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(Created page with "Meetup run by: Terewin Participants: Vati, Kailin, Myrana, Abrahil, Jacob, Charlotte, Jibbom, Rhar, Mikilos, Cesran The ballroom in Mithrandal Merchandise has been decorated...")
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Latest revision as of 01:45, 7 February 2016

Meetup run by: Terewin Participants: Vati, Kailin, Myrana, Abrahil, Jacob, Charlotte, Jibbom, Rhar, Mikilos, Cesran

The ballroom in Mithrandal Merchandise has been decorated with blue banners hanging from the pillars, tables for refreshments and horderves. The wine being provided is of the best local vintages and the food includes things such as small triangle cucumber sandwiches, scallops and crackers with fish eggs. None to mention a few other things only those who run in exclusive circles might recognizes. At one end of the ballroom a small stage is set up where Terewin politely taps the side of his glass.

For his part Terewin is dressed in a black waist coat with long tails, a blue sash and cravat and of course a polished sword at his side. "Good evening ladies and gentleman! For those who do not know I am Sir Terewin, knight of the blue rose. We gather today for several reasons, first to get talk about the challenges and rewards of adventuring with the guild while mainting social awareness, to hold ourselves to a higher standard." he clears his throat for a moment. "And second to get to know one another better, please feel free to share your stories as well as any liniages you may come from!" he says with a smile to the room.
For his part Terewin is dressed in a black waist coat with long tails, a blue sash and cravat and of course a polished sword at his side. "Good evening ladies and gentleman! For those who do not know I am Sir Terewin, knight of the blue rose. We gather today for several reasons, first to get talk about the challenges and rewards of adventuring with the guild while mainting social awareness, to hold ourselves to a higher standard." he clears his throat for a moment. "And second to get to know one another better, please feel free to share your stories as well as any liniages you may come from!" he says with a smile to the room.'

Already in the ballroom, Charlotte raises her glass towards Terewin as he finishes speaking and sips from the glass. She does step her way forwards towards Terewin as he finishes his speech. "So simply to share tales, hmm?"

Vati makes her way into the ballroom. The war golem has an obvious female design, and is dressed in fine clothes, though she is looking around as if expecting to see something.

Among the guests here is a young man, black hair and green eyes. Not many would know him, as he is a new transplant from the outskirts of Myrddion. The lad's been on his share of romps with the Guild, but not so much in an offensive capacity. Not yet anyway.

Normally one would see him in his robes, dark blue and bronze with an hourglas on the front of the frock. And again he is dress in dark blue and bronze.

Only... the dark blue is a suit jacket and matching pants, the bronze in his buttons. The same bronze-and-glass hourglass hangs from his neck, the only sign of his affiliation.

Jacob Tennyson, Temperamce of Navos, gave his appraisal of the speech with polite applause along with the others. And yes, he was here to collect stories. Because a historian should always be on the look out.. for history.

"Ohhhh...is it LARGE enough, do you think?" Abrahil frets to Myrana, as they enter. He looks alike, and not unlike a gnomish peanut, with a great, ruffly frill around the top, and the in-vogue tightpants on the bottom, though his have been modified to fit a flowing, frilly bellbottom shape around the ankles.

So perhaps a figure 8 with a base.

He has his shoes and toes tucked behind him, as he floats in on a sparkly aura, a gnomish vision of the Femme Fatale, floating across the floor and emerging from her web in the tightfitting dress that floats either end...only on him, it's a gentle, curvy roundness not at the hips, but all over. At the moment he looks fretful, as he looks to Myrana, though spares a warm smile and the tiniest wave, using the tiniest movement of the wrist towards everyone else. A floral mum on his chest gives his title, but given the angle, it is hard to read.

Terewin nods to Charlotte "Indeed! One such a story would be during the seige of Dun Morden, truly a gastly affair but I happen to have been wearing my best blue waist coat at the time, custom tailored with a silver frindge. I had kept it clean and prestine all throughout the fighting until I joined a group to take a tower. I took several axe wounds that completely ruined the coat. I am devastated." he says holding a glass in one hand a small plate of horderves in the other. Dressed in a nicely tailored, high-collared black dress with a peacock green-lined bustle and polished copper buttons, Myrana enters with Abrahil, swatting absentmindedly at the sparkles before they can stick to the raw silk of her skirt. Bothersome things! There's a tiny fart of glitter every time her folded fan swats at the fabric. "The ballroom? I should imagine so," she says, walking at an easy pace with a swish of skirts.

Vati looks around a little more and then she moves over, "Were there musicians going to be here? It is a ballroom is it not? Musicians would go where?" she is just a little bit lost, not quite understanding what this was other than she should dress nice.

