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Adventuring is a dangerous lifestyle. Big rewards often require big risks. Reggard Sparkflint, a member of the Explorer's Guild, apparently has a higher tolerance for risk than most. Two weeks ago, he uncovered a 'treasure map' he believed would lead him to a cache of riches and magical items that could make him quite wealthy. He set out alone into dangerous territory, telling others that he'd be back in two days with the prize. There's been no word from him since, and attempts to contact him via magic have failed. His family has put together a reward offered to anyone willing to find Reggard, rescuing him if he is still alive. If he isn't, the same reward is offered for the recovery of his body so that he can be raised.

While Reggard was perhaps overconfident, he wasn't entirely foolish. He left his family with copies of the treasure map, complete with the route he intended to take clearly marked so that others might follow him if necessary. The route goes straight into the heart of one of the foulest, least pleasant places in all Alexandros: the Hagsmarsh. The Hagsmarsh is a dank swamp full of all manner of dangerous and horrible monsters, not the least of which would be the coven of powerful hags who terrorized surrounding villages for years. While the hags themselves were supposedly slain, their lair and the treasures within were supposedly never recovered. This appears to have been the treasure Reggard was seeking.

Now, the adventurers prepare to set out to Hagsmarsh to find and rescue Reggard, and possibly claim the lost treasure of Hagsmarsh while they're at it.

GAME: Cesran rolls knowledge/nature: (6)+10: 16

GAME: Cesran rolls knowledge/geography: (12)+10: 22

GAME: Vala rolls knowledge/nature: (13)+8: 21

GAME: Cesran rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (8)+10: 18

GAME: Tannin rolls intelligence+2: (15)+2+2: 19

GAME: Eleria rolls knowledge/geography: (19)+5: 24

GAME: Eleria rolls knowledge/nature: (18)+9: 27

GAME: Tannin rolls intelligence+2: (18)+2+2: 22

Cesran ughs softly as he is trudging along in the swamp and he warned everyone to bring along salt. He brought along a large bag for himself , "Now remember the salt is for the vermin that lives here, leeches and slugs and the like, but also watch out for slimes and oozes, they like to grab unwary travelers." He warns his other companions as he is looking around.

GAME: Eleria rolls 2d4: (6): 6

GAME: Eleria rolls 2d4: (6): 6

GAME: Eleria rolls 2d4: (4): 4

GAME: Eleria rolls 2d4: (7): 7

GAME: Eleria rolls 2d4: (5): 5

Sonja says, "That'll be an interesting time." She says softly as she trudges along in the swamp. Thankfully, she's quite tall, so the sludge doesn't quite as readily get into her boots. She carries her Tetsubo in her hands, occasionally using it as leverage to bring herself out of sticky pits."

GAME: Eleria refreshes spells.

GAME: Eleria has prepared Longstrider in a reserved spell slot.

Kanyk is fairly light, and light of foot as well, so he doesn't sink too much into the sludge. There is a degree of sinkage, however, that is unavoidable. He treads near the front of the group, acting as a scout for the time being, keeping alert and acting as a sentry for the roving party. "I have never ventured into the Hagsmarsh. Nor have I been in any real swamp that I can recall. At least, not to the likes of this.

GAME: Eleria has prepared Charm Animal in a reserved spell slot.

GAME: Eleria has prepared Flaming Sphere in a reserved spell slot.

GAME: Eleria has prepared Purify Food and Drink in a reserved spell slot.

GAME: Eleria has prepared Spark in a reserved spell slot.

After all the preparations and the purchases are made, the adventurers arrive at the Hagsmarsh. There's a small farming community nearby, but no homes are near the perimeter of the foul swamp. In fact, there are signs along the main approach, one of which reads 'Hagsmarsh: Danger!' and another which simply has a skull and crossbones to warn away anyone who might not understand Tradespeak. Stagnant pools of foul water and thick vegetation spread out into the distance as far as the eye can see. A thick fog has set over the marsh, providing an eerie backdrop to the drooping trees. Despite the signs warning people away, it looks like there are wooden footpaths at the entrance to the swamp, perhaps once used by hunters or foragers. Perhaps the presence of these explains why Reggard chose to enter the swamp from this particular direction, as they make travel easier and far less wet.

GAME: Cesran refreshes spells.

