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As most know, there is an ongoing effort to build, stabilize, and scure a camp near to the border of the Felwood. This cursed wood runs alongside its equally famed sibling, the Mythwood, where a society of elves dwell. These elves have long tended to the dangers out of the Felwood and now seek union with Alexandros. With word of changes in the flow of the Sea of Mana, the supposed curse that creates the Felwood may be unravelling and early efforts to help deal with this are underway. Recently, several adventurers encountered an odd creature on the Felwood's outskirts, and its core, was an odd black gem.

Now, the gem is about to undergo examination at the Felwood Camp Site and and several prepared mercenaries have been hired to stand guard while one of the government's arcanists is to examine it.

Receiving the heavy metal box it was placed in from Lucius, Glaven Gilross, a half-elven, be spectacled, be-bearded and now be-wildered arcanist is left staring down the container.

He sets it on the stand he's erected and gestures for everyone to back up.

The Goblin has gotten as close as she was allowed, as curious as anyone about the object retrieved from the odd creature. Her pencil wiggles back and forth across the page as she jots down notes, and sketches out the general shape of the gem.

When the arcanist gestures to step back, the little cleric steps forward slightly. "If you wished, sir, I could provide a spell of protection, to make it harder for creatures to attack you. Or perhaps a blessing from Navos?"

With a casual air, Sedev takes a position facing towards the Felwood. "I'm also able to do some protective magic, though not much. I'll keep an eye on the Felwood, for now." He hums a few bars of song, checking the straps on his buckler before moving his hand to rest on his short sword's hilt.

After he hands the container to Glaven, Lucius steps back and lays one hand on the neck of his steed, Thunder. At his rider's touch, the war horse nickers and lifts his head. As the others make preparations, he scans the surrounding camp area, relaxed but alert. "Good idea. Better safe, than, you know." He grins. His other hand grasps a sharp steel lance, held upright for now but ready to be hoisted into position at a moment's notice.

"I'm quite capable of managing my own defensive spells, I assure you, but thank you for the offer. I find it heartening that such civility has not been lost," says Glaven, a smile on his face.

He begins to weave his own incantation, calling on the Sea of Mana for protection as noted. A few other defensvie spells of shielding and armoring are also brought out. He exhales.

"Right, then. I'm going to open the box now. See to your own protection anmd please remain, I don't know, about fifteen feet back. I wouldn't want anyone to lose an eyebrow again."


Simony steps back then, chuckling. "I don't know if I would even notice if it were gone." She holds aloft her hourglass holy symbol, and offers a quiet prayer, beseeching Navos to bless their endeavours here this day."

GAME: Simony casts Bless. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

Sedev sings a few wordless bars, his left hand resting on the symbol of Tarien hanging from his belt. After a moment, his eyes glint. "Let's wear the leather down." He swears briefly. "Sorry, I mean, let's get on with it."

GAME: Sedev casts Divine Favor. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14

The shy Shadow Elf, holding an unruly paper map, somehow finds her way to this camp. She's bundled up, but not to hamper movement; she's got sense enough for that, at least. Drawn to the campfire, she mutters aloud, "I really hope this is the group of adventurers I'm looking for, or I'm screwed."

She doesn't even know who's supposed to be there, so she approaches carefully, without being sneaky. "Heyo," Fizzy ventures, getting close enough to be able to determine if those present are friend or foe.

As Fizzy approaches, Lucius waves an enthusiastic greeting. "Hi Fizzy! It's good to see you. You're in the right place, if you were looking for the Felwood camp. And you've made it just in time!" He gestures toward Glaven and the arcanist's stand.

So far, no one definitely looks to be foe!

The area you're working in within the camp site has been cleared away from, leaving only the adventurers and Glaven, the half-elf wizard. He pushes his spectacles up his nose, then opens the box to reveal ...

Well, none of you can see what's in the box. Carefully, using a Mage's telekinetic hand, a black opal is raised out of said box.

"Ahh haa..."

The opal is ... very black. Very, very black.

The albino offers Fizzy a wave as the woman approaches, smiling brightly. Her attention is then drawn to the gem as it is lifted from the box. A /flurry/ of writing and drawing is happening, the pencil almost a blur as it scratches back and forth. "Is there any smell to it? Like, a burning or phosphorous smell?", she asks of Glaven. "And what shade of black would you call that colour?"

Sedev glances back at the gemstone, but keeps his attention focused on the Felwood. Threats tended to be external; he wasn't sure if something might be summoned by the gem magically or more mundanely, but absent any other worrying signs, best to keep an eye on the cursed wood when dealing with potentially cursed objects.

