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(Created page with ":::Lower Markets, Late Morning One would think the mist that rolled in from the Sea would be a relief from the sun's oppressive heat, but instead, it was a smothering blanket made manifest. At least it wasn't searing on the eyes. The markets were slowly clearing out as the height of the day was nearing, the heat approaching its apex. Though there was still a handful of folks, primarily at one seller that provisions alchemy and care supplies. A rust red and white egalri...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 14:47, 30 August 2023

Lower Markets, Late Morning

One would think the mist that rolled in from the Sea would be a relief from the sun's oppressive heat, but instead, it was a smothering blanket made manifest. At least it wasn't searing on the eyes.

The markets were slowly clearing out as the height of the day was nearing, the heat approaching its apex. Though there was still a handful of folks, primarily at one seller that provisions alchemy and care supplies. A rust red and white egalrin woman haggardly in deep conversation with the shop keep, them shaking their head. "Naw. Good luck finding someone that'll work with illness. Most that worked with the plague a long while ago don't want to leave the city to bring anything back."

"Bu' it ain't a plague nor anything of th' like," Slixvah elucidates, gesticulating widely.

"Sorry, ma'am," the vendor shrugs.

The egalrin woman sighs, adjusting her brown vest to make sure it wasn't tucked in weird with her cyan pants. "'tis fine, shug. I'll jus'... look somewhere else. 'ppreciate ya help," she bids farewell, languidly walking away to...

... nowhere in particular now. As all her leads dried up.

GAME: Rune rolls stealth+4+2: (5)+18+4+2: 29

There are times when you have to decide between the heat of the sun beating down on you, and the extra weight of clothing to keep such things off your skin. Rune has chosen the later, as her hood is up, shielding her eyes into shadows as she walks through the market, her expression a bit somber as her eyes pass an empty place where a familiar cart had once been.

However, equally familiar voices catch her pointed ears as she catches the last bit of conversation between Slixvah and the vendor in question.

Once the Egalrin steps away, Rune approaches on quiet footsteps, darting between the shade offered by various stalls and shop awnings, "Don't tell me you're sick or something?" She asks, stepping seemingly out of the shadows themselves.

A few of those tendrils of shadow seem to follow her ankles as she steps forth.

The Goblin limps along in the mist-filled Market, leaning on her trident for support. She has a few stops along the way, picking up food related items which are stored in a basket held in her other arm. A few people wandering stop to petition her for blessing and prayers, and these she humours gracefully. She continues along, eventually spotting the familiar rust red and white colouring of Slixvah.

A mischievous grin spreads across her expression, and she begins to limp towards the Egalrin, turning to follow the birblady as she begins to walk away.

Irshya hisses in surprise as Rune seemingly appears out of nowhere, the Gobbo's grin returning as recognition sinks in. "Good morning, ladies. How are you both faring?", she greets cheerfully, as she comes to a halt, leaning heavily upon her trident.

Slixvah slows to a stop, steepling her fingers and letting her forehead rest against them as she appears deep in thought. Okay. The priests are too busy, the freelance chirurgeons and doctors aren't want to leave the city. The last place to ask is the Soldier's Defense, but she wasn't sure those healers would want to leave their hospital for an extended time. That doubt had to be squashed, she was running out of option-

"Gah! By Ceiwen-!" she squeaks, thoroughly surprised. <Auran> Slix turns, the feathers around her eyes thinned, her usually cheery expression muted. But it perks at the sight. "Ruru, ya sneeky gal. Scared me," she laughs off before rubbing her neck. "Erm, naw. I ain't. A lotta my peoples are. It's been... tryin'. Friends are helpin' loads but I needs like, a dozen healers."

She glances down at the tendrils, interest piqued, as she kneels to inspect further. But doesn't get very far as she comes face to face with Irshya. "Oh! Rishrish, heya honey!" she coos before it drips to concern. "You uh, you good?"

A tiny smirk lifts the corner of Rune's lips, obviously at least a little amused by the surprise on her friends' faces. She offers a calming few clicks in Auran before smiling more genuinely and inclining her head. "I'd say I didn't mean to scare you but... I'm well aware that the shadows sometimes like to hide me more than it might a normal person. And today is a day for shadows." She lifts a hand, using it to keep the sun off of her eyes as she tilts her head skyward.

Then, lowering it again and tugging her hood forward a bit, Rune asks, "What do you need the healers for? Harkashan and I recruited a few to help with the situation in Am'shere recently, so there may just not be as many available for hire." Her brows furrow. "Though, we're in the city for the tie being, so if it's something I can get the big-guy to help with, I can always ask?"

Then, with a glance towards Irshya, she adds, "Speaking of healers, you look like you might need one, my friend, are you alright?"

