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An'thirya is currently in simple white clothes as she kneels before the statue of Althea with closed eyes and folded hands. Some might see that her pigmentation is running on her face, revealing purple-black skin beneath the lighter tone more commonly associated with llyranesi. Tears are certainly present there, despite this she's getting strange looks occasionally from people who notice the combination of red eyes and dark skin. Mul'niessa aren't commonly looked upon kindly, after all.

  • THUNK*....*THUNK*.....The sound of someone carrying a staff is fairly audible as someone enters the temple. The Temple is usually quiet but the one coming in can certainly hear some of the murmurs coming from the corridors beyond. A deep gravelly voice can be heard.....one that would make anyone shudder just from hearing it, begins to speak up, but is shushed by a second.

it takes a few more moment for a figure stands near the kneeling figure at the statues. "I would ask if everything is all right, but it seems it is not. Perhaps you would like to talk about it?"

"...If you haven't come to condemn me then I will simply speak of it plainly." An'thirya says as she slowly stands up. "My family was raised in the way of reverance and obeisance to Taara. I have seen much blood shed in her name, and much suffering done for her whims. I wish to cleanse myself of these things, if at all possible. Yet forgiveness... I question if those some may call damned would be able to find it." she observes, "Perhaps they speak rightly so. We contracted for great power, and great power we received. It was not a swindling, it was not a theft. Yet perhaps... It was a mistake."

"Your point has validity, Mul'niessa, but there are those in Alexandros that feel that actions speak louder than words. Myself included. You are not the first, nor willyou be the last Mul'niessa seeking redemption from their past actions." He then takes a breath. "You are here.....and have actively begun attempting to redeem yourself, starting with Althea."

Then that gravelly voice echoes forth again. "Would you feel better if I said it instead? Few would believe you."

"Correct." An'thirya says, "...And it would be helpful if someone could vouch for me." she explains. I've been wanting to find at least some peace with the gods-those of a more benevolent inclination that is, by spending time at their temples. There's no sense in pretending my problems don't exist. Not much sense in being controlled by them either though, this vigil won't last the rest of my life after all."

"I fear I am in no position to vouch for you. Mostly because I have no idea what your name is, let alone what you can do, how you got here, or what your history is. It's the reason why I said your actions should speak louder than your words. What IS your name anyways?" Thankfully, he's still calm.

"They probably exiled you because you wouldn't work with them and do taara's bidding. You do not need them." he then waves it away. "I am Raethon of House Arcanum in Silvermoon City. And I believe most of us are mercenaries, even when we do what must be done." he then shrugs. "Do not let the people around you close you up to inaction, do what you feel is right as you will. Eventually, they will stop saying negative things...."

"That's close enough for the truth for them to believe it. Even then, they'd believe anything... It's hard for me to believe it even now, to a degree. Changing your view of the world in its entirey. Some content themselves with being spat upon, believing that they have Taara's disfavor. Perhaps they do, but then we're all tools to her so it doesn't truly matter in the end. None of us have her love, I think only she has her love."

Raethon says, "And so, you must choose, and thus you have....Taara's Disfavor and trying to win it back, knowing you're only a tool, or take the long road of Atonement." He then chuckles a bit. "But, believe it or not, Alexandros isn't the type of grounds you think it to be. There are many Mul'niessa Paladins in the city. And I know of one Mul'niessa Paladin....of ELuna."

"Well that is honestly a surprise." An'thirya says, "Taara is no friend to me. She... Her clergy..." she notes, tears coming to her eyes again as she clenches her fists and she trembles. "...I don't even want her name remembered if at all possible, let alone for her to hold power as she does over so many."

"You're not the only one who fights against her." Rae says with a chuckle....and he even puts his hand on An's shoulder. "If you truly seek acceptance, however....." And he runs his thumb over An's cheek, where the tears are. "Take off the make-up and show everyone what you truly are. Show them you are on the path to redemption and do not hide what you are. for the ones that are up to something bad, tend to disguise themselves...."

"...Fine." An'thirya says, withdrawing a small cloth dirtied with blood and mud. Flipping it over to the clean side, she rubs it on her face as the makeup comes off, though small flecks of it can still be seen as she turns it to rub on her hands. "The hair dye will take time to grow out again, but beyond that..." she notes. "Or I could run some sort of other chemical through it to remove the color." and sighs. "I'm still worried. Unsure in some ways. Sure about my hatred for Taara, unsure about the world being different from what I was always taught, but I was taught that Taara was the best thing in the world so I'm willing to at least /try/ this side of the world."

"Taara lies, as you've found out, and let your hair grow out. Let it represent you growing apart from Taara, and when you feel you're far enough away from her....cut it off." Rae chuckles a bit. "Did I surprise you that I accepted you so easily?"

"...Perhaps." An'thirya says, "And yes, I actually was. Do you know another Mul'niessa who has turned their backs on the doctrine handed down?" she asks, "I know there are those who operate in societies like that, fighting unreasonable control. I don't know how common that is, though..." she observes.

Raethon says, "I know of one, at least. She's an Inquisitor of Vardama and she actively hunts undead. Though, I would be careful, the last Mul'niessa she came across, she had a pistolto her face before anyone could react."

"Well she'll have to deal with it." An'thirya says, "If she doesn't like what I am more than she likes who I am, then she's got that to work out."

Raethon nodnods. "remember that then." he then chuckles. "Anyways... Come on. you need something to eat."