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When last we left our intrepid heroes...

The guild sent a group of heroes together to the Broken Plains, to a freaky magic house sitting on a cross-section of leylines, to find a doll before the house sucks into the magical void of the Vast. To help that, they have to find four memory items. One -- a children's book -- has been recovered; a bowl beneath the table has been suspected of also being one, but has not been acquired. Upon picking up the book, a vision swept through the group (except for Ashlynn) of a young elf girl getting a bedtime story from her father.

At present, Liessa has demanded answers from their guide Brick which he cannot answer, Conrad is searching the Master Bedroom, and the rest are milling about. Strange sobbing can be heard from here and there, sometimes through the walls and ceiling; others as if it's right behind you. It's overall been more than a little disconcerting.

Conrad has flung sheets and blankets aside in the pile, to find... nothing. It was just a little nest of sheets and blankets on the floor of the very dark master bedroom. The sound of the storm crackling outside only seems to be getting louder. Brick, meanwhile, outside the room, accepts the memory-book with confusion from Rotgut, and nods. "I'll-- I'll go find an anchoring point," he assures him, and then he moves off to the far corner of the living room, testing here and there.

<OOC> Emir says, "For the record: http://info.rentnet.com/property/80/430780/floorplan/430780.f03.gif Bedroom 3 is where the book was." <OOC> Emir | http://totallynotagentphilcoulson.tumblr.com/post/24798002292/laconicamentebreve-arquitectos-weones-que Also, creepy half-clipped furniture, like you've seen around. (Scroll past the enormous header)

Jibbom is one of those folks milling about trying to sort through all this. Still reeling from the odd vision, he decides it's time to do a little more experimenting. "I wonder if this'll do the same thing." He asks before moving back to the bowl underneath the table, reaching to pick it up.

Savannah is leaning upon one of the tables to keep from falling over. "Ugh." She says as she looks under the table to Jibbom. "If you see anything strange, jibbom, pull your hand back without hestitation, all right?"

"Put my hands on strange things. Got it." Jibbom replies, clearly doing a great job of paying attention.

Conrad hmms at the empty nest of blankets and leans down to check under the bed, "Light! Bring the light down here!" His rifle is on the floor, and his hands are upon it--both for support and to hold onto it, should he suddenly sink into the floor.

You paged (Albrecht, Whirlpool) with 'Okay, so. As far as you know, you've been sent out to the Broken Plains to help this party retrieve a doll before the house gets ripped off this plane. The goal is to 1) find a series of "memory objects" to anchor the house along the leylines running through it, and then 2) to get the doll back. Probably what happens is you got to the Broken Plains, had a mis-step, and wind up in the house from one step to the next. Lucky you? (Whirl can put in if that's too coincidental.)'

But the light is gone. And so is Brolin! Where'd that crazy guy get off to...? It's an odd but familiar thing, one known person being here just a moment ago, though it seems like a week some how, but now he's gone and some random guy is walking through the doorway looking kind of confused, almost missing a step and blinking, looking back at the way he came, then shaking his head. He's dressed in blue and silver and armor, and rubs the back of his head with a gloved hand, then says "Err... How can I help?" with a sheepish grin.

When Jibbom goes to grab that bowl, Rotgut's eyes widen and he claps his hands over his ears. "Issit gonna be another vision? Those things are freaky and make me wanna cry..."

Ashlynn, for her part, is giving everyone very narrow-eyed, suspicious looks. "I would not believe anything you see in this place. It is... warped." she cautions, taking a moment to pick the word, what with not having seen the heartwarming moment of... memory? Phantom imagery? That had been embedded in the book.

There's a pause, and Ashlynn glances between Jibbom and Conrad. Deciding that fetching a light is a simple task that most anyone can do, and that someone should remain close to him should there be need to save the halfling (such as the furniture trying to eat him, mayhaps), she opts to remain nearby. Just in case.

Warnings aside, Jibbom does indeed grab the bowl. He pauses a moment, waiting to see if anything actually happens.

<OOC> Emir says, "Indeed, new vision attempting to get through. Anyone resisting, roll Will." <OOC> Rotgut says, "I'll let it through." <OOC> Savannah is not. <OOC> Savannah says, "Not resisting that is." <OOC> Jibbom won't resist. <OOC> Emir says, "Albrecht, some kind of foreign feeling is trying to invade on your brain! Do you resist?" <OOC> Albrecht says, "Yes." <OOC> Emir says, "Roll me a will save :3" GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d20+will: (3)+6: 9 <OOC> Emir haha XD <OOC> Albrecht says, "Well then :P" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "Hmmm. Tough call." GAME: Conrad rolls will: (11)+2: 13 <OOC> Ashlynn says, "I don't think anyone's actually explained to Ash what'd happened and what they saw. So... I'll roll again!" GAME: Ashlynn rolls Will: (14)+3: 17

The house is shaking and rattling, as the enormous storm outside crackles and threatens to rip the structure off its foundations and into some unfortunate plane of non-existence. Or apple pie. Really, it's a toss-up. Either way, it's not looking great for our heroes. The furniture in the atrium of the house, as Albrecht steps in, seems to have almost...half-fallen through the floor? Chairs sit at odd angles, sunk into the wood. Paint drips off the walls in strange patterns. ... Meanwhile, Conrad can't see a damn thing in the dark under the bed without a light. Soft sobbing emanates from beneath, and there's the briefest flash of yellow eyes-- Anymore than that, however, is gone as the entire party is wracked by another vision...


Crouching under the table, the little elfchild sits amongst a council of stuffed animals. The bowl sits upended on her head, the wooden spoon in her grip like a sceptor. "Now, Daddy says he'll be back soon and we gotta hold down the fort." She waves the spoon at her animals imperiously. "Suzie will be my second in command, because she's /the best/." She pats a small blue cat toy placed carefully at her side. It has some rather lovely swirling patterns on its fur, and purple felt claws on the end of each toe. It appears to have four eyes, as well as a purple tongue.

"Gordy will have to guard the outside to make sure no invaders come in." Gordy appears to be a stuffed owlbear that she points to, before pointing off to the front door, far and beyond their secret meeting beneath the tablecloth. "And Crusoe," this, a porcelain fox doll with happy, piercing eyes, "gets to guard the attic. Cause everyone knows monsters hide in the attic." The little girl gives an involuntary shudder, peeking out of the tablecloth just in case. The coast is clear.

"And Simma..." She picks up the little ratty dragon, its neck floppy from all the times she's hugged the fluff out of it. "Simma's gonna stay with me too. Because Daddy said I gotta keep safe and that's the most important part. Right?" The question goes out to her silent entourage, a little tremble in her voice.

"He's gonna come home soon."


Whatever was beneath the bed before is gone now.

Well. That was certainly creepy. Jibbom seems a little rattled as he emerges from beneath the table, bowl in hands. "Alright... I think we can safely say this is one of those magical whatchacallits we were looking for." He says with a troubled frown, eyeing the object in his hands.

Conrad immediately stands, rifle coming up. "All right, everyone who can fight, follow me to the attic. Bring whatever light you can. Move out!" Conrad immediately departs the master bedroom after a quick glance through the closet. Assuming nothing catches his eye, he's looking for a way upstairs.

When the vision fades, there's a loud sniff from Rotgut, the big orc rubbing at his eyes with one arm. "Dere's...lotsa dust in here. Gettin' in ma eyes..." He blinks away the water in his eyes, and shakes his head. "Mistah man! Brick person! We got another!" he bellows.

When Conrad marches off, Rotgut gasps in shock, following after him. "You're not gonna shoot a cute li'l fox, are you??"

Savannah takes a deep breath after that vision and tilts her head, trying to make sense of it. Of course, then Conrad barks out orders and shakes her head. "Hey Jibbom? Can you follow captain personality to the attic? I don't think the bowl is gonna do anything for us."

Albrecht takes a half step and covers his eyes with one hand, clutching his temples as he is assailed by the vision, and shakes his head rapidly to clear it. He looks a little shaken by it, but then says "I assume that was a memory?

Jibbom draws his trusty quarterstaff and utters a magic word, lighting it up like a torch. He shoots Savannah a grin and laughs. "Captain personality. I like that one. I may have to steal it." And so he charges off attic-wards after Conrad.

Brick approaches Albrecht and lays a hand on his shoulder. The man is tall, square, in /bright red/ ... much like his moniker. "We would love to have your help," he says earnestly. And as Jibbom mentions the bowl, he turns and grabs that, and goes to take care of that. Within minutes, the creaking is starting to die down.

As for the attic...there's no obvious stairs leading upward anywhere.

