrows. And stuff. Rapid/DA."

Albrecht spins from his rear position to transpose himself between the cat and its most recent prey. He takes a bite to the left leg for his efforts, but moves in, reversing his arm to let a blue-glowing hand beneath his shield tag the Angorite, causing wounds to knit, and then he makes a defensive half-step, warding with his blade as he moves his shield low to the ground, the rim tapping the ground with a tapping sound.

<OOC> Emir says, "Go for it Ash XD"

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+3+4+1+1+1+1-2-1: (16)+3+4+1+1+1+1+-2+-1: 24

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+3+4+1+1+1+1-2-1: (18)+3+4+1+1+1+1+-2+-1: 26

<OOC> Emir says, "Both hit!"

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d8+5: (3)+5: 8

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d8+5: (4)+5: 9

<OOC> Emir says, "You stick it fulla arrows. It's still going strong. Okay, cat's turn."

<OOC> Emir ponderponder. Okay. Ashlynn just stuck him full of holes. Rotgut's loud, but Ashlynn's meaner. So it goes to attack Ashlynn, provoking an AoO from Albrecht and Rotgut, and proooobably Jibbom as it passes.

GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d20+6: (6)+6: 12

Ashlynn's hands are a blur. As the frenzied melee progresses, her own mind seems singularly focused on dispatching the foe. Another arrow, and another, are sent flying, adding to the one already sticking out of the creature's thick hide.

<OOC> Emir says, "Miss :<"

GAME: Jibbom rolls melee: (12)+2: 14

GAME: Rotgut rolls weapon2+1: (15)+5+1: 21

<OOC> Emir says, "Miiiisses all around."

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (11)+16: 27

GAME: Emir rolls 1d6+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Emir damaged Ashlynn for 6 points. 23 remaining.

<OOC> Emir says, "Savannah, while I pose!"

<OOC> Savannah says, "Gonna try rapid shot again."

<OOC> Emir says, "Roll it!"

<OOC> Savannah says, "do we still have bless from rotgut?"

<OOC> Emir says, "Yus!"

GAME: Savannah rolls weapon4: (5)+8: 13

GAME: Savannah rolls weapon4: (4)+8: 12

<OOC> Emir says, "Both miss."

<OOC> Emir says, "Conrad!"

<OOC> Emir says, "no"

<OOC> Emir says, "Jibbom!"

<OOC> Jibbom thinks Albrecht is hurt worst out of people he hasn't healed yet. So DF on him.

<OOC> Emir says, "Go for it!"

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d4+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: Emir damaged Albrecht for -4 points. 18 remaining.

The cat snarls and screeches, jerking back as arrows find its hide and thunk in solidly into its side. Tufted ears flatten as its four purple eyes flit between the hollering oruch and the archer, and it roars, turning and scrambling through the room toward Ashlynn with a flash of teeth that bury into her leg.

Jibbom flails uselessly at the cat as it passes by him, his gold eyes wide with alarm. He turns his magical finger of healing goodness upon Albretch, the soothing white light taking the worst out of his injuries.

Savannah sees how hurt Rotgut is, so she keeps up the shooting on the enemy. Unfortunately, both plink off of it's fur. Savannah sighs a bit, then looks at her hand for a moment.

<OOC> Emir says, "Conrad!"

<OOC> Conrad says, "Shootin'"

<OOC> Emir says, "Do eet!"

GAME: Conrad rolls weapon2+2: (8)+7+2: 17

<OOC> Emir says, "Miss."

<OOC> Conrad says, "Don't forget that's Touch AC"

<OOC> Emir says, "Ohay, meets!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Roll damage!"

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Badtouch AC"

<OOC> Emir didn't know it was Touch.

GAME: Conrad rolls 1d12+1: (10)+1: 11

<OOC> Emir says, "You wing it good."

<OOC> Emir says, "Rotgut!"

<OOC> Rotgut says, "Channel Energy, excluding the cat. And then get down in its face and scream RIGHT in its ear."

BOOM! The rifle bucks again, but unlike last time, the explosion of sound and flame is met by a crimson blossom on the cat, and Conrad growls, "Yeah, not so pleasant when the prey fights back, is it!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Haha okay XD"

GAME: Rotgut rolls 1d6: (1): 1

<OOC> Emir :|

Everyone in the room is filled with a warm, healing energy (except for that damn cat), as Rotgut lopes his way over to the cat. He crouches down over it, bellowing directly into its ear and face. "PRETTY KITTY! YOU'RE A PRETTY KITTY! HELLO PRETTY KITTYYYYYYY!" Dear Angoron, he's gone insane.

GAME: Emir damaged Conrad for -1 points. 13 remaining.

GAME: Emir damaged Albrecht for -1 points. 19 remaining.

GAME: Emir damaged Ashlynn for -1 points. 24 remaining.

GAME: Emir damaged Savannah for -1 points. 22 remaining.

GAME: Emir damaged Jibbom for -1 points. 27 remaining.

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Gonna stow my shield, two hand my longsword and swing for the fences."

<OOC> Emir says, "Roll it!"

GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d20+6: (10)+6: 16

As Rotgut goes positively bonkers, the Althean Paladin slides his shield back onto the baldric across his back and adopts a wide-footed stance with his sword held in both hands, swinging at the cat, but it is turned aside.

