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Log Info

  • Title: Got My Vodka, Got My Gun
  • Emitter: Kore
  • Characters: Henrie Level 2, Urso Level 2, Felicia Level 4, Aithil Level 3
  • Place: Alexandria - In the Woods
  • Time: Feb 27, 2018
  • Summary: Hired by the Guild of Adventurers to Find a Drunk
  • APL: 3
  • Encounter 1: Ice Elemental (CR3) with assistance from a Blizzard (Hazard) and a Wizard (CR3)
================> 14) Got My Vodka Got My Gun <=================
Open/Closed: OPEN: This event is open to any player who wants to sign up
             using +event/signup. There may be limited space, so signing
             up does NOT guarantee you a spot in the event.
     Poster: Azra*
 Start Time: 09:30:00 AM (LOCAL), Tuesday, February 27, 2018  (2h 46m past date)
   Location: To Be Announced
Level Range: 2-5
The Adventurer's Guild is hiring a team of newer adventurers and go out to find Piotr Longsgraad, a local adventurer with a penchant for getting drunk and causing a bit of mayhem. Piotr, perhaps unsurprisingly, has a few errands for you before you get to bring him back to the guild. See, he's on a hunt. But he can't shoot without his prized vodka! Can you help Piotr find his vodka? You might even help him complete his mission. And even get paid!

What could possibly go wrong?

 Signed up: Aithil (Sor3)*   Felicia (Clr4)*   Azra (Cav1/Ftr1)* <list hidden>
 Confirmed: none

Config parameters ------------------------------

not yet implemented

======================================================( Connected* )

Announcement: Beaglefinder shouts, "Got my Vodka plox starting soon! Page Azra for interest or to join! This is an adventure for 2-5! :D"

Felicia has arrived. Henrie has arrived. <OOC> Henrie bounces. <OOC> Azra says, "We'll start in a few minutes, I am going to let stragglers pop in if they want and then I will open!" <OOC> Azra says, "It is worth mentioning this is my first plot here and I will probably do something silly at some point. You are encouraged to correct me (gently) if I make a glaring error. Otherwise, just have fun!" <OOC> Felicia is here to help. <OOC> Felicia won't be screaming 'you suck' though. Just has a lot of experience. <OOC> Aithil says, "Honestly? You can always ask, we will help, and don't forget - you're still the DM!" :D "So sometimes you just wing it and we will roll with it." <OOC> Azra says, "Sometimes I do! :3" <OOC> Henrie says, "It'll be fine. :)" <OOC> Azra is writing the set. We might get one more. Either way, let's GO!

<OOC> Henrie salutes. Urso has arrived. <OOC> Henrie says, "FRESH MEAT boys!" <OOC> Henrie says, "I mean, hey Urso!" <OOC> Felicia says, "Hehe"

It's a fine day for adventuring. Most days are, provided one gets paid for it. Today you've been asked to go on an errand for the local guild which is simultaneously of the utmost importance and too trivial to get any of the senior officials to worry about it! Your task is, for a decent amount of coin, to go and find a senior Ranger known in worried whispers around the halls as 'Piotr'.

Piotr is a loner who often wanders off into the woodlands chasing random things on long, pointless hunts that some people think are mostly just an excuse to get very, very drunk. Unfortunately, he's also got some important skills. You're the lucky sops who get to find him.

So it happens that the group is heading out into the woodlands on a surprisingly chilly, overcast day. It feels like it's twenty degrees colder than it was in town. Must be the breeze. Hopefully Piotr is close and you can find him before you need a winter coat! <OOC> Azra says, "Any questions or rolls, lemme know." <OOC> Felicia says, "signup for event 14." <OOC> Henrie says, "How do? xD" <OOC> Felicia says, "+event 14" <OOC> Felicia says, "says so at the bottom." <OOC> Azra says, "+event/signup 14! check out +help events for details." <OOC> Henrie sticks her tongue out at Felicia.

       Felicia is....not the type to track someone. Actually, she's mostly here to assist, if there's trouble. being the beginning of a combat medic, of sorts, she's sort of expecting Piotr to be hurt, so she'll be there to mend him up.

To be honest, this is a reasonable assumption. From afar, Soup is interested! But not approved yet. Still interested! :-)

A fresh face in Guild activities, Henrie knew well enough to bring along some warmer clothing, especially if they are going into the woods. So a heavy grey cloak rests upon her shoulders, matching her skirt, shirt and pants attire almost perfectly. Her soft shoes are replaced with more sturdy boots, and she carries a small pack upon her back, with a pot, sleeping roll and a few other bits and pieces hanging from the underside of her backpack. You paged Soup with 'I'll run another probably! I'll catch you then. <3' <OOC> Aithil is going to need a bit, excuse me. <OOC> Aithil says, "Assume I'm there!" <OOC> Azra thumbs up!

You paged Urso with 'After you post you should +event/signup 14. :)'

Eventually you come upon a clearing. The scent of vodka is thick on the air, making it no question at all that you are approaching... Something. Entering a clearing you discovfer a tall, athletic man in a heavy winter coat and a fur cap lounging in... The snow? The trees here are frosted with ice, and the dour, lightly bearded fellow who has taken up residence looks unamused as her surveys his surroundings.

"Ah!" The man calls in a thick northern accent. "You must be the team those useless fools at the guild sent to find me. You can tell them I'm not coming back til this is over." The man gestures somewhat manically. "If you want to get paid you can be helping me then." The fellow straightens and brushes his coat with his hands, squinting as he surveys the adventurers.

