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Revision as of 05:49, 27 June 2012

When we last left our adventurers, they had just vanquished the dastardly Aranea duo who had ambushed them in the tunnels beneath Brache manor. The victory was hard-earned, with both Halani and Donk suffering serious injuries. Halani has departed for the moment with the intent to resupply and find items which might help heal the injured. The rest remain in the open underground chamber to decide upon the next course of action.

The room is roughly circular, about sixty feet in diameter. A large table sits in the middle, with chairs all around it. Torches line the walls, though they look as though they burnt out years ago. There are a number of bookshelves against the walls, full of dusty scrolls and old tomes. There are four exits down winding tunnels, more or less equally distant from one another, including the one the group entered the chamber through.

Conrad was peering up at the tunnels the spider-people came down out of when he finally tilts his head and hmms. Moving over to a bookshelf, he opens one of his sacks and starts to stuff it full of tomes and scrolls. After the third one, he glances back at the others, "We can divide these later."

Savannah has been resting on the side, and getting her arrows back from the spider people she stuck them into. "I don't think this is the end of this little escapade, Conrad." She says softly as she cleans her arrows quietly. "We're probably going to end up up coming back through here on the way out." She then looks towards everyone else, especially Donk. "He should be all right."

Conrad looks around thoughtfully and nods, "Yes, but there are tunnels up there, and, well... Underground spaces get to me a bit. I don't trust this tunnel to be here when we return." Shoveling a few of the more interesting books into his bag--just enough to still be an easily portable load, he moves over and starts to push the table across the floor, moving it under one of the holes. Grabbing a chair, he clearly intends to start stacking.

GAME: Conrad rolls climb: (20)+4: 24

GAME: Conrad rolls perception: (20)+4: 24

While handling the books, Conrad will notice that they don't appear to be magical or arcane in any way. Instead, they seem to be ledgers and records, mostly. Some of the scrolls seem to have diagrams and maps on them.'

Conrad jumps up from the chair, grabs onto the edge of the hole, and starts to wedge himself up into the tunnels above the room. After some rummaging around, he eventually reappears, legs first. "Nothing up there." Dropping down onto the chair and immediately hopping down onto the table as the chair falls over, he dusts himself off, "Those books I grabbed are ledgers. Records. Valuable to anyone who had debts with our employer, or owed estates. The scrolls, some of them anyway, have diagrams and maps on them. Might come in handy if we encounter some kind of...spider warren further on."

Savannah nods quietly. "you should be more careful up there, Conrad." She says before she snaps her fingers again and her eyes get a blue glow to them when she uses detect magic.

Savannah makes a bit of a face as she finally blinks and waves away the detect magic. "Now that the spideer things are gone, I'm the only one that has magic in here." She then shrugs. "I don't think we're gonna find anything in the holes, Conrad."

Conrad shrugs, "Lots of cobwebs. They eventually became too narrow for me to traverse without getting stuck." He's still pulling cobwebs off himself...and still standing on the table. Hopping off, he walks over to Donk. "He's in bad shape... Hope Halani brings medicine."

Savannah smiles. "Halani may bring back better." She says before hitting Donk with another fire ray.....which heals his wounds....

Conrad continues to go through the tomes and scrolls, being as gentle as possible while maintaining good speed. He might be waiting for a while, so he might as well.

GAME: Dante rolls knowledge/nobility: (14)+6: 20

GAME: Conrad rolls perception: (18)+4: 22

"Blood and thunder!" Donk squeaks out, the gnome suddenly jerking awake and sitting upright like a shock, his ankheg-head helm tilting askew and his eyes wide and panicked. "Victory at sea! Man the hatches and...ohhhh, my head..." Groaning, the gnome puts his hands ot his temples. "What fearsome god came down and decided to smite The Donk? Seems The Donk is getting divine attention, finally..." he murmurs, woozily laying down again.

"Hello? Where are you guys" Is heard from behind the helm of Dante. Since the sound of his armor can be easily heard, their is no such thing as hiding for him, still he calls out once more. though he is carrying his backpack over one shoulder and healer's kit in his other gauntleted hand.

