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Latest revision as of 02:43, 11 April 2016

Log Info

  • Title: Ghoul in Wolf's Clothing
  • Emitter: Ansrir
  • Characters: Mandor Level 2, Zyla Level 5, Albain Level 4, Arisha Level 4, Jokul Level 4
  • Place: Alexandros Random Farming Town
  • Time: April 7, 2016
  • Summary: A child discovered gnawed by wolves, adventures hired to find out what happened.
  • APL: 4
  • Encounter 1: 1 Ghoul Dire Wolf, CR 6

Word gets around to you that there is a new face in town looking for assistance. He comes from one of the nearby towns, looking for aide in solving a problem that is plaguing their town. It started with a few late night stories of something looming in the distance at night, what looked like some glowing lights hovering in the distance, looming over their small town. At first, it was dismissed as the tales of drunks, but then last night one of their town was found dead and they could find no reason as to why that should have happened.

Ever the tracker, Arisha would probably find the guy first. She's good when it comes to tracking down people. So it shouldn't too surprising to find Arisha talking to the man before everyone else. "Did you happen to see it yourself?"

Mandor is something of an explorer of the world and all its oddities. He is also fairly quiet most of the time, and today is no exception. He quietly listens as the man speaks his trouble, and some of Mandor's attention is also spent observing the others here to join in the task at hand.

Zyla cocks her head and is the muscle, so when she heard word she did come to offer her assistance, "Lights?" she looks at some of the others and then back, "I don't know what to take of that." she shrugs a bt, "Well I am here to help, just tell me where to go." she smiles, the Brotherhood of War, her order, are pretty much mercenaries.

Members of the Adventurer's Guild come in all shapes, sizes, and motivations. In the case of Albain, they come in the form of a Rosalian man with an obvious thrillseeking streak. The fact that they were off to help out a town to... well... help it, didn't really come up in his commentary. Instead he mentioned it was a chance to see a town he hadn't visited yet, and solve a mystery with a hint of danger, all with a hint of excitement in his eye. While he lets Arisha begin the questioning, he's close and obviously eager to hear the answers.

The man shakes his head about having seen it and sighs. "It took one of the children who had apparently snuck out of their room to go play," he says and frowns. "No one saw what did it to poor Tomas besides Tomas, and he isn't speaking anymore."

Arisha nods quietly. "Where's the body?" She says pointedly. "Or have you recovered it, yet?"

Zyla blinks, "A child?" that makes it different, "I say we finish talking on the way if children are in danger." she shakes her head, that riles her up good.

As far as mercenaries go, Jokul fits the bill too. So when it comes down to it, he came more or less because a call for hire was made. Initially, he's off to the side, since others have taken over talking, just watching the surroundings with his massive sword stabbed into the ground to act as a makeshift leaning post. He does mutter, however, "I suppose we'll be working at night mostly, then. Hunting nocturnals."

"It was recovered and buried in the cemetary," the man, known as Mikal, offers. "We wanted to make sure he was able to join the Gods and leave this horrible situation behind him," he replies and then nods his head.

Arisha makes a face behind her half face mask. "That'll make things a little more difficult to figure out what killed him. You said two glowing lights in the distance, right?"

<OOC> Arisha says, "can I make a knowledge religion check?"

"What wounds did his body exhibit, if I may ask?" Albain asks, finally speaking up as he steps forward a tad. The fact a child died doesn't seem to have diminished his mood, though at least he's not outright smiling.

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Go ahead"

<OOC> Arisha assumes undead.....hence the +2

<OOC> Arisha says, "additional +2"

GAME: Arisha rolls knowledge/religion +5: (7)+8+5: 20

GAME: Mandor rolls knowledge/Religion: (12)+3: 15

<OOC> Mandor will guess too :)

You paged Arisha with 'There are a few types of undead which could appear as lights that come to mind; wraith, wight, ghul for example. Though, you know that it cannot be wight because those killed by a wight normally rise soon after death, while this one left a body behind.'

