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Warehouse Cleanup

RUNNER: Yaakrr

SETUP: Something has gone wrong in the warehouse district. A half-elf has come to the explorer's league seeking help to clean a warehouse he oversees of some annoying pests.


|   Name   |  Race  |    Class    | E Lev| Shortdesc
|Melon     |HALF-ELF|Art          |  2   | Smiley brunette half-elf covered in artificed gadgets 
|Jeor      |GIANTBOR|Pal          |  3   | Giantborn knight in shining plate.
|Divada    |DAWN_ELF|Wiz          |  3   | Tall, red haired female elf 
|Mogrinaar |ORC     |Ftr          |  3   | A large green Orc.
|Qat       |HUMAN   |Clr          |  2   | Tiny Xian in chainmail, carries big honking lance.

Pugwampis (CR 1/2) x 4 (total CR 3)
Pugwampi Leader (Fighter lvl 3)
Pugwampi Shaman (Druid lvl 2)

Falling Trap CR1

A male half-elf of average height and build, with black hair and wisps of white over his ears, paces near the Explorer's Guild. According to those inside, this is Del'Rad and he has need of some adventurers to help clear up an issue he has in the warehouse district. The man looks a bit anxious and wrings his hands together quite often while he waits for the help he requested to show up.

The large titan of an Oruch enters the Adventures guild with Divada. He snorts a bit as the musty air hits his nostrils. "Looks like the place Divada. I take it that is our contact?" he motions with a hand towards Del'Rad. Jeor strolls up in gleaming armor and his helm in the crook of his arm, a bright smile on his face. "Goodday!" he calls out nearing the half-elf. "I believe you were looking for some help?! How can I be of service?!" he says in a chipper tone.

Cleansing! Isn't that what she's supposed to be helping this poor, tainted world do? This is the little Xian female's reasoning when she shows up at the Guild. Instead of voicing her thoughts, however, she simply bobs a greeting to the elfblooded man that has been pointed out to her. Her lacquered armour clacking with the movement, she gives him a tentative smile, "G-Good morning." Fussing nervously at the red tuft situated at the base of her weapon's spearhead, she pushes her thick glasses back up her nose, doing her utmost to blend quietly into the shadow of the much larger 'others' who have shown up before her.

It's not long before the lanky little pile of artifice gear arrives either. Beneath all the bits and bobs, Melon smiles brightly at the gathering group. "Oh! Hey! Divada, Mog, Jor. And someone I don't know. Hello! I'm Melon. Are you the one who's looking to get this place cleaned up?"

"Q-Qat." the Xian woman manages to get out. Big eyes stare unabashedly through her thick spectacles at the bits and bobs adorning Melon.

Del'rad pauses and looks Jeor over. He nods to himself and then again to Jeor and the others that have gathered. "Yes, yes, I need some help with an, ah, issue." Taking them all in he mutters below his breath 'have to do, no time'. Taking a deep breath to gather himself he bows slightly as he introduces himself. "I am Del'rad. It is a pleasure to meet you all. There is a bit of an... issue, like I said, at one of the warehouses I manage for the Sklaar family. If you would follow me, I can fill you in on the way." He heads over to a nag of a horse and mounts.

"Looks like it, Mog." Divada says as she walks out from behind the oruch and smiles to everyone else, including Qat. "Hello there." She says politely to Qat. However, she takes a look at the half-elf. "You alright?" She says to the half-elf before looking back to Mog.....she didn't like the way the half-elf was pacing.

Mogrinaar shrugs, "Jittery little one that is." he notes and then motions, "Make sure you get those willies out before the melee begins....if that is what we are being hired for that is." he notes and starts to walk after Del'rad. "So...Del'Raad. Tell us more about this problem of yours and how much are you paying to have it removed?"

"Where?" Melon looks around for the cat in question, even checking under her shoe. (You never know.) But when the other half-elf addresses them, she straightens again, and bobs her head. "Oh uh-- Nice to meet you, Del!" And, falling in line, she lets the others ask the questions. For now. Jeor nods to his fellow companions on this job and simply smiles at the half-elf. "Dont be so nervous! Daues shines on us and I am certain with his help whatever issue plagues you will be solved immediately."

While in route to the warehouse, Del'rad explains what has happened. Last night, an apprentice arrived to pick up a crate that was to be delivered to the Academy so it's contents could be studied. In the morning it was noticed that the wagon was still there. When Del'rad looked inside he saw the apprentice on the floor. Knocked out or dead Del'rad could not tell mainly because he could not get close enough. An arrow or two flew from the rafters and the half-elf was lucky to escape uninjured, or so he paints it. He asked a pair of caravan guards that were around to help out but they were assaulted as well. One of them thinks they saw something ... foul before they retreated. They boarded up the place to keep whatever it was from escaping and sought help to clear it out. He does mention that there shall be adequate compensation for this job.

