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Latest revision as of 00:34, 19 November 2015

Log Info

  • Title: Taking the Tower
  • Emitter: Rakim
  • Characters: Miriuan, Taidan, Terewin, Sully, Chach
  • Place: Dun Mordren
  • Time: Nov 16 2015
  • Summary: Attacking the castle, some adventurers find themselves together and are given a mission
  • APL: 4
  • Encounter 1: 4 Dwarven Fighters, CR 6
  • Encounter 2: 2 Dwarven Fighters 4 Rogues CR 7

It looks like the civil war has reached its final act. Or at least the prelude to it. There is fighting all about as it seems the Khazad-Ur have made their presence known. The forces have split up in mostly orderly squads, but still impromptu groups form in the furious melee. Such as those near one of the stronghold's towers, which seems to be being used as a linchpin for the defenders line. In the only effective cover is a red-haired dwarf of some rank (Axel Stonecrasher for those who have met him before)and a handful of others taking cover from the various missiles pouring down.

"Great Lady Boom-Boom, we shower you with love! We shower you with explosions! Now-help-bring-down-those-explosions-on-our-enemies, Thank You Forever, Ok!" Chach raises the Symbol of the Golden Flame where it's tattoo'd into his palms overhead, in a dancer's pose. The symbol flashes gold and bright-bright-bright. The Great Lady praised (for the next few minutes) he lowers his hands, and peers across the rocks to the unique sorts of pointy weather only seen in Khazad Duin.

Buzzing squeals and bolts of lightning have dotted the melee for some time, arcing into the massed ranks of Panacea insurgents and scorching them nicely. Now, the Arvek artificer responsible for the noise leans against a wall, tipping back a beer-filled waterskin and smoking a slim roll of tobacco, readying himself for the next set.

Terewin walks through the chaos and carnage with special care. Special care not too ruin the shine on his boots, it is so difficult to find a good shoe shine in times of war, how positively barbaric. Even when under fire he has found a piece of wall tall enough to get cover behind without getting himself dirty or at least trying his best despite flying debris, dust and blood and it has made his progress all the more difficult. None the less he is making a good effort of it, giving the enemy a proper what-for and all that and doing his part for the war effort.

Miruan is careful to duck when she sees a missile come her way. She tends to bother anyone who comes too close. The monk is weaving her way through the combat. It's a bit tough aside from the melees, but she does her best to boot any bad guys who come close. Something something punting something.

GAME: Sully refreshes spells.

Taidan was contracted to deliver a sensitive parcel into the city of Dun Morden. He was just about to get his payment for services rendered when all the trouble in the city erupted. His efforts to get out of the war torn region is met by failure and near death experiences. Over time, he gets to collaborate with other Alexandrian explorers who just happen to be in the same predicament as everyone else. Although some of his companions may have more noble reasons for being out and about in a battlefield, Taidan is just there because he has to. As he hacks and slash and kicks and casts spells at anyone unlucky enough to be in his range, he can be heard repeating a line to himself like a mantra. "I-didn't-sign-up-for-this-I-didn't-sign-up-for-this-I-didn't-sign-up-for-this-..." And the litany continues all throughout the raging chaos and bedlam that is happening all around him.

"Nice boots!" says the gobber, with a dead-eye squint. He peers over the rocks again, not even having to kneel for cover--if he kneeled, he'd be invisible! Or nearly so. "Hey, khazad! Yer father was rubbish! Didn't know one side of a wrench from a sildanyari's leaf toilet!" he caws! Then promptly ducks again!

"Oi surfacers" Axel calls out to the party as they sensibly take cover along with his depleted squad "That fucking tower is a right pain in the arse. We can draw their fire if you can run up there" he says with a nod to stone stairway that leads to a narrow doorway at the foot of the tower "Get in there and get right amongst those fuckers" he adds with a faintly wolfish grin.

Taidan does a double take on the dwarf who is suggesting that they storm the tower, right after he examined the tower itself. "You're kidding." And it is spoken in a manner that expresses disbelief and unwillingness to do the supposed task. And not youthful exuberance and eagerness to test his skills.

Sully draws in a long drag, loosing a churning cloud of blue-gray smoke as his hat tips toward the redhaired Khazad. Nodding once, he caps his beerskin, spits onto the stone at his feet, and pushes off the wall. "...Sounds good," he says, resettling his steel-and-wire-festooned lute in his hands, a casual string plucked producing an unnatural, electrical thrum from the boxy devices rising over his shoulders. "Let's bring the noise."

Miruan blinks. "Well. I'll do my best." The monk takes a deep breath. She seems quietly concerned. "Just please don't get hurt." She likes the dwarves. She really does. She looks to the others, rolling her shoulders. Her cloak shifts as she does. "I'll go towards the front."

"I might get some shiny-shiny like et someday--but then what would I do with my toes? It's a crime, I say, to cover up these warty jewels," The gobber flexes his long gobber-toes with their flashy polish, and the bangles around the ankles. "Fast and quick, I say!" he says then, and then kips up again, after Axel's speech. First he's on his ass, then he isn't! "Let them try!" he crows! Then points to Miruan, "Race you, monky-lady!"

Terewin ponders it for a moment "Hrm... dashing.... heroic. Sounds just up my ally. Lets have at it then, I am sure with our combined effort we can successfully resolve this presing dilema." he says with a bright smile.

"Well those of you who have enough testicular fortitude can storm the tower, those too cowardly can stay here alone until those fucking Dark iron tossers and their constructs overrun this position" Axel replies with a disdainful snort at Taidan. That said he stands and adjusts his armor, making sure everything is in position "Right..." he says as he looks to his three 'men' although gender is a touch hard to tell under the heavy armor they all wear "Count of three shields up and we run to the alleyway opposite..." rather a long way opposite it seems "...you give us another five count and then make your way to the door. Mind you don't trip over the bodies of the rest of my squad" he adds grimly before closing his visor.

"Give'm plenty of company soon," Sully rumbles to the dwarf, not unkindly. Shifting the weight of his artifice-laden pack, he takes a moment to screw a couple of strange devices on the end of his instrument. "Heads enough to stomp, keep'm happy waitin' in the Grey Halls." Taking one final drag of his cigarette, he spits it out to one side, lowering his head at the closed door. "Say the word."