"Oh--oh, helloooooo! Oh, my dear, look! It's Ser Terewin! The young gentleman who organized all of this," points out the round little fellow. He gives a little wave to the man as he and Myrana draw into the ballroom proper, before turning back to Mrs. Terror, "Oh, yes! Why, I do believe it was this young man who coordinated the whole thing? Isn't he handsome?" suggests the gnome, before leaning (tilting?) over, "I do love the ruffles, you know! I do hope they'll stay 'in' this season, and all. Oh, you MUST tell me how you got that pattern when we get back!" he says to her. He looks alike, and not unlike a gnomish peanut, with a great, ruffly frill around the top, and the in-vogue tightpants on the bottom, though his have been modified to fit a flowing, frilly bellbottom shape around the ankles. He floats, rather than walks, today, an array of sparkles trailing out behind him, and otherwise getting in the way of Myrana's fan.

Myrana occasionally reaches out as surrepticiously as possible and nudges the gnome to keep him geoscopically stable.

Abrahil bobbles and wobbles!

Kailin steps into the ballroom tentatively and gives a look around. He looks towards everyone else, then looks at himself and furrows a brow. He looks back around the room and gives a slight shrug, stepping further in quietly and finding a wall to disappear against. He crosses his arms over his chest and purses his lips as he looks around at the people with a discerning eye.

Jacob merely sits at his table, observing the entrances. Of course the sparkly one drew a chuckle from him even as the far taller lady kept him on the straight and narrow, literally.

He chuckled again at his own joke, then proceeded to move toward the food. This was a party after all, and he wouldn't be rude by not partaking in the festivities.

"I was also in Dun Mordren, Terewin. Some of the royal family had been kidnapped by the other dwarves, so we went to rescue them. They were....hooked up to some odd contraption that was trying to change them, but we cut them down first. I didn't have any way to prevent it, but I mostly concentrated on killing the people that started assaulting us.....namely by stabbing him in the chest."

Terewin nods to Vati as he walks over. "Indeed, there will be musicians here soon as well!" then when being addressed he turns to Jacob "You don't say! I had not heard about the machines but I am glad it was resolved. You know I was just telling a good friend the other day that it is all good and well that the adventurers guild help out in time of conflict but what about after the battle? Should we not be under some obligation to help the dwarves rebuild? I think that would be key to ensuring future good relations between Dun Morden and Alexandria."

Mikilos makes his way into the Ballroom from a side passage, idly smoothing his simple grey robes. The elf takes to walking the edge of the gathering, observing with passive curiousity and a polite smile.

"Mister Brindlegear," Myrana says, sotto voce and looking slightly mortified at the good-natured little man's way of being an embarrassing grandpa. "I'm sure I hadn't noticed." Then, more audibly: "Pleased to meet you, Mister Terewin," she says, since Abrahil has made an introduction.

Vati nods to Terewin, "I am Vati, musician and follower of Ceinara." she cocks her head to the side, its hard to tell things given her lack of expression, "I can play if it is necessary, or sing, I can even accompany myself and play while I sing." she does look around a bit more but then back.

"After the concert, Terewin, I'm pretty sure we have other things to worry about than DUn Mordren.....with respect to them. If you were at the concert, like I was, you saw all of those people pass out....and now there are talks of demons in the city. So....we have to deal with domestic before we help others." Charlotte says with a sigh. "besides, I can't carry as much as some of these people."

Terewin bows to Myrana "A pleasure to be sure and may I compliment you on your dress." he then turns to Abrahil. "Why if it is not the most fabulous gnome in the world, your outfit is stunning as always." he offers with a great big grin."

When Vati offers to perform he nods "Why of course! In fact.." as he talks a small string band enters the room and begins playing music. "..if you wish to lead them in something, I am sure they can accomidate!"

As he moves toward his table again, Jacob's ears perk for a moment at the talk of... other things going on. It wasn't long before he stopped, backtracked a moment, and cleared his throat. "Apologies. Couldn't help but overhear... this is the first I've heard talk of such things."

"Oh, my dear, such a party! Why, we came as soon as we heard! Just keep us away! Though--oh! I'm here as an ambassador, these days," Abrahil says, tilting to confide to Terewin. "Gnomish Gnoodwill, you know! Happy Valley is looking to expand its trade, I suppose," he says. He smiles warmly at the man, and then looks to Myrana. A look of fretfulness crosses the elderly features, and he takes out a wand, and paf-paf! at his side. Wobbling, he rises a few feet in the air more, so he might take her elbow more properly. Were he human, he'd look in his seventies, with a proudly balding countenance, and a figure more round than tall. His eyes twinkle behind rose-tinted lenses, and twinkle again as he looks towards Vati. Though at her announcement, they turn delighted!