<OOC> Emir says, "Perception check if you're looking for it." GAME: Conrad rolls perception: (1)+4: 5 <OOC> Conrad says, "Was there anything in the closet, by the way?"

Ashlynn staggers, her hand going to rest on the strange, twisted table for support - and is then pulled back as her senses return. They brought a headache back with them - or at least, it would seem so from the expression she's now sporting. Or maybe that's just her usual frown. Rubbing at her face a moment, Ashlynn straightens... no, in case of Ashlynn it goes beyond just straightening, to a point where she's straight as a stick and stiff as a board. The newcomer is given a suspicious look. "Are you real?" Ashlynn asks Albrecht bluntly, eyes narrowing. Hey, normal people don't appear out of nowhere! Maybe here, though, maybe here. She looks at least a little more comfortable about his presence when she notices the symbols, as well as the fact he's solid, as proven by Brick's hand.

<OOC> Emir says, "Not that you could see. It was pretty much old rotted clothes." GAME: Rotgut rolls perception: (19)+4: 23 GAME: Jibbom rolls perception: (4)+4: 8 GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d20: (19): 19

Ashlynn pages: By the way, I'm sorry - I don't recall what the doll we're looking for looks like. Were we told? You paged Ashlynn with 'Nope not told.' Ashlynn pages: Okay. That might be why I can't remember. XD

Albrecht nods to Brick and says "Thanks. Just tell me what needs done." He recomposes himself and looks about the house as the tremors subside, glancing to Ashlynn, considering the question for a moment, then says "Well, I ought to be," with a grin, before he turns and takes a step backward, examining his surroundings.

Jibbom and Conrad are busy checking floors, walls, hall closets that are stacked with warped dishes and psychedelic draperies...Yeah, no stairs. But Rotgut and Albrecht notice that there's a panel in the ceiling that could easily be a pull-down staircase! Le Gasp!

"Alright. I am fairly certain that these dishes do not have a staircase inside them. Fairly certain." Jibbom can only be so sure of things in the Broken Plains, apparently. He gives the new guy a friendly wave. People appearing out of nowhere seems par for the course.

Conrad looks back to Jibbom, "Don't trust your eyes. Those dishes might be the stairs, merely folded up somehow, like a corset. Might be worth it to try them out."

Savannah follows Jibbom at a slow pace and....snickers a bit. "You really expect to find a staircase in the bowls? I mostly expected the platters at least, Jibbom."

"...hey, this looks useful." Rotgut reaches up to the ceiling, and starts trying to pry his thick fingers into the sides of the panel. His tongue sticks out, and he grunts with annoyance. "Anyone with smaller fingers want to give this a try?"

Not seeming entirely convinced - but not really disbelieving, either - Ashlynn seems fine enough with the Althean's presence that she wordlessly turns about to return to their task. And still frowning, yes. This place is putting her in a foul mood.

Or she's just being her. One or the other. The frowns do seem a little darker than usual, though. She abandons the kitchen to rejoin the others more fully. It pays to remain close, if the appearances and disappearances of people are any indication.

And with not a word, she reaches up to indeed try help Rotgut pull the panel he's found down. Assuming, that is, that she herself can see it once it is pointed out.

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "Well, that he and Conrad found." <OOC> Emir says, "It's totally visible once it's pointed out yeah."

Albrecht examines the panel from below, and steps back as Ashlynn goes to open it. "I'd reccomend caution. The attic is where monsters are, afterall." He shifts his shield on the baldric and limbers it, pulling it free and sliding it over his arm.

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "But is she tall enough to reach?! That is the question. :(" <OOC> Albrecht says, "Perception rolls high enough for the door, but not enough to see the pull string. :D" <OOC> Emir XD

Jibbom stares up at Savannah. "Savvy, we're in a magic house that warps around where bowls talk to us. Are you telling me you're not expecting to find staircases in bowls?"

You paged Whirlpool with 'Okay, so if you've pinpointed an invisible creature's square, there's a 50% miss chance. And if that creature has the Missing template, there's an additional 50% miss chance. Does that add up to 75% miss chance?' Whirlpool pages: It doesn't. It can't go any higher than the total concealment of 50%. You paged Whirlpool with 'Gotcha.' Whirlpool pages: I'm not actually familiar with the missing template, though, so I'd need to check? I just haven't heard of it ever doing that.

Savannah says, "All right, all right. If we do find one, Jibbom, I'll let you pull it over your head first, and then I can carry you in my pocket. Teacup gnome." She says with a chuckles before looking up to the rope to the attic."

Conrad whirls about and lifts his rifle up to the attic door, "Well, I honestly didn't expect to find that in the ceiling...maybe I'm overthinking things in this house..."

<OOC> Emir says, "Who has what kind of vision?"

"I am not frightened of monsters. It is my duty to fight the darkness." Ashlynn replies, speaking with conviction, if without actually looking back as she does so. There's what might just be door to the attic to open! Not that you could really call her fingers amazingly elegant and slender - there's far too many marks of hard work on the skin - but she's certainly far better off when it comes to delicate work than Rotgut.

<OOC> Savannah is human. <OOC> Ashlynn says, "Ahem. I have human crapvision. :(" <OOC> Conrad says, "Human." <OOC> Albrecht gives you a bonus to saves! :) <OOC> Albrecht says, "Human." <OOC> Emir says, "Haha okay" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "I think all of us are working on human eyesight except Rotgut, who has Darkvision." <OOC> Jibbom has regult vision. But has cast Light on his quarterstaff. <OOC> Jibbom says, "*regular."

"Hey! Who're you calling a gnome?" Asks the alarmed halfling Jibbom. He's seen where gnome adventurers get thrown on these things. He follows attic-ward, glowing quarterstaff lifted high to assist in visibility. Albrecht nods a bit and draws his sword as well, holding it at his side and waiting. He doesn't seem particularly perturbed by the idea of going up there, just cautious. He steps up behind, giving enough room to still maneuver, and waits.

The panel is a little too tough for Rotgut's thick fingers, but Ashlynn can easily pull it down. Indeed: stairs! And it leads up to darkness. Lots of darkness. Which means it's really good that Jibbom has a glowing stick! Woo!

The attic stretches over the whole house, and has a peaked ceiling. All around is that weird blue electrical charge that crackles through the air -- but at least the house is creaking less now. Along the walls are stacks of strangely shaped boxes, like they were square once but a sculptor came along and smudged them into new and exciting objects instead.

<OOC> Emir says, "Perception checks!" GAME: Savannah rolls perception: (10)+1: 11 GAME: Albrecht rolls perception: (10)+0: 10 GAME: Conrad rolls perception: (5)+4: 9 GAME: Ashlynn rolls perception: (20)+5: 25 GAME: Jibbom rolls perception: (20)+4: 24 [RPOne] Jibbom sees all! <OOC> Emir says, "Yeah...there's nothing here. (But Ashlynn and Jibbom might detect the faint sounds of sobbing from...somewhere ish?)"

You paged Whirlpool with 'http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/templates/missing-cr-3'

Jibbom peers around the creepy attic with some obvious worry, pointing his glowing staff this way and that to peer into various shadowy spots. "Huh. That's... creepy." He states the obvious. "Does anyone else hear that... crying sound?"

You paged Hilal with 'Okay so. As far as you know, you've been sent out to the Broken Plains to help this party retrieve a doll before the house gets ripped off this plane. The goal is to 1) find a series of "memory objects" to anchor the house along the leylines running through it, and then 2) to get the doll back. You've probably just arrived, and the whole party is presently in the attic. The house is absolutely teeming with magic, in the middle of a big magic-y storm.'

Savannah listens for a second before looking to Jibbom. "I don't hear anything, Jibbom. Can you find it?"

Ashlynn casts a look about in the gloom of the attic, frowning at the boxes as if they somehow personally offend her. Why can you not be normal, boxes? There's a silent nod at Jibbom, confirming he wasn't the only one to hear the phantom noise.

"We should inspect the... objects." Ashlynn suggests, pointing to indicate the twisted containers. She is NOT calling them boxes. THOSE are not boxes.

Albrecht tilts his head but shakes it "Crying? No.." He peers behind him and to the side, before holding his sword in his shield hand and reaching into a small pack at his side. "I've got a sunrod if we need more light." Conrad moves toward the boxes and starts to open them, regardless of what Ashlynn thinks of them! "We don't have much time. This house is coming apart. Help me search these boxes."

<OOC> Conrad says, "Opening boxes!" <OOC> Emir says, "Reflex save!" GAME: Conrad rolls reflex: (7)+4: 11

Conrad opens a box and OH GOD SOMETHING'S ATTACK-- oh it's a jack in the box. He sidesteps neatly.