Qat has to peer around the large bulk of the giantborn Deausite to get a better look at Del'rad. Since he seems in a hurry, she wastes no time gathering up her small pack and scampering after the man, her shorter legs ensuring she still lags behind everyone else more likely as not. "Oh, greet-greetings." she says in response to Divada, almost tripping over her robes in the process. The towering paladin's words, though, pull a faint smile out of her. "Serrial does too!" she pipes in. Her features fall back into their solemn cast at Del'rad's explanation. "Terrible!" she whispers, aghast at the travesty. Firmly, she adjusts her armour. "I-Inexcusable!"

"Did you happen to get a clear view of what attacked you?" Divada says softly before smiling to Qat....and mouths out 'Relax...' to her. "as much as I'd like to face the unknown without preparing my spells, I find I tend to survive a bit longer when I'm prepared for it."

"Yeah how much can you tell us about it?" Melon inquires, tapping her chin. "It's got arrows..." She looks to Qat, and nods sagely. "You have hit it right on the head, there, sister."

Jeor lights up at the mention of Serriel and grins at Qat "The next best thing to a sister in battle! I am glad to have you with us then, together we will bring justice and order to this calamity." Jeor says with all the confidence in the world. "Slaying the monster would be easy but archers..." this is the first thing thats put a dent in his jolly demeanor.

Mogrinaar wrinkles a nose. "A foul thing that fires arrows? Sounds a little fishy to me. You sending us on a bug hunt or what?" he asks tapping the hilt of his falchion.

Del'rad humms softly to himself for a second. "It was small, and in the rafters," he starts. "I remember the arrows coming from the rafters. They aren't too high, and can be reached by ladders in the corner," he hastens to add at the hint of unease. "Tanis said it looked like... like a giant rat or a deformed dog... if those could walk and shoot a bow that is."

"The forces of g-good cannot relax, madam! There is evil af-foot!" Suddenly realising she is SPEAKING UP, the Xian priestess snaps her mouth closed, pale cheeks flaming. "Sorry, I don't like b-bad things." Embarrassment easing slightly from Jeor's hearty declaration, she nodnods fiercely, almost nodding her glasses right off her face in the process. Glancing uncertainly between the big yrch and Del'rad, she falls quiet. "Rats shooting bows...? That truly sounds e-evil."

<OOC> Divada says, "can I do a knowledge check to think of what they are?" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Hrm. Sure. Knowledge nature" GAME: Divada rolls knowledge/nature: (19)+9: 28

Asking a few well placed question, Divada rubs her face, but is able to figure out what they are. "Pugwampi. Wonderful." She says in a voice that is anything but wonderful. "They are not going to be easy to defeat....and prepare to get sick. Also, make sure you watch your feet....like where you step." She then looks to Qat. "Please relax, ma'am. We're going to need you in the warhouse." She then looks to the Half-elf. "do not follow us."

The building Del'rad leads the group to is a normal looking warehouse. There don't seem to be many windows, and those that are there look like they have been hastily boarded up from the outside. A pair of wide double doors, wide enough to permit a wagon to roll in, look to be the only entrance. One of the doors has a smaller, humanoid-sized door build into it. To the right of the entrance there is a sign on the wall with a stylized, script S bordered by a crescent moon on the left and three stars on the right. Those familiar with merchant families in Alexandros may recognize that as the mark for the Sklaars. A human man holding a spear seems to be guarding the door. He nods at Del'rad as the party arrives. "Jacen is checking the perimeter. So far nothing has come out. This the help?"

Del'rad nods to the guard. "Yes, this is what I could round up. I am sure they are more than enough to clean up whatever those things, pugwampi's you said?" he nods to Divada at that. "Pugwampis. Yes, I'm sure they will be cleaned up easily by this group here." Jeor nods to the guard "We will take care of this creature, I am certain of that." he unhooks his helmet from his belt and places it on his head, latching it in place. Finaly he draws his greatsword and nods to the others "I believe I'm ready."

Melon bites her lip, readying her ray apparatus and nodding to the guard and Del'rad. "Ready as I'll ever be," she agrees. Mogrinaar unsheaths his falchion. "Indeed. Let the slaying of these dogs begin...!" he then lifts his sword to the heavens. "Hrok tarrr Urrrr a Urrrr a Urrrr a!" he pumps a fist sounding his battle cry.

"Pugs? Like those puppies with the flat f-faces?" Qat's face is scrunched as she tries to puzzle through this. "It's hard t-to think they would evilly shoot bows..." yet she seems trusting of Divada's assessment. Securing her glasses back up onto the bridge of her nose, she looks serious business. "Let us cleanse their world of dirty th-things."

"You can count on there being more than one, Jeor." Divada says softly before smiling to Mog. "At least they haven't killed anyone.....yet."

Del'rad dismounts and heads to the humanoid-sized door. "Whenever you are ready," he says while unlocking it and stepping away. "We shall make sure nothing escapes." How brave of them.