Terewin nods to his guests and continues to move about the room, mingling. That includes meeting wih Kailin "Welcome, please help yourself to refreshments. I understand there are a number of giantborn clans of great importance, I must admit I am not an expert in the social dynamics at play in your people. Perhaps you could enlighten me?"

Kailin pushes off the wall and makes his way to a table, pulling out a chair to take a seat. He settles into it and rests his arms on the table, awkwardly finsing a comfortable position for his hands. He looks towards Vati at the mention of performances and smiles faintly, looking forward to entertainment to give him something to focus on. His fingers start to tap lightly on the table, an outward expression of his uncomfortable demeanor.

Vati nods her head, "Of course. It was the purpose for which we believe Ceinara had me created." she says as she turns and heads towards the Musicians. She listens for a moment as they start to play. After a moment, an odd sound joins the string band. Vati does not seem to have any instrument but the sounds of pipes joins the strings. It seems to be coming from the War Golem itself, somehow she is making the music and it goes along with the strings, adding to the melody.

Charlotte turns her head towards Jacob and nods. "That would be correct. it wasn't long ago where we helped Dun Mordren out when they had an insurrection. Now, what sort of neighbors would we be if we didn't help them?"

"Of course. I was part of the relief efforts... and yet..." Jacob turned toward the striking woman. "...that wasn't what I was getting at. Demons you say...? Interesting." He tilted his head to the right. "Ah, but where are my manners. Jacob Tennyson, at your behest."

Myrana smiles, blue eyes warming as she sticks out her elbow a little so that Abrahil can take it without having to reach and upset his balance further. He is clearly the more chaperone-ious of the two, though one might suspect that the sorceress is doing her best to keep the elderly gnome out of trouble, like a dutiful friend. He could very well float into anything! "Thank you very much," she says. "Don't let us keep you- ah! Would you like me to get you something to drink?" This latter is directed toward her escort.

Kailin looks then to Terewin and sits up, clearing his throat. "Yes, well, there is not much to the social dynamics of the northern tribes. The importance of each waxes and wains with the deeds of individual members. Those who can claim the greatest titles based on the greatest of deeds." He taps the table and says, "It is one of the reason that I ventured to Alexandria. Here, troubles abound and here I can make a name for myself and by extention, my clan. The clan that has adopted me is not one of prominence but I hope to return the generocity of their care by helping them elevate to a position of greatness among the northern tribes."

Mikilos perks an ear as the music begins to play, and brushes fingertips across a stone pillar, the lights shifting subtly towards the stage. Moving into the mix, the archmage smiles. "Ambassador, good to see you this evening. And Lady Jn'Rajh, always a pleasure." Turning focus towards the somewhat more political conversation, Mikilos maintains a polite smile. "Dun Mordren holds some of the greatest craftsmen and strongest industry in the lands. To suggest they need our humble assistance in rebuilding, well, perhaps the focus of Alexandros is best turned elsewhere."

"Mmm....I'm surprised you haven't heard earlier. Demons are in the streets, though they're just little ones. I haven't been able to fight any myself quite yet, it won't be long." Charlotte says with a little smirk. 'Charlotte van Norse....of the Van Norse noble house in Myrrdion. not quite as big as the name would imply."

"Oh! Why, that would be lovely!" the gnome replies. Abrahil reaches up to paf at his frills, his eyes sparkling slyly, "I wouldn't want to upset these, you know! Why, I nearly had to forgo getting dressed altogether, but for some reason the maid insisted on it..." He lets go, the words trailing off into a sort of dreary-of-brave silence. He reaches up and pats her hand, and starts to say something else before spotting Mikilos! He gives him a little wave!

The musical War Golem continues to lead the band, her strange pipes add melody when mixed with the strings of the band it blends pretty well. And then after a moment Vati adds her voice to the mix as well. It is a simple ballad, appropriate to the company of nobilty and the sort expected at such an event. her voice is kept soft though, so as not to distract from those gathered around.

Terewin nods to Kailin "Ah very interesting! I suspect it must be quite the task to keep up with which clan is in favor and which in descent. I see many parallels to Selentia where I am from and do my best to keep up with the going-ons despite the distance. We should speak further but in the meantime I must continue to greet my guests." he says with a smile and bow as he departs Kailin's company and heads over to Mikilos.

Why if it's not the master craftsman himself, I must thank you once again for the use of your ballroom, it is superbly magnificent." he says with a broad smile. "Also... the music the golem is making, very interesting save... I see no instrument. You would not have insight by chance?"