"Well those of you who have enough testicular fortitude can storm the tower, those too cowardly can stay here alone until those fucking Dark iron tossers and their constructs overrun this position" Axel replies with a disdainful snort at Taidan. That said he stands and adjusts his armor, making sure everything is in position "Right..." he says as he looks to his three 'men' although gender is a touch hard to tell under the heavy armor they all wear "Count of three shields up and we run to the alleyway opposite..." rather a long way opposite it seems "...you give us another five count and then make your way to the door. Mind you don't trip over the bodies of the rest of my squad" he adds grimly before closing his visor.

Miruan doesn't have testicles. But she is brave. She grins at the gobber. "Surely," She nods. "And good luck," A respectful bow and salute to Axel. Miruan takes a deep breath and prepares herself for the incoming charge.

"Yes!" the gobber says. He fistpumps! at Miruan's reply, then moves into place. He is ready to GO! "Thank you, Lady of Unintentional Explosions! Watch over us, and rain fire on our enemies, lend fire to our feet! We embrace you! Let us make the explosions upon our enemies!" He was born for this.

Terewin clears his throat, adjusts his collar a bit, cannot be running into battle looking less than fabulous afterall. "Shall we proceed then? On your signal and all that?" he says to the dwarf.

Taidan shakes his head, a look of frustration and anger on his face. "You are all crazy! This isn't our war. Do you know what the political ramifications are if everything goes south on us? You'd not only loose a political ally, you'll develop enmity with the new regime. And for crying out loud, what is the strategic importance of that tower that we need to take it?!" He is definitely not eager to get himself shot down while egressing towards the well defended tower.

"Buddy," the Arvek rumbles, "Best you not argue politics when the boots on the ground are dyin' all around you. Sack up or piss off."

Chach shadow-boxes the flicker-light in front of him. He moves on the balls of his feet, his toes, ready to go. The gobber has one thing in mind--and it's the stupendous performance of how he'll get from one side to the other! Because it what gobber do.

Axel yells something in Khazad that sounds truly vile. Of course most things do. His much depleted squad join in, until a few bolts smack into the cover "GO" he commands them and they sprint from cover as fast as heavily armoured dwarves can do. There is a moment of surprise perhaps but then the tower defenders start pelting them, most bouncing off armor and or shields as they sprint towards the alleyway.

As soon as the defenders take off, Sully lumbers next to the squad. Head down, instrument held close to the chest, legs pumping, the artificer seems to be holding up rather well on the straight sprint.

Taidan stares at the Arvek Nar and is silent, eyes throwing daggers in the person's direction. "Alright. If you are you so eager to get yourselves killed, by all means, go for it." He draws his scimitar and buckler and moves to stand behind the Arvek, likely making use of the other person's built to provide soft cover. And when the command is given to run, he hunkers down behind the Arvek as it makes it's way towards the tower's entrance.

"Kach! Van! Sai! Saor!" counts the gobber as he crouches, and at, "Vaaak!" he leaps from cover, with a wriggle of his fingers towards Miruan! "Gonna race you, monky lady!"

As soon as the defenders take off, Sully presses against the doorway, producing a fresh cigarette and touching it to one of the glowing coils leading off his instrument. Once the gobber reaches one, he shoves off the wall, managing to keep his less-than-fit build and heavy load balanced as he powers up to a lumbering, ground-eating trot.

Terewin starts running as soon as the signal has been given, even risking dirt on shoes, leaping obstacles and rolling behind cover. His coat is dirty now, a tragedy.

Miruan is actually amazingly fast and nimble. her feet barely seem to touch the ground. Behold, the power of Zen. She smiles at Chach, and moves at a normal human speed, declining to use her monk power, it seems. She seems sympathetic towards the others. Here goes nothing.

With their heavy armour the dwarves seem to be making good headway against the storm of arrows and bolts. For a while anyway, one takes an arrow to the knee which sends her sprawling to the ground. Pausing only an instant Axel grabs and hauls her along, slowly the small squad down a bit for a moment. There are dwarven bodies in the parties way, evidence of an earlier charge some may be alive from faint movement but in the open they are staying very still. And so far it seems the defenders are focused on Axel and his group. There is a oaken door up the stairs and past a few more bodies.

Miruan seems to be the fastest, even if she has to hold back a bit. With that, she will charge forth and slam the door with a single snap kick to punt it down. When life gives you feets, punt!

Chach jingles and jangles as he runs! The copper baubles and bangles bounce and bling, and his dancer's outfit billows behind. "Gonna beat you, monky lady!" he crows to Miruan, who of course, could totally beat him running backwards. And then does! When they get to the oaken door, he looks--well, hands go to hips and he says, "Aha! We are here to defeat you! We are the pusher adventurers! We bring the secrets! The secrets of why you not openin this door and gettin yer face smashed in, eh?"

Terewin walks the final few feet to the door, adjusting his collar and brushing the dirt off of his pants. "Well then, shall we? We entering the old fashion way or should I pursuade it with my sword?"

Taidan breaks cover from behind the arvek and rushes inside through the tower entrance, the one that has recently been thrust-kicked open. He hugs the inner wall of the building and takes a moment to adjust to the variance in lighting inside. He takes note of the gobber who is standing outside the open door and says, "I think the gobber should stay there and keep them distracted while the rest of you rush in and kill those upstairs." He does not move from his position, preferring to let others run up ahead and deal with any surprises that may be in store for them.

When the door goes splintering, Chach hoists both scrawny arms on either side! He victory-salutes as they run through, with a shimmy-shake! "You go, monky-lady!" And when inside, he makes a quick Sign, "Explosions for you, Fire-Lady! We love you!" Ceinara is the BEST!

Crashing and clomping at Chach's heels, the Arvek shoulders his way through the doorway. Like any proper wannabe bard, he doesn't seem terribly impressed that their targets aren't paying them any attention. Once safely inside, he resolves to fix that problem, his fingers roaring across the steel strings of his instrument, producing a tortured, semi-melodic squeal from the devices sitting right behind his ears.

It looks like Axel and his squad are going to make it afterall, as the burden of another dwarf doesn't really slow them down anymore. Then there is a really loud TWANG as the ballista up the top fires and the bolt streaks out and hits the command just under the hip, taking his leg clean off. More bolts fly at them as the last standing one drags both of the others into the alleyway.

Terewin clears his throat and grins to others "Mind if I take the lead? Perhaps I can talk them down as we go?" he says grinning and with his sword still in the sheath. Seems being prepared for a fight is not currently on his list of things to do.

GAME: Taidan refreshes spells.

GAME: Sully rolls perform/string: (13)+3: 16

GAME: Taidan casts Enlarge Person. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15

The gobber keeps pace--just behind, of course. Every step reinforces his determination, the fire in his eyes--! He doesn't make it, not quite--he comes in with a skid along with the others, panting. "Gonna--catch my breath! Then we'll tak'em down!"