Savannah makes a gesture and gives Dante a light to follow to get to them, which is done easily enough. Once Dante arrives in the room, Savannah stands and gestures to Donk. "he needs it the most....and my fire spells are healing him."

Conrad finally stops at one scroll, actually setting down the book he had in hand. Unfurling it completely, he nods slowly, "...Jackpot. I think I found a map of these tunnels." Looking up, he raises an eyebrow at Dane, "Welcome." Eyeing the healer's kit, he points over at Donk, even as Savannah directs him that way as well. "Thank you for coming. We needed the reinforcements. I am Conrad."

"Dun wanna ride on th' bongos, mommy," Donk murmurs, squinting up at the ceiling, wondering why it's moving around so much.

Peers at the gnome, merely shaking his head, the warrior speaks, as he sits things down near the gnome, and removing his helm "It would seem something has finally slowed you down, where is your mount? Does it require aid as well? I will treat all wounds with my kit first, then resort to other capabilities. Halani left word for me to come and aid, and my church agreed, so did the guild." Now kneeling down "Lets examine those wounds, , nice to meet you Conrad, I am Dante a faithful servant of Eluna"

Donk's armor isn't hard to remove. In fact, the gnome just smiles and even gives a little giggle. "Ladies, please. There's enough Donk for every bosom in the room..." His main injuries are easily apparent: Two crossbow bolts sticking out of his chest.

Destroyer seems to be fine. He's off to the side, unconcerned, and licking himself with aplomb.

Savannah says, "It is good to see you again, Dante." She says softly as she moves away from Donk to let the man heal him. She then looks to the other entrances and tilts her head. "If you are able, can you stick with us, Dante? It seems there's a bigger problem down here.""

Dante reaching into his boot, pulls out a starknife..."Thank you Savannah, and sure why not, I did start out on this with you guys".. reaches over and holds the gnome down.."This may hurt a bit" cuts into the middle of the bolt, so its easier to slide through "So update me, while I work on him, last time I was here, we tackled a ghost, who wanted us to solve a murder investigation, from a long time ago?"

Conrad continues to search through the books, since is of little use in attempting to heal gnomes. He reads in silence, with his rifle upon his back.

"Eh? ... ow. ... Ow. ... Ow, not so rough, you pretty thing! The Donk likes it gentle and sweet..." Donk's arms start to flail about, slowly like he's moving through molasses, and he grips weakly onto Dante's forearm.

Savannah says, "I was not here for that, but I did come down here with them to meet up with a couple of spider sorcerers. We were able to kill them, but not before they took Donk down....and they kept yelling for a 'boss', as they got more desparate.""

GAME: Dante used a Healer's Kit.

GAME: Dante rolls 1d8+1: (3)+1: 4

GAME: Jibbom damaged Donk for -4 points. 6 remaining.

GAME: Dante used a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Dante rolls 1d8+1: (3)+1: 4

GAME: Dante used a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Dante rolls 1d8+1: (8)+1: 9

GAME: Dante used a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Dante rolls 1d8+1: (1)+1: 2

GAME: Dante used a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Dante rolls 1d8+1: (4)+1: 5

GAME: Dante used a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Dante rolls 1d8+1: (5)+1: 6

GAME: Dante used a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Jibbom damaged Donk for -26 points. 32 remaining.

Conrad walks over to Savannah, "Look at this." He points at a line on the map, "We are here. This tunnel goes underground--well, deeper underground, eventually heading to a location labeled 'Vault'. These lines..." He points and follows them, "Head to other manors in the city. I do not recognize their names, but it was five years since I last concerned myself with Alexandria."

Conrad also points out various unlabeled chambers on the map, leading to the Vault.

Savannah tilts her head at the map and looks back to Conrad. "I think it's safe to bet we can head for the vault first, then to the other manors in the map to find this guy."

The tip of the wand is glowing by the time Donk's eyes open and he sucks in a pained gasp. Letting go of Dante's arm, he grits his teeth and grabs the short haft of the crossbow bolt. A twist, a turn...and a hard YANK is followed by a loud cry of pain that fills the small cavern. The wound closes, still shimmering slightly with healing magic. "Elminster's beard, that SMARTS!"