Fizzy brightens at the sight of a friend. "Luke!" she exclaims and waves a hand toward the rest gathered at the fire. Taking a moment to learn everyone's faces, the elf lets her eyes roam around, until the arcanist brings out the inky opal. Distracted from getting to know her fellow adventurers, Fizzy focuses on the Gem and its manipulator behind it.

Only for a few moments, because then she wants to know what everyone else thinks of this, so she looks around everyone's faces again.

Although the weather isn't so friendly, She allows her bestest friend to emerge from her cold-weather gear: a knee-high critter with white fur and a face that's both alert and gentle. This little dude's nose twitches furiously, because surely, there's something very interesting here.

Lucius keeps his distance from the gem, but he gazes at Glaven with rapt attention. "I'm guessing there's magic involved in this one way or the other, but to me, I'll be honest, it looks just like any gemstone. Are we even sure it's an opal?" As he waits for the next step in the investigation, the adventurer shifts from one foot to the other in anticipation.

"All right..."

Glaven's eyes flash blue as he invokes another spell. Arcane sight, no doubt, of some kind. Something to allow him to perceive the ebb and folow of magic, it's colors and divisions.

"..huh," he says, "...that's odd..."

"The gem is infused with a fel core. Demonic residue, really. A demon was killed to make this, and what was left of it was infused into this gem. That seems to be the energy radiating off it. Please stand back. I'm going to see if I can break the enchantment holding it togerther."

Simony takes several steps back when the Arcanist explains the gem's makeup, and that he is going to attempt breaking the enchantment holding it together. Her pencil continues to move across her notepad, now writing out several lines of notes. "Uhm. Are you certain that's a good idea?", she wonders of Glaven. "If it is radiating energy, won't dispelling the enchantment release the energy?"

Her pencil is still moving quickly across the page, and she takes a few more steps back.

With a shrug, Sedev continues his vigil outwards. "Isn't that sort of the order of the day? Investigate the gem, eliminate the threat? Dispelling the energy seems like the next reasonable step."

"You're correct," says Glaven to Simony, "in that it will release energies. They should dissipate, and as you saw, I've taken steps to shield myslef and the area with magic, but that *is* why we're here. This is the second such gem encountered. If there re more of them, we need to know how workers in the field might contain, eliminate, or destroy the threat they represent. They are so far imbuing fel-energies upon things that are host to them. We have seen them at the source of an aberration, something known as a gibbering mouther, and in an elemental. These two creatures were enhanced and further empowered with the demonic energies of the opal in question, which contains the energy and then it leeches into its host, I imagine. Destroying them as we come across them is probably our best answer, but only if its safe for you to do so."

The suddenly-cautious elf motions Xote behind her, just in case, but doesn't take cover herself. Her priorities are obvious. In any case, she anticipates the gem exploding into a demon, shards flying everywhere. Xote obeys and sotto voce, Fizzy tells him, "Stay behind me, Xote, stay safe."

And given the chance, she casts Mage Armor on herself. Y'know, just in case.

GAME: Fizzy casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14

The Gobbo nods to Glaven, her hand and pencil moving the entire time the Elf was speaking as she gets down what he offers for explanation.

"Thank you, that satisfies my curiosity." She glances to Sedev, "I would rather ask and have him offer up an explanation than assume I know what he's doing and what will happen."

"Didn't even know you could infuse a demon into a gem," Lucius mutters. He glances to his side, and noticing Simony backing up, he nudges Thunder a few steps back as well. The war horse snorts lightly and turns his head to stare at his rider, as if to ask an unspoken question. "Look, I'm just following orders." Luke pats his steed on the mane again as he returns his attention to the arcanist and the black opal.

"Well, not a demon itself. Like I said: residue," explains Glaven to Lucius, "Think of it more like ... demon blood, which is known to have a terrible impact on things it comes into contact with. Why, I've heard stories of people who become addicted to consuming it. Nothing good comes of them, I assure you."

Sedev looks back at Simony, grinning. "Fair enough. I'll admit, I know enough about gems made of demonic energy to tell you that I've heard about them as of today, so if you're comfortable fact checking the wizard, you've gotta be a few steps ahead of me." He hums somewhat loudly. "Nearly everyone's going to be ahead of me on this particular topic, I suppose."

