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A recap for those returning and a summary for those just joining us: recently, adventurers from the Explorer's Guild of Alexandria were hired to make an apparently haunted mansion on the city's outskirts habitable again. A quick investigation proved that the manor was indeed haunted by the ghost of the late Lord Pyrrhus Brache, the last of a minor Alexandrian noble family. While the ghost and his undead servants were subdued, the adventurers' solution to this problem was only temporary. It looks as though the manor will remain haunted in some form until the grave injustice of Brache's death is avenged in some manner the ghost finds satisfying. He seems to be clinging to rage about not only his murder, but the theft of a shield with the crest of his noble house. Before fading into nothingness for the short term, Brache's ghost pointed the adventurers in the direction of a mysterious hidden tunnel in the manor's larder leading to places unknown, where he claimed the 'traitor' thieves could be found.

Rather than bound off down a mysterious tunnel into a nest of traitors and thieves without backup, the group decided it might be wise to resupply and recruit some additional muscle, as well as someone who knows something about magic. So the following day they return to the dilapidated and creepy Brache Estate, now with Conrad and Savannah in tow.

Standing before the manor, Halani cracks her knuckles before she starts wrapping them up in the much anticipated physical violence. "If that creepy old ghost decides to get in our way again, I am going to punch him right in the face this time."

Staying close to the pack, Savannah pulls an arrow from her quiver and tugs it onto her bow. "Well.....this is definitely an odd area to be in." She then tugs a couple of times on the string. "So we're here to get a shield back for a ghost, huh? Sounds good enough to me."

One of those recruited reinforcements is a quiet human male, wearing a long coat and carrying a wrapped parcel in sheepskin. A hunter and woodsman, Conrad is currently unwrapping the parcel as he waits for the party to fully assemble and prepare. As the sheepskin comes off, an ancient but well-serviced Kulthian rifle is gradually revealed, along with a satchel of ammunition and parts. Pulling out a belt with small loops for individual bullets, the man pulls it on, cinches it up, and hooks a heavy pick into a larger loop.

Vengeance! What a wonderful concept! And Donk can't stop talking about it on the way up. He must have developed circular breathing, because he's been barraging Halani especially with a constant stream of excited yammering, mostly consisting of stories, bragging, and speculation about what magical, rare, and fatal dangers they'll face down there. Clearly, it's nothing The Donk can't handle.

When Halani voices her concern, Donk shakes his head while strapping on his shield. "Oh, certainly not. He's tasted out blades before, and he certainly doesn't want another taste of The Donk's lance!"

Entering the manor will be easy. The front door is still hanging off one hinge after Donk and the Destroyer's heroic charge against it the previous day. Those who have been to the estate previously will notice that there is a definite change in the air since yesterday. The unnatrual chill in the air is absent, as is the strange breeze that caused the chandelier to sway and creak.

This is not to say that the manor is now a pleasant place to be. Everything is covered in a thick layer of dust, and the foyer is still littered with broken humanoid bones and piles of decaying gore, the remnants of yesterday's battle. From Donk's visit to the billiards room yesterday he may remember spotting the kitchen nearby, which is probably as likely a place as any to look for a larder.

Halani manages to bite her tongue to keep back her inital retort; seems she's learning something about manners. So instead she smiles sweetly at Donk, and gestures towards the kitchens. "After you, then! The rest of us will be right behind you."

Conrad finally readies the rifle and brings it to bear, heading up the steps and standing beside the door. He glances back and nods forward, indicating that the front-liners should move in.

Donk grins up at Halani from within his shock of orange facial hair, and he cocks his head down, his visor falling over his eyes with clank. "Fear not, fellows! The Donk will clear the way for your passage! HYAAAA!" Kicking into the heals of his valiant steed, both tin-suited gnome and wolf charge like a ball out of a cannon up the manor steps, and down one of the darkened hallways. So much for tactics.

Savannah stares at Donk and shakes her head. "Well, I can say one thing....if anyone will find trouble, it'll be him." She says to Donk's retreating back. She heads up the stairs and keeps her eyes open, not that it'll help too much. XD

The kitchens are just as dusty and unpleasant as the rest of the manor. Moreso, actually, as there is the faint whiff of decay in the air. Likely it has been so long since this place was abandoned that whatever food was left rotted away completely, but there's still a hint of foulness in the air. There's a door in the back that presumably leads to the larder. It hangs open, but the room beyond is pitch black. Presumably it is windowless to limit heat and guard against spoilage.