Cesran has all his gear ready as he stomps through the mud and muck to the Hagsmarsh. He looks at the sign and shakes his head a little bit as he looks into the woods, "The things I do for treasure." He sighs softly and looks around to the others, "Ready to go in? Everyone have their salt handy?"

"Thank Dana for footpaths," Eleria sighs, cinching her gear up around her body. She makes sure her armor is tight, her quiver against her back, and the heavy bag of salt secure against her waist. She even paid extra for a water proof bag! The diminuitive druid gives a slightly nervous smile to everyone around her. "We're as ready as we'll ever be, I guess."

Draped in darkness, notably a mottled cloak, Vala makes one last check of supplies after a buckle slipped loose. The offending metal tongue now rests in place, and her bow angles neatly from shoulder to hip. In short, she resembles a vaguely competent adventurer or explorer. Light footsteps carry her around the worst of the puddles, and her staff is used with care to occasionally probe at unstable ground ahead just in case. Not that she goes out of her way to find the hidden wildlife, at least. Salt is in ready abundance around her person.

Cesran nods politely to the elf woman, "It's good to see another caster here, have you progressed far in the arcanes arts?" He asks as he continues to look around as he's not excited about being in the back, but not much he can do for now.

Tannin picks her way vaguely alongside the other elven type folks, since they're likely to find the same complications in the terrain problematic, ...she picks her way with a rather light, fairly plain walking staff, rather much as does Vala, and carrying a fairly small satchel of provisions and preparations. Seeming intent on getting used to the footing, she's sometimes moving quickly to catch up, and checking out the unfamiliar sights and sounds, "And everyone remember to be mindful of leeches, should they have to wade."

Kanyk walks carefully, doing his best not to step into anything to sticky and slimy so as to keep himself from sinking and keep his provisions out of the muck. He keeps casting glances over his shoulder to insure everyone is accounted for.

GAME: Kanyk rolls perception: (12)+13: 25

GAME: Sonja rolls perception: (12)+4: 16

Kanyk walks carefully, doing his best not to step into anything to sticky and slimy so as to keep himself from sinking and keep his provisions out of the muck. He keeps casting glances over his shoulder to insure everyone is accounted for. He glances over to Sonja and offers her a polite nod and then turns to orient his focus on the path ahead.

GAME: Sonja rolls reflex: (20)+5: 25

The footpaths have not been well maintained for some time. There's a patch ahead that has pretty much completely rotted through. While Kanyk spots it in time to avoid stepping on it, Sonja does not. Fortunately, when the path begins to crumble, her quick reflexes help her avoid tumbling down into the muck beneath the platform.

Sonja stays very firmly on the footpaths along with Kanyk and not wavering from those paths.

"Reason enough to wear tall boots," Vala murmurs. Her lowered voice does not seek to intrude upon the misty landscape, as though she might unwittingly pull attention to them. "I am, yes," she responds to Cesran. "My study is advancing well with more opportunity." She fits in Kanyk's steps by rote memorization; where he leads, she follows one for one.

Eleria gasps when Sonja's about to sink, but lets out a breath when she manages to jump back. "That was close! Maybe we'll find Reggan in one of these holes..." She eyes the path more warily now, carefully picking her way along the route.

Cesran smiles, "Nice to meet another fellow magic user on these adventurers. Do you specialize in any schools or are just a universal study? Or are you a sorceress you don't look like an artificer."

Kanyk manages to avoid the treacherous nature of the path, for the most part, only getting his feet a little bit muckier in the process. He starts to call out to Sonja, warning her of the path, but notices that she has kept hold of her footing. "We must tread carefully."

Some parts of the footpath aren't just in danger of collapse, they collapsed a long while ago. Up ahead is a break in the planks a little over ten feet in length. It could probably be crossed with a running jump, but might be tricky. The alternative is to wade through the muck.

Tannin gasps a little as Sonja steps back from the creaking, breaking planks. "Lady!" she says, dashing forward a little, then pausing as Sonja manages it, eyeing the way ahead. "If you walk along where the beams are: you can see by the nails, it should be stronger, normally that's how one prevents creaking," the Althean says, wherever she learned that. She looks curiously, "Though it seems the way ahead will need some other form of traversing."

Sonja says, "Yeah. And I'm wearing enough to break all but the most sturdy of footpaths." She says staying near the nailed parts. Of course, she sees the 10 foot wide gap and ponders something. 'Do we have any rope?""