"For starters I am looking for a plant. _Rem Vinolentia_. Are any of you good at finding plants?" A beat. "It's the one with the long thin leaves. Go look for it. He squats down slightly and takes a breath. "And then you'll be helping me find my flask. Please." Piotr doesn't seem inclined to do much chatting. Urso pages: sorry, had to take care of something. BTW, I have been attr damaged from fatigue in another plot The large bearded human has been mostly quiet this entire time, preferring to help break path through the snow for the others in the party. He comes near to the clearing where the smell of vodka is stronger and Urso glances over his shoulder at the others as he says, "I believe this is the fellow we were sent to help." he looks around when the man speaks, he shakes his head and says, "Unfortunately brother, I am not versed in the ways of herbalism, however I will gladly help if I may." Urso looks around at the others in the group with a shrug then begins to look for the plant indicated. Felicia tilts her head. "Wellll...I'll look, but I'm not very good at it. I honestly expected you to be hurt." She says before she starts to look around for said plant. But, without any sort of visual clue, she's going to have a tough time finding it. <OOC> Azra says, "If you want to look around, feel free to roll Knowledge/Nature or Survival. If you have neither you can roll Perception!" GAME: Aithil rolls Knowledge/Nature: (19)+8: 27 GAME: Urso rolls perception: (8)+2: 10 You paged Felicia with 'You can go ahead and roll heal for me, since you were looking for him to be injured. :D' GAME: Felicia rolls heal: (14)+10: 24

        Aithil sort of floats along as she meanders with the rest of the group, she blinks and gives a furrow of a slender brow as she takes in the scene and those of her compatriots. She crosses her arms, sighing, and giving a roll of her eyes at the situation in front of her. Her one hand clad in a gauntlet that looks carved of stone and earth - cracked and blackened in placed - while the other is free of any such things. 
        "All the way out here just to look for a plant?" An annoyed tone sliding into her tone as Aithil starts to look around as well for this Rem Vinolentia, floating slowly about and keeping her eyes open for it.

GAME: Felicia rolls perception: (18)+3: 21 <OOC> Felicia says, "cuz I have neither K/n, nor Survival." You paged Felicia with 'He's standing like he might be a bit hurt but it's hard to be sure. BUT you seem to recall the herb he's asking for dulls pain.' <OOC> Azra nods! You paged Felicia with 'So maybe he is hurt. But he's kind of a stoic.' GAME: Henrie rolls Perception: (5)+6: 11 Henrie stiffens and shakes her head. "We were not sent to babysit you. YOu should return to the Guildhouse, if you are done your drunk?" Felicia started to look for plants, but taking another look at the ranger, she nudges him to sit down. "When did you get hurt?" She says putting a pack down and starting to get some cloth strips out. "Ach. Think, miss.," Piotr responds to Henrie. "I am not yet done here and will not be going back until I am. You are paid to be being me back. So you are, what's the word? Mine. Did you think they paid full price to follow my tracks out to a clearing" He offers a slight smile at that. It's almost a smirk. Piotr does seem to enjoy this sort of power play somewhat. He then crosses his arms over his chest. Felicia approaches with bandages then and the man sighs. "It's being a few hours now. If you would like to be helpful with the bandages I won't say no." Somewhat grudgingly, the man sits.

With Aithil's skills in searching and the careful attention of Urso the group is eventually able to find a likely looking little green herb with the aforementioned long, slendered leaves growing in the shade of one of the trees. They tromp through the nearby area, plodding through the snow.

Why is there snow? No, really. It's really very strange. It's absolutely frigid here. Piotr seems to have expected given how he's dressed, but... Brr. At least they have the herb.

Channel RPOne added with alias rp. [RPOne] Azra says, "Piotr might be kind of a jerk." [RPOne] Felicia says, "he doesn't want to be with Felicia."

You paged Aithil with 'Oh, right. The herb in question is used to treat pain, to get high, and is also... Pungent. It might attract certain unusual creatures and maybe even otherplanar things. It's pretty rare but he knew where he was, apparently. (re)' You paged Aithil with 'It's probably best at getting high. Which helps with pain. It's a loop.'

        Aithil looks down at the plant, pointing at it and not grabbing it herself. She calls back toward the Arvek near the Ranger, "I heard of kids taking this stuff, good for getting high." She casts a long glance toward the Ranger. One of those judging types, with a thinning of the lips.

Henrie eyes Piotr a few moments, and crosses her arms. "They did not say you had to be concious when we returned you. Nor did they say we could not bind you." Her smirk is almost as smirklicious as his. "But I am curious, however, as to the nature of this plant and why it is important to you. So I may refrain from a holy beating, for now." Felicia chuckles a bit. "I'd much rather know what gave you these wounds." She says starting to wrap up his wounds. "At least it'll stop the bleeding.....Come on." GAME: Felicia rolls heal: (2)+10: 12 Urso doesn't seem satisfied to give the man the pleasure of playing his power games. He brushes his hands off on the seat of his breeches, then folds his hands underneath his cloak. "You said something about a canteen sir? We should be off as soon as possible." his voice is a deep baritone, and though polite it is, if nothing else, professional. He glances around the area as the others discuss terms with the drunkard. <OOC> Azra says, "OKay! Ready to move forward or do we want to withhold his drugs or anything? :D" <OOC> Urso is ready when everyone else is ;) <OOC> Henrie is good to go! <OOC> Felicia is ready.

       Felicia bandages Piotrs wounds, which turn out to be long claw marks along his ribs, strangely blue along the eges thereof. He stands calmly as it does, wincing oly when they are touched directly. They appear to already be mostly healed despite their tenderness. With a pause Piotr takes a deep breath. He peels open an eye and looks over toward Henrie.

"It is a good plant. Useful for many things." Then Piotr takes it, rolls the leaves up, and... sets it on fire. Is he actually smoking the plant he made you search for?

"Be keeping up then. We'll find my monster soon enough." Urso gets a nod and Henrie a shrug. "If you are still upset then you should breathe the smoke. It hellps to soothe the nerves." WIth that noted, Piotr starts off into the snow with long strides, picking his steps carefully. He adjusts his shoulders and the rifle slung across his back as he moves through the trees.