Jacob's right eyebrow lifts just slightly. Myrddion she said. "Well then, I would say that it's big enough." He smiled. "Minor demons are fairly irritating at best. Whoever is in charge of them has poor judgment... though I can see how it would cause some tension." Jacob gestures toward his table. "Perhaps we could speak of this more at my seat, Lady van Norse."

"i have a few inklings, but I'm not part of the force that is trying to take them down." Charlotte is sipping more wine at this point. "I think this is the type of party where you can talk about this in the open, but I'll walk that way with you.

Mikilos smiles to Terewin. "The room is meant to be used. Too often it sits empty. As for the music, not quite my forte, but I would hazzard some sort of internal workings." Frowning seriously, his focus shifts towards Jacob. "Be wary, not all of the demonic forces in the city are minor. At least one Lord of Hell was in the city."

Jacob blinks for a moment as he looks toward Terewin. "Well that's a different story then. They seem to have some organization if this individual can marshal such resources." He continued toward his table. "This requires investigation... thank you, ser Terewin." His smile returned. "We must needs speak later, I've run into quite the band of Altheans lately, so I'd love to meet another!"

"Oh, how lovely!" Abrahil says as Myrana makes her way towards the foods, and deserts. He gives a wave to folks he knows, and doesn't. It keeps him quite busy, and the round smiles and cheerful countenance suggests he enjoys it quite a bit!

Terewin nods to Mikilos "Well I am thankfull none the less and it seems with Lady Vati's help we have some supperb entertainment. Along with Sir Abrahil's amazing outfit I feel like I am amongst royalty." he may have been a little sarcastic there. "I have heard of the demon lord you speak of, nasty business all around. But I believe gatherings such as these are more important than ever in such times. We must show solidarity and not allow the evil things to affect the way we choose to live and conduct ourselves or surely it would count as a victory for darkness."

The current song ends, the War Golem's voice fading off, then the strings instruments of the band and finally the sounds of pipes that comes from the golem herself. Vati then leads the band in an another melody, this one with just the strings. She would smile if she had such expressions. She seems quite comfortable in what she is doing at the moment. After they get underway, she does step away from the others to move amongst the crowd.

Charlotte chuckles a little bit. "So you see the problem with the city right now." She says with a shrug. "You do the best you can though."

Kailin nods faintly with a smile as Terewin departs, looking towards Vati again as the music plays, feeling a bit more comfortable now. He gets up and makes his way towards others, trying to mingle in now and join in the conversation. He says to Mikilos and Jacob, "Indeed, there are demons of all types in the city and those which escaped the capturing were missed quite by random. There could be any types of demons loose." He nods to Terewin and Charlotte and adds, "We can only hope that the demons remaining in the city are minor ones. The damage that could be wrought by the older ones would be considerable."

"Lad- oh right," Myrana tries not to grumble and gets it about half right. But she brightens, shaking her head with a little clatter of her copper earrings, a wry smile on her lips as she picks up a little glass of sherry. "You did a wonderful job designing this building, Mikilos."

Jacob sits with a sigh, hopefully joined by Charlotte. "Indeed. Still, long as we can effectively cut this off before it spreads further, it should be handled in a week or two." Jacob takes a look around. "Quite the marvel, this place. First time in here."

Cesran comes in to the party fashionably late and he has a smile as he makes his away into the ball and starts to mingle. He nods to those he knows, "Good evening." He says and he hones in on Kailin's mention of demons. "Hello there. What kind of demons have you been facing in the city?"

"It's tough enough when we don't know where they are until we're literally on top of them, so...." Charlotte says. "and I can't detect anything magical, so it's a little tougher for me."

"Oh, how lovely!" Abrahil brings his together in rapid applause, and a whiff of sparkles makes it echo and play on itself, until the room resounds with it--almost subtly, but adding to the fullness of the room! "Oh, wasn't it lovely?" he says to Myrana, before giving a wave to Vati. "Oh, do come see me sometime, m'dear! Oh, such a performance. If you haven't met the conductor at the Flightwright, you simply should!"

Terewin gestures for Vati to join the group discussing recent events. "That was marvelous! Very unique indeed!" he says with a broad smile. "Forgive any imprudence but how do you make such lovely music without an instrument?" he asks, appearing a bit embarassed for asking.

Mikilos mmmms. "Minor demons wreck there own havoc, and can be harder to trace." Turning to Myrana and Jacob, he smiles. "Thank you. I've long wanted a Hall of my own, and when the geostructure worked out when I began carving into the mountain, it seemed a fortunate course of action. I'm just glad to see it getting some use."