The patter of paws fades quickly towards the back of the house, and there's blissful silence for a few short moments, before Donk's arrogant voice shouts faintly back at his party, "Any enemies have been frightened away by Donk's mighty charge! You may enter! .... ohhhh, it's a shiney thing..."

Savannah says, "Oh brother." She says softly as she walks her way quietly up the steps, thanks to Donk clearing the way.....and wiggling her fingers to put up a bit of light in the dark area."

Conrad moves in behind Savannah, his gaze neutral and grim. The rifle's barrel is held down toward the floor, but could be snapped up at a moment's notice. At the shout, Conrad grimaces silently, but says nothing.

"Well, I'm glad someone thought to bring a light," Halani says, slightly self-mocking as she follows along, staying well within Savannah's conjured light. "You better not get too far ahead of us, Donk, or I will kick you in the head!"

"The Donk's momentum cannot be slowed! HNNNGGGG... *thud* Hah! ... oh my, it's dark down there.

When the light illuminates the larder, one can see just how filthy it is. The dust is even thicker, much of it long-spoiled foodstuffs which were left here long ago. Now that Savannah has provided something to see by, everyone can get a look at what Donk is grabbing at: the handle of a trapdoor near the back of the room. It's really not very well hidden at all. Donk, of course, has just opened it. There's a ladder that leads down into the darkness, a narrow shaft just large enough for someone to pass through without hitting the walls.

Donk dusts off his gauntlets, pushing back his visor to peer down into the grimy darkness. "Hmmm... About fifteen feet down, it looks like. Well, Destroyer?" His wolf steed gives the cavalier a nervous look, and starts to back away from the hole. "Oh come now, Destroyer! Now's not the time to bring up your fear of ladders. Come!" Grabbing hold of Destroyer's reins, the diminutive Donk tries unsuccessfully to haul his mount over to the hole.

Savannah says, "I just forgot I had the lights, that's all." She says softly as she causes the hallway to light up in different directions. "Ew.....""

"Hold..." Halani says, after coughing up a bit of the disturbed dust. "I think we're not the first ones here." She is frowning at the trap door. "It looks like it was moved recently."

Donk stops hauling on Destrouyer. Looks down at the trap door. Then back up to Halani, and waves a hand at her. "Hello! Yes! Here, the Donk just opened it. Good catch there, Your Monkishness!"

Savannah facepalms at Donk. "I think she means that you weren't the one to move it originally, Donk." She then makes her lights go down the trapdoor.....

Savannah's lights confirm what Donk was saying. About fifteen feet down, the ladder ends at a stone floor underneath the manor. It looks like some sort of underground tunnel or passageway leads off from there, but it's impossible to see much from this angle without descending.

Savannah makes a face as she looks the ladder over. "Donk, you go first, since you can see in the dark, mostly. We'll move in behind you and I'll begin to search with my lights once I'm down."

Halani just levels a look at Donk, and her fingers tighten... then she lets them relax. Along with letting out a long breath. "Yeah, you first Donk."

"Brilliant idea! Now, if you'll give me a moment..." Turning back to his wolf, Donk reaches for the reins...but his mount has disappeared. "What the devil?? Destroyer! Where did you go??" There's a light whimper from beside a crate near Conrad. The wolf is hunched in the shadow of the crate, trying to make himself invisible, and get away from the nasty, nasty ladder!

Savannah lights the way down the ladder with her lights and shakes her head. "I'm glad I don't use horses." She says softly. "Donk...we can lower down your wolf if you want?"

Conrad blinks down at the crate, or, more precisely, the crate's shadow, raising an eyebrow in the process. With a shrug, Conrad steps up to the ladder and peers down into the darkness. "...Well, who wants to be first?" You'll probably want me up here incase something rushes you from the shadows."

Savannah says, "Donk's going to be first." She says as she looks to Donk. 'Come on, Donk. We'll lower DEstroyer down to you.""