<OOC> Emir says, "Yes, miss-- sorry XD. Ash!"

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "I 5' back, and if that puts me out of reach of hurty, I shoot it more because I'm dull like that. If it DOESN'T put me out of reach of hurty, I'll have to rethink my life. Or at least my action from there on. XD"

<OOC> Emir says, "Pretty sure that puts you out of range. XD"

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "Then I try some more arrows. They worked up to now!"

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "Rapid/DA."

<OOC> Emir says, "Do eet!"

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+9+1+1-2-1: (3)+9+1+1+-2+-1: 11

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+9+1+1-2-1: (19)+9+1+1+-2+-1: 27

<OOC> Emir says, "MIss, hit!"

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d8+5: (6)+5: 11

<OOC> Emir says, "It's starting to tucker out and get bloody."

<OOC> Emir says, "Cat's turn! It finds Ash to be the greatest threat still, because she /keeps shooting him/ /agh/"

<OOC> Emir says, "Him, it, whichever"

<OOC> Emir says, "So it advances on Ash and lunges with a bite."

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (17)+16: 33

GAME: Emir rolls 1d6+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Emir damaged Ashlynn for 6 points. 18 remaining.

<OOC> Emir says, "While I pose, Savannah!"

Ashlynn pages: It can full attack me if it wants to. I'm within 5' range, so.

<OOC> Savannah says, "Magic missile."

<OOC> Emir says, "Orite it can full attack. One moment."

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (18)+16: 34

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (14)+16: 30

GAME: Emir rolls 1d4+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: Emir rolls 1d4+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: Emir damaged Ashlynn for 8 points. 10 remaining.

<OOC> Emir says, "And, roll damage Savannah."

<OOC> Emir says, "Oh wait, no"

GAME: Savannah rolls 1d4+1: (4)+1: 5

<OOC> Emir says, "Roll caster level check to overcome spell resistance"

GAME: Savannah rolls 1d20: (4): 4

<OOC> Savannah sighs.

Ashlynn wrenches her foot from the thing's mouth with a sound that's pretty sure to make a weak stomach turn - and the blood that gushes forth from it isn't too pretty either - as she slides back a step, slipping on that very same blood. Of her next two arrows, one clatters uselessly to the floor as she windmills for balance on the crimson puddle, but at least the other ends up in the attacking cat's chest, a nice and solid hit that leaves it looking more and more like a porcupine. Only with fletching on the quills.

<OOC> Emir says, "Fails! Regardless, when you target it, the cat suddenly teleports away from Ash and appears mid-leap on you, Savannah, taking a full attack."

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (7)+16: 23

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (12)+16: 28

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (15)+16: 31

GAME: Emir rolls 1d4+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: Emir rolls 1d4+2: (1)+2: 3

GAME: Emir rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8

GAME: Emir damaged Savannah for 15 points. 7 remaining.

<OOC> Emir says, "Jibbom!"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "DF on Savannah!"

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d4+2: (3)+2: 5

GAME: Emir damaged Savannah for -5 points. 12 remaining.

<OOC> Emir says, "Woo! Conrad!"

<OOC> Emir poses.

Jibbom continues being wide-eyed, panicked, and unusually silent. The beam of soothing healing light now turns upon his fellow sorcerer, sealing shut Savannah's worst injuries almost as swiftly as the cat is able to inflict them.

Snapping her fingers, Savannah tosses a Magic bolts at the animal.....and finds the cat thing on top of her instead....

The cat snarls as its quarry backs away, and it lunges regardless, to sink claws and teeth into the archer's hide. But as Savannah blasts the cat with arcane energy, the missiles seem to fizzle -- and the cat whirls in place and suddenly vanishes, only to reappear mid-leap and raining down terrible hurt on the sorceress.

<OOC> Conrad says, "Shooting"

<OOC> Savannah says, "brb"

<OOC> Emir says, "Do it!"

GAME: Conrad rolls weapon2+2: (16)+7+2: 25

<OOC> Emir says, "Hits!"

GAME: Conrad rolls 1d12+1: (2)+1: 3

<OOC> Emir says, "It's flagging. Rotgut!"

Another concussive blast, and another bullet wound in the rampaging cat, "Bring it down! Don't let it take a single one of us! Bring it down!" Conrad is already reloading, preparing for another shot.

<OOC> Rotgut says, "Magic Weapon on Ashlynn's bow"

<OOC> Rotgut says, "+1 attack/damage"

<OOC> Emir says, "Woo!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Pose it! Al~"

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Can I get a flank off of Savannah?"

Savannah has disconnected.

<OOC> Emir says, "No, because she DC'd."

<OOC> Emir says, "(I keed)"

<OOC> Albrecht shakes fist at sky.

<OOC> Emir says, "Yes, you can XD"

<OOC> Albrecht says, "OK, I will go do that, and enstab it."

GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d20+6: (1)+6: 7

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Or not."

<OOC> Emir says, "It was a valiant try!"

<OOC> Albrecht needs to roll a character that does not need to actually roll to hit anything.

