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Latest revision as of 05:15, 3 October 2016

Log Info

  • Title: The Door Beneath
  • Emitter: Zahara
  • Characters: Aria (Art 4), Sasha (Clr 4), Striglegoff (Drd 2/Wit1)
  • Place: Near the Engineer's Enclave (Plot Room 1)
  • Time: Oct 2, 2016
  • Summary: The adventurers are hired to find a missing Guild contractor - leading to the discovery of an ancient Kulthian tomb.
  • APL: 4
  • Encounter 1: 2 level 4 fighters, 1 level 4 artificier
  • Encounter 2: 2 guardian golems (skill challenge passed by Aria with craft/artifice 36 to understand how to defeat them)
  A messenger arrives at each of the taverns that you likely live in a rented room above. With all those out of the city for the Dran-Rune conflict, it seems that the Explorer's Guild has to get a little more proactive. And this one seems a little bit odd. It seems that a Guild agent had taken a small job inside the city, but has missed her check-in. A young member of an Adventurer's Troop of the Artificier's Enclave had mentioned that a person matching the description of the Guild agent in question being carried, unconscious, into the back room of an estate in Alexandros not far from the Engineer's Enclave headquarters. It seems that the estate is listed as the property of the reclusive artificier Mazawg - who has not make any public appearances in quite a while.
  Should Aria try to knock on her friend Zahara's door before responding to the Explorer's Guild request, however - there is no response.
  In any case, any further questions should be directed to Journeyman Xandros at the Explorer's Guild proper. Payment will be offered when the missing Guild contractor, who goes by Zahara, is presented.
  Striglegoff had not gotten far since arriving in the city, before work found its way onto his plate. Literally. Middle of a meal, and they drop the letter. Coin is coin though. The fur covered Gobber makes his way to the explorer's to inquire more on the mission.

Sasha is already at the guild to inquire more about this little job. Strange thing is, she only carries a staff. She stands and waits for others, nodding to Striglegoff.

       Someone's already there on the same mission, apparently more than a little eager to have her services engaged in this task. At the Adventurer's Guild counter is a young woman whose insignia marks her as a member of another organization, a badge of the Engineer's Enclave pinned to her sleeve. Maybe that's not a surprise, given her copper skin and clockwork joints. She's a golem; artifice is in her "blood."
       Aria's tone is soft and neutral, mostly, as she tries to stay polite, but there's a clear undercurrent of frustration as she talks with one of the clerks there, apparently trying to get a little more information than the message offered. The only response she manages to get out of the person is to wait for everyone else to arrive and have her questions answered at the briefing proper.
  Journeyman Xandros, as he approaches, is a man in his forties, still hard but growing in bulk as the years pass by. He directs the three of you to a booth as he leans in and takes a seat. "All right," he says. "There'll be standard compensation for the three of you - ever since we got this information in from those kids, we're concerned about possible foul play. And I don't know if you all know, but with the wars going on, we can't afford to be losing folks, not even some-time contractors," he says.
  "So, anyway. The only lead that we have is the eyewitness information. But remember. That's private property, and you'll need a really really solid reason to get the authorities to bang on the door of a big estate," he says. "Now, the official parameters of this job only, is that we are paying for the presentation of our associate. The Guild bears no responsibility for extralegal methods that its contractors rely on."