Eleria frowns, eyeing the gap across the muck a little dubiously. She shrugs, affixing her longbow more solidly around her shoulders. "Well, landing in a little muck never hurt anyone." Sonja's request gets a blink. "I believe so. What for?"

Sonja says, "For this gap. Someone goes across first and becomes an anchor for anyone that decides to slog it through the muck down below. I may have to."

Kanyk peers at the distance. "I can easily clear the gap, I imagine. I can take some rope over there and tie it down, and everyone could wade across while holding the rope. I can help everyone out." He looks around. "Have we any rope?"

"I would rather not find out if something is living in the gap," Vala murmurs askance to no one in particular. She skirts around ragged planks and taps ahead with her quarterstaff from time to time as a matter of care. Cesran's inquiries gather a touch of an inclination of her veiled head; insect netting has never been so stylish. "I prefer the planar and illusory arts. And yourself?"

Tannin nods, to Sonja, "Or, if you must wade through anyway, perhaps you could pass us back and forth, and I'll do what I can to protect you in the legs. " She peers over into the much, examining.

Sonja Looks to Kanyk. "All right. You Head to the other side and help people out. I'll go last."

GAME: Cesran rolls acrobatics: (6)+3: 9

GAME: Eleria rolls acrobatics: (19)+0: 19

Cesran looks around at the others as they are standing around talking about it. He thinks that he can make it as he starts to back up. He takes a running start and he jumps off before the gap. He is sailing through the air, but he misjudged the distance and he lands just short of the other side. He ughs as he knows if he waited another step he would have made it. He steps onto the other side and shakes his head, "Come on let's get going."

GAME: Tannin rolls acrobatics: (20)+7: 27

GAME: Kanyk rolls acrobatics: (15)+10: 25

While the pain doesn't set in for a moment, those observing Cesran are going to notice something very unsettling about his condition after his fall in the muck. Head to toe, every exposed bit of the wizard has tiny little black leeches attached by their mouths. This will quickly become obvious in a few seconds when they stop merely latching on and begin attempting to feed from the poor fellow who seems to have stumbled right into their dank habitat.

GAME: Eleria rolls initiative: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 14

GAME: You roll initiative for Leeches: Roll: 15 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 19

GAME: Vala rolls initiative: Roll: 5 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 9

Tannin lays a hand on Sonja as the others make their attempts, and with a hrm, says, "Light protect you from ...Well, mucky things, Sonja." Then make s a gesture for a boost. By whatever means, the Althean once again proves surprisingly-spry, tumbling lightly when the other side is gained, springing to her feet with the beginning of a flourish that speaks of some old habit.

GAME: Tannin rolls initiative: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 9

GAME: Cesran rolls initiative: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 10

Kanyk takes a few steps back, and then with a small feat of speed, he takes off across the gap, his wings coming unfurled for just a moment to aid in keeping him in the air. He lands easily, and turns around to immediately help others if needed.

Eleria winces as Cesran lands waist-deep in the muck. "You may have to clean some of us up after this jump, Wizard." She eyes the gap, bounces a few times on her toes...and holds tight to her equipment as she runs at the gap. Leap...and she lands easily on the other side. The druid skids to a halt, throwing up her arms in triumph. "Woo hoo! ...ahem. Anyone need hel--oh Cesran, by the light!" Eleria looks down at the wizard in horror, and quickly starts to root around in her salt pounch.

GAME: Jibbom rolls 2d6: (10): 10

GAME: Jibbom damaged Cesran for 10 points. 22 remaining.

GAME: Cesran rolls fort: (18)+2: 20

GAME: Cesran rolls fort: (11)+2: 13

The tiny leeches swarming all over the wizard's body make a disgusting slurping sound. Even if it's quiet, it is distinctly unsettling as they writhe over him and begin to drain blood from the little places they've latched on.

Even more alarmingly, these tiny leeches have big friends. With a sudden splash, two much larger creatures emerge from the depths of the swamp, making their own slithering sounds. They're leeches the size of ponies, with massive maws full of sharp-looking teeth. One moves towards the far side of the platform, where most of the group has made it across. The other moves to the side where Vala and Sonja are still waiting to cross.