<OOC> Emir XD

"AHHHHH! AHHHHH KITTY AHHHH-- Kitty?" Rotgut blinks, rising up to his full height and looking around. Savannah's scream gets his attention, and he frowns, snapping his fingers. "Blink kitty! Dang!" Turning his gaze sideways, he eyes Ashlynn slowly up and down...before giving her a wide, toothy grin. "Angoron likes you." Reaching out, he taps the wood of her bow, and the a slow light flows through it, shining out of the grain. "Kicks its ass."

<OOC> Emir says, "Ash!"

Albrecht dashes in to perform a low-to-high slash with his blade against the beast's rear flank, but one would think that he is just flopping around in a pile on the ground for all the good his fancy moves are doing.

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "My bow is now shiny. I shoot shiny arrows at the cat. Because I'm unimaginative. TurretAsh goes pew pew pew. :( I don't know the positioning right now, though - clear shot within 5' or do I need to move?"

<OOC> Emir says, "You'll have to move."

<OOC> Emir says, "Probably about 15 feet. It's a bit of a cluster over there. XD"

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "I shall move, then, which means no Rapid, but I will use DA."

Savannah has connected.

<OOC> Emir says, "Anywho, roll!"

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "Oh, issit still within 30 ft when I do so?"

<OOC> Ashlynn has hard time imagining weirdo twisty room and where people are. :(

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "Eh, for sake of time, if it is, add 1 to following:"

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+9+1-1: (10)+9+1+-1: 19

<OOC> Emir squints. Yeah you can make it to within 30 feet. Still misses though :(

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "Okay!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Kitty keeps eating Savannah."

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (10)+16: 26

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (19)+16: 35

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (1)+16: 17

<OOC> Emir says, "He misses on the last one!"

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (12)+16: 28

<OOC> Emir says, "But he doesn't fall flat on his face, sadly."

GAME: Emir rolls 1d4+2: (3)+2: 5

GAME: Emir rolls 1d4+2: (4)+2: 6

Nodding her thanks to Rotgut, even if she does not quite match the grin (then again, it might be a little hard to grin when one is bleeding all over), Ashlynn limps to the side with a good deal of determination. The softly glowing bow is raised, and a softly glowing projectile unleashed - and one of those half-sunken chairs gets a new, softly glowing decoration, leaving the cat without this particular arrow in its hide.

GAME: Emir damaged Savannah for 1 points. 11 remaining.

GAME: Emir damaged Savannah for 10 points. 1 remaining.

<OOC> Emir says, "Savannah, while I pose!"

<OOC> Savannah says, "I'm running as far away from the thing as possible."

<OOC> Savannah says, "double move."

<OOC> Emir says, "Attack of opportunity!"

[RPOne] Ashlynn says, "If you just wanna retreat, you should probably use the Withdraw action."

[RPOne] Emir says, "Yeah I was about to suggest that."

[RPOne] Savannah says, "sure."

<OOC> Emir says, "No AoO then :3"

The cat manages to avoid arrows and swords, instead, willfully tearing into the poor sorceress who dared to shoot magic missile at it, as it bloodily rips chunks from her frame. Ouch!

<OOC> Emir says, "Jib!"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "DF on Ashlynn."

Savannah having no other choice, Savannah literally qithdraw as far from the cat as possible. If she gets the chance, she WILL run.

<OOC> Emir says, "Go for it!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Conrad!"

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d4+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Emir damaged Ashlynn for -6 points. 16 remaining.

<OOC> Conrad says, "Gifting the cat with a bullet."

<OOC> Emir says, "Roll~"

GAME: Conrad rolls weapon2+2: (14)+7+2: 23

<OOC> Emir says, "Hit!"

GAME: Conrad rolls 1d12+1: (1)+1: 2

Jibbom is obviously very worried. While he wants to help his fellow wounded sorcerer, his healing mojo seems to be a one time deal for each person. And so, the pure white holy beam is turned upon Ashlynn, where it has some effect in easing her pain and healing her wounds.

<OOC> Emir :c

<OOC> Conrad laughs.

<OOC> Emir says, "Rotgut!"

<OOC> Rotgut says, "Gonna tackle the cat and try to hold it down (grapple check) so things can hit it!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Attack of Opportunity~"

"Savannah!" Conrad grrs as the cat nearly downs the sorceress as well, and narrows his one open eye as he tracks the thrasing cat's movements, watching for where its heart should be. A window opens, and the rifleman takes the shot, the bullet dead on... Only to be deflected off a rib. "Curse of the Green!"

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (15)+16: 31

GAME: Emir rolls 1d6+2: (3)+2: 5

GAME: Emir damaged Rotgut for 5 points. 4 remaining.

GAME: Rotgut rolls cmb: (20)+4: 24

<OOC> Emir says, "Roll to confirm"

GAME: Rotgut rolls cmb: (20)+4: 24

<OOC> Emir says, "Holy. Shit."

<OOC> Rotgut says, "AHAHA"

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Hot damn"

<OOC> Emir says, "The only possible way that could have worked is if you did exactly that."

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Deep six!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Please proceed to do a triple swan-dive suplex tackle!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Al!"

<OOC> Emir says, "It's grappled!"

