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Latest revision as of 20:20, 30 March 2020

Zapolklnex has been working on this for weeks, and now is trying to go directly to the source. He stands, hood over his face, hands in his sleeves, in front of the Temple of Tarien. TOWERING over the Gnome with him, beside the statue in front of the temple. The Gnome, wearing the symbol of Tarien, looks to the Mul'niessa. "These answers will be short, if I Commune with Tarien. Even with an answer, it may not be clear, that knowledge you seek. Do you understand?" "Yes, it's the only option I have."

A face that may be unfamiliar only by virtue of the fact that its been missing for months is walking through the temple district this day, although he is coming from the direction of Eluna's temple. Wearing a gray cloak with the hood up as well, its the staff within his hand that probably elicits more attention from a distance, a staff thats about six feet tall and currently being used, as always, like a walking stick, the pale half-elf is walking past the Mul'niessa known as Zapolklnex when he overhears whats said. Frowning for but a moment, Gareth turns slightly to keep his features obscured, but the Wizard is, of course, curious about whats going on.

Verna descends the mountain road from one of the few temples not located within the district square. Her movements are sure-footed, despite her attention on the tome hovering before her, the apparent lack of peripheral vision due to hood, and even apparent lack of feet given her columous robes.

Konstance was sitting outside the temple of eluna, sharpening his starknife. He also has a repeating crossbow at his feet, the bolts taken out of it and the crossbow looks to be cleaned, a small bottle of polish and cleaner sits beside him. He wasnt wearing his scalemail, but he had a new blue robe thanks to him pilfering the elunans laundry. Being an elunanite he was entitled after all.

Zapolklnex looks at Gareth, and nods. "I have asked for this Communal outreach to Tarien to be outdoors, for all to hear, because it is important that the true history be accessible to all," he explains. "I intend to ask what really happened in the attack on the World Tree. Were the ancient Mul'niessa followers of Navos, deceived by Taara, betrayed, and brought into darkness and servitude all these years? Were some of my ancestores tricked?"

The Gnomish cleric nods. "Then I will begin the casting." The cleric takes out a censer, lighting it, and begining to burn incense into the air. The censer rocks back and forth, as Zapolklnex reaches up to pat the coyote statue on the nose.

Verna's hood lifts from her tome and towards the conversation. "Interesting." The tome closes with a dismissive gesture as her path alters towards said conversation. Given that The Trickster is involved, it may well be a set up, punchline, or to draw crowds for some intended revel.

His hand tightening ever so slightly upon his quarterstaff, Gareth give a single, simple nod whilst keeping his gaze upon the ground. Curious though he may be, he doesn't seem inclined to lift his head too much higher then what is required for him to be able to see. When Verna says something, he glances towards her just in time to see her tome close itself, and he stares with unabashed curiosity at it for a long moment, as if pondering what secrets it may hold, before finally turning his eyes back towards the gnomish cleric with a soft frown turning his lips downwards.

"You know I considered joining Tarien once upon a time. Considering my original Modus Operandi is to trick demons to do my bidding, I picked eluna because she was a trickster goddess as well and she likes magic, so being a former wizard she was more likely to take me in. Plus I was in llyranost at the time when I found a church." He says as he sheathes the star knife and he picks up his crossbow. He loads the cylinder, bolt by bolt as he walks over to the group. "So whats the occassion?" He asks curiously.

"You know I considered joining Tarien once upon a time. Considering my original Modus Operandi is to trick demons to do my bidding, I picked eluna because she was a trickster goddess as well and she likes magic, so being a former wizard she was more likely to take me in. Plus I was in llyranost at the time when I found a church." He says as he sheathes the star knife and he picks up his crossbow. He loads the cylinder, bolt by bolt as he walks over to the group. "So whats the occassion?" Konstance asks curiously.

Verna's tome also stows itself within the folds of her robes as she nears. Her hood is doffed so as not to interfere with her observation, which may indirectly offer further insight as to her interest. She does not speak again immediately,in deference to not creating further disruption to the act in progress.

Zapolklnex looks to Konstance, nodding to the question as the cleric takes ten minutes to cast the spell. "I have been researching the truth, since I learned that Taara's cult has been suppressing it among my people for many years. But every people has their own story of what happened long ago. I believe the gods are the only ones who must have the truth. So, I ask."