"And a fine use it is!" Jacob raises his recently-obtained wine glass toward Mikilos. "You'll have to describe to me the particulars of it sometime." Jacob took a sip before placing the glass down, focusing his attention on Charlotte again. "Right, so... I came here, not to discuss the plight of this city of which I am now aware, but to collect stories."

He flicked a finger against his hourglass charm, and it gave off a bell-like chime. "I am a Navosian after all, so collecting history and compiling it is a passion of mine. So then, if you would kindly share yours, I would be most appreciative." Cue charming smile here.

Kailin looks towards Cesran and answers, "Dretches, babaus, abrakandilus... at least those are the ones I've killed. The babau was dangerous enough for me and it even took me weapon with its acid. Thankfully, I had great allies on each hunt." He shakes his head with a grimace and says, "I can only imagine what the more powerful demons are like."

Vati does move over and towards Abrahil and dips her head, "I shall do that, I am always eager to meet such." she says. She cocks her head to the side at Terewin's words and does move over a bit closer, "I am not sure, I have been able to do it since I was awakened. They found me in a hidden chamber in a Temple of Ceinara, it appears I was constructed such that I can move air through tubes in my body like a wind instrument. I had no memory before that point but have practiced, it makes it nice that I can play for my own singing voice, or shall we go into battle I can rally my allies and still cast spells and such without problems."

"Oh!" says the gnome, when Vati responds. He smiles warmly, his eyes shining, and he clasps his hands together--at least as best he can. "Oh, DO come see me in the District, sometime! I'm just delighted to make introductions! He's...dedicated, you know. Why, I know the rivalries between the Flightwright and Flame's Hope, can get oh--well, there WAS that fire, and the murder, and the...oh! But it adds such SPICE, you know!" the gnome says delightedly.

Pauses. "And oh, it wasn't a murder, was it? It was just framed to LOOK like one, why, after young Lord Yethersby was caught erm..." Artists and nobles, both. "Oh, but it was skillfully done, in the end, you might say. It had the district in fitters for weeks, and I dare say a play is being made from it," he says. He reaches up to squeeze Myrana's elbow, and then points off towards the dessert table. That done, he begins to float that way!

Charlotte says, "I fear the plight of this city is part of the story. I've mostly been trying to keep my skills sharp, but not finding any sot of jobs at the adventurer's guild. I just happened to be at the colosseum when the people collapsed. After that, families had to get out.....not that I blame them.""

Terewin walks over to greet Cesran "Good day master craftsman! How is your staff coming along? Not too many complications I trust?" he says in a delightfull tone.

Cesran inclines his head to listen, "Yes I suspect there will be a run on cold iron weapons of all shapes and sizes to fight off these creatures." He nods to Charlotte, "I have found since I came here from the Jade Island that there is almost always something happening in this city or related to this city. If not one thing it's multiple things, but we persevere and do our best." He nods to Terewin in greeting, "Good she is soaking in a mixture to strengthen her and make her ready for the spells I plan to enchant her with."

Through the doors trots the wondrous, the regal, the magnanimous... Gurr! The very big wolf's fur even looks brushed for the occassion.Brushed by many fingers. Most of those fingers are still in his fur.

Atop the regal Gurr are several sets of paws. Grippy paws. And fur! Way more fur! One little! Two little! Three little Ironbloods! One sits tall on Gurr's head. One clings to his scruff. Third is propped up against "Bane Night here! Bane Night here!" Rhar announces. Happily! Loudly! And she waves. Alot.

"Bane Pack here!"

They're even dressed up! The littler Banes. They have ribbons and shinies wrapped all around them! Over their furs. Pink. Blue. Yellow. Orange. Red. Purple. Periwinkle. Rose. Gold. Silver. Platinum. Horseshoes.

All kinds of shinies!

Shiniest of all are Steel von Ironblood at the back! And his mighty wings! Who needs a pumpkin carriage when you have a Gurr?

Terewin looks over to the entrance and nearly drops his glass "Oh my." he then takes a few step sback behind the gathered group. "Why.. who is that?"

Mikilos bites back a laugh to a mere grin, and makes his way towards the newest arrivals. "Von Steel! Welcome! And Lady Rhar, a pleasure! And the kits as well! You know, I believe we've yet to be properly introduced." Kneeling down, the towering elf smiles welcomely at the group.

Myrana takes a deep breath and seems to simply enjoy the spectacle of the party for a moment, leaning a shoulder against one of the carven pillars.

Vati nods her head to Abrahil again and sees that the other was taken off to talk to another, so she moves around a little bit more and then back over to the band of musicians and their string instruments. The song they were playing finishes and she starts another, alone at first. There are those pipes as she channels the sound through herself, the melody a bit haunting. After a few minutes, the stringed instruments join her as they weave the melody together.