"Hmmm, yes, that would be ideal. Do we have any ro--Ah hah!" Donk rushes past Conrad, ducking between his knees to leap on the crate's shadow. There's a yipe and a lupine wail as Donk tries again to haul Destroyer over towards the hole. "Rrrrgh, come ON Destroyer! Glory! Honor! Lucrative rewards! The Donk will buy you kibble!" Destroyers not having it. Donk may need some help.

Savannah sighs softly. "Donk. Go down the ladder. Halani? Can you carry the dog?"

Halani blinks her eyes at Savannah, then looks at the Dog. Wolf. Rabid Beast. She looks about to protest, then narrows her eyes and almost growls as she advances on Donk and his companion. "Get in the hole you smelly thing," she snarls.

Conrad grrs and swings the rifle up to avoid the dashing Donk, sweeping aside to turn and follow the blur of movement. Stepping back to the ladder, after the sudden flurry, Conrad glances back, then down, then back again, "...Right. The wolf might have an easier time of it if one of us is already down there. I'll go." Slinging the rifle over his shoulder, the human is suddenly descending the ladder, into darkness.

Destroyer practically yelps when Halani advances on him, and he darts to the side, yanking Donk off his feet (who tumbles to the ground with a loud clatter), and trying to hide behind Savannah. Scary lady gonna come get him!

Savannah sighs as DEstroyer hides behind her. "I'm going down next." She then looks to Destroyer. "Stay up here by yourself if you want." She says standing near the ladder.

The rifleman looks up at Savannah, if he can see her, calling out in a quiet voice, "Clear. There's a tunnel here. Someone dug this out--it's not a natural formation. Nothing in it...yet." Getting his rifle off his shoulder, he readies it once again.

Savannah says, "All right." She then grabs the collar of the dog and drags him to the ladder. "MOVE IT DONK!""

Halani takes Savannah's cue and, starting behind the dog, charges and pushes!

Destroyer's day is just getting worse, and he scrabbles to keep his feet under him when Savannah hauls on his collar. But it's the charge from behind that sends him tumbling rump over tea kettle, into the trapdoor. He catches himself at the last minute, however, paws scrabbling at the ledge and trying to keep himself up. From below, Conrad's light is briefly covered as a doggy butt kicks and jerks, trying to get itself back up.

Sighing, Donk crouches before his steed, looking forlornly into big puppy-dog eyes. "The Donk is sorry, Destroyer. This is hurting him more than you..." Shove. A push at both of Destroyer's legs, and the wolf falls the measly 15 feet with a loud wail. Look out below, Conrad!

Conrad ducks aside, though he had given himself a good amount of space...and had been waiting for people to start descending anyway! His concentration is broken only briefly, before he returns to monitoring the tunnel.

As people slowly make their way into the cramped space beneath the trapdoor, those already there are going to be forced to move further into the darkness in order to avoid getting piled upon. Once at the bottom of the ladder, one can see a tunnel stretching out into the darkness, just wide enough for two people to walk down side by side. The construction is rough, but it's clear this place was constructed. It isn't just some natural cave system the manor happened to be built atop. Sconces for torches line the walls, but no torches are left within them.

Halani drops down lightly once Donk's wolf is out of the way, brushing her hands off on her pants with a faint trace of discomfort. Then she looks down the tunnel as far as Savannah's light will travel.. which for her human eyes, isn't far. "If people have been using this, they'll probably have a few traps in our way."

Savannah snaps her fingers again and brings the lights into the tunnel, looking quietly at the sconces and tilting her head. "Ooookay....this was definitely man made." She says checking the arrow on her boy.

GAME: Dork rolls perception: (11)+1: 12

GAME: Dork rolls 10: (8)+10: 18

Savannah continues to walk her way down the tunnel and tilts her head, illuminating the tunnel as she goes. "Donk, charge if you see anything."

Now that the scary ladder is behind him, Destroyer seems more than happy to let Donk on his back. As they set off into the darkness, both mount and rider fall quiet, lance and nose pointed forward. Donk keeps his eyes narrowed, and Destroyer sniffs suspiciously at the stagnant air. "As you say, m'lady," Donk says quietly to Savannah.