As the group travels further it is beginning to snow. It becomes denser as they travel. It isn't enough to obscure vision, but it's piling around your feet. "We'll be done with this soon enough. "Some idiot decided he was going to screw up a spell. Messed up the weather out here and now I get to clean it up." He scowls. "And you are to be helping me get my flask so I can be shooting him." <OOC> Azra says, "Perception Checks!" GAME: Felicia rolls perception: (4)+3: 7 Aithil has partially disconnected. GAME: Henrie rolls perception: (10)+6: 16 <OOC> Henrie says, "Oh, better." GAME: Aithil rolls perception: (14)+7: 21 <OOC> Henrie says, "Show off. xD" <OOC> Azra says, "Her dice are friendly." GAME: Urso rolls perception: (3)+2: 5 You paged (Henrie, Aithil) with 'There are shapes in the snow! They're hard to see because of the drifts. But, um. Something is out there. It's probably stalking you!' Henrie huffs out a breath of air, and she glances to the side as it wafts by her face. "Well that explains the extra bit of snow lately, I suppose?" As they walk along, Henrie pulls her cloak in tighter. "Flask, huh? That'll cost extra, I suppose." She quiet for a little while longer before piping up. "You mean that thing over there?" The monk gestures with a thumb over her shoulder, at a shape that moves nearby. <OOC> Azra says, "Relevant informatin's disbursed if people are waiting, apologies for not saying so sooner!" You paged (Felicia, Urso) with 'You both see lots of snow, mostly, if you are curious. :)'

        Aithil slowly starts to turn about as she drifts a couple inches off the ground. She's staring toward where Henrie is gesturing and then a glance back to the Ranger. "Yeah, I'm guessing that's the monster." She gives another annoyed glance to the Ranger.

<OOC> Aithil says, "Ranger being Piotr." <OOC> Azra says, "Initiatives, please! And feel free to get in your last two poses. I was a bit premature."

Urso slogs through the snow with a cheerful stoicism. He seems content to walk silently, though he does unlimber his axe when the snow becomes thick enough to play tricks with his vision. He glances over at Henrie and says, "Are you getting anything he's talking about? I believe yon drink and smoke has addled him somewhat." he keeps his voice pitched low.

GAME: Urso rolls initiative: 8 + 1 = 9 GAME: Felicia rolls initiative: 15 + 1 = 16 GAME: You roll initiative for Elemental: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 6 GAME: elemental removed from initiative list. Felicia says, "it's possible." She says softly." GAME: You roll initiative for Monster: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 12

GAME: Henrie rolls initiative: 3 + 4 = 7 GAME: Aithil rolls initiative: 12 + 3 = 15

| Name | Race | Class |E Lev| CHP | HP | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |

|Aithil |DAWN_ELF |Sor | 3 | 15 | 15 | 13 | 13 | 2 | 4 | 5 | |Felicia |HOBGOBLIN |Clr | 4 | 38 | 38 | 20 | 16 | 7 | 3 | 8 | |Henrie |HUMAN |Mnk | 2 | 19 | 19 | 16 | 20 | 5 | 7 | 1 | |Urso |HUMAN |Pal | 2 | 21 | 21 | 17 | 15 | 8 | 4 | 8 |

GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round Zero - Init 16.
     It is now Felicia's turn! Aithil is next!

GAME: Felicia refreshes spells. <OOC> Azra says, "It's hard to see what is going on but you can make out the shape Henrie pointed at. It looks like it has claws and is going to use them soon." <OOC> Felicia says, "oh yeah. bless for everyone." GAME: Felicia casts Bless. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14 GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 15.
     It is now Aithil's turn! Monster is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Aithil ended. <OOC> Azra says, "Sorry, learning commands."

       "I'm guessing that might've been what hurt you earlier. All right, stay back. we'll handle this." Felicia says as she raises her shield, and unhooking her Mace. Calling for Serriel to bless her allies to protect the ungrateful man as well, everyone should be able to feel a bit more confidence when they attack.

<OOC> Felicia says, "take your time. I was posing." <OOC> Azra says, "Aithil! There is a monster. Eeee!" <OOC> Aithil says, "OH! Uhh, do I see where it is? >_>" <OOC> Azra says, "Yes." <OOC> Azra says, "It's just hard to make it out well." <OOC> Azra says, "(Concealment.)" <OOC> Azra says, "You saw it already. :)" <OOC> Aithil casts grease under it! :D GAME: Azra rolls 1d20+4: (18)+4: 22 GAME: Aithil casts Grease. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14 <OOC> Aithil shakes fist at creature! <OOC> Azra says, "It manages to keep its feet but it's slipping about a bit, at least!" GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 12.
     It is now Monster's turn! Urso is next!

| Name | Race | Class |E Lev| CHP | HP | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |

|Aithil |DAWN_ELF |Sor | 3 | 15 | 15 | 13 | 13 | 2 | 4 | 5 | |Felicia |HOBGOBLIN |Clr | 4 | 38 | 38 | 20 | 16 | 7 | 3 | 8 | |Henrie |HUMAN |Mnk | 2 | 19 | 19 | 16 | 20 | 5 | 7 | 1 | |Urso |HUMAN |Pal | 2 | 21 | 21 | 17 | 15 | 8 | 4 | 8 |

<OOC> Aithil :D "It has to roll to move too." laughs, "Woo!" GAME: Azra rolls 1d20+0: (4)+0: 4 <OOC> Azra fistshakes! <OOC> Aithil XD <OOC> Henrie giggles. <OOC> Azra says, "It's doing a good impression of the Marx brothers." GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 9.
     It is now Urso's turn! Henrie is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Urso ended. Urso pages: I would like to try and figure out what it is before I just run up and attack.

