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(Created page with "== Log Info == *Title: Pancea Materiel Raid *Emitter: Yngvild *Characters: Schneider, Kojot, Stirling, Alba, Tiasa *Place: Dun Mordren *Time: Oct 27,...")
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Latest revision as of 03:29, 28 October 2015

Log Info

  • Title: Pancea Materiel Raid
  • Emitter: Yngvild
  • Characters: Schneider, Kojot, Stirling, Alba, Tiasa
  • Place: Dun Mordren
  • Time: Oct 27, 2015
  • Summary: Stretched of resources the Royalist commanders reach out to adventurers again.
  • APL: 8
  • Encounter 1: CR 10ish. 1 Cleric (6), 2 Fighters (6) , 2 Rogues (5)

We don't need no civil war. Sadly no-one asked Lieutenant Axel this. The rather slender red hair Khazad stands in front of a table that has been repurposed as a makeshift desk. He looks a bit harried and tired. The word went out that adventurers were being sought for something important and he waits patiently for people to file in.

Kojot walks in, stretching his arms. "I hear you're looking for adventurers for something?" the half-oruch asks.

The 5' 7" half-orc in front of you appears to take after his human parent. Kojot's facial structure suggests that he might be from Veyshan, but the most striking things are his clothes and the way he carries himself. Beyond his armor, his outfit is a melange of scraps of leather and fur, and combined with his slightly predatory stance the effect is similar to that of a desert-wolf. This is complemented by the fingerblade gauntlets of orcish design; the blades seem to be as natural to him as if they were extensions of his body.

Schneider wanders by, sticks his head in. He seems to come to a decision, because he comes in and takes a seat.

Stirling is locked, stocked and ready for trouble. The chrome of his titan armor gleams and a yard of mat-black deathray rests in his enormous titanfists. "Whats the damage?" he says, teeth clenched around a thick cigar. "And how do we fix it?"

Alba lazily drifts into the room, picking a bit of unidentifiable something from beneath the finger of her adamant-bladed gauntlet. "One of many somethings it could be," comes a voice only slightly muffled behind the carved-bone mask. "But many would not be needed, only for the procuring of food, and little has been spoken of the what and where. Perhaps it will be to give grief to child-taking vermin. If this is so, then happily will grief be given to them."

Tiasa makes her way there, having heard the call and been looking for something to do. The surface of her dark breastplate swirling and occasionally dancing with electricity,"You have need, I have come." she says and glances around to some of the others and dips her head a bit.

Axel casts his gaze around the assembled people and hmphs slightly "Too many damn fires. Both literal and otherwise. And too few people" he grumbles then pulls out a roughly drawn map "Anyway we have reports of a warehouse those damn Pancea are using to store weapons and supplies..." he says as he lays the map out, showing a warehouse in a nearby industrial type area "..ideally we want them. At the least we want them out of the hands of those traitors. I manage d to shake free some wagons and a few teamsters, but can't find enough soldiers. So..." he says, hands on his hips "..going to ask you to help us out"

Schneider summarizes, "Go and get weapons? Sounds easy enough." He nods, his hair billowing out behind him from little unseen drafts of air. "I assume we kill any of them that we find along the way?"

Kojot looks over at the map. "So, secure the warehouse for raiding if possible, swipe what we can and destroy the rest if not? Sounds reasonable," he muses. "Any idea on how guarded the warehouse is?"

"Fffpth," the slight, masked Veyshanti sputters, raising a hand to allow a small, banded red viper to slither from her neck to her palm. "Lessons learned with death rarely take root." Her attention drifts from snake to map, head tilting to one side. "Will there be a signal, to tell to the drivers when to approach with cart?"

Stirling grins "I am sure we can come up with a signal. Do we know what we are up against? How the enemy is deployed or what kind of weapons they have? How many?" he asks pointing a the map, his one chrome eye glowing red at the dwarf, unblinking. "Also what kind of magic can we expect to face?"

Tiasa nods, "That sounds quite straight forward." she says and nods, "My teeth and claws are at your service." she offers. She is anxious for action and this sounds fun.

