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Revision as of 18:56, 10 January 2020

It's busy in the Fernwood, really busy, folks are coming and going, eating food, laughing it up and generally being in a good mood. Off in one of the corners though is something, it's Kae! She appears to be sitting on a tall stool while working on what looks like a -really- big hover board? Maybe? At least it looks like she's sitting on a stool, seeing what's behind the large corner table is quite difficult, as there's a cloth there and a ton of various tools and artifice layed on and around said table...

Soon a large, really really large (why is an elf drinking a half gallon tankard?) Of cider is delivered and Kae takes a long pull of it as she continues to work, her tongue sticking out the corner of her mouth. 
What's also odd is that the elf appears to have a sparkly dusting of something on her neck and around the hairline? that dusting appears to be kind of slightly shiny metallic iron colored scales perhaps. Her eyes also appear to have not round pupils but slightly slitted ones? Like a cross between some large predator lizard or dragons and a humanoids or elf's... something's not right in this state of 'denmark'!

Erendriel is hungry. A carrot isn't enough to solve anything. But after zapping one more rock outside, she eats the last bite of carrot as she steps into the pub. She comes by Kaelyn, and turns to look. "Wait.. hi. Were you... the one with the... flying thing?" Kae looks up, still sticking her tongue out of the corner of her mouth and then blinks a few times. Her hands then go up, tools still in them and behind her is a wall rattling thump "Ooh hi!>.. Ow..." She blinks and looks back and grumbles "Silly tail." She says and looks back to Erendriel.. "Yus! Hi!!!" She calls out happily... Erendriel giggles as she finds a seat, and turns toface Kaelyn. "I've never had a tail. Certainly wasn't born with one. It annoys you?" Kae blinks a few times "Ummm..." then she stands up and moves out from behidn the table. She's really a taur currently, being a draconic creature like a drake from the waist down, complete with 4 legs, a tail and looots of heavy scales... "It's all wierd! I'm constantly knocking everything down, and having 2 left and 2 right feet stiiiiinks!" she says, waggling her arms in the air... "Nooo sense of space with this body! I'm used to being lots smaller!" Erendriel squints, then goes wide-eyed. "Begging your pardon. Did you... have four legs when I Saw you before? I was in a hurry when I saw you the other day but... I'd think I'd have noticed."

Kae shakes her head rapidly "Noooo, this is a new thing! I kinda went to sleep in my work shop and woke up this way!" She calls out and continues to flail her arms int he air "Then I was like allll tangled up in ropes and sheets and stuff and got cut out and then suddenly evidently it's revealed Imma like ummmm.... 50 stone heavier! It's like I grew a scaly cart pony for my rump!!!" Erendriel covers her mouth. "Oh no.. that's terrible. Have you been... polymorphed? Maybe we can get you changed back!"

Kae blinks and rubs her neck "Amma thinking it's probably a biiiit more than just a polymorph... A normal Dispel magic didn't seem to work..." She says and rubs at her neck... "Mebbe it has a little bit of minor perimiance?" She asks curiously. "Anyhooow it's not horrriiiiblllle....." Erendriel takes a moment order herself some bread and a beverage. Sitting back after that, she takes a moment to look at Kaelyn. "Well Kaelyn, I'm glad you're not thinking it's horrible. But if there's anything I Can do to help you find out how it happened..."

Kae ooohs and her hands go up and then waggle off to the side "Yus! Investigate! That's good! I can't fit most places now though!" She says and flails some more... "BUuuut, I can kinda run fast,when I'm not tripping over my self!" Erendriel snickers. "Well I'm glad you have the upside. I could introduce you to some people I know who like to save innocent people from misuses of magic. They may be able to help."

Kae blinks and shrugs "Mebbeeeee!!!! It's all like suuuuuper wierd! Oh and I eat a buuuuunch too, so much I think maybe it might be a bad thing for me to turn back and stuff!" She says and there's more flailing of her arms... "Buuuut, I can pull my cart with all my artifice on it!" Erendriel giggles. "Well you're bigger. You eat mre. I bet you'll eat back to normal when you change back. Well, if you change back? I can take you to the Temple if you like. Uup to you."

Kae and Erendriel are near the corner of the place, chatting each other! Kae is currently, well waist up, looks like a kinda normal elf save for slightly funky eyes and a light dusting scales around her hair line, the rest of her? Well from the waist down she's been taured with a riding drake it seems.... She's the size of a small cart horse but well draconic and stuff below her waist!