Continuing until the second bolt is out, and a few uses of the wand, Dante merely nods, now cleaning up and puttinmg away the healer's kit in his backpack. Though as he tucks the wand away in a sleeve around the belt area of his armor.."Look, should I fall in battle, this wand should be used by any of you, who can, this is where it is, or near my feet, you need only thank Eluna for its use".

"Still we have many things to do, so lets get to it." He says again, while donning his helm, slings the backpack over a shoulder, and putting the gauntlets back on.. So, lead on, who will be scouting ahead?"

Savannah says, "I have a bit of minor healing myself, Dante." She says before looking to Conrad. "Go ahead, Conrad." She then looks to Dante. "I fear my eyes aren't so great in the dark. Donk volunteered to be our scout last time, while I provide light for everyone else.""

Conrad looks up from the map, "Ready. You'll want me in the back for ranged support." He shrugs, "But if you want me in the lead, I can do that too." Stepping forward, he rolls up the map and tucks it away. Unslinging the rifle, he checks the chamber before snapping it shut. "Shall we?"

Dante noticing the darkness, pulls out a sunrod.."This should help us a little" and hangs it around his neck, on it is the symbol of Eluna

Donk pushes himself to his feet, patting Dante on the back... or wait, he can't reach, so Dante gets a butt-pat instead. "Well done, sir paladin. Ah, and you bring light with you! Fitting! Yes, the Donk will scout ahead, and be ready to stab anything in the face that might threaten us. Destroyer!"

The wolf stops licking himself and hops up happily, trotting to where Donk can pull himself up to his mount. "Let's, and away! ... er... while The Donk is completely confident in where he's going, The Donk will humor the party, and let them choose the path." Donk looks among their options, peering about in bafflement and trying to get his bearings.

Savannah uses her dancing lights and just sends them in front of them, all but one....to keep close to them.

Conrad sights down the barrel and heads forward into darkness. His longcoat hangs about his knees as he stalks their quarry with careful, silent strides.

The tunnels narrow from this point, sloping deeper down underground. Walking single file will be necessary in order to navigate the path ahead.

"You are welcome to carry this sunrod if you wish Conrad" Dante calls out, though it seems like he might be bringing up the rear "No problem, and Dante will be just fine, not all that 'Sir' or 'Paladin' stuff, just a humble servant" this said to the gnome, as he walks along, peering about..

"Excellent. Then, let's away, humble servant!" Donk rears up, and he gallops...no, just trots quickly off down in the direction of the vault, followed up by Conrad with his glowstick, Dante in the middle, and Savannah bringing up the rear.

GAME: Conrad rolls perception: (1)+4: 5

GAME: Outbreak rolls perception: (10)+-5: 5

GAME: Donk rolls perception: (14)+2: 16

GAME: Donk rolls 10: (11)+10: 21

Conrad's map was evidently not to scale. This stretch of the tunnel is an even longer trek than the first jaunt from the manor to the circle chamber. The stonework is rough, the tunnels having perhaps been hastily carved, and the downward slope is distinctly uneven. The passage winds back and forth, making it difficult to see too far ahead even with the light.

Conrad narrows his eyes, trying to squeeze another few feet out of his visibility. The rifle barrel sweeps from side to side slowly, and Conrad measures his steps, treating each one as though it could lead to an abyss.

Donk holds up a hand to the party, stopping in the middle of the path. He glances back, and points somewhere off into the darkness, a little ways ahead. There's something up there.

Donk glances forward after a moment, narrowing his eyes at the darkness in annoyance. He calls out in a shrill, commanding tone, "Step forward, hidden one! Destroyer of World has your scent. If you try to run, it will only end with your blood on the stone! Come into the light, if you value your life!" On cue, Destroyer lets out a low growl.

GAME: Donk rolls -2: (19)++-2: 17

GAME: Donk rolls intimidate+2: (17)+9+2: 28

Savannah quite relaxed at the journey, makes her way with everyone else. However, when Donk stops, she nocks an arrow, but doesn't draw it back.

Dante merely stops and seems to be looking around. Like always the young man doesn't draw his weapon until combat actually happens. Still the helmed warrior does seem more on the alert, and seems to be shielding Savannah a bit.