Terewin gathers himself, mentally preparing and gathers the courage to approach Rhar "Good day and welcome, I am Sir Terewin. Please feel free to help yourself to the wine and food. Your wolf looks particularly... well groomed." he says with a smile as he greets his guest.

Jacob sits back in his seat as he takes a good listen. Apparently this is her first big task in the city, and he nods appreciatively.

And then the Bane Pack makes their entrance, and he looks at the wolf with wide eyes. Kits hanging all off of his fur, with a boisterous Lucht couple atop as well. Jacob adjusts his glasses for a moment and grins. "That it does," he says under his breath. "I'm impressed they could manage such a feat with a creature that size."

Cesran groans and shakes his head as he sees Jibbom and Rhar and their little ones make an entrance. He takes a deep breath and he smiles at Jibbom and Rhar, "Good evening you two. You and your family are looking well."

Charlotte chuckles softly as she starts to hear her way over towards the buffet table and begins to eat.

Rhar grins widely at the towering elf. Waves more! Her fur even looks brushed, too! 1/16th. The brush is still there as proof! Rhar then points at the one in front. The one who's paws are squishing Gurr's cheeks this way and that in their clutches. Makes Gurr look not so happy. Even when the paws let go and move.

"Steel Ironblood!" Her pointing finger is joined by three more. "Two! Prince." The legacy continues!

Rhar point at the one on Gurr's neck. "Mithral. Princess." Grabby princess, who reaches and stretches up for anything that might be dangling off the elf. Clothes. Jewelry. Ears.

Last, Rhar ruffles the fur of the one propped against her. Royally napping. "Stardust. Princess."

Storming inside, there is a very unhappy Sandy.

She is presently dressed in what appears to be a be-tailed pantsuit with a cravat. It's quite lovely, but she does not look happy to be wearing it. She makes her way towards Myrana without another word, her gaze rather accusing.

Terewin sees Sandy come in and his smile broadens considerably, he himself being dressed in tails and cravat. His fashion sense is catching on it seems! "Good day Lady Sandiel!" he calls over to her. "You look stunning!."

Jibbom really has been all decked out for his arrival with the pack. He's had his finest patchwork robes shined for the occasion, despite the repeated insistence of the shoeshine boy that robes cannot, in fact, be shined. He sports not one, but TWO monocles, golden and ostentatious to match his wings. He beams with pride as he bellows out to announce their arrivals. "Yes, it is us! King Steel and Queen Rhar Von Ironblood and the Prince and Princesses of the Realm! Heroes of Alexandria! We have come to be fancy alongside you all!"

Mikilos moves with the calm swiftness of a wizard, saeling up pouches and tucking away pendants that might be dangerous to little ones, while leaving out enough to keep attention away from things that have been denied. The elf has no children of his own, but he does have cousins. Lots of cousins. So many cousins. "Prince Ironblood. Princess Stardust. And Princess Mithral. Welcome to you all."

Terewin eyes Jibbom and after a few seconds and takes a deep breath. Seems he was so stunned he forgot to breathe.

Myrana turns an innocent look on Sandy as the other woman comes over looking like a stormcloud. "Hello Sandy! Was your carriage stuck in the snow?" Uh oh.

Kailin falls quiet as attention is drawn towards the nobles, his thoughts curious to the display. He purses his lips and takes a seat at one of the tables, crossing his arms in front of him as he leans on his elbows. He looks everone over and keeps his thoughts quiet, letting them stay tucked away for the occasion.

Cesran shakes his head a little bit, "King and Queen my left foot. I'm surprised we can all breath in here with the size of his ego."

"I did not take a carirage," says Sandy. "I do not like carriages. I do not like tails, either." Sandy looks behindher, glaring at Myrana for a moment before she turns towards the Rhar and Jibbom spawn. She pales.

Terewin recovers a bit and approaches Jibbom "Good day, thank you for coming and please help yourself to refreshments. I am Sir Terewin, Knight of the Blue Rose." he says as politely as he can manage. "Your outfit is truly unique, who does the tailoring?"

Jibbom beams at Terwin when he approaches. "Ah, you're the host of this little soiree? Here, a gift from the Kingdom of Ironblood." He produces a flask of some very potent-smelling liquor from one of his many pockets. "Behold! Steel Von Ironbrews' finest moonshine. Enjoy!" The question about his outfit has him beaming even brighter. "Ah, my royal finery. It has been the attire of the Kings of Ironblood since the founding of the realm." So, he's had it a couple weeks at least.