"AUGH! WHAT?! GRR!" Conrad glares silently at the jack in the box, forcing his anger to tamp down. Child's toy. Nothing to be angry about...

Jibbom is distracted from the otherworldly sobbing by the little incident with the jack in the box. This makes him laugh. "Hey, c'mon, that was a classic gag! Lighten up." Yes, no cause for alarm here. He keeps the light positioned to help in the searching.

Arriving at the house, late as usual, Hilal is already kind of freaked out. Magic-y storms are things he's seen before, but not since his escape. Knowing the rest of the party is already inside, he walks through the door looking to catch up. Upon hearing Conrad's cries of alarm, he charges to the attic, sword drawn and roaring his battlecry of "RAAAAAAAARGH!"

Albrecht glances side to side, saying "Look, I've ransacked my fair share of houses. People don't keep things important to them in cr--

Anyway, seriously now. There doesn't seem to be much in the boxes of interest, except clothes, stuff, household things. Crap like that. There's a box of old children's toys, old clothes too. And now there's a scary guy running in with a sword!! AAA

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Agh. Cant type" <OOC> Emir's ability to type in flowery cohesive prose is slipping. SUFFER, MORTALS.

Albrecht glances side to side, saying "Look, I've ransacked my fair share of houses. People don't keep things important to them in cr--" he cuts off at the primal scream of whoever is coming up from behind, and finishes bounding up the steps before turning in a defensive stance.

<OOC> Emir says, "Albrecht, what's your touch AC?" <OOC> Albrecht says, "Shield does or does not count for that?" <OOC> Emir says, "Uhhhh does not." <OOC> Albrecht says, "12"

Whirlpool pages: It looks like that supercedes oevr invisiblity and replaces it. Whirlpool pages: The Missing template, I mean. GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+4: (6)+4: 10 GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+17: (9)+17: 26

Rotgut jumps in place when the Jack in the Box comes out, bumping up against the wall and knocking a few random items over. "Phew! It's EXCITING in here, isn't it?" he muses with a huge grin.

Rotgut blinks at the sound of charging, and steps to the side of the attic, unsheathing his Earthbreaker from his back. A big grin spreads across his face. "Batter up..." And right when whoever it is is about to appear, he swings!

Something brushes against Albrecht's leg, lightly. Easily missed in all the confusion, though, because yipe!

Screaming fellows with swords? Yes, that all seems normal for this sort of adventure. Jibbom just holds the light steady and waits to see what's about to happen.

Albrecht glances down and says "Hey, what was that.." just as all hell is about to break loose at the stairs, taking a step sideways and searching, while trying to still pay attention to what the oruch is about to hammer.

GAME: Rotgut rolls weapon2: (7)+5: 12

You paged Albrecht with 'How're you searching? Just by sight?'

Not one to be all talk and no work, Ashlynn follows Conrad's example, going through the... objects that are not at all boxes, or perhaps used to be boxes in a previous life.

That is, until the moment the Veyshanti comes charging in screaming. She's already very tense, and she spins about to face the threat (which isn't really a threat, at least to them... is it?), her bow finding way to her hands along with an arrow.

Thankfully, the scarred archer-woman is disciplined enough not to let it loose before she's sure what she's firing at, and Hilal is spared... at least when it comes to her.

Rotgut isn't as disciplined, unfortunately for Hilal. Fortunately though, his aim is off in this small attic, and his mighty maul swings wide over the Veyshanti's head, crunching into the wall of the attic instead. "Dang! Missed!" he grunts, wrenching his maul free and peering searchingly down at the new arrival.

Albrecht pages: I will be looking visually, checking atop and behind things - places that people put important things. Also occasionally pop a detect evil radar just for fun.

Conrad lowers his rifle slowly, "...This house, or the Vast itself, is messing with us. We need to find the remaining items." Resuming his search of the boxes, when that proves fruitless, Conrad heads downstairs...and heads into the first unsearched room on the left! Why? Because he's left-handed, that's why.

Hilal was on his game, kind of. Ducking under the Earthbreaker pre-emptively and whirling to face his Rotgut with shield raised and ready to defend....Then he realizes nobody else is attacking. "Oh. Uh...Hi."

You paged Whirlpool with 'Okay. Albrecht is using Detect Evil, and according to the table, because it's 6 HD, it puts off a faint aura. I'm assuming that as a Missing creature, then, it'll show the general area where she is, but not pinpoint its location precisely (i.e. the fact that it's a few feet to the side of where it appears to be)? So it's more like... a faint aura over the whole general 5-7 foot area?'

After realizing that the person charging up the stairs isn't a monster, the Althean swordsman checks the top of a battered old wardrobe, on his tip-toes, and says "Hey, I'm not so sure we're alone up here. There was.. Something. Keep alert."

Savannah blinks at all of the excitement as she comes up last. "Yeah....exciting." She glances to Jibbom.

<OOC> Emir says, "Conrad, you're gonna open the door?" GAME: Emir rolls 1d6: (3): 3 <OOC> Emir says, "Jibbom, touch AC?" GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+4: (17)+4: 21 <OOC> Jibbom says, "14." <OOC> Emir says, "Roll Will save!" <OOC> Conrad says, "Yup" <OOC> Emir thumbsup. From afar, Whirlpool grins. GAME: Jibbom rolls will: (3)+6: 9

Rotgut brings his hammer up to bear again, staring down Hilal... until that greeting, and the oruch just grins, dropping his maul to the floor and punching the Fighter hard in the shoulder. "Hey! You scared us! Whatcha runnin' around screamin' for?"

Conrad opens the door to the unexplored room and bravely ventures forth. Fear has no place in the Vast.

Sifting through boxes doesn't seem to find much, but there's also more important things: like a man charging up the stairs with a sword screaming. And an orc swinging a hammer. But thankfully no one comes to harm. That is, until Jibbom starts feeling like he's choking. No-- not choking. The air is being expelled from his lungs. Not even the air! /Something/! Something important. Something like...his voice.

Behind him is a little creature about his size, made of bones and rags, with a cracked porcelain fox face where a regular face should be. Forever expressing a cheerful rictus through the painted mask, the little creature's stooped figure and dirty nails seem to tell a different story. A chorus of echoes and giggles and sobs all emanate from the thing, like a thousand voices chattering at once -- and Jibbom's is one of them. It ducks back away, potentially provoking an attack.

Conrad, however, is off and away! Downstairs, where he opens the door, is...a jungle. Well, not precisely: it's still a room, but it seems that trees and ferns and plants have sprouted through the floor boards. Shapes of furniture pieces have been absorbed by the hanging vines, arranged around the edge around a circular rug that seems to be made entirely out of moss. The ceiling seems to be impossible to make out, as instead the trees just fade upwards into darkness. The room itself is pretty huge, though -- perhaps fifty feet across each side.

Children's toys have been woven into the tree trunks, or possibly just absorbed like the chairs in the living room. Fabric seems to drip from the branches with lace and glitter, more liquid than fabric at this point. Perhaps akin to a liquid latex. Tiny corked glass bottles hang from higher up, clinking in the nonexistent wind like windchimes.

The house creaks; blue lightning arcs along the corners of the room before dissipating again. The walls start to groan as the storm outside starts to pull at the structure again, making the whole house shudder and crunch. You paged Albrecht with 'You detect the faintest feeling, pinpricking the back of your neck. Evil?! Near Jibbom?? It must be that thing!!!'

<OOC> Emir says, "Jibbom, you are speechless. /Speechless/, I say."

Jibbom goes wide eyed, mouth opening like he's trying to say something. He flails his arms to try to get attention, but alas finds himself unable to conjure up a single sound as he gestures to his fellow adventurers. Whether this is a good thing or not remains to be seen.

<OOC> Emir says, "No one can enjoy the cut of your Jib anymore :(" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "Can we all see foxy at this point?" <OOC> Emir puns everyone to death. <OOC> Emir says, "Yes"

Albrecht rolls his neck as he feels something tingling back there, some sense. Turning his head, then fully he takes in the scene, groaning, "Oh hell no." His eyes flash and he is bolting forward across the attic.

Conrad huhs at the jungle. Certainly wasn't expecting that. Shouldering his rifle, Conrad whips out his Goblin Army Knife and starts to cut a path through the sudden jungle room, looking for untouched, or out-of-place items.

Hilal chuckles, rubbing his arm a bit from Rotgut's punch. "I heard somebody screami..." He's cut off by the lightning in the corners and turns, frowning and growling at the strange, multi-voiced creature. It's amazing how quick guys like him can get switched on again.

Rotgut is less quick to urgency, blinking a bit dumbly at Jibbom. And he peers at him...before grinning and flailing his own hand in the air. "Hah, we dancing? And who's your foxy friend? ... oh wait... is that an /enemy/??" He slowly reaches for his maul again, eyes wide.