<OOC> Albrecht says, "I actually dont know the answer to this.. Can I actually stab it when it is grappled?"

<OOC> Emir says, "Yes! It's at a -2 to its AC."

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Huzzah! I will do it! Nine times!"

<OOC> Albrecht says, "So basically same as if I was flanking"

GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d20+6: (14)+6: 20

<OOC> Albrecht says, "To be clear, i did not apply a bonus there, only musing :P"

<OOC> Emir says, "But I think you still flank it, so the bonus is applied."

<OOC> Emir says, "So you hit!"

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Hurray!"

GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d8+6: (3)+6: 9

<OOC> Emir says, "It's struggling viciously but it's also wheezing and bleeding terribly."

<OOC> Emir says, "Ash!"

<OOC> Ashlynn pew pew pew pew. Still not grown imagination. :(

<OOC> Emir says, "imagine up some rolls!"

Rotgut winces as Savannah nearly gets sliced open from stem to stern. "That's it..." he growls, and breaks into a dead run. "KITTY TIME FOR HUUUUUUUUGS!" he yells, and launches himself at the cat, grabbing hold of its back leg and trying to yank the cat away from Savannah. "C'MON KITTY, NO MORE PLAYING WITH SQUISHY BLEEDY LADY! PLAY WITH ROTGUT!"

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "Rapid/DA, and a thumbs up and thank you to the PF devs for doing away with the grappling unfriendliness percentile!"

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+9+1+1-2-1: (8)+9+1+1+-2+-1: 16

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+9+1+1-2-1: (2)+9+1+1+-2+-1: 10

Albrecht steps in as the priest goes all medieval on that cat, and he half-hands his sword, gripping it partway down the blade, wielding it like a short spear as he drives the point down into the creature's flank to pierce its hide.

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "But no thanks to the dice gods. They've abandoned me. :("

<OOC> Emir says, "You need better imagination :|"

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "Issit just me or do these rolls I imagined look all like... wrong and twisted? :("

<OOC> Ashlynn poses!

<OOC> Emir says, "Cat's turn! He's freaked out, so he attacks Rotgut."

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16-2: (3)+16+-2: 17

GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16-2: (2)+16+-2: 16

GAME: Emir rolls 1d4+2: (1)+2: 3

GAME: Emir rolls 1d6+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: Emir damaged Rotgut for 7 points. -3 remaining.

<OOC> Rotgut is still up for one more turn!

<OOC> Emir says, "Savannah, while I'm posing!"

<OOC> Savannah says, "I stop moving away and rapid shot at the cat."

<OOC> Emir says, "Roll!"

Perhaps luck has run out for her. Perhaps Ashlynn is not used to holding a glowing bow, or perhaps the rolling-about that Rotgut is doing with the colorful, mutated-looking jungle predator is throwing off her aim. Whatever it is, the next two arrows end up sticking in the floor nearby the two combatants rather than the cat's flesh. They even vibrate, as such things are wont to when they are very suddenly stopped by a hard surface.

Ashlynn frowns. You'd not think she could do it any worse than she is, but she does.

<OOC> Savannah is staying within 30 feet.

GAME: Savannah rolls weapon4: (16)+8: 24

GAME: Savannah rolls weapon4: (5)+8: 13

<OOC> Emir says, "Hits!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Jibbom~ It's on its last leg."

<OOC> Savannah says, "just the first one, right?"

<OOC> Emir says, "Uhhh did you move?"

<OOC> Emir says, "You didn't"

<OOC> Emir says, "So you can fire again"

<OOC> Savannah says, "uh....right..."

GAME: Savannah rolls weapon4: (9)+8: 17

<OOC> Emir says, "Miss :("

[RPOne] Rotgut says, "Why would it be just hte first one?"

[RPOne] Savannah shot twice.

[RPOne] Emir says, "OH"

[RPOne] Emir says, "I missed the second one"

GAME: Savannah rolls 1d8+3: (2)+3: 5

[RPOne] Emir says, "Yeah just the first one hit. None of the others did."

[RPOne] Emir says, "Sorry about that."

[RPOne] Savannah nods.

[RPOne] Emir says, "... Wait oh god I'm so confused"

[RPOne] Emir says, "Okay okay I got it. 5 damage. Okay."

[RPOne] Emir took the 13 as the damage roll. Was very confused. XD

<OOC> Emir says, "JIBB"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Okay. Gonna move to flank it, drawing quarterstaff on the way, and swing!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Roll it!"

GAME: Jibbom rolls melee + 2: (18)+2+2: 22

<OOC> Emir says, "Hits!"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "BEHOLD MY POWER."

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d3-1: (3)+-1: 2

<OOC> Jibbom says, "MAXIMUM DAMAGE."

Savannah stops her running and sees that Rotgut is down. She tries to drop the cat thing, but her aim is quite off tonight, especially against this thing.

<OOC> Emir says, "It's getting nearer to death!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Conrad!"

<OOC> Conrad says, "Stop! Hammertime."

<OOC> Conrad says, "Rifle hammer. D:<"

The poor cat flails and twists as the shouty cleric leaps on it, and in a crazy act of Angoron, manages to bring the thing to the ground. The cat screeches and thrashes, managing to hook a claw and tooth into the orc despite its panic. An arrow flies and thunks into its neck from Savannah, earning a screech, and a thunk from the halfling makes it panic and twist. But it's still held fast.