       The gray skinned Gobber hops into the booth seat, though it is more of a climb as he is half the height of any of the others. But once seated he spreads and lounges as if he was the largest person there. A hand plays absently with his bushy black chest hair that pops out of his jerkin. "Dis extrylegals ain't youse concern, right?" He gives the old Journeyman a wink. "Not to worry youse po' puddin offa. Wots da info from da kids?"
       Aria sits, her voice quiet as she addresses the guild operative. "Is there any reason you know of that she would be in the area? Is there any /other/ active guild mission which involves that place or the nearby area? Or even one in the recent past?" she asks. "And has this Mazawg ever been on the guild's radar before?" 
 "No other active guild mission that has anything to do with it. It was a simple job - in fact, it was completed, a caravan guarding gig," replies the Journeyman. "The client was happy with the work. But it seems that the agent in question never stopped by to collect payment," he says. "I've also already told you all of the information we were able to get from the Adventure Troop - they saw an unconscious person who matches the description of the missing factor being bundled into the rear entrance of Mazawg's estate," he says. "It's a relatively wealthy area - a number of artificiers and wizards have properties and even a tower or two there - crammed in as it all it," he says. "Step lightly, and don't annoy the authorities there. It's a wealthy area." He shakes his head at Aria. "No, nothing. He's occasionally commissioned the Guild to hunt artifacts, but the last time was twenty years ago."
 Sasha says, "wealthy area, and money talks.""
 "Da nabbers da wench," Striglegoff says with a harrumph. "Well, iffen dats all weese gotta know, tis good fo I." His head turns, causing the bell on his hat to ring lightly. "Gots to picks oop I Pura, but ready n' eve'." He pats the bulge of his potbelly with a long fingered hand. "Coin gets I fed. Wot weese do ain't no concern. Lessen youse all as issues?"
 Sasha says, "I don't really see any issues. But then, I'm not a fighter."
   "Alright. Thank you for bringing this to our attention," the golem woman replies to the Journeyman. Nothing shows on her unchanging copper face, and her tone tends toward restraint, but there are notes of feeling in her voice.
       "I'm Aria," she continues, this time finally introducing herself to her colleagues. "I'm an artificer. I work under the auspices of the Engineer's Enclave, though I also do a lot of work as an engineer for the Skyguild. I'm hoping we can work together well on this mission. The person in question is a friend of mine." She looks at Striglegoff. "And yes. Lets be going. There is a stop I need to make first, though, if you don't mind. If you need to go somewhere as well, perhaps we should meet near Mazawg's estate once we've seen to our respective errands?"
  Sasha says, "I am Sasha, Hearthguard of Althea." She says before she starts out..."
       "I'm Aria," she continues, this time finally introducing herself to her colleagues. "I'm an artificer. I work under the auspices of the Engineer's Enclave, though I also do a lot of work as an engineer for the Skyguild. I'm hoping we can work together well on this mission. The person in question is a friend of mine." She looks at Striglegoff. "And yes. Lets be going. There is a stop I need to make first, though, if you don't mind. If you need to go somewhere as well, perhaps we should meet near Mazawg's estate once we've seen to our respective errands?"
       The gobber grabs his snoot and gives it a tug at the war golem and woman. "I ees Bugkrumpa Van Striglegoff, of da Deep Loam Bugkrumpas." He gives a toothy grin of gnarled and yellowed teeth as if that were a thing to be proud of. Hopping out of the booth seat he begins to head out as well. "Joost grab I Pura, n' be good. Meetcha der."

<OOC> Aria says, "I have 5 lvl 1 slots and 2 lvl 2 slots. I have 1 Shield and 1 Magic Vestment prepared for myself, and I'm going to use 2 of my remaining lvl 1 slots to create 2 additional Infused Shield devices. I'm giving 1 Shield each to Striglegoff and Sasha. I'm leaving the others unprepared, in case I want them later. So I have 1 lvl 1 slot and 2 lvl 2 slots unused."

GAME: Aria rolls knowledge/local: (2)+6: 8

  Aria isn't able to really divine anything extra about this Mazawg ahead of time. However, when you arrive at the vicinity, not too far from the Engineer's Enclave proper, it seems like it's actually a rather nondescript type of large villa not uncommon to the area. Mazawg has clearly not done anything major like build a tower or an amazing clockwork contraption. Nope, it's just an estate, with a locked gate out front, in a long row, likely served by an alley in the back - where the kids were no doubt passing by earlier.
       Strigglegoff sits across the street from the manor, waiting for his companions. His seat is a large purplish mushroom that offers just the right amount of cushion for the bottom. His hairy legs hang off the edge and kick back and forth. A long finger is stuck firmly up his left nostril, digging around for loot.
       Aria arrives at the designated meeting point not long after. Her report isn't helpful. "I asked at the guild. As far as they're concerned, he's a model citizen. And I don't know much of anything about him myself. Before we approach, I'm going to take a casual walkabout, looking for any other potential entrances. You can join me, if you wish. More eyes are always helpful. It's good if we have all of our options laid out before we try any one avenue of ingress."
       Walking up to the Meeting point, Sasha really isn't very social outside of the clergy, so she was probably waiting there for a little while. "I wouldn't be of much help. I'm not very sneaky."
   There's a rear entrance into this walled courtyard estate around back, it seems, that deliveries and such are made, and there's also a grander front gate - but the villa is otherwise protected. There are windows on the second floor on the outside wall, but not on the first it seems. There's the occasional foot patrol of the local constabulary as well.
  The front gate does not appear magical to Striglegoff's penetrating gaze.