GAME: Albain rolls knowledge/religion: (10)+8: 18

<OOC> Albain says, "Why not? :)"

You paged Mandor with 'There are a few types of undead which could appear as lights that come to mind; wraith, wight, ghul for example. Each have their own telltale signs as to how to know it is one of them, but you just can't quite remember what they were.'

You paged Albain with 'There are a few types of undead which could appear as lights that come to mind; wraith, wight, ghul for example. One thing common with most of the type is that the slain will return back to life as one of the creatures, though there are a few where that is not the case.'

Arisha scratches her left arm idly, then she looks at her arm and rolls her eyes. "Many types of undead can appear as lights. It's why I needed to see the body, so I know what we're dealing with." She then takes a deep breath. "It can't be a wight though. because the body tends to rise soon after it dies." She then pops her neck. "If you can show us to where you found the body, sir.....we'll see if this thing can be destroyed."

"The body looks like it had been fed on," says Mikal, "Alomst like a wolf digging into a deer," he says and closes his eyes, trying not to remember the image he saw.

Arisha stops quietly before looking back. "Fed upon. you're positive of that?"

"So it's something that hungers for the humanoid flesh," murmurs Jokul, and with a grunt lifts his sword up to turn it upwards and into resting against his armored shoulder. "As long as steel can hit it, it'll fall down."

Zyla nods, "Well best to go and keep them from eating anyone else."

Albain nods his head at Mikal's words. "Sounds like it could be a ghoul, a dreadful thing they are. Fortunately they paralyze you, so he didn't feel a thing." he explains, before turning around casually as if he wanted to glance at something behind him. Instead he gives a little shake of his head to the others and soundlessly mouths the word 'yes, he did'.

Mandor turns his head, looking to each person as they speak, he nods in agreement. "Yes, this could be a large disruption to the balance, it must be corrected."

Mikal nods his head. "It was a horrible sight, the child lying there, looking like something from a butcher shop," he says and shakes, taking a deep breath. "I can lead you to where we found the remains, and then... then you'll take care of whatever did this?" he says, "We may not have a lot in the way of money, but we can find some way to compensate you, I'm sure of it," he says cheerfully.

"Please do." Arisha says gesturing with her right arm. "I'll track it from there. You're to stay behind." She says before gesturing. "Lead the way, please."

Mandor straightens up as he stands, his body almost simply shifting from a sitting to a standing position, as if it lacks true joints or even a solid humanoid form. "Can destination be arrived at before nightfall?"

Zyla nods an smiles ready to go, and watching to punch some evil thing.

Jokul sighs ever-so-quietly at the mention of low money. Thankfully for everyone's sake, he doesn't make an actual verbal comment on it, nor does it seem to make him walk the other way as opposed to setting into step right after Arisha. "Let's go find this thing, then, before my sword gets dull from not being used."

It is a quick journey, takes until after midday though the sun is still in the sky, to be led from Alexandria to the smaller village, though Mikal does not take you into the village proper, instead moving towards the woods surrounding the village. There is definitely been a struggle here as there are all sorts of detritus scattered about as well as the dried blood on some items showing that something had been killed and butchered here recently.

<OOC> Mandor will look around for tracks and such. Perception or Survival?

<OOC> Arisha says, "Survival here."

GAME: Mandor rolls survival: (4)+10: 14

GAME: Arisha rolls survival+2: (3)+10+2: 15

GAME: Albain rolls survival: (15)+8: 23

You paged Mandor with 'You find child prints leading from the village to the forest, though as they get closer to the woods, it looks to be less walking and more dragging as there are signs of sturggling and the impresson of the heels leaving an even rut.'

You paged Arisha with 'There are a number of various human prints from the parents and perhaps a few lookie-loos from the city, but outside of those, there are some prints that appear to be canine, perhaps a large dog.'

