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Revision as of 07:54, 18 December 2015

Log Info

  • Title: A Little Batty
  • Emitter: Yngvild
  • Characters: Malorn, Vasya, Chach, Audax, Dalan
  • Place: The Woods
  • Time: December 17, 2015
  • Summary: Hired by the Guild of Adventurers and a pixie what could go wrong?
  • APL: 3
  • Encounter 1: 1 Sorceress (3) 2 Fighters (2), 2 Rangers (3)

The gentleman at the Adventurers guild seemed mystified when a tiny note appeared on his desk asking for adventurers to help with a rescue, giving a meeting place in the woods. Of course the purse of gold with it was not small and at least there was a map on the back. Anyway not too many adventurers took the offer up, but with some of the gold and the teeny weeny map the adventurers were sent off into the woods.

Malorn has heard that work for the adventurers' guild paid well and he signed up for his first adventure with them. He was glad that his race did not prevent him from this job. He is not familiar with the area outside of the city so he is glad that they have a map. He looks around the wood as he stays towards the back of the group.

Chach taps out a rhythm with his hands as he waits. His feet rest at a dancer's point--that awkward yet flexible movement of foot that looks painful to everyone else, but is perfectly comfortable, apparently, to him.

Tamping her Glaive on the ground, Vasya is walking along side of Chach. More importantly, she's the one with the map. "Can they make the map any smaller?" She says softly as she looks about. "This may be it."

Malorn looks at the map that Vasya has, "Have either of you ever been to this place that we are going before?" He asks before he looks around again, "Did they tell either of you who we were meeting and why?"

The clearing is beautiful, sun dappled with lush green grass, sweet smelling flowers, singing birdies and the whole disney nine yards. So it is not all that surprising perhaps when a small female pixie fluters from out of the trees, perhaps why the map and note were so tiny.

Chach looks up at the arrival, his ears bouncing behind him like long kites. "Aha! Hello, pretty lady!" he says, and stands, sweeping to a bow. "May you be blessed by the great Lady Boom-Boom, She of Unintentional Explosions!" he says, and then straightens! His wrists give a shimmer, the bangles chiming in a miniature quick-fast chiftetelli.

Malorn is a Mul'niessa who stands 5' tall and has light grey skin. He has alabaster white hair that is cut close on the sides and pulled back on the top to form a short top knot. He has a oval shaped face with high cheek bones. He has white eyebrows and under them dark blue eyes. Malorn has a small nose and medium full lips. He is thin but with athletic, with thin whipcord muscles.

Malorn is wearing a simple tunic and pants with a cloth belt tied around his waist. On this belt hang his potions and vials. He is wearing a pair of braces on his forearms and a pair of cloth boots tied to his feet with simple cords.

Standing little over 5' tall, this woman has slightly tanned skin and red hair that falls to her shoulders. She has large blue eyes with red eyebrows sloping over each. She has an angular face, with full, red lips, a pert nose and an angular chin. Her hair usually has a braid in it, somewhere.

She has a slender body that somehow has a full figure. She wears a green, leaf patterned breastplate and carries a Glaive in her hand, and a longbow on her back. She also wears soft leather travelers boots.

Malorn spots the pixie that flutters from out of the trees and he looks over at Chach with a quirk of his eyebrow. He shakes his head a little bit as he bows his head to the pixie, "Greetings, are you the one that asked for help from the Alexandrian Adventurer's Guild?"

Vasya blinks her eyes and smirls. "Well......I can't complain anymore. Hey there." She says to the pixie...but holds up the map. "This yours?"

A smile forms on the pixie's face as she offers Chach a graceful aerial bow. This smile fades to a look of distrust as she spies the Mul with the group. She frowns and flutters a little away. She clears her throat and then nods to Vasya "I am..." she says then makes a noise like the tinkling of tiny bells "...and yes I drew that" she says a little proudly, still eyeing the dark elf sidelong "Some of our children were taken by a horrible witch from the dark woods"

"We are here for you, most pretty lady! The services of Alexandria to your children's rescue--and I, myself," the Ceinaran finishes modestly, and with a dip of his head and a drop of the shoulder. He's dressed to the nines, with choli and loose pants. Bangles rest on each wrist, with sharpened ones like swooping copper vines around his hips. "We shall sacrifice the villains to the great fires!"

"It is a good drawing, though I'm a bit too big to truly appreciate it." Vasya says softly before she listens to the tale and her face turning very.....very stern. "Truly? It's no wonder you asked for help. Do you know where they went, and....if not, do you have something that belongs to one of the children?"

Malorn doesn't react when the pixie moves back, "I am sorry that your children were taken." He offers before Vasya asks the questions that he was going to ask. He steps back a bit to just listen although Chach is eyes again as he speaks of sacrificing the villains to the great fire.

An Egalrin with dark grey feathers and piercing black eyes. Dressed simply in a vest and belt with many pouches. Along the legs are harnesses festooned with weapons of many descriptions, from daggers to sais to kamas. Strapped between the wings is a longbow and a quiver. Typically in hand is a very well made glaive.

The pixie girl blushes at the compliment but then pales as her hands rise to her cheeks "oh no! No fires in the woods kind sir. The trees don't like it" she assures him gravely. The mul is given another suspicious look but to Vasya "Oh we know where her cottage is but there is not enough of us" she says sadly "She is very very powerful" she adds in her tinkling voice.

Audax quietly joins the others and offers a polite nod of greeting. The Egalrin checks its weapons and makes sure everything is ready.

"Then we drag them to the city! Pretty lady, we will find justice done! Your children returned!" Chach declares. When the mul looks his way, he looks back, unafraid. Bring it on, demon-spawn, that look says. And he sniffs like he's smelled something foul! Well, mul.

