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Latest revision as of 09:19, 12 December 2017

Log Info

  • Title: Oddland Explorers
  • Emitter: Grush
  • Characters: Krom (Ftr6) Tirrynelth (Sor3) Sorscha (Pal5) Chay (Inq4) Serraphine (Pal3)
  • Place: Oddland Forest
  • Time: Dec 12, 2017
  • Summary: A scientific expedition to a strange place
  • APL: 5

'The Meat Forge' is a new shop that opened up recently and has been hiring adventurers to go on hunting trips to collect parts for them to make into weapons, items and armor. One of the proprietors of the store, a Gobber named Stownz, has contacted you through the adventurers guild, looking for help exploring an area and figuring out how best to exploit the native flora and fauna. You have gathered in the back room of the shop where Stownz is serving you tea in preparation for your expedition. Stownz is short for a Gobber, has dark brown skin and mid-length white hair tied back in a plait. She is quite chubby and have very large, droopy ears. She is wearing comfortable looking robes. "So, the main objective is to go out there, make a more thorough investigation of the area and hopefully catch and examine some plants and animals. All of your contributions will be noted of course and I would certainly appreciate some help with the naming of any new species, my partner Styx is enthusiastic but really, really bad at naming things"

Sorscha chuckles a bit. "we'll keep an eye out, and even bring back some of the stuff you want. I'll make sure Aurora is gentle with whatever we catch....provided they're small." She then looks out the door. "knowing her...she's napping outside now."

Krom nods, listening to the proposal with casual interest. He's from the far frozen north, where every part of the animal is used. Because it's that or learn to make things with ice, because there isn't much else up there. To be fair, they do make a lot of things with ice, but that's a whole other story. "What sort of things do you typically work with?"

Tirr is getting to go on an adventure for the guild! The tall Sith'Makar's a little twitchy what with the excitement, or maybe she's mildly annoyed at having to put down a good book.. Could be a bit of both, who knows. Still the rather jovial draconid humanoid is standing in the back of the group, listening to the requests curiously, the crest along her neck raised just slightly as she stares at the shop owner curiously.

Serraphine sits with one leg crossed over the other, the tea balanced precariously on an armed knee as she looks to the Goblin. A stare really with her frown and a reach down. She fidgets, carefully, before pulling up a small bag. Another moment of fishing around inside of it, and a cookie is produced. "I'm here to make sure you aren't suggesting illegal things." Dunk-dunk-crunch-munch-munch-munch.

Chay stands near the back. He thumps his tail occasionally and though his focus is originally on their host, it shifts from person to person, from Sorscha to Crom, to Serraphine and then the other sith-makar. He wears his long duster, though a touch of mail glimmers beneath.

Stownz beams happily at Sorscha "Thankyou, I knew I could count all of you" she turns to Krom "Everything and anything, we try to use every part we can. Many of the creatures we have seen so far have exhibited strange properties and anatomies and we want to try and make use of them as efficiently as possible. Now, from the previous expeditions we have some initial data, if you'd like to go over it, but we really aren't sure what you're going to be running into out there." She nods reassuringly at Serraphine "Don't worry, it's completely outside of any judicial jurisdiction so its actually impossible to do anything illegal there!"

Sorscha looks to Stownz. "That doesn't reassure me. I still have a code to live by."

Krom blinks, but shrugs, and nods. "Krom would know where we are going. And would like to see what data has already been collected."

There's a stare at Stownz, a grimace, and more dunking of the cookie before more munching of it. Then a longer stare as she enjoys her slightly soggy bite of a coffin-shaped cookie. "I still hold it's possible to be against the laws of nature." Because it's a thing, right? Dunk-dunk-munch-munch-munch.

Sorscha says, "The problem with nature is....it's the strong survive, Lancer. We're above that." She then takes a breath. "So what're we looking for?""

"And I would not want you to do anything to violate that code. I don't want any of these creatures to suffer or be treated inhumanely and if you observe any sort of ethical violation on our part I would like you to report it immediately." Stownz takes a sip of her tea and pulls out a small notebook "So, Styx has been calling the forest 'Oddland', like I said, terrible with names. It is currently accessible through the hole in our basement and a short carriage ride" she opens up the notebook and places it on the table.

Krom blinks. Blinks again. Forrest... via a hole in the basement.... still, not the weirdest way he's traveled, so he turns focus to the notebook.

The first few pages are rough sketches of a dense, jungle like forrest with winding paths and towering trees. Then, under the heading DANGER is a sketch of a large watering hole with rough ominous shapes beneath the surface and lots of question marks. Next is a detailed sketch of a large, monstrous wolf like creature with six legs. Anatomical drawing show its long, whip like tongue, ending in a small mouth, with annotations reading 'Paralytic Venom'

"...what makess thiss a new foresst?" Chay asks, speaking up. The sith-makar walks over to look at the pages. He's polite, giving others room to view them if they wish to do so, as well. "What area iss thiss near?"

Tirr stares "A hole in the basement with a gate or something.. interesting... Aaand paralytic venom... Fun.." Mutters the tall Sith Makar...

Sorscha says, "Sounds like something from the Felwood." She says softly before looking to Chay. "and that's a good question.""

Serraphine turns to look at Chay, "It's new like a hole in the ground." She nods her head a few times before looking

back to the drawings.

Krom hrrms quietly, peering over the drawing and notes. "....neat."