You paged Albain with 'You find a large number of animal prints around, a central paw with four claws off of it. They are of the canine family, however it would have to be one large dog to leave these, so likely we are looking at a wolf, or perhaps wolves, because there are an awful lot of the prints around to have been left by just one wolf.'

Arisha blinkblinks. "An undead dog. huh. never heard of this one before." She says softly. "he did say it was eaten like a wolf eating a deer." She says pointing towards the tracks. "This way."

Zyla shakes her head and nods as she moves to follow, letting the tracker lead the way.

"An undead dog," Jokul repeats after Arisha. But then his track of thought goes somewhere completely different. "Werewolf? Undead werewolf? Deadwolf? Huh? ...No? Okay..."

Mandor spends some time moving slowly about, looking over the ground, leaning down to examine plants and such that may be been broken by the passage. Of course there are obvious signs, but he is looking for what else might be there. He looks over as the others speak of an undead dog.

Arisha also makes sure to take off her cloak, and hang it on a branch near where the body was found.....

"Maybe we're going down the wrong line of thinking here?" Albain comments after examining the paw prints for himself. "Might not be undead at all; boring, but possible." he clarifies as he stands back up.

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Can I have perception checks from everyone?"

GAME: Jokul rolls perception: (3)+3: 6

GAME: Albain rolls perception: (5)+4: 9

GAME: Arisha rolls perception: (14)+12: 26

GAME: Mandor rolls perception: (2)+9: 11

GAME: Zyla rolls perception: (16)+13: 29

You paged (Arisha, Zyla) with 'The two of you find tufts of matted dark fur torn off on a few of brambles and branches around the area, looking like it was torn off a creature. Some of it even has sickly grey flesh attached to it, likely the skin of whatever these things are peeling off.'

Zyla nods as she seems to find something and is holding a tuft of fur, "Well seems undead dog indeed, or at least diseased." she shakes her head a bit, she is still guessing.

Looking towards the branches, Arisha makes a bit of a face. "no...we're not thinking differently. this is definitely undead, but it's four legged, not two." She says as she draws her pistol. "We can't be too fare off now."

<OOC> Ansrir says, "So, tracking the trail back to wherever the beasts hang out?"

<OOC> Arisha says, "yup."

<OOC> Jokul says, "Wherever Arisha leads us."

<OOC> Arisha says, "Need me to roll survival?"

<OOC> Albain will follow

<OOC> Mandor will try to track too, if he doesnt roll a 4 again :)

<OOC> Albain will do Aid Another on Arisha to help in the tracking instead

GAME: Mandor rolls survival: (17)+10: 27

GAME: Arisha rolls survival+2: (14)+10+2: 26

<OOC> Ansrir laughs. "Looks like you guys are on your way.

GAME: Albain rolls survival: (8)+8: 16

You paged (Mandor, Arisha) with 'As you follow the tracks, you notice something odd. The oldest set of tracks go in one direction, heading towards a hlll deeper in the woods while the other two wolves prints turn away, veering to a different section of the forest and avoiding that hill entirely.'

The war golem pauses a moment, looking at the tracks. He points towards a hill, "One set, the older goes there." He then points another direction, "The four legged go that way. This would imply that the four legged beasts were mearly partaking of a meal provided to them without the need to hunt."

<OOC> Ansrir says, "All tracks are four legged, just to make that clear."

<OOC> Mandor nods.

Arisha says, "uh oh." She says looking to Mandor. "There's more than one. One is..." She then gestures towards the golem. "yes." She then rubs her chin. "Lets head for the hill. Check it out first.""

Albain draws his own dragonspitter, sliding a paper-bound cartridge into the breach and snapping his firearm closed. "Doesn't matter much to me on which we investigate first; this promises to be exciting either way!" he declares with a little grin as he moves to follow.

"Somehow I get the feeling that it's not just a case of animal charity," Jokul mutters with a groan, nose wrinkling briefly along with the words. "Do undead keep pets?"

