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Latest revision as of 17:54, 31 March 2020

The dry and sunny spring morning has more out of doors than might otherwise be. One such individual taking advantage of the non-dreary weather is one who appears anything but bright and sunny. Verna sits upon a bench in the central courtyard, hood doffed for the occassion and gray robes absorbing the sunlight. The reading material before her is far smaller than the usual tome, and rests upon her lap rather than hovers before her.

Zapolklnex has had a posting up for a few days now. "REQUESTED: Services of an arcanist to repeatedly cast the spell Floating Disk, in order to train a magic ring. Payment in the form of an excellent meal is offered, and negotiable. See Zapolklnex in the central courtyard."

His raven Crax perched on top of his head, gripping the hood, he makes his way in. Well shielded from the bright, daylight weather, he goes up to his posting to see if anyone's left a note on it.

Seldan has been just a little busy to respond to wanted postings over the last several days, and barely gives the board a glance as he strides out of the deeper recesses of the plaza area, where some of the students and arcanists have taken up residence. He squints up at the bright blue sky, a thin silver headband holding his hair out of his face - well, trying to, at any rate, and meeting with but middling success at best.

Verna lifts her head from her reading to those passing and/or perusing the postings. The latter draws more of her interest, "Good morning, if it is only just marginally so," she offers in salutations. There is, in fact, a visible note upon Zapolknex's posting, in faintly glowing runes: LOOK TO YOUR RIGHT.

This would be in the direction of the occupied bench, conveniently.

Zapolklnex lifts a brow, and the pointy-eared one looks over to Verna. "Good day," he says, lifting a hand out from his sleeves to greet Verna as he then approaches. Bird still on his head, he adds another "Good day," to Seldan. Hand lifted, he points with his thumb to the ring.

"This is a Ring of Spell Knowledge. It currently knows the spell Magic Missile... which I no longer need from the ring. As an adventurer, I'd like to teach it Floating Disk. I keep.. getting hired to keep watch on priests, who then get themselves killed, or nearly so. The ability to cart them along would be of help. But I am inexperienced at teaching spells to rings, so it might take me many attempts to succeed."

Seldan has eschewed the armor this morning, and indeed much of his kit, and wears only an open blue and silver robe over shirt, trousers, and boots. "Verna, good day," he greets, the words distinctly accented in the lilting tones of the Myrrish. "And to you as well," he adds politely if more reservedly to Zapolklnex. "The floating disk is a useful spell indeed, though mind you do not overload it, lest it vanish beneath your things." He comes to lean on the back of the bench on which Verna sits, seeming to be intrigued himself.

"Certainly a courteous application," Verna notes, "and one appreciated by the afflicted clergy, I expect. Have you considered scrolls to aid you in that application? I can, of course, aid you, regardless; I only make the note, as such would not be reliant upon the availability of another."

She nods to Seldan in return. "To you, as well, and you voice a valid warning."

Zapolklnex points up, and the bird on his head lifts off, allowing him to remove his hood. He smiles, as the bird then comes to land on his shoulder.

"I have considered scrolls, however scrolls are more expensive than castings. I do know that most, if not all, arcane casters can cast their spells freely every day, if they have no other needs. I simply hope to make use of a few of those castings, to use effort on a slow day that might otherwise go unspent." He then stops. "Oh of course. I should introduce myself. I am Zapolklnex. If... if it would be easier, I could simply hand you the ring, if you have a written copy of the spell. If you are an experienced student of spell craft, it might be very easy for you to teach the ring. Then I would be in your debt, either way."

"I use scrolls myself, for I, too, own such a ring." Seldan's interest is piqued by the conversation, and although he eyes the mul a bit warily, he nonetheless remains politely engaged. "Were I in your boots, I would become a student of the arcane, both its theory and its practical application. The teaching one will find in an academy is limited, and Guild work will bring you into contact with far stranger things than are deemed safe for a classroom. If you would understand these things, an understanding of magic itself will aid you."

"I am Sage Mourner Verna. I believe that we have met on more than one occassion, if not formally." Verna gestures with gloved fingers to Seldan. "He seems to have familiarity and strong advice, though I would not underestimate the value to theorycraft and practical application within an educational environment. If naught else, the penalties for a failed act would be far less fatal."

Her covered hand now extends to Zapolklnex, open and palm up. "If you wish to part with the ring a moment, I can educate it. If you desired, I could broaden its knowledge to include more potent spells. The latter would require more than a meal as recompense, of course."

