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  • Title: Phantom Thieves - The Heist Pt2
  • Place: Nobility District

It is now Thief Blue's turn! Warrick is next!
<OOC> Fidget says, "Thief Blue dismisses Reduce Person to give themselves a chance to escape the grapple, but that takes their action. The bag puffs up to Small size instead of tiny."
It is now Warrick's turn! Thief Black is next!
<OOC> Warrick says, "move east 30' (game is still paused), listen down the stairs, ready action to shoot someone that comes within site thats an enemy"
<OOC> Warrick says, "becuase everyone went that way, im covering the rear"
<OOC> Warrick says, "also because i can still see the treasury from here"

Warrick watches Merith sprint down towards the commotion before taking a parting look out the broken window. Fingers drum against the large crossbow before he takes slow strides towards the abandoned stairwell.

The arbalest wraps the crossbow strap around a gauntlet, and jams the butt against his hip, helmet on a swivel as he holds, listening and watching down the spiral, as well as the treasury room behind him.

It is now Thief Black's turn! Thief purple is next!
<OOC> Fidget says, "Okay, Thief Black is going to ascend the stairs, and run into Merith, then try to cast a scroll with UMD"
GAME: Fidget rolls 11: (16)+11: 27
<OOC> Fidget says, "Success, they become Invisible"
It is now Thief purple's turn! Thief Gray is next!
It is now Thief Gray's turn! Thoth is next!
<OOC> Fidget says, "Warrick and anyone else who can see outside the front towards the gate may make perception checks."
GAME: Warrick rolls perception: (5)+6: 11
GAME: Fidget rolls 11: (17)+11: 28
GAME: Fidget rolls 6: (8)+6: 14
<OOC> Fidget says, "Thief Grey and Purple are probably up to something outside, noone can see them."
It is now Thoth's turn! Guards is next!
<OOC> Thoth just gonna cast Magic Missile on Blue.
GAME: Thoth casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 5 DC: 18
GAME: Thoth rolls 3d4+3+2: (11)+3+2: 16
<OOC> Thoth says, "For 16 damage."
<OOC> Thoth says, "And then move a bit East to get a better look at the outsides again. Because it still is worried about that Thok it heard."
GAME: Thoth rolls Perception+3+2: (2)+6+3+2: 13

The 'blue' thief held by Crik, and another fleeing, Thoth is splitting its attention somewhat. Opening its hand and snapping its fingers, it sends a threesome of magic missiles right into the entrapped and grappled thief within the bag, before stepping back a bit to look through the window once more - to get a better look at the Outside.

It is now Guards' turn! Reithak is next!

Outside there is further commotion with the guards, chasing around where they think the thieves might be hiding, but from the frustrated yelling and lack of sounds of battle it seems they are not succeeding so far.

Inside, the bag that Crik had yanked the blue-ish clad thief puffs up to half-full as a spell is dismissed, and the contained thief struggles against their containment, and they call out "Hey, little help!" as they try to fight free. The last thief inside the building, glances between Crik, the unconscious Reithak, and their captured companion, and dashes away, up the stairs and towards the treasury, abandoning their companion it seems. At the top of the stairs, they spot Merith and curse under their breath - and begin reading from a scroll while eying the half-sil nervously, then suddenly blink out of sight!

<OOC> Fidget says, "You hear a yelp of pain from in the bag."
<OOC> Fidget says, "Already posed what the guards are up to outside, the inner guards...the two near Merith (by the treasury door) look around, trying to find the thief, and move up to assist him."

It is now Reithak's turn! Crik is next!

<OOC> Reithak zzz

It is now Crik's turn! Merith is next!

<OOC> Crik says, "Oh, do I have to roll for grapple again?"
<OOC> Warrick says, "yep."
<OOC> Warrick says, "yes, +5 to maintain"
GAME: Crik rolls cmb+5: (10)+4+5: 19
<OOC> Fidget says, "19 succeeds."
<OOC> Crik says, "I'll pin them. ._."
<OOC> Fidget says, "Okay, Thief Blue has the Pinned condition: No move, no dex bonus, -4 AC, can only try to free, or talk, and can't use somatic or material components."

Crik caws out as he struggles with the blue thief. He gives worried glances towards Reithak, but he didn't have enough hands to help her. So instead, and in near casual fashion, he slams the thief against the side of the stair. "No cries, only murder now." He speaks quietly in the thief's ear.

Then the corvid calls out more loudly. "We have one down! Running out of-!" A momentary pause. "Running out of hands!"