With the question of how she is faring, Rune lifts one shoulder in a half-shrug. "Pretty much the usual these days. Wanting to stab some Charnites, confused as fuck about my mother, working on a song to try to trade to a Fey for information, the usual bullshit."

A little hand goes up to lightly caress Slixvah's fluffy cheek, the Goblin's expression full of worry. "I am happy you are not ill, but ... a dozen healers? I volunteer." Her eyes note the tendrils a moment, and a smile returns to her expression momentarily. "Interesting, hmm, shadows just love to be around you, Rune?"

Irshya waves a hand dismissively, her trident slipping down to rest against her neck. "It's my armor. It's not perfectly fitted to me... rather, my form is not perfectly straight, not after being wounded badly that first time. So I limp when I wear it." A little fist thumps her chest, and the muffled jingle of metal can be heard.

"Erm, dear, do you know the nature of the sickness? Are... are your people dying? Any strange colouration happening? Symptoms that stick out? I am not quite properly prepared, but I can diagnose, and deal with some sicknesses, and I can help sooth your people's pains. Once I speak with Rada, however, I can be fully prepared to heal all ills as best I can."

Slixvah bobs her head, calming down to a tired-but-cheery state. "Aye, an' all th' mist diffuses it fo' more shade," she concurs, looking at Rune's shadow as she talks. She shifts on her taloned feet, grumbling quietly, "Well tha' explains th' lack of bodies fo' hire, despite how much coin I jangle in front of 'em. But uh, as much as I would /love/ ta see th' big guy work-" she winks playfully, "-I'd need him fo' like, a couple weeks. And tha' ain't gonna work fo' people in his position."

Her wings droops a bit, letting go of some tension as her face is held. "'ppreciate it hon," she intones, returning the gesture before pulling away and standing up. "It's jus' an airborn sickness, gets people feeling ill. It's not bad, but my folks are weathered hard from the migration, so its really rough on them. You can help, but you'd have to be aware from the TarAcE for like, weeks."

She blinks at Rune. "Oh? A song? Need a hand wit some bars? How's dat going?" she smiles weakly.

"The shadows and I have a complicated relationship." Rune explains to the Goblin, offering a slight shake of her head. "Something that's lingered with me since my return from the halls." Once, it might have worried her, but the rogue seems to have accepted this strange turn of fate. "Telamon believes it is some sort of expression of the magic of Ea. He calls it an Aspect." This is all said in a way that suggests Rune knows very little of magic, but she accepts it for what it is.

"If you need armor work, you could try talking to Andelena. I have her a bit busy for the next week or so, but she does good work." Then, as if remembering something, she adds, "Or maybe Fidget? Last time I was at their shop, they mentioned wanting to add armor work to their offerings."

As for her song, Rune reaches back and rubs at the back of her neck, "I feel like a novice walking in the shoes of a master. My mother was the one who was skilled with songs and stories, not me." Then, with a pause, she lets out a breath. "I'm working with Cor'lana on it, but I could use any help I can get. We're planning on trading the song to the blue butterfly in exchange for more information on what to do next. Apparently she's some old flame of Cor'lana's Grandfather."

Irshya giggles lightly and sighs. "I mean, when I next pray to Rada, I will pray for spells specifically to treat diseases and the like. The spells I have memorized right now aren't optimal, but I have certain skills and equipment to help. I am willing to lend myself to your cause for a few weeks. I'll leave Kravia in charge. She knows the business well, and being an Oruch lady, few are willingly going to mess with her. The TarRaCe will survive a few weeks without my presence. And I will likely have to come back to town for supplies, so I can pop in and see how things are going."

The Gobbo looks to Rune then. "The Halls? Vardama's Halls? Goodness, did you die?" She nods gently then. "Sometimes people return... changed. Marked by their experience past the bounds of mortality. This Telamon may have it right... pardon me, blue butterfly?" She blinks owlishly.

Slixvah makes a clicking sound, more evidence she's been around her people more oft. "I am curious tho', Ruru. This shadow shtuff, if it is this Aspect, is reall' interestin' if it twists magic upon ya. Is it just mine? Or others that it changes it? I am more than willin' ta slap mo' mojo on ya fo' testin' purposes," she coos at Rune. "Oh? That's spicy. And a very good idea. Ya got a good lady helpin' ya wit' it, but ya know where ta find me if ya need a few legendary bars slid in."

The egalrin turns to Irshya. "Aye. That'd help. Telamon's been makin' loads of alchemy stuff fo' people. With..." her thoughts trail off, taking in Irshya's offer. She counts in the air, poking various spots and sliding digits about like she's toying with an abacus. "... ac...tually. With you in the mix, and if I pull myself together, I think we may be able ta eradicate it..." she murmurs, a burst of energy lifting her shoulders up. Slix chirps warmly as she ruffle's Irshya's hair. "Aye Kravia can totes hold her own. Thanks, hon."