Axel eyes Schneider for a few moments, his lips pressing tightly together. After a moment he grunts "Ain't enough of us that I feel real comfortable telling to you kill fellow kahazd" he grunts then lets out a slow breath "But they chose their side. Do what you have too.." With that he trails off a moment, looking a bit troubled. At Kojot's question he glances up "Shouldn't think any more than a half dozen or so. They had more time to prepare but we are starting to stretch them a bit thin. Of course so are we. Which is where you come in." He smiles faintly, the expression not reaching his eyes. Looking to Alba he shrugs a little "Up to you, they will be under your command. Teamsters are well-handy but they ain't soldiers, so will stay out of things." At Stirling's words he shrugs again and shakes his head "We ain't much for magic, but the traitors seem to have all kinds of surfacer contacts, so we can't be sure. Anything else?"

Schneider nods slowly, a sort of half-smile on his lips. "I can do this," he says after a moment.

Announcement: Lahar puts on an eyepatch, and waves a wooden blade! "Gold an' treasure, arr, for those that be in RP in tha next 10, arrr! :D"

Stirling grimaces "Lousy intelligence. Of course we will sort it all out though." he says with a nudge to Schneider "Between the two of us we can toast anything."

"The side they choose would pay to have your children taken," Alba says, the wicked smile audible in her voice, if not readily visible. "They deserve all the misery we may heap upon their heads." Drifting a few inches from the floor, the witch tilts her head. "And I believe that all, we, are skilled in heaping misery."

Kojot nods once. "Sounds straightforward enough," he notes.

Schneider ehs to Stirling. He looks puzzled for a moment, then nods quickly. "Yes, they will be quite well-singed, yes." He also nods at what Alba says, though he hedges, "Normally, they're not in misery for very long. They're usually blown libmb from limb before they suffer too much, I mean."

"In case you haven't noticed their is a fucking war on out there, one that was sprung on us by surprise. So yeah our intelligence is shit" Axel snaps back at Stirling, the harried looking officer losing his temper a moment. Running a hand through his hair he takes a deep breath "If there are no more questions the teamsters should be out the front"

"We go, then," Alba says, suiting deed to word and turning to make her way through the door. "And we shall return with all that the carts may carry."

Tiasa nods and stands, stretching a bit, "We will return." she says and looks at the others, "Oh, later when we fight, worry not if suddenly fighting with big lizard." she gives a grin as she says it, her tail swishing back and forth a bit.

Schneider snickers a little at the dwarf blowing up at Stirling. He says to the artificer, "It's like snow. You never know how many enemies you'll get or how long they'll last. And something about blasting snowmen...." he trails off, having lost that thought.

Watch System: Kira has connected.

Duncan has connected.

Duncan has left.

Stirling laughs at Axel and nods to Scheider "Right, lets get on with winning this war for them and after its all said and done they can visit Blar and see what the word 'preparedness' means." he then turns to follow Tiasa out.

Watch System: Kira has disconnected.

The teamsters look pretty hard and fairly sturdy, but not quite up to Axel and the other dwarven guardsman. Still they make up for it in capacity for swearing and kicking their diggers into action. The do however follow the parties instructions, moving to a block or two away from the warehouse. The lead looks over and grunts to the nearest party member "Any closer the fuckers will probably fucking hear us. Just let us know when it is safe to move in"

You paged Alba with 'A few blocks away and around a corner. Bonus is they can't see you atm :)'

Watch System: Mikilos has connected.

Tiasa stretches and nods, "I stay away from wagons after fighting." she says and then starts to look at the others, "I am good leading in."

Stirling looks at the building, sniffs the air. "So anyone here a good scout or are we gonna go in fast and loud?" he says grinning at the second suggestion. "Because I am all for the either one."

"So, how do we want to do this?" Kojot inquires, loosening the laces on the sheaths of his clawblades. "Frontal assault, or skulking in from the side? I step lighter than I look, but nobody's going to mistake me for a shadow. And I'm pretty good at getting intotheir faces."

