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(Created page with "<pre> The TarRaCe, Morning</pre> The outdoors bely a dreary day, cold fog lingering in the air, the sky ghastly. Patrons shuffle in and out in a lazy haze for whatever breakfast is on the menu to fight off the chill. Amongst the partially filled establishment of the TarRaCe, a rust red and white egalrin has taken over a booth all to herself. Half eaten breakfast lays cold at the edge of the table, as the rest has a large array of bits and bobbles that only a certain pr...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 15:43, 19 December 2023

		The TarRaCe, Morning

The outdoors bely a dreary day, cold fog lingering in the air, the sky ghastly. Patrons shuffle in and out in a lazy haze for whatever breakfast is on the menu to fight off the chill.

Amongst the partially filled establishment of the TarRaCe, a rust red and white egalrin has taken over a booth all to herself. Half eaten breakfast lays cold at the edge of the table, as the rest has a large array of bits and bobbles that only a certain profession can identify.

A tiny white plumed bird bounces about the table, picking up various items- a hilt of a dagger, a bola string, a skull of a rat. "Check," they tinnily tweet.

Slixvah flips a page in her journal. "Wands of armor an' weal?"

Fiadh pecks at two sticks in a holster. Stares a bit. "One is fully ready, the former is half done."

Slix lets out a breath, rubbing her face. "Alright, let's just go over the list one more time, Fifi..."

GAME: Irshya rolls stealth: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL)

The Goblin is mid-stretch as she reaches the doorway from the baths, and surveys the main room of the TarRaCe. Her expression is one of contentment and pleased to see what she sees, her establishment running along well. She notes the small bird hopping about and pecking at things, and Slixvah's nose in a journal. Tightening the belt on her white housecoat, Irshya springs into action.

Using staffers and customers as distractions or places to hide behind, she carefully makes her way towards the engaged Egalrin. Ducking under an empty table, she beings to slip from table to table, taking great care not to disturb the customers. Throwing herself onto her stomach, she sliiiiiides under the bench opposite Slix. Looking very pleased with herself, she then goes to jump out from under the table.


The unfinished and cold breakfast dances about as the utensils and dishes clatter. The Gobbo lets out a little noise of pain, and wobbles out from underneath, looking a little unsteady.

Clang and clatter. And a warm pot of coffee. A minute later, a familiar not-ruddy sith-makar strolls by the scene of the accident; holding a pot of coffee in one hand, and a tray with few cups on the other. As usual, he had the white sleeves rolled up and maybe one or two too many buttons opened of his shirt, but he also carried a lazy stride and a very toothy grin.

"Sharkie should be careful." Aelwyn rumbles in amusement as he lays down the tray of cups and the pot carefully on the table. "One would not wish to be accidentally cursed." He reaches into his loincloth-slash-apron and offers the gobbo what looks like a stick of ginger, before helping her towards one of the chairs.

"Ribbon, this one hopes we are disturbing." The draconian then greets, flicking his forked tongue. "Planning an expedition?"

Slixvah startles as her table bangs, and dishes rattle. A dagger briskly finds its way into the witch's hand, the other holding a half formed hand shape of warding.

Fiadh simply stares, unfazed, like they were expecting this.

The witch lets out a long sigh, placing the weapon back down on the table. "Jeez Rishrish, ya spooked me. Ya aight?" she asks, reaching out to steady the shark.

She looks up as she sees the not-as-ruddy makari approach with coffee in hand. Her visage softens some, and a light laugh leaves her. "Aye. You two are disturbing, please continue to do so," she smiles, scooting over to make room. "Sure am. Jus'... triple checkin' I got all my biz in order. Got some stuff in Quelnoys gotta do soon. It's... gonna be a doozy, but I think I can manage and hack somethin' together," she sighs, moving the tiny rat skull to the side.

The Gobbo crawls onto the bench beside Slixvah, and plants her face into the Egalrin's side. "Nooo.", she moans lightly. "Why're tables so solid?"

She lets out a long sigh and relaxes a little. Her shoulders shrug and she peeks out at Aelwyn. "I'm sure Slix could uncurse me in moments anyways."

She lays her chin on the Egalrin's leg.

"A guild job, Slix? Or something personal? If you wish, I could bake you up some supplies to take with you. We've fresh fruit, salted meats, jerky. Make ya some holy water too."

Aelwyn lightly taps Irshya's feet with his tail, as he pours the coffee into each cup. With unnecessary flair, as usual. "This one thinks Sharkie is just spoiling Ribbon," He tchs with a click of his teeth. "All for that coveted lap spot." The draconian flashes his teeth again, as he hands out the cups. Carefully minding the thrush in the middle.

"She do this all the time?" The draconian asks from Fiadh then, glancing towards Slixvah. "Or is this occasion special? Perhaps she needs some of this one's potions." A cup is held towards the egalrin of the moment. "Or grease." He clicks his teeth, tilting head back. "Not one for javelins, this one assumes."