        Aithil gives a murmur of words and points toward the creature that she spotted in the snow drift. A pool of grease quickly expanding out around it in 10 foot square. She gives a little wave of her fingers afterward, a crinkle of her nose. She might be having fun toying with the creature a little now.

You paged Urso with 'Okay! Perception, unless you have Knowledge/Planar or Arcana on hand.' You paged Urso with 'Well. Perception first, period.' GAME: Urso rolls perception: (15)+2: 17 The monster can see you clearly. It's coming. It's going to... Slip! Dark grease sprays through the snow, causing the creature to slip and slide about. It keeps its feet, but barely. You paged Urso with 'You can see it. Have either of the others? :)' Urso pages: Nope, just know/religion You paged Urso with 'It's a humanoid thing with a snake-like body that seems to be more or less made of ice.' You paged Urso with 'What it is specifically is hard to say, you just don't hasve experience with it.' You paged Urso with 'But it is clearly being aggressive.' Urso pages: Does it seem agressive or is it trying to...ookay Urso pages: Attacking then GAME: Urso rolls axe: aliased to weapon1: (8)+4: 12 <OOC> Azra says, "Unfortunately, that will miss. :)" GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 7.
     It is now Henrie's turn! Felicia is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Henrie ended. <OOC> Felicia says, "don't forget to add the bonus for bless. it's just +1" <OOC> Henrie wishes to stun it with an unarmed strike + stunning fist. No idea how stunning fist works though. <OOC> Felicia says, "attack as normal." <OOC> Azra says, "It still misses, but this is a good piece of advice! :) I'll help you with stunning fist. Just make a normal attack." <OOC> Felicia says, "add 10 + 1/2 your level + your wisom mod." <OOC> Henrie says, "SO uh, just +roll a d20?" Urso seems to be confused for a moment, for he peers through the thick curtains of snow that are piling up. He finally manages to locate the creature and after a brief moment of observation Urso calls out, "By the light of the Rising One, attack!" He rushes into motion, great clumps of snow plowing up around his legs and thighs as he forges his way through a particularly large drift. Unfortunately he's slightly off balance and it causes his swing to go wide. The head of the axe misses the creature, but buries itself into the wood of a tree next to the creature. Urso grunts as he yanks the axe free from the tree trunk and spinning the axe in his hands, he resets himself for the creature's inevitable attack. Urso's lips move in silent prayer. GAME: Permission denied. <OOC> Henrie hasn't monked before. <OOC> Azra says, "If you don't have weapon finesse you'll want to +roll melee+any bonuses, like Weapon Focus, +1 (for Bless)." <OOC> Urso says, "If you also check out +help roll, you can alias attacks and damage" GAME: Henrie rolls melee+1: (9)+4+1: 14

GAME: You roll initiative for Piotr: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 9 GAME: Piotr's initiative total changed to 1 <OOC> Henrie says, "The DC for her stunning fist is 12." <OOC> Azra says, "Unfortunately, you miss the monster. Gosh it's hard to see that darn thing... You got close, though!" GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 1.
     It is now Piotr's turn! Felicia is next!

Piotr looks around, takes a deep breath, and then frowns. "The smoke is working, 'he mutters before shaking his head. "Perhaps if I-" Then he frowns and reachees up toward his face, groping about in the snow. "It's out. Of course. I need a new leaf!" So saying, your Ranger... Runs off into the snow. So much for him being useful for anything. GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Azra advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 16.
     It is now Felicia's turn! Aithil is next!

GAME: You roll initiative for Wizard: Roll: 7 + Bonus: +1 = Total: 8 <OOC> Azra says, "I think I've infected you guys with whirldice. :/ But onward!" <OOC> Henrie says, "Lol." <OOC> Felicia says, "hmm..." <OOC> Felicia says, "It's what I'm here for." <OOC> Felicia says, "No one's hurt yet though...." <OOC> Felicia says, "So, shield of faith on urso." <OOC> Azra says, "The grease saved YOU ALL!" <OOC> Azra Cackles. <OOC> Azra says, "Okay!" GAME: Felicia casts Shield of Faith. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14 <OOC> Azra says, "Urso, you are at +2 AC." <OOC> Felicia says, "+2 AC for Urso."

<OOC> Felicia says, "on top of what he has."

GAME: Note Shield of Faith +2 AC added to Urso. GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 15.
     It is now Aithil's turn! Monster is next!

<OOC> Aithil says, "Okay, so... who's next to the Monster?" <OOC> Azra says, "Henrie and Urso." <OOC> Aithil casts Silent Image to make a duplicate of Henrie in an attempt to confuse it.

       Felicia sees Urso run ahead of her, and she gives Urso a blessing from Serrial.....

GAME: Aithil casts Silent Image. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14 <OOC> Azra says, "Alright! There are now two Henries! :O" GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 12.
     It is now Monster's turn! Urso is next!

<OOC> Henrie says, "Twice the awesome!" <OOC> Azra says, "The monster can attack! It is attempting to attack Henrie." GAME: Azra rolls 1d100: (56): 56 <OOC> Azra says, "It hits the right one!" GAME: Azra rolls 1d20+7: (10)+7: 17 <OOC> Henrie says, "Ah nuuu."

| Name | Race | Class |E Lev| CHP | HP | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |

|Aithil |DAWN_ELF |Sor | 3 | 15 | 15 | 13 | 13 | 2 | 4 | 5 | |Felicia |HOBGOBLIN |Clr | 4 | 38 | 38 | 20 | 16 | 7 | 3 | 8 | |Henrie |HUMAN |Mnk | 2 | 19 | 19 | 16 | 20 | 5 | 7 | 1 | |Urso |HUMAN |Pal | 2 | 21 | 21 | 17 | 15 | 8 | 4 | 8 |

GAME: Azra rolls 1d6+4: (6)+4: 10 <OOC> Azra says, "..." GAME: Azra rolls 1d4: (1): 1

GAME: You damaged Henrie for -2000 points. 19 HP remaining. GAME: You damaged Henrie for 11 points. 8 HP remaining. <OOC> Henrie says, "D:" <OOC> Azra says, "Make a Fortitude save." GAME: Henrie rolls Fortitude: (10)+5: 15 <OOC> Azra says, "Phew." <OOC> Azra says, "If you have Knowledge/Planar, anyone, roll it now. If not, make an intelligence check."