"H... hello?" A nervous, uncertain voice calls back in Tradespeak from deeper within the tunnels. It sounds male, though the high nervous pitch makes it a little difficult to tell for certain. Whoever it is sounds rather rattled by Donk's proclamation. "There's, uhm, there's no need for talk of blood. We're just, erhm, having a friendly game of cards... Are you back in the tunnel?"

"Perhaps. Come into the light and we'll talk..." Donk turns his lancetip up, the butt dropping noisily against the stone floor.

Conrad snaps his rifle toward the sound once the speaker gives him something to lock onto. However, when Donk offers the speaker a chance to talk, Conrad lowers the rifle and straightens up, remaining observant for arrows out of the dark, or a sudden charging strike.

Dante turns to looks around, and motions to Savannah to get more in the middle, just in case this is a ploy, still he focuses on the voice for any sense of motive or deception., and makes sure he is ready.. But for now remains silent..

One benefit of the winding nature of the tunnel is that it will probably make it impossible for anything to charge suddenly at the adventurers, unless they intend to charge through solid stone. The downside, of course, is not being able to see very far ahead. "Er, yes, of course." The nervous voice continues. "One moment. The echo makes it somewhat difficult to tell where you are... oh, wait..." The voice seems to draw closer. There's a clanking sound before a face peeks nervously around the corner. It's a thin human man, fortyish, with a ridiculous mustache and hairstyle favored by some 'fashionable' members of Alexandria's upper class. It's difficult to tell in the dim light, but he seems dressed in finery to match. "H... hello?"

GAME: Dante rolls knowledge/nobility: (13)+6: 19

Donk's brow quirks up. "So who is this 'we' you're playing card with, HMMMM?? The Donk is not a fan of shenanigans!"

Savannah lowers her bow as Dante moves in front of her. She smiles a bit, but Dante's large armored form is kinda hard to shoot through. XD

"Erhm, that would be Lyonel... say hello to the... to the strange men with weapons, Lyonel." The mustached man answers, glancing over his shoulder. "Hello!" Calls out an equally nervous voice from deeper in the tunnels. "There really isn't, ah, room for him to squeeze past me, the tunnel is quite narrow at this point... erhm, might I be so bold as to ask who you all are and what you are doing here?"

Conrad nods toward the nervous noble, "Are you or Lyonel of houses Pyrnel or Trechford?" Lowering the rifle to a more relaxed stance, he nods behind him, "We came upon these tunnels by accident and are making our way through. Do you own these lands? Are these tunnels yours?"

GAME: Dante rolls knowledge/nobility: (1)+6: 7

Dante merely listens and folds his arms, does step forward more so the light shines upon them, and both he and Savannah can hear more of the conversation. A deep exhale from the Shadow-elf.

"Er, yes, we're both members of House Pyrnel..." The nervous mustached man responds to Conrad. "I'm not!" Squeaks the voice behind him (presumably Lyonel). This seems to fluster the mustached man even further. "Well, alright, no, technically Lyonel is from the Ullsted line. But he's married to my sister, so that makes him part of House Pyrnel in every important respect, as far as I'm concerned. Er..." He looks nervously at Donk again. "You aren't... here to kidnap us, are you?"

GAME: Savannah rolls sense motive: (8)+1: 9

GAME: Conrad rolls sense motive: (11)+2: 13

GAME: Dante rolls sense motive: (18)+9: 27

GAME: Donk rolls sense motive: (4)+0: 4

Donk snorts derisively. "Kidnapping? Pish tosh, not in the slightest. But tell us...what are you doing down here in these caverns just playing cards? Aren't taverns better for that sort of thing?"

Speaking for the first time, Dante's voice sounds somewhat clear " I sense dishonesty in your words, saying that the likes of you shouldn't be trusted" unfolding his arms now "prepare for battle or worse!" his gaze settles on the man before him

Savannah takes a glance towards Dante and can kinda tell he's not one for lying. So when he says for them to prepare themselves for battle, she draws her bow.......

Conrad lifts his rifle slowly, looking unamused. He says nothing, however, and his expression is calm, rather than angry.