Mandor shakes his head, "The second, later tracks, seem to be avoiding the path the first took at this point. They do not seem to like that hill...." His face turns to look around, "In fact..." He starts looking to see if 'any' animal tracks are near the hill.

GAME: Mandor rolls survival: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)

Arisha says, "Animals tend to avoid the undead when they're in the area. So we'll need to see to this."

Zyla nods and lets those who know what they are doing lead the way.

<OOC> Ansrir says, "One last perception check from everyone please."

GAME: Zyla rolls perception: (10)+13: 23

GAME: Arisha rolls perception: (3)+12: 15

GAME: Albain rolls perception: (1)+4: 5 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Mandor rolls perception: (12)+9: 21

GAME: Jokul rolls perception: (15)+3: 18

GAME: Ansrir rolls 1d20+9: (18)+9: 27

As you start to get close to the hill, you can see there is a lair dug under a large dead tree, the root system exposed. Some bits of the same matted fur linger around on bits where it was torn off, so it looks like you have found the right place. However, so far it is not possible to see inside to see if anyone, or anything, is at home.

<OOC> Mandor says, "Are we talking people sized hole, or gotta crawl in?"

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Something like http://twilightdawnsunandmoon.webs.com/DawnClanWarriorsDen.jpg"

"So..." Jokul muses out over the hole. He probably didn't see it until someone else pointed out, but he's moving close enough to crouch besides it anyway, with the futile effort of trying to study it and what's inside. He can't see through the shadows, exactly, so he's obviously not actually *seeing* anything. "Would it be unreasonable to just toss a fireball or something similiar into this hole and call it a day?"

"I don't have a fireball, I fear." Arisha says as she points her pistol at the hole. "Someone's gotta draw it out."

Mandor observes the whole for a time, seemingly in thought. "We must have an assurance this disruption has been neutralized, a random attempt is not adequate. Going into this hole will cause great risk, we must consider alternative options."

Albain points his firearm upwards while his left hand traces an intricate - but invisible - pattern across it's mana chamber. As he finishes his gesturing, the loud sound of childish laughter emits from his gun barrel. It sounds like at least two children, laughing and playing, though muffled without the clarity of hearing what they're saying.

GAME: Albain casts Ghost Sound. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14

Zyla just stands there waiting, "Call it out, see if that works?"

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
       Ansrir has dropped a TIMESTOP!
       Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Ansrir to instruct you further.
       For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


GAME: Arisha rolls initiative: 8 + 7 = 15

GAME: Mandor rolls initiative: 1 + 2 = 3

GAME: Zyla rolls initiative: 20 + 2 = 22

GAME: Albain rolls initiative: 15 + 7 = 22

GAME: Jokul rolls initiative: 9 + 3 = 12

GAME: You roll initiative for NPC1: Roll: 4 + Bonus: +6 = Total: 10

===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
    22   Albain           1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    22   Zyla             3  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    15   Arisha           1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    12   Jokul            4  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    10   NPC1                
    3    Mandor           1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  

GAME: Ansrir advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 22.
     It is now Albain's turn! Zyla is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Albain ended.

<OOC> Albain will set up within 20' of the hole, with his dragonspitter ready to open fire on whatever pops out.

GAME: Ansrir advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 22.
     It is now Zyla's turn! Arisha is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Zyla ended.

Albain casts a mischevious look back to his colleagues after setting up the illusory lure in place. He quickly finds a position a short distance from the hole where none of the others are obstructing his view, and levels his firearm in preparation.

<OOC> Zyla says, "will hold too big to go down a hole"

GAME: Ansrir advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 15.
     It is now Arisha's turn! Jokul is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Arisha ended.

<OOC> Arisha says, "I'm gnna hold as well......at least until everyone's in position."

<OOC> Arisha holds action, at least until everyone's in position.

GAME: Ansrir advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 12.
     It is now Jokul's turn! NPC1 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Jokul ended.