"To scout would be the wiser choice," Alba mutters, hair gathering itself into a thick, ropy tentacle-like appendage. "Knowing not what we face, to run weaponsfirst may end in fire and death for those who do *not* deserve either."

Schneider says to Stirling, "Fast and loud suits me perfectly." He draws his greatsword and flames lick up and down the edges. He begins chanting and his body pulses grotesquely for a moment, then returns to normal.

GAME: Stirling casts Shield. Caster Level: 8 DC: 15

GAME: Schneider casts False Life. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15

GAME: Schneider rolls 1d10+7: (10)+7: 17

GAME: Alba casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 6 DC: 14

Tiasa shrugs, "Either works, I can scout a little." she says and shakes her head a bit.

You paged Alba with 'Ayup :( Usualy most people want some else to make the decision for them'

Stirling nods to Tiasa "Take the lead then, the rest of us will follow up behind you, avoid engagement until we get to your location so we can hit them with maximum force. Good luck." he says with the Sith.

Tiasa nods her head and looks at the others and moves forward quietly as she approaches the warehouse, scouting out and moving as carefully as she can.

GAME: Tiasa rolls stealth: (4)+13: 17

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+7: (20)+7: 27

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+5: (15)+5: 20

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+5: (15)+5: 20

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+11: (6)+11: 17

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+11: (2)+11: 13

This young female stands just under seven feet in height and bears a strong muscular build. She is tall though that is not uncommon amongst her folk. Scales of various shades of blue seem to dominate this sith'makar. There are other colors mixed in but blues are predominant. Vibrant eyes like sapphires dart about to take in the details of her surroundings, shimmering like gemstones. She has a beautiful ocean blue crest that runs down to her neck a bit.

Wrapped around her chest and upper body is a dark swirling form. It looks like a breastplate, but looks almost as if its surface is moving, like it is made of dark clouds rolling across the sky. Electricty crackles across its surface from time to time. It looks like it has been scuplted to fit her form. The rest of her clothing shows signs of being made to blend into the wilderness.

Watch System: Cesran has connected.

As the Sith sneaks ahead of the main of the party and rounds a corner nearest to the warehouse she spies a several dwarves carting large barrels from a wagon and putting them around and outside the warhouse. They are under the direction of a human dressed in black armor and robes, and under guard of four hard looking dwarves, two with waraxes and the other two with crossbows. The human looks up just as Tiasa steps out and points to her, as three out of the four dwarves notice her as well, the forth being nudged by his comrades. Lifting her arms up the human begins to chant as the others take up positions, melee to the front with the crossbowmen behind.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Yngvild has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Yngvild to instruct you further.

For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


GAME: Tiasa rolls initiative: 13 + 4 = 17

GAME: Alba rolls initiative: 7 + 4 = 11

GAME: Schneider rolls initiative: 1 + 3 = 4

GAME: Stirling rolls initiative: 15 + 3 = 18

GAME: Kojot rolls initiative: 5 + 5 = 10

GAME: You damaged Kojot for -100 points. 75 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Tiasa for -100 points. 84 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Alba for -100 points. 27 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Schneider for -100 points. 70 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Stirling for -100 points. 92 remaining.

GAME: You roll initiative for Human: Roll: 6 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 6

GAME: You roll initiative for DW1: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 18

GAME: You roll initiative for DW2: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 9

GAME: You roll initiative for Xbow1: Roll: 13 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 16

GAME: You roll initiative for Xbow2: Roll: 5 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 8

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 18.

It is now DW1's turn! Stirling is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+11: (10)+11: 21

One of the warriors is fast to act, in a blur he draws a throwing axe and launches it towards the only visible target, Tiasa. It is a hit but luckily bounces off her armor.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 18.

It is now Stirling's turn! Tiasa is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Stirling ended.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 17.

It is now Tiasa's turn! Xbow1 is next!

Stirling catches the sound of combat on the wind and rushes to the corner Tiasa went around, deathray raised and ready to blast the first target he comes across.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 16.