GAME: Eleria rolls ranged: (8)+5: 13

GAME: Eleria rolls 1d6: (4): 4

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d3: (3): 3

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d3: (1): 1

The delicate elf who didn't may well be glad she stayed on solid ground as the Cesran from the dark lagoon emerges. Nightmarish blobs suctioned onto his skin are enough to make her recoil, planting her foot and inching back. Then the hallucinogenic terror bursts through the foetid murk to shrill, scream, and sway back and forth in a damned conjuration. Vala pales but, to her credit, doesn't run away. Tactical retreat, that's what she calls it. A few steps back and one of the plentiful bags of salt is pulled free, weighing down her hand. Crystals leak out in a comet tail as she hurls the salt-bag at that horrid, wretched sucking mouth. "Sky-singer defend me!"

GAME: Sonja rolls initiative: Roll: 2 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 3

Tannin's eyes widen, and she takes a pouch of salt and plays it between the big leech and the three on that side of the broken path, then says, "Not the most lovable of the Gods' creatures, are you? She then plants the end of her staff in some rotting divot in the planks before the others, and crouches, cradling the quarterstaff, much like a bill or pike set for a charge. "Mayhap this will dissade it!"

GAME: Sonja rolls 1d20+7: (6)+7: 13

GAME: Sonja rolls 2d6+9: (2)+9: 11

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d20+4: (15)+4: 19

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d6: (5): 5

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d6: (2): 2

GAME: Jibbom rolls 2d6: (5): 5

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d6: (1): 1

GAME: Jibbom damaged Tannin for 1 points. 13 remaining.

GAME: Jibbom damaged Eleria for 5 points. 16 remaining.

GAME: Eleria rolls fort: (16)+4: 20

GAME: Eleria rolls fort: (8)+4: 12

Grumbles as she finds Leeches in their way, Sonja stares at the giant leech coming after her and Vala. Thankfully.....her swing is made OVER Vala's head.....and she hits the leech back into the swamp. "SLug."

Cesarn's efforts to scramble out of the swarm are successful. The tiny leeches slither in pursuit, but they run up against the barrier of salt Tannin has placed in the way. Some shrivel up, and that deters them from further pursuit. It leaves only one obvious target for them on this side of the platform: Eleria. The tiny leeches start slithering up the elf's legs, latching on where they can. Meanwhile, the surviving giant leech lunges forward, likewise singed by the salt barrier, and latches right onto Tannin's chest with a horrible slurping sound, teeth sinking in.

GAME: Tannin rolls 1d20: (15): 15

GAME: Tannin rolls 2d6: (10): 10

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d3: (2): 2

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d3: (3): 3

GAME: Jibbom damaged Eleria's Strength for 2 points. 2 total damage.

GAME: Jibbom damaged Eleria's Constitution for 3 points. 3 total damage.

Eleria wails in dismay as the leeches start to slither up her legs. Forgetting her salt for a moment, she slaps at her legs, dancing around in distress as she unsuccessfully tries to dislodge the leeches from her legs.

Cesran gets out of the water and he lifts up his robes to show his legs. He gets out of the salt and pours some salt on them to get them off of him. Thankfully most of them shrivel up and sloth off, but there are still some."

GAME: Vala rolls 1d20+5-4: (15)+5+-4: 16

GAME: Vala rolls 1d6+1: (3)+1: 4

She doesn't do frozen snake-elementals or climbing rocks very well. Apparently the secret to Vala's success is confronting her with something hideous, disgusting, and glistening with ooze. Sonja's neat dispatch of one receives a grateful nod. Her elven contempt comes into play as she shifts her quarterstaff into her left hand, gauging the other monstrous leech as it aims to devour the bardic priestess's life force. A whisper of words spills from her lips, sibilant and atonal for those nearest her. A sizzling scent rises around her fingertips as she fashions a mote and hurls the barb into the leech's back, iridescent lines radiating out under its withering skin. Another's dispatched to Leech Hell.

Tannin manages to get the staff between herself and the leech creature, which unfortunately doesn't slow it down, sufficiently, it wtisting around and grabbing hold of her. "Help!" she's about saying, and in a near-panicked scrabble, manages to gain escape toward the others, not quite realizing why that met with little resistance, ...but, seeing Eleria, casts about on her belt for another pouch of the salt. "Druidess! She comes up and starts dusting leeches with another pouch of the salt.

GAME: Tannin rolls 1d20+3: (2)+3: 5

GAME: Jibbom rolls 2d6: (10): 10

GAME: Jibbom damaged Eleria for 10 points. 5 remaining.

