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(Created page with "{{CPHEADER-START}} Theadosia the Flamewrought {{CPHEADER-END}} {{CPSUBHEAD-START}}About My Character{{CPSUBHEAD-END}} Theodosia the Flamewrought was born to a very large family. Typically, when this is said, the subject of the descriptor has many brothers and sisters, but Theodosia was an only child. No, Theodosia has a large family in that she has two fathers and three mothers. She is not sure which mother is her biological mother (none of them will tell her and t...")
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 01:31, 16 May 2023

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Theadosia the Flamewrought

About My Character

Theodosia the Flamewrought was born to a very large family. Typically, when this is said, the subject of the descriptor has many brothers and sisters, but Theodosia was an only child. No, Theodosia has a large family in that she has two fathers and three mothers. She is not sure which mother is her biological mother (none of them will tell her and they insist that it doesn't matter), but she is certain of her father, who she looks very much like. Suffice it to say, the family dynamic is complicated. Each of the mothers is a craftsman of some kind, and they make their wares with the materials that one of the fathers brings home, and the other father used the equipment made to procure adventuring spoils and advertise their brand. All and all, it ends up being a very profitable business. When one of her dads, Knight Errant Daedric the Flamewrought, passed away the day after her 18th Birthday, Thea picked up his armor and shield, swearing to get back the sword that he had lost years ago when he was crippled by a monster: the sword remains in that creature's back to this day, waiting for Thea to claim it. Of course, she has also been training with her moms in crafting and her other Papa in mining, so she has LOTS of goals in life she's trying to accomplis.

Roleplay Hooks

  • Wanna go wrastle some monsters? Thea's down to get her hands dirty!
  • Seen any monsters with a fancy sword sticking out of their backs? Because Thea REALLY wants to git that one.
  • Wanna gab about crafting Arms and Armor? Maybe need a bit of help? Thea's got the tools and a little know-how from her Moms!
  • She's really interested in trade and stuff too. Wants to start her own business, probably selling her crafts.
  • Wanna do adventure or dungeoning? Thea's in, for a cut!
  • If you need help with finding rare ores or mining them, Thea would LOVE to be on the team!