Zapolklnex looks to Seldan as he then starts to take off the ring. "I do try. Lately, my studies have focused on the ancient history of my people. However I have recently learned..." He then winks to Verna, handing her the ring, before continuing, "that what I wished to learn, is actually unknowable. So I can focus my efforts on studying magic, as well as my ability to influence people. I agree with you, in short." Then bowing to Verna. "Thank you."

Seldan simply nods. "There is value in seeking one's own history, even if what one learns is not what one wishes to learn."

From the sword at his left hip, an irascible old man's voice pops up. "I'll say. Maybe you'll even listen to us once in a while."

A second voice from the sword chimes in, this one a nasally old woman's voice. "Kanian, he listens better than you ever have. I'd have likely beaten you with a frying pan in life." This remark occasions snickers in at least three or four more indistinct voices from the sword, but Seldan simply sighs. "Well do I know the value of honoring one's past, Kanian. Even when it is," he pauses. "Troublesome."

GAME: Verna refreshes spells.

Verna nods. "Yes, I happened upon your inquiry of our people. The search for knowledge is never a wasted journey, regardless of whether, and what, answers are found." She takes a moment to study the ring, with an eye for its craftsmanship as well as its enchantments.

Afterwards, she looks to Zap with a not-quite as critical eye. "The posted offering is acceptable, with the requested stipulations of location and context that it be at a venue other than the Ox-Strength and that it be a shared meal and social. Is that acceptable?"

Zapolklnex is distracted by another talking sword. How often does one come across one, let alone two in a week? "Some times one is not listened to. Other times, however, one is simply not heard. Weaponry would do well to consider that."

Then another bow to Verna. "Your stipulations are agreeable to me. Especially if it may be after sunset, so that I may be rested."

"I assure you that I hear him quite well." Seldan's statement is deceptively mild.

"Hmph. Now I know you aren't listening." There's the irascible old man again.

"I don't either, and I'm stuck in a sword with you." A gruff male voice, younger than the first but with a distinct khazadi sound to it, chimes in.

Verna nods once. "A dinner meal it is, then." Her attention turns briefly to Seldan and his rather argumentative weapon. "That is quite fascinating. I would welcome the opportunity to study and/or converse with that at some point in the future."

Her attention then returns to the ring, which she slips on over her glove in place of another that is temporarily relocated to her robes. She utters a brief incantation while yet eyeing the ring.

GAME: Verna casts Floating Disk. Caster Level: 15 DC: 16

GAME: Verna rolls spellcraft+4: (15)+28+4: 47

Zapolklnex watches the casting. He's not going to learn it that way, of course, but he can watch the ring, and when it gives off a momentary glow, he knows what that means. "That was immediately successful. This ring is good luck. I've never seen it fail to learn a spell the first try. Thank you very much." Then glancing back to Seldan's sword. "I don't think I have been listened to, either," he smiles, winking at Seldan.

Seldan's answering laugh lights his eyes, although it is a rueful laugh. "Likely not. Still do they have both aid and wisdom to offer." He nods to Verna. "Skillfully done, and perhaps at a later time, such can be arranged. I would not further interfere, however." He straightens, ignoring the sword that appears to have devolved into fratching back and forth for a few moments. "If you will forgive me, I should be about my business." With that and a polite farewell, he turns and strides in the direction of the path to the river.

"So it would appear," Verna agrees on the matter of good fortune with the ring, if primarily in the context of past efforts. She slips the ring from finger to palm and extends the latter in offering to Zapolklnex. "You are welcome. What evening would be convenient for our dinner?"

Seldan has left.

Zapolklnex takes the ring, making one more bow, before he slowly slides the ring back on. Fingers wiggling as he abruptly gains knowledge of a new spell. "Not tonight, unfortunately. Between being up this late, and having been on adventures, I need some rest. In a few days, I hope. Do you plan to bring friends?" A wave to Seldan. "Good luck."

Verna considers the query, offering a polite farewell to Seldan in the interim. "I did not intend so, no, but can if you would prefer? I expected that the offer was intended as singular, and my stipulation of social was in the context of us. While I could just as readily take the meal alone, at the time of my choosing, it has been suggested that I should invest time in more social recreational pursuits."

Zapolklnex nods slowly. "Then we will make it ssocial, in a few days' time. A large gathering would feel, to me, less social than an engaged conversation between two people. I will be in touch. Good luck to you."

Verna returns the nod. "I can be found here, or at the Vardaman temple. Seek me out when you have a date in mind."