<OOC> Aria says, "I'm going to prebuff magic vestment on myself right now. That's 4 hours. If anyone else has any hours/lvl spell, I suggest you do the same."

<OOC> Zahara says, "Aria is noted to have Magical Vestment active. Please remind me as to its appropriate effects when it comes into play."

<OOC> Zahara says, "Aria: Knowledge/engineering to determine sewer access."

GAME: Aria rolls knowledge/engineering: (2)+12: 14

<OOC> Striglegoff says, "Nope. Though I will cast mage armor on Pura, my AC."

  Aria is not entirely sure if villas of this level of architecture have sewer systems large enough for a person to traverse, or more limited narrow-pipe access.

GAME: Striglegoff casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 1 DC: 14

  In this residential area, there's a light general bit of foot traffic going by on the main road, the old villa fronting that with its main gate. There are a number of pathways back between some of the houses to a less public road behind. There is a smaller service gate, likely used for deliveries of food and such, though it looks less used now. There are light shrubs around the base of the stucco walls, leaving well over ten feet between the tops of them and the edge of the second-story tile roof.
  It seems likely that the kids who had given information had likely seen the activity from the end of that rear alley, on the main road perpendicular to the one the house is on, at the end of the block.
  There's a nearby commercial district a couple blocks away - lots of street food and personal services available. It's likely where those who serve these estates might get meals out, do their laundry, find some drinks, and mingle. It'd be quite easy to find someone to rent a ramshackle cart from for a nominal fee, a gold or so. 
       Aria wanders off to fetch the cart, returning a minute later. She spends a few minutes preparing the relevant devices and doling them out to her party members.
Sasha, tugging the cart her way up towards the path. She doesn't need a disguise since she IS an Althean. She knocks on the door somewhat loudly once there. "Alms and clothes for the poor?" Sasha says softly.
There is no immediate response. A quick glance at the gate reveals that the clunky bolt can be reached from the outside.
       Aria is flanking Sasha off to the side. It takes slightly more potent magic for the construct woman to disguise herself, but at least for now, she looks and feels like a human Althean priestess. "Too late to stop now. Lets keep going."
Already the situation seems a little odd. Such estates usually have a staff that would have responded by now.
Sasha shakes her head....and tugs on the bolt, swings the door open and walks up to the house.
       Striglegoff follows, disguise in place making the once proud gobber appear as a mangy Althean Halfling. Not far behind him the mushroom he had been sitting on seems to be trailing the group. Hopping along when not being watched. "What is eet?" Strigle asks when Sasha shakes her head.
       Striglegoff follows, disguise in place making the once proud gobber appear as a mangy Althean Halfling. Not far behind him the mushroom he had been sitting on seems to be trailing the group. Hopping along when not being watched. "What is eet?" Strigle asks when Sasha shakes her head.
Sasha says, "We're going up to knock on the door. Plus I could reach the bolt.""
       "I'm hoping this isn't what I'm fearing it is," Aria says in an almost whisper. Does she know something about this mission that you don't? "For now, continue with our ruse. But be careful."
  When you enter into the courtyard of the villa, it seems to have been long abandoned, except for what's a very makeshift camp that's been set up, with a fireplace, in what is now a long overgrown garden. It doesn't seem like there's been much maintenance for 20 years, aside from the immediate area around the camp. Three bedrolls are lying there. They seem relatively new. There's the other accoutremants of a recent camp. As well as a number of short, knotted lengths of rope, that seem to have been cut once.
 A door at the back of the courtyard sort of flaps open, in the breeze, then knocks closed.
 A glance past it reveals that there's a simple entrance, likely that leads to the staff quarters of the estate - the other side likely leads to the estate's bedroom and study and other more private facilities for the owner.
       Striglegoff looks about him, his eyes narrowing at the odd scene. Tapping a finger to his temple he mumbles the words to aid him in the detection of magic.