"that one is the 'wolf spider'" Stownz sighs a little, pointing to the detailed sketch "The last expedition killed the one in this area, though its young did escape and we don't really know how long they take to mature... I'll give you some antivenom just in case" she gestures to a pile of equipment in the corner "I've got various items you can borrow if you need them, animal traps, mapping supplies and such" she looks over at Chay in surprise as they speak, having almost forgotten the silent Sith Makar was there "Ah, yes, well, it doesn't seem to be quiet on the same material plane as us. We bought this shop a while back because we discovered a sort of, instability beneath it. We excavated down and found 'the hole'. We don't really know much for sure as this will be the first proper exploratory expedition to go in."

Krom considers again. "Krom is not sure is qualified for extra-planar exploration, but Krom will never become qualified if doesn't try."

"That's the spirit!" Stownz claps her hands excitedly "I do hope you all have fun. And don't die"

Chay looks up to Stonz as though he didn't, couldn't, possibly have heard that. "I..." he says. "I ssee." He looks back towards those he knows, and meets Serraphine's look, then those of the Keeper. "Keeper, I will do my besst to adi your records." Caste-wise, he assumes a certain role. If she wishes to take notes, he will help it be so.

Sorscha says, "I guess Aurora will want to come along too. lemme go get her." She says as she walks outside.......then walks back in....with a fairly large White tiger with gold stripes. "all righty.""

If Kisa was here, she would do a little fist pump at hearing Chay. She's not, but Serraphine is, and she stares back at Chay. A nod of her head, she approves of good record keeping after all. That and cookies. She dunks her cookie into the tea again, taking another bite. Munch-munch-munch.

Once everyone has finished their tea, Stownz leads you all down to the basement of the shop, a large, bare room with a pit in the middle of the floor. The area is well lit but the light ends about 20 feet down the hole, terminating in inky blackness. A rope ladder leads down into the darkness. Stownz also rolls over a winch with a sling to safely lower Sorschas tiger down.

Krom shrugs, and if no one else seems inclined, head for the ladder. The northman is mildly tempted to just jump in, but that's likely unwise.

Sorscha climbs her way down of course. then Aurora looks mildly annoyed at being lowered by a sling. But, once her paws are on the ground, Aurora bats at the sling. "Don't do that Aurora. we'd never get you off the cloth." And the tiger stops.

As you climb down you can feel a sort of electricity in the air. When you reach the darkness, it's like passing through a layer of pitch black water, you can feel it pressing against your skin, a slightly current moving through it. For a few seconds you are blind and deaf, before passing through into a well lit cave. The inky pool of darkness hanging above you. in the cave is a large, armored carriage pulled by four large horses. The carriages driver, a very large Giant born, is napping beside it, slowly waking and stretching as you all descend.

"This is Goldie, he'll get you there and hopefully back again" Stownz introduces the large man who grunts sleepily

Krom nods, and introduces himself to the other in typical northern style. "Krom." It's not exactly a complex style.

"Thiss doess not look like the wilderness." Chay has stopped once they see the carriage. He looks over the giant coachman as he's introduced. And then, towards Stownz, herself. "How long of a trip sshould we esspect it to be?" he asks her. "And where are you from?" he asks Goldie.

Sorscha pets Aurora on the ear as they get close to the carriage and the giantborn. "now I'll just hope Aurora sits still in the carriage...."

"Don't worry, it's not too far, maybe an hour or so" Stownz reassures Chay "...North..." Goldie grunts at Chay, not gruffly, he just doesn't seem very talkative. The Carriage is large and comfortable, despite being stocked with various containers and cages of different sizes. After a short trip the Carriage draws to a halt and Goldie raps on the roof before finding a comfortable patch of grass and falling asleep almost immediately.

The carriage has stopped in a wide open area at the edge of the forrest. The dense treeline opens up into rough paths heading into the forrest to the North, North west and West.

<OOC> Grush says, "could anyone whos looking around make a perception check"
GAME: Sorscha rolls perception: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Chay rolls perception: (17)+9: 26
GAME: Krom rolls perception: (15)+7: 22
GAME: Sorscha rolls 1d20+6: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Sorscha says, "Companion perception check"

Serraphine clatters down the ladder, then toward the carriage and into the carriage, and then with the cookies again. She gives one to Tirr as well, she knows Tirr likes the cookies.

Chay repeats those few words to himself. "Ssa, that doess not ssound sso difficult. ...esscuse me," he says. He offers his quietest smile, before taking a wandering path towards the carriage. To look around the wheels. The same when they arrive, though he doesn't stray far from Tirrynelth.

At the edge of the treeline is what looks like a large corpse, the more keen nosed of you can smell blood on the breeze. There appear to be small shapes moving around it.

Sorscha makes a bit of a face....as she stops her tiger from prowling forward. "I think we've found....something...."

Krom is slightly more curious in the trees. What type are they, how healthy are they, how old might they be... trees aren't that common in the far north. But an apparently fresh kill does draw his focus.

Chay raises his muzzle to the air, scenting. Then, he gives a sign of claws, indicating the edge of the treeline. He

goes into a half-crouch, listening. "...I do not hear anything elsse. Iss anyone here sskilled in forenssics?" he asks. He looks towards the others.

".....Krom has four limbs?" That would be a 'no'.

Serraphine is looking at her fingernails intently, trying to decide if it's time to trim them or if she should wait a day. Hm. A turn this way, a turn that, they are a little longer than nubs, but are they at the point of scratchy? "Wait, forensics? I can't, but I've been known to cook things that are dead."

