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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *Title: Reunion Hugs *Emitter: Irshya *Characters: Irshya, Ygraine *Place: The TarRaCe - Bath House *Summary: (Flashback scene) It's the end of the working day at the TarRaCe, but someone not on the staff roster is still moving around - though she seens familiar with the layout and might even be looking for someone...</div> Night begins to settle in, and many of the regulars have headed ou...")
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Latest revision as of 12:22, 15 December 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Reunion Hugs
  • Emitter: Irshya
  • Place: The TarRaCe - Bath House
  • Summary: (Flashback scene) It's the end of the working day at the TarRaCe, but someone not on the staff roster is still moving around - though she seens familiar with the layout and might even be looking for someone...

Night begins to settle in, and many of the regulars have headed out home. Staff have also begun to scurry home, hoping to beat some of the heavy snowfall. The city is quieter, almost peaceful, with the snowfall. The staff are cleaning and prepping for the next day, with only one dedicated to tending to the few customers that remain. Stiff, warm drinks, and hearty stews are popular this evening, which is a surprise to no one.

The baths are quiet, with only a few staff scrubbing the men's pool clean. The main pool is slowly refilling, while the lady's pool is full, the whole place pristine, with towels stacked, ready for the next day.

A familiar shadow is present in the pool, hovering near the bottom, floating back and forth lightly. The pool shark seems to be asleep.

Though many of the staff do not recognise her, after her two year-long absence, Ygraine is currently pushing her luck with lingering late. Having not yet been formally kicked out, she is allowing herself a last wander for the evening, revelling in more of the sights and sounds of the establishment she helped to create. Still, that her ambling leads her to make a familiar but thoroughly welcome discovery comes as a very pleasant surprise indeed. Drifting to a halt, she sighs happily, head cocking as she observes the shape move.

Irshya lets out a very obvious yawn, while stretching at length, with a slight twitch visible in her tail. A rush of bubbles disturbs the surface of the pool, and a moment after, the pool shark surfaces. After a moment, she begins circling the pool at a modest speed, her feet leaving a wake as she goes. It takes three full rotations before she notices the figure peering down at the pool. She blinks and simply stops swimming, the water carrying her another full circuit. "Ygraine?"

Dropping a curtsey, the human then follows it up with a bow. "I'm afraid so," she says quietly. "And I hope that you can forgive me for standing here watching you swim, without saying hello. It... brought back some very fond memories indeed. It is *wonderful* to see you."

Irshya hardly makes a splash as she zips across the pool, and her tail works overtime to launch her slightly into the air, allowing her to land on her feet. A few steps later, and she wetly thumps into the taller woman, hugging wetly.

Only then do the tears flow. For what seems like an extended period of time.

Allowing herself a low laugh, Ygraine leans down and opens her arms - though a half-suppressed sob accompanies the little shark-goblin thumping into her. She enfolds Irshya in a warm hug, squeezing fondly. "I am so sorry that I have been gone so long. And I am so very, very pleased to be with you now," she murmurs.

The tears slow to a trickle, and after some time, there's a squeeze that lasts several long seconds.

"Irshya has missed you, Ygraine. She has long wished for your return. As she does for Sabina."

A loud sniffle is heard before she continues. "Irshya is happy you have returned!"

The pool-shark's expression is full of joy.

Lowering her knees to the floor amidst a quiet squeak of wet leather, Ygraine brings herself more fully down to Irshya's eye-level. "I am truly, *truly* sorry," she reaffirms. "I prayed to get back to you, and to Sabina. And though it took much longer than I had expected, I *am* here now. And I am truly glad to be. Though... I fear I am sadly lacking in fish to offer you!"

The Gobbo begins to pepper the taller woman's cheeks with little kisses, alternating pecks on her cheeks. "Irshya will find a way to forgive you for the lack of fish!", she says, with a laugh. "Irshya hopes that the Tarrace is to your liking, she has worked hard to keep it running. We have a good staff, and a good clientele." More hugging follows.

"You are welcome here, now and forever. Your share of the profits is waiting for you."

Ygraine gently picks Irshya up for a moment, before carefully setting her back down - grinning broadly. "Profits? Hah. I had not thought of making any claim to anything of the sort. I merely hoped that it *was* making profits, and continuing to provide joy and solace - even some inspiration - to those who came here. I feel I have precious little right to claim anything. I am gratified more than enough that you are pleased to see me, my dear. That I have not lost your friendship. And that I find you responsible for such a happy, thriving establishment. This is a place of joy. You have worked wonderful things, I think."