Jibbom is rapidly running out of ways to be useful. But since when has that stopped him from getting involved? With steely resolve, the halfling narrows his eyes and draws his quarterstaff, scurring over and thwapping the cat's side. He frowns when this fails to immediately bring it down.

GAME: Conrad rolls weapon2+2: (4)+7+2: 13

<OOC> Conrad says, "Hit? Miss?"

<OOC> Emir says, "Miss :("

<OOC> Emir says, "Rot!"

<OOC> Rotgut says, "Channel Energy!"

GAME: Rotgut rolls 1d6: (2): 2

GAME: Emir damaged Rotgut for -2 points. -1 remaining.

GAME: Emir damaged Conrad for -2 points. 15 remaining.

<OOC> Rotgut says, "Awww, not enough."

GAME: Emir damaged Ashlynn for -2 points. 18 remaining.

GAME: Emir damaged Jibbom for -2 points. 27 remaining.

GAME: Emir damaged Savannah for -2 points. 3 remaining.

Conrad attempts one last shot, to bring the beast down... But a blast and a flash later, the bullet has gone wide. Conrad grimaces, and points at the cat as he cracks open the barrel, "Someone bring that damn beast down!"

Rotgut isn't down! Not quite yet, though his face is torn open quite well. There's a horrid snarl on his face, one eye a little wider than the others, since his eyelid got split open from a nasty claw attack. He /should/ be down...

Taking a deep breath, he sloooowly lets it out again, and there's that happy feeling in everyone's bones again. The oruch's eye stitches itself back together and he grins mightily at the cat. "Angoron says, "Not yet. ... no wait. I was wrong.""

Bam, he's out like a light.

<OOC> Albrecht says, "If I LoH Rotgut, whill he stay up, because of his ferocity? Or does that cut out right now?"

<OOC> Emir says, "That cuts out right now, I think."

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Dangit."

<OOC> Emir checks.

<OOC> Rotgut says, "At the end of my turn, yeah."

<OOC> Emir says, "Yeah, it's not workin'. I suggest a smackdown on the kitty!"

<OOC> Rotgut says, "However, a quick LoH would bring me up again."

<OOC> Emir thinks it's still grappled as long as a heavy orc is passed out on him.

<OOC> Rotgut says, "But smackdown is probably better"

<OOC> Emir says, "It looks like it's about to collapse anyway. Better put it out of its misery :3"

<OOC> Albrecht says, "I mean, you've seen me roll."

<OOC> Emir XD

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Aight. Let's try this"

<OOC> Albrecht prepares to weep.

<OOC> Albrecht says, "I forget, do I still have a flank?"

<OOC> Emir says, "Yes."

GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d20+8: (4)+8: 12

<OOC> Emir :c

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Yeah, that's what I thought."

<OOC> Emir saaadpandas.

<OOC> Emir says, "ASHLYNN"

<OOC> Emir says, "KILL IT"

<OOC> Emir says, "You've got a clear shot! Rapid fire its butt all dead."

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "I shoot and stuff. I'll not DA, cause I figure hitting would be good right now, but I'll Rapid. I'm also going to preemptively complain about dice, cause they like drama and turnabouts."

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "So, waah waah low rolls, etc. *rolls*"

Albrecht seems genuinely surprised at his actually having stabbed the cat a moment ago, and when it mauls, the priest, he gathers his new found confidence to dispatch the creature. But it is not to be, he is back to his usual self.

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+9+1+1-2: (6)+9+1+1+-2: 15

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+9+1+1-2: (16)+9+1+1+-2: 25

<OOC> Emir says, "Miss, hit!"

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d8+4: (4)+4: 8

<OOC> Emir says, "You take it doooown!"

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "Dees weapon is shiny. I mean magical."

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "Yaaay! ... Poor kitty. It was just hungry. :("

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Huzzah!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Go ahead and pose, and I'll work up a pose."

Another arrow clatters uselessly by behind the cat. Lips tight, frown more or less ironed into place on her face, Ashlynn lifts the blessed bow even as the yrch cleric falls. He has done enough, however - that splitsecond of distraction is enough for her to steady her hand, sight along the arrow aglow with the holy light, and release.

There's a 'THUD'. Not like the ones when arrows meet wood - duller, a sound of less resistance as steel meets flesh as the arrow finds its neck, just behind the ear. And finally, down the thing goes, in a heap with poor Rotgut.

The orc falls flat on the cat as he collapses, making the bloody pincushion wheeze and squall. Albrecht swings -- and misses. Ashlynn fires -- and hits. With a loud and squishy t-thunk THUD, the cat screams and scrabbles at the floor, only to collapse and fall still in a pool of blood under their fallen Angorite pal.

But all is not well -- the house takes up the cat's screams as echoes, as the storm outside worsens and the whole structure threatens to rock off its moorings in a sudden and violent lurch. The party can hear tiles starting to rip off the sides of the structure outside, and the wind is starting to suck hungrily at the wooden slats withing as well, making the whole thing shudder and strain to stay in one piece.