The trees are very large and old looking, draped with vines and verdant green leaves. As you move closer you can see the small things more clearly. They are about the size of large dogs, covered with what looks like armor plating made of bone, patches of very thick, coarse, black hair sprouting up between them. They have six legs and move very gracefully and smoothly. Their heads look like canid skulls, with gleaming black eyes set in a ringer crown around their heads. You recognise them as the 'Wolf Spider' from the notes Two of the creatures turn towards your group and snart snarling and growling, you can see two more of them still tearing chunks of flesh from the large, mangled looking corpse

When the creatures start to snarl and growl, Aurora's fur starts to stand on end, bares her teeth, and rawrs back at the creatures...but she doesn't move closer. Mostly because Sorscha's hand is on her shoulder. "No starting a fight we don't need to."

Krom growls back, but doesn't move closer. He doesn't exactly speak 'wolf' or 'spider' but he's fairly well versed in 'pick-a-fight' and 'just-passing-through'.

<OOC> Grush says, "If you want to make a handle animal or similar check to try and influence them, go ahead. At the moment they are regarding you in a more curious than aggressive manner. but that could change if you try to get Closer"
GAME: Krom rolls handle animal: (7)+5: 12

"...they were eating it," Chay says. He takes a cautious step back from the spiders. Then, goes still and watches as others step forward to address them. "...not a horsse?" he says, his voice shaking slightly. A half-joke towards Serraphine.

Krom isn't the best conversationalist, let alone with spider-wolves, but tries to get across the idea of 'Aggressive Scavenger; we'll wait, but not for long.' Glancing to the others, he communicates in a more standard method. "They are near done, will move on soon. And being feed, maybe not too aggressive."

The Wolf Spiders regard Krom thoughtfully, a gleam of intelligence in their black eyes. The ones facing you let out a few more grating barks before turning back to the corpse and working with the other two to tear off a large chunk of meat (it might have been a leg?) and quickly drag it away into the forest, watching you all carefully as they go

Krom waits, as he implied he would, until fairly sure the creatures are gone, then advances towards the..... whatever it is... was...

Sorscha says, "That makes sense. They're just getting food." She then ponders. "It does bring a dilemma though. If they're intelligent......why does the goblin want them?""

"Thank the Gods for that." Serraphine responds back to Chay with a mildly annoyed look, well, not annoyed at Chay... More annoyed at the thought of horses. She glances to Chay once more, then holds out the cookie bag and shakes it in front of him. "Cookie?"The Cookie is, of course, coffin shaped. Kerbasi style.

Chay hesitates, this sith-makar does. Hesitates and...shaking slightly, holds out a hand for the cookie. "Ssa. ...did they...give uss traps? I think they lent uss a package of ssome kind."

Serraphine shrugs and looks back to the cart, "I dunno. I'm just here to make sure no one dies really. The little one was right, place is way outside normal, I just like to joke about it." The Arvek looks back toward the creature the others are trying to get under control. "So... Maybe?"

The corpse is a shredded mess, more closely resembling mince that a living creature. But you can tell that it was roughly mammalian at least.

Krom shrugs. "Is intelligent, and -intelligent-. Krom think are smart enough to make simple plan, but not talk or from society, likely not have meaningful method of self-actualisation. For goblin, likely mix of discovery and profit."

Tirr is behind everyone,watching these 'wolf' spiders curiously... Tirr tilts her head to the left and ummms... "Soo we're supposed to catch one of them right?" She asks curiously, while watching the odd creatures curiously.... "Mebbe we can like use bait and lead one back into the cellar?"

"...there were trapss," Chay says, remembering. He puts the cookie in his teeth, and crunches down. Then chews, swallows, before answering, "Thank you for being here, Sseraphine. I am glad you are here. I am glad all of you are here. ...that iss a good idea, Keeper," he says then, to Tirr.

Sorscha says, "That's entirely possible as well." She says before looking to Chay. "Lead the way and set up the traps? or, instruct us in setting them up?""

Krom ehs. "Prize is knowledge. Spider-wolf are known factor. Previously unobserved fauns would be favored, though Krom suspect a live capture would not be rejected. Krom think better explore a little, find new things, and maybe capture one of them. Maybe find new plants along way. Bugs, fungi, neat rocks, maybe a town."

A loud 'Caw' sounds from the trees above you where a small group of birds are roosting. They resemble Crows, but their wings seem strangely structured. "CAW" they sound rather outraged, clearly annoyed at having been moved back on the dining card.

Krom says, "....birds. Birds are new."

They're outraged? Serraphine glares at the birds as they make noise, "KAW!" She yells back at them "KAW-KAW!" She flings her free arm up in the air and then takes another bite of cookie. Munch-munch-munch.

Sorscha looks up and stares at the birds. "Maybe we can bypass the wolf spiders..." She says looking at the birds....

The birds almost look startled as Serraphine squawks at them, puffing up their feathers indignantly "CAW!" one of them screeches at her. They all shuffle around on their branches and Caw a bit before fixing Serraphine with a glare and flying away.

page Serraphine
You feel like they are going to remember this

Serraphine takes another bite of her cookie, munch-munch-munch. Then turns her head to look at Chay, a shrug of a shoulder as clearly she doesn't understand the way of birds. But she tries to give the last word all the same, "KAW!" And another bite of cookie

Krom says, "....nets? Nets are for catching birds, yes? Krom has not tried before, so is not sure."

Chay looks up at the birds, then back towards the carriage they'd come from. "It will take uss time to get the trapss," he admits. "But the longer we sstand here, and conversse, the longer we are without toolss." If they're willing, he'll go back with them to get the supplies.

Sorscha says, "Let me help." She says as she and Aurora move to help with the supplies."