Ashlynn lowers her trusty bow, returning the arrow to the quiver when Hilal speaks and proves himself, too, not a misshapen monster of the Broken Plains. "Careful." the archer tells Rotgut, just a pinch sternly - though her look is one of understanding. She thinks it's nerves that made him take the swing, rather than true conscious thought. She is probably dead wrong. Still, the bow remains in hand for a moment at Albrecht's warning, and Ashlynn glances about for whatever it is he's speaking of. "The twisted magic of this place fools the senses. We--" she begins, and is cut off as the fox-headed creature shows itself. "Back off, twisted creature." she says, in that unnervingly calm manner religious zealots can do ever so well, complete with the bow being snapped up once more to give the words some emphasis.

Jibbom looks at the fox-headed creature with a deep frown. Lacking words with which to express himself, he raises his hand and extends his middle finger, displaying it to the beast.

Savannah tilts her head quietly. "Jungle? Okay, this is getting weirder by the minute." She then pokes Jibbom. "you all right shorty?" She does catch a glimpse of the messed up fox, but shakes her head. Had to be another trick of the......and she sees Jibbom's gesture. "Okay. it's not fake."

<OOC> Emir says, "The jungle is downstairs, Jibbom is in the attic." <OOC> Emir says, "You can only see one thing XD" <OOC> Emir says, "Alright, anyone who is in the attic may +init!" GAME: Jibbom rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 9 GAME: Hilal rolls initiative: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 16 GAME: Ashlynn rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 24 GAME: Albrecht rolls initiative: Roll: 15 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 17 GAME: Rotgut rolls initiative: Roll: 19 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 21 GAME: Savannah rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 14 GAME: You roll initiative for AtticW: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 8 = Total: 14 <OOC> Emir says, "Ashlynn! You're up." <OOC> Emir says, "Whatcha gonna do?" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "I'm going to ready an action to turn poor foxy into a pincushion if it does anything even remotely hostile. :(" <OOC> Emir says, "Okay! Held action until hostile action from Foxy." <OOC> Emir says, "Rotgut!" <OOC> Rotgut says, "Bless!" <OOC> Emir says, "Cast it and pose it! Albrecht, you're up!" <OOC> Albrecht says, "How far am I to the thing?" <OOC> Rotgut says, "All allies within 50 feet and line of effect get +1 to attack and saves vs fear" <OOC> Emir says, "You were nearish the door, right?" <OOC> Emir says, "So probably a bout 30 feet away."

Rotgut narrows his eyes at the Fox thing, taking a step forward and craning his head to get a good look at it. He raises his maul up, showing the symbol of Angoron to the little creature, murmuring something in Orcish. "We gonna SMOOSH you..." he says with a grin.

<OOC> Albrecht says, "I was somewhere on the side of the room, had moved away from the entrance. OK, going to move up and attack." <OOC> Emir says, "Eh close enough. XD" GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d20+7: (10)+7: 17 <OOC> Emir says, "Roll me a d100, please!" GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d100: (58): 58 <OOC> Emir says, "It does not hit! But it's very close. And if I had been paying attention you actually wouldn't have had to roll a percentile this time since you missed but WE'RE ALL LEARNING HERE or at least I am <_< oop." <OOC> Emir says, "Pose it!" <OOC> Emir says, "Hilal! You're up." <OOC> Emir says, "Conrad go ahead and +init too." GAME: Conrad rolls initiative: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 7 <OOC> Conrad says, "Done."

Albrecht bolts forward, breaking his stride a couple of feet from the.. Thing.. and turns his lead foot sideways to slide along the dusty floor as he carries his sword in a wide, upward cut, but it shears just wide of it, and the paladin brings his shield up. "None of that nonsense, now," he says with a cool sternness.

<OOC> Hilal will close and attack. Yay! <OOC> Emir says, "roll!" GAME: Hilal rolls melee: (5)+5: 10 <OOC> Emir says, "miss!" <OOC> Hilal says, "The dice, they do not like me either." <OOC> Emir says, "The attic whisperer is turning and running away, provoking an attack of opportunity from Hilal and Albrecht!" GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d20+7: (9)+7: 16 <OOC> Emir says, "Miss!" <OOC> Emir kicks the dice.

Spurred on by the blessing of Angoron and Jibb's finger, Hilal joins in the assault. His sword swing comes falling down from the air, slamming into the attic floor. The extraordinarily sharp blade comes out easy enough, letting him ready it and his shield for the next part of this dance.

GAME: Hilal rolls melee: (10)+5: 15 <OOC> Emir says, "More miss :(" <OOC> Hilal says, "Miss"

Downstairs, Conrad starts cutting swathes through the jungle. Nothing piques his interest yet -- but a lot of scuffling upstairs does sound suspicious.

The little toy fox creature lets out a many-timbred shriek and turns, bolting toward the door, dodging swipes and scampering on all awkward fours, disappearing down the stairs.

<OOC> Emir says, "Savannah!" <OOC> Savannah says, "rapid shot, both at the whisperer." <OOC> Emir says, "It's out of your line of sight now." <OOC> Emir says, "It ran down the stairs." <OOC> Savannah says, "can I move to get it into my line of sight?" <OOC> Emir says, "Oh hold on a sec-- Rotgut is informing me of rules. Albrecht and Hilal might have hit!" <OOC> Emir says, "And if you want to sprint to catch up with it, you can, but you'll have to run about...50 feet to get it in sight again." <OOC> Albrecht must afk for just one min <OOC> Emir says, "Okay yes, both Albrecht and Hilal hit -- roll a percentile each" <OOC> Emir thumbs up at Albrecht. GAME: Hilal rolls percentile: (3)+percentile: 3 <OOC> Hilal says, "-.-" <OOC> Emir says, "+roll 1d100" GAME: Hilal rolls 1d100: (73): 73 <OOC> Savannah says, "I'll move about 30 feet then. It's all I really need." <OOC> Emir says, "There we go. XD" <OOC> Emir says, "You won't be able to shoot this turn if you only move 30 feet." <OOC> Emir says, "Hilal, roll for damage!" <OOC> Savannah says, "That's fine." <OOC> Emir thumbsup. <OOC> Savannah poses. GAME: Hilal rolls damage: (13)+damage: 13 <OOC> Hilal says, "Gah. I know I did that wrong."

Hearing a bit of a commotion, Savannah moves away from the stairs, and heads in the direction of where she last saw the fox thing. However, she doesn't sprint, so she still doesn't see it yet.

<OOC> Emir says, "+csheet -- You can pick your rolled damage from there." GAME: Hilal rolls 1d8+3: (3)+3: 6 <OOC> Hilal says, "Oh. I was doing my attack bonus wrong to, haha. Ah well. Now I know better." <OOC> Emir says, "Yay! You damage it." <OOC> Emir XD <OOC> Emir reposes a little. Meanwhile, Jibbom! <OOC> Jibbom says, "Gonna run after the voice-stealing monstrosity. Can I get it in sight with a move action?" <OOC> Albrecht says, "Back, sorry bout that" <OOC> Emir says, "No problem, roll a d100 Al :D" GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d100: (29): 29 <OOC> Emir says, "It'll take about 55 feet to get in sight of it, as it sprinted like hell out of here." <OOC> Emir says, "Oop, miss."

The little toy fox creature lets out a many-timbred shriek and turns, bolting toward the door, only to get whomped on by Hilal. It goes scrambling and scampering on all awkward fours, disappearing down the stairs with a horrid wail.

<OOC> Jibbom says, "Okay then. Going to use all my actions to chase after it and gesture rudely, getting as close as I can." <OOC> Emir laughs! <OOC> Emir says, "You can either run at triple speed, or sprint at quadruple and lose your Dex bonus to AC." <OOC> Jibbom will go with triple speed. That moves him 60 feet closer. <OOC> Emir is being told it's actually double move or quadruple move, not triple move. :|a <OOC> Emir (is still flailing at the rules, sorry XD)

Jibbom switches from the single to the double deuce, raising both middle fingers proudly as he scowls and gives chase to the horrible fox-headed voice thief, moving as fast as his stubby little legs will carry him.