GAME: Aria rolls perception: (15)+0: 15 GAME: Striglegoff rolls perception: (19)+10: 29 GAME: Striglegoff rolls companionskill Perception: (18)+companionskill Perception: 18

 Striglegoff and Sasha can hear voices as they approach the door, the sounds of their approach no doubt muffled by the sound of that flapping door. "And now the wench should certainly have the door open. The lord...well, we shall see to him then," a raspy voice can be heard saying, to a the sounds of generally agreeing grunts. "All right, boss. I was hoping to check out some of these books. Might be something interesting." There are more sounds of agreement, and then apparently the sounds of a library being ransacked.
       Sasha signals for Striglehoff to take the lead and Aria to go with him. Sasha's not a combat cleric at all. She's the one who hangs back.
   Striglegoff reaches a hand out to Aria to get her to stop moving. A finger is held up to his horribly ugly halfling lips, and then he taps his wretched little round ear to let her know to listen. He looks back and waves a hand at what seems to be that same darned mushroom again. The lumpy purple plant hops quietly forward. He motions inward and the mushroom actually nods before scooting in, slow and steady.

<OOC> Striglegoff says, "Stealth first." GAME: Striglegoff rolls 1d20+11: (20)+11: 31 <OOC> Striglegoff says, "And then perception"

 The scouting critter is able to see three figures, two of them apparently wearing brigandines and bearing swords, the third wearing a cloak, who do not notice the approach of the critter.

GAME: Striglegoff rolls 1d20+5: (19)+5: 24

 They seem to be rather busy tearing through the bookcases - perhaps as if they expected to find something from the proper owner of the place. The room that they are in seems to be a large study with a grand desk. In the corner appears to be an opened trap door, with a ladder leading down, as well. The men seem slightly wary of the trap door, almost as if they are planning to go down int, but are now checking through the books almost as a means of delaying their descent.
       "It seems the need for subterfuge has evaporated. Whoever these man are, they're clearly criminals. I don't normally espouse such crude plans," Aria whispers. "But maybe we should just rush them? It sounds like they have her performing some task. Whatever they're doing with her, we don't want to wait until she outlives her usefulness to these barbarians."

<OOC> Zahara says, "There are no natural 20s on perception rolls, and the stealth of your critter is beyond the ability of them to detect unmodified"

<OOC> Aria says, "I'm going to precast Shield right before we go in." <OOC> Zahara says, "OK, noted." <OOC> Zahara says, "What are each of your adjusted ACs, assuming you are precasting Shield?" <OOC> Zahara says, "Because everyone is, right?"

       Pura returns not too long after and bumps its mushy cap into Strigglegoff three times. The gobber looks to his companions, motions three and points around the corner in the direction they are at. He then pulls out the device he was given to cast his own shield.

GAME: Striglegoff casts Magic Fang. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14

 Aria withdraws a smooth sphere of copper and glass. These things aren't particularly hard to use. There's only a single red button on its surface, which she depresses. The clockwork gears within start to whir as a blue light grows, and then a shield of force materializes in front of her. "Be ready."

<OOC> Aria says, "Shield is +4 AC, assuming you're not using a mundane shield already." <OOC> Aria says, "Aria is at 23 AC atm." <OOC> Zahara says, "Init as soon as you step through the door and around the corner into view of the study." <OOC> Striglegoff says, "Mine is 17, and Pura would be a 23 since he has my mage armor."