She doesn't have much to add about the Halls, that's Rune's prerogative to share.

"I'm... not really sure? Most divine magics that have been cast on me seem to be relatively straight-forward." Her brows furrow, "Though, I have noticed that negative magics, the sort that monsters might use to drain our stamina, those have a strange impact." Her eyes flick to Irshya briefly, then back to Slixvah, "When under the impacts of those sort of abilities, I tend to take on the semblance, injuries included, of my corpse when I died."

This seems to confirm what Irshya had been asking about. However, there is a tightness in Rune's lips that suggests she doesn't quite want to go into the details, there. Instead, she offers, "It was a year or so before I returned to Alexandria." Which would put the event close to two years ago at this point. "I pushed Harkashan out of the way of a particularly nasty Charneth spell meant for him."

Then, seeming happy enough for a change of subject. "She calls herself 'Blue', but Grandfather calls her Glasina." Rune explains, "She's a Fey being, who tends to take the appearance of a blue butterfly, or an elven woman with iridescent hair. She... seems to have connections to both my mother and a Fey being known as the Golden Fate. We're... hoping to trade a song to her in exchange for information."

Then, offering a soft smile to Slixvah, she inclines her head, "I'd love an additional back-up musician. We've got it written as a duet, but having others who can do instrumental or musical harmonies are welcome."

The Gobbo peers at Slixvah curiously as the Egalrin seems to be counting... something. She smiles brightly and nods. "Of course we can! Are we the only people healing, or are there others? Surely there should be." She makes her own clicking sound, that of many teeth clacking together. "I'll have to head to the TarRaCe first, but it can be on the way."

The pool-shark looks sad for a moment, nodding slowly to Rune. "A noble thing to do, to risk one's life for a companion. Oh, well, I suppose then her name is apt. Hmm. I suppose you know that trading, and bargaining, with fey, no matter their seeming intentions, is fraught with potential danger, yes?"

Most would be skittish about such developments, but Slix instead appears quite intrigued. "Interestin'..." she rubs her beak. "I gots a theory already, but I ain' gonna utter it in public ri' now. If ya wanna do some experimenting, lemme know. I love me a good magical mystery."

The witch, having heard the tale before, doesn't add anything else, save for a reassuring pat on the half-sil's shoulder. "I'd love ta chip in, just hit me up when ya need me." She looks a tinge embarrased at the mention of bargains going awry. A mistake she won't do again.

To Irshya, Slix shakes her head. "We ain't the only healers, but we'd be th' only ones that can sear disease away wit' magic and blessings. Jus' between you and me, plus Telamon, and careful logistics, I think we can do it. It'll be rough though. Thank you again." She leans down to gently bump her beak atop Irshya's head. "Mwah."

Another of those sheepish sort of expressions follows as Rune rubs at her neck, "Noble... maybe?" She sounds uncertain about that, "Truth is, I loved lava-for brains even back then, even if I didn't want to admit it to myself much less to him. I don't think any kind of noble thought went through my head. Just... that I couldn't let him die." She lifts her shoulders slightly, lifting a hand to touch Slixvah's on her shoulder before she clears her throat.

"But yeah, you're welcome to go poking about with magics if you'd like, so long as you warn me what's about to happen. The negative magic effect is... pretty gruesome to see." Again, she leaves it at that and doesn't elaborate.

Instead, there is a soft laugh, "I'm well aware. Unfortunately, it seems that I'm tied up in a fair share of Fey bullshit already and I don't have the good sense to just walk away from it." Her blue eyes look to Slixvah, who knows very well some of the story, before explaining to Irshya, "Long and short of it is a combination of Fey shenanigans and time loops. The woman who in one specific reality would have me then die, is trapped in some sort of time loop trying to rescue a Fey being from her own sadness and grief over her lost mate."

She gives a confused expression of her own, "I'm, apparently, supposed to save this Fey somehow, not that I have any fucking clue how. Shit... I don't even know if I understand everything correctly. It's all a jumbled mess."

The pool-shark leans forward to hug at the Egalrin, the Gobbo standing on tip-toe and raising a little blue hand up to pat Slix' cheek reassuringly. "Of course, Slixvah! You're my bestest friend and a top-notch employee. And being a cleric, it's my duty to aid to those in need. Lead me there and I will do everything I can!"

Irshya's expression brightens further upon hearing mention of love. "Aww, that makes it even more noble, Rune. What makes it noble is that you simply acted, that there was no thought, you did what was natural. I hope that I can do the same for those that I love, act unconsciously to protect them. I feel I would risk harm to help others, though you never know what's going to happen til it does..." The Gobbo cants her head slightly.

"Er, well, that is a very mixed up situation there. I don't know what I could do, but if you need my help, I'll do my best, okay? I can offer Irhsya-hugs, at the very least."