"I have no doubt. Witches can be very troublesome, but when I heard that someone in the woods needed help, I came out to help." The wild elf says. "I am Vasya, Inquisitor of Gilead. I shall be happy to help your children out. I know One by reputation only. He follows Ceinara, and I don't think he has actual fire abilities." She says starting to stand up. "If you could show us the way to this cottage, I would appreciate it."

Malorn ignores the looks he is given as he looks back at the pixie. "We shall do our best to get your children back. I am Malorn. Please lead on."

Audax says simply "We will help you." Apparently the Egalrin is an avian of few words.

"No fire" the pixie repeats then offers a dazzling if somewhat brainless seeming smile. Well she is very blond afterall. That said she flutters around the group, then with a nod to Vasya zips off rather quickly through the woods.

Dalan comes tromping through the woods with all the skill and grace of his dwarven ancestors. Tromp tromp tromp. The poor undergrowth, it may never recover. He pauses to wipe his forehead on the back of his hand. "Och, I hope we get there soon," he grumbles around the unlighted pipe he holds clenched in his jaw. "Gods only know what that filthy witch is doin' te those poor wee bairns."

"I hope she leads us in the right direction." Vasya says as she starts to walk her way through the woods....and making it a point to lead the way. She makes sure to walk along the path the pixie took.....and making sure everyone stays within sight of each other....at least.

Malorn nods to the pixie, "We understand no fire. We would not want to hurt your home." He looks back towards the khazad, "Glad you could catch up." He says before he moves to follow after the pixie and Vasya towards the witch's house. He does his best to move as quietly as he can when walking through the woods.

"Farewell, Sparkle Lady!" says the gobber as they turn to march away. As they do, he slows as he passes the mul. His eyes burn, his ears tremble! He jobs two hands at his own eyes, then towards the mul, then back at Malorn. I am watching you, demon's spawn! the look says, though he's also three-foot tall! He repeats the gesture, then slows his steps, to watch from behind.

Audax draws their bow and knocks an arrow, keeping alert for the dangers that might occur in the forest. The Egalrin moves with a graceful gait, not making much noise. Compared to the dwarf, no noise at all.

Dalan takes his pipe in hand, nodding at Malorn. "When word reached th' Temple that there were children missin', I was glad te volunteer. Anything I can do te help," he says, tucking his pipe into a belt pouch. He continues tromping, picking his way through the undergrowth. He does try to move quietly, but he's no woodsman. Plus he's well armored.

The pixie girl doesn't show much signs of slowing down, perhaps not used to dealing with groundlings. Still she does trail sparkles which whilst they vanish before hitting the ground at least give folks a trail to follow. Just before another bend in the windy path she stops, and wrings her hands anxiously "Around the bend is the evil witch" she whispers as the party catches up "I daren't go anything further or she might take my wings!"

"All right. You get yourself to safety, and we'll take it from here." She says softly as she walks alllll the way up to the bend.....and stops......working to stay on one side of the bend....and peek around the corner to look....and hoping to keep everyone behind her. She puts her finger up to keep everyone quiet.

Malorn inclines his head as he stops, "We understand we would not want you to lose your wings. We shall handle it from here." He says as he lowers his voice and moves behind Vasya to see what is beyond the bend.

Dalan nods to the pixie. "No te fret, lassie. We're here. We'll no let that miserable slag hurt anyone else," he growls. He takes his bill in both hands, standing on tiptoes to try and peer around the bend. Being half-dwarf can be such a pain sometimes. "I canna see anything!" he grunts, hopping a couple times to try to get a better view.

The small gobber salutes the Great Sparkles, and fans out his ears! Did he puff up his warts? Possibly so! "I'm hooked on a feeling! We'll take them down, just you wait, Sparkles!" he mouths the words back, and looks intently towards the indicated path-bend, then turns to the sylvanori and puts his finger along his gobber-lips, too!

Around the corner is...another rather charming looking clearing. Lush plants, trees, bright sunshine that shines down on what appears to be a fairytale gingerbread cottage. The smell is enticing as is the scent of more baking coming from the gingerbread chimney. All in all it looks like a peaceful enchanted grove. That really smells delightfuly of ginger and sweets.

Audax starts trotting faster after the pixie, to keep her in sight and to gain distance from the noisy others.

Malorn hmms a little bit and says softly, "I didn't think that houses could be made out of confectionary. I can see why the children would want to come here." He starts to look around for any sight of the witch or the children.

When they round to the clearing, the gobber's eyes go as round as dinner-saucers. Not just tiny saucers, but those big, BIG ones grandmothers put the turkey on. "OOooohh..." he says, and steps forward. He remembers to glance back towards the demon-spawn, before beginning to circle around to the side, though not too far.

Dalan's eyes widen a bit when he finally spies the house. "Children, hell! -I'd- like te come here! I -love- gingerbread!" he says. His ample middle giving an audible rumble as he licks his lips. "Oh, Blessed Lady, grant me strength an' deliver me from temptation," he mutters, eyes fixed like a laser on that house.

Audax keeps to the trees and starts looping around the clearing, keeping eyes peeled out for problems. Audax makes their way to the opposite side of the clearing from the others to offer cover and warning.

Vasya is looking around the plains.....and she takes a breath. 'mmmf. Too much is WRONG with this area." Vasya says as she grits her teeth....resisting the tempting confectionary delights. She's an inquisitor.....and a wild elf. if you think druids are zealots, an Inquisitor would make them look like kittens. She turns the corner and gestures for Chach to come with her.......mostly to get in front of her. "No setting things on fire."

<OOC> Yngvild says, "Will saves for all!"