It is now Xbow1's turn! Alba is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (4)+9: 13

As the axe bounces off her armor, "Well guess you saw me, surrender now, and I won't get mad." she calls out and then her body starts to change. Her bones start to crack and pop as her body swells and she drops to all fours, she keeps shifting and changing until there is a large lizard, monitor lizard standing where she was. She is easily 10' long and then longer when you add in the tail. Her upper torso the scales look just like her breastplate, complete with the lightning dancing across her scales. She growls as she looks at the foe.

The dwarves, for their part, don't look all that impressed with having to fight. Especialy when a giant lizard becomes involved. Still they seem to be discplined at least and one of the crossbowmen snaps off a shot, that bounces off the Monitors armored hide.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 11.

It is now Alba's turn! Kojot is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Alba ended.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 10.

It is now Kojot's turn! DW2 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Kojot ended.

You paged Alba with 'Luckily the scout was well armored or could have been ugly :P'

As the battle kicks off early, the Witch looses a muttered, unintelligible snarl as she pushes off with one foot. Now flying toward the corner, the Witch digs into her hip-pouch, ropy hair lashing like the tail of a particularly annoyed, and decidedly non-Euclidean cat.

As the sound of a fight breaks out, Kojot starts hustling towards the fray. "Looks like this is going to be more straightforward than we planned," he remarks, clawblades now unsheathed.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 9.

It is now DW2's turn! Xbow2 is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (15)+9: 24

The other crossman echoes his companion, lifting the bow up and taking aim. He doesn't seem to have much more luck than the first, Tiasa's armor too thick for even crossbows to go through.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 8.

It is now Xbow2's turn! Human is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+11: (7)+11: 18

As for the more melee oriented Khazad the second of these hurls his axe at Tiasa, but has no more luck than the others at injuring the only one of the party visible at the moment.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 6.

It is now Human's turn! Schneider is next!

A flickering shield of inky black settles around the Human as her prayer finishes and she shifts a little to take some cover, hand moving to the (un)holy symbol around her neck.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 4.

It is now Schneider's turn! DW1 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Schneider ended.

GAME: Schneider casts Protection From Arrows. Caster Level: 7 DC: 15

Schneider hustles along when it looks like things aren't going well. He'll hustle forward, calling on the spirits to protect him from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. He chuckles at Kojot's comment, nodding in agreement.


Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 18.

It is now DW1's turn! Stirling is next!

(New BB message (3/111) posted to 'Plot Announcements' by Hurricane: CLOSED: The Company One Keeps)

Having blown his wad, or throwing axe at least, the faster reacting warrior simply lifts his shield and readies his axe. Wise enough, it seems, not to be charging at a giant lizard, and whatever else might be behind her.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 18.

It is now Stirling's turn! Tiasa is next!

GAME: Stirling activates his Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 17.

It is now Tiasa's turn! Xbow1 is next!

Stirling continues to run after Taisa, heavy boots pounding away on the stone road and rounding the corners with his deathray raised, he points it at the assaulants "Drop it now or die." he bellows, the furnace on the back of his armor starts spewing flames from the exhaust, black smoke billowing into the air as lights all across his armor brightens and glows.

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+14: (19)+14: 33

GAME: Tiasa RAGES!, gaining: +4 Str, +6 Con, +2 Will and -2 AC

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (2)+9: 11

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d10+9: (2)+9: 11

GAME: You damaged Tiasa for 11 points. 97 remaining.

GAME: Tiasa rolls acrobatics+8: (19)+12+8: 39

GAME: Tiasa rolls pclaw: aliased to Melee+1+1-3: (6)+14+1+1+-3: 19

Tiasa roars a bit and her muscles seem to swell as the lizard seems to grow a bit larger. Her claws dig into the ground and then she leaps from standing there and lands on the one that first threw an axe at her. The dwarf swings its readied weapon and cuts into her hide. She slashes with a powerful claw at the dwarf but just scratches armor.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 16.

It is now Xbow1's turn! Alba is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+10: (10)+10: 20

Swallowing a little at the huge lizards giant leap the Dwarven warrior manages to keep his cool, heavy axe slashing down and across Tiasa. The crossbowman moves back a pace or so then shoots at the lizard, shot bouncing off her armor.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 11.