A happy smile crosses Slix's eyes. "It is noble, but also quite adorable. Like I said, ya two are cute." She lets her hand slide off, expression shading with amusement. "Of course, I'll let ya kno' what's gonna happen. I have a lot of /fun/ ones." Considering her definition of fun spells was wielding her tongue like a lightning whip, who knows what else she has up her sleeves?

She shares the look with Rune before making another reassuring clicking sound. "Ain't no logic wit' it, especially with Fey. Just gotta go wit' th' flow."

The egalrin chuckles, returning the hug with an arm and an all encompassing wing. "Can confirm, Rishrish hugs are top shelf," she hums before pulling back. "Gotcha, Rish. It's a bit of a trek. Maybe we can fly there if I get a fat nap in."

"True enough. Would still do it again in a heartbeat, side-effects be damned." Rune notes, her lips quirking slightly.

Then, her eyebrow raises, giving the Egalrin a mock-suspicious look. "Why am I starting to dread agreeing to your experimentation?" She's teasing, of course.

Then, with another of those soft laughs, Rune adds, "I... may not be explaining it all correctly, I'm afraid. But yeah, it's pretty confusing and ... honestly fucking hurts like hell." She knocks her fist against her chest. "I watched my mom die as a kid, seeing these... alternate versions of her is like heartache in a bottle."

Rune lets out a breath. "Anyways, I wish we could spare some of the healers we've got in Am'shere, but... until we find where those vats got off to and make sure they're destroyed, we need some on stand-by."

With a glance, she does a quick explanation for Irshya, "The Charnites are trying to release a disease that makes people ravenously hungry, trying to encourage Makari to feast on their kin and become Forgotten. It's... a real fucking mess."

Irshya giggles at Slixvah. "She gets quite a few of my hugs, she just may be biased." Nodding, the Gobbo holds up her trident. "As long as I have my trident, I can manage. I know the road can be a bit er iffy at times. So if we can take it slowly, I'll be okay."

The pool-shark giggles noisily, "Aw, you'll be fine, Rune. Her methods are perhaps a little startling at first, but they do get results." She blinks, a frown replacing her smile in an instant. "Charn has been a thorn in peoples' sides for far too long. The decent world ought to step up and smash Charn to pieces, cut out all the rott, and then build up a decent country in its place."

Slix just looks to the sky, avoiding Rune's peering. "Ooooh, there ain't nothin' ta worry about~" she sweetly, cheekily coos. But her face softens. "Yeah. I can't imagine ya pain, hon. We'll get ya some closure, I can promise ya that."

She blinks at Rune, her fine face feathers pressing down. "... well fuck. Uh. Yeah tha's a /bit/ more important than some fevers and flus," she rubs her arm. "Knew a makari guy tha' tol' me 'bout all that Forgotten stuff a while back. That is far higher in the triage bucket. Don' worry."

She looks to Irhsya, a wink thrown her way. "Only a little biased. Besides, Rune knows what its like ta get my fun mojo, because she turns into a hella cool slaying machine and it's so sick every time."

Her head cants up to the sky. Despite the fog and mist of the day, her eyes pierce through as she squints. "Gonna need ta start gettin' shtuff together, Rish. Come tag along wit' me if ya wanna get wit' my shoppin' Or I can meet ya at the TarRaCe."

Rune gives a slight lift of her hand, "There's always competing needs. If we can spare any, I'll make sure they get sent back your way to help your people." Not that the rogue has full control over anyone, but she can, at least, spread the word.

"Oh, don't even get me started about the creepy shit that Slixvah can get up to. It's amazing, but it certainly has her flare for the dramatic." She smirks.

As for being a 'slaying machine', Rune just lifts a shoulder in a half-shrug, "It's a talent."

Then, seeing as Slixvah seems to need to get going, she adds, "I'll leave a message for you at the TarRaCe when Cor'lana has arranged our little visit with our Blue Butterfly friend through Grandfather."

"Oh, I'll tag along, if that's okay? Perhaps I could pick up a few more things, yes? I have some gold on me, so I can also help you out with your purchases, if needs be.", Irshya says, her broad and shark-toothy grin returning.

The Gobbo nods to Rune. "I have heard good things about your talents with the blade.", she says with a glance to Slixvah before looking back to Rune. "I will certainly hold messages for you all, you can make the TarRaCe your place of refuge, okay?"

Slix bobs her head to Rune, but just gives a wry smile. "I wouldn't have it any otha way," she coos before holding a finger up in as she tacks on a comment. "A very impressive, with your own flair, and in my very humble and totally not conflated opinion, wicked slick talent." Humbleness will not stand in Slix's presence!

The egalrin reaches down to take Irshya's hand. "I gots the gold, but the company is what I need more of."

She gives a sharp nod to Rune before grinning. "Aye. I'll keep that slotted in my head when I make my trips back. You have a good day, aight?"