Taidan stares outside one of the tower's murder holes when he spot the dwarves get massacred outside. He grunts and shakes his head, a sardonic grin on his face, "Idiots." He squares his shoulders, compartamentalizing his thoughts and pushing the sacrifice of the dwarves into obscurity. War is never nice, he reminds himself. And it felt good that he did not develop any rapport with any of the dwarves, otherwise, things would have been different. He strays his eyes outside for just a moment, probably hoping that one of them may still be alive, before shifting his attention upwards. "Well, since I can't kick the ugly dwarves face from here to Alexandria, I might as well entertain myself with some other dwarves behind." He wiggles his scimitar as an afterthough, before casting a spell on himself to enlarge him and increasing his reach advantage.

Inside are three rather surprised looking, but heavily equipped dwarves. They were main focused on watching the other Khazad vs the hail of arrows, so when the door crashed in they were taken a little by surprise, still they do reach for their axes as sounds of movement come from the internal steps.

GAME: Terewin rolls initiative: 6 + 4 + +2 = 12

GAME: Chach rolls initiative: 3 + 4 + +2 = 9

GAME: Sully rolls initiative: 9 + 2 = 11

GAME: You roll initiative for F1: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 13

GAME: You roll initiative for F2: Roll: 10 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 15

GAME: You roll initiative for F3: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 13

GAME: Miruan rolls initiative: 6 + 3 = 9

=============== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 ===============


15 F2

13 F3

13 F1

12 Terewin 1 Flat-footed (0 rnds active)

11 Sully 1 Flat-footed (0 rnds active)

9 Chach 1 Flat-footed (0 rnds active)

9 Miruan 1 Flat-footed (0 rnds active)


GAME: Taidan rolls initiative: 6 + 3 = 9

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpweratk: (20)+swordpweratk: 20

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwratk: aliased to Finesse+1+1+1-2: (4)+9+1+1+1+-2: 14

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwrdmg: aliased to 1d8+5+4+4+2+1+1: (3)+5+4+4+2+1+1: 20

GAME: Sully activates his Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str

GAME: Sully rolls melee: (14)+5: 19

GAME: Sully rolls melee: (20)+5: 25 (THREAT)

GAME: Sully rolls melee: (10)+5: 15

GAME: Sully rolls 1d8+4: (5)+4: 9

Terewin steps up, drawing his sword "Well than, shall we have at it?" he says cheerfull to the dwarves and swipes his sword at them with a flick fo the wrist.

Letting his instrument hang from its strap for a moment, Sully rears back, slamming his fists together with a loud *CLANG* Metal plates begin to slide into place over the outside of his arms, and a pair of smokestacks on his back belch soot and flam with a coughing roar, as the armor that grows around his hands turn his fists into heavy iron mauls. Lunging forward, the Arvek brings his crushing hands down in a looping, overhead blow that largely misses one of the fighters, grazing his shoulder for apparently considerable damage, before his fists crash into the stone floor.

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+11: (7)+11: 18

Chach looks up and gulps air. Gulpgulpgulp...breeaaaathe as he straighens, and then puffsout his scrawny yet svelte little chest. "Arite!" he says, before stalking forward in a leaned-over dancer's style--with a cat-like sway of the hips, and long warty-gobber-toes gripping the ground like claws. "My name is Chach," he says, then the crouched-over sway becomes a crouched-over run! "And I'm hooked on a feelin!" he growls, as he flies past a khazad! There's a CLANG! midway through, followed by an, "OW! Did one of my bangles get caught on that guy's--hey! You give that back!" The slender gobber's eyes burn fire.

GAME: Taidan casts Shocking Grasp. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15

GAME: Taidan rolls 1d20+6+3 (+3 for dwarves wearing metal armour): (1)+6+3 (+3 for dwarves wearing metal armour): 13 (EPIC FAIL)

Taidan steps into view of three seemingly surprised dwarves who have one of their hands unconsciously wandering for their weapon. He narrows his eyes on one of the dwarves and throw a fist that has been charged by electrical energy. At that same moment, one of his allies decides to be in line of his attack. Although friendly fire is sometimes unavoidable in close quarter combat, he is able to hold back on his attack, missing his companion by a hair's breath. "So much for surprise."

GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+1: (20)+10+1: 31 (THREAT)

GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+1: (10)+10+1: 21

GAME: Miruan rolls 2d8+6: (12)+6: 18

GAME: You roll initiative for f4: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 25

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 25.

It is now f4's turn! F2 is next!

Miruan is in awe of Chach. She really is. But the speedy monk has kicking to do. It's time to cast BOOT TO THE HEAD! Miruan scampers up to the dwarf that Terewin is buckling swashes with and aims a swift, sharp roundhouse kick at the dwarven fellow's head. There's a loud KABOOOOOOOOOOOONG and an echoing sound as she hits his armor. But he looks hurt, barely on his feet.

There is the heavy sounds of armored boots on wooden stairs as a forth fighter stomps down. Spying the party he curses and hefts shield and axe before advancing cautiously.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 15.

It is now F2's turn! F3 is next!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+7: (20)+7: 27

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d12+4: (7)+4: 11

GAME: You damaged Terewin for 11 points. 25 remaining.

One of the downstairs dwarves steps up alongside his companion, huge greataxe swung around off his back and down into Terewin in one smouth motion "Can yer mother sew pretty boy?" the dwarf grates in a harsh voice "Tell her to stich that aye"

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 13.

It is now F3's turn! F1 is next!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+7: (10)+7: 17

The other downstairs dorf steps up to form a line with his (or her) companions. The huge axe swings at the rather more slender Monk, but Miruan manages to move aside from the heavy blow.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 13.

It is now F1's turn! Terewin is next!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+7: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)

Bruised, bleeding and barely hanging on the remaining dwarf can barely swing his greataxe. The blow comes closer to decapitating his neighbour than hitting anyone at all.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 12.

It is now Terewin's turn! Sully is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Terewin ended.

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwratk: aliased to Finesse+1+1+1-2: (17)+9+1+1+1+-2: 27

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwratk: aliased to Finesse+1+1+1-2: (4)+9+1+1+1+-2: 14

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwrdmg: aliased to 1d8+5+4+4+2+1+1: (5)+5+4+4+2+1+1: 22

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 11.

It is now Sully's turn! Chach is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Sully ended.