It’s not hard to collect up the stuff you need, there's even a couple of small trolleys strapped to the roof if you want to carry anything heavy

Krom looks for a net, and some twine and rigs for simple snares. Maybe a good pack to carry things in. Come to think of it, a sketch book wouldn't be a bad idea, crude map of where the party wanders, where things are found, and sketch whatever can't be brought back.

So there are traps and sketchforms and... Chay takes his share, and possibly the Keeper's, in order to free her claws for illustration and records, if they wish it. It's heavy, but with the supplied trolleys, it's more than manageable as they travel. "Sser Krom?" he asks at one point. "You had ssaid ssomething about the birdss?" he asks.

Krom nods. "A captured bird might be good. If those are truely birds, as we understand such things."

<OOC> Grush says, "You can find those things in the carriage if you like Krom. Stownz tried to pack most things you might need"
<OOC> Grush says, "If you want to set up any traps or snares or anything just make a survival roll and let me know :)"
<OOC> Chay would like to set some! (Try!)
<OOC> Sorschawill try too.
<OOC> Sorscha won't get far.
<OOC> Sorscha rolls survival.
GAME: Sorscha rolls Survival: (16)+0: 16
GAME: Chay rolls survival: (7)+9: 16
GAME: Krom rolls survival: (6)+9: 15
<OOC> Grush says, "Nice work! You all set up what seems to be decently laid and hidden snares."

Serraphine does her share too to carry bits of traps - taking her fair share and then some. She's not good at setting them up, after all, but she will be a mule for them... even if it means she can't eat a cookie for a bit. "Just tell me where to drop them off." She says to Chay.

"Thank you," Chay says warmly to Serraphine. "I will do my besst. I am ssure we all will. Did you ssee their wingss?" He goes quiet in thought, as he takes out one of the traps from Serraphine's pack. "...did you ssee thosse? Their wingss had an unusual sstructure to them."

Krom keeps a net close at hand, setting a couple of snares at the trails into the woods, marking them on a scrap of paper, in part to make sure he doesn't forget any when they leave. Snaring an animal is one thing. Snaring it and then leaving it to suffer is quite something else.

Sorscha digs some out and tries to set a few up. She's no expert, but she does make sure to memorize where they are.....

"Nope." Serraphine says, "I wasn't looking at their wings. I was wondering what Acleese was up to." She responds to Chay, a grim look crossing her features. "Mm. Acleese." She looks toward Chay, a narrowing of her eyes, "Do you know him?"

"That iss a good idea, Krom," Chay says, as he works to set his own up. He twists the wire 'round the entry, to hold it in place. "I've put one over thiss way. And I am afraid that I never have," he says to Serraphine, then. "I'm only ressently come to Alessandria," he says.

<OOC> Grush says, "When you want to move on, let me know which way you want to head. There are paths leading N, NW and W, into the jungle"
<OOC> Sorscha could help follow the trails…
<OOC> Chay will help Sorscha. :3
<OOC> Krom votes north for no reason other than alphabetical.
<OOC> Sorscha says, "Well...not me...the tiger."
GAME: Sorscha rolls 1d20+7+3: (15)+7+3: 25
<OOC> Sorscha says, "track by scent"
<OOC> Grush says, "Excellent roll, there are a lot of scent trails here, are they looking for something in particular? Or just following the strongest trail?"
<OOC> Sorscha says, "Strongest trail. I assume are the wolf spiders..."
<OOC> Grush says, "They were dragging a big chunk of fresh meat so yes, it will have overwhelmed most of the other trails there. They were heading roughly NW-ish"
<OOC> Sorscha says, "that way then...."
<OOC> Chay ok!
<OOC> Chay says, "Strongest trail sounds good. :)"
<OOC> Krom says, "works for me"

The trail of the Wolf Spiders is quite clear, the drag marks and splatters of blood from their gorey cargo marking the area obviously. They head a way down the northwestern path before heading off it, into the forest. The trees are not so dense that you can't follow them, but it will be slower going than staying on the path. Up ahead you can see the path opens up into a clearing

Krom considers. "Knowing others were watching, would they head to own lair, or elsewhere to feed?" Chay inspects the trail as they go, now and then. As he does, he makes a running commentary of notes, about the environment and state, style of the tracks for the Keeper. "I think they sstruggled with their prey here. Over there, one of the largesst sseemed to..." and on, and on, until they come to the clearing. When they do, his head goes up and he falls silent, looking to Sorscha.

Aurora is following the trail all right. And she's keeping her nose to the ground while Sorscha keeps an eye out for any sort of threat.....at least until they get close to the clearing. "Aurora.....hang on." That's when Aurora lifts her head.....and takes a lower stance.....

<OOC> Grush says, "Would you like to make perception checks to see if you can spot anything?"
<OOC> Chay would!
GAME: Chay rolls perception: (1)+9: 10 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Sorscha rolls perception: (6)+7: 13
GAME: Sorscha rolls 1d20+6: (4)+6: 10
GAME: Krom rolls perception: (9)+7: 16

Serraphine sneaks a cookie into her mouth, making she no longer has the ability to speak as she trundles along with more traps in the cart behind her. She takes a nibble of the cookie, but the nibble is too big! TOO BIG! Chomp - the cookie falls free, falling end over end and Serraphine stares at it - open mouthed and in horror - as the cookie lands on the ground. Her hands are full... more than five seconds will pass before she could recover it, the cookie - the cookie is dead to her.

Chay gets caught up in his commentary for Tirrynelth, enough he doesn't notice until the cookie lands on his tail, and bounces. He whirls, staring at the deadly----sugary confection.The corner of his mouth twitches, threatening to laugh.