<OOC> Albrecht says, "Triple move is for heavy armor people who get triple instead of quadruple when running." <OOC> Jibbom shall have to go with quadruple and move 80 feet, then. <OOC> Emir says, "Ooohhh, gotcha. Okay, Jib!" <OOC> Emir says, "Awesome, you run down the stairs and into the living room, where the creature is bolting in the direction of the table, double-deucing all the way." <OOC> Emir says, "Conrad!" <OOC> Conrad says, "Do I see or hear the fox creature?" <OOC> Emir says, "If you're inside the jungle, you don't see it, but you do hear a weird, distant screamy sound, and lots of thumping." <OOC> Conrad says, "I continue to cut through the jungle. I has a Survival." <OOC> Emir XD XD

You paged Whirlpool with 'Oh lawd. I was hoping he would turn around. That's where the dweomer cub is. :| Do I inflict it on him?' From afar, Whirlpool returns. Yeah. I mean, why not? XD Whirlpool pages: Are you concerned about killing him? XD Long distance to Whirlpool: Emir is a little bit! But that's because I'm totally a pansy about actually hurting players. XD Whirlpool pages: Don't be. How much damage is he looking at taking from it? You paged Whirlpool with 'Depends on if I go with the cat or the cub :|a' Whirlpool pages: Oh right. xD You paged Whirlpool with 'Cat is 2d4+4 on a pounce, or 1d6+2 on a bite; cub is 2d2 on a pounce, 1d3-1 on a bite.' Whirlpool pages: They can handle the cat, damage wise. Whirlpool pages: YOu've got enough players who can do enough damage. You paged Whirlpool with 'Okay, cool. I'll do the cat then. <.<'

<OOC> Emir says, "Roll me perception." GAME: Conrad rolls perception: (2)+4: 6 <OOC> Emir says, "Meanwhile, Ash! Your turn." <OOC> Emir says, "IT IS A JUNGLE hack hack slash" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "Double-move action for up to 60 feet of movement following Foxy (I don't actually wanna go give it a hug, so will stop when it's in sight or when movement runs out) and shout a warning to Brick, who probably isn't aware there's like... a thing. :("

Conrad mutters to himself, "This is no time for sexual excursions, damn it. We're on a quest, in a house, about to be sucked into Daeus knows what, and they're having sex. If I survive this, I'm quitting." Hack hack hack!

<OOC> Emir says, "Cool! Pose it! You run out for 60 feet and get to the mouth of the living room. And alert Brick." <OOC> Emir says, "ROT" <OOC> Rotgut says, "Yeah, kinky. A SCREAM OF BATTLE and Rotgut will practically throw himself down the stairs, knocking over anyone in his way." <OOC> Emir says, "Double or Quadruple move?" <OOC> Rotgut says, "Running, so quad." <OOC> Emir says, "Woot! You run into the living room!" <OOC> Emir says, "Al! You're up." <OOC> Albrecht says, "Booking it out the attic to give chase as well. Quad, trying to get as close-quarters as possible."

Ashlynn, still frowning up a storm to rival the magical energy vortex outside, gives an agitated exhale as Jibbom, clearly unwell, runs after the fox-headed thing. She follows in his tiny footsteps, though her own are more careful and measured - and then proves she has a good set of lungs in spite of her usual serene tones with a: "BRICK, A CREATURE IS LOOSE IN THE HOUSE! WATCH YOURSELF!" Well, clear enough. At least now it cannot blindside him.

<OOC> Emir says, "Okay! Albrecht, you manage to get neck and neck with Jibbom as you chase the critter toward the table." <OOC> Emir says, "Hilal!"

Albrecht grunts and does a pivot turn on his heel as both slashes go amiss, and he steadies himself on the rim of his shield and takes off at a sprint back out, after everyone else, taking the last several steps at a bound to pull even with the silent sorcerer.

<OOC> Hilal will also take off with errybodeh else. Silly silent sorcerers succinctly get squashed. <OOC> Albrecht says, "Silent sorcerers pursuing scurrilous simulacrae."

Hilal is hot on everybody's heels, only stutter-stepping to let Albrecht, who'd already started moving, get ahead.

<OOC> Emir says, "You catch up right behind Al and Jibbom!" <OOC> Emir says, "Foxy darts under the table and disappears behind the tablecloth!" <OOC> Albrecht says, "Hulk out and flip the table like it's vegas and the cards don't love you!" <OOC> Whirlpool says, "D:" <OOC> Jibbom applauds. <OOC> Emir dies! <OOC> Emir says, "Savannah, you're up!" <OOC> Hilal chuckles. <OOC> Hilal was planning on doing just that, actually. <OOC> Savannah snickers. "I doubt I can shoot at it if it ducked under the table, right?" <OOC> Emir says, "You can sure try. It gets some pretty significant concealment, but you've got a 50/50 shot of hitting it"

The little creature dashes as hard and fast as she can, jumping under the table and vanishing behind the tablecloth. Brick, meanwhile, pokes his head out of the kitchen. "There's a what?!" he yelps.

<OOC> Hilal says, "Just wait for the tableflip." <OOC> Emir XD XD <OOC> Savannah says, "Well....I can.........Or I can hit the sucker with a magic missile." <OOC> Emir says, "You can do that. XD" <OOC> Savannah says, "Ding." GAME: Savannah rolls 1d4+1: (4)+1: 5 <OOC> Emir says, "Boop! You hit." GAME: Savannah casts Magic Missile. <OOC> Emir says, "Jib!" <OOC> Jibbom says, "How big/tall is this table?" <OOC> Emir says, "How tall are you?" <OOC> Jibbom says, "Three feet." <OOC> Jibbom says, "Small size, in game terms." <OOC> Emir says, "The table surface is about four inches higher than you, most of that made up of the thickness of the wood. /euphemism" <OOC> Emir could not think of a less entendre way to say that so <OOC> Emir says, "<.<"

What the Fox thing forgot is that there are TWO sorcerers here. Savannah slows down as it dashes under the table, so she puts her arrows in her left hand, snaps her fingers, mutter a word or two and throws a blue ball at the fox thing, hitting it pretty hard for the spells.

<OOC> Jibbom wants to run under the table and shoot the critter with Divine Fire. <OOC> Jibbom says, "Which is a ranged touch attack that only deals damage to evil creatures." <OOC> Emir is getting rules hold on <OOC> Jibbom says, "The effect is described in the rules for celestial bloodline sorcerers." <OOC> Emir is determining what's up with the critter <OOC> Emir says, "As you run under the table, you find that the thing is gone! Poof. But you may make a guess and shoot anyway if you want!" <OOC> Jibbom hrms. Well, since Divine Fire can't accidentally hurt non-evil people, I suppose I will. <OOC> Emir says, "Roll me a percentile." GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d100: (80): 80 <OOC> Emir says, "Hits!" GAME: Jibbom rolls ranged: (20)+5: 25 <OOC> Emir says, "Also hits!" <OOC> Jibbom says, "Oooh! Can this thing be critted?" <OOC> Emir says, "Pretty sure! Let me check" <OOC> Emir says, "Yeah :D" <OOC> Jibbom rolls to confirm. GAME: Jibbom rolls ranged: (20)+5: 25 <OOC> Jibbom says, "Awesome." <OOC> Emir says, "O_O" <OOC> Emir says, "Dayumn son" GAME: Jibbom rolls 2d4+2: (7)+2: 9 <OOC> Emir says, "Woo!!" <OOC> Albrecht says, "Hot diggity dog." <OOC> Jibbom says, "Take that, voice-stealer!"

From the bushes around Conrad is a low, threatening growl... But from which direction?

<OOC> Emir says, "Conrad, you're up!"

Jibbom dashes under the table with the same scowl on his face. He fails to spot his quarry, but that doesn't stop the Jibbom! With an angry frown, he points both extended middle fingers in the direction he guesses his opponent may be. Each fires out an incredibly bright shower of pure holy light that burns and sears away evil with intense power.

... Coming out of a halfling's middle fingers.

<OOC> Conrad says, "Slowly moving backwards while keeping my rifle up. I make a perception check." GAME: You roll initiative for Dweomercat: Roll: 4 + Bonus: 10 = Total: 14 <OOC> Emir says, "Roll it!" GAME: Conrad rolls perception: (2)+4: 6 <OOC> Conrad says, "Really, dice?" <OOC> Emir says, ">:I" <OOC> Rotgut says, "Jibbom took all the 20s."

Conrad stops immediately...and carefully unshouders his rifle. "All right... Just you and me. No fornicating paladins or halflings. No earthbreakers. No screaming swordsmen. Just you. And me. Hunting." Conrad smiles slowly, bringing his rifle close to sight down the barrel. His voice is soft, warm. Perhaps even seductive as he addresses the greenery around him, "Let dance, shall we?"