Terewin is struck with an axe! Oh no! Theres blood on his coat! OH NO! Now Terewin is getting upset, wagging a finger at a the hurt dwarf "You ruined my coat, I demand an apology." he says sticking his sword in the dwarf, which promptly falls down in a bloody heap "Apology accepted."

GAME: Sully casts Burning Hands. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14

GAME: Sully rolls 2d4: (5): 5

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+4: (7)+4: 11

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+4: (8)+4: 12

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 9.

It is now Chach's turn! Taidan is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Chach ended.

His presence made known in the fight, Sully swings his instrument back into his hands. "Shoulda stayed in bed," he growls at the dwarf in front of him, and his fingers begin to dance on the strings. What comes from the devices on his shoulders is a fluttering, squealing melody, climbing higher and higher until it reaches a warbling apex... which point one of the devices screwed into the guitar's head bursts open, belching forth a gout of flame that scorches his dwarf and the one at the stairs.

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22

GAME: Chach rolls 1d2+5: (1)+5: 6

GAME: Chach rolls intimidate: (9)+10: 19

GAME: f1 removed from initiative list.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 9.

It is now Taidan's turn! Miruan is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Taidan ended.

GAME: Taidan casts Shocking Grasp. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15

GAME: Taidan rolls 1d20+6+3+2: (6)+6+3+2: 17

GAME: Taidan rolls 3d6: (11): 11

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 9.

It is now Miruan's turn! f4 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Miruan ended.

"You done tangled outta yer league, khazad! You got the kiss of the Lady of Unintentional Explosions! We got tha kaboom, and you gonna burn! Now--" the gobber leaps, bat-ears flying and flapping, as he hip-SLAMS! into the khazad in armor. "Hello from tha Lady!" From the other side, he gives the arvek a solemn, business-like nod that's just wackily out of character from his other speech. But that nod says all there is to say: Praise her. And let us light this infidel on fire.

Taidan moves to flank with one of his allies against the dwarf that has recently been scorched. He powers up his fist with a spell again, and then uses his height/length advantage to connect a punch on the face of the singed dwarf. It hits. But not enough damage to put it down.

GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+2: (3)+10+2: 15


Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 25.

It is now f4's turn! F2 is next!

Miruan turns, aiding Taidan in a flank. She takes a quick punch at one of the dwarves and misses. Well. Okay then. "Right, gotta aim lower." She tries not to giggle at Chach's enthusiasm.

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwratk: aliased to Finesse+1+1+1-2: (4)+9+1+1+1+-2: 14

GAME: Taidan rolls 1d20+7: (20)+7: 27

GAME: Taidan rolls 1d20+7: (10)+7: 17

GAME: Taidan rolls 1d6+4: (6)+4: 10

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+9: (9)+9: 18

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d10+3: (6)+3: 9

GAME: You damaged Taidan for 9 points. 17 remaining.

The dwarf on the stairs raises his shield and charges as fast as his khazad legs will cover him. As he moves through the giant sized Taidan area he cops a solid hit, but replies with one of his own, waraxe sinking deep.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 15.

It is now F2's turn! F3 is next!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+7: (16)+7: 23

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d12+7: (3)+7: 10

GAME: You damaged Terewin for 10 points. 22 remaining.

The melee line is not nearly as firm as it was. A gap in the middle filled by Miruan, and the forth one moving to charge Taidan. One of the as yet undamaged one spits at Terewin before swining her greataxe with ease, the huge axe head tearing up clothes and flesh alike.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 13.

It is now F3's turn! Terewin is next!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+7: (11)+7: 18

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d12+7: (5)+7: 12

GAME: You damaged Miruan for 12 points. 33 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Miruan for -20 points. 45 remaining.

Chach is enough to demoralise even the most hardened khazad soldier. And this one is no exception. A somewhat shaky curse escapes him as he weakly takes a swing at the monk and misses entirely.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 12.

It is now Terewin's turn! Sully is next!

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwratk: aliased to Finesse+1+1+1-2: (17)+9+1+1+1+-2: 27

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwratk: aliased to Finesse+1+1+1-2: (17)+9+1+1+1+-2: 27

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwrdmg+swordpwrdmg-5: aliased to 1d8+5+4+4+2+1+1+1d8+5+4+4+2+1+1-5: (6)+5+4+4+2+1+1+(8)+5+4+4+2+1+1+-5: 43

GAME: f2 removed from initiative list.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 11.

It is now Sully's turn! Chach is next!

Terewin tries to catch an axe swing with his free arm as he fails to parry it, leaving him bloody and worse for wear, worst of all now his entire outfit is ruined, blood on everything. Next think you know its his hair! With a flick of the wrist he bringshis sword about again on his opponents and stabs him straight through the visor. "This was good cloth, tailored too!" he says to the corpse as he pulls out his sword. "these... these ruffians!" he stammers.

GAME: Sully rolls melee: (4)+5: 9

GAME: Sully rolls melee: (17)+5: 22

GAME: Sully rolls 1d8+4: (8)+4: 12

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 9.

It is now Chach's turn! Taidan is next!

Chach's solemn nod is returned, and the guitar is left to hang once again, as Sully's armored fists tear through the air toward the scorched dwarf's head. Only one connects, but it's a strong enough blow to rock the combatant on his heels a moment.

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+11+2: (4)+11+2: 17

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 9.

It is now Taidan's turn! Miruan is next!

Chach grins gobber-wide, and gives a crook of his fingers towards the khazad, then moves into flank. "Tell me--are you hooked on a feelin? Because I'm high on believin--Aaaaaaaahhh, hell!" he yells, as he misjudges the leap! He lands to the side, and gives himself a shake, big bat-ears rattling!

GAME: Taidan casts Mirror Image. Caster Level: 3 DC: 16

GAME: Taidan rolls 1d4+1: (2)+1: 3

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 9.

It is now Miruan's turn! f4 is next!

Taidan draws a hand to his wounded side, eyeing the blood that is oozing there. He turns to look at the dwarf who had inflicted the damage on him and slowly steps back. He utters a few words and suddenly, images of himself begin separate from the source being. When he stopped moving, there are 4 images of the enlarged Taidan.

GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+2: (2)+10+2: 14


Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 25.

It is now f4's turn! F3 is next!

Miruan hees at Chach. That is amazing. But her luck seems to have run out as a sharp snap kick misses the dwarf.

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+7: (18)+7: 25

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d4: (2): 2

The wounded dwarf has had better days, especialy as there are now four of them. He mutters a prayer, which evidently is not answered as a solid axe swing goes right through an illusion.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 13.