<OOC> Jokul will takes position just to the side from the opening of the hole, ready to bring the SWOOOOORD down on whatever comes out.

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Okay, go ahead and make your pose."

GAME: Ansrir advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 10.
     It is now NPC1's turn! Mandor is next!

"...That probably works, sure," Jokul mutters after a stare sent Albain's way that started as one of bemusement, but gradually grew to catching on. Rather than saying anything, he makes a vague circling motion with his free hand while he hefts his massive sword from the shoulder-lean, along with a few different finger-waggles. He might not be thinking about the fact that not everyone necessarily knows handspeech, but he's at least trying to signal for people to get in an ambush circle for the hole, with himself coming up to standing just besides the hole -- off to the side enough that he can't be seen from *inside* but close enough that he can hold his sword just ready there to swing down.

There is a rumbling from the hole as dirt gets shifted out of place as the head of the wolf begins to appear, some areas of fur and flesh having been torn off so that even skull and putrified muscle is visible, the rest of the body coming from behind, this wolf larger than a normal wolf would be, its teeth sharp and a growl emanating from it as it comes seeking what is intruding on its lair.

<OOC> Ansrir says, "So, those holding action looking to do anything?"

<OOC> Arisha says, "Yup."

<OOC> Jokul says, "SWOOOOORD!"

<OOC> Arisha says, "Using a special ability."

<OOC> Jokul ahems. Sorry. >.>

<OOC> Albain says, "Shooty McShoot :D"

<OOC> Arisha says, "Disrupt animation, which is a special from my inquisition."

<OOC> Ansrir nods. "We'll resolve in the matter of init from top to bottom again, I guess. So, Albain and then Zyla, then Arisha and Jokul."

<OOC> Arishathumbs up.

GAME: Albain rolls pistol: aliased to weapon8: (5)+6: 11

<OOC> Albain says, "That's a ranged touch attack at this range, if that makes a difference."

<OOC> Ansrir says, "That hits, then."

GAME: Albain rolls pistolDMG: aliased to 1d8+1: (6)+1: 7

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Next, Zyla?"

The next sound that comes from Albain's gun is the sharp crack of a bullet being fired into the cadaver that pokes its head out.

<OOC> Zyla says, "I guess well move over and attack, punch it"

<OOC> Ansrir nods.

GAME: Zyla rolls uc: aliased to melee+1: (1)+9+1: 11 (EPIC FAIL)

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Do we have a random crit table or anything here? :P"

<OOC> Arisha says, "Nah."

<OOC> Albain says, "Not for fails :)"

<OOC> Ansrir pulled up the one on the SRD. Move 10 feet in a random direction and provoke attacks of opportunity as normal.

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Either way, figure open up to an AoO and then we move on."

<OOC> Zyla nods

GAME: Ansrir rolls 1d20+17: (20)+17: 37

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Make a fort save."

GAME: Zyla rolls fortitude: (19)+6: 25

GAME: Ansrir rolls 2d6+12: (7)+12: 19

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Ok, so you made the save,, so you're not paralyzed."

GAME: You damaged Zyla for 19 points. 21 remaining.

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Next we have Arisha"

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Zyla, pose. Attempted to strike, stumbled. I can pose it biting you or you can."

Zyla moves over, the Giantborn able to conver distance fast. She throws a fist at it but over shot and stumbled, the dead wolf takes a bite out of her as she is left a little vulnerable.

<OOC> Arisha says, "using my special disrupt undead."

<OOC> Arisha says, "Rolling for ranged touch."

<OOC> Ansrir nods.

<OOC> Arisha says, "oh, and activating judgement to add to attack rolls. so +1."

GAME: Arisha rolls ranged+1: (19)+7+1: 27

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Well, that's a hit."

GAME: Arisha rolls 1d6+3: (1)+3: 4

<OOC> Ansrir says, "And batting cleanup is Jokul."

<OOC> Jokul says, "Sword?"