<OOC> Emir says, "Okay, Ashlynn!" <OOC> Emir says, "You're up!" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "I can't presently see Foxy at all?" <OOC> Emir says, "You can't, but you have a general idea of its general spot behind the cloth, from where it was shrieking when Jibbom burned it with The Bird." <OOC> Ashlynn says, "Hm. If there's little to no risk of hitting Jibbom with the current positioning, I'll take the shot. Otherwise, though, I'll delay. Ash isn't a risktaker when it comes to putting arrows in allies. :(" <OOC> Emir says, "There's definitely a risk of hitting Jibbom, I'd think. So delay until you speak up or until it's your round again next turn?" <OOC> Emir says, "Rotgut!" <OOC> Rotgut says, "I pick up the table." <OOC> Emir dies XD XD <OOC> Emir says, "Strength check!" GAME: Rotgut rolls strength: (7)+3: 10 <OOC> Ashlynn says, "Delay's not trigger-specific. In general, I'd like to stop this delay if the situation changes or if the thingie makes a hostile thing." <OOC> Emir says, "You manage to lift it a little, but you can't heft it above your head." <OOC> Emir says, "It's pretty heavy." <OOC> Rotgut says, "Saved for next time!" <OOC> Emir nodnods at Ash. <OOC> Emir says, "Albrecht!" <OOC> Albrecht says, "With it lifted as it is, can I see under?" <OOC> Albrecht says, "Also how close am I?" <OOC> Emir says, "He could only lift it a couple inches, so not yet. You're about 20 feet away ish." <OOC> Albrecht says, "Megaman slide-tackle smite evil, sword out." <OOC> Hilal says, "Whoa..." <OOC> Hilal says, "That's awesome."

Rotgut trudges out into the living room, in time to see Jibbom dart under the cloth. "What, are we playing hide and go seek now?? Well..." Shouldering his maul, he grabs one side of the table, gripping it and planting his feet. "I FOUND YOU!!" And he LIFTS! ... or tries to.

"I cannot loose an arrow with allies beneath the cloth as well as the creature!" Ashlynn calls into the frenzy that is happening about the table. It's statement of fact, truly - the arrow to be loosed is already ready, but the woman simply will not take the risk of embedding it in an ally.

<OOC> Emir snrk! Okay...I'm not going to make you roll acrobatics because I like what I see. XD So roll a percentile to see if you get a chance to hit! <OOC> Hilal says, "<3s you Emir." GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d100: (19): 19 <OOC> Emir says, "Noooooo, you miss :( But you're under there having a tea party now!" <OOC> Emir says, "Not literally but you could be." <OOC> Emir also <3 back. :D <OOC> Emir says, "Hilal!" <OOC> Hilal is gonna bullrush the table.

As Rotgut begins to hoist the table, the Althean paladin lifts his sword vertically in front of his face and closes his eyes for just a moment and when he opens them, they have a soft blue glow about him, and a similar cast trails after his blade as he takes a running slide, leg first and sword extended toward the bone doll, but something is off as the point doesn't connect.

<OOC> Emir says, "Oh! Albrecht! You also can see a haze of Evil under the table in the general vicinity of where it probably is, but it's not enough to help you pinpoint its exact location between two squares. But it's helpful!" <OOC> Emir looks up bullrush real fast! <OOC> Albrecht says, "Good deal." <OOC> Emir says, "Okay! You're going to bullrush the table. XD In an attempt to send it flying, I would imagine? Make your CMB roll!" <OOC> Hilal says, "Well. To push it, at least. Not send it flying." <OOC> Emir says, "Push it, gotcha. XD" <OOC> Hilal says, "So I just hit up +roll CMB?" <OOC> Emir says, "Yep!" GAME: Hilal rolls CMB: (9)+5: 14 <OOC> Emir says, "Seeing as it's a table, I don't think it has much of a CMD. c_c" <OOC> Emir says, "So you Bullrush it!" <OOC> Jibbom says, "It could be a particularly wily table." <OOC> Albrecht says, "Tables have four legs, he only has two!" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "In a house like this... :(" <OOC> Emir says, ".... Fair enough XD" <OOC> Emir says, "But you bull rush it!" <OOC> Emir says, "It does not dodge, despite partial expecations to the contrario." <OOC> Emir says, "... contrario?" <OOC> Emir says, "Contrary." <OOC> Hilal says, "Actually...It has 2. The Oruch's got the other two up." <OOC> Emir says, "True!" <OOC> Albrecht says, "Haha, negates the quadruped's massive advantage! Teamwork!" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "I like contrario. :( Does this in any way change the positioning/visibility situation?" <OOC> Hilal is looking up Bull Rush, one second... <OOC> Hilal must note that it gets a ToO on me. <OOC> Emir says, "With Rotgut holding up the table, Hilal is able to send it flipping over onto its top a few feet away with a resounding crash. The wailing and sobbing and screaming of the creature turns to anger, and it lashes out at Hilal!" <OOC> Emir will answer visibility question in a sec! <OOC> Hilal says, "Damn!" <OOC> Hilal says, "Ok. Finally posing." GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+9: (19)+9: 28 <OOC> Emir says, "Holy cow. Okay, Hilal, you got bit. Roll Will save."

Hilal gets to RARGH-ing again as he lowers his posture, running full tilt to the table with his shield pressed against his shoulder. He manages to get low enough to get his form underneath where Rotgut has lifted the table. He then smashes upwards, sending the table end over end a few feet away. Hilal - 1, Table - 0. GAME: Emir rolls 1d4-1: (1)+-1: 0 GAME: Hilal rolls will: (17)+1: 18 <OOC> Emir says, "And you take zero damage. XD And you make your save!" <OOC> Emir says, "You feel a tug on your lungs, but then it dissipates." <OOC> Emir says, "OKAY ASHLYNN" <OOC> Emir says, "You can see it!" <OOC> Emir says, "Fire at will, and roll me a percentile first if you do so!" Jibbom pages: I'm not certain about Pathfinder, but in 3.5 I think you took a minimum 1 damage from successful hits, even when they had negative modifiers for damage. You paged Jibbom with 'Oh yeah? Lemme look!' <OOC> Emir says, "Oh you might take one damage. Hold up." <OOC> Ashlynn says, "I will most happily do so. If there's someone in the way of the shot, I'd like to move where there isn't, and fire once with DA. If I have a clear shot, I'll fire twice with Rapid Shot and DA. Just lemme know which!" <OOC> Emir says, "(Thanks for your patience, y'all.)" <OOC> Emir says, "What's your move again?" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "By 'in the way of the shot', I mean standing anywhere in the line from me to the critter. And I move 30 ft." <OOC> Emir says, "And you double-moved earlier, so you're nearer to the entrance of the room. Hilal's bull-rushed the table, Jibbom's beside the fox critter in a party with Albrecht...I'd say you have to move to get a clear shot." <OOC> Emir says, "As everyone's pretty wedged in there. Rotgut too. IT'S A PARTY" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "I'll happily do a move for a clear shot, then, and fire once!" <OOC> Emir says, "Okay! Fire at will! Or at fox, you know." <OOC> Emir says, "Whichever." GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d100: (79): 79 <OOC> Emir says, "You make it!" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "Poor fox, nobody likes him. :(" <OOC> Emir says, "Poor little foxling :(" <OOC> Jibbom says, "He's a dirty voice-stealer!" GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+3+4+1+1+1-1: (7)+3+4+1+1+1+-1: 16 <OOC> Ashlynn says, "I fail at dice. :(" <OOC> Emir says, "Yooooou don't hit, sorry :(" <OOC> Albrecht says, "He also seems to be made of the bones and voices of children, so, you know, little creepy." <OOC> Emir says, "But you also don't hit an ally!" <OOC> Emir says, "Okay, back in the jungle, a giant swirly blue cat, with long tufted ears, four eyes, and scythe-like purple claws leaps out of the surrounding foliage from Conrad's side!" <OOC> Emir looks stuff up... <OOC> Jibbom says, "Does it have a Cheshire smile and speak in rhyme?" <OOC> Emir says, "Okay! It pounces." <OOC> Emir says, "I don't know, does it? >8| HAVE YOU ASKED IT." GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (6)+16: 22 GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (9)+16: 25 GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+16: (13)+16: 29 <OOC> Emir says, "And hits with all three." GAME: Emir rolls 1d4+2: (2)+2: 4 GAME: Emir rolls 1d4+2: (1)+2: 3 GAME: Emir rolls 1d6+2: (4)+2: 6

Striding purposefully, huge strides taken to quickly clear distance, Ashlynn moves from where the gaggle of people is blocking her sight. An arrow is retrieved as she moves, nocked, and once she stops, she lifts the bow. "If you have a soul, may it return to the Light." she tells the creature before loosing the arrow. The projectile screams through the magic-charged air... ... and rather unimpressively ends its journey in the overturned table. THUNK.