GAME: Chach rolls will+3: (2)+3+3: 8

GAME: Malorn rolls preception: (10)+preception: 10

GAME: Malorn rolls perception: (9)+11: 20

GAME: Dalan rolls will: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Vasya rolls will: (20)+8: 28 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

GAME: Malorn rolls will: (4)+4: 8

GAME: Audax rolls Will: (10)+6: 16

GAME: Audax rolls Perception: (12)+13: 25

<OOC> Yngvild says, "Welcome to whirldice. Okay everyone but Vasya gets REALLY REALLY hungry. And look all the delicous tasty gingerbread :)"

You paged Malorn with 'You do seem some movement from within but you are also REALLY hungry'

You paged Audax with 'You saved vs will, you can see some movement inside through the sugar glass windows.'

"Only in praise of the Great Boom-Boom!" he whispers, and moves on ahead. Chach moves without moving, muscles liquid and shoulders steady. Like a moon-walk. No, a grass-walk. No, a oh-Ceinara-hold-my-heart-that's-a-Gingerbread House walk. And then as that delicious aroma wafts that way, he forgets everything but the rumbly in his tumbly, and the sight of those delicious gumdrop buttons. He veers abruptly right. He's easy to find--well first, he's bright green. Second: telltale drool-trail!

Rounding the corner, Vasya starts to stride right for the house.....and her determination is set against the rather wonderful smells. She doesn't get hungry, so she's a little surprised when Chach is going off on his own. "What are you doing!?" Vasya says a little bewildered.

Dalan's eyes get widen, his nose twitching. "Ohh, beards o' me fathers," he mutters, putting a hand to his middle, which growls insistantly. He seems entranced, absently lifting a hand to knuckle the drool starting to well up from his mouth. Mustn't appear unseemly. He spares a quick glance around at the others. "It's... probably a -damn- foolish idea te eat any o' that. Isn't it?" he says in a low tone. His stomach snarls at him again, and he whimpers softly. "Gods beneath us. Of all th' days te run out of th' Temple afore dinner," he mutters.

Malorn hmms as he sees some movement inside but before he can say anything he feels hunger like he's never felt before. His belly rumbles and he rubs his face a bit. "This is probably what happened to the children. This hunger is terrible." He looks to Vasya, "Do you not feel it as well?"

"Not the gumdrop buttons!" Chach whispers back, and takes off towards the house and its delicious, delicious door at a run. He's going to try to EAT HIS WAY THROUGH unless someone stops him! Some Ceinarans have poor impulse control!

Audax isn't sure what to do with half the group suddenly gorging themselves on the house.

You paged Audax with 'Sugar glass, so rather blurry'

"Feel what? The need to get into the...." Vasya says as she spots Chach running for the door. ".....and that might solve our problems....." She says as Chach starts to chow down on the house...provided no one stops him.

You paged Audax with 'You can certainly try :)'

An Egalrin with dark grey feathers and piercing black eyes. Dressed simply in a vest and belt with many pouches. Along the legs are harnesses festooned with weapons of many descriptions, from daggers to sais to kamas. Strapped between the wings is a longbow and a quiver. Typically in hand is a very well made glaive.

You paged Audax with 'How tall is Audax?'

Malorn looks towards Vasya, "When I look at that house I feel this almost uncontrollable hunger." He doesn't make a grab for the gobber as he doesn't want to get any closer to the house for fear he will lose self control.

Chach grabs at the gumdrops and then digs in with the desperation of a man who's spotted an oasis in the desert! Soon, the only sounds that are heard are: Om nom nom nom nom! with the frequency of a teeny, tiny buzz-saw!

You paged Audax with 'At that height, with wings...eh cool idea but not sure Audax would fit :('

You paged Audax with 'Roll acrobatics then'

GAME: Audax rolls Acrobatics: (20)+8: 28

You paged Audax with 'Will let you know when to pose it. It will be soon but just have something else first :)'

Chach gets a fair way through the door before it is sadly snatched from his grasp by a...well she certainly doesn't look like a witch. In fact she seems to be a kindly old grandmother, white hair in a bun, rosy cheeks and a spotless apron "Oh my!" she declares as her hands rise to her cheeks "Whatever are you doing?" she asks the goblin, then looks up to the others around, her eyes widening in apparent shock.

You paged Audax with 'Now you can pose :)'

Audax carefully sets down the longbow and quiver, hiding them under a bush. Audax then readies a large glaive and spends a moment to focus. Then silently breaks into a sprint towards the house. Aimed at one of the windows, Audax leaps like an arrow towards the window and letting the head of the glaive break the window first, knifes through the window frame so smoothly that the window frame isn't even brushed. Landing on the inside with a roll, Audax quickly hops up onto their feet in a ready stance!

"Gingrebread, you just don't realize...What you--" nom nom "--do to me," says the gobber, as he sits on the ground, his belly getting rounder by the moment. He stares in betrayal as the chunk of delicious, delicious door is snatched so cruelly from his candy-covered hands! Stares, his ears a-tremble and the mouth hanging open, ajar like a giant disposal.

So of course he lunges forward, to try to grab it back! "Oh no you don't! Give it back!"

Vasya tilts her head towards the elderly woman and tilts her head. "You do have some wonderful smelling food here, ma'am, but it seems there's a bit of confusion here." She says as she puts the butt of her Glaive on the ground, just as Audax comes through the window. "It seems someone has asked for help in retreiving their children from you." She then looks at Chach. "and...they all seem to be under some sort of spell from the smells of the food here. Good smelling food making people hungry and all that. Would you know of any sort of pixies around here?"

Malorn stares at the old woman who out of the house and he stays where he is as he hears the crash of a window breaking. He looks to Vasya who seems to be the only one unaffected by whatever magic or curse that's on this house that is making him feel so hungry. He struggles to remained composed as he too would like to go eat the house. Any closer and he would.