Fizzy gives a crooked smile and shakes her head. She doesn't know Sedev's name, but she addresses him. "I don't know anything about demon gems, either. Or opals." The slightest pause occurs before she adds, "Or gems." Glancing over her shoulder, she makes sure Xote's right behind her. He is, of course, because he appreciates Fizzy's caution.

"If it is any comfort, this is the first time I've seen one, but conceptually it isn't out of the question ... but I've never seen this type of magic before, personally, nor have any idea how it was constructed. That's the worrisome part."

Glaven clears his throat, then says, "All right. I'm going to make the attempt."

The page is turned, giving Simony a fresh sheet to fill. Her nose wrinkles at mention of people becoming addicted to consuming these gems, and she shakes her head. "What do people gain from doing that? Power?", she wonders of the arcanist.

Her gaze flicks to sedev, and she shrugs. "I am not claiming to know any more than anyone else, least of all an arcanist. But I do know my way around some magic, and I have some knowledge of the nature of demons. I was simply curious as to his reasoning for doing what he is doing. If he is willing to answer, I am certainly willing to ask.

"I see. Thanks, Glaven." Lucius nods, and after a final moment of hesitation, he swings onto the saddle on Thunder's back. "Go for it!" The lance in his right hand remains pointed skyward, and Luke himself appears blissfully unaware of whatever might happen when Glaven attempts to break the gem's enchantment.

There's a moment of incantation. Words of power are spoken, shaped. A glowing rune appears above the gem, which still hovers in the air telekinatically. At first, nothing. Perhaops it failed?

... and then the gem cracks with a thunderous 'CRKK' and then fire and smoke escapes from it in a puff.

"Ah," says Glaven, "Very good! The evil is defeated."

A pause.

"Wait, that's not --"

And then the gem *shatters* all together. The shattering erupts in a pulse of flame and fire that *strikes* Glaven straight in the cheset with a blind flash of light.

GAME: Simony rolls reflex: (8)+4: 12
GAME: Lucius rolls Ref: (4)+2: 6
GAME: Sedev rolls ref: (16)+4: 20
GAME: Fizzy rolls Reflex: (9)+3: 12
GAME: Lucius rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13

Facing away from the gemstone was apparently the right decision. Keeping vigilance on the forest, Sedev misses the brunt of the incredible magic flash of light from over his shoulders. He tenses, waiting for the light to subside, turning to face the center of the circle and drawing his sword.

Lucius begins to applaud at the initial crack. "Well d—" He is slow to react to the sudden flash and belatedly feels around his eyes. "That gem caught on fire, didn't it." A statement of fact that doesn't conceal either the implicit question, or the panic in his voice. Beneath him, Thunder whinnies in alarm.

Xote's nose continues to wiggle as the capybara resist the almost-overwhelming temptation to peek out from behind Fizzy. For her part, Fizzy guardedly keeps her eyes on Glaven with the gem, ready to raise the fur cloak to cover her face and head. She's already got a grip on its edge.

Her instinct proves correct, but she's just too slow to react. She still manages to raise the cloak, but only belatedly, and ends up seeing only strobing lights for a bit.

Simony lets out a squeak at the flash of light, and rubs at her eyes. "I.. I cannot see!" Even removing her pince-nes and replacing it makes no difference. "Is everyone alright? Can you see what is happening now?"

It's so much worse than the gem catching fire.

So. Much. Worse.

Where Glaven stood is something else entirely. Still recognizably him, but infused with demonic essence. His magics were definitely not strong enough to protect him from it, apparently.

... but he's still a bespectacled, wizardly looking nerd. Just now with rippling muscles, fangs, claws, horns, and smoldering balefire surrounding him.

The ground beneath him is charred, and it does seem like his magic protected YOU from the worset of it. He was simply ... too close, and ate *all* of it.

...and now? The ground itself seems to be belching up tiny demons contructed from ... mud and earth.

... which are following him as he runs straight towards Simony.

"QUESTION ME AGAIN, CHILD," He shouts as he lunges.

After checking a few times that no, wiping the pince-ness will not improve things, Simony huffs. The little hairs on the back of her neck rise up at the voice she hears, and she screams at seeing the shape suddenly way too close for her liking. Little feet launch her into motion, turning about-face and running as fast as they can carry her.

The tiny demons are going every which way. This is going to be a problem. They're running for the *rest* of the camp, where the events on-going are just now starting to be noticed thanks to the flash of light. Other people present in the camp today, Alexandrian soldiers and more, are pointing and gesturing, along side their Mythwood elf companions. Though you were off to one side, a bit secluded for safety's sake, you're not alone at least. Backup is not far away.