<OOC> Mogrinaar says, "haha"

Jeor steps up to the door pushes it open before entering, sword firmly gripped in his hand. He doesnt know whats inside but he does know what hes going to do to it, afterall paladins do not show fear. "Surrender now or pay!" he booms as soon as hes inside.

"I've n-never done this before," Qat whispers, crouched behind the more burly members of their party. "Are we s-supposed to announce our arrival?" Mogrinaar follows instep with the only other member of the part as large as he is. Falchion is held at his side as he steps forward eyes narrowed. His green cordes muscles flex with the tension of the moment and the adrenaline of the ensuing conflict begins to boil his blood. A wry grin can be seen underneath his helmet.

Nothing shouts back, there are no weapons thrown down, there is no deadly trap that springs. The inside of the warehouse is spacious yet crowded. As expected there are crates and barrels everywhere. There is an open area right inside the doors where a cart or wagon could be unloaded. An aisle leads off to either side of this open area as does one that goes straight back into the warehouse. Looking straight ahead it looks like there is another cross aisle not too far down. Nothing is stacked too high, the tallest being perhaps seven feet with the majority being around five or so. There is a catwalk going around the perimeter of the building and several cross beams linking one side to the other. There are a few nets holding various items from the ceiling here and there. Access to the catwalks seems to be from some ladders in the corners of the warehouse. There air is heavy and stagnant. Musty. A light stench permeates filters through. Filth. And blood. Looking straight ahead down that aisle, it looks like something, or someone, is laying on the ground in a heap.

Melon eeeedges toward the back as they enter the building, ray apparatus in hand, and she swallows a little as that stench hits her nose. "Eeuggh..." she mutters, wrinkling her nose and sticking close. She turns her gaze all around, looking for signs of this strange swamp-pug-thing that shoots arrows, ray gun following her gaze.

Recognising that stench, Qat can be heard sucking in a sharp breath. The tip of her spear shivers in her tightened grasp, but she retains enough presence of mind not to go rushing forth. Mindful of Divada's warning about watching their step, she begins prodding the floor ahead of them, only taking a step when the prod yields nothing of import.

Rolling stealth for archer pugwampis, druid, then fighter/leader. GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+17: (12)+17: 29 GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+17: (9)+17: 26 GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+18: (5)+18: 23

You paged Melon with 'Are you actively searching?' You paged Melon with 'Feel free to do a perception check if you are.' GAME: Melon rolls perception: (9)+3: 12 You paged Melon with 'Sorry, don't see any swamp-pug-things.'

Jeor has explored goblin sewers, compared to that the smell if merely a minor annoyance. However he keeps his grip firmly on his sword and looks around the rafters, taking his time to walk towards the body ahead of the others.

Mogrinaar takes the right flank of Jeor, making sure to cover down on the other side. "Smells like old man Jenkins pig pen in here..." he grins and approaches every now and then looking down to make sure he is not stepping in something he will have to clean off later.

<OOC> Qat says, "Can we roll perception to try and identify what that heap is?" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Sure. I'm guessing you mean before you can actually touch it, right?"

GAME: Jeor rolls perception: (19)+2: 21

<OOC> Qat says, "Yes. :)" <OOC> Qat says, "Or, well, I will Aid Another?" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Yep. It's a body. Looks to be a human in a robe." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "How close to the body are you getting Jeor?" <OOC> Jeor will try and inspect it. <OOC> Qat would like to try a heal check to determine cause of death. <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Okay Jeor, make two perception checks first. Lower one is the one you keep."

GAME: Jeor rolls perception: (1)+2: 3 GAME: Jeor rolls perception: (7)+2: 9

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Oookay. Two reflex saves, lower one is the keeper."

GAME: Jeor rolls ref: (9)+5: 14 GAME: Jeor rolls ref: (4)+5: 9

As Jeor is approaching the body, he fails to notice a thin rope across the way. A small twang can be heard as one of the netting above him falls down splattering him with a foul looking brownish liquid and of course boxes.

GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d6: (2): 2 GAME: Yaakrr damaged Jeor for 2 points. 27 remaining.

<OOC> Divada says, "and he gets crapped on." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Yep. I've pondered making you roll to not be sickened, but I'll forgo that." <OOC> Qat would like to cast create water to try and wash some of the worst off if possible. :3 <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Actually I shall need two perception rolls from everyone."

GAME: Qat rolls Perception: (19)+4: 23 GAME: Qat rolls Perception: (4)+4: 8

GAME: Divada rolls perception: (3)+4: 7 GAME: Divada rolls perception: (14)+4: 18

GAME: Melon rolls perception: (14)+3: 17 GAME: Melon rolls perception: (7)+3: 10

GAME: Mogrinaar rolls perception: (19)+1: 20 GAME: Mogrinaar rolls perception: (2)+1: 3

GAME: Jeor rolls perception: (6)+2: 8 GAME: Jeor rolls perception: (12)+2: 14

<OOC> Mogrinaar says, "sheeze" <OOC> Divada says, "whatever it is, I'm screwed." <OOC> Qat says, "Yaakrr, was the 'sure' a reply to my question about create water? ^_^;" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "You can do the create water if you want. It's a standard action, and no one notices anything anyway." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Everyone gets one pose and then it will be init time."