Jibbom looks quite relieved to see the cat finally felled. He wipes sweat from his brow and looks around with a frown. Then the house starts lurching and rocking and it's straight back to panicking. The halfling runs around flailing his arms in the air unhelpfully.

Conrad is still pretty ragged...but he leverages himself up and uses his rifle as a cane, "...Did we lose anyone? Everyone still up?" He coughs blood and wipes it away with his sleeve.

Albrecht grimaces as the sound fills the house, and then as the cat falls, he rushes to Rotgut's side, setting his sword aside and putting his hand on the fallen Angorite's chest, a blue glow suffusing him. "Haste, perhaps, shall be in order now."

Savannah looks around and states quite obviously "I think we need to leave."


She's holding her side by nowand she starts limping towards, what she hopes, is the door to leave.

GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d6: (2): 2

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Enough to get him up at least."

GAME: Emir damaged Rotgut for -2 points. 1 remaining.

<OOC> Emir says, "Woo!"

When Albrecht touches Rotgut's back, the oruch jerks his head up with a gasp. Followed by a huge, gut-busting cough. "HAH-KURF! HARUMPH! Oh, did we win?" he asks blearily. Looking around at the shaking house, the cleric frowns, pushing himself carefully off the cat.

While he has the chance, he just punches the unconscious kitty in the face as hard as he can, muttering, "Bad kitty."

Off he goes towards the door, teeth set and fists clenches, awkwardly trying not to show how much his wounds hurt. His rictus grin is terrifying. "We did good? Did we get the doll thing?"

As Rotgut gets up, the cat's body is... well, it's not what it was anymore. Instead it's a ragged old stuffed animal, remarkably familiar as the one in the previous vision. It looks well-loved -- and now bloody, as it soaks up the mess from the floor. Unfortunately, there's not a lot of time to think on it, as the entire back wall of the room suddenly cracks and shatters, ripping away into a swirling storm vortex.

Which would be bad enough, except that Rotgut punches the doll right in the face. Which means... a vision.

<OOC> Emir says, "Roll reflex, and then will~"

<OOC> Savannah says, "all of us?"

<OOC> Emir says, "Yep!"

GAME: Albrecht rolls reflex: (14)+5: 19

GAME: Rotgut rolls reflex: (1)+2: 3

GAME: Albrecht rolls will: (6)+6: 12

GAME: Savannah rolls reflex: (16)+4: 20

GAME: Savannah rolls will: (19)+4: 23

GAME: Conrad rolls reflex: (20)+6: 26

GAME: Conrad rolls will: (3)+2: 5

GAME: Jibbom rolls reflex: (1)+5: 6

GAME: Jibbom rolls will: (18)+7: 25

<OOC> Jibbom wants to use 'halfling luck' to reroll his reflex save.

<OOC> Emir hahaha XD

GAME: Rotgut rolls will: (14)+9: 23

GAME: Jibbom rolls reflex: (16)+5: 21

<OOC> Emir thumbsup!

<OOC> Jibbom will also use 'lucky halfling' to rereoll for Rotgut.

GAME: Jibbom rolls reflex: (8)+5: 13

GAME: Ashlynn rolls Reflex: (7)+5: 12

<OOC> Rotgut rubs Jibbom for good luck!

GAME: Ashlynn rolls Will: (6)+3: 9

GAME: Rotgut rolls reflex: (19)+2: 21

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Sorry, Rotgut. Lucky halfling uses my save, not yours."

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Which means you got my 13."

<OOC> Emir says, "Okay lemme sort through these."

<OOC> Rotgut says, "Ohhh. Soooo..."

<OOC> Jibbom says, "To eliminate confusion: My saves were 25 will and 21 reflex, I changed Rotgut's reflex from 3 to 13 but left his will unchanged."

<OOC> Emir nodnods.

<OOC> Emir says, "Alright, goodness. Most of you miss the last vision. XD Only Conrad, Ashlynn and Albrecht get it!"

<OOC> Emir says, "And by most I mean half."

<OOC> Emir says, "Give me a moment to type this up..."

<OOC> Emir says, "But everyone makes their reflex saves, although Jibbom has to catch himself, and then Rotgut, before they go flying into the vortex."

<OOC> Emir says, "Feel free to pose as such, before the vision hits ya. (Feel free to fail the save if you prefer and/or your character wouldn't be trying to stop it.)"

Hrm. Giant ripping vortex. Falling into those is very rarely a good idea. Jibbom looks stunned for a moment, but has the good fortune to leap out of the way just in time to being sucked into the vortex's pull. As luck would have it, he stumbles into Rotgut along the way, bumbling with just enough force to knock his fellow adventurer out of the vortex's pull as well.

Conrad was just shouldering his rifle when the wall suddenly gives way. As the vortex attempts to consume him, Conrad dives backwards and grabs onto a lamp fixture, barely rescuing himself from the abyss. His eyes closed tight, Conrad braces against the end...

Rotgut gives a yelp as the sudden suckiness of the vortex feels like it grabs him, and the oruch teeters dangerously off-balance. His arms windmill about, trying to grab onto something... But Jibbom bumps into him, and he falls to the side, rather than into the vortex. On the ground, Rotgut grins and tries to give Jibbom as big a hug as he can. "You saved me, tiny man! I'm keeping you."