With another wordless song, Sedev gestures around himself, and a shimmering force appears around him, before he finishes singing, he begins to move forward, lurching faster than seems probably for a human of his physique. "In the name of Tarien, do no harm here, demon, or be cleansed in His name!" The inquisitor yells, readying his buckler to parry, sword to thrust should it become necessary.

GAME: Sedev casts Shield of Faith. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14

He is Glaven, Hunter, and Simony is his prey.

He charges after her, claws outstretched. His foot steps leave a trail of fire and ash behind him.

Magic crackles around him, as he begins to cast ... something ... en route...

GAME: Sedev rolls 1d20+6+2: (17)+6+2: 25
GAME: Sedev rolls 1d6+1: (4)+1: 5
GAME: Fizzy rolls knowledge/religion: Trained Use Only: 0
GAME: Sedev rolls knowledge/religion+3: (7)+6+3: 16
GAME: Lucius rolls Knowledge/Religion: (12)+3: 15
GAME: Fizzy casts Ray of Enfeeblement. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14
GAME: Fizzy rolls ranged: (9)+4: 13
GAME: Fizzy rolls 1d6+1: (4)+1: 5

"Um, is there a healer, and if so, are you okay? I might be able to help!" And then Fizzy pauses and adds in a quieter voice, "Unless you're dead. Or you can't speak... Xote! Oh gods, are you all right?"

The young elf reaches down and behind to check on her pride and joy, who seems to have been protected from the blast of light by Fizzy's body. Yeah, she's more concerned with her familiar than life itself, but now that she's verified his wholeness, she has the attention span for everything else.

She doesn't have the ability to see through Xote's eyes, so she's relying on the sounds she hears. Yeah, she's more concerned with her familiar than life itself, but now that she's verified his wholeness, she takes a split second to notice the situation and all the foes of whatever size. Too many of the little menaces mean she's just gonna have to try to focus on Mr. Meany-pants and hope to the gods she can give everyone else even a little advantage. She casts Ray of Enfeeblement and a blazing light bursts forth from her hand and knocks into Demon-Glaven!

GAME: Lucius rolls Will: (13)+3: 16
GAME: Lucius rolls Bluff: (2)+6: 8

"Glaven!" he shouts. "Is there a demon?" Thunder shifts restlessly, and the cavalier leans down to comfort his mount. "Stay still. This will pass soon, promise." As his vision returns, the living nightmare into which Glaven has transformed finally becomes apparent. It's all he can do to stay on his saddle as the color drains from his face.

"Get back—" He clears his throat. "You fool! You're chasing the wrong damn thing! Get back here…" Yet his voice betrays him, and what Lucius intended as a confident challenge instead comes out more like a frightened yelp.

Still on the run, Simony lets out a cheer, rubbing at her eyes. "I can see aga... aren't you the persistent one." Checking behind her, she waves to Lucius. "I'll lead him back to you!" She huffs and puffs. "Anyone injured?"

GAME: Sedev rolls 1d20+6+2: (17)+6+2: 25
GAME: Sedev rolls 1d6+1: (4)+1: 5

Having charged up next to Glaven, Sedev is moderately surprised when the possessed wizard simply ignores him, earning a score across his side as he charges past. Luckily, running is a forte for the inquisitor, and the human easily keeps pace, notching a second light wound as he does. "He's been possessed! We need to take him down, then rush him back to the temples! He might not be past redemption!"

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d6: (4): 4
GAME: Lucius rolls Will: (20)+3: 23 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

Tiny demons! Tiny demons everywhere! The alarm is up, and people are slowly rousing to the danger while others are all over Lucius, clawing and biting and stabbing with tiny fingers. It's unpleasent for him.

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+7: (3)+7: 10

Annoyed, Graven has turned his attention on Fizzy, for a moment, after he felt her sapping blast, but it's Sedev that captures his attention fully with the touch of thier blade. He leans forward to grab at them, but to no avail, and soon he's snarlijng and spouting gibberish in what has to be some kind of infernal language.

The swears are ... creative.

GAME: Fizzy casts Ear-Piercing Scream. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6
GAME: Fizzy rolls 1d6: (5): 5
GAME: Lucius rolls melee+1: (12)+7+1: 20
GAME: Lucius rolls lance: aliased to 1d8+Strength: (6)+3: 9

Lucius tears his gaze away from the possessed Glaven, turning to the swarm of mud demons. A light tap signals Thunder to shuffle away from the better part of the attacking mudlings, and then he plunges his lance into their midst.