Eyes widening, Qat is too slow to warn or really help Jeor in any way. One of the tumbling boxes almost knocks her right over, even. "Sir Big Knight, a-are you all right?!" Scrambling around more boxes, she makes her way over to the paladin. A murmured word and a small cascade of water flows forth from her hands. Sadly, being the squirt that she is, she can barely reach the giantborn's waist. It's the thought that counts, right?! GAME: Qat casts Create Water.

Rubbing her face as Jeor is covered in slime, Divada sighs quietly. "It's like the sewers all over again." She says softly. "I think we can forget about being lucky here. and they're annoying as hell."

That twang gets a jump and a squeal from Melon as she brings her ray apparatus swiftly up to bear. "Agh! ... eeeeuuuuggghhhh." The half-elf wrinkles her nose and looks raaaather disconcerted at the turn of events. At least Qat can help with the water. Mogrinaar watches for a moment as Qat creates water. He snorts, "Well if they weren't awake...they sure as hell are now." he swings his falchion about in his hands ready for action, looking towards the shadows.

GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (10)+3: 13 GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16 GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6 GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (10)+3: 13

Jeor shakes his head and steadies himself after the boxes come tumbling down on his head "That... was unpleasant..." he takes two sniffs and makes a 'bleh' sounds behind his helm. Jeor does manage a 'thanks' to Qat despite cold water now running down his legs and armor.

Barking, clicking, baying noises echo through the warehouse after the trap is sprung. From the far side of the warehouse, as if one would continue down the main aisle to the far side, comes the twanging of four bows. The arrows pass harmlessly by Jeor and Mogrinaar, though one does 'tink' as it bounces off of Mogrinaar's armor. Also looking down that way are two more of the creatures climbing up ontop of some crates. One is to the right of the aisle and holds a short spear whose tip glistens like glass and the other is to the left of the aisle. That one holds a club. The creatures themselves look like the pet dog of some noble lady after it has been run over by a wagon and left in the sun for a day. And it is walking on its hind feet and holding a weapon.

Current Initiative Order ====

23                  Pugwampi

22                  Melon

21                  Divada

20                  Shaman

19                  Leader

17                  Qat

15                  Mogrinaar

5                   Jeor


<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Okay, so is everyone around the down apprentice, spread out behind Jeor/Mog?" <OOC> Melon is! <OOC> Qat is as well. :) <OOC> Divada is behind Mog and Jeor, yes.

The pugwampis in the rafters are spread out two to each side of the main aisle, though they are up a level. There is an aisle nearby that someone could use to reach either side and then the ladders in the corner. The two at ground level are up a little high but still able to be reached by all but the shortest of people. The ones in the rafters shoot once more at the two heavily armored folks.

GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6 GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (7)+3: 10 GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (20)+3: 23 GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (2)+3: 5

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "roll to confirm crit"

GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (11)+3: 14

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "nope" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Mog is hit for ..."

GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d4-1: (1)+-1: 0 <OOC> Yaakrr says, "So 1"

GAME: Yaakrr damaged Mogrinaar for 1 points. 28 remaining.

<OOC> Divada says, "hehehehe 0 damage. I like that." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Next up, Melon" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "What are you going to do?" <OOC> Mogrinaar :) <OOC> Melon says, "I'm going to use my move action to activate my Titan Armor with the +4 to Dex, and then use my standard to shoot at the one nearest on the ground floor." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Both on the floor are about the same distance away. About 20ft from the body. Any preference? (spear guy or club guy)" <OOC> Melon says, "Spear guy!" <OOC> Melon says, "Should I roll twice?" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Yep"

GAME: Melon rolls ranged: (15)+3: 18 GAME: Melon rolls ranged: (11)+3: 14

<OOC> Yaakrr had to doublecheck. <OOC> Divada stares. <OOC> Melon says, "Err that should be +2 to both" <OOC> Melon needs to code up an object to help me keep track of titan armor and ray gun charges. XD <OOC> Yaakrr says, "That's a hit, roll damage."

GAME: Melon rolls 1d6+4: (1)+4: 5

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Nice hit. Still there though." <OOC> Melon thumbsup! :D <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Pose it and then Divada, what will you do?" <OOC> Divada says, "I guess I can try a scroching ray....."

"Aaagh!" Melon smacks a switch under her leathers that sends pieces of her under-armor pistoning and grinding into place. With the renewed accuracy, she levels her shootin' arm with as much stillness as she can muster, and PZEEWW! Electricity crackles at the pugwampi holding a spear on the ground level.