Dalan watches Audax go leaping through the window, eyes wide. "Beards o' me fathers. That's a nimble one!" he says. His stomach growls again, and he looks down at it. "Now you be still!" he grunts, giving his breastplate a firm thunk. Looking back up, he trundles forward, not wanting to leave the rest of the party to face the tender mercies of enchanted gingerbread alone. When the old woman appears, he draws up short. Well. Shorter than he already is. Being a half-breed really can be a pain sometimes. "Er. Top of th' day te ye, mum," he says. He nods to Vasya. "Aye, as me comrade here says. We're lookin' fer a witch." He looks around. "Ye havena seen any about, have ye?"

"Oh my!" the kindly looking grandmother exclaims again as a fully armed Eglarin breaks a window. Inside looks much like a fairytale cottage in the woods. Curtsey decorations and all. The oven however is very large. Large enough for human children let alone pixie, black and somehow evil looking. There is also a solid iron trap door set into the floor. She hrumphs softly as her gaze turns to the seemingly sane one "And so you thought to break my windows and have your pet goblin eat my door?" she asks as a hand drops down to her ample hips. She sniffs as she looks to Dalan "Are you calling me a witch?"

Audax says calmly "Release the spell that compells eating, or face the consequences."

"Iii-Iii-Iiii'm hooked on a feelin! I'm in love with you!" says the gobber. He grabs handfuls of the stuff, shoving them in his mouth. His hands are covered in icing, delicious, delicious icing of all kinds and flavors and deliciousness. "I'm in luff wif you!" he declares, and does his best to rush inside the house. Because gosh, guys, THERE MUST BE MOAR!

GAME: Dalan casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14

You paged Dalan with 'Lots of magic all about'

Malorn stays where he is and doesn't move any closer to the house. He can feel his stomach rumbling and tightening like he hasn't eaten in months. He can feel that something is not right with this hunger. "Chach you should stop...there is something not right." He tries to get out as he's sweating profusely and he takes out a small square of cloth to wipe his face and neck.

"We didn't call you that, ma'am. And it wasn't a plan to break into the house like that. There are children missing, and we mean to find them." Vasya says non-diplomatically to the woman....since the truth will get them to the children faster. "The one that called us here, pointed us here though.....and it is the first place we are looking. Do you know where the children are, or have any ideas of who could've taken them?"

GAME: Vasya rolls sense motive: (17)+14: 31

Dalan looks up at the old woman, blinking owlishly. "What? O' course not! I just asked if ye'd seen any about!" He harrumphs, his beard bristling. His growling tummy is not helping things. He takes a step back, lifting a hand to brush his fingers over his holy symbol. "O Blessed Lady, I ask ye fer sight beyond sight," he mutters quietly under his breath. There's a glimmer of brilliant sky-blue light in his eyes, which widen like tea saucers. He looks around, jaw hanging agape for a moment. Before he turns his attention back to the old woman. "I take that back. I think ye -are- a witch. An' ye've bewitched us wi' yer delicious treats!" he growls. He gestures with one hand. "Magic. There be magic -everywhere- here!"

You paged Vasya with 'She doesn't seem to be entirely on the level, but hasn't lied so far'

Audax says softly "This is your last warning, remove the spell or else." The Egalrin steps in and tucks the blade of the glaive under the old lady's chin.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Yngvild has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Yngvild to instruct you further.

For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


"There is an oven in here!" the enthused gobber calls back. Then, "It must hide the ginger bread! Can you smell it? Can you smell its sweet scent, better than the scent of a delicious, melted banana over caramel? More delicious than chocoberry fudge? It is the most delicious--it is the ambrosia of the gods!" he declares, his ears a-quiver, and the eyes a-wide. "Oh, bless us Lady Boom-Boom, I--" and he takes a step towards the oven. The delicious, delicious ambrosia of the gods! HE IS SURE OF IT!

GAME: Vasya rolls initiative: 10 + 5 = 15

GAME: Audax rolls initiative: 20 + 4 = 24

GAME: You roll initiative for Granny: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 7

GAME: Chach rolls initiative: 16 + 4 = 20

GAME: You roll initiative for m1: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 14

GAME: You roll initiative for m2: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 6

GAME: Malorn rolls initiative: 8 + 3 = 11

GAME: You roll initiative for r1: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 24

GAME: You roll initiative for r2: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 12

GAME: Chach's initiative total changed to 22.

GAME: Dalan rolls initiative: 7 = 7

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 24.

It is now r1's turn! Audax is next!

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 24.

It is now Audax's turn! Chach is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Audax ended.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 22.

It is now Chach's turn! Vasya is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Chach ended.

Audax is standing there with the glaive held under the little old lady's chin, the blade all but brushing against her throat as a threat.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 15.

It is now Vasya's turn! m1 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Vasya ended.

"...ambrosia!" The gobber whispers in shaking tones. His eyes burn with hunger as he LEAPS! he grasps the handle of the oven, and yank, yank, tug! until he bounces it open. On the tray...are tiny, delicious little gingerbread men.

"Sweet Lady Boom-boom! I thank you this day, for I am your most blessed gobber, the most handsome..." and on and on like that. He lifts one of the delicious treats from the tray, with shaking hands.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 14.

It is now m1's turn! r2 is next!

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 12.

It is now r2's turn! Malorn is next!

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 11.

It is now Malorn's turn! Granny is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Malorn ended.

Vasya takes a deep breath as Audax seems to be forcing the entire issue, and with Chach on the floor, and opening the oven. "Ma'am......I can already tell you're holding somethign back, so......I'm going to ask that you be honest with me....and completely honest. There are children missing, and we mean to find them. If you know where they are....tell us, and we will leave your home to find them......peacefully. If you do not, or lie to us....we will get more......upset." She says looking towards the glaive at the woman's neck....and starting to ready her glaive. "The choice is yours, ma'am.....and I'm sorry it's come to this."