"T... taverns? A tavern is no place for the likes of us! We'd be mugged, or swindled." "Or worse!" "Indeed, we require a secure location to..." Then Dante begins yelling his threats, and the wide-eyed mustached man backs away, displaying his empty hands. "Please! We, we have gold. Just leave us in peace."

GAME: Conrad rolls intimidate: (8)+2: 10

Halani has been letting the sterner and more intimidating folks deal with the strangers in the tunnels, keeping her eyes out on the rest of the passage. She's been oddly silent, given her normal wont open her mouth without thinking twice about it... could be the close call with the spider people has had her put some things in perspective. But at long last she does speak up. "Don't want your money, vers. Just want the truth, hey? And I don't think these ones," she gestures at Donk, Conrad and Dante, "are gonna leave you alone until then."

Donk holds up his hands, suddenly MUCH more interested in the men before them. "Now now, fellows, let's hear what they have to say? My good men..." Donk spurs Destroyer a little bit closer, leaning in towards the mustached man. "How /much/ gold?"

Dante doesnt react any further, just seems to be standing guard, watching.

Conrad maintains the same level-headed expression, his eyes lidded and his features grim. At the hang in Savannah's voice, he glances over and shrugs with an innocent lift of his eyebrows.

The mustached man glances back worriedly at his still-unseen companion. "Er... how much did you have left, Lyonel?" "Not much! You won most of it!" "Did I? Oh dear. Erhm..." The nobleman frowns deeply and looks back at the adventurers. "You can take whatever's on the table. And... maybe my pocketwatch? It's a nice watch. Real silver. Will that... settle this whole unpleasantness?"

"That satisfies the Donk," the gnome says, advancing slowly on the nobleman, lance still upright. "But it still depends on how well you can convince my friends here that you're not a threat to our mission. So you two are just down here playing cards, you say?" Donk narrows his eyes. "Guarding something? C'mon, Lyonel, better bring the money out here!"

Conrad cuts in, "You seem to be missing the point. We don't want your gold. We want the truth. We got attacked by a couple magic-casting spider-men when we fell down here. Two of our number nearly died. And now we find you not a hundred feet away, supposedly playing cards. Start talking. What do you know about these tunnels. Tell us everything."

Conrad slowly cocks back the hammer, "It occurs to me that you may not know what this device is. It's called a longrifle. Kulthian. It'll send a slug of soft lead through you at close to the speed of lightning. I'd rather it not come to that, but I don't want you mistaking the situation you are in. Now," Conrad aims down the barrel, "...would you kindly tell us about these tunnels? I'm tired of asking."

GAME: Conrad rolls intimidation: (14)+intimidation: 14

GAME: Conrad rolls intimidate: (2)+2: 4

The mustached man appears baffled by the Donk's reply. "We still don't even know what your mission is. We certainly don't mean you any ill will." The threat with the rifle has him wide-eyed, backing away.

Savannah sighs a bit. "Donk. Stop worrying about the gold that they have and worry about keeping them from doing anything dangerous." She growls at the mounted gnome.

The mustached man appears baffled by the Donk's reply. "We still don't even know what your mission is. We certainly don't mean you any ill will." The threat with the rifle has him wide-eyed, backing away. "I... I don't even know what you're looking for! Lyonel, he's got a gun!" The sound of fleeing footsteps can be heard further down the tunnels, slowly fading. "Lyonel...? Lyonel! Get back here you coward!" The mustached man frowns deeply and looks back to the adventurers, hands held up. "The tunnels...? What do you want to know about them? They're rather boring, really."

Donk steps off to the side as much as he can, cavalier and rider leaning against the wall and giving Conrad as clear a shot as he can of the man. He smiles, both creepily and disarmingly at the same time, at the man.

"Don't worry your pretty little head, beautiful," he says back to Savannah, "The Donk has this /completely/ under control."

Dante merely stands there, still somewhat at the ready, but continues to remain silent. Glancing at the other teammates, he nods to something Savannah says.

GAME: Halani rolls acrobatics: (19)+13: 32

Savannah aims her bow and drawn arrow at the emerging noble. "Allright, the truth." She then looks to Dante. "what're we looking for again? a Shield or something?"