A cackle that sounds a little bit like laughter sounds from above you, you look up to see one of the birds you saw before, it's perched on a tree, holding onto the branch with one of its wings in the same way a bat would.

Tirr is well lost out in this element, she glances around and ummms.. "Soo what do y'all want me to do?" she asks curiously, watching Chay react to the cookie then she glances up at the weird cackling bird... "Yaaah this place is just plane strange."

Krom mmms quietly, fetching a bit of charcoal to sketch the bat-bird. But the warrior of Mestnorr keeps one eye on the surroundings. Never know when something might try to sneak up.

page Krom
You get a good look at how the birds wing it structured, it does seem to be more similar to that of a bat, with feathers but also with hooked claws where a bats 'fingers' would protrude 

Chay looks from his tail, up and towards the laughing bird. "Ssa? What ssound are you making there?" he asks it. He makes his best imitation of the creature's sounds. Tries again, just to be sure, and to see what it might do.

Sorscha says, "Shhh....just....keep back a bit." She says to Tirrynelth as Aurora creeps forward....sniffing the ground.

"The bird goes silent as Chay caws at them, watching them for a few seconds before CAWing questioningly and flying down out of the tree, landing near them and snatching up the dropped cookie before waddling along the path towards the clearing It goes a short way before turning back and giving another muffled CAW. It seems to want you to follow it.

Sorscha says, "That's.....okay.....Come on Aurora." She says as she follows the bird. Aurora is at Sorscha's side as well....."

Chay looks towards the others. If no one objects, he echoes the sound again. Then, will set out after the bird along with the rest of them. "Chaw?"

Krom readies his net, but watching the bird a moment, he hesitates, and lowers it again. This may be better.

Serraphine goes from looking in horror as it bounces off the tail and lands coffin-top down on the ground to indignant! She might've been able to get it in time if she dropped the cart behind her!! "HEY!" She calls at the bird. "Kaw! KAW! KAWKAW!"

The bird chomps down the cookie quite rapidly CAWing smugly at Serraphine, you aren't sure how it does it without dropping it though. As you get to the opening of the clearing, it flutters into the air, flying a short distance across the clearing and Cawing at you all expectantly.

The clearing is about 30 feet in diameter, created by an intersection of trails, being trampled down over time. The tree canopy stretches over the clearing uninterrupted, casting the area in dappled shadows. The floor is covered in leaf litter.

<OOC> Grush says, "Everyone perception roll please"
GAME: Chay rolls perception: (16)+9: 25
GAME: Serraphine rolls perception: (12)+3: 15
GAME: Sorscha rolls perception: (14)+7: 21
GAME: Sorscha rolls 1d20+6: (18)+6: 24
<OOC> Sorscha says, "Tiger's perception."
GAME: Krom rolls perception: (19)+7: 26
page Chay, Krom
You notice a few strange things. Firstly, despite this being an intersection of paths, there don't seem to be many recent animal tracks. In fact the leaf little covering the ground almost looks neat and tidy. Roughly in the centre of the clearing is a sort of lumpy clump of sticks and leaves that look like they've been packed or woven together

"CAW, CAW" The bird squawks impatiently, hopping up and down on its perch

Krom stops at the edge of the clearing. "...this is not proper. Maybe trap? Bat-bird should know Krom is good aim." But, Krom also trusts in the overall good of the world, and cautiously moves into the clearing, heading towards something near the center.

Chay's shoulders shake, as though he's trying not to laugh. They shake anyway, and he sets off at careful pace, after the bird and its strange cawing. He stops at the edge of the leaf litter, though, and lifts his muzzle. Scenting. "...I thought there would be more trackss here," he says, and he is careful not to look directly at the bird. "The leavess are neat, almosst tidy. And ssee? Near the ssenter, it lookss woven together." His tail moves more quickly behind him, and he makes no move to go into the clearing, now.

Aurora growls and actually grabs onto Sorscha's arm with her teeth. it doesn't draw blood....but it does stop Sorscha. "What's the matter, Aurora?" She says petting the tiger's head....but the tiger doesn't let go of her arm.....

GAME: Krom rolls reflex: (15)+7: 22

Tirr now watches the bird curiously and sighs, and looks around curiously... "Soo we catching the bird now? I'm afraid I've lost track of what it is we're supposed to do here?"

Everyone watching sees Krom walk into the clearing, get near the centre and then in a flash, there's leaves swirling in the air, obstructing your vision. The Bird is cackling loudly in a way that is almost certainly laughter

page Krom
As you get near the centre, the lump, apparently some sort of woven hatch, pops up and something grabs your ankles in a vicelike grip. You are yanked off your feet and dragged into the hole beneath the trapdoor which slams down above you, blacking out the light. Acting on instinct you bring up your arm and feel jaws clamp down on it, aiming to tear at your face. Another flash in the dark and you grab something, it feels like a furry snake? with some kind of sharp thing on the end that scrapes your neck as you catch it.
You are being pummeled from all directions with quick punches. And you can hear the ragged panting of a large creature, its hot, stinking breath on your face.

Chay should laugh. He's just not in a place where he /can/. Not now, not for a while. So, he stiffens as the man falls, and sends a look at the bird. Deliberately, with care, he moves closer to the pit, just...one hopes, not close enough to risk it. "Ssa, are you okay down there? I am afraid the bird sset a joke for you."

Serraphine continues to follow after Chay, inching ever closer right behind him. She's carrying the traps after all. In the cart.

Krom makes a mental note to kill the bat-bird. In the meantime, he roars in pain and rage, slapping at the magical torch on his belt, trying to get it to ignite. Some light would be very useful right about now.