Kae is sitting on haunches, tail wagging as she waves her arms in the air while chatting to Erendriel... "Well I plan to change back! I'll fix this whooooole thing my self I think!!!! It's like something keeps on recasting whatever it is doing thiis so my normal dispell stuffs no works!!!" She says flailing some more... "Buuut it can be kinda fun! I like new experiences!"

Erendriel is served the bread and beverage she ordered. Sipping her mug,t hen nibbling on the bread a bit, she sits and does speak with Kaelyn. "Oh you're gonna fix it yourself? That's... well good luck. I'd not have the magic to do that."

A chill breeze suddenly blows through the Fernwood, as the door careens open to admit an armor-bound Sith-makar. The door is closed carefully behind them, the coppery-scaled one taking pains to ensure their tail is -inside- the door before shutting it.

The Sith turns around and takes in the internals of the Pub.

Blinks several times before sniffing at the air, and moving towards the Bar.

"One wonderss if mulled wine iss available?", they ask the barkeep. He ambles off to fetch some for the Sith, while the copper-scale considers the spinning barstools.

Kae waggles her arms in the air, ail wagging again and bouncing off the tail some with a dull bump, rocking the table "Yuuuuus! Imma try! I just need folks to like get out there and investigate cause well, other folks been changed tooo! I heard missus Tuppitz out on the dairy farm is like a dairy cow from the waist down!" She calls out... "And another fellow is like half draft horse beast person thingie!"

Kae peers at the newly entered Sith and she waves with both hands "Oh hai!!! Peace to nests and stuffs!" she says cheerfully, she's horible with formal anythings!

Erendriel waves to the arriving Geir, and smiles. "Wine? Nice. Well Kaelyn, good luck. I can help you investigate sometime if you like. See if I see anything suspicious at least." She then puts some coin down for her stuff, and gets up to go, hunk of bread in hand. A chill breeze suddenly blows through the Fernwood, as the door careens open to admit an armor-bound Sith-makar. The door is closed carefully behind them, the coppery-scaled one taking pains to ensure their tail is -inside- the door before shutting it.

The Sith turns around and takes in the internals of the Pub.

Blinks several times before sniffing at the air, and moving towards the Bar.

"One wonderss if mulled wine iss available?", they ask the barkeep. He ambles off to fetch some for the Sith, while the copper-scale considers the spinning barstools.

Kae waggles her arms in the air, ail wagging again and bouncing off the tail some with a dull bump, rocking the table "Yuuuuus! Imma try! I just need folks to like get out there and investigate cause well, other folks been changed tooo! I heard missus Tuppitz out on the dairy farm is like a dairy cow from the waist down!" She calls out... "And another fellow is like half draft horse beast person thingie!"

Kae peers at the newly entered Sith and she waves with both hands "Oh hai!!! Peace to nests and stuffs!" she says cheerfully, she's horible with formal anythings!

Erendriel waves to the arriving Geir, and smiles. "Wine? Nice. Well Kaelyn, good luck. I can help you investigate sometime if you like. See if I see anything suspicious at least." She then puts some coin down for her stuff, and gets up to go, hunk of bread in hand.

The Sith blinks at Kae, and does his best not to stare at the strange combination. He looks to Erendriel, and her wave, and his expression brightens. The coppery-sith returns the wave. "Peace upon your nesst. And indeed, mulled wine. Good to take the ssting off of a long day." He offers a slight bow as she makes her way out. "Peace on your nesst.", he intones once more.

His eyes are drawn to the half... woman, half ... dragon? thing? "Erm. Hass one had a. Uhm. Magical accident?", Geir wonders of Kaelyn.

Kae shrugs "I dunno! But one would think so as I didn't have a horse-sized dragon butt before I woke up the other day then foop! I'm tangled up and stuff and have a horse-sized dragon butt!" she calls out, waggling her arms. The elf's lower body is well a small riding drake really, dark iron colored scales with some reddish tones to the back skewts along the woman's spine, and well a tail spike ending the tail which by its self is as long, maybe a bit longer than her lower half.

Kae waggles her arms in the air "Aaaanyhoooo, it took a lot to figure out just how to walk! I tried running today, and ended up going down in a heap!" She says and continues flailing "I soooo wasn't briefed on being a quadruped!"