It is now Merith's turn! Thief Blue is next!
<OOC> Merith says, "Can I try a Spellcraft check now?"
GAME: Merith rolls spellcraft: (14)+6: 20
<OOC> Fidget says, "The spell was Invisibility."
<OOC> Merith says, "Charge + Power Attack with Greatsword."
GAME: Merith rolls weapon1+2-1: (6)+4+2+-1: 11
<OOC> Fidget says, "That looks like a miss."

Merith watches the thief in blue incant their spell and smiles. That was one of the spells he'd been studying to recognise and to respond to. He decides his best course of action is to keep the thief off-balance, and so he runs straight at the recently-invisible creature, putting all his strength into a swing that smashes down, right into the recently vacated space.

He then shouts to the allies around him, "This one just went invisible, he can't have gotten far yet."

It is now Thief Blue's turn! Warrick is next!
<OOC> Fidget says, "Does a 17 beat your CMD, Crik?"
<OOC> Crik says, "Sheet says my cmd is 18..."
<OOC> Fidget says, "You'll barely manage to maintain the grapple."

The blue-clad thief manages to wriggle partially free of the birds grabby hands, getting their head out of the bag and making Crik's hand slip for a moment, but then Crik reasserts control and they end up pinned face down to the ground, grunting "Crazy bird! I bet the guy isn't even paying you well to protect his stuff. You really want to kill for him?"

It is now Warrick's turn! Thief Black is next!
<OOC> Warrick can't leave this east stairs unprotected, so I'll just keep doing what im doing, looking out the window, down the stairs, down the halls and hold action to shoot

Warrick holds his position and throws a look over his shoulder. "One's invisible!" he echoes Merith's callout. "Chalk! Look at the floors! I threw chalk everywhere for this!"

He resumes sentry duty, holding the rear.

<OOC> Warrick reminds everyone they threw chalk on the stairs, doorways, entrances and windows
It is now Thief Black's turn! Thief purple is next!

Near where Merith just swung, quiet cursing floats from an empty space in the air, "Chalk! Damnit, why'd these ones have to bring a smart guy." then the sounds of another spell being cast, followed by quiet footsteps that are hard to pinpoint among the shuffling of the people nearby. And...wait, some of the chalk has disappeared! A pair of chalky footprints, now obvious since Warrick has called them out, blow away in the air, along with a visible section of the chalk powder on the floor that had been close.

GAME: Merith rolls spellcraft: (18)+6: 24
<OOC> Fidget says, "You hear Prestidigitation!"
It is now Thief purple's turn! Thief Gray is next!
<OOC> Fidget says, "Warrick can make another perception roll to spot outside thieves."
GAME: Warrick rolls perception: (14)+6: 20
GAME: Fidget rolls 11: (9)+11: 20
GAME: Fidget rolls 6: (2)+6: 8
<OOC> Warrick says, "I'll trigger my readied and take the shot just before he slips away"
<OOC> Warrick says, "i have 120 range increments, so I'll be taking a -2"
GAME: Warrick rolls weapon20+1-2: (18)+10+1+-2: 27
GAME: Warrick rolls xbowdamage: aliased to 1d10+1: (4)+1: 5
It is now Thief Gray's turn! Thoth is next!
It is now Thoth's turn! Guards is next!
<OOC> Thoth says, "Caste Twilight Knife while moving towards the stairs to figure out what all the commotion upstairs is."
GAME: Thoth casts Twilight Knife. Caster Level: 5 DC: 20
<OOC> Thoth says, "Ra will remain behind to look through the window"
<OOC> Fidget says, "Ra can make a perception check on the outside too, if you want."
GAME: Thoth rolls 10: (20)+10: 30

Seeing nothing outside of note, Thoth heads back towards the stairs, now spotting a very much asleep Reithak. Uncertain of what happened, it plucks one of its feathers from its wings, causing it to start floating, and moves to approach in the hopes of aiding them.

<OOC> Fidget says, "Ra will spot both of them circling around the building to the west, and see the guards giving chase to the one that Warrick hit."

Thoth calls out, after some chirping and hooting from near the window; "This one wishes you to know, Ra has spotted thieves heading west around the building."

It is now Guards' turn! Reithak is next!

Outside, the twang of a crossbow loosing, and a feminine yelp of pain, followed by "Found one! Get them!" from the guards as they run after the thief that Warrick helped pinpoint, they close in at a run, a little out of breath as they point their weapons at the threatened thief.