In perhaps not the wisest moment of her life, as she still bears the beating from the spider woman and her sidekick from earlier.. "We got a runner," she declares as her only word of warning before she manages to weave through everyone from the back of the tunnle. Under an arm, sliding along a wall, maybe bumping mustachio man a little hard as she pushes by and sprints after Lyonel.

"I don't know anything about any shield, I... oooof!" The mustachioed man is shoved roughly against the wall as Halani pushes her way past him. "I say! How frightfully rude!"

Dante chimes in "Crest of House Brache" hhmms a bit deeply as Halani, tumbles off after the runner, and calls out "Be ever careful" the exhales a bit heavily "Do you have something bearing that mark?"

Conrad walks forward a few steps. Just a few. The ones opened up by Halani's flight. In a low tone, he asks of the nobleman, while staring hard at him, "If these tunnels are boring, you wouldn't mind showing us around, would you? We want to go northwest, fifty yards. Can you take us there?"

Donk is just smiling, quietly imagining what he's going to do with alllll that money.

The mustached one is still fuming at Lyonel's attempted escape, but Conrad manages to get his attention back quickly enough. "The... vault? There's a chamber further down that I think might've once been a vault... are you... treasure hunters, or something? I think it was emptied years ago. But... but yes! I'll be happy to show you. It's a good deal more than fifty yards down, but if you're that set on it..." He slowly backs down the tunnel, still displaying his hands.

Halani pays just enough attention to her surroundings to find her way back if she has to while she focusses on running down Lyonel. Not too far away she catches up to him and jumps. Like a monkey she grapples on to him from behind, snaking her arms his as she hisses, "Get. Back. Here."

"Good! Now, let's keep our hands where we can see them..." Donk's lance prods the noble in the small of the back, "And hop to. The sooner the mean old adventurers go away, the safer you'll be, hmmm? By the by... Have you happened to see anything like a crest of some kind? Green helm, blue background, two yellow stars on each side?"

"No! No, let go of me!" Lyonel squeaks and flails in a rather ineffective attempt to get away. He looks no tougher than his associate, and is dressed in much the same ridiculous noble garb. Both men have swords sheathed under their coats, but they look like the type of items kept for appearance and style rather than actual use as weapons. The mustached man follows Donk's instructions, backing slowly into another large circular chamber much like the last, dimly lit by a candle burning on a table in the middle. There are indeed playing cards and coins arranged as one might expect to see in an interrupted card game. Several tunnels snake out from here, including one where Lyonel and Halani can be heard struggling. "I... I /believe/ the vault is further down that way." The mustached man says, pointing to another tunnel entrance. "That's what you're after, yes?"

"No we are not actually, what we are after is items belonging to House Brache, that were stolen during a raid or something that happened here, so that the dead can be laid to rest" Dante seems a bit irritated, as he speaks before the greedy lil gnome.."Once that is done, we will be on our way"

Conrad gestures toward the paladin with his rifle, before raising it to his shoulder, "What he said. We're not here to rob you. But I wasn't kidding when I said that we were attacked. I apologize for the harsh treatment, but we are only protecting ourselves."

Dante says, "Those are the things we are after, nothing more. As the man said we have defended ourselves. Help us and we can be rid of you and your tunnels" the helmed warrior says, peering at the noble, and Dante seems too be studing him intently."

Savannah says, "That's all we're after. After we get the crest, you can go back to your card game." She then lowers her bow. "The sooner you help us, the sooner you can get back to your card game.""

"Heya, if you don't shut up I'm going to punch you," Halani promises to Lyonel as she begins the process of trying to drag him back the way they came. She squeezes her hold just a little bit for some extra motivation.

The mustached fellow looks increasingly alarmed when he sees Halani dragging his companion back into the chamber. He once again nervously points to another tunnel. "W... well, as I was saying, I believe that's the way to the vault, which I assure you is quite empty. So... so will that be enough? You can leave us to our cards, and we'll leave you to your... treasure hunting?"

"Ah hem HEM!" Donk clears his throat loudly. "The crest? Green helm, blue background, two yellow stars on each side? Yes or no, my good man. Yes or no."

