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Latest revision as of 22:43, 10 April 2020

Log Info

  • Title: Concerning Oozes and Weddings
  • Emitter: Elleandra
  • Characters: Seldan, Mikilos, and Elleandra
  • Place: Alexandria - Mithralla Merchandise
  • Time: Apr 5, 2020
  • Summary: Elleandra meets with Seldan and Mikilos to discuss an idea for cleaning the cisterns of ooze and learn more about the nature of this threat to all living things.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* A15: Mithralla Merchandise *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

         Here, a large wooden structure has been built. Its somewhat eccentric yet elegant design suggests its owner may be of the arcane persuasion. To the side of the main structure is a small corral to for horses or wagons. Before the central building, a massive sword emerges from the earth. A sign upon it reads: "MITHRALA MERCHANDISE."
         Inside is a small seating area with several comfortable chairs. To the back, an unobtrusive but businesslike sales counter, and two large signs. One asks patrons to please wait here and not disrupt those inside the lab. The other offers a lab rental at a very reasonable rate. 
         To the left and right are a large set of doors. The doors on the right lead to a large room which takes up most of the building. Several long tables are scattered about, many with small tool racks. A small forge sits off to the side. Unlike the average workshop, maps of celestial bodies and guides to the elemental planes line the walls. Large frameworks of brass, silver, and crystal occupy space between the tables. A large shelf dominates the far wall, the containers upon it sporting such labels as "wyvern bile," "sulfur," "tiger's tears," and other exotic items. A glass-covered hole in the roof, set with mirrors, offers direct sunlight, or moonlight, to shine upon various projects.
         The doors to the left lead towards the direction of the mountains and what is reported to be a sildanyari-style ball room. Wizards.
         During regular store hours, a young Llyranesi man, Belhan Mithralla, keeps an eye on the shop and the lab. When not cleaning or helping a customer, he can usually be found reading some book from the library. 
                               EXTRAS: +view                                 

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Elleandra       Blue-haired, green-eyes, Sylvanori                    0s   3h
Mikilos         Tall male dawn elf, rosey blonde and handsome.        14m  8h
Seldan          Red-blonde Eldanar man wearing Eluna's colors and sym 12s  8h

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Mikilos nods to Seldan. "Fae are a particular bunch, I'm still tring to find a time where it would be traditional for them to help." The tall elf lingers near the shop counter, the store open to the spring weather. <sildanyari>

Elleandra enters slowly, leaving the sunlight behind her. Taking just a moment to look around, she is surprised at the sight of Seldan. She makes her way towards him, though her attention frequently shifts to the elf he is speaking with. Once she draws close enough, she slips into a curtsey, "Hello Seldan! It is a blessing to meet you here."

Seldan pauses in his movement towards the door, turning with a frown. "We must wait for an auspicious time? Such knowledge is not mine, but I mislike a delay. Perhaps we can ..." He trails off, turning at the new voice and shifting immediately to Tradespeak. 'Elleandra, you have returned to the city? What of Kamaria?' <sildanyari>

Mikilos grins. "Not 'must', but they tend to follow certain traditions... on the first day a spring, for example, a maiden asking for shelter is, by tradition, granted safety without call for payment. Of course, a tradition might be broken at any time, so it's certainly nothing certain. Anyway..." the wizard turns his focus to the new arrival, nodding with a smile. 'Hello madam, welcome to Mirhtalla Merchandise. I am Mikilos Mithralla, Builder Arcane. How might I be of service?' <sildanyari>

Elleandra bows her head to Mikilos before she rises, "I appreciate your welcome. I actually was hoping to speak to you about sensitive matters." She looks to Seldan searchingly, "And honestly, I have questions of both of you, but I prefer discretion and privacy from prying eyes and ears." <sildanyari> Long distance to Seldan: Elleandra has cover stories for basically everything between setting up a wedding and arranging for divine child birth. I just need to avoid notice >.>