Rhar stops a moment and sniffs, turning towards Sandy's voice. Listen! Dooes Rhar smell something? "Hi hi hi!" Now she's waving excitedly. They ARE almost-step-sisters-in-law. That makes them pack. And pack means family.

The waving gets a little more distant, though. Gurr has other ideas. Maybe he's sparing Sandy. Or one of the Banes. Or maybe he's just headed to the buffet. He smells food. And if he gets anything out of this...

Terewin craciously takes the gift and tucks it away in a pocket. "I will be sure to enjoy it, perhaps you could regale us with stories of the activities in your kingdom. Where in fact is your kingdom by the way?"

Cesran rolls his eyes, "In his head." He remarks sarcastically as he goes to get something to drink. He hmmms as he doesn't see the ingredients to make a Green Hornet. He pours himself a glass of elfin wine instead.

"Over there." Jibbom points in a direction which may or may not be chosen at random. "It used to be over there." He adds, pointing in an entirely different direction. "But, you know. Politics."

Mikilos falls quiet, and turns to the important part of having guests in your home. Keeping the kids from getting into anything too dangerous. A few cantrips of colorful lights help, but it's still something of a full time effort. At least Gurr is here to distract, if not strictly help. Keeping the parents out of trouble? Well, one elf can only do so much.

Charlotte chuckles a little as she watches the Ironblood family.

Terewin nods to Jibbom "I see! Well in any case, please make yourself at home and mingle. I must see to the other guests." he says politel before wandering off toward the buffet table to enjoy some cucumber sandwiches.

Jacob leaned over toward Charlotte. "Pardon my ignorance... but who is Steel von Ironblood?"

"Yes, well," Myra straightens Sandy's cravat. And then she just leaves it at that, winning the arguement by terrible methodoloy! Or so she thinks. "So have there been any noteable patterns in the people being targeted by the demons?"

"Did I hear someone ask who Steel Von Ironblood is?" Jibbom asks with a huge smile on his face, having now sidled over to where Jacob and Charlotte are talking. Oh no.

Kits? Dangerous? Of course they're not! Not to anyone out of reach. Steel the Second has some little sandwiches and thingies in reach, though! Sitting atop a Gurr makes a hug difference. That's why every other little bit of buffet food he can reach is shoved at, into, through through the ginormous wolf's teeth. Who happily takes advantage of the assist.

Rhar nods with Jibbom. Three times. "Now look over there." She points another direction. When someone nearby (or not) asks about Steel, she loudly helpfully offers. "Is Bane Night! Hero!"

Cesran shakes his head a little bit, "Oh boy here we go. It's about to get very deep in here. I'm glad I prepared prestidigitation to clean up afterwards." ." Jibbom beams ear to ear as he launches into a torrent of self-aggrandizement. "It is I! King Steel Von Ironblood, Bane of the Night, Alexandrian Hero!" He stretches his golden wings in a 'majestic' pose. "Husband to the lovely and powerful Queen Rhar Von Ironblood, the Baness of Night, and father to the Prince and Princesses of the Realm. Dragonslayer, defeater of giants, vanquisher of the undead. Savior of the quarry nymphs and their subterranean pleasure queendom. Conqueror of the lich beetle king, the mighty Mega Torn, and others too numerous to mention. Liberator of..."

It goes on like this.

Jacob can't help but smile the whole time.

Oh this is rich. The titles are obviously made up, but it's amusing none the less, and he almost wants to let him finish. Still, it does go on for a bit long, and he looks for a place to break in. "Quite impressive. And while I would love to hear all about it, I am far more interested in your family." He gives a nod toward Rhar. "Quite an impressive animal she's riding!"

Kailin turns then towards Jibbom as he makes his entrance and relates his titles. That was something he was used to and his attention easily slips into listening as each title relates a tale and deed. He smiles faintly and remembers the mead halls, finding them more fitting of such tales than a ballroom. He thinks on his own deeds and wonders what titles he might claim some day.

As Myrana straightens her cravat (and Sandy continues to look horrified by the spawn), Sandy just gloweers and says, "I ahve no idea, Myrana. I'm sure that there's something, somewhere." She makes a face, then turns towards the spawn again to eyeball all of them. Looking horrified, of course. "...why did people let Jibbom in here," she mumbles.

Jibbom grins at Jacob. "Ah, yes. Prime Minister Gurr. A tireless public servant of the Kingdom of Ironblood. We would be lost without his sage wisdom." Somehow overhearing Sandy's mumbled question, he turns to grin and provide an answer. "I brought two monocles!"