You can hear Kroms muffled shouts of pain coming from beneath the ground. Now that the carefully laid leaf litter has been disturbed you can see that there is a large sort of hatch, formed of woven leaves twigs and dirt.

<OOC> Grush says, "Krom make a CMB roll"
<OOC> Krom is good for a little while yet.
GAME: Krom rolls cmb: (2)+9: 11
OOC> Grush says, "Krom I need you to make a fort save"
GAME: Krom rolls fort: (7)+7: 14
page Krom
Your torch activates, filling the small pit with light. The creature attacking you seems to be some sort of monkey? with brownish green fur. It flinches back from the light, covering its face with... three hands? And you're still being punched, and held. In the moment of distraction you lose your grip on what you can now see to be a long, prehensile tail, with a rather wicked stinger on the end that plunges into your neck. There's a moment of pain, then it goes away, your muscles relaxing in a rather pleasurable way, even the punches start to feel like more of a firm massage.

Krom is not happy. A little mellow, perhaps, but under the circumstances that's part of why he's not happy. Struggling both mentally and physically, he tries to shift the covering above him. "....help!"

Chay's focus is on Krom for the moment. He can imagine what it's--the sith-makar lets out a breath, and steps back. "Arvek, I think there were ropess in your pack?" he says. He looks towards her directly and then so-fast away, as though that contact wasn't something he could do well. But, he's trying to let her know he's avoiding names on purpose. "We might tie it around the tree, and drop an end of it in?"

<OOC> Grush says, "Krom, make another CMB check at -2"
GAME: Krom rolls cmb-2: (3)+9+-2: 10

Serraphine sets the cart down, turning around and fussing about through the supplies to eventually find some rope. She checks it over for a second, making sure it's not one of the frayed ones. "I was thinking the same thing." She says to Chay, starting to pull on various parts of it. "And Fi will do, my fine cookie aficionado." She hands one end to Chay so that he might tie himself off for this rescue attempt.

Chay thumps his tail, though still doesn't return the look. He keeps his focus on the grass, and then the rope, instead. "With thanks," he says, sounding heartfelt though. And then back steps, to tie it around one of the trees, as they'd planned. "Northerner! We are ssending down a rope!" he calls out.

Sorscha keeps back....at least for now.....

Krom continues to struggle. It's not going so well. "...rope? Help!!"

page Krom
The primate hisses angrily, clearly disliking the light. Two hands grab your ankles and two grab your wrists. Pinning your down, your slackening muscles unable to resist. The pain in your neck spikes as it wiggles the stinger around, injecting more venom into you, clamping two more hands over your mouth to stop you from crying out and two more grab your neck, throttling you violently, jerking you around, clearly trying to break your neck but not quite strongly enough

Tirr blinks... "Ok this is getting crazy..." Tirr glances at the hole Krom fell into and very very carefully tries to approach it, the tall Sith looking around the edge as she tries to peer inside and see Krom.. "Don't flail too much, you'll make matters worse I do think?" she says, yup this Sith is soo much better off in a library…

Krom is thrashing around quite a bit for his mellow requests for assistance.

Serraphine meanders forward, edging really, grabs and flings the hatch the other direction so she's not under it and only touching it for as little as possible,

The pit looks to be about 7 feet deep and about half that in diameter. Krom is being held against the ground, struggling weakly, by what appears to be a large monkey. It has dark green fur and 8 arms, variously holding Krom down, and trying to strangle him. A long, prehensile tail winds around from the monkeys backside, ending in a large, wicked looking stinger that is currently buried in Kroms neck. It SCREECHES in anger and fear as you throw off the hatch cover, stopping strangling Krom to cover its eyes from the suddenly blinding light

Krom is getting his ass kicked by a spider-monkey. Not a spider monkey, a spider with monkey parts. Mostly monkey parts, really, but far too many spider parts. Mostly the hands. Way too many hands. And venom. Far far more venom than Krom is really okay with at this point.

"...keeper? Can you make a fire?!" Chay shouts over, as he fumbles for an arrow. He takes one out, pairing it with the bow. "It sshouldn't catch the earth on fire, but it may sscare the beasst!"

GAME: Tirrynelth casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15
GAME: Tirrynelth rolls 2d4+2: (5)+2: 7

Tirr sees the monkey, blinks and instinctively calls out a few quick words... Something about a spider monkey trying to crush someone's throat and all. A pair of small spherical bolts leap from her hand circle out and away from the Sith, before wheeling around and darting into the hole, both unerringly striking the spider-monkey thing "Get off em you miserable primate thing or I'll cut loose with another spell!!!"

The primate lets out a shriek of pain as the bolts of magic strike it. It pulls Krom in front of it like a shield, wriggling around in the pit to lie on its back, two of its arms letting go of him to start digging frantically at the dirt

<OOC> Grush says, "Krom you can make another CMB at -2 to try and break free"
<OOC> Sorscha says, "This is turninginto a 'need +init' thing."
<OOC> Grush says, "And just let Krom see if they can break free first. If not, then we might need the init :D"
<OOC> Sorscha nodnods.
GAME: Krom rolls cmb-2: (2)+9+-2: 9

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Grush has dropped a TIMESTOP!Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Grush to instruct you further.
<OOC> Krom sighs.
GAME: Sorscha rolls initiative: 8 + 6 = 14
GAME: Krom rolls initiative: 5 + 9 = 14
<OOC> Sorscha says, "we're coming."
GAME: Chay rolls initiative: 7 + 5 = 12
<OOC> Sorscha says, "Worry about what you can do now, Tirr. not later. :D"
GAME: You roll initiative for Unknown Primate: Roll: 14 + Bonus: +5 = Total: 19
GAME: Serraphine rolls initiative: 15 + 1 = 16
GAME: Tirrynelth rolls initiative: 16 + 1 = 17
GAME: Grush advances the initiative order.
Round One - Init 19.It is now Unknown Primate's turn! Tirrynelth is next!