Gareth, with a frown, looks down towards Zapolklnex and asks quietly, with a frown, "And why does it matter to yourself?" The words are pronounced with a crisp preciseness that comes from knowing that one cannot take the chance to mispronounce even the slightest syllable without welcoming disaster. He then glances towards Konstance and cocks his head, frowning slightly as he takes in the man who is potentially a member of the clergy, but he doesn't speak towards him, instead looking back towards the cleric whom is uttering his spell with intense focus and curiosity. After all, knowledge is to be had.

"You got to remember, to know the mind of a god is like an ant trying to understand human thought, well sentient thought to be exact. WE can only glimpse into their thoughts by their actions." Konstance tries to explain. "Be prepared to hear both sides of the story. Remember the Mulnessa exalt traits to appease taara. The gods may not view a dark elf meddling in something long since dead." He says trying to be sympathetic. He then looks to Gareth and offers a hand. "John Konstance, inquisitor for Eluna." He says as he makes introductions.

"Truth can be empowering, " Verna notes, "though it can also be far from what is expected nor desired. As well, it is not always best shared..."

Verna looks to Konstance, "Such as mentioning a past others might find most disagreeable." <infernal>

Konstance looks to Verna and nods as he watches her. "Sometimes it is better to expose the truth and deal with the pain later. Learn from there." <infernal>

Gareth, although understanding Verna's words, doesn't outwardly show his own knowledge of what she's saying, instead ignoring the words completely as he looks down at the hand offered to him, and then back towards Konstance with a slight downward tilt of his lips, as he seems to view most things, before taking it with his left, stating in a low, soft tone, "Gareth of Alexandros." He then glances towards Verna with a frown, and tilts his head, asking curiously, "Do I know you?" However, he doesn't start speaking to them in the same language, either.

Verna turns her attention to Gareth. "We may not have met, nor been formally introduced. Apologies. I am Sage Mourner Verna."

"Mourner, so you worship vardama and dissect corpses?" Konstance asks in trade speak. He then looks to Gareth and shrugs. "So If Tarien is footing the bill, then it will be one hell of a shindig." He says calmly.

Zapolklnex raises his hand, and a raven comes flying in, after a brief trip looking for food, coming to rest on his head, perching on the Mul'niessa's hood.

The cleric's casting completes, and she begins to Commune with Tarien. "We ask you, the Laughing One, Tarien, The Coyote, for this moment." the cleric begins, with that small voice sounding larger than it should in this casting. "Did the Mul'niessa join the attack on the World Tree?"

The answer comes in the form of the coyote statue itself speaking. "Unclear."

"Did Taara trick them, then, into betraying ancient allegiances, drawing them into servitude, as Zapolklnex wonders?"


Gareth nods. "So Gareth would probably know it?"

With an upraised eyebrow as he looks at Verna, Gareth tilts his head ever so slightly, as if about to say something towards her, before blinking and frowning, before looking back towards the Cleric, frowning slightly as he listens curiously, for a quiet moment, and then his eyebrows furrow. But he finally gives a shrug before turning back towards Verna and Konstance, tilting his head slightly as he says quietly, "Interesting. Two very... Diverse paths taken, I imagine."

"I am a priestess of Vardama, yes," Verna affirms, eyes snapping back to Konstance, "though your presumption is false. We honor the dead, prepare their remains for interment or immolation per their custom, guide their spirit to The Lady for judgement, and aid loved ones with their grief."

To Gareth, she notes, "Theology and faith do not preclude knowledge and study. As for the study of mana, I acknowledge and seek to learn of it in its purest form, whether filtered by rote and will, divine direction, or construction of artifice."

"I used to be a wizard. Eluna saw that I had skills and knowledge that would serve her so her clergy puts up with my crap." Konstance explains as he watches the two before looking to the statue as it speaks.

He remains quiet for a moment, before he gives a small glance towards Konstance, and then one towards Verna, frowning slightly towards himself and thinks for a quiet moment, before he says in a low, quiet tone, "You tweren't a specialist wizard, where you, Sage Verna?" He then leans back a touch, repositioning his staff a touch as he does so, leaning against it slightly as he turns his attention towards Konstance, telling him in a low, quite voice, "And 'Used' to be a wizard, Konstance?" However, now he finally turns his attention towards Zapolklnex, stating in a soft tone of voice, "My... Apologies you didn't get the answers you sought."