GAME: Eleria rolls fort: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Eleria rolls fort: (15)+2: 17

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d4: (1): 1

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d3: (3): 3

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d3: (3): 3

GAME: Jibbom damaged Eleria's Strength for 3 points. 5 total damage.

GAME: Jibbom damaged Eleria's Constitution for 3 points. 6 total damage.

GAME: Jibbom damaged Eleria's Dexterity for 1 points. 1 total damage.

Eleria's dance is somewhat less than effective in protecting her from the leeches slithering further and further up her body. While the salt has claimed many, enough remain to drain a significant amount of blood from her skin. Even worse, their suckers begin injecting her wounds with a horrible sickening poison, slowing her reactions.

GAME: Eleria rolls ranged: (10)+4: 14

GAME: Eleria rolls 1d6: (6): 6

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+5: (7)+5: 12

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d6: (4): 4

Cesran sees all the leeches on him have fell off once he poured salt on them and he stops them a bit for good measure. He sees that Eleria has some leeches on her and he keeps his bag of salt out. He throws some salt on here, "Damned things."

GAME: Vala rolls 1d20+5: (10)+5: 15

Eleria's dancing is getting less enthusiastic, and her dismayed groaning is taking on a "not feeling so hot" tone. She does manage to get a handful of salt and drop it right down her pants, along with Cesran's helpful handful. "Oh Dana, help..."

GAME: Vala rolls 1d6: (6): 6

"Bad leeches. Begone!" An imperious hiss from the elf maiden is followed up by a rather prodigious hailstorm of salt crystals raining down from the sky as she flings them across the gap. Vala retreats behind Sonja. "Is there anything else we can do for her?"

GAME: Tannin rolls 1d20+3: (19)+3: 22

GAME: Tannin rolls 1d6: (6): 6

GAME: Eleria rolls fort: (4)+1: 5

GAME: Eleria rolls fort: (17)+1: 18

GAME: Jibbom rolls 1d4: (1): 1

GAME: Jibbom damaged Eleria's Dexterity for 1 points. 2 total damage.

GAME: Cesran used a Potion of Cure Light Wounds.

Tannin casts further salt over the area and over Eleria, and stops to examine her, fumbling for her healing kit and looking her over.

GAME: Tannin rolls 1d6: (5): 5

GAME: Cesran rolls 1d8+1: (3)+1: 4

Eleria is pelted from all sides by handfuls of salt, like some weird marriage tradition. Only instead of a husband, she gets parasites on her lady bits and blood poisoning. Worst. Wedding. Ever!

The druid isn't looking so hot, and when the last of the leeches fall out off her legs to writhe on the ground, the druid stumbles a few steps back and falls on her ass. She holds her head, groaning. "Oh Dana...when did it get so hard to stand up? Are they all gone?"

GAME: Jibbom damaged Eleria for -5 points. 10 remaining.

GAME: Jibbom damaged Cesran for -4 points. 26 remaining.

GAME: Jibbom damaged Cesran for -5 points. 27 remaining.

GAME: Jibbom damaged Tannin for -5 points. 14 remaining.

Tannin pauses, and says, "Gather round a moment," though it's unnecessary, Starts to pray, then prestidigitates away some slime and much as though to make herself more presentable. Holds out her hands over a spot, and says, 'Lady of our healing mercies, lend us healing light..." And. There's that sense of a glow over the immediate area."

Vala circles around to squash any remaining leeches with the bottom of her quarterstaff. She does not veer far from Tannin or Sonja, the pale light washing over her in waves, forcing her shadow to dance.

Cesran takes off the top of one of his cure light wound potions and he downs it. He's not feeling all the way better and he feels the glowing healing washing over him as well, "How is everyone else doing? Shall we press on or do we need to stop for he night?"

Eleria takes in a breath when she feels like healing light knit her wounds...but she groans again. "Oh no, poison..." She grumbles, hands going gingerly to her legs. "I've been poisoned! Gotta get..." She starts to paw at her backpack, but the weakened druid is having trouble pulling the pack around to where she can reach it.

The narrow, rotted walkway is probably just wide enough to support tents. However, given the instability of the platform, one might wonder how wise it would be to gather all of the equipment and members of the group into tight spots for the night.

Eleria looks up to Cesran, and slowly shakes her head. "I can walk...but my strength feels like it's almost gone. I won't be much use in a fight until I can rest. Perhaps we can push on until nightfall?"