Seldan, who appears to have been heading for the door, relaxes - a little, both at the shift in language and at the explanation. "I believe to understand." His sildanyari is not perfect, but it is intelligible, and he would be considered by those who speak it natively to have something of an accent. The Myrrish accent in his Tradespeak does not improve this, and makes it obvious that the tongue is a second language to him. "Elleandra is a druid, lately come to the area. I have sought her help in the matter of the cisterns." <sildanyari>

Mikilos speaks with a casual fluency of a linguist, switching back with hardly a thought. "Of course. The shop has minor wards, but if you favor something a little more potent, can go into one of the inner rooms and set up some more powerful enchantments." <sildanyari> "I appreciate your suggestion," says Elleandra. This is her native tongue, though she uses it only rarely. "Or is it safe to discuss matters here? I am seeking out those who have an interst in safe drink." She looks from Mikilos to Seldan, curious. "I have thoughts that could use shaping." <sildanyari>

"The wards, I think," Seldan remarks. "I would hear your thoughts, but this shop is known to many, and it is better if She," he leans slightly in the word, "not learn of what I have asked Elleandra to do." <sildanyari>

Mikilos nods thoughtfully, considering a few moments, and nods, haeding for the back storeroom. "This way." It looks like a fairly typical storeroom, with an assortment of crates and boxes, most related to the crafting a perfectly normal weapons and armor. Of course, some contents are a little more exotic. near the center of the room, a complex circle of runes has been scratched into the stone. A warding circle. Nothing too complex, but enough. 'Belhan!' Mikilos calls. 'I'm making a Mansion for a secure conversation. Keep an eye on the front.' The assistant lounging near the back door glances up from his book and nods, as Mikilos steps into the cirlce, murmurs for a moment, and steps though the magical door that appears in front of him. <sildanyari>

GAME: Mikilos casts Mage's Magnificent Mansion. Caster Level: 13 DC: 26

Elleandra follows in silence, doing her best to look around without seeming to be looking around too much. When the door opens, she follows. Only the slightest shift in her pace hints at her uncertainty. It is soon gone. "This is certainly one way to be assured of privacy." Once they are inside, she asks Seldan, "Would you like me to prove that I am still free of any snowflakes?" <sildanyari>

"No, that will not be needed," Seldan answers, shaking his head quickly after being the last inside. He, too, looks around, appreciation and joy lighting the blue eyes. "Most impressive, Master Mithralla." The door has now vanished behind them. "I would learn this spell, I think." <sildanyari>

Mikilos nods. "It's a surprisingly handy spell. One I wish I'd had earlier in my adventurers. A single casting in Sendor could have saved lives. But it's also usful to have a pocket dimension for security." The elf waves past the ornate foyer, to a massive banquet hall, piled high with an elaborate feast. "Go ahead and indulged, will all disappear when the spell ends, unfortunately." He sighs. "As for snowflakes, I can offer no such proof." The wizard pushes up his sleeve, showing where a hand sized snowflake was carved into his flesh, many months ago. "But, between the wards and the shift in dimensions, it would be difficult at best for Her to Scry, and require enough force that it would be hard not to notice." <sildanyari>

"Perhaps this tongue will make you more at ease, Seldan?" asks Elleandra. "But I admit I find joy in hearing other races speak it." She will make the shift for now. "To get right to the point, I believe that we might be able to purify the cisterns by boiling them dry. Due to the danger of using magic for such a task, I had a mind to seek out those who wield natural flame with great skill, such as the khazad, whose furnaces were in many of my mother's stories." She settles herself at the table and with the hosts invitation, helps herself to trying a pale yelow drink. "I don't imagine one could arrange to spend their wedding night in these accomodations?" There are many things on her mind.

"There is no need to accommodate me, Elleandra. Your tongue is yet new to me, and I confess that the practice does not go amiss." Seldan slides back into Tradespeak with the ease of reverting to a native language, although the Myrrish accent is still present. Never one to turn down food, Seldan nonetheless nods his understanding of the magic's limitations. "So, we may eat our fill, but it will vanish if taken from this place. I understand."

Following suit, he too, settles himself at the table, setting aside gauntlets for ease of use. "I know not if ordinary fire will slay the plague oozes, Master Mithralla. I know only of diluting them in water, and crushing them. Still might her plan force them to show themselves."