Slix rub's Irshya's back as she flumps against her leg. "Mhmm, I could uncurse ya. Hate ta break ta ya, but tables gotta be solid ta hold stuff. Unless you're a ghoOoOost- woOoO~!" she snickers, poking Irshya's side. "Personal. Fo' a good friend. Gotta unfuck some stuff. And- actually yuh, I'll take ya up on tha'. Rather get full on ya cookin' than get too hungry and eat somethin' in the fey. Which is /super/ bad. Holy water- prolly won't be needed, thanks tho'."

She smiles at Aelwyn, accepting the cup, booping Fiadh atop the head with the bottom of it before pulling her hands back to sip on it. Fiadh, busy with taking inventory and bopping around, doesn't seem to notice. "Hey, I'll take spoiling. Ain' gonna compalin' bout tha'." She quirks a brow. "Coveted? Tsh. I don' need ta be spoiled if ya wanna take a seat." Slix sticks her tongue out at him.

Her attention drifts over to her familiar. "Nay, Fiadh only does it when I'm nervous. Double checkin' fo' me. Th' occasion is special."

Her ensemble of gear is both cluttered yet light. A couple of daggers, a small crossbow, a few bolas and a flameless torch. Several wands are sheathed in a holster, as well as a few potions dangle from a strap. "I thin' this potion's got me fo' now, Flutter, thank you though hon," she smiles, lifting up the coffee. "I can chuck a dagger or a bola if I gotta. Papaw's taught me a bit at least."

Irshya squirms at the tapping of her feet, and lets out a giggle as she's poked. There are playful attempts at bites, but are just clicks of her teeth. "Spoiling her? Oh gosh, I need to be careful, her feathers will floof up so much she won't be able to get through the doors." The Gobbo eyes Slixvah a moment, before laughing.

"It sounds like someone is jealous.", she says, as she fully occupies the Egalrin's lap.

Nodding her head then, she grins. "Okay, so before you go, I'll have some hearty stew for you, and the others if they want. You can head out warm, and full. And I'll send you with a few cupcakes, jerky, oooh, I have some cider too, you could fill up a wineskin. Adventuring often sucks, but, we can make it not suck so much, right?" She sits up and hugs at the Egalrin. "Wish I could go with you."

Aelwyn rumbles for a moment, before he tilts his head towards the side. A bit of rummaging later, and he has several small flasks between the fingers of his clenched fists. "Here are a few she does not have." He spreads his grin, then leans in closer to whisper in Slixvah's ear. "Flame that doesn't burn." He holds out the tiny flasks out for her.

Though Irshya makes him click his teeth and let out a low rumble. "Tch, why would this one be jealous?" He asks from the Gobbo. "She did offer this one a seat." So, as one does - he attempts to slide his own tail across Slixvah's lap, struggling for space with the shark-finned goblin.

Taking a cup and leaning over, he turns to look at Slixvah with his orange eyes. "Ribbon worried she won't make it?" A slow sip.

Slix's face floofs a touch. "Heh, funny," she says, wrapping an arm around the pool shark, helping keep her there. "Sounds good, I'll take whatever ya wanna make fo' me," Slix hums. "I appreciate it, hon, I do."

She presses her beak against the side of Irshya's cheek.

Flasks held out to her get her attention, and her eyes squint in amusement. A feather animates from her wing, scooping the little containers up. "Thank you~" Stashed away in a bag. And now there's a whip-like tail fighting for space. She laughs, "Alright alright, one at time now! I don't min' sharin'!"

She glances up to Aelwyn, then looks down at a bundle of reagents that Fiadh was tidying up. Rat skull, some tiny bones, strange plants, stripped ribbons wound into various lattice knots, so on and so forth. "Eh. More concerned 'bout others. My role ain' big, but ya know what I do- give a little nudge of luck. I jus' hope my nudgin' is 'nuff. Can't talk 'bout much more of it, will love ta regale ya two 'bout it after it's done and done."

The tail intruding on her space is nipped at, sharky teeth dragging across scale. "Nu, you wait your turn!", she grumps. The Gobbo nods to Slix, and her cheeks mottle a light lavender in colour, as she kisses at the beak.

Aelwyn's last question seems to upset her. "Don't say things like that!" She hugs at Slixvah with renewed energy.

Irshya lets out a long huff of breath. "You still play a role though, and I know that you do everything you can. You have an impact everywhere you go. Do what you do best and I ma sure it will carry the day."

<OOC> Irshya says, "FIX: *am"

The tail continues relentlessly, starting to wind about Irshya for a moment, before twisting directions and doing the same around Slixvah's leg. Meanwhile, Aelwyn just calmly sips his coffee and flashes his teeth at the both of them. "This one thinks sharing is caring."