GAME: Simony rolls weapon0+1: (7)+5+1: 13

Seeing the Glaven-demon distracted by a much more tasty and filling target, Simony turns back, running back towards Sedev. The Goblin rolls up her sleeve, and delivers a solid thump to the creature's back. She stares at the thing, and then her fist, then back to the demon. "Normally stuff falls over. Or makes noises of pain."

GAME: Sedev rolls 1d20+5+2: (5)+5+2: 12
GAME: Sedev rolls 2d4+1: (5): 6

Having captured the attention of the possessed wizard, Sedev steps back and lobs a flask backwards at the cavalier. A large splash engulfs the man and horse, spilling holy water and demons alike down the sides.

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d6: (1): 1
GAME: Sedev rolls will: (10)+6: 16
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+7: (19)+7: 26
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d4+4: (2)+4: 6

It's frustrating for Fizzy that she feels ineffective, even if that's not the case. Her thought process is, *Why the hell not!* "Xote, get behind that big tree! Momma's GOIN' IN!"

The elf dashes in and starts strewing handsful of caltrops at the possessed Glaven's feet, hoping that the demon's suitably distracted so he doesn't notice the gray-ish skinned, seemingly-harmless Fizzy carrying out her plan!

GAME: Lucius rolls Will: (6)+3: 9

Luke blinks as the water splashes over him and Thunder. "Thank you!" he calls to Sedev, closing his eyes and sighing as the cool water washes down his sides. He opens his eyes again, a terrible mistake. The demon is still on fire, and the cavalier's resolve finally breaks. A small whimper escapes from him as he lifts the shield in his left hand to block his vision of the possessed Glaven. Thunder whinnies, perhaps sensing his rider's distress.

GAME: Simony rolls weapon2+1: (9)+5+1: 15
GAME: Simony rolls 1d8+1: (8)+1: 9

Simony sighs, and reaches into her pocket, and then further down, pulling free a warhammer hidden under her robes. "We'll do this the messy way." She hauls back and then slams her hammer into the Glaven-image. "How's that, hmm?", she says to the demon, "Wait, when did you catch fire?"

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+6: (3)+6: 9

The demons are now moving on poor Sedev, swarming them, but there are at least less of them now.

That's the good news. The bad news is that they are just as annoyig, bitey, and pokey as they were on Lucius, leaving Sedev helplessly distracted for the time being.

GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+7: (20)+7: 27
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+7: (14)+7: 21
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 2d4+8: (5)+8: 13

While Glaven did succeed in kicking Simony away momentarily, he's not stupid enough to avoid taking advantage of the distraction that Sedev is experiencing. He whirls around and slashes his baleful claws down the back of the warrior, leaving them staggered.

GAME: Fizzy casts Guidance. Caster Level: 2 DC: 13

About ready to dash away, Fizzy realizes she's about to pass right next to Simony. She slows enough to grab Simony's arm and cast a hasty spell. "Think positive thoughts when you next attack! Trust me!" And on that note, Fizzy continues her mad rush to get the crap out and go find Xote to verify his safety. Those tiny demons, man, they're *everywhere!*

GAME: Lucius rolls Will: (16)+3: 19
GAME: Lucius rolls melee+4+1+1-2: (1)+7+4+1+1+-2: 12 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Lucius rolls melee+4+1+1-2: (1)+7+4+1+1+-2: 12 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Lucius rolls melee+4+1+1-2: (7)+7+4+1+1+-2: 18
GAME: Lucius rolls lance+6+4+lance+6+4: aliased to 1d8+Strength+6+4+1d8+Strength+6+4: (2)+3+6+4+(8)+3+6+4: 36

Lucius shuts his eyes. "Damn it, that's enough. Get a /grip/." He takes a deep breath, and relying on hearing alone, finally levels his lance toward the demon. Screaming a wordless challenge, the cavalier drops his shield and blindly charges toward the possessed Glaven, putting all his strength behind a single blow.

As Thunder gallops toward the target, the lance almost appears to shimmer in Luke's hands. Steady hands, steady aim. Even as he appears to miss, the glowing lance somehow bites into the demon, causing a dangerous but nonlethal wound. The momentum of the charge topples the possessed arcanist, and Lucius opens his eyes instinctively as he feels the heat begin to fade away. He stares at the lance, now appearing again as an ordinary weapon, stunned.

GAME: Simony casts Cure Moderate Wounds. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15
GAME: Simony rolls 2d8+4: (9)+4: 13