Malorn starts to move towards the house and the closer he gets the stronger the hunger gets. He's trying to resist, but when he comes within reach of the house he can't help himself as he grabs the gingerbread and snaps off a large hunk of it. He can't help himself as he stuffs it into his mouth and starts to eat it. He shakes a bit as it tastes so good.

Watch System: Miruan has disconnected.

Watch System: Miruan has connected.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 7.

It is now Granny's turn! Dalan is next!

The granny lets out a long suffering sigh. Not seeming to pay heed to the blade at her throat she takes her glasses off and polishes them on her apron "Adventurers" she says the tone of her voice changing and hardening "Always so suspicious and violent" she adds, her hard gaze resting on Audax "BOYS!" she calls out loudly, but doesn't move aside from that.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 7.

It is now Dalan's turn! m2 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Dalan ended.

GAME: Malorn rolls perception: (1)+11: 12 (EPIC FAIL)

Dalan frowns darkly. "Mum, we're no wantin' any kind o' trouble," he says. "But if you or yer lads decide te start a fuss, we'll be obliged te defend ourselves." He grips the haft of his bill a bit more firmly, but keeps it relaxed. "Now I can see that there's magic all over here. An' I can feel somethin' makin' me hungrier than a gob--" He glances at Chach. "Than -him-," he says, gesturing at the om-noming gobber. "An' need I mention th' fact that this is a stonking -gingerbread house-? Ye can forgive us fer bein' a wee bit put out o' sorts, aye?"

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 6.

It is now m2's turn! r1 is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (4)+9: 13

At her cry the trapdoor set into the floow BURSTS open and a slavering half-oruch charges forth with a wall shaking battle cry. Sadly his charge is better than his swing, the two handed axe missing Audax and smashing a hole in the wall.


Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 24.

It is now r1's turn! Audax is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (5)+9: 14

You paged Dalan with 'Have you equipped any armor?'

You paged Dalan with 'It does yes :) and your weapons'

You paged Dalan with 'Cool :)'

Melting from out of woods is a slender form in a long green cloak. He, or maybe she, draws a bowstring back and launches an arrow at the feasting Malorn, sadly it manages to lodge itself in the gingerbread by his head.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 24.

It is now Audax's turn! Chach is next!

GAME: Audax rolls Weapon1: (16)+4: 20

GAME: Audax rolls 1d10+3: (2)+3: 5

Audax flicks the blade of the glaive at the old lady, but she twitches at just the right moment so the blade only cuts along her shoulder instead of slitting her throat.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 22.

It is now Chach's turn! Vasya is next!

"Sweet ambrosia!" whispers the gobber. He is gathering ALL of the gingerbread from the oven, and stacking it, stacking it as high as his noodle-arms can carry. It leaves him staggered, but determination knows no bounds. Hunger knows no virtue! "I take this to the temple! And if some of it disappears along the way, I declare it Divine destiny!" he declares. "Sweet ambrosia, deserving of the gods! Most delicious, most divine..." as he staggers past/towards Granny, he says: "Thank you, bless you, you a Blessed Wrinkly Lady! I am taking this gingerbread now! Thank you!"

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 15.

It is now Vasya's turn! m1 is next!

GAME: Vasya rolls weapon1: (6)+8: 14

GAME: Vasya rolls 1d10+4: (2)+4: 6

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 14.

It is now m1's turn! r2 is next!

"CHACH! GET BACK HERE, OR YOU WON'T GET ANY MORE GINGERBREAD!" Vasya yells loudly at the gobber as she slashes at the woman, and putting a bit of a gash on the woman.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (15)+9: 24

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d12+4: (1)+4: 5

GAME: You damaged Audax for -1000 points. 18 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Malorn for -1000 points. 29 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Vasya for -1000 points. 32 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Dalan for -1000 points. 22 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Chach for -1000 points. 37 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Vasya for 5 points. 27 remaining.

RAAWWWWWR Comes another bellowing cry as a second half-oruch charges up from the cellar. He has a bit more sucess than the first, managing to graze a line down along Vasya, bearing yellowed tusks in a fierce grin of triumph.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 12.

It is now r2's turn! Malorn is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (5)+9: 14

A second archer appears at the opposite side of the of the clearing. He launches an arrow but this time has no more luck than his snipery compatriot, the arrow missing the running gingerbread thief.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 11.

It is now Malorn's turn! Granny is next!

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+5: (17)+5: 22

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d6+3: (5)+3: 8

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 7.

It is now Granny's turn! Dalan is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+4: (18)+4: 22

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d6+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: You damaged Audax for 4 points. 14 remaining.

Malorn stops eating as he sees the others come out and Vasya attack. He assumes a tiger style form and he moves forward to rake his fingers across Granny's face. He moves back into his stance ready to defend or attack again.

"You really should have minded your own business" the witch snarls as she steps back and raises one hand. A glow gathers in the palm of her wrinkled hand. She extends it towards Audrax, the beam lancing out and into the Eglarin, a harsh cackle following.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 7.

It is now Dalan's turn! m2 is next!

GAME: Dalan rolls 1d20+4: (16)+4: 20

GAME: Dalan rolls 1d8+2: (5)+2: 7

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 6.

It is now m2's turn! r1 is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (18)+7: 25

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (5)+9: 14

Dalan startles as the half-oruchs begin making their appearance. "Now come on, everyone, let's not--" Then the archers appear and start firing arrows. He ducks his head, clapping a hand to his bonnet to keep it from flying away. "Really now, this isna--!" Then the witch starts forming her dark sorcery. "Damn it all, can we just--" As the oruchs charge, the archers line up to fire, and the witch cackles, the half-dwarf decides that he has had -enough-. "ALL RIGHT! THIS IS MY BUSINESS NOW, YE RAM-SHAGGIN' GOBSHITE! YARRR!" He steps forward and jabs his pike forward, getting a good lick in on the witch. "YE WANT SOME O' THIS, YE NASTY-ARSE SLAG? DO YE? C'MON! I'M RIGHT HERE!"


Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 24.

It is now r1's turn! Audax is next!

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 24.

It is now Audax's turn! Chach is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d12+4: (12)+4: 16

GAME: You damaged Audax for 16 points. -2 remaining. (DYING)

Watch System: Miruan has disconnected.

Audax drops to the ground, bleeding and unconscious.

GAME: Audax rolls Weapon1: (8)+4: 12

The Half Oruch who charged Audax is still up and this time he takes a more steadied and deliberate swing. The huge axe sinks deep into the Eglarin, sending then spiraling to the ground.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 22.

It is now Chach's turn! Vasya is next!

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+11: (16)+11: 27

GAME: Chach rolls 1d2+5: (1)+5: 6

GAME: Chach rolls intimidate: (14)+10: 24

Watch System: Stjepan has connected.

"I DECLARE THIS GINGERBREAD IN THE NAME OF GREAT LADY-BOOMBOOM!" declares the gobber! He weaves, performing a near camel--body goging concave, the body forming a perfect C, then up on the toes--to dodge past swinging axes and glaring grannies! They swing, he weaves, and--"You cannot take the sk--the gingerbread from me!" he shouts to the archer, and sets the gingerbread down.


And then he hip-slams the half-oruch, eyes going fire as he glares at the archer. He jabs two fingers at his eyes, then the archer. "Afraid to face Ceinara's Most Blessed, are you!"

Yngvild ninit

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 15.

It is now Vasya's turn! m1 is next!

GAME: Vasya refreshes spells.

GAME: Vasya casts Bless. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 14.

It is now m1's turn! r2 is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (16)+7: 23

Seeing Audax go down, Vasya backs her way away from the granny. "Keep her busy, Chach." She says edging her way around the half orcs to get to Audax.....and asking for Gilead's assistance to help them fight these enemies.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d12+4: (2)+4: 6

GAME: You damaged Chach for 6 points. 31 remaining.

The other half-orc pales under his coating of dirt over his green skin. His bellowed warcry is rather more tremolous than before and his swing weaker, but still it grazes along the goblins side, and more importantly knocks some gingerbread from his grasp!

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 12.

It is now r2's turn! Malorn is next!

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 11.

It is now Malorn's turn! Granny is next!

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+5+1: (7)+5+1: 13

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+5+1: (20)+5+1: 26

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+5+1: (2)+5+1: 8

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+5+1: (9)+5+1: 15

GAME: Malorn rolls acrobatics: (8)+9: 17

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d6+3: (5)+3: 8

Watch System: Stjepan has disconnected.

Malorn tumbles after granny, "You are not getting away witch, what did you do with the children?" He asks as he gives her a swift kick right to the side.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 7.

It is now Granny's turn! Dalan is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+5: (20)+5: 25

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+5: (5)+5: 10

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d6+1: (2)+1: 3

Granny is rather out of room to move back, but still she grabs what looked like a broom from behind her, that rather turns out to be a spear once it is levelled at Malorn. She is no great melee fighter, but manages to graze it along the Mul's side, cackling again.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 7.

It is now Dalan's turn! m2 is next!

GAME: Audax rolls Constitution: (17)+2: 19

GAME: Dalan rolls 2d6: (9): 9

GAME: You damaged Audax for -9 points. 7 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Malorn for -9 points. 29 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Vasya for -9 points. 32 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Dalan for -9 points. 22 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Chach for -9 points. 37 remaining.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 6.

It is now m2's turn! r1 is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (13)+7: 20

Watch System: Miruan has connected.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d12+4: (11)+4: 15

Dalan's eyes widen as he sees Audax go down in a spray of blood. "Laddie!" he cries. Then Chach gets hit by the half-oruch. Spinning his bill, he slams it butt-first into the ground and grips his holy symbol. "BY TH' POWER OF ALTHEA!" he booms, the presence of his goddess lending an powerful echo to his voice. A blast-wave of brilliant sky-blue light sweeps out from him, reinvigorating his allies--and completely flowing around Granny and her boys.

GAME: You damaged Vasya for 15 points. 17 remaining.


Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 24.

It is now r1's turn! Audax is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (18)+9: 27

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d100: (50): 50

His main target having done down the half-oruch looks around and steps up to Vasya. He hoists his axe as if it weighs nothing and brings it down in a solid thump into the inquisitor.

With most of the folks inside the outside archers are having a bit of tyrouble finding targets. One arrow does fly true, and thuds into the half eaten door.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 24.

It is now Audax's turn! Chach is next!

GAME: Audax rolls Acrobatics: (15)+8: 23

GAME: Audax rolls Weapon1+3: (8)+4+3: 15

GAME: Audax rolls 1d10+3: (5)+3: 8

Audax shakes off the wound as healing power washes through the group. Audax rolls up ...

Malorn has reconnected.

Audax shakes off the wound as healing power washes through the group. Audax rolls up ... and misses an attack.

Malorn has partially disconnected.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 22.

It is now Chach's turn! Vasya is next!

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+11+1: (19)+11+1: 31

GAME: Chach rolls 1d2+5: (2)+5: 7

GAME: Chach rolls intimidate: (3)+10: 13

"Heeeey! Get rhythm! When you get the blues! Come on, get rhythm! Get on your toes and get gone!" cries the gobber, and leaps into action, chimes jingling! All this is making him hungrier, though! His eyes burn with hunger, too! It distracts him as he lands, and he looks away--wiping drool from his gobber-mouth!

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 15.

It is now Vasya's turn! m1 is next!