        Aithil looks toward Henrie, since she just saw Felicia cast something at Urso as they ran by. She tilts her head and then holds out her hand - the one covered in the earthen gauntlet - and begins to murmur once more. A spell leaping to her mind and a duplicate of Henrie suddently appears next to the monster - mimicing the movements Henrie makes and trying to draw attention away from the real one. No wounds or smells from it, just the image of Henrie.

GAME: Felicia rolls intelligence: (6)+2: 8 GAME: Aithil rolls Intelligence: (10)+3: 13 <OOC> Aithil D: doesn't have Planes. GAME: Henrie rolls Intelligence: (15)+2: 17 You paged Urso with 'Which attribute is damaged, by the way?' You paged Urso with 'I forgot to ask, I apologize.' Urso pages: Strength and another one...don't remember tbh Urso pages: I think str and con? Not sure GAME: Urso rolls intelligence: (14)+1: 15 Huh? (Type "help" for help.) GAME: You damaged Urso's Strength for -10000 points. -9998 total damage. GAME: You damaged Urso's Constitution for -100 points. -100 total damage. Urso pages: That's munged up my sheet. You paged Urso with 'I saw that. I accidentally used too many zeros, I think. Sec.' From afar, Urso was down by 2 in each. You paged Urso with 'What's it say now?' Urso pages: Strength: 100014(16) 5002 Urso pages: and Constitution: 114(14) 52 Urso pages: I don't think you want me to add 5002 to my attack and damage. Huh? (Type "help" for help.) GAME: You damaged Urso's Strength for 9998 points. 0 total damage. GAME: You damaged Urso's Constitution for 100 points. 0 total damage. You paged Urso with 'There, does that look right?' Urso pages: Yeah, except that's back to where they were. Not sure what staff uses to heal attribute damage. You paged Urso with 'They use that, it just seems it needs to be precise. Strength is back to where it was too? Darn it.' Urso pages: Try damaging str -2 You paged Beaglefinder with 'I appear to be having trouble healing attribute damage. Can you poke Urso's sheet for me and help me out?' Urso pages: And con -2? GAME: You damaged Urso's Strength for -2 points. -2 total damage. <OOC> Azra says, "Sorry for the delay." <OOC> Henrie says, "No worries." You paged Aithil with 'Can you help me on your staff bit? Attribute damage apparently behaves weirdly and it appears from Urso's feedback I am not getting his right.' Aithil pages: Sure! Aithil pages: whatcha need? You paged Aithil with 'I am trying to set his strength and con back to the original value but the heal is behaving oddly and I don't know what the original value is. XD Can you tell me what it says? o.o;;' You paged Aithil with 'Or even fix it. Whichever. >.>' You paged Aithil with 'I am afraid to touch it again. Ha.' You paged Aithil with '(I briefly gave him 10000 strength.)' Aithil pages: It's no problem, I got it. You paged Aithil with 'Good to go? :)'

From afar, Aithil fixed it, yes. You paged Urso with 'Should be fixed! I got help from staff to be safe.' Long distance to Aithil: Azra thumbs up! Thanks. Urso pages: Excellent GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 9.
     It is now Urso's turn! Wizard is next!

Urso pages: I'm still on the monster so I'll be attacking it You paged Urso with 'Cool! Roll your attack! :)' GAME: Urso rolls attack: (19)+0: 19 <OOC> Urso says, "erp" GAME: Urso rolls axe: aliased to weapon1: (8)+5: 13 <OOC> Azra says, "We'll keep your first roll." <OOC> Urso flails. <OOC> Azra says, "HIT." GAME: Urso rolls axedmg: aliased to Damage1: (7)+(11+4): 22 GAME: monster removed from initiative list. Huh? (Type "help" for help.) GAME: You roll initiative for Elemental: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 14 GAME: Elemental's initiative total changed to 12 <OOC> Azra says, "EEE! That really hurt. You cut it up good." GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 8.
     It is now Wizard's turn! Henrie is next!

<OOC> Urso says, "Wait, question. My axe dmg should only be 1d12+4. Not sure why it's doing 7 + 11 + 4." <OOC> Urso says, "Much as I'd love to do that much damage, I don't think my damage1 is calculating right?" <OOC> Azra says, "Oh, hey. That's a good question." <OOC> Azra says, "What is your strength?" <OOC> Henrie coughs. "We should wait til afterwards." <OOC> Azra says, "Yeah. Doesn't matter." <OOC> Urso says, "16" <OOC> Azra says, "ONWARD." <OOC> Urso says, "Onward" (New BB message (10/252) posted to 'RPP Awards' by Job Tracker: A: Tarragon: Tara ventures into a) You paged Urso with 'It should be more than 1d12+4, too. Two-handed, right? We'll figure it out after the fight.' Urso pages: Maybe that's where it's coming from. Urso pages: not sure. You paged Urso with 'I'll work it out with you when we finish. :)' GAME: Azra rolls 2d4+2: (5)+2: 7 GAME: You damaged Urso for 7 points. 14 HP remaining. "No! You can't have me! I'm not going to jail for this bollocks!" A couple of magic missiles streak out of the snow. There's a very shrilly, panicky wizard up ahead! But it's hard to find him in the snow. Uh oh... GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 7.
     It is now Henrie's turn! Piotr is next!