Krom is a fighter, but not a monkey fighter. Fighter of monkeys. You know what I mean. Anyway, his usual techniques just aren't adapting. The venom isn't helping either.

The creature screeches, letting go of Krom with two more of its hands to start throwing clumps of dirt, bones and feces from the bottom of its small pit. It's already dug out a small hollow in the side of the pit, squeezing its body into it and pulling Krom over them, covering them quite effectively

GAME: Grush advances the initiative order.
Round One - Init 17.It is now Tirrynelth's turn! Serraphine is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Tirrynelth ended.
GAME: Tirrynelth casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15
GAME: Tirrynelth rolls 2d4+2: (5)+2: 7
GAME: Grush advances the initiative order.
Round One - Init 16.It is now Serraphine's turn! Sorscha is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Serraphine ended.

Tirr again frowns as she ends up with a bone balancing on the end of her long tapered muzzle.. "Ookay, here we go again!" she calls out and utters similar words to last time as a pair of bolts again leaps from her hands, striking any bit of the Monkey that is exposed... "Let em go you stinky primate!!!"

Confused and pained screeches come from the pit as Tirrs magic curves carefully around its human shield to strike it

GAME: Serraphine rolls Weapon1: (13)+6: 19
GAME: Grush rolls 1d100: (7): 7
GAME: Serraphine rolls 1d10+3: (1)+3: 4
GAME: Grush advances the initiative order.
Round One - Init 14.It is now Sorscha's turn! Krom is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Sorscha ended.
GAME: Sorscha rolls weapon2: (11)+8: 19
GAME: Grush rolls 1d100: (51): 51
GAME: Sorscha rolls 1d6+3: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Grush advances the initiative order.
Round One - Init 14.It is now Krom's turn! Chay is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Krom ended.

Serraphine hucks herself off the edge of the pit and toward the spider-monkey down below. She pulls her sword free as she lands, bringing it in a low-rising shot to try and catch the monkey in the leg. "Back. Back you fiend."

The primate flinches back from Serraphines strike, letting out a series of anxious sounding hoots, trying to shove Krom into her to better defend itself

Since Krom is shoved toward her, Serraphine says, "Quick! Grab on, Krom. SOMEONE PULL US OUT!"

Sorscha is actually carrying the more dangerous weapon in the elven arsenal....the Bow. So she draws and arrow and....as much as Aurora wants to dive in, she stops the tiger, so she can fire an arrow into the spider monkey...or whatever it is. "Aurora....grab the rope and pull them out...."

<OOC> Grush says, "That is an important part. Think you can manage another CMB-2 Krom? I'm really sorry you're getting shafted so much"
GAME: Krom rolls cmb-2: (16)+9+-2: 23
<OOC> Grush says, "YOSH! You break free of that DAMN DIRTY APE!"
<OOC> Grush says, "Sorry, thats my fault, it wasn't letting go, just trying to push shove him into you, like a shield bash, but with a person"
GAME: Sorscha rolls 1d20+2: (3)+2: 5
<OOC> Grush says, "okay, it can drag them up, but it'll be a bit slow so its going to have a chance to try and grab them again"
GAME: Grush rolls 1d20+5: (5)+5: 10
<OOC> Grush says, "You're out of there!"

Krom struggles again, and with all the distraction that aren't focused on him, manages to break free, stumbling away and trying not to get in Serraphine's way.

"Krom blinks hard as the words sink in, and grabs on to Serraphine.

Serraphine slashes at the spider-monkey to keep it back since Grush is clinging to me like a baby monkey!

<OOC> Serraphine says, "err Krom"
<OOC> Serraphine says, "Not Grush. Grush is probably clinging to Sandy! >_> :3"
<OOC> Grush says, "I won't stand for this FAKE NEWS, nothing but lies and slander >_____<"
GAME: Grush removes the timestop.

The primate tries to grab Krom back as he and Serraphine are hauled up out of the pit, its screeches becoming more panicked as they slip out of its grasp. Now that it's exposed you can see it better. Its head is that of a monkey, its torso about the size of a persons, with 8 long, wiry arms, 4 on each side of the body. And the long, stinger tipped tail. It curls up on its back and whimpers pathetically, looking up at you submissively

Krom has a net, rope, and a little misplaced vengeance. He'll be going bird hunting in a little bit.

The offending bird had been watching over the whole incident, apparently quite amused. As Krom is dragged out of the hole however it seems to decide that now is the time to make itself scare. With one last derisive CAW, it flies up into the canopy and out of sight

Tirr stares at the monkey and tilts her head curiously... "Ummm think mebbe it's well scared now that it's lost its thingie it was clinging to?" She then ummms "Ya think we could take this thingie back to the goblin and maybe like call this whole silly mess over?"

Serraphine picks up a nearby stick and flings it after the bat-bird.

Krom nods, and blinks hard again. "Be careful of tail. Stinger is bad. Krom will watch for bat-birds."

Sorscha has her bow drawn back. "lets wrap this thing up and take it to the goblin. I mean...it tried to kill us. Why now."

Tirr blinks and stares at the creature curiously "It's like it's in a submissive state, what if we simply let it have a rope bring it up and wrap it, and its tail in a cloak?" she asks curiously, tilting her head... "That should be the easiest right?

