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Latest revision as of 05:58, 14 April 2018

--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* W01: Wayfarer's Inn *>-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

         The inn's main room is large yet cosy, with plaster walls and a low ceiling supported by sturdy oaken beams. The decor is sparse: there's little other furniture save for a few rough-hewn wooden tables and chairs, and the only real object of 'ornamentation' is the large, moth-eaten moose head that's set above the kitchen door at the far end of the room. Still, the inn is pleasant in a simple, rustic way, and the delicious smell of food cooking makes it all the more inviting; the place seems to be more of a restaurant than a tavern, and a bar is nowhere in sight.
         The innkeeper's counter sits in the east corner, within a few paces of the main entrance. Behind the counter is a small storeroom where one can purchase traveling supplies. The west corner of the room is occupied by a spiral staircase that leads to the second storey.

Ga'Elian is sitting by the fireplace with a mug of mead.

As the night gathers the door to the Inn swings open as a Mul pushes his way in. The Shadow Elf looking a touch tired as he weaves his way though patrons, heading what seems to be up towards the stairs to his room.

Its a familiar Shadow Elf.

Lorik looks tired actually, focused on something but fustrated at the same time. Still he shakes his head, murmuring softly to the innkeep before he blinnks slightly at a familiar face by the fire. "Ah, Ga'Elian. Are you staying here too?" Calls the faithful of Eluna as he raises a hand in greeting.

Ga'Elian watches the tired Lorik and smiles at him in return of his salutation. He says, "Nah. I do my trance in the woods. To he honest, I'm mostly here for the company. Why don't you join me for a bit before you trance?"

"Surely," Lorik agrees as he makes his way over towards the fire. He slumps down in a chair near the sylvan elf and sighs, head tilting back to rest against the back of the chair. "...this city, I'm not used to it. I'm normally better at finding my way around, and finding people. But there are so many people here, and I'm not familiar with all this...sun."

Ga'Elian smiles and says, "Well, if I can help, I'm only too glad to offer my services as a guide." Then, "Alexandria's really the only city I've spent much time in. I've visited the wizard city Rune a few times, and I've seen Llyranost a few times in my youth. Overall, Alexandria is what I would call cosmopolitan."

Ga'Elian has reconnected.

"Oh I'm used to cities, that is mostly where the people live in the Underways. The Undercity is massive, and has a life of its own. But this city is...a different feel. A different heartbeat." Lorik pauses a moment, a wry smile. "And I don't have my little sister here to point me in the right direction when I get lost. Which is what happened here." A wry smile again and a shake of his head. "I went following a trail, and before I knew it I was turned around outside the city. I'll find my way back tomarrow."

He pauses.

"Everything is so open up here. It...takes some getting used too."

Ga'Elian nods. "I suppose it's all about what you're used to. To me, there is little to compare to the feel of absolute freedom that comes from soaring through the air currents high above the trees. You can see for leagues and leagues in every direction. Or following the trail of your quarry as you hunt in the forest. The smells are so invigorating, so fresh they enliven the soul. The song of birds and the rush of the river water over stones, the hypnotic chirping of crickets. The whole world teems with the life of Ea itself. Then there's the sapling of the grand Ygdrassil Tree."

Ga'Elian adds, "It inspires the songs of the heart."

"I...am sorry," There is a smile on Lorik's face, but its a slightly apologetic one. "I don't really have a frame of reference for any of that. There wasn't much in the way of trees in the underground, though some of the caverns do stretch on for miles and miles, and the sparkles of the spires of stone from the roof and the floor could be awe inspiring in and of themselves." A pause. "Though hunting something I can understand, though for me it was lost items or lost people for the most part."

Ga'Elian takes a deep drink from his mug. Says, "Curious. If not for the repugnant practices of your home society and the very real danger I would find myself in by visiting it, I would be fascinated to experience the environment. I suppose visiting Dun Mordren's halls is likely to be the closest I get to it."

"Most likely, I've heard the khazadi's acomplishemnts in building are second to none. Though I haven't had a chance to see them up close." Again that smile. "I wouldn't have been very well liked there. Which is why I chose here to go first."

There is a longer pause though before he sighs. "My people simply do not know any better, Ga'Elian. They are told lies for decades. Until they believe it. They simply don't know there is a different way."

Ga'Elian nods. "I can believe that of the majority, but the centuries-long maintenance of that ignorance takes a great deal of coordinated effort."

"Yes it does, the people in power like to stay in power. That means keeping the majority thinking the same way as they want." Lorik stares into the fire for a moment. A touch of a smile on his face as he looks into the dancing flames. "My family would be one of those that likes to keep themselves in power." He admits before he shrugs. "But...that is why I came up here. To find if I can show people a better way."

Ga'Elian smiles a deep, heartfelt smile like the smile that is borne of brotherly love. He reaches out and puts his hand gently on Lorik's forearm as he says, "Then you are truly blessed. The Sky-singer has put her holy dreams into your heart and made of you a gentle light to guide those who are lost in the dark. She has changed your soul even as a werebear changes his flesh."

Lorik chuckles. "I don't think its as special as all that, my friend." The shadow elf replies with a shake of his head. "I've always been an odd one. Maybe seeking the truth of things just let me see more than people wanted me too." He shrugs slightly at that. "I'm just glad I will have a chance to see all the rest of the world, and a chance to find out if my people can be saved."

He pauses a moment.

"Though for now, I'm going to need to retire for a night. I have a bit of a trip back to town tomarrow." A longer pause. "Its time like this I miss my lizard."

Ga'Elian raises his eyebrow at the mention of the lizard, and says, "That's fine. Thanks for your time."

As Lorik raises he chuckles at the curious eyebrow that Ga'Elian gives him. "...there wasn't many horses underground." He explains about the lizard. "We we used what we had. But...thank you for your kind words. Until later, may Elune watch your path."

And with that he turns to stroll towards the stairs and his room. Off to sleep, and hopefully not get lost on the way home tomarrow.