GAME: Divada rolls 1d20+4: (19)+4: 23 GAME: Divada rolls 1d20+4: (11)+4: 15

<OOC> Divada says, "shame I hafta roll twice." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Who were you aiming at?" <OOC> Divada says, "one of the archers."

GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d4: (3): 3

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "You hit the third one from the left. Roll damage" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "er, wait a sec" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Need a caster level check." <OOC> Divada is level 3. <OOC> Yaakrr says, "So 1d20+3 twice." <OOC> Divada points. <OOC> Yaakrr says, "They have Spell resistance" <OOC> Divada says, "1d20+4. BAB counts for rays." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "not much mind you." <OOC> Mogrinaar says, "wow they are annoying haha. The annoying creatures you want to kill but just wont die and wont leave you alone :P" <OOC> Divada says, "spell resistance?"

GAME: Divada rolls 1d20+3: (18)+3: 21 GAME: Divada rolls 1d20+3: (10)+3: 13

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "and you bypass their SR. roll damage." <OOC> Divada says, "spell penetration, where we come. XD"

GAME: Divada rolls 4d6+1: (19)+1: 20

<OOC> Mogrinaar says, "ouch :)" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "And that one is fried." <OOC> Divada WANTS THESE THINGS DEAD!!!

GAME: Divada casts Scorching Ray.

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Now on to the two on the ground floor."

Seeing Jeor covered in foul smelling crap is enough to send divada into a wizard type rage. "Really? Are you TRYING to tick us off? IT worked!" She says as she holds out a hand and says one word......"ZAKAIRE!"....and a LASER is fired from the palm of her hand, vaporizing one of the archers. "I suggest you run!"

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "The spear-guy will approach and attack Mogrinar, the club guy will attack Melon." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Want the attack of opportunity, Mog?" <OOC> Mogrinaar says, "sure" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Roll regular attack twice."

GAME: Mogrinaar rolls melee: (18)+7: 25 GAME: Mogrinaar rolls melee: (19)+7: 26

<OOC> Mogrinaar says, "boosh" <OOC> Mogrinaar says, "crit"

GAME: Mogrinaar rolls melee: (11)+7: 18

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Roll crit damage then. *winces*"

GAME: Mogrinaar rolls (2d4+7)*2: ((6)+7)*2: 6

<OOC> Mogrinaar says, "hrm I dont think that worked lol" <OOC> Yaakrr blinks. Just roll regular damage twice then. <OOC> Yaakrr says, "I'm guessing you get x2 on crits, yes?" <OOC> Mogrinaar says, "what is the command? yah" <OOC> Mogrinaar sorries its been a while <OOC> Qat says, "You can +roll 4d4+14"

GAME: Mogrinaar rolls 4d4+14: (11)+14: 25

<OOC> Qat claps! <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Well, so much for that guy." <OOC> Melon says, "Woo!!"

The pugwampi with the spear snarls as he is hit by Melon's death ray. Being out of reach however he advances on Mogrinaar in an attempt to stab the big fellow. It may not be smart, but it is brave. One can guess. It doesn't do much good as once it is within range of the big orc, one fell swoop turns the ugly dog thing into red paste. Meanwhile one of the chittering pugwampis has been burned to a crips up in the rafters while the pugwampi with a club points at Melon to avenge its leaders injury. An acid dart appears from the things hand and shoots at the Artificer.

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Next up is Qat"

GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (2)+3: 5

The Acid dart goes flying by Melon and splashes against a crate harmlessly.

<OOC> Qat says, "Are all my allies within 30 feet of me?" <OOC> Melon says, "Whew!" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Looks that way." <OOC> Qat shall cast bless. :)

GAME: Qat casts Bless.

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Everyone gets a +1 on attack rolls and saving rolls" <OOC> Qat says, "Saving rolls vs fear effects, not sickness, unfortunately. :(" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Pose if you wish. Mog is up. Whatcha ya doing, besides wiping pugwampi guts off your weapon?" <OOC> Mogrinaar says, "hehe charge power attacking the Shaman with the club" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Okay, it will get an AoO as you close on it." Divada tests <OOC> Divada returns. <OOC> Mogrinaar says, "really? thats ok though" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "I think so..." <OOC> Mogrinaar says, "aoo away !"

"I... you... BAD DOG! BAD!" Seeing the misshapen pugs attacking her teammates, Qat is incensed and forgets even to stutter. Muttering words in an obscure Xian dialect, the little priestess lifts her spear. It spins through in air in an apparent attempt to intimidate the pugthings, though in actual fact, it's a prayer she is muttering. In a final move, she slams the butt of her spear down between her spread feet. An invisible field spreads out, centred around the small human's form, cloaking each of her allies with heightened courage to face this wickedness.

GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (19)+3: 22

<OOC> Mogrinaar says, "that hits"

GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d4-1: (1)+-1: 0

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Another 1" <OOC> Mogrinaar says, "heh"

GAME: Yaakrr damaged Mogrinaar for 1 points. 27 remaining. GAME: Mogrinaar rolls melee + 2 - 1 + 1: (3)+7+2+- 1+1: 13 GAME: Mogrinaar rolls melee + 2 - 1 + 1: (17)+7+2+- 1+1: 27

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Second, brb" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Sorry, someone was at the door, thought it was Maint." <OOC> Mogrinaar says, "np" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Sadly that is a miss, due to the unluck." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Pose it and on to Jeor" <OOC> Jeor says, "So is the one on Mog still alive?"

Mogrinaar roars and closes on the Shaman attempting to send its head flying too, but as luck would have it he slips just a bit and the edge of his blade merely cuts off some of the dogs whiskers. "Jeor on me....I set you up for the kill!"

<OOC> Jeor will charge the one on Mog, trying for the flank. <OOC> Yaakrr says, "It is up on a crate so you can charge it and attack, but not flank. Or you can circle around and attack with flank. It's AoO is used up." <OOC> Jeor will move and flank then. <OOC> Jeor says, "Using power attack" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Okay, roll twice"

GAME: Jeor rolls melee+1+1-1+2: (14)+12+1+1+-1+2: 29 GAME: Jeor rolls melee+1+1-1+2: (14)+12+1+1+-1+2: 29

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Heh. That is a hit." <OOC> Jeor says, "thats wrong..." <OOC> Jeor says, "you set my str to 29. XD" Huh? (Type "help" for help.) <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Ack. That is wrong. What should it be" <OOC> Jeor says, "so those are both 25's" <OOC> Jeor says, "It should be 20 str" <OOC> Mogrinaar says, "I was like holy crapola! :)" <OOC> Jeor thought he crit at first... XD <OOC> Qat says, "Jeor is a walking Weapon of Awe."

GAME: Yaakrr damaged Jeor's Strength for 9 points. 0 total damage.

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Is your Str what it should be?" <OOC> Jeor says, "alright, strength is good. Do I get to roll damage?" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Aye, roll damage."

GAME: Jeor rolls 2d6+7+3: (8)+7+3: 18

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "And that drops that one." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Feel free to pose." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "And back to the top of the order with the archerwampis" Jeor is not happy, Qar's spell fills him with further holy ferver and strengthens his action as he bursts forth from the fallen crates in a shower of splinters. rushing forward he gets on the opposite side of the pug like creature and brings his sword down upon it, cleaving not only it but into the crates it stands on making for a spray of wood and blood. <OOC> Yaakrr says, "The one next to the scorched one fires on Divada, the other two chose Mog and Jeor."

GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (20)+3: 23 GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16 GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (15)+3: 18

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Reroll to check crit"

GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16

<OOC> Divada says, "figures....I get the crit." <OOC> Yaakrr pats. <OOC> Mogrinaar hugs <OOC> Yaakrr says, "And only you are hit too." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "For a MASSIVE..."

GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d3-1: (2)+-1: 1 GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d3-1: (2)+-1: 1 GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d3-1: (3)+-1: 2 <OOC> Yaakrr says, "4 damage!" GAME: Yaakrr damaged Divada for 4 points. 17 remaining.

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Melon next"

Screeching comes from the rafters, whether fear, dismay, outrage, or other is unknown. Each one chooses a different target though the one avenging its scorched comrade is the only one that scores a might hit on Divada. The other two arrows plink harmlessley off of the armored ones.

<OOC> Melon fires her ray gun at the one that hit Divada! <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Roll away, twice"

GAME: Melon rolls ranged+4+1: (18)+3+4+1: 26 GAME: Melon rolls ranged+4+1: (15)+3+4+1: 23

<OOC> Melon woo! <OOC> Yaakrr says, "And a hit. Roll damage" <OOC> Melon says, "Bless adds to both attack and damage yes?" <OOC> Mogrinaar says, "nah" <OOC> Melon says, "Just attack?" <OOC> Mogrinaar says, "yeah" <OOC> Mogrinaar says, "and +1 save vs fear"

GAME: Melon rolls 1d6+4: (2)+4: 6

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Just attack and saves" <OOC> Melon says, "Gotcha :3"

The pugwampi that was cheering for having hit the fiery wizard so soundly is hit most solidly by the Melon death ray. The creature stops mid-yap and tumbles from the beam.

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Solid hit." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Down, not dead."

"Hey--!" Melon growls, as an arrow grazes Divada. "Quit that!" So she fires on him, electricity zipping out from her ray gun.