GAME: Halani rolls perception: (3)+12: 15

Conrad stalks forward, hunkered forward a bit with the butt of his rifle against his shoulder. His eyes narrowed slightly, he avoids looking directly into the dancing lights, trying to preserve his night vision as much as possible.

GAME: Dork rolls 6: (15)+6: 21

GAME: Halani rolls reflex: (15)+10: 25

GAME: Jibbom rolls 6d6: (21): 21

GAME: Jibbom damaged Halani for 11 points. 21 remaining.

GAME: Jibbom damaged Donk for 11 points. 21 remaining.

GAME: Jibbom damaged Halani for -11 points. 32 remaining.

The tunnel remains narrow for a long distance as it winds away underground. It has a downward slope, slowly bringing the group deeper and deeper beneath the manor, the air growing colder and increasingly stale. Ahead, Savannah's light gives some cause for relief: a larger chamber up ahead, some sort of open space where the group might be able to move comfortably. Unfortunately, in their hurry to reach this space, the adventurers fail to notice a particularly suspicious stone at the entrance of the room. When weight is placed on it, it creates an ominous 'click' sound.

Adventurers know this is never a good thing. Seconds later, an earth-shattering 'Kaboom!' fills the space where Halani and Donk just were. Fortunately, Halani's quick reaction time has her diving out of the blast zone like some sort of action movie hero, escaping unscathed. Ditto for Destroyer. Donk is not so lucky. The blast catches him with enough force to slam the gnome against the tunnel wall. The stale air grows worse with the smell of smoke filling it.

Savannah is far enough back to where a rock is all that hits Savannah. She shakes her head and ducks the rest of the rocks. "Well....I think our position is compromised....." She says softly as she raises her bow. "Everyone all right?"

The blast clears with Destroyer belly-first against the tunnel floor, relatively unsinged from his quick movement. Donk, on the other hand, looks like he's preparing to do a 1950s black-face performance. The blast has colored his whole front black, and he blinks several times, before giving a light cough. "The Donk..." he wheezes, "Has felt better." Nonchalantly, he pinches out the small bit of flame at the end of his darkened moustache. "Ow. So...ahem. Did anyone catch the number of the rampaging fire elemental?"

Conrad covers his face with a forearm, shielding himself from the shockwave and debris. "Yes. If they didn't know we were here before, they do now. Everyone still on their feet? Do we have wounded?" Conrad is swiftly advancing up the ranks, but quickly stops when the smoke makes visibility nearly impossible. Between choking coughs, he manages to get out, "We need to do something about this smoke, fast."

"I knew it!" Halani mutters, punching her fist on the ground a second before picking herself up and dusting herself off. Not that it helps. Rock and dust seem permanently ingrained into her hair and clothes, now. "Keep moving forward," the islander suggests, before tossing a healing potion at the more-than-singed gnome. "If someone did hear us, we don't want to give them time to get ready."

The chamber ahead is much larger than the tunnel that preceded it. While obviously crafted by builders, the walls and floor alike are rough and shoddy, the place resembling a series of mine tunnels more than anything. The chamber is roughly circular, about sixty feet in diameter. In addition to the tunnel you all just came through, there are three other similarly-sized tunnels leading off in different directions. A few pieces of furniture have been dragged down here: a table in the middle of the room, with chairs arranged around it, and a bookcase against one wall full of dusty tomes and scrolls. Like everything in the manor above, everything is coated with dust and looks disused.

After a few seconds pass, the suspicions of those who think someone might be listening. A voice suddenly fills the chamber, a baritone with an odd accent. The odd acoustics of the room make it difficult to detect the source. "Well, well. Looks like we have visitors, Rem." A second, more feminine voice with the same accent replies a moment later. "It certainly does, Zem. What a rare treat. Visitors. Someone must have gotten quite lost, don't you think, Zem?" "I certainly do, Rem. I certainly do."

"Ah *cough* hah," Donk says, rubbing soot out of his beard as he looks around the chamber. "We're in the middle of the vipers' nest." When the voices speak up, Donk's ears almost visibly perk up. "Show yourselves, wretched knaves!" he yells shrilly, "Or be you cowards, who dare not face the Great and Powerful Donk Yauti??"