It is now Reithak's turn! Crik is next!
<OOC> Fidget says, "Reithak has nice dreams while they wait on being revived. Sorry Reithak :("
It is now Crik's turn! Merith is next!
<OOC> Crik says, "Apparently I can just ues my standard to tie them up? ._.,"
<OOC> Fidget says, "Okay, cool! So they're tied up and struggling, and you have your other actions remaining if there's something else you want to do (move, bonus)"
<OOC> Crik says, "I suppose there is no way of waking up Rei? I'll just pull out my knife then. ._."
<OOC> Fidget says, "In order to let them participate, I'd be willing to call a quick kick to the side a bonus action."
<OOC> Crik 'll do that!
<OOC> Fidget says, "Reithak gets woken up."
<OOC> Fidget says, "Reithak, would you like to move your init to now and take a turn next?"
<OOC> Reithak says, "I guess that would be good if it's possible"

A quick glance. "I am not doing it for him. I am doing it to see what you are about." Crik quietly tells the blue-clad thief. Then there's a brief bop and heave as he starts to tie the thief up. "... and maybe join Phantom Thieves." There's a pause as he finishes tying up the other rogue. "Phantom Bird!" He holds his beak open. "... still working on the group name." A deflated sigh.

But Reithak was still lying down, so he turns around and gives the other egalrin a careful, but measured kick on her side. "Wake up, wake up, Reithak!"

It is now Reithak's turn! Merith is next!
<OOC> Fidget says, "You are prone, but awake."
<OOC> Reithak says, "In that case, I'll use my movement to get back up, and standard to cast weapon of awe on the rapier"
GAME: Reithak casts Weapon of Awe. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

Reithak is suddenly jostled by a swift kick to the side, and there's an alarmed squawk from the egalrin. "Aint no business, today, don't gotta way me up early!" The inquisitor bemoans, blinking a few times. There's a confused look to Reithak as she shake her head free of whatever was addling it, jumping to her feet. "Thanks Crik, Not the time to be sleeping with you." They reply, glaring at the bag on the ground. "Nice work!"

The inquisitor grabs her rapier, and offers a short prayer that causes the blade to glow brightly for a moment. "What's still left here?"

It is now Merith's turn! Thief Blue is next!
<OOC> Merith says, "Alright, I'll make my way back toward the guards, ready an action to swing at a thief if they get close and I notice them."

Merith hears the thief step away, and watches him cover his tracks with magic. So he returns to his initial plan for dealing with an invisible intruder. He carefully heads back down the corridor, toward the guards and the treasury, while watching his surroundings with his weapon, ready to strike.

It is now Thief Blue's turn! Thief Black is next!
<OOC> Fidget says, "Did I understand that Crik's CMB is +4, so the DC to break free is 24 with no critical allowed?"
<OOC> Warrick says, "yep!"
<OOC> Fidget nodnods, "Thief Blue seems unable to escape."

Struggling against the bonds for a moment, then sighing and slumping down (as much as one can, tied up, facedown on a stairwell), the blue-clad thief, trussed up in ropes and with only their head sticking out of the sack, is quite the sight. "Anyone wants to switch sides, we could give you a cut of the takings. This guy's sitting on tens of thousands of undeserved gold and he's paying you all nothing!" Blue tries to twist their head to make eye contact with their captors, but only succeeds in straining themselves. "Owww" they grumble.

It is now Thief Black's turn! Warrick is next!
<OOC> Fidget says, "Thief black seems to be up to something, and you can make a perception roll, but they've got +20 until they do something to negate the invisibility for now."
GAME: Merith rolls perception: (3)+8: 11
<OOC> Fidget checked with Thoth and no Alarm has gone off, no chalk dust seems disturbed yet.
<OOC> Fidget says, "You can't see them at the moment."
It is now Warrick's turn! Thief purple is next!
<OOC> Warrick says, "I'll just move closer and hold action to shoot again (ignoring the one i can see outside, since that one has been spotted)"

Warrick waits, looking one way, another. Hearing a scuffle further down the hall, but needing to focus on everything else...

There! A glint! The sound of glass shattering echoes once more in the manor as Warrick sends a large bolt whistling from the third floor down outside. The return yelp was all the report he needed. "Contact outside! West! Kitchens!" he shouts out the window. Good. The other guards were doing their damn job.

Turning to the fray properly, he slots in another bolt as the winch clicks into place. "Hey!" he shouts down the hall, jogging towards the treasury and posting up once more. "Move around the room! Standing still with invisible people just makes it easy as shit for them to slip around!"