Mikilos quirks a brow and grins. "Not a situation I've been asked before, but I suppose is possible. There are alcoves towards the back with beds, enough for over a hundred. There are also arcane servants to clear plates away and refill glasses, though I sent them to the back as I doubt they'll be needed." th wizard take a seat himself, grabbing some sort of buttery fried bread. Though not so gaunt as he was a few days ago, the elf is still quite thin, a side effect from his recent bout with the Plague. "I do most everything with magic, so I can only offer so much. But I agree if one wants a large non-magical furnace, the dwarves are the ones to go to. And while I don't know if these specific ooze are vunerable to fire, I can't imagine they enjoy it."

"What do we know of them?" asks Elleandra. She eats, to be certain, but her mind is settled on the task at hand. The matter of her wedding night will wait, but it seems Mikilos' magic would be better than any surprise she might manage otherwise. "Can we use magic to detect them? When they infect a person, are the oozes still alive, or are they.. something else at that point? I have heard from another that there is something of a cure, but that it kills those it fails to work for." She is just getting warmed-up when it comes to questions, but there are limits to how much one might answer at one time.

"They live," Seldan answers between bites, but sets down his fork for a fuller explanation, silently taking this on to allow the still-thin mage to eat. "They can be detected using magic, but doing so will activate them, and they will seek to infect another. It will do the same anytime it comes into contact with a magical aura of any kind." He stops entirely, and picks up a glass, although his choice is deep red in color.

He sighs heavily at the second question, closing his eyes. "Say rather that the cure is ... painful." Something in the carefully chosen words speaks of experience. "Only the most determined and strong would survive what must be done, and therefore whether it works or not is of little consequence. Worse still, it leaves ... marks of its passing, when cured in that way."

Mikilos considers. "I'm not aware of a divination taht detects them, but I've not tried any. I assume they're as alive as ever inside a person, though exactly how it works I don't know. An Inquisitor spell has been used to cure several people, but the casting is harmful to the target, not everyone will survive." He falls quiet for a few moments. "It was... very unplesant. And while any single casting -might- work, there's no promise that will draw out every last scrap of the ooze." He sighs again. "However, in my last self-treatment, I use a simple Dispel Magic, which while again it took many, many castings, does appear to have eventaully worked. But, I'm not fully confidant in the method. I'm not exactly a normal case." He considers. "As for the ooze themsevels, they're fileld with Primal energy, perhaps drawn directly from the Source. The Mistress didn't make them, but she has used them, and if not caused their adaptations, watched over them. The life force they devour is stored, to be used for some purpose, though we don't know what."

Elleandra is lost in thought for a moment, trying to determine what questions to ask next. After consuming some golden-skinned fruit she's never seen before, but clearly loves, she decides she is ready to learn more. "So the cure is challenging, dangerous, and unreliable. That is a serious shortcoming. What can we say about how these oozes spread? Do they go only person to person when magic is involved? How do they select their targets? And it we were to purify the cisterns, would they likely repopulate it by spreading from their host?"

"It ... lives in the lungs, and may spread in that way, but ... by far the most dangerous is the introduction of magic." Seldan picks up his fork again, but only picks at his food. "They are mindless, I believe, and simply target anyone not already infected. It seems aware of who is so infected, and who is not, although those bearing or using magic are of course its primary targets."

For the last, he thinks before shaking his head. "I cannot say, but I think it unlikely." Mikilos nods. "They're attracted to magic, and thus to casters, but they aren't actaully intelligent. And while they clog the lungs, they seem to live inside the body as a whole. They can infest golems and creatures without lungs, so I'm not sure how that works. As for the cisterns, I think they -can- be infected again, but i'm not confidant they would be. I don't know how much effort it took to infect teh water itself. Usually adding water weakens them."

"I fear the removal of these creatures is a task that will be challenging beyond my talents to aid," muses Elleandra. She doesn't like admitting that. "Are the oozes themselves magical? You mentioned dispelling magic as a way to stop them. Eventually. I'm very curious why that killed them. I imagine using magic to purify the water only results in something horrible happening. Do they.. leap out to infect others?" She busies herself with some salad of greens and peppers.