Halani doesn't like the sound of those voices. They sound a little too... antagonistic. Automatically, her fingers flash behind her, even as she realizes that likely nobody understands that. "Holes in the roof," she whispers harshly even as she presses herself up against a wall to try and get herself out of line of sight.

Conrad likewise goes silent and presses to the nearest wall, his rifle up and his gaze narrowed against the stinging (if dispersing) smoke. As the voices continue to speak, he simply listens.

The voices do have a distinctly sinister air about them, as if rather amused by the presence of people walking into exploding traps. "Why, it sounded like they're telling us what to do, Zem. Does it sound like that to you?" "Why, indeed it does, Rem. Indeed it does. But they don't sound lost to me, do they, Zem?" "They certainly don't, Rem. They certainly don't. To what do we owe this lovely little visit, little lost ones who aren't actually lost?"

Wiggling her nose a little bit, Savannah's eyes turn completely blue as she looks up to the ceiling holes. Lightly nudging Conrad, she points to the hole just above the entrance they came in with, she then points to the hole above the exit opposite the entrance they're at.

Conrad glances up, then across to the other hole, and nods back down to Savannah. Crouching a bit, he twists and cranes his neck, trying to see into the holes further, but to no avail. Conrad steps sideways, as silently as possible, trying to get to Halani. If able, he will nudge her, point to Savannah, then point at his eyes, and then point to the holes.

"Step out, mysterious disembodied voices!" Donk says, spurring Destroyer forward so they foolhardy cavalier swaggers into the open area, lance raised. "Step out and talk with The Donk face to face, to prove you are not cowards." Pause. "...or ghosts!"

The voices laugh in a way that sounds almost sort of like a hiss. "Why, I do believe they're telling us what to do. Is that what it sounds like to you, Zem?" "It certainly does, Rem. It certainly does." "That's quite rude, isn't it, Zem?" "It certainly is, Rem." "So, time to do what we do best, isn't it, Zem?" "It is indeed, Rem. It is indeed." A shadowy figure leaps down from the hole in the ceiling above the group, falling into their midst with a graceful ease. It looks almost like a human woman with pale dressed in black leather armor, clutching a short curved blade in each hand, with long black hair cascading down her back. However, the illusion of humanity is shattered by a look at her face. She has massive protruding mandibles where her mouth should be, and eight beady little black eyes. Across the room, a similarly dressed, more masculine figure descends from the ceiling. Both of these creatures are soon followed by others, copies of themselves dropping down from the holes with frightening speed, until each is escorted by four apparent doubles.

GAME: Savannah rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 16

GAME: You roll initiative for Zem: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 18

GAME: You roll initiative for Rem: Roll: 19 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 26

GAME: Halani rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 16

GAME: Conrad rolls initiative: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 14

GAME: Savannah rolls knowledge/arcana: (9)+6: 15

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d20+5: (12)+5: 17

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d20+5: (17)+5: 22

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d20+3: (4)+3: 7

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d20+9: (18)+9: 27

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d6+1: (6)+1: 7

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d6: (3): 3

GAME: Jibbom damaged Halani for 7 points. 25 remaining.

GAME: Jibbom damaged Donk for 3 points. 18 remaining.

The female creature and her identical copies attacks with shocking speed, diving at Halani with a ferocious hissing sound. Amid a flurry of strikes, she lands a blow with the curved knife in her left hand, striking across the islander's abdomen. The figures across the chamber brandish a heavy looking crossbow, loading in unison and firing a flurry of bolts. Most may be illusory, but one strikes Donk in the shoulder.

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+6+4+1-2: (10)+6+4+1+-2: 19

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+6+4+1-2: (5)+6+4+1+-2: 14

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+6+4+1-2-5: (18)+6+4+1+-2+-5: 22

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d5: (2): 2

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d4: (2): 2

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d3: (2): 2

GAME: Savannah rolls weapon5-1: (16)+8+-1: 23

GAME: Savannah rolls weapon5-1: (12)+8+-1: 19

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d2: (2): 2

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d2: (1): 1

GAME: Savannah rolls 1d8+2: (7)+2: 9

Halani hesitates upon seeing Rem and Zem land. Perhaps its their hideousness. Perhaps it's trying to figure out which one is the real Rem. The hesitation costs her some blood as the 'woman's sword grazes her torso. Realizing the peril, the monkette gives up on trying to find the true villain and simply... attacks everything. A clawed finger strike finds the throat of one, the heel of her sandalled foot takes another in the middle. Then a whirling roundhouse dispells a third.