GAME: You roll initiative for Swordsman1: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 15 GAME: You roll initiative for Swordsman2: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 16 GAME: You roll initiative for Cloak: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 21 GAME: Sasha rolls initiative: 8 + 2 = 10 GAME: Aria rolls initiative: 15 + 3 = 18 GAME: Striglegoff rolls initiative: 15 + 2 = 17

===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
    21   Cloak               
    18   Aria             1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    17   Striglegoff      3  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    16   Swordsman2          
    15   Swordsman1          
    10   Sasha            1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
  The cloaked man seems to be the quickest to react to the sense of the impending battle, reaching for the apparent contraption that rests upon the desk, which had been out of view of the little mushroom viewing from below. It appears to be a death ray, almost certainly. But he's a little slowed, readying it to fire as he'd had to first cross over from the book case to get it. "Who are you? Doesn't matter, you'll be the first new slaves of the Lord!"
       Aria's weapon is already drawn by the time she breaches the room, though like Sasha, it's not quite the usual implement of war which she carries. The parasol she carries on a lanyard around her wrist seems to be her chosen weapon. She twists the handle sharply, a click heard as it slowly unfurls. She pulls back a tab on the tube, and the canopy begins to rotate, its ribs glowing a bright blue.
       The parasol has already spun up to an electric blue blur when she enters, and this time, she seems to have no words. Clearly, her priority is the other artificer. She levels her parasol him, the temperature dropping as frost coalesces around the metal point, firing in a ray of cold energy a moment later.

GAME: Aria activates her Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Dex GAME: Aria rolls ranged+1: (11)+8+1: 20 GAME: Aria rolls 2d6+6: (8)+6: 14

<OOC> Aria says, "Just have her continue firing. First until the artificer drops and then at the swordsmen. It's 1d20+9 for that. Damage is 2d6+6 with a DC 17 fort against Stagger on each shot. AC is 23. 14 touch AC."

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+3: (4)+3: 7 <OOC> Zahara says, "Cloak is staggered."

<OOC> Striglegoff says, "Got them death rays son."

<OOC> Striglegoff says, "Cast Produce Flame. Free action to tell Pura to Defend me. Move to enter room with spear at the ready. I want to stay at least 15 to 20 ft back from the nearest guy. Is there enough room for that?"

       Strigglegoff cackles as things have begun. Still disguised as a nasty little hobbitses, he holds up a hand and calls to the World Mushroom. A ball of sickly green flame bursts into existence in his palm. He motions with his head to Pura, and the two of them enter the room. The flame remains in hand, but doesn't seem to cause any damage to the longspear as he holds it, just burning and crackling at the air.
  GAME: Striglegoff casts Produce Flame. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14
  Striglegoff enters and a flame flares on his spear, and though he attempts to position himself, one swordsman draws his sword and advances upon him, while the other advances upon Aria. However, the ranged attack of the golem and the clever positioning of Strig mean that they aren't able to launch assaults quite yet.

GAME: Striglegoff rolls melee+2: (1)+3+2: 6

  The attack of opportunity 

GAME: Sasha casts Bless. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14 <OOC> Zahara says, "Ah, +1 to attack to all allies and +1 vs fear"

       Sasha, seeing all hell break loose, stamps her staff on the ground. "Let Althea guide your hands." She then smirks. "When Althea joins the fight......momma bear."
 The man with the death ray, who's indeed staggered, turns his weapon on Aria. He can't really move much and do so, and he looks a bit shaky, but he casts his 'beam' upon her and attemps to blast!

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+8: (10)+8: 18

GAME: Zahara rolls 2d6+4: (6)+4: 10

 It strikes and carves a painful streak of bright copper from Aria's shoulder piece.

GAME: Aria rolls 1d20+9: (15)+9: 24

GAME: Aria rolls 2d6+6: (7)+6: 13

 Aria's deadly death ray, on its second shot, manages to bowl over the cloaked man, whatever plan he had imagined for himself in tatters as he meets his just end. 
 This only seems to enrage the two swordsmen, ready to close the distance after she'd stepped back to take her shot.

GAME: Striglegoff rolls acrobatics: (6)+5: 11

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+8: (9)+8: 17

<OOC> Zahara says, "That's vs Strig, AOO"

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d8+6: (5)+6: 11

GAME: Striglegoff rolls ranged+1: (6)+4+1: 11

GAME: Striglegoff rolls 1d6+2: (5)+2: 7

       Striglegoff opens his mouth wide and lets his tongue lull out in mockery, flailing about unsuccesfully with his spear. His short little legs roll him backwards away from his opponent, though it would seem to little avail. He lifts a hand off his spear and the green flame is thrown at the swordsman like a ball of hate and discontent. Grabbing the spear again he prepares for the next round.