GAME: Emir damaged Conrad for 13 points. 6 remaining. <OOC> Emir says, "<.< It's not a happy kitty." <OOC> Emir says, "Attic whisperer turns and bites Al!" GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+9: (8)+9: 17 <OOC> Emir says, "She misses!" <OOC> Emir says, "Now fooor...Savannah!" <OOC> Savannah says, "can I see it?" <OOC> Emir says, "You can see the foxy thing yes." <OOC> Savannah says, "Rapid shot then." <OOC> Emir says, "Roll a percentile!" GAME: Savannah rolls 1d100: (19): 19 <OOC> Savannah says, "bleh" <OOC> Emir says, "Roll attack anywho." GAME: Savannah rolls weapon5-1: (1)+8+-1: 8 GAME: Savannah rolls wepaon5-1: (17)+wepaon5+-1: 16 <OOC> Emir says, "Reroll second one due to typo. XD" GAME: Savannah rolls weapon5-1: (12)+8+-1: 19 <OOC> Emir says, "There we go. First one goes wide. Way wide. Second one shoots /through/ the Attic Whisperer into the floor beyond." <OOC> Savannah says, "K." <OOC> Savannah poses. <OOC> Emir says, "Jibs!" <OOC> Jibbom is gonna attempt to continue flipping the monster off into oblivion. More divine fire. <OOC> Emir says, "Go for it! Percentile~" GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d100: (35): 35

Savannah stepps up and tries her luck with her bow. The first one just flips out of her hand as she lets the string go, the second one goes through the fox thing and makes Savannah grumble. "Well....Looks like I know what I'm using now."

<OOC> Emir says, "Ooh, miss :c" <OOC> Jibbom poses! <OOC> Emir says, "Conrad!"

Jibbom is not the least bit happy about having his voice stolen. How is he supposed to continue with his witty jests and japes without a voice? Until it returns to him, all he can do is scowl and mindlessly fire off rays of pure divine light, which seem noticeably less effective and accurate this time.

<OOC> Conrad says, "Five foot step away, Run action out of the jungle and down the hall." <OOC> Albrecht says, "Conrad got Jumanji'd."

The foliage in the jungle rustles, and from far beyond, a big blue cat leaps out and onto Conrad with a vicious shrieking growl that resonates through his whole body. The other thing that resonates through his whole body is the thing's claws and teeth, that absolutely maul the hunter.

Meanwhile, the foxy critter shrieks and tries to bite Albrecht, but even though her teeth clamp onto flesh, she's just not able to get a good hold, despite her shrieking growls.

<OOC> Emir says, "Running is a full round action." <OOC> Conrad says, "Double move, then." <OOC> Emir says, "Hold on a sec, getting rules--" <OOC> Emir says, "So you can make a withdraw action, and double-move." <OOC> Emir says, "Which is basically, double-move, wherein the first step is a five-foot step that doesn't provoke AoO." <OOC> Emir says, "So you can do that!" <OOC> Emir says, "Okay, top of the round! Ashlynn!"

Conrad was slowly moving backwards, eyeing the foliage in front of him when suddenly the cat appears out of nowhere beside him. Conrad's eyes immediately track right, and he barely has time to comment, "...Clever girl." before being tackled and mauled!

Blood and bits of cloth go flying until Conrad, pushed back against a tree, manages to kick the cat in the face and stumble away. Briefly free from the rending claws, Conrad takes off in an all-out sprint toward the doorway back to the hall. He knows when he's outclassed, and he's clearly revealed himself to be the prey.

<OOC> Ashlynn says, "I'd delayed, which modifies my turn in the order. I play after Hilal, I think. :)" <OOC> Emir says, "Oh right." <OOC> Emir rifles with things. ROTGUT GAME: Ashlynn's inititave total changed to '15'. <OOC> Rotgut says, "I'll put that fox under a table, then take that fox OUT from under a table, and then I'LL MAIL it to myself, and when it arrives... I'LL SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER!!" <OOC> Albrecht says, "Fly around the world to meet it and hop a cab to intercept the mail truck." <OOC> Hilal says, "Rot. Table's gone." <OOC> Emir XD XD <OOC> Emir says, "Oh I get it okay" <OOC> Rotgut says, "Just the last part, then." <OOC> Emir says, "Yes you can hit it XD" <OOC> Emir says, "Percentile!" GAME: Rotgut rolls weapon2+1: (19)+5+1: 25 GAME: Rotgut rolls 1d100: (60): 60 <OOC> Emir says, "Now see if it actually hits" <OOC> Emir says, "It does!" <OOC> Rotgut gasps! GAME: Rotgut rolls 2d6+4: (10)+4: 14 <OOC> Emir says, "Now that you guys are able to watch it without it disappearing, you're starting to notice it's not exactly in the space it looks like it's in. Usually when you hit it, you're swinging pretty wide." <OOC> Emir says, "Also it's looking pretty beat up and sad now." <OOC> Emir says, "GOOD GOING GUYS." <OOC> Emir says, "Albrecht!" <OOC> Albrecht says, "Going to full attack, sword and shield bash" <OOC> Emir says, "DO EET" <OOC> Albrecht says, "Still percentiles?" <OOC> Emir says, "Da. Though apparently I'm supposed to make you roll attack first." <OOC> Emir is catching on, I swears! <OOC> Albrecht says, "OK, sword attack, then shield" GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d20+8: (10)+8: 18 GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d20+8: (16)+8: 24 <OOC> Emir says, "Does not hit, does hit!" GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d100: (12): 12 <OOC> Emir says, "Does not hit :( damn!" <OOC> Emir says, "The percentiles are mean to you." <OOC> Albrecht says, "I have contributed absolutely nothing to this adventure. Thanks percentile dice :P" <OOC> Emir says, "You totally did an awesome slide. It was worth it." <OOC> Hilal says, "Also, you have hit it with your shield." <OOC> Emir says, "You hit it! Except you don't. Freaking weird thing." <OOC> Emir says, "Hilal!"

Albrecht rises as the table is flipped, his eyes sad as he looks down at the thing, and as the blue glow trails his shield as it passes just through the thing, he speaks quietly, "Telmentar take you to her, and know peace."

GAME: Hilal rolls 1d20+7: (7)+7: 14 <OOC> Hilal does believe that's a miss. <OOC> Emir says, "Miss :(" <OOC> Emir says, "Ashlynn!" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "I go all turret pewpew now that I won't put arrows in anyone's butt (except maybe my own on a 1, but hey). Rapid Shot + DA on poor Foxy." <OOC> Ashlynn says, "A toy that is clearly not loved enough. All it wanted was a cuddle. :(" <OOC> Emir says, "Shoot it ded!" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "Oh, am I within 30 feet of it, by any chance?" <OOC> Emir says, "Uhhh...You're somewhere between 30 and 40 feet away, I'd imagine." <OOC> Emir says, "Unless you moved closer when you moved to get a clear shot." <OOC> Emir says, "PS Pathfinder without maps is confusion time." <OOC> Ashlynn says, "If I had the choice to move to 30, I would, because it's beneficial for me. :D" <OOC> Emir says, "Okay, I'll say you did."

Hilal takes a step back to avoid hitting Albrecht as he stands up. He's thrown off, though, the way the thing shimmers and shakes confusing his little sword-swinger mind.

<OOC> Emir says, "In your ambiguous last-round move action." <OOC> Ashlynn says, "Okay then! Pewpew rolls:" GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+3+4+1+1+1+1-2-1: (7)+3+4+1+1+1+1+-2+-1: 15 GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+3+4+1+1+1+1-2-1: (2)+3+4+1+1+1+1+-2+-1: 10 <OOC> Emir :( <OOC> Ashlynn says, "Wow, dice." <OOC> Emir says, "MEESS" <OOC> Ashlynn MEESES. <OOC> Ashlynn says, "And now I'm stuck thinking of that cartoon." <OOC> Emir sads. OKAY. Cat runs after Conrad, but doesn't get a chance to pounce. But he's right behind! <OOC> Emir says, "Foxy shimmers and bits Hilal for attacking her." GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+9: (19)+9: 28 <OOC> Emir says, "Snaps. Roll Will!" <OOC> Hilal says, "Ooooh. She got me again." GAME: Emir rolls 1d4-1: (4)+-1: 3 GAME: Hilal rolls will: (12)+1: 13 GAME: Emir damaged Hilal for 3 points. 20 remaining. <OOC> Emir says, "You fail your save! You feel your lungs compress and you start to fade. You feel Fatigued." <OOC> Emir says, "-2 to Str and Dex until it wears off, and you can't run or charge."

For a trained archer, Ashlynn sure is embarassing herself when it comes to actually hitting this foe. Though her hands move lightning-fast to load and fire the arrows, the projectiles aren't going anywhere useful. One clatters on the floor and snaps in half from the impact, and the other fails to even fly straight, spinning off to the side and ending up somewhere behind a half-melted couch, company for what may just be the world's most bizarre dust bunnies.

