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Latest revision as of 04:51, 27 December 2014

The Wards of the Invisible Path are looking for adventurers to hunt down some giant insects that broke through the Portal from Am'shere. Do you have what it takes?

Benthus: A kind-looking half-sil wearing a breast plate armour.

Corra: Dark Skinned woman in studded leather

Kravar: Big Aesir Hero

The scene of devastation near the portal to Am'shere is pretty bad when you arrive in response to the urgent request. A trail of crushed greenery leads off into the forest, small trees are knocked down and larger ones are missing branches.

Mistress Rekah, the Dwarven representative tells you that they can't spare anyone to track down the giant beasts that broke through due to ongoing raide by Troglodytes on the far side. "They know exactly what they are up to, they are trying to pressure us into dealing only with them. We won't relent, but it does mean that occasionally they drive the local wildlife at the portal to try to throw us off. This time a giant centipede broke through and there may have been some smaller stuff too. Kill it if you must, bring it back alive if you can, and standard rates apply. Sorry I can't stay to chat." She then turned and ran for the portal, raising a staff that was already starting to spark with arcane energy.

Now you are on the trail of this great insect, at least the trail is pretty clear.

Kravar stares after Rekah for a moment, then blinks and turns towards the trail. He glances around at the party members. "Seems simple enough," he ventures.

Benthus looks at Kravar and smiles, "I think the giant centipede has left a trail of destruction in its wake. It would be easy for us to follow it and capture it. Shall we proceed?"

Corra stands as she listens and then blinks as the dwarf runs off. She turns and looks towards the devestation, "At least that means it isn't flying." she shakes her head a bit, "Easy track to follow" she whistles and her hawk takes to the air. She glances at the others, "Ready when you all are." she pulls out her bow and has it ready.

The griffon mount that Benthus rarely takes with him into the city of Alexandria is present. It cocks its head to the side as it examines the path of destruction that the giant centipede has made.

Kravar pulls a bow and a handfull of arrows out, then sets off along the trail. "For the smaller ones," he confides to the others."

You walk and ride a little distance through the frosty woods when you see something unusual: footprints in the snow as of a group of oversized, barefoot humans. It looks like they break off from the path of the centipede and strike off on an angle. You don't see any signs that they start anywhere but here.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Knowledge/Local or Nature or Arcane?"

GAME: Benthus rolls intelligence+2: (15)+2+2: 19

<OOC> Kravar says, "Can I try hman improvisation too (with nature)?"

GAME: Benthus rolls knowledge/local: (16)+3: 19

GAME: Corra rolls knowledge/nature+1: (18)+12+1: 31

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll any and all of them you can."

GAME: Kravar rolls int+2: (14)+int+2: 16

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Local: These are not actually Humanoids, they don't seem intelligent enough from the tracks. Nature: These are certainly not natural whatever they are."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It looks like they were probably riding the centipede so they could be almost anything. They look to be Ogre-sized."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Survival?"

Corra shaks her head, "The centipede was not alone." she says and shakes her head a bit. "Continue after the big one or follow the small?" she looks at the tracks a bit.

GAME: Corra rolls survival: (20)+11: 31

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Looks like 6 of them."

GAME: Kravar rolls survival+2: (14)+14+2: 30

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Yup."

Benthus hmmms as he ponders the obvious question, "Definitely not humanoid." Noting the many footprints on the ground...

Corra nods, "About 6 of them and they...just don't seem like something that should exist." she shakes her head as she looks over the tracks.

<OOC> Benthus rolls arcana...

GAME: Benthus rolls knowledge/arcana: (8)+3: 11

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Who knows? Not you. :)"

GAME: Corra rolls knowledge/arcana+1: (19)+8+1: 28

<OOC> Benthus says, "She does."

Kravar considers. "We have to stop them all," he recalls. "The big one should beceasy to find again later," he points at the smaller tracks. "I say we follow them first."

Benthus heads over to Corra as she discovers more than what is obvious. "Six pair of footprints? Or six something else?" He is curious to find out what she has discovered.

You paged Corra with 'You've heard of things like this, based on the clues and context you'd guess these are Magical Beasts, probably Girallons. That's giant 4-armed apes, very dangerous and cruel.'

Corra blinks and looks over the tracks. She gets down really close, pulls up a bit of hair and then swears. She looks up at the other two, "Ever hear of a Girallon?" she asks and nods, "We need to go after these first."

Benthus shakes his head, "I am afraid that I have not." He offers his accent to go after the smaller creatures, "Let us do that then."

Corra nods, "Large apes four arms, very vicious, not natural." she says as she starts off after those tracks, pulling an arrow and having it ready in her bow, trying to be much more alert now, watching the trail as they go.

Benthus rubs his chin thoughtfully, "Interesting." He looks at Kravar and says, "I am sure that they would not pose too much of a threat for you. Still, the thought of capturing them may be a bit more difficult than not." He goes along with the others, his mount following close behind.