<OOC> Jokul says, "SWOOOORD!"

<OOC> Jokul cough

<OOC> Jokul says, "Sorry. What I meant to say, power attack w/furious focus"

Arisha stays back, glancing at what they're up against. In her reaction when it comes out, she snaps her fingers and mutters something before she fires out something at the undead menace, but not doing much damage.

GAME: Jokul rolls melee+1: (20)+6+1: 27 (THREAT)

<OOC> Jokul says, "Undead are immune to crits, aren't they? :c"

<OOC> Arisha shakes head. 'not anymore."

<OOC> Jokul !!!!

<OOC> Arisha says, "Only a few things are."

<OOC> Mandor says, "Only constructs and slimes really"

GAME: Jokul rolls melee+1: (3)+6+1: 10

<OOC> Jokul womp womp

GAME: Jokul rolls 2d6+7: (12)+7: 19

<OOC> Zyla says, "elementals"

GAME: Ansrir advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 3.
     It is now Mandor's turn! Albain is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Mandor ended.

<OOC> Ansrir supposes the beast should go.. forgot all about its' move. :P

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Having just been slashed by Jokul, it's going to turn its attention to him and take a swing at him."

Jokul actually lets out a "Whoa!" when he sees the DeadWolf (as he dubbed it earlier) responding to the giantborn's fast-as-wind movement by just ripping a chunk out of her with it's teeth -- but that doesn't stop him from promptly lowering the sword he'd kept readied above the hole. If 'lowering' in this case means 'smashing the thing down like a hammer'. Hammer that cuts and sinks deep into the beast's neck, anyway.

GAME: Ansrir rolls 1d20+17: (10)+17: 27

GAME: Jokul rolls fortitude: (19)+6: 25

GAME: Ansrir rolls 2d6+12: (7)+12: 19

GAME: You damaged Jokul for 19 points. 19 remaining.

Its taken a hell of a beating since it poked its head out of its lair, so it's going to put up a fight. One bite at the woman who basically offered herself to it and then the wolf turns to the man who just cut into it with a sword, barking as it goes forward to bite into his arm, raking its teeth against him.

<OOC> Ansrir says, "And now Mandor?"

<OOC> Mandor says, "Entangle it is then."

<OOC> Mandor says, "If I can do it without getting the party"

<OOC> Ansrir says, "You'ld likely get Zyla and Jokul, it's a 40 foot radius, and they were close enough to meele."

<OOC> Mandor says, "Ok, lets do it, safest choice for the rest of the group"

<OOC> Mandor says, "And they might be able to move with a save anyhow"

GAME: Mandor casts Entangle. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15

<OOC> Mandor says, "Reflex"

GAME: Jokul rolls reflex: (7)+4: 11

GAME: Zyla rolls reflex: (9)+6: 15

GAME: Ansrir rolls 1d20+5: (20)+5: 25

Mandor takes a step back, his eyes glowing briefly as he watches the creature jump out and start attacking. He murmers some sounds, like sounds of forest animals or something and makes a grasping gesture with his hands. The grass in the area starts to lengthen and grab at anything near the evilwolf and sadly, two of the team.

<OOC> Mandor says, "Honestly doesnt make a differnce unless you were planning to run away"

<OOC> Mandor says, "Beyond the -2"

<OOC> Mandor says, "You can use strength or escape artist at DC 15 to get free on your turn"

<OOC> Mandor says, "as a move action"


     Ansrir advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 22.
     It is now Albain's turn! Zyla is next!

GAME: Albain casts Scorching Ray. Caster Level: 3 DC: 16

GAME: Albain rolls ranged: (2)+5: 7

GAME: Ansrir advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 22.
     It is now Zyla's turn! Arisha is next!

Albain takes aim again with his dragonspitter, though without having reloaded it. While his left hand yet again inscribes an eldritch pattern over the gun's mana chamber, a bolt of fiery light roars out of the barrel, only to blacken a chunk of the entangling roots rather than strike the beast. "I am beginning to regret this plan of mine!" he declares.