GAME: Donk rolls weapon6+4: (11)+8+4: 23

Seeing the pair make illusory copies, Savannah shakes her head. "They're Aranea. naturally gifted sorcerers and are naturally giant spiders. They're VERY sadistic. Show no mercy!" She then draws another arrow and fires one, hitting the illusory copy, then another to hit the actual female. "All yours Halani!"

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d5: (4): 4

With the other well taken care of, Donk turns a vicious grin at the male with the crossbow. "The Donk invites you to dance. ACCEPT THE INVITATION! HYAAAA!" Destroyer leaps towards the foe like a cannonball, with Donk's lance aimed...piercing right through one of the images hearts and the cavalier continues his wheeling charge, coming about for another pass with a vicious grin. "The Donk learned a new trick!"

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d6+1: (1)+1: 2

Huh? (Type "help" for help.)

GAME: Jibbom damaged Halani for 2 points. 23 remaining.

GAME: Conrad rolls weapon2-3: (19)+6+-3: 22

GAME: Conrad rolls 1d12+1: (2)+1: 3

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d20+8: (16)+8: 24

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d20+9: (15)+9: 24

GAME: Jibbom rolls 5d6: (22): 22

The female dropped down to start engaging Halani, and engage her she did. She did not, however, seem to take into account the rifleman standing close by. With a click of the hammer, a sudden, roaring BOOM shakes the chamber as the rifle kicks and sends a Kulthian-style bullet grazing past the female from behind. But Conrad is already on the move, dashing to the side along the wall of the chamber.

GAME: Jibbom rolls 4d6: (15): 15

GAME: Jibbom damaged Halani for 22 points. 1 remaining.

GAME: Jibbom damaged Donk for 15 points. 3 remaining.

The female Aranea screeches and wails in a pained and distinctly inhuman sound. Her eight eyes crackle with fury as she drops her blades to the ground. She launches forward and plants a hand squarely against the monk's forehead, at which point a painful jolt of electrical energy courses out into Halani, sizzling through her whole body. Meanwhile, her male cohort seems alarmed by the loss of one of his doubles. He backs away and points at Donk, firing off a bolt of fiery energy that adds to the burns the gnome already possesses.

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+6+4+1-2: (17)+6+4+1+-2: 26

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+6+4+1-2: (2)+6+4+1+-2: 11

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+6+4+1-2-5: (18)+6+4+1+-2+-5: 22

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13

GAME: Halani rolls 1d8+3: (5)+3: 8

GAME: Halani rolls 1d8+3: (4)+3: 7

GAME: Savannah rolls weapon5: (7)+8: 15

GAME: Savannah rolls weapon5-1: (12)+8+-1: 19

GAME: Savannah rolls 2d8+6: (4)+6: 10

"Gwwaaaaaaah!" There's no getting around it; that electrical blast HURT. Halani stumbles, falling to one knee. "That..." she responds in a laboured voice, "wasn't.. NICE!" She surges up, somehow, striking the spider woman under one of her arms. Striking with two extended fingers, stunning the creature. Even as Rem's swords hit the floor, the monkette follows up with a kneel to her midriff and then an elbow to her face.

Seeing Halani getting seriously hurt, Savannah pulls out another pair of arrows and fires them twice, both of them hitting the female spidergirl with a good deal of force, but not enough to bring her down. "Conrad. Hopefully you can bring it down....."

GAME: Donk rolls weapon6+4: (11)+8+4: 23

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d4: (4): 4

GAME: Donk rolls 2d6+6+8: (7)+6+8: 21

On the far side of the arena is where the /real/ battle is happening. Another yell and a charge, and Donk bears down on the ugly visage of the other...spider...ninja... thing. His lance aims true at the fighter's heart, and this time hits true flesh and bone, tearing a chunk out of him, with the gnome laughing shrilling. "Get the POINT??" Oh god, he's punning.