<OOC> Melon says, "Woot!" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Divada, you're up" <OOC> Divada says, "sorry....today seems to be the day to keep me off the computer." <OOC> Yaakrr pats. <OOC> Divada says, "Scorching ray on another of the archers. which one hit me?" <OOC> Melon says, "He's been downed by death ray. Isn't dead yet." <OOC> Melon says, "But he fell off the beam :3" <OOC> Divada tests <OOC> Divada attacks one of the other archers with Scorching ray.

GAME: Divada rolls 1d20+4: (5)+4: 9 GAME: Divada rolls 1d20+4: (17)+4: 21

<OOC> Divada says, "miss." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Yep. Sorry."

GAME: Divada casts Scorching Ray.

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Pose it and on to Qat" <OOC> Divada says, "oh wait.....that was a 10. not that it matters." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Yep, I noticed that." <OOC> Qat says, "What remaining enemies have we, please?" <OOC> Yaakrr pats.

Watching the archer fall, Divada looks up towards the other archers and tries her luck with another scorching ray. She does, however, miss. "I did tell you to run. I wasn't kidding."

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "We have two up in the rafters which can be reached by a ladder on either corner. They are closest to the ladder on the left. People could likely get to the ladders this turn but not all up." <OOC> Qat says, "I would like to attempt a Command cast on one of them to Approach." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "If you have ranged weapons/spells that'd be easiest, otherwise do what thou wilt." <OOC> Qat says, "I've no idea how to +roll it, however. ^_^;" <OOC> Mogrinaar says, "ohhh command one to come down here...haha thats a nice idea" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "You cast it, then roll 1d20+casterlvl twice to bypass it's Spell resistance. If it does (SR 7) then I roll to resist."

GAME: Qat rolls 1d20+1: (17)+1: 18 GAME: Qat rolls 1d20+1: (6)+1: 7

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "And that just makes it." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "So now I resist, or try."

GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+4: (12)+4: 16

Qat pages: Wis: 14

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Sadly he resists." <OOC> Qat sad! <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Lucky roll from the unlucky dogthing." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Pose and on to Mog"

GAME: Qat casts Command.

<OOC> Mogrinaar says, "ok well since they are up on the roof, drop falchion at feet, draw comp longbow and fire" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Ok. You know the drill, roll twice"

GAME: Mogrinaar rolls ranged + 1: (9)+4+1: 14 GAME: Mogrinaar rolls ranged + 1: (2)+4+1: 7

<OOC> Mogrinaar says, "yay" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Sadly a miss."

The dogs are being bad. VERY bad. Gasping when Divada is wounded, Qat stamps her tiny foot. "Stop being bad! This is not Serriel's will! You get down here right this instant!" Gesturing in the air, she attempts to call one of the arrow-slinging pups over, alas, to no avail.

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Pose and on to Jeor."

Mogrinaar drops his falchion at his feet, reaching back for his composite longbow. He pulls out an arrow ...aims and fires. TWHAP...sproinoinoinoinoingoing. It sticks into a wooden post in the wall. "Bah...." he states in frustration. You paged Jeor with 'Using a full move you could get up there, a regular move would get you to the ladder and then you'd go up and attack next turn. If you were wondering about distance and such.'

<OOC> Jeor says, "Hrm is there one still on the ground shooting?" <OOC> Jeor says, "the one that fell?" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Nope. He's at 0." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "You could go investigate and finish him off if you wish." <OOC> Jeor says, "Ah then i will go over to the ladder" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Pose away and back to the top"

Jeor grumbles a curse in Jotun and walks over to the ladder, intent on dealing death with his blade to the smelly creatures.

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "And they want to pick on Jeor this time. Maybe since he's approaching them."

GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (2)+3: 5 GAME: Yaakrr rolls 1d20+3: (7)+3: 10

Yipping and yapping and ignoring those that didn't hurt them this time, the two remaining pugwampis take aim at Jeor and fire furiously at the floor, which is all they end up hitting.

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Melon is up" <OOC> Melon fires at pugwampi1, whichever that is!

GAME: Melon rolls ranged+4+1: (9)+3+4+1: 17

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "One closest to the ladder. And a hit. Roll damage."

GAME: Melon rolls 1d6+4: (4)+4: 8

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "And another one bites the dust. One left up there." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Pose and on to Divada" <OOC> Divada says, "Magic missile on the remaining archer.....since I can never remember pugwampi........"

As Jeor turns toward the ladder, Melon turns her sights on the pug-things up thataway, perhaps a bit mad with power from actually hitting with her attacks. She even lets out a little cackle of glee before electricity crackles and crashes into the pugwampi nearest to the ladder. "Take that, sucker!" she laughs.

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "Chuckles. So just a caster check to bypass SR"

GAME: Divada rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16

<OOC> Divada says, "twice?" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Hrm, depends. Are you staying rather far back?" <OOC> Divada nods. <OOC> Yaakrr says, "That should do it then. Roll damage."

GAME: Divada rolls 2d4+3: (4)+3: 7

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "And that one bites it. End combat, begin free rp." <OOC> Yaakrr says, "well, pose splatting the last one and then start."