GAME: Zyla spends ONE point of KI POOL.

GAME: Zyla rolls uc: aliased to melee+1: (2)+9+1: 12

GAME: Zyla rolls uc: aliased to melee+1: (7)+9+1: 17

GAME: Zyla rolls uc: aliased to melee+1: (8)+9+1: 18

<OOC> Ansrir says, "As for Zyla, first missed, second two hit."

GAME: Zyla rolls uc2: aliased to 1d8+6: (6)+6: 12

GAME: Zyla rolls uc2: aliased to 1d8+6: (7)+6: 13

<OOC> Zyla says, "miss the big damage one...at least 2 hit"

GAME: Zyla rolls reflex: (11)+6: 17

GAME: Ansrir advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 15.
     It is now Arisha's turn! Jokul is next!

Zyla lets loose with a flurry, her hands come together to slam down on the wolf and misses it, but then she slams with another fist into it and then a third fist. She hits with both the last fists, hitting soundly and deftly avoids being entangled.

<OOC> Arisha is gonna cast spiritual weapon.

GAME: Arisha casts Spiritual Weapon. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15

GAME: Arisha rolls 1d20+3+3: (15)+3+3: 21

GAME: Arisha rolls 1d8+1: (8)+1: 9

GAME: Ansrir advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 12.
     It is now Jokul's turn! NPC1 is next!

GAME: Jokul rolls melee+1: (20)+6+1: 27 (THREAT)

GAME: Jokul rolls melee+1: (12)+6+1: 19

<OOC> Jokul says, "Eeh. I forgot the -2 from being entangled."

<OOC> Ansrir says, "Even with the -2 it still works."

GAME: Jokul rolls 4d6+14: (20)+14: 34

Arisha sees that Jokul and Zyla are in dire straits, so she calls upon Vardama to help her friends. What happens is a Khopesh appears behind the animal and cuts deep into it.

This is not going anywhere near as Jokul was hoping. For one, he did not expect he'd go against a wolf that can bite a chunk of his arm off *through his armor* (which hurt enough for him to growl out sharply in pain before pushing the beast off, too, which doesn't happen a lot). Secondly, he did not expect to be all caught up in vine-like grass all tangling up along him. The completely-shredded arm hangs limp by his side briefly, twitching and dripping blood all over. But hell. He's still alive, isn't he? So, he forces the arm back up - as much as the plantation is trying to stop him from doing so - even though the moment he grips his sword's hilt again with both hands causes more blood to spurt out from his arm, and he forces himself through the entanglement back towards the wolf, with the unreasonably-sized sword brought high and swinging down.


The Aesir's roar comes in time with the heavy blade cleaving through both vine and the beast's neck alike and carrying through to sink into the ground to send dirt flying into the air -- and around the falling head of the undead wolf. The effort and heavy motion puts a toll on the wounded man, though, and he nearly slumps forward after the sword, only managing to use it, itself, as a way to keep himself propped up, panting heavy as he is.

GAME: Ansrir removes the timestop.

Timestop by Ansrir has left.

GAME: You remove the timestop.

Now, with the undead wolf slain, the threat to the town is over. Or, is it. There still were those two other wolves who veered off away from this lair. They could just be normal wolves avoiding the undead, like Arisha commented on before you discovered this undead beast. Either way, you have likely given Tomas rest and saved Mikal's community from repeat visits from this undead lupine scourge.

Mandor waves a hand and the rest of the grass and vines return back to their normal state. He looks at the undead wolf for a time, then to its little den. "Investigation should be done to ensure disruption has been completely eradicated. Possible second site of future disruption based on previous second set of tracks." He appears to not be overly concerned with the status of peoples wounds at the moment.

Jokul might've cut the head off, but Arisha still levels her pistol at the wolf's head and shoots it.....once. "Jokul....smash the head. I don't care how many times you do it, just make sure the head is caved in."