It is now F3's turn! Terewin is next!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+7: (3)+7: 10

The previously demorilised Khazad gets over his fear of goblinoid hips it seems. Squaring his shoulders he swings his axe at Chach, and misses entirely, the only result some rather improbable anatomical comments on the anatomy of the gobbers mother.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 12.

It is now Terewin's turn! Sully is next!

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwratk: aliased to Finesse+1+1+1-2: (18)+9+1+1+1+-2: 28

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwratk: aliased to Finesse+1+1+1-2: (10)+9+1+1+1+-2: 20

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwrdmg+swordpwrdmg-5: aliased to 1d8+5+4+4+2+1+1+1d8+5+4+4+2+1+1-5: (6)+5+4+4+2+1+1+(6)+5+4+4+2+1+1+-5: 41

GAME: f3 removed from initiative list.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 11.

It is now Sully's turn! Chach is next!

GAME: Sully rolls melee: (15)+5: 20

GAME: Sully rolls melee: (16)+5: 21

GAME: Sully rolls 1d8+4+1d8+4: (4)+4+(4)+4: 16

GAME: f4 removed from initiative list.

Terewin is not happy, one of his favorite outfits ruined. He swings his sword about him in a whirlwind of steel and deftly strikes out to slip the length of metal int he neck gap of one of the dwarves. "One more down, these dwarves just do not appreciate good fashion sense."

With Terewin hewing down another of their opponents, Sully sets his jaw, spitting on the floor. "Curtain call," he grunts, raising his massive fists... And droping them both down on the dwarf's head, staving in its skull beneath the crumpling helmet, and sending it to the floor dead. "....Clear," she says, as the dust begins to settle.

The bottom level is clear, some of the dwarves still seem to be breathing but they have all been effectively taken out by the party. Noises of the battles outside filter through but the sounds from the top level seem to have fallen. A wooden staircase is built for people more of dwarven stature so a little cramped for humans and, well lucky there are no Jotun around.

Terewin does his best to temporarily keep the cuts in his coat together despite the axe wounds. "A kingdom for some threat and a needle..." he mutters. "Would anyone else wish to continue to lead the way? While I find a way to patch this."

Chach picks himself up, kip-up! and dusts himself off. "Seeing in the dark is no trouble. Mom always said I had good eyes," he says. He gives himself another shimmy for good measure!

"I will be towards the front," She offers. Miruan will likely be up front with the swasher of bucklers.

"Gonna wanna do it on the run," Sully says, taking a draw of his cigarette. "Dwarves're still dyin' out there, we gotta git."

The puny gobber looks up, bright-eyed as the monk volunteers. He gives a whoop! leaping into the air before striding that way. "And Chach will be just behind! One day, I will be faster, monky-lady!" His ears flop like a kite behind him. Flop-flop!

Taidan listens carefully to the sound upstairs and says, "We have to take their ranged artillery. Those dwarves were idiots, but I'd be dammed if I feel indebted to them for sacrificing their lives to get us this far. Let's take control of it and use it against the rebel dwarves."

Taidan begins to reduce in size as the group begins to move up the stairs...

The stairs are not exactly quiet underfoot, and considering the usual standards of dwarven engineering this is possibly deliberate. The next level has supplies, foodstuffs, arrows etc, but no sign of any opposition. Their is however another set of spiralling stairs that likely lead to the battlements above.

You paged Sully with 'Nope'

The gobber steps, and gives a bounce of his feet at each one, ears swaying as they go. He's quick-quick, like an espresso! A warty, green espresso! and the bounce-bounce helps him keep pace. He hums a nameless tune as they go.

Terewin follows the others up, drinking a potion from a glass vial as he moves behind the others. "I am sure we can dispatch the cannon in no time and save any further dwarves fro being maimed!" he says cheerfully.

GAME: Terewin used a Potion of Cure Light Wounds.

Miruan is in front. She seems curious and quietly concerned, but she moves swiftly. There's a quiet smile for Chach. "You will." She believes in the bouncy fellow.

GAME: Terewin rolls 1d8+1: (8)+1: 9

Taidan forms the rear guard of the group, moving carefully up the stairs while at the same time keeping and eye behind them. As they reach the second level, he takes a hint from Terewin and quaffs a potion of healing as well.

GAME: Taidan used a Potion.

Sully tips his hat up as they move into the supply level, eyes darting back and forth. "Nothin' we can use just now," he rumbles, guitar in his hands and ready. "Cannon's another story, though. Let's finish this up, see 'f we're in time."

GAME: Taidan rolls 1d8+1: (6)+1: 7

The stairs leading up creak loud enough that they are almost shrieking. So surprise is unlikely. At the top Miruan finds a trapdoor that looks fairly sturdy, and is bolted from above.

You paged Miruan with 'You can break it in, and move through :)'

You paged Miruan with 'Pose it and we will go tto time stop'

"KIAI!" No door is gonna stop Mir. She's gonna wreck it. The monk gives a sharp upward kick and an uppercut to the door. "Get ready!" She calls to the others.

GAME: There is already a timestop here!

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Rakim has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Rakim to instruct you further.

For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


GAME: Sully rolls initiative: 3 + 2 = 5

GAME: Terewin rolls initiative: 12 + 4 + +2 = 18

GAME: Taidan rolls initiative: 14 + 3 = 17

GAME: Miruan rolls initiative: 17 + 3 = 20

GAME: Chach rolls initiative: 12 + 4 + +2 = 18

GAME: You damaged Taidan for -7 points. 24 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Terewin for -9 points. 31 remaining.

GAME: You roll initiative for f1: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 19

GAME: You roll initiative for f2: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 22

GAME: You roll initiative for A1: Roll: 5 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 8

GAME: You roll initiative for A2: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 10

GAME: You roll initiative for A3: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 20

GAME: You roll initiative for A4: Roll: 18 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 21

At the top of the tower there are about a half dozen khazad. Two are manning the ballista, although one was watching the trapdoor after hearing noise of people coming up. These two and heavily armored, the four others all have bows and are in a semi circle around the battlements.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 22.

It is now f2's turn! A4 is next!

The watchful fighter shouts something in Khazad. Maybe a curse or a warning. Once that is done he slings his shield onto one arm and moves foward towards Miruan as he draws a hefty axe in the other.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 21.

It is now A4's turn! A3 is next!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+6: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)

An archer responds to the cry from the other one and tries to spin and fire all at once. Which really doesn't end well as the arrow flies far wide of anyone.

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19

Taidan has partially disconnected.

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d8+1: (6)+1: 7

GAME: You damaged Miruan for 7 points. 38 remaining.