Charlotte chuckles a little bit as she starts to make her way out of the ballroom. She hadn't eaten anything yet, and she was eating too much finger food.....

Cesran sips his wine as he goes to get something to eat. "Probably the wises one of the bunch." He makes an off handed comment.

"/Two/ monocles." Myrana nods somberly, fixing the pin so its sits symmetrically to her satisfaction, skirts rustling. "It makes a great deal more sense than /one/ monocle. Extra refined."

"See, she gets it." Jibbom says with an approving smile and nod towards Myrana.

Gurr agrees with most all of that. He would say as much, but now Mithral has joined in the game of 'Which is bigger, the spread or Gurr's stomach?' His mouth is extra full of finger food. And fingers. And talking with one's mouth full is impolite. Uncouth. Gauche. Prime Ministers don't do that.

"Two better one,." Rhar states. Stately. She even holds up a few fingers in proof!

"...aren't those just called 'spectacles'?" says Sandy, giving Myrana a strange look.

Cesran looks to Sandy, "That's what sane people call them." He sips his wine and gets a couple of finger foods.

"Yes. Many find the Ironblood royal family to be an amazing spectacle indeed." Jibbom agrees with Sandy.

Prime Minister then! Quite a title for a Dire Wolf.

Jacob glanced toward Charlotte as she makes her exit, raised his glass in farewell, and then continued to eat as he observes the interplay. Most amusing!

Myrana's lips twitch, which she is very careful to keep from view.

Casually, Sandy puts a hand on Myrana's shoulder and brings her forward. Guiding, you know.

"...lovely," she says to Jibbom, trying to keep a straight face. "Why don't you regale Myrana here with all the adventures your children have already have? I'm sure they have had amny."

Myrana gets a look on her face like: Oh gods my sins have caught up to me!

Cesran looks between Sandy and Myrana and he gets a grin on his face. "Steel have you named who will be the godparents of your children, you know to help you out and raise them should anything befall you and Rhar, gods forbid. It's a very important position and I think you have the two perfect candidates in front of you." He nods towards Myrana and Sandy.

"Oh, very many! Scores! Countless!" Jibbom declares enthusiastically, waddling over towards Myrana with an expression of unbridled enthusiasm. The end is near. Cesran's question is a distraction, welcome or not. "A capital idea, my pointy-hatted associate! Henceforth, by royal decree, these two shall be official designated regents of the Kingdom of Ironblood! Which includes seeing to the education of our royal heirs, of course."

Sandy gets a look on her face like: Oh gods my sins have caught up to me!

(That's after Jibbom and Cesran start talking.)

Myrana just pales, and over Jibbom's head gives Cesran a look. A HORRIBLE, BETRAYED LOOK. And she didn't even wreck his lab it turns out! "Are you, er, sure that's a good idea?"

Cesran smiles at Myrana and Sandy as he raises his glass towards them, "Congratulations to both of you. The Von Blood children are in good hands."

"...we would be terrible godparents," says Sandy, cating a gance towards Myrana. She needs backup here.

"...we would be terrible godparents," says Sandy, cating a gance towards Myrana. She needs backup here.

"...we would be terrible godparents," says Sandy, cating a gance towards Myrana. She needs backup here.

"Its true," says Myra. "I live above the Oxleys, Jibbom."

"Running a kingdom and overseeing royal heirs is a big responsibility." Jibbom agrees. "But I can think of none better suited to the task. It is done! Royal decree made!"

Jacob had to stifle his laughter for a few moments. He'd seen the Oxblood before, it wasn't the best place to raise children. This would end badly, and he had to stop it. The approach would have to be made at a later date, when the situation wasn't so immediate.

And when he wasn't in danger of laughing his head off.

"But what if I accidentally knock one of them into a vat of beer?" Myrana asks in a very serious tone.

"They'd drown," says Sandy, sadly, in solen agreement with Myrana.

Myrana says, "And we can't find the ladder."

Myrana says, "How would we get them /out/ of the vat?"

"Just bring 'em over to the Temple of Tarien, get 'em raised." Jibbom answers. "I did that kind of thing all the time when I was a kid. Builds character!"

"I don't want dead children in my bar, Jibbom!" Myrana says, RATHER MORE LOUDLY THAN SHE MEANT TO.

"Well then, don't let them fall in the vat!" Jibbom says with a carefree smile. "Solution found!"

Cesran chuckles to himself as he eats the very good food at the buffet as he watches what's going on.

"We can never find ANYTHING when we need it," agrees Sandy.

Myrana says, "We once locked Rum in the cellar for a week."

"That was YOUR fault," says Sandy to Myrana.


"That's fine. Cellars are full of fun activities for curious children." Jibbom claims.