The Sith's mulled wine shows up, and he makes a show of enjoying it. Probably to hide the amusement that had been building in his expression.

"And what.", the coppery one wonders, "Were you doing before thiss happened? Magical or alchemical experiementss?" His appreciation for the wine is obvious, and he pulls a coin from a small pouch, to plant it upon the bartop with a firm thump. "Another, pleasse?" The first mug is very quickly draine Kae bilnks a few times, then flails some more, tail waggling "I'm an artificer! Buuuuut I dun think I was working on anything with transfigurative properties!" Shes ays, and well more flailing "So I dunnooo what happened, which is why I'm hoping folks can get out there and find out! I also heard that other folks have been changed toooo!" She says and rubs at her neck some, then reaches out and pokes at her lower body. The skin quivers a bit... "Wieeerrd.... Done the prosthetic lower but it wasn't really me, just a conveyance!" She says and another poke and another poke "Yup feel it every time!"

"Ah." A pause. "Artificy." That explains everything.

"Well, you do not sseem to be in pain. Perhapss you will find the new form usseful in ssome way? You might pull a cart, or offer people ridess throughout the city. For a price, naturally."

His mirth is obvious in his expression, and he tries to hide it in drinking the second mulled wine which comes long at just the right time.

Kae blinks "I'm tryyyiiiing! MOstly I'm breaking lotsa stoofs! I mean, I'm like ummm more than 10 times heavier than I was, wider by far, and looots follows behind me and I'm not used to dealing with an extra set of legs! Much less tail and well yus! Pluss, it's costing me moar to feeds my self!"

Geir's mirth increases, and he turns to order a meal of hot beef stew as a distraction.

"One ssuggesstss that adapting sshould only require a ssmall amount of time. Try heading out of the city and run, run, run in the open fieldss." He offers her a salute before sipping more of his wine. "As for feeding.. perhapss one might enjoy grazing on the ssame open fieldss? No, hrm.. you are not a cow or horsse. Dragonss... perhapss a cow or two might ssatiate you?"

The coppery-scaled Sith eyes her hands a moment, and moves closer. Ever so much, and he is very closely inspecting them.

"One susspectss that one sshould open her handss wider. They are not nearly as wide as a horsse. And I wass suggessting a change in diet ssimply due to the fact that one might be able to make off with cattle, thuss avoiding having to pay for one'ss meal.

A beat. "One is a terrible influence." .. Kae ooohs and shakes her head "Nooo, too much effort I thinks... I just go to the bar,paya couple gold and get a toooon of foods and spend an hour eating it... Imma thinking my moufs is too small to eat proper for the rest of me!"She says and shrugs...

Geir rubs at his chin, and then turns to take in a few, quick mouthfuls of stew before regarding Kaelyn once more.

"Well, while one iss ... indisspossed... one could make usse of their change. Carry.." The coppery-one pauses a moment before forging on.

"One could carry around ssaddlebagss. Filled with food. And insstead of attempting to binge on a meal... one could eat consstantly. A little thing here, and there. Yess?" Kae blinks and oooohs and nods... "Great idea!" Then a pause.. "Wait! I haz no saddle bags!" She calls out, and more flailing... "Do thye make saddle bags for ummm... whatever itis I seem to be from the waist down!?!!" she says and taps her chin. She swivels her torso, she's really flexible there it seems and pokes at her self more.... "Would it even work with these scales?"

"One believess a ssuitable pair could be found."

The Sith is still amused, but seems serious in his advice now. "One hass alwayss viewed them as a backpack for horssess. With a belt much like the oness worn to keep pantss around the waisst. They would be mosst adjusstable."

Kae ooohs and nods... "With my luck, I'll get em, and will be turned back... " She says then shrugs "Guess I can keep em for a normal horse though!"

Geir chuckles at length, and taps his chest with a claw.

"One would ssee the amussment in that, yess. Though, at leasst one would be prepared for... future esscapades."

Kae oooohs... "Mebbe I should get Sandy to make me a set of saddle bags!" she calls out,holding both hands in the air! "I should like send word for such or just show up at her store some time!"

"One would ssuggesst practicing your walk, firsst. If this Ssandy hass delicate thingss in their sstore... one would not want to be the bull in the china sshop, yess?"