GAME: Vasya rolls weapon1+1: (8)+8+1: 17

GAME: Vasya rolls 1d10+4: (2)+4: 6

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 14.

It is now m1's turn! r2 is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (9)+7: 16

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 12.

It is now r2's turn! Malorn is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (4)+9: 13

With the oruch stepping up to attack her, Vasya steps backwards to swing her glaive at the oruch....and leaving a decent hit on it's chest.

The rather damaged half orc seems intent on ruining the gobbers snack time. Of course Chach is really eating him out of house and home. Still his blow skitters aside. The archer is having no luck hitting those inside either, peppering the house with more arrows.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 11.

It is now Malorn's turn! Granny is next!

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+5+1: (18)+5+1: 24

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+5+1: (7)+5+1: 13

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+5+1: (5)+5+1: 11

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d6+3: (2)+3: 5

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 7.

It is now Granny's turn! Dalan is next!

Malorn get cracked with the broom, but he keeps up his attacks. He catches her with a kick, but his follow up punches are just off the mark enough to miss. He doesn't look flusters just cool and collected.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+5: (14)+5: 19

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d6+1: (1)+1: 2

GAME: You damaged Malorn for 2 points. 27 remaining.

The witchy granny is really looking the worse for wear, barely holding up. She looks around franmticaly for an escape route, but finding none stabs at Malorn again, barely grazing him.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 7.

It is now Dalan's turn! m2 is next!

GAME: Dalan rolls 2d6: (5): 5

GAME: You damaged Audax for -5 points. 12 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Malorn for -5 points. 29 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Vasya for -5 points. 22 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Dalan for -5 points. 22 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Chach for -5 points. 37 remaining.

You paged Dalan with 'Once you get to tier 2 it becomes much more fun :) less healing needed'

Dalan ducks back a bit, still gripping his holy symbol. His eyes glowing with brilliant blue radiance as he embraces the source of his power, sending another wave of Althea's power into the world. "Keep at it, comrades! Th' Mithril Lady is with us!" he calls.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (13)+7: 20

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d12+4: (8)+4: 12

GAME: You damaged Vasya for 12 points. 10 remaining.

The half-orc seems rather target focused. He takes a five foot step foward and swings his axe hard at the Inquisitor, sinking deep into Vasya's side in a gout of blood that splashes around.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 6.

It is now m2's turn! r1 is next!


Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 24.

It is now r1's turn! Audax is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (7)+9: 16

And again more arrows decorate the somewhat bedraggled gingerbread cottage, the robed and hooded figure muttering about something.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 24.

It is now Audax's turn! Chach is next!

GAME: Audax rolls BAB+Dexterity+2: (16)+1+4+2: 23

GAME: Audax rolls BAB+Dexterity+2: (2)+1+4+2: 9

GAME: Audax rolls 1d6+2: (5)+2: 7

Audax steps up close and throws a knee strike into the small of the back of the half-orc, then connects with an elbow strike that doesn't hit hard enough to do damage.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 22.

It is now Chach's turn! Vasya is next!

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+11+1: (17)+11+1: 29

GAME: Chach rolls 1d2+5: (2)+5: 7

GAME: Chach rolls intimidate: (7)+10: 17

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 15.

It is now Vasya's turn! m1 is next!

GAME: Vasya casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 4 DC: 14

GAME: Vasya rolls 1d8+4: (5)+4: 9

GAME: You damaged Vasya for -9 points. 19 remaining.

"Think you'd get away with the gingerbread, did you? Think again, you kitchen-aid wannabe!" cries the gobber, as he leaps gracefully towards the oruch. He gives a shimmy-shake shake as he does, slicing the man with the bangles and bronze he wears, before landing beside him. He glowers at him, Ceinaran fire-eyed!

Seeing the oruch focused upon her, Vasya steps backwards and touches her hand to her chest, letting a blue glow flow over her form to heal some of her wounds.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 14.

It is now m1's turn! r2 is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+5: (13)+5: 18

The half Orc is being rather pwned by Chach, and is looking much worse the wear. Also he is obviously shaken, much of the fight drained from him. His swing barely misses, but still he takes a step back away and towards the exit, looking perhaps to flee.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (12)+9: 21

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d100: (94): 94

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 12.

It is now r2's turn! Malorn is next!

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 11.

It is now Malorn's turn! Granny is next!

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+5+1: (2)+5+1: 8

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+5+1: (9)+5+1: 15

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+5+1: (13)+5+1: 19

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d6+3: (1)+3: 4

GAME: granny removed from initiative list.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 7.

It is now Dalan's turn! m2 is next!

Malorn kicks and punches at the witch. His first two attacks miss, but he manages to catch the witch with a backhand across the face. That sends the witch tumbling down unconscious.

GAME: Dalan rolls 2d6: (3): 3

GAME: You damaged Audax for -3 points. 15 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Malorn for -3 points. 29 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Vasya for -3 points. 22 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Dalan for -3 points. 22 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Chach for -3 points. 37 remaining.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (15)+7: 22

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d12+4: (6)+4: 10

GAME: You damaged Vasya for -10 points. 32 remaining.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 6.

It is now m2's turn! r1 is next!


Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 24.

It is now r1's turn! Audax is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (8)+9: 17

The half orc steps up towards Vasya again, eyes narrowed down into angry slits. He spins the huge weight of steel and oak easily in between his large hands and slams it into the inquisitor again. And outside the archers continue to decorate the house in a shade called 'Missed Arrows'

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 24.

It is now Audax's turn! Chach is next!

GAME: Audax rolls BAB+Dexterity+2: (18)+1+4+2: 25

GAME: Audax rolls BAB+Dexterity+2: (19)+1+4+2: 26

GAME: Audax rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8

GAME: Audax rolls 1d6+2: (4)+2: 6

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 22.

It is now Chach's turn! Vasya is next!