It is now Thief purple's turn! Thief Gray is next!
GAME: Fidget rolls 0: (16)+0: 16
It is now Thief Gray's turn! Thoth is next!
GAME: Fidget rolls 5: (5)+5: 10

Outside, the guards have cornered two of the thieves, one of them tries to cast a spell on a guard but the guard seems to mostly shake it off. Another uses the advantage of being unseen to rap the guard on the back of the head with a sap with a loud clang, but the guard spins around yells out "Nice try, but I've got you now!" and pulls back his sword to swing

It is now Thoth's turn! Guards is next!
<OOC> Thoth says, "Thoth moves up the stairs."
<OOC> Thoth says, "I shall run around like a lunatic as Warrick suggested."
<OOC> Fidget reveals the obstacle you run right into.
<OOC> Thoth says, "Thoth just stops there."

Thoth runs up the stairs at the calling of Warrick speaking of invisible people and to run around. So it does exactly as asked. It runs upstairs, with its expeditious retreat enabling it to move a lot faster still, and runs and runs and runs until...


It pushes its beak into a person and falls on its butt.

It is now Guards' turn! Crik is next!
GAME: Fidget rolls 3: (9)+3: 12
GAME: Fidget rolls 3: (19)+3: 22
GAME: Fidget rolls 1d10+1: (8)+1: 9

The sounds of metal on metal clang as the guards take swings at the thieves, and some of the blows land.

It is now Crik's turn! Reithak is next!
<OOC> Crik says, "Crik will try to bluff to agree to join, but only if the blue thief will tell him what they are after. ._."
GAME: Crik rolls bluff: (12)+11: 23
GAME: Fidget rolls 0: (11)+0: 11

Crik looks around, looking nervously at Reithak. "Another ran past. Sounds upstairs. Downstairs." Thoth runs past. "... More sounds upstairs." He was still holding onto the thief, but he quickly leans down too to quietly and hurriedly whisper. "I will let you go on one condition - tell me what you are after." A long pause. "Need to know if it is worth it." Another nervous glance aimed towards Reithak; his tail bopping up and down as his fingers make quiet gestures in the air. They made no sense.

It is now Reithak's turn! Merith is next!
<OOC> Fidget says, "It'd cost you about 15ft to get to the top."
<OOC> Reithak says, "I'll go up and move as far as I can right"
<OOC> Reithak says, "double move"

Reithak blinks, and the large egalrin shakes her head. "Up and down? Well, I'll keep them away from the top area if they're up there." The egalrin nods, dashing up the stairs and into the hall. "Anyone get into the room yet?" They wonder, as everyone seems to be surrounding nothing at all.

It is now Merith's turn! Thief Black is next!
<OOC> Merith says, "Is Thoth threatening Thief Black? If so I'll move for flanking, then power attack."
<OOC> Thoth says, "I am threatening."
GAME: Merith rolls weapon1+2-1+1: (12)+4+2+-1+1: 18
<OOC> Fidget says, "That hits, make the miss chance roll (1d2 - 2 hits, 1 misses)"
GAME: Merith rolls 1d2: (2): 2
<OOC> Fidget says, "You got them, roll damage."
GAME: Merith rolls 2d6+3+3+1: (5)+3+3: 11

Merith squeezes past the guards, and takes up position a little while away from Thoth in the direction of it's attention. He then swings his sword wide, covering a huge area, and from the resistance he feels and the mist of blood appearing in front of him, he knows he hit something invisible and that it hurt. He quickly adds, "You may want to surrender now."

It is now Thief Black's turn! Warrick is next!
<OOC> Fidget says, "Black is going to yell out to his companions to retreat, then will try to escape himself. Are invisible people immune to AoOs?"
<OOC> Warrick says, "yes, because you cant see them"
GAME: Fidget rolls 11: (6)+11: 17
GAME: Fidget rolls 1d6: (3): 3

Blood appears, dripping to the floor from the wound and mixing with stray chalk dust, "Damn." the air speaks, "You might be right. We probably should." There's a pause, then a loud yell "FALL BACK! THERE'S TOO MANY!" loudly enough that even the guards outside glance up, and one of them gives a smirk at the cornered pair. Then there's a rush of footsteps as the invisible thief weaves through the group surrounding them, and you could swear you see a Cheshire grin in the air as you hear the flap of a cloak rushing through the air out the hole in the smashed window, then a thud and a quiet grunt far below.

It is now Warrick's turn! Thief purple is next!
<OOC> Warrick isn't shooting anyone in the back after a call for retreat, so he'll just move closer

Warrick winces as the large sword slams down into seemingly nothing, blood spraying the ground and chalk. A reflexive glance outside to check the duo being harried by the private security, and he lowers his crossbow. Footsteps lead up to the smashed window, and Warrick rolls his eyes. "Just get the hell out of here," he grunts, waving them off as steps forth into the doorway.