GAME: Striglegoff rolls melee+2: (17)+3+2: 22

GAME: Striglegoff rolls 1d6+1: (6)+1: 7

The second flaming attack of that spear and its fire manage to gravely wound the incoming attacker, but he grits his teeth and presses on. His sword flashes once, accurately, as Striglegoff attempts to dance away, and then again, cruelly, licking towards the goblin as his leg is impaled by the flaming weapon.

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+8: (19)+8: 27

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+8: (8)+8: 16

<OOC> Zahara says, "Crit threat, failed to confirm"

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d8+6: (4)+6: 10

GAME: You damaged Striglegoff for 10 points. 0 remaining. (DISABLED)

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+8: (15)+8: 23

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d8+6: (8)+6: 14

GAME: You damaged Aria for 14 points. 4 remaining.

<OOC> Sasha positive channels. "Meaning my channeling heals allies, and possibily enemies if I don't have Selective channeling.

GAME: Sasha rolls 2d6: (11): 11

GAME: You damaged Aria for -11 points. 15 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Striglegoff for -11 points. 11 remaining.

GAME: Aria rolls 1d20+9: (4)+9: 13

GAME: Aria rolls 2d6+6: (7)+6: 13

Aria takes another step back, her chassis healing visibly in response to the positive healing spell, her death ray blasting the man who had just cruelly felled Striglegoff, leaving the remaining swordsman five feet away from her. He falls to the ground, dead, near the arcanist.

===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 3 =====================
    18   Aria             1  Titan Armor (4 rnds active)                  
 >> 17   Striglegoff      3   <<
    15   Swordsman1       1  
    10   Sasha            1  

GAME: Striglegoff rolls ranged+1: (19)+4+1: 24 GAME: Striglegoff rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8 GAME: Striglegoff rolls 1d20+8: (5)+8: 13 <OOC> Striglegoff says, "That is Pura." <OOC> Striglegoff says, "It is a bite." <OOC> Zahara says, "It is a miss."

   Strigglegoff's eyes roll up into the back of his head, and his disguise falls away. A moment later a wave of healing energy passes over him and his beady black eyes pop open again. Simply standing he lets out a yell as he throws his last flame at the last swordsman. "Dem blighter!" Pura, thoroughly peeved at the lumps his master had taken, hops towards the swordsman, teeth under its cap revealed.

GAME: Zahara advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 15.
     It is now Swordsman1's turn! Sasha is next!

GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+8: (11)+8: 19

The swordsman realizes that his situation is getting a little more desperate now. He aims an attack against Aria, but his attack fails to connect with the war golem.

<OOC> Zahara says, "Sasha, it's your turn." <OOC> Sasha says, "Channel again." <OOC> Sasha says, "hitting both Aria and Strig." GAME: Sasha rolls 2d6: (4): 4

       Sasha's staff stamps the ground again. "I am sorry, sir, but since you have hurt him....I cannot give you healing. Perhaps you should surrender......It'll be less painful for you."

GAME: Aria rolls 1d20+9: (3)+9: 12

GAME: Aria rolls 2d6+2: (4)+2: 6

Stepping back again, Aria favors the remaining swordsman with the baleful gaze of her cruel death ray.