It is now Alba's turn! Kojot is next!

GAME: Alba casts Chill Touch. Caster Level: 6 DC: 14

"...And when they can take no more I shall see that they beg to be turned over to the short ones to be dealt with," Alba snarls, running her free hand through her hair. With a tongue-twisting command, hoarfrost begins to griw from the path her fingers took, crackling faintly as her hair becomes coated with a green-white rime of enchanted ice.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 10.

It is now Kojot's turn! DW2 is next!

Kojot joins the rest of the party in dashing foward towards the warehouse and the brawling in front of it.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 9.

It is now DW2's turn! Xbow2 is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+14: (4)+14: 18

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (5)+9: 14

Having a limited range of targets the other Kahazad with the axe pivots and swings his axe towards Tiasa. Wielding the waraxe as if it weighed almost nothing he is unable to get through the Sith's hide, provoking some nasty sounding Khazad curses

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 8.

It is now Xbow2's turn! Human is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+10: (12)+10: 22

TWANG! Another crossbow sounds, the bolt neatly slotting between the dwarves in melee, but sadly bouncing off Tiasa once more.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 6.

It is now Human's turn! Schneider is next!

Lifting her arms up in a somewaht melodramatic gesture the Human Cleric finishes her chanting prayer and a thick inky darkness that covers her and the melee in gloom.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 4.

It is now Schneider's turn! DW1 is next!

Watch System: Mikilos has disconnected.


Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 18.

It is now DW1's turn! Stirling is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+14: (11)+14: 25

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (18)+9: 27

Schneider is still lumbering towards the fray, but the corner blocks his sight of the enemy. He can't see anyone yet, so he casts a spell on himself, causing a shield to appear around him. His magic words seem to be a mishmash of Jotunn and Tradespeak about spirits of something or other.

GAME: Schneider casts Shield. Caster Level: 7 DC: 14

You paged Tiasa with 'What is your current AC?'

The darkness that descended over the group doesn't slow the dwarves down at all. But it doesn't seem to help either as another two blows of his axe don't injure Tiasa at all.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 18.

It is now Stirling's turn! Tiasa is next!

GAME: Stirling casts Fireball. Caster Level: 8 DC: 17

GAME: Stirling rolls 8d6: (30): 30

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+8: (2)+8: 10

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+8: (10)+8: 18

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+5: (14)+5: 19

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+5: (8)+5: 13

Watch System: Aldean has disconnected.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 17.

It is now Tiasa's turn! Xbow1 is next!

Stirling rounds the corner with firearm raised, eying the mob of enemies. "Cease and desist." he bellows as he pulls a small cigar shaped rocket from a pouch and slots it into the top barrel of his deathray. Firing it launches it from the barrel with a small gout of flame and the rocket spirals in between the group of enemies, exploding in a wave of searing pressure and heat that more than singes beards.

GAME: Tiasa rolls pbite: aliased to melee+1-3: (6)+14+1+-3: 18

GAME: Tiasa rolls pclaw: aliased to Melee+1+1-3: (5)+14+1+1+-3: 18

GAME: Tiasa rolls pclaw: aliased to Melee+1+1-3: (12)+14+1+1+-3: 25

GAME: Tiasa rolls pcdam: aliased to 2d6+strength+1+6: (9)+8+1+6: 24

Tiasa isn't bothered by darkess, seeing with darkvision as she continues her onslaught. She lashes out with a bite, and then first one claw and then a second. The second one hit and she rips deep.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 16.

It is now Xbow1's turn! Alba is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (2)+9: 11

Rather scorched the Crossbowman still manages to hold his ground, and even return fire. Sadly his aim is not up to his discipline and it flies past Stirling.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 11.

It is now Alba's turn! Kojot is next!

GAME: Alba used a Scroll of Enlarge Person.

The 5' 7" half-orc in front of you appears to take after his human parent. Kojot's facial structure suggests that he might be from Veyshan, but the most striking things are his clothes and the way he carries himself. Beyond his armor, his outfit is a melange of scraps of leather and fur, and combined with his slightly predatory stance the effect is similar to that of a desert-wolf. This is complemented by the fingerblade gauntlets of orcish design; the blades seem to be as natural to him as if they were extensions of his body.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 10.