The other archer has rather more luck however, taking that few precious extra seconds as he spins around his arrow flies out true and into Miruan's knee.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 20.

It is now A3's turn! Miruan is next!

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 20.

It is now Miruan's turn! f1 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Miruan ended.

GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+1: (16)+10+1: 27

GAME: Miruan rolls 1d8+6: (6)+6: 12

GAME: Miruan rolls 1d6: (3): 3

Ow ow ow ow. Fortunately, Miruan snaps the arrow and lunges forward. "That only works on people in armor!" Or something. Either way, the monk is continuing to be an adventurer. She steps sideways, giving the axeman a sharp punch smack to the head. Thanks to her ki, she adds an icy touch to it. He should just be grateful she didn't give him a frozen wet willy.

GAME: Rakim rolls ld20+6: (3)+ld20+6: 9

GAME: Miruan rolls 1d20+6: (3)+6: 9

The remaining heavily armoured dwarf spins rapidly. Noting Miruan in the lead and others on the stairs behind her he raises his shield and yells "REOS!" at the top of her lungs as he compact form hurtles towards her. It seems Reos is not on their side as he fails to crash into the dexterous monk, but at least her retailatory kick goes astray.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 19.

It is now f1's turn! Chach is next!

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 18.

It is now Chach's turn! Terewin is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Chach ended.

GAME: Chach rolls acrobatics+5: (16)+10+5: 31

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+11+2: (1)+11+2: 14 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 18.

It is now Terewin's turn! Taidan is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Terewin ended.

"Heey!" yells the gobber as he leaps into the room! He weaves and shimmies, dancing past the khazad. He spins into a leap, landing--and whack-whap-WHAP! his kite-sized ears continue to move, move with the rhythm, and wrap-wrap, hitting him over the eyes. He stumbles a half-step, before throwing them out of the way, "Heeey! We got this! Come on, khazad!" he says, and then shoves out a tiny hand, gives a shimmy of the hips, "I threw a wish in the well--!"

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwratk: aliased to Finesse+1+1+1-2: (9)+9+1+1+1+-2: 19

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 17.

It is now Taidan's turn! A2 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Taidan ended.

Terewin comes walking up the stairs, swinging his sword in lazy figure eights. "Cease and disist immediately, please surrender this tower and we can conclude business without further damage to your persons." he says cheerfully.

GAME: Taidan rolls 1d20+3+2: (9)+3+2: 14

GAME: Taidan rolls 1d4+1: (3)+1: 4

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 10.

It is now A2's turn! A1 is next!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+6: (8)+6: 14

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 8.

It is now A1's turn! Sully is next!

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 5.

It is now Sully's turn! f2 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Sully ended.

GAME: Rakim reverses the initiative order.

Round One - Init 8.

It is now A1's turn! Sully is next!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+6: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL)

Taidan moves up the stairs as everyone goes charging up to the roof and engaging with the dwarves stationed there. Choosing a target, he extends his hand out at it and concentrates. A swirling ball of energy begins to form in the palm of his hand. With a pushing gesture, he propels the energy ball into the direction of injured dwarf. The ball hits its mark and delivers a kinetic energy equal to a punch to the face.

The remaining two archers are not having much luck it seems. An arrow aimed at Miruan sails way past her and over the battlements. The second archer snickers a little at the first, and calls out something taunting in Khazad. It seems however the gods of fortune have a sense of humour, as he lets his arrow loose it flies wide to bounce of the armored head of one of the front line fighters, splintering into little bits.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 5.

It is now Sully's turn! f2 is next!

GAME: Sully activates his Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str

GAME: Sully casts Enlarge Person. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14


Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 22.

It is now f2's turn! A4 is next!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+7: (8)+7: 15

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 21.

It is now A4's turn! A3 is next!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+6: (17)+6: 23

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+6: (2)+6: 8

You paged Miruan with 'You have deflect arrow IIRC?'

Clambering up the stairwell after the rest, Sully surveys the cramped confines of the battlefield. Nodding to himself, he steps away from the ruined hatch, slamming his fists together. As the armor climbs over his hangs, and the smokestacks begin to roar, he takes hold of his guitar, beginning a dancing, skittering riff that climbs higher and higher up the scales, a blue bulb at the guitar head glowing brighter and brighter. With a final, roaring chop on the strings, the bulb shatters, and he spits out the stick-sized cigarette. "Let's go."

Monks to the left of him, goblins to the right. Well actually in front and behind. Still the melee dwarf feels a little hard done by. He spits something uncomplimentary sounding in Khazad, concerning the biologically improbable parentage of Miruan as he swings his axe up and around, and misses. The archer who possibly ruined Miruan's adventuring career with an arrow to the knee tries again, but no longer flat footed she deflects it neatly to one side. More cursing follows from him, and then one of his fellow archers as his arrow misses everything entirely.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 20.

It is now A3's turn! Miruan is next!

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 20.

It is now Miruan's turn! f1 is next!

GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+2: (13)+10+2: 25

GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+2: (16)+10+2: 28

GAME: Miruan rolls 1d8+6: (7)+6: 13

GAME: Miruan rolls CMB+1: (2)+10+1: 13

GAME: Miruan rolls 1d20+9: (4)+9: 13

GAME: Miruan rolls 1d8+6: (8)+6: 14

GAME: f2 removed from initiative list.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 19.

It is now f1's turn! Chach is next!

Miruan is going to start her dwarf punting marathon. BOOT TO THE HEAD! But the dwarf is built, well, dwarf tough and is fart heavier than she banked on. "Geeez, it's like kicking a bag of rocks inside a suit of armor." Owwie. Actually, he doesn't fly so much as kind of flop over. "Oh. Oh dear. WELL THEN." Tally ho!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+7: (14)+7: 21

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d3: (3): 3

These are profession dwarves. Well solidiers anyway, so the sight of his companion going down the proverbial sack of... doesn't really disturbed the other soldier. He raises his shield, leading with it as his axe swings around towards Terewin, missing the rather dashing Swashbuckler. Well formerly dashing at least, as his clothing is now rather worse for wear.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 18.

It is now Chach's turn! Terewin is next!

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+11+2: (2)+11+2: 15

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 18.

It is now Terewin's turn! Taidan is next!

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwratk: aliased to Finesse+1+1+1-2: (16)+9+1+1+1+-2: 26

"I wasn't looking for this, but now you're high on my list!" sings the gobber, and gives a shimmy of the ships that sends the golden, golden-discs shimmering. He raises his hands over high, then brings them down with a snap! before leaping, a flying side-hip-crush against the khazad! No, wait! Just past the khazad! The gobber looks stunned, and the words, "...call me...maybe..." tumble from stunned lips! He gives himself a hard shake!