The draconian's eyes curiously look towards the reagants - naturally drawn towards the ribbons - but he then turns his head towards Slixvah. "Tch, she may think one is small in a party." He tilts his cup. "Yet this one would never turn away a bit of luck on any expedition or mission." He takes a sip of coffee. "Too often one's life dances on that one chance. A loose stone, a chipped blade, one belt buckle worn too many times." He lets out a click of his teeth. "Little luck, and it won't be one but the other."

Slixvah hums warmly at the peck, giving Irshya a squeeze back. "Yuh, I do, gonna do all I can. We'll see how th' die falls fo' us. Ain' gonna worry too much 'bout it, jus' worry a little bit."

She snickers as the tail winds around, that animated feather ending up reaching down, picking the whip up, and wrapping it around herself and Irshya. "Sharing /is/ caring!" she chirps, sipping on her coffee as well. She nods along. "I agree wit' tha' completely, Flutter. An' tha's how I do my work. Jus'... glad there's some big players on th' field on my side. Otherwise, luck would be all I gots."

"Aw, no, you do yourself a disservice, dear.", the Gobbo says, pausing in her gnawing at the Sith's tail. "You've got smarts. Luck may be your thing, but you have the ability to come up with creative responses to different situations. You can help people use their strengths better. A little juju here, a little magic there, a good stabbing, and it all works out." Irshya giggles lightly, eyeing Aelwyn a moment, before attempting another bite at his tail.

The tail is easily lifted, and starts to slowly wind around the both of them. "Tch, she keeps speaking like that and this one will be little worried for her and those beautiful ribbons, her smile behind the bar." Aelwyn rumbles with a flicker of his tongue. Then there's a tilt of his head. "And that this one will have to cover her shift-"

There's a sudden hiss as the draconian's tail flicks and wriggles, Aelwyn looking at Sharkie. "This one is _certain_ she is playing favorites now. Why does she never bite Ribbon, only this one's tail?!"

Slix waves it off. "I'm good at wingin' it, don' worry," she mentions, chuckling at her own joke. "I kno' my limits."

She looks up at Aelwyn, eye half lidding. "You think your flattery will get you far with me?" she teases. "'cause it would- bwahahaha!"

She holds Irshya back and away as tail wriggles in the bite, trying to get away from the scrabble. "'cause if she bites me, she's a mouthful of feathers!"

Irshya grins toothily, showing off a missing tooth in her upper jaw. One that she pulls from Aelwyn's hide. "'Cause she's too soft to pull my loose teeth out." She snorts and laughs, eyeing Slixvah a moment. "I hadn't thought of that. Too used to biting non-feathered things like stew, fish and chocolate."

Aelwyn's tail wriggles and slithers, before it slowly unwinds from Irshya. "Tch," He grunts, before he flashes his teeth; and flexes his arm. "This one is pretty tough." He boops his snout against his bicep. He then looks towards Slixvah.

A hand slides over the egalrin and he gives the feathered witch's shoulder a squeeze. "Go show them how one kicks ass, yes?" And then with a low rumble. "And return those feathers in one piece."

Slixvah chuckles, letting the two bicker back and forth as she reaches forward to put the various baubles into different pockets on the inside of her robes. She watches Aelwyn- and snorts, amused. "I'd agree tha' ya are."

Everything save weapons are stashed away as her shoulder is squeezed. She looks over, reaching up to take the hand into hers, and gently presses her beak against the back of it. "I will endeavor ta do tha'," she promises, releasing the hand and pulling her cold plate to the fore. A hand wafts over it, and steam rises from the plate once more. "I appreciate ya'll two. Truly."

"Now. I gotta finish up thi' plate befo' headin' out. I'll be back befo' ya kno' it. And I thank youuuuuu for covering my shifts," she winks at Aelwyn.

The Gobbo eyes Aelwyn as he reaches over to squeeze the Egalrin's shoulder. Her ears perk up, and she eyes Slixvah a moment. "Oh, is he? That's good, you'll miss having to clean the piping for the pools. And taking in the new load of ale barrels coming in tomorrow. And I have a new toothbrush for cleaning the grout between the tiles. You're going to miss out on all the fun!" She winks.

Aelwyn lets out a loud protesting sound, lifting his hands. "Tch, shifts, not imagined labour in chains." He rumbles, shaking his head, before he points a finger at Irshya. "If this one is to brush the tiles, then this one will sink in the bath for days, and she shan't complain of it."

But the draconian starts to get up as Slixvah indicates she wishes to actually eat something - but before he does, he momentarily leans his head forward, touching her with the tips of his horns. "May the skies be good to her her." Getting back up on his feet, he cleans up the tray and utensils, flicking his tongue at Irshya. "Don't flip her plate, Sharkie. Can't have those feathers be sticky." Flash of his teeth, before with a gracious bow he turns around, and starts heading towards the kitchen with that rolling, lazy gait of his, tortured tail a-swinging.