<OOC> Emir says, "Savannah!" <OOC> Savannah says, "Magic missile" <OOC> Emir says, "Do eet!" GAME: Savannah rolls 1d4+1: (2)+1: 3 <OOC> Savannah says, "Still up I imagine." <OOC> Emir says, "Bam! Its bones are starting to crack and shatter under all this. It's starting to crumple but it's not down yet." <OOC> Savannah says, "Cool." <OOC> Emir says, "Jib!" <OOC> Jibbom says, "Another dose of the divine fire for mister voice-stealer." <OOC> Emir says, "Do eet!" GAME: Jibbom rolls ranged: (8)+5: 13 <OOC> Jibbom says, "That's a touch attack." <OOC> Emir says, "Oo, misses :c" <OOC> Jibbom fingersnaps. <OOC> Emir says, "Conrad!" <OOC> Emir says, "Lemme finish this pose here for you."

Savannah, unlike Ashlynn, has a bit of a backup plan, thanks to her Sorceress training. She snaps her fingers and tosses another blue bolt at the fox thing. It looks pretty worn out.

That's what happens when you get hit with blue balls.

<OOC> Conrad says, "Run action, to the group!" <OOC> Savannah says, "Jibbom made me say it." <OOC> Emir says, "Do it! Rotgut!" <OOC> Emir laughs!

The cat screams in anger when its quarry runs, and it runs after, skidding through the room, and out the door, after the fleeing Conrad. But when it sees what's going on in the living room, the thing raises unholy hell, shrieking like a demon.

The fox critter panics as Hilal takes a swing, and lashes out to bite the man, sucking the air from his lungs. This time the actual air, not his voice. The scowling halfling keeps one middle finger pointed steadily at the bony little speech thief. Sadly, his rage has more power than accuracy, and the beam of divine light flies ineffectively into the wall.

<OOC> Jibbom takes the blame. <OOC> Emir says, "PS, if you're curious: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v358/nanya/dweomercat.jpg" <OOC> Hilal says, "That was way less cute than I imagined it."

Conrad explodes out into the hallway and pushes off the wall to make a mad dash down the length of the house, toward where the party is playing with a fox-faced spirit. "Incoming! INCOMING!" He's got multiple lacerations across his chest and stomach, and it's a miracle he wasn't disemboweled outright. The jungle cat with four eyes is right on his heels as well!

<OOC> Emir says, "Just a little." <OOC> Emir says, "RUN, FORREST, RUN" <OOC> Rotgut says, "Put myself between Conrad and the jungle cat, and do a Happy Gilmore at its face" <OOC> Rotgut says, "Which I guess would be a charge!" <OOC> Emir says, "Okay! XD" <OOC> Emir says, "Uhhh" <OOC> Emir thinks about layout. <OOC> Emir says, "I thiiiiink you can do a straight-line, with Conrad's continued move. Yeah." <OOC> Emir says, "Yeah you can do a charge." <OOC> Rotgut says, "Sweeet" <OOC> Emir says, "Yeah! Roll ti!" <OOC> Emir says, "it" GAME: Rotgut rolls weapon2+1+2: (16)+5+1+2: 24 <OOC> Emir says, "HITS" GAME: Rotgut rolls 2d6+4: (6)+4: 10 <OOC> Emir says, "Woo!" <OOC> Rotgut says, "Phew!" <OOC> Albrecht says, "It is also a displacer beast! Roll! :D" <OOC> Emir says, "Okay! Albrecht!" <OOC> Albrecht says, "Can I get to Conrad in a single move?"

When Conrad charges in, Rotgut's head whirls around... and his jaw drops when he sees the...THING charging in! His face quickly turns into a BIIIIG grin and he bellows out, "KITTY!" befoer charging at it, hop-skipping before swinging his maul like a 9-iron up under the cat's chin. "PETS FOR KITTY!"

<OOC> Emir says, "Yoooou can yes" <OOC> Emir dies forever at PETS FOR KITTY <OOC> Albrecht says, "Going to book it to Conrad and use Lay On Hands. I'll eat the AoO if the whisperer takes it." <OOC> Emir says, "The whisperer will take it!" GAME: Emir rolls 1d20+9: (16)+9: 25 <OOC> Emir says, "Does that hit?" <OOC> Albrecht says, "Yyyyeah." <OOC> Hilal chuckles. GAME: Emir rolls 1d4-1: (2)+-1: 1 <OOC> Emir says, "Roll Will!" GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d20+will: (19)+6: 25 <OOC> Emir says, "YOU MAKE IT" <OOC> Albrecht says, "NONE OF YOUR NONSENSE." <OOC> Emir says, "HOORAY" <OOC> Emir is super glad because I want you to be able to run to Conrad. D: GAME: Albrecht rolls 1d6: (6): 6 <OOC> Emir says, "Or make it to him anyway" <OOC> Albrecht says, "BAM." GAME: Emir damaged Conrad for -6 points. 12 remaining. <OOC> Conrad says, "Yay!" <OOC> Emir says, "Aw yiss!" <OOC> Emir cheers! <OOC> Emir says, "Hilal!" <OOC> Hilal will totes take a swing at Foxy. <OOC> Ashlynn says, "Damn it, Emir, has Whirl taught you naught? You can't cheer for us!! ... well, you can. And should. Just really quietly. :(" GAME: Hilal rolls 1d20+5: (6)+5: 11 <OOC> Emir has to cheer because this is my first time playing without kid gloves and I AM MADE OF GUILT. <OOC> Emir says, "Not actual guilt" <OOC> Emir says, "But y'know" <OOC> Hilal says, "Swinging a sword is hard, you guys. Stop laughing." <OOC> Emir snrk! <OOC> Emir says, "Ashlynn!" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "I continue my fight against dice. And Foxy. With another Rapid Shot/DA combo on it! The kitteh seems well-handled for now."

Albrecht sees the Angorite move to engage the catbeastthing, and sees the severely wounded Conrad dashing toward the rest of the party. Murmuring "Farewell," to the attic whisperer, he turns his back, recieving a bite for it, but seems to care not as he dashes toward his fleeing comrade and moves his shield arm wide to show his hand beginning to glow with a soothing blue radiance as he plants it on the rifleman's chest, and wounds begin to knit by the divine will of Althea.

GAME: Emir damaged Albrecht for 1 points. 20 remaining. <OOC> Emir says, "Roll it, Ash!" GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+3+4+1+1+1+1-2-1: (1)+3+4+1+1+1+1+-2+-1: 9 GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+3+4+1+1+1+1-2-1: (15)+3+4+1+1+1+1+-2+-1: 23 <OOC> Emir says, "Percentile on the second!" GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d100: (76): 76 <OOC> Emir says, "You make it on the second one. Roll again to confirm or deny your critical fumble."

Suddenly Hilal feels terrible, unable to catch his breath. His eyes go wide with the suddenness of it. And speaking of things that go wide, so does the swing of his sword. The shimmering blade slings through the air, just over his freaky opponent. <OOC> Ashlynn says, "Hokay." GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d20+3+4+1+1+1+1-2-1: (15)+3+4+1+1+1+1+-2+-1: 23 <OOC> Emir says, "Whew! No fumble." <OOC> Emir says, "Roll damage!"

GAME: Ashlynn rolls 1d8+2+1+2: (3)+2+1+2: 8

<OOC> Emir says, "Oh hey you got 8 damage" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "Works for me if it works for you! XD" <OOC> Emir says, "It collapses!" <OOC> Ashlynn says, "Oh! Huzzah!" <OOC> Jibbom says, "Do I get my voice back?" <OOC> Emir says, "Noooo :( it lasts for an hour." <OOC> Emir :( :( :( <OOC> Emir says, "The cat is going to turn its attention from ORC MAULING (heh heh pun) ITS HEAD toward lady who KILLED THE FOX CRITTER."

Ashlynn's hand continues moving with baffling speed, pulling arrow after arrow.

There's just one problem. The first arrow she pulls? Was apparently put in the quiver upside-down. It's somewhere between fortune and divine miracle that the string is not cut by the attempt at nocking it.

Still, the backwards arrow proves useful, as when it is flipped over, it flies true. Though it seems to hit thin air, the spinning projectile drills into the displaced fox-creature, leaving a hole in its misshapen chest before continuing onwards in a haphazard skid across the floor. The former toy collapses in a heap, the fox head rolling off the pile that used to make up its body with a gentle tinkle of porcellain.

"Know peace." Ashlynn speaks serenely, making a warding motion.