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwrdmg: aliased to 1d8+5+4+4+2+1+1: (1)+5+4+4+2+1+1: 18

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 17.

It is now Taidan's turn! A2 is next!

Terewin moves with the grace of a balarina, only far deadlier as the length of adamatine blade twirls and spins oIn the deft hands of the Myrrish knight. With a clever twist of the wrist he turns axe blades aside and draws blood from between the gaps in dwarven armor in retaliation.

GAME: Taidan rolls 1d20+3+2: (19)+3+2: 24

GAME: Taidan rolls 1d4+1: (3)+1: 4

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 10.

It is now A2's turn! A1 is next!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+6: (4)+6: 10

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+6: (16)+6: 22

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 8.

It is now A1's turn! Sully is next!

Taidan repeats his previous endeavour of whittling down the number of enemy dwarves in the vicinity. He targets a wounded dwarf and manages to discharge another energy ball on that person's face.

And the archers continue their new tradition of sucking. Miruan proving rather slippery and Terewin cutting through the last remaining meatshield rather too quickly for their liking they launch an arrow each at him. One misses entirely, and the other bounces off his armor.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 5.

It is now Sully's turn! A4 is next!

GAME: Sully rolls melee+1: (19)+5+1: 25

GAME: Sully rolls 2d6+4+1: (5)+4+1: 10


Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 21.

It is now A4's turn! A3 is next!

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 20.

It is now A3's turn! Miruan is next!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+6: (11)+6: 17

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+6: (20)+6: 26

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+6: (5)+6: 11

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d5: (5): 5

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d8+1: (8)+1: 9

GAME: You damaged Terewin for 9 points. 22 remaining.

Engarled boots thud upon the top of the tower, as the oversized Arvek begins his grinning charge. As the last of the fighters finishes slumping to the ground, Sully has one huge, armored fist reared back. When the archer is directly in front of him, the artificer lunges forward, accompanied by the coughing roar of magitech engines, the mass of hammered iron driving solidly into the archer's gut.

The two other arches talk to each other rapidly in Khazad, all humor having gone from their now rather urgent voices. They both launch arrows at almost the same time, aimed towards Terewin. One again bounces off his armor, but the second is rather better aimed, adding a large hole to his shoulder, and sadly the shirt above.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 20.

It is now Miruan's turn! f1 is next!

GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+2: (3)+10+2: 15

GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+2: (20)+10+2: 32 (THREAT)

GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+2: (19)+10+2: 31

GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+2: (9)+10+2: 21

GAME: Miruan rolls 2d8+6: (9)+6: 15

GAME: Miruan rolls CMB+12: (8)+10+12: 30

GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+2: (14)+10+2: 26

GAME: Miruan rolls 1d8+6: (5)+6: 11

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+2: (2)+2: 4

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 19.

It is now f1's turn! Chach is next!

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 18.

It is now Chach's turn! Terewin is next!

GAME: f1 removed from initiative list.

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+11+2: (3)+11+2: 16

Miruan has a reputation to keep. "STOP SHOOTING OUR FABULOUS PARTY MEMBER!" That's an order! Miruan punches and sharply kicks the dwarf nearest her, who finally finds out how dwarves fly.

They don't.

Chach looks up in time to see the coughing charge of the magitech engines. His eyes get wide. His heart thumps! "Praise the Lady of All Unintentional Explosions!" he cries, and leaps that way. He leaps PAST the archer, landing on the ground. Lies there for a stunned moment.

"Lady, I've been cursed!"

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 18.

It is now Terewin's turn! Taidan is next!

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwratk: aliased to Finesse+1+1+1-2: (9)+9+1+1+1+-2: 19

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwrdmg: aliased to 1d8+5+4+4+2+1+1: (3)+5+4+4+2+1+1: 20

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 17.

It is now Taidan's turn! A2 is next!

GAME: a1 removed from initiative list.

Terewin prompy steps over a downed dwarf up to an archer and knocks his bow aside "Sir, you have further ruined my coat. Remember that when you wonder why you are in the Iron Hells." he says calmly as he slashes at the dwarves knees, taking him down in a bloody heap. "Ruffians..."

GAME: Taidan rolls 2d6: (10): 10

Taidan stumps his right feet on the ground.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 10.

It is now A2's turn! Sully is next!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d3: (2): 2

Taidan stumps his right feet on the ground, which causes the earth to rumble. He proceeds to clap his hands together which cause a thunderous noise to reverberate in their cavernous region. And then he roars, shaking his fist in the air (or the cavern's ceiling). Suddenly, the area where two of the archer dwarves are located gets pummeled by small stones and debris. Like a hail stone storm, but without the cloud and rain. The rocks and debris fall terribly hard and furious, causing even the floor of the tower to get dimpled by the force of the raining pebbles. A normal person standing under it would likely perish. After six seconds it stops, leaving behind a ground that is littered with stone and debris to a point that maneuvering around it is difficult.

Wizards casting spells do tend to draw fire, although kill the clothie doesn't quite apply here. Anyway he doesn't manage to hit the -actual- Taidan, instead the arrow goes through another of his illusions and smashes on the stonework beneath.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 5.

It is now Sully's turn! A4 is next!

GAME: Sully rolls cmb+1: (3)+5+1: 9


Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 21.

It is now A4's turn! A3 is next!

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+6: (16)+6: 22

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d3: (1): 1

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d8+1: (4)+1: 5

GAME: No valid players found.

GAME: You damaged Taidan for 5 points. 19 remaining.

GAME: Rakim rolls 1d20+6: (9)+6: 15

With his target quickly dispatched, Sully's great iron paw sweeps out toward the next-nearest archer... but the dwarf proves nible enough to dodge, much to the Arvek's annoyance.

Rocks fall, but not everyone dies. The remaining archers do look rather irritated however, well even more so as for most Khazad looking grumpy is a default state. One of them nocks, aims and loses an arrow that finds the real form of the Wizard and sinks into him with a nasty sound. The other one has rather less luck, his arrow missing entirely.

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 20.

It is now A3's turn! Miruan is next!

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 20.

It is now Miruan's turn! Chach is next!

GAME: Miruan rolls Melee+1: (16)+10+1: 27

GAME: Miruan rolls 1d8+6: (2)+6: 8

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 18.

It is now Chach's turn! Terewin is next!