<OOC> Aithil just checked, I know why. <OOC> Henrie attempts to melee the creature again? GAME: Henrie rolls melee+1: (7)+4+1: 12 You paged Aithil with 'I do know 1d12+4 is not right either! :)' <OOC> Aithil says, "Okay, Urso, just use Damage1, your axedmg alias id rolling 1d20+Damage1." The warrior priest of Daeus settles himself for the onslaught, finishing his whispered prayer to the rising one, he begins swinging the great axe in looping circles to either side of his body then he slams the head of the axe deep into the side of the creature. Urso plants his foot on the side of the creature and pulls the axehead out of its abdomen with a grisly wet sound. <OOC> Urso says, "kk" <OOC> Azra says, "Aha." Aithil pages: It is for his weapon on his csheet. <OOC> Azra says, "Go for it, Henrie!" <OOC> Henrie says, "I guess a miss with that 12? xD" <OOC> Azra says, "Oh, there it is. Fraid so. XD" <OOC> Felicia says, "are you a monk Henrie?" <OOC> Azra says, "You can take a second hit." <OOC> Henrie says, "Yes." <OOC> Azra says, "From Flurry of Blows." <OOC> Henrie says, "Oh." <OOC> Felicia says, "yup." GAME: Henrie rolls melee+1: (11)+4+1: 16 <OOC> Felicia says, "and a third if you use a ki point" <OOC> Azra says, "Not yet, Felicia. :)" <OOC> Felicia says, "right. level 4." <OOC> Azra says, "16 will hit it. Damage!" GAME: Henrie rolls 1d8+2: (6)+2: 8 <OOC> Henrie says, "Yay lucky 8." Aithil pages: So, his hit would be 15 damage, he nearly rolled max on the 1d12 which is indeed his axe damage. :3 You paged Aithil with 'RIGHT! I misunderstood something he told me in a page.' You paged Aithil with 'My bad.' You paged Aithil with 'Okay! That's better than 22.' Aithil pages: No problem. :D It's a greataxe. <OOC> Henrie says, "Can pose it?" <OOC> Azra says, "Please." Henrie had aimed a careful punch at the creature, and had missed. Taking a rather grievous wound in return, she yelled in pain. Grimacing, she followed up with a few more swings, and she managed to connect with the second, scoring a solid hit. GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 1.
     It is now Piotr's turn! Felicia is next!

Off in the distance. The loud swearing of an errant ranger! Someone scrabbling in the snow. A loud roar resounds through the trees. ...Is that a bear?

It sounds like a bear. GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Azra advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 16.
     It is now Felicia's turn! Aithil is next!

<OOC> Felicia says, "I'm going to move up and heal Henrie." <OOC> Felicia is burning my detect undead spell for a cur light wounds. GAME: Felicia casts Detect Undead. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14 GAME: Felicia rolls 1d8+4: (3)+4: 7

GAME: You damaged Henrie for -7 points. 15 HP remaining. GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 15.
     It is now Aithil's turn! Elemental is next!

<OOC> Aithil says, "Can I see the wizard and who is the wizard attacking?" <OOC> Azra says, "The wizard threw magic missiles at Urzo. You saw that but seeing the wizard will require a Perception check and some luck. He's a bit further out and it is really hard to see out here!" GAME: Aithil rolls perception: (6)+7: 13 <OOC> Azra says, "Afriad not. You have a general direction, though." <OOC> Azra says, "The missiles gave him away."

       Moving her way around the fight to put a hand on Henrie's shoulder, another call to Serriel is done by Felicia. 'DOn't lose heart. We can beat this thing.

<OOC> Aithil says, "Blast! Okay... okay! How about..." <OOC> Aithil says, "I cast Detect Magic to see if that reveals him to me? :D" GAME: Aithil casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 3 DC: 13 <OOC> Azra says, "You detect magic in your vicinity. More next round if you want to concentrate. :3 (Believe it or not, this still might be the best way to find him!)" GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 12.
     It is now Elemental's turn! Urso is next!

<OOC> Aithil says, "Which also means that the silent image of Henrie vanishes I think. D:" <OOC> Azra says, "True!" <OOC> Henrie says, "D:" <OOC> Azra says, "It's too stupid to swap targets, I am afraid." <OOC> Azra says, "Check that." <OOC> Azra says, "Urzo hit him for a million damage." <OOC> Azra says, "It'll hit Urso." <OOC> Felicia says, "blast it." GAME: Azra rolls 1d20+7: (20)+7: 27 <OOC> Azra says, "..." <OOC> Felicia says, "RL's calling. If people's HP dip too low, I'll channel." <OOC> Felicia says, "brb." <OOC> Azra says, "Yes'm. Be well!" GAME: Azra rolls 1d20+7: (3)+7: 10 <OOC> Azra says, "No crit!" GAME: Azra rolls 1d6+4: (6)+4: 10 GAME: Azra rolls 1d4: (4): 4 <OOC> Azra says, ".-." <OOC> Azra says, "Fort save, Urso." <OOC> Henrie says, "You can do eeeet!" GAME: You damaged Urso for -14 points. 21 HP remaining.

     1 nonlethal damage healed. 0 nonlethal total.

        Aithil gives a cock of her head to the side - looking out into the distance where the magic missile had come from. Her eyes narrow and she starts to move her hand around again in a slow circle, words of the Syl language coming to her as she speaks them and her eyes take on a glow. Looking into the aether around her for signs of magic.

<OOC> Azra says, "Err, wrong direction." GAME: You damaged Urso for 21 points. 0 HP remaining. (DISABLED) <OOC> Azra says, "That's right." <OOC> Azra says, "We'll move on for now." GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 9.
     It is now Urso's turn! Wizard is next!

<OOC> Azra says, "Ping me when you are back! :D" GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 8.
     It is now Wizard's turn! Henrie is next!