GAME: Striglegoff casts Ray of Enfeeblement. Caster Level: 1 DC: 14 GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+5: (2)+5: 7 GAME: Striglegoff rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28 GAME: Striglegoff rolls 1d20+8: (6)+8: 14 GAME: Striglegoff rolls 1d6+1: (5)+1: 6 <OOC> Zahara says, "He failed it." GAME: Striglegoff rolls ranged+1: (9)+4+1: 14 GAME: Zahara rolls 1d20+8: (16)+8: 24 GAME: Zahara rolls 1d8+5: (1)+5: 6 GAME: Sasha rolls 2d6: (9): 9

GAME: Aria rolls ranged+1: (18)+8+1: 27 GAME: Aria rolls 2d6+6: (7)+6: 13

    The last of the men is felled by Aria's death ray, which had been the one to claim the two others. None of the three are moving now. The trap door in the corner invites.
     The flames have died out in Strigglegoff's hands. "Wither," he cants, and lets a beam of green strike the man, sapping his strength. Pura continues to gnaw on the swordsman until Aria's weapon calls him to his maker.
    "You have a lively mushroom there, Strig." Sasha says as she sends out a pulse of energy again....then walks over to Aria to heal her the rest of the way. "Do we want to see if anyone's down there? or seal it?"
    "That was something," Aria says grimly. She steps over, her weapon still charged, kicking the weapons away from the now fallen men. "Before we continue, can any of them be saved? We could use the information, and we might need someone who can corroborate our story to the Watch. I doubt they'll be in the mood to fight near death, with a weapon pointed at them."
    None of the enemies had bled out rapidly or had a limb severed. It would be a triviality for Sasha to stem their bleeding and make them indeed deliverable to the Watch for interrogation.
    Strigglegoff makes a deep noise in his throat, gargling and hacking. He spits at the one of the bodies. "Ain't got spells fo' dat," he admits. He glances at Pura, who is attempting to swallow one of the swordman's legs whole. "Pura dem excited 'bout food. Fresh meat hard te get." His gaze turns to the trapdoor, and he shakes his head. "What iffen youse friend down der?"

<OOC> Zahara says, "Aria and Sasha are taking 10s on Heals to stabilize defeated enemies and secure them for future transport to the Watch."

       "These are men, not beasts. I don't consider them feed for companions, even if they are criminals and cutthroats," Aria states flatly. "That said, thank you both for helping me find my friend." She moves over to the hatch, prying it open, having seen that Sasha is moving to stabilize their former foes.

       Sasha, despite all of the attacks against them, still walks over and touches each of their chests.....using a blessing to stave off death, saying it isn't their time. "I would ask that you take away their weapons though. That way they are not inclined to attack us again."
 Strigglegoff raises an eyebrow high at Aria, but finally just gives a shrug. Walking over to to Pura, he sets his spear down and then starts slapping the top of the mushroom with both hands. With a few retching noises, the Mushroom lets go of the leg. He picks up his own weapon, and kicks away the weapons of the criminals. "'Ever youse want marm," he says before spitting on the criminal again. "Lets go help youse friend," he says turning to the hole.     
       Down the hatch, there is what was probably the old artificier's panic room. There's a mummified corpse of a small gnome, long dead - it seems, perhaps, his creations of artifice kept his household affairs running enough to evade the authorities. Much fresher is the hole in the side wall, clearly what had been part of what had interested the three above.
  Heading down the tunnel, finally, you enter a large room - with a door, very familiar to Aria. The door, however, is ajar. And there is the sight of two ancient constructs, once powerful but now apparently very decrepit, moving slowly and threateningly towards the three of you as you approach.

GAME: Aria rolls craft/artifice+2: (20)+14+2: 36

    <OOC> Zahara says, "They're more slowed than they are about to fall apart. However, you know that these are rather guard constructs, incapable of independent though, and not impossible to fool. The Kulthians didn't necessarily like their lower ranking constructs to think."
       Aria stops, thinking carefully for the few moments she has. If the risk of technomagical death rattled her that much, she probably wouldn't have picked her line of work. "I am Legate Aria," she begins, though the others might not understand her words. She's speaking in Kulthian. "I was appointed to replace Legate Nezarus yesterday, but my seal of identification hasn't arrived yet. I have come to retrieve someone summoned by the device in operation here. She is needed to complete another of our plans. You will stand aside."
   The constructs step back. "BY YOUR COMMAND, LEGATE." They don't seem to editorialize any further, but instead, bring their fearsome spears to vertical salutes, flanking the ajar door.
  Inside, it is a rather austere, military-flavored version of Kulthian architecture and decor. But there's little in here, aside from an unconscious brunette woman in far too flashy clothes. And, of course, a stone sarcophagus.