"In short, yes," Seldan answers, seeming to regather his equilibrium. He tucks back into his food, taking a bite before going on, his use of utensils very precise. "I would demonstrate, but such a demonstration is very dangerous. I would place neither you nor he so at risk." A nod to Mikilos. "I would not say - beyond your talents. Say rather that it will want all of us together, and that by focusing on removing the oozes from the cisterns, you will aid the effort greatly."

Mikilos nods. "It's doesn't kill them, it annoys them. So much that they struggle out of the infected's lungs to try and attack wahtever disrupted them. Maybe they're attracted to the spell and think it tases best, so run out to try and eat it? I don't know. But once outside the body they can be killed without massive effort. But typically in the rush to get out they leave a chunk behind. And the tiniest chunk can rapidly grow to full sized inside the body. It's only therare spell taht leave a victim cured. Perhaps one in two dozen, be there isn't enough information to run real odds."

"They sound loathsome," Elleandra says. "But this food is delicious." She considers the cisterns. That seems manageable. "I have a few thoughts. One, is to empty the cisterns into the plane of fire. I can't imagine that environment will be something they can survive. I believe it will be easier to boil the water, however. Do we have any if these creatures can survive boiling? Can they survive outside water and outside a host?" Every answer she receives seems to inspire still more questions.

"My first encounter with these was upon the Plane of Fire." Seldan's tone is rather grim. "As they were drawn from the Source, I would either return them to the Source whence they came, or simply cast them into the Void." He laughs quietly, and for a moment, he gets a boyish look to him. "I have at times wondered what would happen did one shoot a bag of holding into a portable hole in the presence of such an ooze."

Mikilos grins. "They feed on magic, including magical fire, but i'm not sure how the plane of Fire itself would run. I'm very wary to unleash them onto another plane. A person infected tranformed into a fire elelemtanl doesn't fare well, but i don't know about infecting someone who is already made of fire."

Elleandra nods, surprised at the news. "Then I will attempt to boil all the water away and see what is left of them. And I will not use magical fire, but rely on the primal force itself. I don't suppose there is any safe way for me to test this, is there?" The tension of the questions is getting to her, and she diverts her mind to the reason this is all so important. "By the way, the beds that are here. Are they as good as the food? Are there baths?"

"I am certain that a test for the matter could be developed." Seldan continues to eat, but defers the matter of the mansion itself to Mikilos, instead turning his attention to his plate. Mikilos shrugs. "The witch Alba was, last I heard, trying to work with a live sample. I've not seen her in some time, so have no idea what she might have learned." He waves vaugely towards the back. "The accomidations ar fairly minimal, but the beds are plush and soft, and the rooms warm and dry. There currently is no bath, but I'v never tried to create the mansion with one. I suppose it's possible."

"After we are successful, I hope I can rent a mansion for a night," says Elleandra. "It is a wonderful place for a wedding party and it seems very comfortable. Particularly for those who are used to city comforts." By the way she says it, she doesn't include herself in that group. "I will seek Alba. Do you have any suggestions as to where I might find her? If boiling doesn't work, perhaps other things might. Lightning or acid come to mind. I imagine we are unaware of any predators that would slay the ooze."

Mention of Alba draws a snort from Seldan, but he continues to eat. "The only force I am aware of that reliably destroys these beings is crushing force. Perhaps filling the cistern with a block of stone?" Mikilos smiles mildy. "She runs... or at least ran... a spider farm on the edge of the Felwood. She's... an unusual figure... even for a witch."

"The Felwood?" Elleandra sighs softly, "It is an interesting place to live. I will have to discover for myself why one would farm spiders." The druid shakes her head, "I wish there was something about this that wasn't dangerous and weird. I feel like not knowing what the purpose of these creatures is leaves us blind so something important."