<OOC> Azra says, "Urso seems to be down. Wizard is going to cast a spell! Everyone make a will save." GAME: Aithil rolls will: (5)+5: 10 <OOC> Aithil says, "Is it anything with enchantment or sleep?" <OOC> Azra says, "It is indeed." <OOC> Aithil is immune to sleep and has +2 to enchantment. <OOC> Azra says, "Wait, it's actually Illusion, not Enchantment apparently. APologies." <OOC> Aithil says, "Okay!" GAME: Henrie rolls will: (5)+1: 6 <OOC> Henrie says, "D:" Pretty colors swirl through the air in front of you, distracting you from the fight. It seems to meld with the snow and sweep about... <OOC> Azra says, "Perception at -4, guys." <OOC> Azra says, "-4 is due to being Fascinated." <OOC> Henrie says, "Fascinating." GAME: Aithil rolls perception -4: (1)+7+-4: 4 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Aithil laughs! <OOC> Azra says, "XD"

| Name | Race | Class |E Lev| CHP | HP | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |

|Aithil |DAWN_ELF |Sor | 3 | 15 | 15 | 13 | 13 | 2 | 4 | 5 | |Felicia |HOBGOBLIN |Clr | 4 | 38 | 38 | 20 | 16 | 7 | 3 | 8 | |Henrie |HUMAN |Mnk | 2 | 15 | 19 | 16 | 20 | 5 | 7 | 1 | |Urso |HUMAN |Pal | 2 | 0 | 21 | 18 | 17 | 8 | 5 | 8 |

<OOC> Azra says, "Henrie?" GAME: Felicia rolls perception: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Azra says, "I am liking the rolls. Good symmetry. (Waste your fails on skill checks!)" <OOC> Felicia says, "if I could find this wizard." <OOC> Aithil says, "Felicia, Will save too" <OOC> Azra says, "Oh, true.. Will Save too." GAME: Felicia rolls will +2: (1)+8+2: 11 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Felicia says, "what the hell." <OOC> Azra says, "OMG." <OOC> Azra says, "At least it's just Fascinate." Urso pages: Sorry, had something come up From afar, Urso can roll fort now You paged Urso with 'It's okay.' You paged Urso with 'Roll it. :)' GAME: Urso rolls fortitude: (6)+8: 14 <OOC> Henrie says, "Eh?" <OOC> Azra says, "Will Save, next. :) You are disabled, not dead." <OOC> Azra says, "He's catching up." <OOC> Urso says, "Sorry about that, had something come up" GAME: Urso rolls will: (19)+8: 27 <OOC> Azra says, "Perception with no penalty!" <OOC> Henrie says, "She did roll will." <OOC> Henrie says, "Oh, perception! My bad." GAME: Henrie rolls perception-4: (8)+6+-4: 10 <OOC> Henrie says, "Aw." GAME: Urso rolls perception: (10)+2: 12 GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 7.
     It is now Henrie's turn! Piotr is next!

<OOC> Henrie says, "How is the uh, thing doing? Elemental?" <OOC> Azra says, "It's almost dead." <OOC> Azra says, "It's all broken up." <OOC> Henrie shall punch one more time. "Er, are there any penalties?" <OOC> Azra says, "Nah." GAME: Henrie rolls melee+1: (16)+4+1: 21 <OOC> Azra says, "HIT!" <OOC> Azra says, "And you get a second, if you'd like to make a full attack.. :)" GAME: Henrie rolls 1d8+2: (2)+2: 4 <OOC> Henrie says, "If it needs it." <OOC> Azra says, "It does." GAME: Henrie rolls melee+1: (18)+4+1: 23 <OOC> Azra says, "WHAM!" GAME: Henrie rolls 1d8+2: (3)+2: 5 <OOC> Henrie says, "DED?" <OOC> Azra says, "You killed the ice elemental!" <OOC> Azra says, "Pose it." GAME: Azra advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 1.
     It is now Piotr's turn! Felicia is next!

<OOC> Henrie says, "Yaaay, now I can use it's corpse to soothe my wounds."

"Thank you.", Henrie says quietly to Felicia. She holds her side a moment, where the grey cloth has been cut, and stained a deep red. Taking a breath, she gives herself a shake, and follows up with two more punches. With the creature shattering to smaller pieces as the result. GAME: Azra rolls 1d20+11: (14)+11: 25 <OOC> Azra poses. <OOC> Felicia says, "at least the monster's down." You hear the wizard grumbling through the snow, "Study illusions, ma said. Make a killing at the gambling parlor, she said. Where are the shells NOW, MA?! I told you I wanted to learn fireball,but you never let me do ANYTHING FUN!"

You also hear the tromp tromp tromp of feet in the snow. He used the spell to cover his escape. Followed by... "...AIEEE!"

A tremendous bellow echoes through the woodlands like an approaching army. The horn must be massive. Snow falls from the trees, the ground seems to shake. All at once the fascination shakes off.Then the bear roars again.

The spell holding the weather hostage dims slightly, enough that you can see the massive brown shape charging through the trees. Astride it is... Piotr? Lit herb hanging from his lips and horn in hand, riding a bear in a tremendous charge through the snow. "I've got you now, you useless twit!"

The Wizard screams again. So much for fleeing. Urso pages: My wife needs my help. I'm going to have to idle, I'm sorry. You paged Urso with 'It is perfectly okay!' You paged Urso with 'Be well. :)' Urso pages: Feel free to spread my XP among the others, I shouldn't get rewarded since I wasn't able to participate much <OOC> Azra says, "We will now move away from initiative. Urso is going to be stepping away for now and we've handled the bulk of it. :)" You paged Urso with 'Nonsense. You did plenty to deserve a full share.'