GAME: Tannin rolls heal: (3)+12: 15

GAME: Vala rolls heal: (20)+1: 21

GAME: Jibbom damaged Eleria's dexterity for -2 points. 0 total damage.

Tannin hrms, trying to get Eleria to sit still as she struggles, "Wait, wait, drink this." She watches over them as it takes effect. "Well, we can't stay here, I think, more of those may be right here. I don't like the looks of what these things do, and it would only be prudent to consider withdrawing." She glances ahead, fretfully. "This doesn't bode terribly well for the survival of the one we came to rescue, but he may have passed without disturbing these creatures."

Cesran nods as he is feeling weaker than before, "I won't be jumping any gaps soon, but I didn't want to waste my spell for something as basic as a gap in the walkway. I should have looked before I leapt."

Vala falls in next to Tannin after seeing to the smooshing of slugs. She offers to hold anything necessary and examines the wounded druid, particularly the ragged bites imparted by the nasty swarm. "Next time I will bring the repellent. I worried about its use, but I see now it may have helped."

Eleria nods at Tannin, and tries to get to her feet, but grunts as her equipment is just too much weight right now. "I agree. We should push in and find some place safer to hole up for the night. I can still walk, and perhaps even help find a spot. In the morning, we'll be better prepared."

GAME: Sonja rolls 1d6: (5): 5

GAME: Jibbom damaged Eleria for -5 points. 12 remaining.

Glowering at where the giant slug went, Sonja trudges her way along the pathway, taking Eleria's pack onto her shoulder. "We can make another hour or two in. Think you can make it Eleria?" Sonja says softly as she takes up the front position again.....

Eleria sloughs her backpack, dropping her weapons, and sloooowly manages to get to her feat, though a little unsteadily. "Still...really heavy, but I can manage. Yes, I'll be fine. Thank you, Sonja." Trying to pick up her backpack is a strenous affair, and only manages to get her equipment off the ground. Her ears turn bright red. "Umm...could someone please carry this for me?"

Tannin nods, "Forward or back, then, I don't relish the idea of giving up our charge, but we might consider regrouping and reinforcing. The day's still young, perhaps we might find a defensible enough spot to tend these sorts of hurts. Another incident like this, and it might be all we could do to get out again."

Cesran looks over at Eleria, "If it gets too heavy let me know I'll summon a disk that you can put it on. I'm sure your stuff isn't going to be heavy enough for it to matter on it."

Eleria smiles at Cesran. "Much appreciated, thank you. If no one else can carry it, I may take you up on that. I know how valuable spells are to wizards..."

After around an hour's march, the group comes to the end of the walkway, which has continued to look dilapidated and unstable the entire way, even if no more sections gave out. Luckily, it ends not in the middle of a puddle, but at a small little sort of island in the bog. The ground is damp and muddy, but it's big enough to support tents, and has no risk of sinking into the water.

GAME: Sonja rolls Perception: (12)+4: 16

GAME: Cesran rolls perception: (5)+2: 7

GAME: Tannin rolls perception: (5)+9: 14

GAME: Eleria rolls perception: (10)+13: 23

GAME: Vala rolls perception: (19)+5: 24

Stepping off of the walkway, Sonja tests the ground ahead of them, to make sure it's firm enough for her, as well as the rest of the party. She steps onto the island and looks around, holding her Earthbreaker in one hand. However, in her search to make sure the ground was suitable, she finds something interesting near the base of an old tree. She walks over and smiles a bit. 'I think this area is safe to rest for the night guys."

Tannin hrms, coming over, gingerly-poring over the little area. "Safety may not be an option, but it seems he chose this spot as well, and his tent would likely be here still if he had not departed on his own feet," she muses. "Mayhap I'll take watch, and see what I can do for the lost strength," She smiles, "I assure I won't use leechcraft."

Vala reaches out gently to touch Sonja on the shoulder. "Stop. Look over there." Her quarterstaff points a moonbeam line towards a tall tree swallowed up at the edges of the path, tufts of grass giving way to a matted area.

Cesran nods, "Well let's start a fire and get settled for the night, some rest would be good I'm not feeling all that strong myself." He uses prestidigitation to dry off the ground so that everyone will have a dry ground to sleep on.

Sonja smiles to Vala. "I see it, friend." She says softly. "If you mean the Canteen that is." She then puts Eleria's pack down on a patch of dry ground. "Let's get some rest. We're all going to need our strength."