Sliding across the room as the -wall flies off- and the house tilts and rocks, Ashlynn's incredibly fortunate to not so much dive for as slide without control right into one of the chairs - which is, thanks to the magic of the place, quite firmly attached to the floor by virtue of being halfway through it. The impact knocks the wind out of her and she gives a huge, pained wheeze - but 'tis a much better fate than ending up in the swirling, lightning-filled magical void beyond. The scarred woman ends up slung over the half-a-furniture-piece - dazed, confused, frightened and with an absolute deathgrip on her bow and the chair's back as the vision hits.

Right after Savannah says that, all hell breaks loose. She breaks into a despration run out of the house. She sprints as hard as her body can manage, and she's out....barely. She looks back and shakes her head at the vortex, whether it's there or not.

Albrecht grabs hold of his sword and digs his fingers into a recessed knot in the floorboards to prevent being whisked away as what looks like a significant and load-bearing wall is whisked away. Righting himself, he frowns and puts his sword away, turning back to the business they were about before the attack of the horrifically twisted toys.

The vision suddenly seizes your minds, those who don't manage to block it out, as the world falls dark...

The sounds of the storm outside are loud and violent, but not so frightening as the vortex just heard. Inside, the house is still, enrobed in a suffocating darkness. A soft whimper pierces the quiet, followed by a click, as a sunrod activates to show the little elf girl curled in a ball under a tomb of blankets in the master bedroom -- that very same nest Conrad stumbled on earlier. The little one is emaciated and nearly skeletal, too weak to hold up her head as she lays in a little ball, trying to fumble the sunrod around to look into the darkness.

"Daddy...?" she whispers hoarsely. "Are you home yet?"

No answer.

She hugs the dweomercat doll closer in one arm, a porcelain fox mask clutched in the other.

The sunrod flickers, and goes out.

[RPOne] Rotgut says, "... OW. RIGHT IN THE FEELS"

[RPOne] Emir says, "YOU MONSTERS."

[RPOne] Rotgut says, "So that fox thing we killed..."

[RPOne] Emir :|

[RPOne] Rotgut D:

[RPOne] Savannah says, "I believe so."

[RPOne] Albrecht says, "Attic whisperers are the saddest monster."

[RPOne] Emir says, "They are :c"

[RPOne] Jibbom says, "Clearly, it was her fault for not being loveable enough. WE'RE HEROES. :("

[RPOne] Albrecht says, "Like, when I first read about them I did not buy that book because it made me depressed. :P"

[RPOne] Conrad considers doing something dumb.

[RPOne] Emir says, "Haha!"

[RPOne] Conrad thinks he will, for the story.

[RPOne] Savannah says, "go for it, Conrad."

[RPOne] Emir says, "Do eet!"

[RPOne] Ashlynn says, "We're murderhobos! This is what we do! :("

When the vision passes, Conrad's head comes up, his eyes opening. The vortex is still there... But Conrad's expression is set. "No. It will not end like this." Getting his legs and letting go of the lamp, Conrad braces his rifle before him, and strides with forceful steps back toward the hallway, "That little girl is still here." He tugs his hat down some, and continues on, "I will not abandon her to eternity." His eyes blaze, "I am not done yet!"

<OOC> Emir ahahaha oh dear XD

<OOC> Conrad says, "Yeah, it'll probably kill the character. I'm fine with that. It's what he'd do."

Jibbom gives Rotgut a thumbs up in response to his words of gratitude, lacking the facilities to do anything else at the moment. Then Conrad goes charging off into the vortex of terror and death. He looks worried, but doesn't follow after. Jibbom may be crazy, but he isn't that crazy.

<OOC> Emir says, "Roll me a reflex, Conrad, wouldja?"

Savannah flops on the ground next to Jibbom and decides to burn herself to heal herself with her own divine fire. She watches Conrad run back in and shakes her head. Conrad is a braver person than she.

GAME: Conrad rolls reflex: (12)+6: 18

When Ashlynn's senses return to her, the noise of the storm becoming replaced with the howl of the magical vortex, the woman very carefully extricates herself from the chair. The bow is returned safely to her shoulder. "Gunman. If the creature was her, then her spirit is now free. Do not be foolish. One lost life is enough." she speaks, solemnly.

Who knew! Ashlynn knows WORDS.

"We must leave. Now." she adds, as the house no doubt continues to creak horribly.

Albrecht stands with his eyes closed as he experiences the vision, as his fears about the nature of the creature are confirmed. He slumps back against one of the remaining walls momentarily, and when Conrad speaks, he says "The child exists as memories now, huntsman, I think."

Rotgut climbs to his feet, carrying Jibbom with him, though he's still a little unsteady. He even rests a huge, heavy hand on Jibbom's head to stay upright. "Alright...uh, out? Uh, doll...we need a doll..." Blearily, he snatches up the dweomercat doll in one hand, and starts to move towards the rest of the group. "Where's the red guy?"