GAME: Conrad rolls weapon2-3: (5)+6+-3: 8

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d20+9: (15)+9: 24

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d6: (5): 5

GAME: Jibbom damaged Donk for 5 points. -2 remaining.

Conrad eventually ceases his dash and spins around with a flare of his coat. The rifle is brought up, the sights are aimed, and the trigger set. Another booming blast comes from the firearm...but in attempting to avoid hitting Halani, the female abomination is given a free pass, and Conrad's shot goes wide, right over her shoulder. The hunter blinks and facefaults a touch, lowering the rifle a bit in realization...

Rem, having been seriously beaten and probably given a rather nasty concussion, doesn't do much other than wobble and continue to abosrb the various blows she receives. It's probably taking all of her willpower to avoid toppling over. Yet, she barely manages to stay upright.

Zem, despite a serious injury, is doing somewhat better. The male Aranea sneers and lifts his crossbow, his eight eyes burning with pain and anger as he takes aim at Donk, firing a bolt that lodges solidly in his chest. When it is sufficient to disable his opponent for the time being, he sneers in satisfaction. "Got one, Rem!"

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+6+4+1-2-2: (16)+6+4+1+-2+-2: 23

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+6+4+1-2-2: (6)+6+4+1+-2+-2: 13

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+6+4+1-2-2: (1)+6+4+1+-2+-2: 8

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+6+4+1-2-5-2: (9)+6+4+1+-2+-5+-2: 11

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d20+6: (11)+6: 17

GAME: Halani rolls 1d8+7: (5)+7: 12

Rem is just recovering, but Halani doesn't let up. Following on Savannah's and Conrad's assault, the islander girl takes a half step back, then puts everything she can into a strike right into the spider woman's chest. Two palms, joined at the wrist, crunch into the creature's ribs.. or where ribs would be if she were human.. and Rem topples. The monk half staggers as well, after that, and gasps, "Get Donk!"

GAME: Savannah rolls weapon5+1: (9)+8+1: 18

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d4: (4): 4

GAME: Savannah rolls 1d8+3: (4)+3: 7

Watching the girl go down, Savannah turns her attention to the one that just dropped Donk. "At least his useless prattle is silenced." Savannah says softly, but she still worries for the gnome. She raises her bow and moves forward, She only pulls back one arrow and fires it, hitting Zem in the shoulder....the real Zem.

GAME: Conrad rolls weapon2+1: (15)+6+1: 22

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d4: (2): 2

Conrad lets out the breath he was holding as Halani takes down the female before it takes her down. Whirling about with an enraged expression, Conrad actually roars as he unleashes another shot, booming through the cavern with another impressive muzzle flare. Cracking open the barrel before the duplicate has even finished dissolving, Conrad has another bullet in the chamber and has snapped it shut before he can finish saying, "Let's finish this."

GAME: Donk rolls 5+2: (17)+5+2: 24

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d3: (1): 1

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d20+8: (2)+8: 10

Donk is turning around, charging directly at Zem again, a sneer on his face and his lance readied. But the bolt that hits him with a THUNK puts a look of surprise on Donk's face, and his slumps backwards, nearly falling off the back of his steed.

Destroyer, however lets out a snarling howl of...is that rage? Can he actually feel rage? He must, because the wolf turns into a snarling machine of death, biting one of those images in half.

IN. HALF. Best check yo'self.

"I got one, Rem! Did you hear me, Rem? Rem?" Zem sounds increasingly panicked when his partner doesn't respond. Reeling under the impact of the attacks against him and his doubles, he hisses and backs towards one of the tunnel entrances, lifting his hand and firing off another bolt of fire that lands in the wall. Was it aimed at Conrad? Savannah? Halani? Hard to say, it misses all of them by a good measure.

GAME: Jibbom damaged Donk for 1 points. -3 remaining.

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+4+4+1+2: (9)+4+4+1+2: 20

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d2: (1): 1

Well, she has an even odds chance... trusting to her extraordinary monk senses, Halani charges after Zem despite her urge to just lay down and pass out. Unfortunately, her senses fail her and though the low, crippling strike finds its mark.. the mark is the spider man's last illusory double.