Zapolklnex turns to face the statue, the raven on his head looking up. As does the Gnome, who continues with complete concentration on this casting.

"If these matters are unclear to you, does that mean the past this distant is simply too distant to know?"


A quick glance at Zapolklnex, and a furrow of a brow, before she then asks another question. "Does... that mean that it's Taara who has corrupted our understanding, with so many years of deceit?"

"Yes." The coyote then lets out a howl, echoing out into the air, as the spell's effect dissipates.

Zapolklnex looks crushed, as he faces the statue, and drops to his knees.

Dorne has arrived.

"No offense to Tarien and his worshippers, there is a reason why you dont rely on tricksters as reliable sources of information." Konstance says so to Zap and moves a hand to his shoulder. "Do not give up hope. Perhaps by asking more gods, you can learn the truth." He says softly. "For now, consider this a step in a long journey for the truth."

"The truth is oft not what is expected," Verna repeats to the now-kneeling mul'niessa. "It should be little surprise that Taara has twisted perception and known history. Whether this is purely for Her own ends or those of Her flock, remains to be determined."

Dorne arrives with a brand new holy symbol. This afternoon a millitary bill hook in hand. He notes the people arounf the temple of the Trickster as well as the general district this afternoon.

Acedia goes Bridge <W>.

Acedia has left.

"The truth is oft not what is expected," Verna repeats to the now-kneeling mul'niessa. "It should be little surprise that Taara has twisted perception and known history. Whether this is purely for Her own ends or those of Her flock, remains to be determined.""

Watching the two comfort the Mul'niessa, Gareth has a slight frown before he shrugs and then looks towards the cleric, and finally the statue, before Gareth shakes his head before asking dryly, "Or it could simply be that the matters are unclear to Us, but not to Them, and the answers remain in the dark simply because we should not know at this time." He then tilts his head, before leaning on his back foot, simply watching the trio, before glancing around curiously.

Zapolklnex takes a deep breath. The bird on his head flaps, and then flies up to land on the back of the coyote statue in front of him. He takes a moment to gather himself.

"Tarien would tell us the truth to the best of his knowledge. Tricker's luck to you all," the cleric intones before she starts going back into the temple.

"That is true, and being a trickster or not, I believe it makes sense, that a determined Taara could conceal the truth from even the most powerful. She takes great power over small places, and keeps us small, and weak, in order to keep us in her grasp." He pats the hand on his shoulde, slowly stands. "Thank you all. I need a new plan, to show the light to my people."

He frowns before he tilts his head, Gareth quiet for a moment, before he finally asks, "Bring the 'light' to your people? What is your name anyways?" he asks with a frown, looking down at the Shadow elf with curiosity, even as he cocks his head.

"It would take a great deal to alter centuries, nay milennia, of tradition," Verna notes. "Not to mention a thriving economy built upon principles you would wish them to retract or alter."

Zapolklnex slowly looks over to Verna. "Thriving? If the economy underground were thriving, then I perhaps would not be here. The cult of Taara has turned to the ritual sacrifice of Mul'niessa flesh for consumption. Our numbers are so few... Taara may lead us right to extinction. All the while her cult insists she saved us, gave us leadership, and brought us to glory and success."

He makes fists, but then pusehs them into his sleeves. "I must contemplate what I have now learned. No one, truly no one, can say the blood of the Mul'niessa is stained with crimes. It is so long ago, that we don't know. All we do know, all we can control, is what happens next. Good luck to you all." Then a glance to Gareth. "I am Zapolklnex, who has rejected Taara, chosen to follow Tarien, and seeks to bring the truth to my people that I was saved from."

He cants his head, slightly, before Gareth states in a lower, softer tone, "No blood is stainless, Mr. Zapolklnex." He then glances towards Verna, frowning slightly before adding lightly, "And it'd take even more to alter the traditions of the long aged. However, they have more time then most, do they not?" He then turns back towards Zapolklnex, just watching him with a curious frown for a long moment, before shrugging. "Luck to you, I suppose. You'll need it."

Verna arches a brow. "Ah. There was much distance between the wealthy and those not, as all favored those with power and wealth. I can only speak to what I experienced."