"There are those who say that Alexandria itself is fraught with danger and absurdity alike." Seldan picks up a slice of bread and butters it. "They would not be wrong. One need only look to the artificer's hall for proof." He sets down the knife, holding the bread to eat when he finishes speaking, but at the second remark, his lips set into a grim line. "The tale of this plague and how it came to be is a complex one, and we yet learn more every day. It is a dangerous tale, though." Mikilos nods in agrement. "For every detail we learn, it seems two mor mysteries pop up, if not three."

"And the risks are considerable," murmurs Elleandra. "There was a time when my greatest dread was telling my father whom I have decided to marry. He will definitely not approve. But now I can always throw him in a cistern if he doesn't like it." She smirks and laughs lightly, "Though I imagine my mother might be rather offended should I do so."

Seldan quickly shakes his head. "I wish this plague on none," he tells Elleandra firmly. Apparently this is not a joke to the paladin. "I myself have had it and been cured, and my own mother yet lies ill with it. We know not what it does, or what evil purpose might be the destiny of the force that it draws." He relents a little, and adds, "My own father will doubtless be unhappy. He has yet to approve of any of my choices so far, and yet ... that choice belongs to the gods, not to him." His eyes lower.

Mikilos grins, and takes a few bites of his negleted bread. "I think my family has given up on my marriage. Though think I've a few decades yet before I'm old enough for them to get fussy about it. They've not approved my my choices, generally speaking, though as far as many are concenred, I am the head of the clan and can do whatever I might wish. Is a bit of mess, all told."

"I apologize, Seldan. I should not jest, but this a dark topic and I cannot stay utterly in its shadow," Elleandra explains. "I begin to suspect that parents are never satisfied with their children's choices. Though my mother, it seems, is delighted at the prospect that her daughter might finally be settled. At least somewhat." With a frown, Elleandra says, "I imagine I should be going, now. I do not wish to draw attention on our meeting. I am committed to help, but I must be wary."

Immediately, Seldan's entire demeanor closes into polite acceptance. "Of course. Forgive me, I speak out of turn." He takes a small bite of bread, and seems intent on eating his fill while they are there, although he politely turns the topic to other things. "I trust that Kamaria is doing well?"

Mikilos nods. "You're welcome to remain if you wish, the room can last a little over 24 hours, but if you need to leave i quite undrstand."

Elleandra smiles at Seldan and nods, "My beloved is enjoying herself. I have arranged for her to stay somewhere with warm beds and a hot bath while I am away. And it is easier for her to read and write at all hours there, as well." She finds that change in topic a relief. "And I have been given direction in how we might have our wish of children together. I must go to the Temple of Althea to ask, but it seems like all things are possible, with love." She explains to Mikilos, "Kamaria is the woman I love, recently freed thanks to Seldan and others. In all things, she is foremost in my thoughts. Including this dangerous business."

"Then perhaps it is her you should consider foremost, when deciding whether to risk yourself in this." Seldan sets down food, fork, and knife, and rests his wrists on the table. "There are others who can see to the cisterns. I would have you both safe, and I would ask your forgiveness for involving you, if that is not your wish."

Mikilos ponders absently. "There's a belt of which I'm aware for short term changes, but I'm not confidant it's long term effects for bearing children."

"It seems that the blessings of Althea present some way. I am not too concered with specifics, and I feel like it will work out." Elleandra goes on, to take-in Seldan's suggestion. "I cannot create life with Kamaria until magic is safe from the danger this plague presents. We both agree that I must resolve this problem and make the world a little safer for our child before we concevie. Trust me, I wish I could remain uninvolved. But I do not believe I should. This is now a threat to the wild as well, and the fire in my spirit demands that I answer this threat. That feeling is why I believe cleansing fire will have some role in this."

"Very well. Do as you think best for the both of you, and do you deem it safest to step aside, you need but speak." Seldan's entire demeanor is still completely closed, and he takes a drink, then rises. "If you both will forgive me, I should return to the Temple. If I may be of aid, there will you will find me, or find word of me. Until then, may Her light find your path." With that, he turns and takes himself from the room.

Elleandra nods to her friend, "It is time for me to go as well, I fear. I apparently have a long day ahead. The Felwood shall prove an interesting destination." She curtseys deeply to Mikilos and Seldan, "Please be safe, both of you."