Staying quite far back as the dog-things decide to move around, Divada notices the large amount of missing, even from her. So rather than worry about chance, she goes back to her old standby. Magic missile. She says a few words before 'throwing' a pair of green bolts at the archer. Ironically, she's quite skilled at bypassing spell resistance and strikes another one dead. "Annoying things...."

Mogrinaar puts away his bow and then picks up his sword. He slices in a diagonal to flick away some of the blood. "And there you have it." he looks to the others, "It was a bug hunt just like I thought. Well vermin at least. Well done everyone." he fistpumps. "Now it is time for us to get paid" His white tusks grin.

<OOC> Qat says, "Is there an option to +roll heal to determine how the apprentice died?" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "Sure, just +roll heal"

Jeor didnt get to break rafters, oh well. However he climbs down and raises his visor. "Lets have a look around, make sure there are no further suprises and contact the part elf." He sheaths his sword and flexes his hand some. "I am wondering though, what were these things doing being transported in crates."

GAME: Qat rolls Heal: (13)+8: 21

As the last of the terribly malformed puppies fall, Qat cannot help but give a sad little sigh. "They m-must have had a bad owner." Heedless of the pool of brown, stinky gunk that had tagged Jeor before, the priestess approaches the corpse, expression grave. Boots squelching, she kneels, setting aside her spear to study the poor fellow. Murmuring a quiet prayer, she commits the departed soul to the Dread Lady's care, shaking her head. "He is gone," she says sadly. "I think the trap Sir Big Knight tr-triggered laid him flat, defenseless against the weapon that ended h-his life." Melon swings her gun around eagerly, looking for any other enemies. "Huh? Huh?! Where are you, verminous scum!" But alas, there are no more and she frowns, even disappointed before she lets her gun swing down to her side. "Oh. Well. Jolly for us, then. I do like getting paid..."

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "If you look around, you will find two open crates with air holes they likely came from. They are near the corpse so are not hard to find. There is also a piece of blank parchment nearby."

"It's odd. Why would these things come here?" Divada says looking at Mogrinaar. "Nice shot by the way." She then Shrugs. "Well, at least they can get back in here and get their stuff." She then walks her way over to Qat and puts a hand on her shoulder. "I'm Divada Autumnleaf. The Oruch is Mogrinaar, the Paladin is Jeor....and the one with the rifle is Melon. "What's your name? I'm afraid I didn't catch it earlier." Mogrinaar motions with a hand. "Hey look at that piece of paper." he notes to the others.

"It's not a /rifle/, it's a /ray apparatus/," Melon corrects Divada with a huff. Not an offended huff, mind you; just a 'gawd get it right' huff. Which certainly is something coming from the half-elf who couldn't remember Divada's name for a few weeks. "You guys were pretty spectacular," she says to the group, and she approaches Qat and crew as well. "Yeah, what /was/ your name? I didn't catch it bef... paper?"

Sighing still over the seemingly senseless deaths, Qat removes her glasses to clean them on her sleeve, "Qatalina Qaline Qianru of House Qoulong." Blinking, she slips her glasses back on, glancing up at Divada, "But you can call me Qat." Turning to regard the one introduced as Mogrinaar, she quirks a thin brow. Then, she gives Divada and Melon a wan smile and, gathering up her weapon, rises back to her feet. "Ray ap-apparatus." she repeats slowly, committing the contraption's name to memory. "It works w-well." she compliments politely. Trailing brown after her, she approaches the spot that the oruch points to. "Curious. P-Parchment is expensive, to have one lying about..."

<OOC> Yaakrr says, "It looks like it could be the right type/size for a scroll"

"Let me take a look at that." Divada says softly as she approaches Mogrinaar and holds out her hand. "There might've been something useful about it."

<OOC> Divada says, "it's blanks, right?" <OOC> Yaakrr says, "yep"

Jeor takes his helmet off and looks about for anything else possibly suspicious in the warehouse. "Oh, I am Jeor Baeler, A pleasure..." he says even as hes distracted looking around amongst the crates.

Mogrinaar hands the paper to Divada. "Here ya go....dunno what its for"

<OOC> Divada says, "is there any magical residue on it? detect magic and all."

GAME: Jeor rolls perception: (7)+2: 9

You paged Jeor with 'Nope, don't really notice anything unusual.'

Mogrinaar observes and continues to keep an eye open for trouble.

Melon hangs back a bit to give the more perceptive types space. Instead, she flicks off her Titan armor and sighs as the pieces unlock and whirr back into dormancy. "Should I go talk to whatisbucket out there?" she asks.

Qat nods to the rest, the corners of her eyes crinkling. "I am glad to make your acquaintances." Now that they have a moment, she clasps her hands together around the haft of her spear. "Zhu yu wang gei ni men jing shen~" she whispers, sending a small measure of healing into all her teammates.