It is now Kojot's turn! DW2 is next!

Snarling at the bubble of darkness shrouding the enemy from sight, Alba turns the object pulled from her pouch between her fingers. After a moment's hesitation, she snorts to herself, tugging on a thin bone rod fitted snugly against the object's side, and pulling it away to reveal a long strip of paper, stained purple and coated with a thick, mucoid substance, with spidery letters written on in rust-colored ink. Pulling the paper free entirely, she drifts toward the giant thrashing lizard, slapping the paper against Tiasa's tail and securing it with a firm swipe of her hand. "Repulsaa," she breathes, the letters glowing as her hand passes over them, and the Witch drifts back to watch the large scary lizard grow ever larger.

GAME: Kojot rolls MainClawAtk: aliased to Finesse+6: (17)+15+6: 38

Tiasa has disconnected.

GAME: Kojot rolls MainClawAtk+CF: aliased to Finesse+6+4: (14)+15+6+4: 39

GAME: dw2 removed from initiative list.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 8.

It is now Xbow2's turn! Human is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+9: (17)+9: 26

Kojot strides forward, slashing at the foe not currently being lizarded at. With a swift slash, the half-orc strikes like a desert-wolf, deeply cutting the dwarf from neck to navel with his clawblades.

You paged Stirling with 'No special missile protections?'

Being covered in the bloody bits of your compatriot is not exactly pleasant, still the crossbowman manages to aim through the muck and shoot at Stirling. It looks like a good shot, dead on target but it bounces off the Artificer's magical shield.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 6.

It is now Human's turn! Schneider is next!

GAME: Yngvild rolls 4d6: (15): 15

GAME: Kojot rolls Will: (10)+7: 17

Watch System: Miruan has disconnected.

GAME: You damaged Kojot for 15 points. 60 remaining.

Within the darkness the Cleric's look of triumph starts to fade as the fireball and damage. A scowl hardens her face as she lifts her arms up, inky darkness flaring out to burn Tiasa and Kojot.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 4.

It is now Schneider's turn! DW1 is next!

Watch System: Miruan has connected.

GAME: Schneider rolls 7d6: (25): 25

GAME: Schneider casts Fireball. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+3: (14)+3: 17

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+8: (8)+8: 16

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+8: (10)+8: 18

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+5: (2)+5: 7

Schneider finally gets to the corner and turns it, taking in ... his allies, and a huge pool of darkness. Well. That's a gimme, right? "Spirits of fire!" he calls out. "Heed me, and strike down my foes." And he drops it into the middle of the darkness. Where, if it erupts, it can't be seen.

GAME: xbow1 removed from initiative list.

GAME: dw1 removed from initiative list.


Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 18.

It is now Stirling's turn! Tiasa is next!

GAME: Stirling rolls level: (2)+level: 2

GAME: Stirling casts Dispel Magic. Caster Level: 8 DC: 17

GAME: Stirling rolls artificer: (16)+8: 24

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 17.

It is now Tiasa's turn! Alba is next!

Stirling can see in the darkness just fine but noticed that not all his friends can, fishing in his pocket he pulls out a small silver cube which he tosses into the center of the spell. A circular hole opens in the top of the cube and a faint light appears as it sucks in the inky blackness like a vaccuum, shutting with a click ones the last is inside allowing everyone to see the enemy. "Hot damn, it worked." the Arvek comments.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 11.

It is now Alba's turn! Kojot is next!

GAME: Alba casts Scare. Caster Level: 6 DC: 15

GAME: Yngvild rolls 1d20+6: (6)+6: 12

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 10.

It is now Kojot's turn! Xbow2 is next!