GAME: Azra removes the timestop. Timestop by Azra has left. GAME: You remove the timestop. <OOC> Aithil says, "OH! We captured the Wizard?" <OOC> Azra says, "He's being chased down." <OOC> Azra says, "This is all happening ahead of you." <OOC> Aithil casts grease under him! :D <OOC> Azra says, "Go for it! :D" GAME: Aithil casts Grease. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14 GAME: Azra rolls 1d20+4: (16)+4: 20 <OOC> Aithil XD You paged Aithil with 'Remember how Piotr's herb can attract animals? :)' You paged Aithil with 'Maybe he isn't TOTALLY useless after all.' <OOC> Henrie says, "Great, you just greased and goosed Piotr! xD" GAME: Azra rolls 1d20+6: (5)+6: 11 <OOC> Azra says, "..." <OOC> Henrie :D You paged Aithil with 'Also, the bear slips and nearly throws Piotr. ;)' <OOC> Azra says, "Aithil can pose first, given the circumstance, if that is okay!" Felicia is moving to Urso though. I'm healing him, of course. <OOC> Felicia oocs that. <OOC> Azra says, "Definitely!"

        Aithil looks toward the wizard as he's running away, "Well there's your problem! No talent!" And she gives a wave of her hand to cast the grease to try and catch him in a pool of it and make the Wizard stumble.

<OOC> Henrie says, "GREASE: sploosh! WIZARD: *tiptoes through the tulips, through the tulips. PIOTR: Well if he can run through that patch of snow, so ca- *SPLAT*" <OOC> Aithil is a smidge distracted. Did you want me to pose the rest in there too? <OOC> Azra says, "I can handle it, it's fine. :)" The bear slips and with a brass roar nearly throws Piotr clear of its back and into the snow. So much for the terrifying charge of the bear rider! Felicia is too focused on Urso and bringing him back around. That's her first priority... Henrie lets out a breath and finds a nice tree to lean up against. She watches with interest as the wizard takes flight, and blinks at the bear slipping. She leans forward a moment, perhaps to now give chase to the wizard, but pauses, seeing that the bear did not dislodge Piotr. You paged Aithil with 'I almost forgot to mention. This past round, just before the spell'd've dropped, you sensed something magical up ahead a bit!'

        Aithil mutters something about drunks riding on grease patches before shaking her head and sort of floating off in a direction toward something... she didn't really know how to describe it at all. It was just off over there. No harm in checking it out, right?

The bear springs up and sprints along. "Stop! You're clawing at me breeches. My mother gave those to me... Stop it! Ah!" The bear chomps at the wizard repeatedly and chases him in a circle, eventually herding him toward the party. If someone can just make him stop fleeing...

Felicia gets Urso patched up. He'll be okay, it seems. He's stable, at least, and with just a bit of magic he'd no doubt be right on his feet.

Now Piotr is shouting, "Where is my flask, you bastard? Bear. Be eating him now!" There's a roar... "If someone could just stop this man from fleeing!" Aithil, meanwhile, is moving off into the snow for reasons known primarily to her. It's close... Just a little ahead. Perhaps in a drift? <OOC> Henrie says, "Can Henrie punch the wizard?" GAME: Aithil casts Mage Hand. Caster Level: 3 DC: 13 From afar, Aithil casts mage hand on the magical-something to see if she can get it out of the snow? <OOC> Azra says, "Roll it!" You paged Aithil with 'Sure! You find... A powder flask. As in, the kind you pour gunpowder from into a gun.' <OOC> Felicia will use Cure moderate if I need to. <OOC> Azra says, "Sure. :)" <OOC> Henrie says, "Stunning fist though. :)" GAME: Henrie rolls melee+1: (18)+4+1: 23 <OOC> Azra says, "WHAM!" GAME: Azra rolls 1d20+3: (2)+3: 5 <OOC> Azra says, "He just falls over." <OOC> Felicia says, "also....once I get Urso standing back up....I'm casting silence on the wizard." <OOC> Azra says, "Cast 'em!" Henrie sighs and rubs at her temples. Thankfully at least half of the bear-Piotr combo is competent, and the wizard tries to run by the female monk. What the wizard does instead is run face-first into her fist. And immediately falls over. She gestures to the non-moving wizard. "You can take it from here." You paged Aithil with 'The wizard probably dropped it when he ran from the bear.'

        Aithil reaches out with that clawed gauntleted hand, a hiss of words that doesn't sound quite Sil-like. She cants her head to the side and the a flask lifts up from where it was hiding. A gunpowder style flask. She holds it still with the mage hand spell... and then throws it at Piotr. He was being a bit of a jerk earlier after all - hopefully she can hit him in the head with it.

GAME: Felicia casts Silence. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15 GAME: Felicia casts Lesser Angelic Aspect. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15 <OOC> Felicia burns that for cure moderate GAME: Azra rolls 1d20+6: (5)+6: 11 GAME: Felicia rolls 2d8+4: (8)+4: 12 THUNK. The flask hits Piotr in the head just as the wizard topples over in front of him and he's about dismount. He scowls and looks up and over at Aithil before holding it up. "Thank you." Just that and the man is on the ground with a coil of rope to tie up your captured wizard! Silenced and stunned, he's unable to do anything other than lay there as he is subdued. <OOC> Azra says, "That's basically our show today." <OOC> Azra says, "I hope people had fun! Any closing remarks?" <OOC> Aithil says, "NOPE! I think I'm good. :D" <OOC> Felicia says, "Good plot. your first time?" <OOC> Azra says, "Well, in Pathfinder. I ran stuff years ago in other systems. :) Been a long time!" <OOC> Felicia says, "you still did good." <OOC> Felicia thinks urso forgot he had Lay on Hands. Aithil pages: Good work! Okay. Don't forget that if this is your first time running one here to include that it is and you would like your free level bonus (as well as which character you want it applied to). <OOC> Azra says, "His RL was hitting him hard." <OOC> Felicia says, "ah..."