She makes a dismissive wave with her hand. "Irshya merely built upon what you and Sabina started. It's just a continuation. It is a happy, peaceful place. People eat delicious food, drink strong drink, and relax and enjoy each other's company. It is the best place in the city, by far!"

Giggling again, Ygraine nuzzles fondly at the little shark-goblin. "And I think it reflects *very* well indeed upon you that it operates as it does, without our input or guidance or advice. I confess to more than a tinge of pride that my decor is still in place! But on its own, that would just be an empty shell. But emptiness is the opposite of what this wonderful haven provides. I am so, *so* proud of you. Of what you have done with what we started. Just as I am so extremely happy to see you again, my beloved friend."

"Irshya thinks that you and Sabina created a solid foundation, that it would have been difficult to mess it up." She flexes an arm, showing off a good little knot of muscle. "It was just work, Irshya was sad at atimes, and it wore her down, and it was hard. But if you're complimenting her such, Irshya thinks that she has done well!"

Giggling, Ygraine playfully answers the muscle-flex with a mirroring one of her own. "I am so sorry for making you sad. I missed you, too. Very, very much. But I really am guilty about making you upset. I always enjoy making you happy, and I never want to make you sad again if I can possibly help it."

The Gobbo sniffles again and shakes her head, stepping forward to hug at Ygraine once more. "Nono, don't feel badly. Itshya is feeling much better now, she is not wanting to make you feel bad. You did what you needed to do, Irshya hopes, and Irshya is here for you, as always. She is happiest when you are happy. We shall celebrate you tomorrow. With a feast! You can meet all the staff, and all my new friends, my friends will be your friends, you'll see. Some of the sweetest people come here."

"I was trying to help my family. My blood-kin, that is," Ygraine explains quietly. "I... hoped that it would be rather a short expedition, but... well. Matters turned out rather differently. I missed you a *lot*, I promise. Sabrina and the TarRaCe and parts of Alexandria, too... but you were the one I most often thought of. And... I felt guilty for leaving you behind. Especially to handle things with which you had been led to expect my assistance."

Fondly, the Eldanar returns the goblin's hug, squeezing intently. "I... was thinking that I might perhaps try to ease into things. Avoid any risk of, ahh, being seen to show up and try to displace you. But if you can give me a few days in which I pretend to just be a randomly-visiting customer, for the most part, perhaps I can even *help* by learning what it is like to be a customer here? But I am open to guidance and advice, I promise. And I absolutely shall let you have a celebration!"

She blinks a few times and then snorts. "Irshya finds this funny, but she can accept keeping your presence a secret. It will be hard to hide my fondness of you, though. But Irshya will enjoy waiting on you." The Gobbo giggles brightly, and starts up a new hug and squeeze. "You may stay here if you need a place to stay. There are a couple of small, comfortable rooms that staff can use in times of bad weather or a late hour."

Giggling again, Ygraine nuzzles warmly - if somewhat wetly. "Thank you. And we can perhaps conspire to have me visit at busy times when you are *not* around, and at very quiet ones when you are. But I do not propose that we make this a long-lasting pretence... I... I just don't want *anyone* to think that I am displacing you or challenging all that you have accomplished here. I rather suspect that the staff might be very, very fond of you, and rather protective - as I am!"

Irshya sticks her nose into Ygraine's cheek, and the Goblin nods. "Well, Irshya knows that you would not want to hurt her. But Irshya would have, at many times in the past, happily let you take up the mantle of ownership. Irshya knows that she doesn't need to own the Tarrace to get joy from it. We can be co-owners! But, we can go slowly, as you ask. Irshya is happy with that."

Ygraine sniffles quite audibly, before managing a rather shaky little laugh. "Awww. I... I don't deserve this. But thank you. I had worried that I might have wounded you too severely to be forgiven, after leaving for *so* long. Instead..." She glomps on for another hug of her own. "I bet you're now a ferociously powerful priestess and renowned adventuress, aren't you? Sharing any venture with you at all would be a real honour."

"Irshya forgives you any hurt she felt at your leaving. She could not call herself a priestess if she could not do so." She sniffles too, but her smile is broad. "You are still the first member of the order of the Tooth. That bond is not easily broken."

Giggling, she snorts. "Irshya had adventured, and she is a stronger adherent of Rada than when you left. Irshya will welcome adventures together!"

Blushing, Ygraine laughs again - though there's still something of a hint of sob in there. "The, err, the tooth has been to some rather *formal* events, it might interest you to know. Not on display very often - I have wanted to keep it safe! - but there with me all the same. It... it was important, to try to remain connected. You have done so much to inspire me to find joy in life, and to look for the best in other people. I wanted to have that link *present*. Especially when venturing into social perils."