Eep. ROCKS EVERYWHERE. But at least they didn't fall everywhere and everyone's not dead yet. Miruan hops nimbly through them, to kick the dwarf square in his shin. "Arrow to the knee... Really!? How do you like it!?"

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+11+2: (12)+11+2: 25

GAME: Chach rolls 1d2+5: (1)+5: 6

GAME: Chach rolls intimidate: (13)+10: 23

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 18.

It is now Terewin's turn! Taidan is next!

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwratk: aliased to Finesse+1+1+1-2: (17)+9+1+1+1+-2: 27

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwratk: aliased to Finesse+1+1+1-2: (5)+9+1+1+1+-2: 15

GAME: Terewin rolls swordpwrdmg: aliased to 1d8+5+4+4+2+1+1: (4)+5+4+4+2+1+1: 21

"Great Boom-boom Lady, Lady of Unintentional Explosions! Forgive this humble servant!" the gobber cries! He hoists his hands overhead, and begins a death-metal sway, catching the black smoke and wearing it around his hips as a wreath. A shake brings the smoke up around his shoulders (it doesn't have far to travel, let's be honest) and then he leaps! colliding with the khazad in a one-two!

"I'M BACK! Thank you Eternal Boom-Boom!" he cries!

Terewin leaps over his last victim and catches the dwarf on his sword that Chach had bumped his way. With his boot, which is ruined with blood by this point I might add, he kicks the dwarf back off his blade and winks at Chach. "Good teamwork sir goblin!"

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 17.

It is now Taidan's turn! A2 is next!

GAME: a2 removed from initiative list.

GAME: Taidan casts Mirror Image. Caster Level: 3 DC: 16

GAME: Taidan rolls 1d4+1: (4)+1: 5

GAME: Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 5.

It is now Sully's turn! A4 is next!

Taidan pulls out the arrow that manages to hit him to the side of his belly. He looks at it and then at the dwarves who have suddenly made it their elemental drive to use him as target practice. "I see that you like shooting at me. Well. By all means. Have at it!" And he draws his hands front and casts a spell which causes not three, not four, but five images to spring forth. Now, there are six Taidans on the battlefield, all wearing a sardonic grin on their faces.

GAME: Sully rolls melee+1+2: (11)+5+1+2: 19

GAME: Sully rolls 2d6+1+4: (9)+1+4: 14

GAME: a3 removed from initiative list.


Rakim advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 21.

It is now A4's turn! Miruan is next!

As Terewin takes *another* of his targets down, Sully spits over the battlements. While his eyes are shadowed by his sizable Stetson, the set of his jaw says he'd certainly like to do all sorts of mayhem among the dwindling targets on the tower. Clomping up to Miruan's side, he brings his upraised fist down upon the archer's head. The entire tower shudders with the force of impact, and the broken dwarf slides bonelessly to the ground.

The remaining archer Khazad looks to the fallen forms of his comrades, then to the large drop behind him, and the party around him...and with a deep sigh he tosses his bow away, unbuckles his weapons belt and puts his hands up in the air in clear surrender "Ain't dying for the Regent" he says simply.

You paged Sully with 'There are some chars out there who probably would :P'

Miruan is going to tie up the surrendered dwarf. Just to be safe. "Fair," She grunts softly. "C'mon." She'll help carry the dwarf, rather than toss him off the tower because Miruan isn't mean.

"I'm hooked on a feelin--!" Chach has his arm in the air when the khazad surrenders. His ears flick, and he lowers it, before, "All praise the great Boom-Boom, your Fire has brought us victory!" And he'll follow after as they carry out the tussed up khazad, humming along. Ooga-chaka!

GAME: Sully deactivates his Titan Armor.

GAME: Rakim removes the timestop.

Timestop by Rakim has left.

GAME: You remove the timestop.

Terewin puts his sword away and brushes some dust from his pants, squaring up his collar the best he can. "Good good, glad its done. Think I can find a tailor open for business this time of the day? My clothes and boots are ruined, in fact if they had messed my hair why I would... I would... I would have been positively disagreeable." he says clearing his throat.

Taidan has his six images move to where the king's flag is located and moves over to the edge of the tower. He raises the flag above him and waves it around, signaling and proclaiming to everyone within visual range of him that they have taken the tower. "Someone man the ballista and shot any rebels that would think of retaking the tower. Miruan, you're the fastest in the group. I got a healing potion with me. I want you to go down to the battlefield and locate the dwarf that set us up to this stupid charge. If he is still alive, give him the potion. I want him alive long enough so that I can say that he is stupid in his face."

Terewin has disconnected.

"Your clothes are not dirty! They are blessed in the sacrifice of Explosion and Disruptive Fire!" says the gobber. He hurries down with the rest of them, trying his darndest to keep up with monky-monk! Washing clothes is totally sacrilege, now.

As the flag goes up the remaining uninjured member of Lieutenant Axel's much depleted squad raises a horn to his lips and lets out a loud, if terribly unmusical blast. A few minutes later a larger squad moves in. The leader takes her helm off, revealing an uncanny resemblance to an older Arnora for those who have met her. She barks orders and people move to help the injured as her gaze moves to the tower, a hand lifting in salute.

Sully lifts an enlarged hand in return, first and pinky fingers pointed outward. Nodding once, he lets go of the enchantment keeping him oversized, and shoulders his guitar. "Looks like we done good," he grunts. "More work to do yet."

Miruan is relieved, as a larger squad moves in. But she does look around. Poor Axel and his squad. There's a bit of sadness. The monk has grown fond of the Khazad in their own, grumpy ways. She half-grins at Chach. "It seems so." She will turn the prisoner over. "Where should we take this fellow?"

"The enemy is vanquished, there were explosions! The day is complete, sir!" says the goblin. He returns the salute, and looks out, bright-eyed towards the day. For HEROISM! For Ceinara!

Taidan sees from on top of the tower that battlefield is theirs. He props the flag to where it is clearly visible for everyone to see. He then makes his way down the tower to locate the dwarf that literally put himself down the sights of the enemy's artillery. He scowls at the dwarf, making sure that he knows his annoyance at being the one sent to clear the tower. "Look at me, you stupid dwarf! I got axed and shot at, and will likely be needing stitches once all of this is over. I should give you a good thumping until you cry for your ancestors to join them. If you ever do that to me again, I will use your other leg and stick it in you where the sun doesn't shine." He then draws backward and turns around, beginning to walk away, "By the way... good job in drawing their fire. If ever there is an operation that needs canon fodder, I will mention your name." He continues off an away from the battlefield.