Kae blinks and oooooohs, She tilts her head and proceedsto start wandering around the inn... A table, several drinks a few chairs and a plate of stew fall victim, not to her back set of legs, or her fore legs or such,b ut the tail that seems to have a mind of its own.. Kae emitsthe occasional Eep, and oopse, and of course 'Uhoh...' And "Sorry." Before she peers at Geir "Seee?!?!?! It's tough! This tail thingie does its own thing!"

The coppery-Sith chuckles at length, huffing and puffing after a time.

"One iss impresssed, one did not fall over, even once! Be proud of ssuch an achievement."

The barkeep looks much less amused, and Geir isn't helping. At all.

Geir nods to her. "The tail iss programmed to balance. If one leanss one way, the tail movess the other." His own, coppery-scaled tail makes an appearence then, swaying back and forth. "One has ... ssome experience."

Kae blinks and flails "I mean I get excited and it waggles back and forth kind of like a dog it seems! Lots of whippping! I really don't have much concious control over most everything! And if I concentrait on how I move I get more clumbsy and fall over!" She calls out and waggles her arms out to the side now...

"One offerss once more that running out in the open would allow one to practice moving without worry about damaging things or knocking thingss over."

Geir rubs at the corners of his eyes. Tears of mirth. Of laughing hard. Boshter has arrived.

Kae is chatting with Geir! And also well, Kae is currently not completely elven any more, she's got a small riding drake for a lower body, sans the head of course.> She's sooo taured!! Really! She blinks and peers "Might try running in public and stoof but I has sooooo many inventions to work on! I'm trying to make a hoverboard current-me-sized!" "...that is a vewry odd site. Why, if I didn't know better, I'd say that was Kaelyn! But that's impossible! She is an elf with the lower body of an elf, no the lower body of some kind of dragon! Ha!" Boshter has stopped dead at the door. He turns to look at the golem about to enter behind him. Munch blinks with a soft click, and shrugs. "'Impossible'? You've been in Alexandria for how many years, and you still think that word has some sort of meaning? You met Jibbom, right? He alone made the word cry." Kae blinks as her name's called out and she spins! Aaand sends a table flying! "HIii!" Her hips hit the thing, hiiiip check from hell there! Kae umms "Yus I got transfigured by something I haz no clue what it was! Sooo now I'm like a walking disaster zone, more so than usual!" "...more than usual! Ha ha! THat is adorable!" BOshter orders a drink and then turns towards Munch, "WE are hallucinating, yes? I have inhalked toxic spores?" Munch buzzes quietly, picking up the table and setting it upright again before grabbing a chair, and glancing to Boshter. "Yes. How recently, I'm not sure." Turning focus to Kaelyn again, he shrugs. "'Walking disaster zone' huh? Guess we're all in good company. Say have no idea how it happened? When did this change take place?" He glances over the tranformed legs with idle curiousity. Kae blinks and waggles her arms in the air "I dunno what happened! I just woke up this way one morning, about ummm 50 stone heavier I think? Ya know what it's like to suddenly gain almost a thousand pounds?!?!" She says and peers at Boshter "Nope is very very really real, unfortunately! "Wow they must be some great spores! Ha ha ha!" Boshter is laughing. He takes a moment to center himself. DEep breath. Eyes closed. He focuses. Meditates a moment. Turns to Munch and whispers, "...she is still there!" Skribbles has arrived. Munch buzzes and shrugs. "Thousand pounds over night? That I have not done. Couple hundred after a big meal, maybe." He nods to Boshter. "That's because she's the part that's real." Kae blinks between the two, and walks over to both Boshter and Munch, then reaches out slowly to try and poke at Boshter "Yup Imma real!" You want real...real is about to walk in through the door. A grumbly Gobbo priestess pushes her way through the door and looks around. As her eyes adjust she finds the bar and walks over, climbing up on a stool a moment later. She waves to the keeper and says, "Beer...big beer...donnae give me that little cup...wannae big cup." She then looks at the others, realizing she's not alone and says, "Uhm...please..." Blink blink blink. Boshter looks at Munch for a moment. "That is very strange. She is still there!" He po9ints at the oddly transformed Kaelyn. Then looks at Munch and shrugs. "Well. I imagine there must be something weird." Munch buzzes quietly. "Boshter, she's real. It would be weird if she wasn't still there. She's supposed to still be there." Since when did he become the voice of reason? Kae blinks between Munch and Boshter.. "Umm I can go to bed and stoofs, and yus, saddly I'm real! This is just too wierd to be a dream!" Skribbles looks between Munch and Boshter before turning to look at Kae. She raises a single eyebrow, her hand idly reaching for her beer because she thinks she's not quite drunk enough for this conversation but her sober mind is interested to know what is going on. "I am fairly sure we are inhaling noxious fumes! But she keeps telling us its real," says Boshter, "... just like a hallucination might!"