Zyla cocks her head to the side, "You know fire might be better." she doesn't look to hot herself, she calls on her ki and heals the wounds she took. She shakes her head a bit and then nods, "Shall we let them know we took care of it?"

Arisha says, "because the fire might spread, Zyla. And I'd like to show a little respect for the druid with us." She then shrugs. "but yeah. Let's head back. I have a feeling those two wolves that came here, just came here for the free meal.""

"Shouldn't we deliver the head as proof, first?" Albain remarks, as he crouches down to the hole and has a peek inside. "As for this... lair... I can scour it with some flames, if that's necessary."

Arisha nodnods. "not a bad idea." She then points to the druid. 'let him do it."

"Just... had the armor fixed too..." Jokul mutters while he lifts his sword up from the ground enough that he can use it as a one-handed leaning post... while his very-much-injured arm lets go of it and slumps back down to hanging limply by his side. Even in spite of that, when Arisha urges for the destruction of the head, he still shuffles his way closer to the thing, and draws the heap of metal up, one handed, so he can fall it down upon the head -- and likely cleaving through the skull. "Let's... Do a little less of the whole getting the team caught up in vines next time, yeah?" He doesn't really know precisely *who* was responsible for that, so *everyone* gets a *look* from him.

Arisha chuckles over to Jokul, and places a hand upon his arm.....which emits a blue light. "By the lady's divine grace, heal this man's wound....." Arisha says, "Come on. Let's get these headpieces back to the village."

Mandor turns his head slightly, his eyes glowing faintly as they focus on Jokul. "The disruption was a threat to the balance in this zone. Containment was required, potential losses were acceptable." He then moves over to look into the den, holding up a hand that seems to glow red for a moment before a flame appears in it. He throws it down into the hole. "I shall monitor cleansing."

Albain looks up as the wargolem tosses a flame past him and into the lair. "Alrighty, saves me a spell then if you're doing it instead." he adds with a shrug, rising to his feet and turning to join the others. "So, a ferocious undead wolf; honestly did not know such things were possible." he adds with an excited tone. "Better studied at a distance, admittedly, but interesting all the same."

For whatever reason Jokul seems a little perplexed, actually, when ARisha closes in and sets a hand on his arm. But then there's the healing light, and he can actually feel himself able to move the arm properly again. "...Thanks," he mutters quietly while he eyes the healed-up limb over-- just before he *snaps* his eyes to the wargolem. "Potential--" He half-repeats before he forces his jaws shut and into grinding. "....Let's just..." He mutters past the grinding teeth, eventually, and turns to lean over and pick out one of the pieces of the wolf's head (by the snout) instead of putting out his anger on that particular matter. "...Go."

Arisha says, "Anything can be undead, Albain. Sad to say. That's why I hunt them. When they pass, they fall under the lady's gaze. Escaping it only leads to more pain." She says as she makes her way back with Jokul."

Mandor will finish with what he can to burn the den, perhaps something else down there is an issue, perhaps not. When he feels satisified he will douse the den with created water as well to make sure nothing catches on fire in the area. After that, he will return with the others.

There is a smell of roasted meat eminating from the lair before the water is added to drench anything that was inside, the smell slowly wafting away into the ether.

Albain nods at Jokul's words. "Going sounds good; nothing more to find here, and we might still be able to get some sleep in a vermin-free bed if we return quickly." he adds.

"I'll take vermin-covered bed over the rocks," notes Jokul over his shoulder to Albain -- his stride back to the way of the village is definitely casual enough he's not particularly worried about any time constraints.

Mandor joins the others, slowing down to match thier pace when he does. "All creatures have proper nesting habitats. Improper nesting locations can cause difficulties in creatures health and procreation."

"I certainly prefer vermin-free if procreation is involved." Albain quips as he begins cleaning the breach of his dragonspitter during the walk.