"Erhm? Oh! House Brache's crest?" The man seems puzzled by this. "... Their house has had no heir for decades. I've only seen their crest in my tutor's books when I was a lad, I'm afraid."

Conrad is done talking for now, and simply waits to see where the party will choose to go, and what they will choose to do with the nobles.

GAME: Dante rolls sense motive: (19)+9: 28

GAME: Savannah rolls sense motive: (6)+1: 7

GAME: Conrad rolls sense motive: (16)+2: 18

"You are once again lying, and a man of evil repute. Stop trying to further decieve us and tell us what you know about the crest now!" Dante says from behind the helm, though it looks like he is close to drawing that large sword of his.

Halani drops Lyonel down in a seat then, without stepping too far away from him.. and making it clear the next time she won't be so gentle, she turns about. "Break his kneecaps," she suggests. "That way he can't run away when we figure out what he isn't telling and we come back."

GAME: Donk rolls sense motive: (14)+0: 14

Savannah says, "No." She says flatly. "We don't need to break his legs to get what we want." She says quite casually."

Both the noblemen look quite panicked by this talk of leg breaking. "I... I'm telling you all I know! Honest! There's really nothing down here!" Lyonel, having the sense to keep his mouth shut, looks worriedly at Halani.

Donk raises his lance to get ready for a batter's swing... But Savannah's insistence puts a pout on his face. "Awwww... are you sure? They look like they REALLY need their kneecaps broken."

"Just one? Each? Dante can heal them after. If they're telling the truth, yeah?" Halani too, looks hopeful, though maybe it's all an act. "Or.. I guess we could leave Donk's puppy here with orders to eat them if we don't return..."

Savannah points her bow and arrow at the other man. "You. Speak up. I'm tired of waiting. If you don't answer my comrades here.......my fingers may slip."

Dante shakes his head at the mention of leg-breaking, and reaches for his sap, and slowly taps it , in one of his gauntleted hands, looking at the one nobleman "Your lying and quite evil. Where are those items of House Brache? I will beat the stuffing out of you and...." Another shake of his head, and starts moving towards the lying nobleman.

Conrad sighs, "We are not going to break their needs when they have done no wrong to us. These are still noble men of the city... Unless our friend here is right and they continue to lie to us. We know these tunnels are not empty. The Spider-men called for their Boss. He is here. We will find him." The woodsman's voice is flat. "It's just a matter of time."

"Spider-men?" The chattier nobleman once again appears to claim ignorance. He backs away from Dante with obvious alarm. He now draws his sword as he backs towards the wall, hands shaking. "Come no closer! I have given you all the aid I can. Do not make me employ the legendary swordsmanship of House Pyrnel!" Lyonel, for his part, looks quite alarmed by this turn of events.

Halani clears her throat, edging towards Dante. "Heya, Ver, think you could heal me a bit like you did the others while they beat the truth out of him?" she says, thumbing at Mustache Man.

Dante pauses and turns towards halani, again shaking his head "I will heal you though,. their swords don't look like they use them for combat, so no one use deadly force unless they force you too" as he pulls out the wand

GAME: Dante used a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Dante rolls 1d8+1: (1)+1: 2

GAME: Jibbom damaged Halani for -2 points. 3 remaining.

GAME: Dante rolls 1d8+1: (6)+1: 7

GAME: Dante used a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Dante rolls 1d8+1: (7)+1: 8

GAME: Dante used a Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

GAME: Dante rolls 1d8+1: (6)+1: 7

Dante does stop engaging the nobleman, he has identified as evil and lying, to tend to halani's wounds.."Watch him closely, he lies, while I tend to our comrade in arms. However this can be over simply if he stops lying, or the one pinned down begins to tell the truth" and peers down at Lyonel, studing him while ytrying to heal Halani

The threatened nobleman is going to take the narrow window of escape he sees when Dante's attention goes elsewhere. "RUN, LYONEL!" That's what he does, bolting right down the tunnel he pointed to as the way to the vault. Lyonel doesn't seem to have seen this coming, and scrambles to try to bolt down the tunnel that Halani chased him down previously, knocking his chair over in the process.