HE stares at Kaelyn for a time. He is trying. Trying to disbelieve the illuision.

Kae blinks and attempts to reach out and poke at Boshter's nose now, ... "Boooop." Says the goofball elf thingie!!! "Yup I'm real!" Her tails wagging again and another chair goes flying. Munch buzzes, and considers for a long moment. "...what if... she's real, but -you're- the illusion?" Skribbles just takes a drink of her beer and lets out a long sigh. She definitely has to open a pub in Gobbo town. These humie pubs are...just plain weird. Boshter's nose wrinkles. He looks confused. "Can illusions touch you?" he asks of Skribbles, looking at her Skribbles swallows her beer and says, "I have no idea. I don't think so, and if the spell was cast before I got here then should I be able to see it?" She looks at Kae and shrugs, "And so what if she is an illusion. Could be worse, could be an illusion of an otyugh." Kaelyn blinks a few times again "Sooo not an illusion!" She says, now flailing her arms in the air, then she settles down on her haunches "This is all like really really surreal... buuut Imma sooo find a way to fix it allll!" Munch buzzes and shrugs. "The illusions I can do don't touch, but I'm not an illusionist." He blinks with a click, and looks to Skribbles. "What's wrong with otyugh? Some of them make great beer." More racial profileing. Sad. Skribbles points, "Oi, I've got nothing against otyughs, I happen to be one of their greatest bards." She looks at Kaelyn and tilts her head, "Why do they think you're an illusion." Kae points at her lower half.. "Got turned into a riding drake from the waist down I think that's why." She says and shrugs "And so far, for me, dispel magic stuffs havn't really worked, it's like whatever this is restors its self as fast as it can be dispelled." "Yes! That is true!" Boshter nods towards Skribbles. "It /could/ be an otyugh in disguise, actually! That would make more sense." HOW? HOW WOULD THAT MAKE MORE SENSE? Munch COULD pay attention to the words Boshter says... or he could cling to sanity. Slightly out of character perhaps, but for now he sticks to the later course. "So does it dispel for a moment and go back, or not dispel at all? Have you tried an anti-magic field?" Kae blinks now, and pokes at Boshter moar... "HOw does an Otyugh make more sense!" She says now flailing... "besides, how do you make sense of a wierd magical enchantment gone crazy!" She then umms "And it just doesn't work, it's kind of like I've been rendered this way... Ya know? Soo ya turn me into something else, and dispel it and I go back to this!" She says flailing her arms!!! Skribbles laughs uproariously as the idea of the otyugh making more sense other than an illusion of the bottom half of some person being changed doesn't sort of make sense or whatnot. Or perhaps the first bit of beer is hitting her.

Kae then blinks and realizes something! "It's late! I gotta check my experiment!" Her arms go into the air and she quickly grabhs the stuff off her table, wheeling aout rapidly aaaand knocking more stuff over, before spinning about again and knocking the table over that she just cleared stuff off before racing toward the door, that long tail whipping about behind her. And no she doesn't have full concious control of it really! Duuuck! She zips out the door, that tail whapping some poor bar patron's beer out of their hand! "Eee sorry!!" She's left a huge mess in her wake as she runs out the door! But at least she's running, at least before outside there can be heard a scrabbling thud, followed by a bang, then a loud 'Sorryyyy!" Skribbles looks at all the chaos which has ensued and she takes another swig of her beer. "You sure she's not a Gnome?" Munch nods, and shrugs. "You've mentioned that. I'm pretty sure she's real. Most people don't make illusions that fool me for long. They fool my eyes, but not my other senses." And then she's faliling, and the table gets knocked over again. Munch shrugs, and picks it up again. "And now she's gone, so I guess we don't have to worry." He blinks, glancing to Skribbles, and shrugs. "Fairly sure."