Brick, who's hugging a chair, looks up in dismay. "We have the doll -- we need to get out of here before the whole thing--" Furniture is starting to scoot along the floor toward the vortex, and small things -- forks, knick-knacks, marbles, and other assorted brik-a-brak -- start slinging through the air as tiny projectiles of death. Conrad starts trekking regardless, managing to grab hold of something before he joins the tiny projectiles of death. The whole structure is starting to shake violently, and lurch in a way that suggests it's finally coming free of its foundation, moving in a slow drag toward the edge of the cliff ... and the storm.

Jibbom doesn't need to be told twice. He clings to Rotgut for dear life as he is carried away from the collapsing house, scurrying as fast as his little feet will carry him in order to aid the effort to flee.

Savannah says, "Come on, let's go." She says to Jibbom and Rotgut, and flees the house as best as she can. She'll even drag Jibbom along with her if possible."

Feeling the sudden lurch of the house, and viewing the cliff out through the ragged remnants of the house, Conrad narrows his eyes...and closes them. Looking around one last time, he nods as the house comes free, "...Perhaps when this place is gone, the horror that resided here..." He ducks to dodge a flying book. "...Will dissipate with its flinders." The heavy look of regret comes upon him as Conrad seems to realize that time has run out, and he turns to run out of the house, his expression dark and grim.

Albrecht turns to follow as Conrad decides to amscray as well, and pauses on his way out, touching the wall with one hand and looking back with his mouth set in a line and says under his breath, "Find peace, at last," before following the others.

Ashlynn follows, looking back towards Conrad more than once. She hesitates at the doorway, a coil of rope in hand - just in case the whole thing comes flying off before he can reach and he needs that last helping hand or length of hemp. The concept of leaving a man behind is not something the soldierly woman finds a fond thought.

The gnome gets a few feet before he's suddenly snatched up into the air by his collar. The large oruch hugs both the dweomercat doll and Jibbom against his sides, and books it towards the front door. AWAAAAYYYY!

<OOC> Emir says, "*halfling XD"

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Close enough. :>"

<OOC> Jibbom is some variety of short troublemaker!

<OOC> Rotgut says, "You're all just foot stools, as far as I'm concerned."

<OOC> Emir says, "Albrecht, reflex roll, wouldja? :D"

GAME: Albrecht rolls reflex: (12)+5: 17

<OOC> Emir says, "Acrobatics roll~"

<OOC> Albrecht says, "That doesn't sound like a thing that is going to actually happen but let's see here.."

GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d20+2-4: (10)+2+-4: 8

<OOC> Albrecht gets team rocketed.

The whole structure starts to move out from under the party, and it's like running the wrong way down a moving sidewalk for a few heart-stopping moments. Savannah makes it out first, turning to watch as Rotgut lifts up his new pet Jibbom and barrels out with Brick close behind. Conrad makes his heart-heavy decision and runs after, with Ashlynn paused at the door to offer aid if need be as the house slides perilously ever closer to the edge. And the last is Albrecht, who, with a final parting sentiment, turns to leave -- only to find the cliff falling away from the doorway as the house rises into the air with a mighty shake. The paladin makes a flying leap out of the door just in time... to land facefirst into the soil. And he's got just enough of a grip to keep from flying off into the worsening vortex, but getting up is going to be rough... At least without some help.

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "I scramble to help him immediatelly. :("

<OOC> Emir says, "Go for it~"

Conrad -throws- his rifle forward as he abruptly stops and immediately turns back to rescue Albrecht, "No you don't! You're not flying off to some Metaplanar party without me!"

<OOC> Conrad will as well!

<OOC> Emir :D

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "Do you need me to roll anything or do we just pose hauling him? :("

<OOC> Emir says, "Naw just go ahead and pose it. XD"

Rotgut skids to a stop, sending up glittering dirt and spins around in time to see everyone diving for Albrecht. He lets out a huge sigh. "Thank Angoron! That was enough excitement for one day!"

Jibbom is hauled away, silently screaming. Judging by the expression on the halfling's face, it's probably very lucky for everyone that he is without use of his voice at the moment.

Albrecht seems fairly perturbed at the ground for pulling this shit on him, and grips hard to the soil, gloves slipping a bit, but as Ashlynn and Conrad grip his wrists, he heaves out a heavy breath and pulls up, managing to get one leg up over the ledge for additional purchase and he rolls forward onto his back, before taking another breath and standing. Looking between the pair he looks a little frazzled but breathes, "Thank you," before glancing back at the edge, and adding "Haste. Definitely haste."

Savannah slows near Fotgut and grumbles a little. "that blasted thing still hurts." She says looking back. "Yeah, getting away from the edge would definitely be a good thing."

Ashlynn is perhaps a little surprised when Albrecht, not Conrad, is the last to leave. His narrow call has her narrow her eyes and furrow her brows further (gods, how much grumpier could she possibly look?!) and she does indeed take the hands-on approach, grabbing one of Albrecht's forearms, steadying her stance, and pulling as mightily as she can to haul him to safety alongside the huntsman.

Conrad doesn't need to be told twice, and half-runs, half-drags Albrecht away from the cliff's edge, "I'm not paid nearly enough for this..."

Haste indeed! The party beats feet back the way they came, following their panicked, harried wizard-cum-bodyguard far away from the vicious vortex of potential pie. And back to, hopefully, getting paid.