You wend your way through the deep forests. Here and there you see damage done to the trees, branches wrenched off and bark stripped, but you have little warning before rounding a thick stand of trees and spotting movement ahead.

The girallons are gigantic four-armed gorillas with matted white fur. As you come into sight they turn and one roars showing long canines. Currently you can see four.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Can I get Perception checks please?"

GAME: Benthus rolls perception: (3)+5: 8

GAME: Kravar rolls perception+10: (9)+12+10: 31

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+13: (19)+13: 32 to ssylrath

GAME: Kravar rolls initiative: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 11

GAME: Benthus rolls initiative: Roll: 2 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 5

GAME: You roll initiative for Girallons: Roll: 4 + Bonus: 7 = Total: 11

GAME: Corra rolls perception: (17)+17: 34

GAME: Corra rolls initiative: Roll: 5 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 9

It is now Kravar's turn! Girallons is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay. Kravar, you see 4 about 40' ahead with thick brush and trees on both side of the 20' wide path."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Also, one in the trees on each side."

<OOC> Corra says, "we are in forest yes?"

<OOC> Corra says, "my init is 2 higher due to favored terrain bonus"

GAME: Corra's initiative total changed to 11.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That looks right. You still lost the tie even with the +2."

<OOC> Kravar will charge the 4! And try to hit one with my force shield, for a shield slam.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll it."

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+17: (5)+17: 22

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Is that a ring or something else?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That does hit."

<OOC> Kravar says, "Ring of force shield"

<OOC> Kravar says, "Also Shield Slam means it does a 22 CMB bull rush"

<OOC> Kravar says, "Er, a 22 combat maneuver roll"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That is not sufficient."

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d4+5: (3)+5: 8

It is now Girallons' turn! Corra is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Two full-attack Kravar, the two behind those swing up into the trees, and the two in the trees swing down and attack of other two. In that order:"

Kravar hesitates when he spots the Girallions, raising his bow. But then his gaze is drawn to the trees. "Watch out! They're in the trees!" he calls. Holding his bow in his right hand, he rushes towards the first four ape-creatures, punching the lead beast with his ring.

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (bite): (11)+10 (bite): 21

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (claw): (8)+10 (claw): 18

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (claw): (8)+10 (claw): 18

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (claw): (10)+10 (claw): 20

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (claw): (11)+10 (claw): 21

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (bite): (16)+10 (bite): 26

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (claw): (3)+10 (claw): 13

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (claw): (16)+10 (claw): 26

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (claw): (11)+10 (claw): 21

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (claw): (15)+10 (claw): 25

<OOC> Kravar says, "Should be AC 26"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "One bite, one claw."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d6+4: (3)+4: 7

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d4+4: (4)+4: 8

GAME: You damaged Kravar for 15 points. 95 remaining.

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (Benthus): (1)+10 (Benthus): 11 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (Corra): (5)+10 (Corra): 15

The feral beasts that Kravar charged turn and rake at him with teeth and claws but barely make it past his sterling defense. Two more swing down out of the trees bracketing Benthus and Corra between them but also failing to land any blows.

It is now Corra's turn! Benthus is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You have a gorilla-beast on each side of you, Corra."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "With Benthus beside you."

<OOC> Corra says, "5' step back, rapid shot, deadly aim. point blank shot and manyshot active at the one that attacked me"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That will provoke. You are in overlapping fields of reach."

<OOC> Corra says, "will take the AoO from Benthus's then so I can do that attack"

<OOC> Benthus nods. Do remember that Griffon is very close by.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay, that'll be one AoO from each. Your knowledge check is enough to know they don't usually have Combat Reflexes."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "I presumed you were riding it."

<OOC> Corra says, "okay...so I can't 5' step to get out of the range of the one that attacked me at all?"

<OOC> Benthus says, "I mean, no. I thought the forest made riding difficult."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Oh, but with its speed it's fast enough anyway."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "I'll allow stepping away from one. Just the one AoO."

<OOC> Corra says, "okay..."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (18)+10: 28

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d6+4: (2)+4: 6

GAME: You damaged Corra for 6 points. 40 remaining.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Include a bite in your pose, and roll lots of attacks."

<OOC> Corra says, "okay.."

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+2-2-2: (16)+10+2+1+2+-2+-2: 27

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+2-2-2: (18)+10+2+1+2+-2+-2: 29

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+2-2-2-5: (18)+10+2+1+2+-2+-2+-5: 24

<OOC> Corra says, "first is the many shot so has 2 damage rolls with it"

GAME: Corra rolls 1d8+3+4+1+2: (3)+3+4+1+2: 13

GAME: Corra rolls 1d8+3+4+1+2: (5)+3+4+1+2: 15

GAME: Corra rolls 1d8+3+4+1+2: (6)+3+4+1+2: 16

GAME: Corra rolls 1d8+3+4+1+2: (5)+3+4+1+2: 15

It is now Benthus' turn! Kravar is next!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Okay, swift cast merciful blade."