Audax knee strikes the half-orc and then spin kicks him in the ribs!

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+11+1: (11)+11+1: 23

GAME: Chach rolls 1d2+5: (1)+5: 6

GAME: Chach rolls intimdate: (13)+intimdate: 13

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 15.

It is now Vasya's turn! m1 is next!

GAME: m1 removed from initiative list.

GAME: Vasya rolls weapon1+1: (2)+8+1: 11

"I'm on a hunt, I'm after you!" cries the gobber and one, two, three--he sends the chimes on his wrists swinging as he launches at the half-oruch. And, down he goes, with Chach standing there. ...who immediately runs back to where he'd placed the gingerbread. "You ain't gettin this! It's going to tha Pretty Lady!" he says. Only some of it's already in his mouth.

He yells around crumbs.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 12.

It is now r2's turn! Malorn is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (8)+9: 17

Vasya continues to back up, but her own attacks with her glaive are ineffective. Thankfully the oruch is focused on her...and not Audax.

Well at least the archers outside are consistant. Consistantly bad. Another arrow joins the ones on the wall.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 11.

It is now Malorn's turn! Dalan is next!

GAME: You damaged Vasya for -20 points. 32 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Vasya for 20 points. 12 remaining.

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d20+5+1: (18)+5+1: 24

GAME: Malorn rolls 1d6+3: (6)+3: 9

GAME: m2 removed from initiative list.

Malorn turns away from the downed witch and he goes after one of the half-ourch that are threatening his companions. He moves up and he kicks the one in the back. There is a crack and the half-ourch goes down.

Witch down, big back meatshields down. With a look to each other the two archers melt quickly back into the woods. They are getting too old for this shit.

Chach the gobber has the gingerbread underneath an arm. He takes a slow turn, staring at the house around them. "Praise you, Lady. For you have given us wealth beyond measure..." He is going to eat the house. Totally.

Audax uses the glaive to break the chain on the trap door leading down to the cellar.

As they search, there is much garbled nomming. Chach has been blessed. Ceinara loves him. Even now She fills his belleh with delicious, delicious gingerbread!

Malorn looks around and he goes over towards the cellar door. He pulls it up, "Someone else should go down so they aren't scared."

Vasya is also using her glaive to open the cellar as best she can too.

Dalan has left.

Chach looks up from his gingerbread, and kips to his feet. "Hah! Chach will do!" he says, and then heads that way. "I bring blessings! I bring food! Come forth, let us dance and sing, and trample the ears of our enemies!"

Vasya Puts her hand to her chest to heal herself before she hops down into the cellar. 'I need a shorter weapon, or to learn how to use that in melee. ugh."

The cellar is, not pleasant. The combination of half-orc sleeping area and 'witches' larder is not winning any interior decorating prizes. There is however one bright spot. Literally bright and quite noisy. Lights dart around inside and there are sounds like a dozen tinkling bells on speed as the wicker cage starts to rock back and forth.

Audax stands at the top of the trap door to guard it.

Chach holds up a piece of the gingerbread he is currently nomming, to Vasya. "Ish ish delishious!" he says to Vasya, then calls out again. "If you are bad, we will stomp you! If you are good, we celebrate! Huzzah to the end of the wicked witch! Huzzah, and praise the Great Lady Boom-Boom!"

And then he rushes to the wicker cage. "My tiny Glitters!"

Malorn moves down after Vasya, "I think we can all use practice, even going full out I was only able to hit about once every three times." He spots the cage with the pixie children in it, "Don't worry we are here to help free you."

Vasya walks her way towards the lights and tilts her head. "If you are pixies, then I am here to free you from this place and take you home. Come on. I won't hurt you."

You say, "Wowareyoueretorescueus?Ofcoursetheyaredon'tbestupid.TheyweresosmellyCanwegethomefordinner?" The exact amount of pixie children is hard to tell as they burst forth with Chach's aid and dark around and great speed, and buzzing questions at once in a tiny chorus of bell-like tinkling voices."

"Wowareyoueretorescueus?Ofcoursetheyaredon'tbestupid.TheyweresosmellyCanwegethomefordinner?" The exact amount of pixie children is hard to tell as they burst forth with Chach's aid and dark around and great speed, and buzzing questions at once in a tiny chorus of bell-like tinkling voices.

The swirl of pixies follows people up the stairs, all talking at once, and at rapid speed "Don'tbesillyweallhavedifferentmothersHangonwedon'twearetwinsIamhisoldersisterOhforAnywayhomegoodDoyouthinkweareintrouble?" the multicoloured pipping chorus says as they flutter around at high speed, creating dizzying but rather pretty coloured shapes. They don't seem to share their elders suspicion of Dark Elves, perhaps a little young to have heard the warnings, or too excited to care as they flit around everyone. They seem fascinated with Audax's wings "Wowcanyoufly?Arethesefeathers?Wowawesome"

Audax looks a little overwhelmed by the high speed peepings and zipping around. The Egalrin spreads the wings fully so the children can look them over.

Vasya chuckles softly as she puts a hand on Audax's shoulder, letting blue light flow over the egalrin, healing it. "Come on. Got a job to finish." She says heading out of the 'house'.

Audax heads outside and back to where the longbow and quiver were stashed.

The spreading of Audax's wings gets all the pixies children's attention and the multicoloured swarm descends upon them. Luckily before they can start tugging or worse trying to take souvenirs, the elder pixie simply appears from thin air. She does however have a bow and a rather depleted quiver of arrows, perhaps giving a hint as to the fate of the fleeing snipers. She says something a little firmly in Sylvan, which leads to a chorus of disappointment but the young ones are somewhat obedient and they lead Audax along and swirl around her. She nods her thanks with a bright smile "Thank you brave ones!" she says then they flit off into the woods.