"We need to get it tangled first." Serraphine says as she unties herself and heads back toward the supplies. She grabs a couple nets and starts to tie ropes to them along all four sides so that they can wrap about the creature as they start trying to pull it out.

"So first we throw nets, then we pull it up, then we toss the cloak about the tail." Serraphine nods her head and tosses one of the completed nets to Krom.

Sorscha is keeping her bow and arrow trained on it. If it moves....it becomes more of a pin cushion.....

Krom stands well back. His wounds aren't deep, but they are numerous. "Krom will see eye out for bat-bird.... and try not to puke."

The creature seems to be intelligent enough to understand the situation it's in and slowly curls up into a ball, wrapping its arms around itself defesivly

Serraphine looks down at the creature, holding one of the nets with the ropes attached. She looks down into the hole at the creature balling up further, then frowns deeply. "Nope. I'm not doing it." She turns and starts to walk back toward the cart.

Tirr peers at the monkey curiously and umms "Hey, Ape thing... can you understand us?" She asks curiously, looking at the creature... "If you can, can you nod or something?"

Krom sighs, and stretches carefully. "Krom doubt can talk. Suffer, yes, language, no. like clever dog, maybe. Krom rather take with, promote long term knowledge and understanding over short term sympathy. Current injuries suggest likely to come to painful demise if not treated by outside forces. Which is to say, we can take it with us, or leave it to suffer."

The primate slaps its chest and hoots weakly, holding up its hands in a submissive, supplicating gesture

"It understand enough that it should have the chance to die free." Serraphine says, looking back to them as she picks up the handles of the cart and starts to walk it back the way that hey came from. She's not going to be party to this if they decide to take it.

Tirr stares "What about we pull it out of there and see if we can't treat the injuries.. Amma thinking it was doing what it did because well someone fell into its trap and landed on it..." She says and tilts her head to the left curiously as she stares at the thing still....

Krom says, "For record, Krom thinks 'it' is female, but as yet cannot confirm that suspicion."Krom ehs. "Krom is fairly sure it was trying to kill and eat Krom. Admittedly, it did not know just what Krom was, and may have chosen differently. We are in agreement to pull out. What happens then can be argued based off results."

The creature shrieks in terror as you hoist it out of the pit, clearly expecting to be killed and eaten. It rolls onto its back and goes limp, possibly trying to trick you into thinking it's already dead

"Sorscha takes a deep breath, puts away her bow.....and places a hand on one of the legs of the

spider monkey. uttering a prayer to althea, her hands begin to glow and the monkey's wounds begin to heal.....

It opens one of its eyes and look at you in confusion, both of its eyes going wide as the healing magic works on its wounds. It breaks out into excited hoots, slapping the ground excitedly with it's many hands. It remains prone though, baring its teeth in a large smile

Krom hopes to take the spider thing with them. A study of that vemon would prove a boon to future explorations. He also keeps an eye out for treacherous bat-birds. But mostly he confirms something he's been wondering. Not a topic that usually comes up, nor one he normall has to wonder about, but in this place, might matter. Wandering a short distance away, the northman takes off his clothing, stripping down to his loin cloth, and throws back his head, rumbling loud and long. Somewhere between singing and shouting.

Upon seeing that you seem to mean it no more harm, the creature rolls over and lifts itself up on four of its arms, bobbing and hooting at Sorscha it sort of bows a few times before scurrying over to the trees and disappearing up into them, climbing incredibly rapidly

Sorscha looks up to the monkey and chuckles. "Welp...it got away. Shame we couldn't get it's poison, so we could make an antidote...."

page Krom
The sky is strange. It reaches back to you tenderly, but it feels alien. It's not your sky, but it welcomes you, it almost feels lonely

The traps you set up back at the forest edge have all been sprung and one of them contains a large, furry rodent like creature. It has large, powerful back legs and a long, rat-like tail. it's back is covered in bony plates, similar to that of an armadillo. Its fur is dark black and it was a splash of red on its underbelly. It is thrashing helplessly in the snare.

Krom listens intently as thunder rolls from beyond the horizon, and a chill wind sweeps the clearing. Frowning mildly, the northman dresses again, and rejoins the others. "Krom is not certain, but thinks this is not Ea. The Sky does not know Krom, though it welcomes him. Krom think if waited for stars, it would not be stars Krom has seen before."

Sorscha tilts her head as she spies the creature. "Mmmm...do we want to take this one back? or is it intelligent too?"

<OOC> Grush says, "So Krom, do you feel like naming the Monkey? You were the one to 'discover' it :D"
GAME: Sorscha rolls dexterity: (9)+2: 11

Krom shrugs. "Krom wanted to take monkey. Has no object to this one."

Krom jots in his sketches that he's started called the monkey-spider SpiShaKey. Spider-Shawsha-Monkey, named after a clingy ex-girlfriend.

The little rodent is not very cooperative, thrashing around and managing to bite Sorscha quite hard with its sharp little fangs. It doesn't hurt too much, but as she's getting it into a cage she starts to feel a migraine coming on, a few seconds later she's lost vision and is having trouble breathing. Luckily Stownz packed you some anti-venom and after treatment the swelling goes down and she can see again

<OOC> Grush says, "Sorscha, you get naming rights on the thing that almost killed you! <3 You all were fantastic, thankyou so much for letting me run this session"
<OOC> Grush says, "If any of you have anything you'd like to be submitted as part of Stownzs notes and such on discovered creatures, just page them to me at some point :)"