GAME: Kojot rolls MainClawAtk+TWF: aliased to Finesse+6-2: (15)+15+6+-2: 34

GAME: Kojot rolls MainClawAtk+TWF-5: aliased to Finesse+6-2-5: (15)+15+6+-2+-5: 29

GAME: Kojot rolls OffClawAtk+TWF: aliased to Finesse+6-2: (9)+15+6+-2: 28

GAME: Kojot rolls OffClawAtk+TWF-5: aliased to Finesse+6-2-5: (10)+15+6+-2+-5: 24

GAME: Kojot rolls MainClawAtk+TWF+CF: aliased to Finesse+6-2+4: (10)+15+6+-2+4: 33

GAME: Kojot rolls MainClawAtk+TWF+CF-5: aliased to Finesse+6-2+4-5: (6)+15+6+-2+4+-5: 24

As soon as the darkness is sucked away, Alba rises into the air, a breathy cackle floating out from behind her mask. "Think you wise, to blind your foes so simply? Think you brave, that you count the dark as friend? Hehhh... Cowards all I name you, and coward you shall show yourselves!" Deep within one of the eyeholes of the mask, a pinprick of blood-colored light winks into existence, and the witch raises a hand, hair spreading out in all directions behind her, lashing at the air. As she brings her hand down, there's the echo of a scream, as of a hundred tortured souls trapped beyond the warehouse roof, sending one of the archers into frightened, desperate flight, heedless of the burden to his compatriots.

Although he's not affected by the minor darkness of the spell, Kojot grins fiercely as the darkness vanishes. He steps forward in a blur of slashing clawblades, mowing down the hostile cleric in a steel gale of sharpness. "And /that's/ for that pulse of negative energy!" he snarls.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 8.

It is now Xbow2's turn! Human is next!

GAME: Human removed from initiative list.

GAME: Kojot rolls MainClawDmg+MainClawDmg+MainClawDmg+MainClawDmg+OffClawDmg+OffClawDmg: aliased to 1d6+8+1d6+8+1d6+8+1d6+8+1d6+8+1d6+8: (5)+8+(6)+8+(6)+8+(4)+8+(4)+8+(5)+8: 78

Scary witches, darkness dispelled, wearing bits of his former comrade and leader. Even without the spell the dwarf may well bolt for it. With that he runs away as fast as his stubby legs will carry him.

GAME: Yngvild advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 4.

It is now Schneider's turn! Stirling is next!

GAME: Schneider casts Lightning Bolt. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16

GAME: Schneider rolls 7d6: (27): 27

Schneider looks around for enemies, but it's just the runners. He hrmphs, and chants in Jotun about fire and spirits and somesuch, and sends him off with a bolt of fire by way of goodbye, scortching his backside, though not badly enough to knock him down. "Hrmph," he grumbles.

Watch System: Stjepan has connected.

Stirling grunts "Alright, into the building. We need to secure it and once thats done signal the teamsters. Keep a look out for any more trouble, post up to guard it and be ready for a counter attack."

GAME: Tiasa ends her rage.

GAME: Stirling deactivates his Titan Armor.

GAME: Yngvild removes the timestop.

Timestop by Yngvild has left.

GAME: You remove the timestop.

Zapped in the back the remaining guard runs into the darkness of the greater city. There is a larger road that leads through the city and past the warehouse, and a few smaller aterial roads and alleyways. There is a half unload cart of large barrels, that may be enough to hold a body. Also a larrge set of doors for carts to go in and out at either end, and smaller ones for foot traffic.

Schneider sighs as the fight ends with him blowing up very little. Not nearly enough fire. "Is that it?" he asks. "Let's get this done, then," he grumbles, heading towards the cart entrace.

"Enough," Alba says as the lance of fire scorches the runner. "Signal the carts, let us get what may be had from this place. I shall make certain that any who wish to avenge the god-botherer, shall have difficulty reaching us." With that, the Witch turns, floating out of the warehouse in the general direction the dwarf took, intent upon fouling the lane behind him with magical webbing.

Kojot starts patrolling around the warehouse, pacing from one set of doors to the next, paying extra attention to where the runner went.

Between the teamsters and the party the weapons and supplies are loaded up, as too are the two unconcious dwarves once they have been stabilised. Thus loaded up the caravan makes an uneventful trip back.