GAME: Savannah rolls weapon5-1: (15)+8+-1: 22

GAME: Savannah rolls weapon5-1: (17)+8+-1: 24

GAME: Savannah rolls 1d8+3: (5)+3: 8

GAME: Savannah rolls 1d8+3: (1)+3: 4

GAME: Donk rolls 5+2: (4)+5+2: 11

Tugging out two more arrows, Savannah nocks one just as Halani makes one of the copies disappear. "Maybe you shouldn't have been so smug." She says before firing both shots into the chest of the spider guy. "He doesn't look so good. Conrad.....take your time and aim."

GAME: Conrad rolls weapon2-3: (9)+6+-3: 12

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19

GAME: Donk rolls constitution: (18)+3: 21

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d6: (1): 1

GAME: Jibbom damaged Halani for 1 points. 0 remaining.

GAME: Jibbom damaged Donk for -1 points. -2 remaining.

The huntsman levels his rifle one more time, his gaze hard as he addresses Savannah, "Working on it..." The hammer falls and an explosion sends a Kulthian bullet rocketing...right past its head and into the wall behind it.

Zem, wincing and reeling, staggers away a few few from Halani. Peering at her through his undamaged eyes, he lifts his crossbow and fires another bolt into her. "Boss! Boss..." He calls out as loudly as he can, a cry for help echoing through the tunnels.

Zem, wincing and reeling, staggers away a few few from Halani. Peering at her through his undamaged eyes, he lifts his crossbow and fires another bolt towards her, which ends up going wide. "Boss! Boss..." He calls out as loudly as he can, a cry for help echoing through the tunnels.

GAME: Jibbom damaged Halani for -1 points. 1 remaining.

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+6+4+1-2-2: (11)+6+4+1+-2+-2: 18

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+6+4+1-2-2: (9)+6+4+1+-2+-2: 16

GAME: Halani rolls 1d20+6+4+1-2-2-5: (5)+6+4+1+-2+-2+-5: 7

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d20+6: (19)+6: 25

GAME: Halani rolls 1d8+7: (8)+7: 15

Halani narrowly avoids Zem's crossbow shot, the bolt passing through strands of hair as she stomps forward. A noise escapes her lips, not a word so much as focussed sound. Another stomp, and then her back legs swings around, her knee smashing into the side of Zem's torso. Between the shots from the others, Donk's lance strike and her last attack, the spider man crumples down like his companion.

"Boss..." Zem croaks much more weakly after being struck by the final blow, before he lies back still upon the stone floor, no longer able to speak.

Zem's last words are barely out of his mouth before Destroyer is on him, the wolf leaping on the corpse and viciously tearing at his body. He only stops when Zem's throat is ripped out, his muzzle covered in blood. All while Donk flops like a comical ragdoll on his back.

Conrad steps forward slowly, lowering his rifle as he goes, "My apologies... I am not used to having to shorten my aim for melee combat... To avoid hitting you, I let my shots go wide." He shakes his head, "I do not think we are in any sort of condition to face that creature's boss, now."

"Hmph." Savannah says as she lowers her bow, and gathers her arrows. She then points two fingers at Donk and SETS HIM ON FIRE!!!!!!

The funny part about it is it looks like it's healing him.

GAME: Savannah rolls 1d4+1: (3)+1: 4

GAME: Jibbom damaged Donk for -4 points. 2 remaining.

Halani was considering stomping on Zem a few times for good measure, but what Destroyer leaves of him leaves Halani... unwilling to get gore on her sandals. So she staggers away, instead, and collapses in one of the decrepit chairs. "I just need... to rest a few moments. I'll be good to go."

With the Aranea dead and Donk saved from the brink of death, a few questions might come to mind. Who were those creatures? Were they the ones who stole the crest of House Brache so many years ago? Perhaps Lord Brache's killers? Or were they just squatters occupying these tunnels for some other purpose? What about this mysterious 'boss' Zem mentioned in his final moments? Might he know the killer's identities, or the location of the crest? What are the odds he might be any more amenable to reason than his cohorts? Which of the winding tunnels should the advenutrers go down next? What was this place built for? What are all these dusty scrolls?

Tune in next time to possibly learn the answers to these and other exciting questions! Same Jib-time, same Jib-channel!