GAME: Benthus casts Merciful Blade. Caster Level: 11 DC: 18

<OOC> Benthus says, "Stun prod the one that Corra just attacked."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Oh, activate boots of speed as well."

<OOC> Benthus assumes that lance has been carried ever since we arrived in the location.

Corra gets attacked but manages to avoid being hit but as she moves back to avoid being hit be the one that attacked her and get a shot off, the other one bites her, "That hurt." she calls out and then it just makes her mad. She looses two arrows at once on the one that was in front of her followed in rapid succession by two more arrows. All four arrows sink into the beasts hide, hurting it badly.

GAME: Benthus rolls bab+strength+1: (19)+11+4+1: 35

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d8+6: (3)+6: 10

GAME: Benthus rolls bab+strength+1: (3)+11+4+1: 19

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d8+6: (5)+6: 11

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It collapses."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Shifting towards another one."

GAME: Benthus rolls bab+strength+1-5: (2)+11+4+1+-5: 13

GAME: Benthus rolls bab+strength+1-10: (8)+11+4+1+-10: 14

<OOC> Benthus says, "Well, that was just great. Okay, mount attack."

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+10: (10)+10: 20

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+10: (7)+10: 17

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+10: (4)+10: 14

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Hit, hit, miss."

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d4+4: (4)+4: 8

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d4+4: (1)+4: 5

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Oh wait, only the first hit."

<OOC> Benthus says, "8 then."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Posing."

It is now Kravar's turn! Girallons is next!

<OOC> Kravar will 5' towards the others and then attack one of them

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You can reach 2 without any movement."

Benthus gets a mobbed by the white-furred apes with four upper limbs and gets smacked in the shoulder. He did not like that and is evident on his face as it changes from its normal polite-looking appearance, to a grim scowl. He utters a quick prayer, coating his lance with a blue sheen of energy, and uses it to stun one of the attacking monstrosities. He selected the one that Corra had used for target practice. He manages to take it down after two prods. He shifts his lance to another creature and does another prodding with his blue-energized lance. All fail to affect the creature. But his griffon mount would not be denied participation in the fight. It stabs its beak at the one that Benthus is presently attacking and gets to bite down on flesh. But its claws only meet air.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Then you'll be 10' from the ones you are fighting. Enemies are in front of you, allies are behind."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You can 5' after attacking?"

<OOC> Kravar nods that probably works better :)

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+15: (6)+15: 21

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d8+20: (7)+20: 27

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "I can assume you had it out though, you knew there were threats around."

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+10: (17)+10: 27

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d8+20: (1)+20: 21

It is now Girallons' turn! Corra is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Two attack Kravar first."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (4)+10: 14

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (2)+10: 12

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (8)+10: 18

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (19)+10: 29

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (9)+10: 19

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (18)+10: 28

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (4)+10: 14

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (14)+10: 24

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Two claws."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 2d4+8: (4)+8: 12

GAME: You damaged Kravar for 12 points. 83 remaining.

Kravar flinches at the rain of attacks. Most are warded off by his shield and armor, but he has to keep twisting his head back and forth to keep sight of the two monsters. Laying about him with his sword to discourage the apes from following, he begins to back away, edging his way back to where the others are.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Then one swings down behind to flank you, one attack."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12: (13)+12: 25

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "One full-attacks the griffon (it looks tasty)."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (10)+10: 20

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (17)+10: 27

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (19)+10: 29

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (6)+10: 16

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)

<OOC> Benthus says, "AC23."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Mounted Combat?"

<OOC> Benthus says, "Yes."

GAME: Benthus rolls ride: (10)+16: 26

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You avoid one attack, so just the one claw. How many HPs does it have?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Wait, I missed, it hits twice."

<OOC> Benthus says, "58/58"

<OOC> Benthus says, "Yes, it hits twice."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "So, two claws and a rend."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 3d4+14: (7)+14: 21

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Finally, the last one comes into flank Benthus and griffon, attacking griffon again once."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12: (19)+12: 31

<OOC> Benthus says, "Ouch."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d6+4: (4)+4: 8

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Bite."

<OOC> Benthus says, "29/58"

The girallons cluster round, biting and clawing with abandon at Kravar and the griffon. Feathers fly as one gets hold of a leg and wing and pulls, wounding it, and another bites into its flank.

It is now Corra's turn! Benthus is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You are unthreatened if you 5'."

<OOC> Corra does that and then rapid, deadly aim, pbs, ms the one flanking benthus/griffon

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+2-2-2: (8)+10+2+1+2+-2+-2: 19

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+2-2-2: (7)+10+2+1+2+-2+-2: 18

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+2-2-2-5: (11)+10+2+1+2+-2+-2+-5: 17

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "2 hits. Guess the AC?"

<OOC> Corra says, "18...3 damage rolls"

GAME: Corra rolls 1d8+3+4+1+2: (3)+3+4+1+2: 13

GAME: Corra rolls 1d8+3+4+1+2: (3)+3+4+1+2: 13

GAME: Corra rolls 1d8+3+4+1+2: (3)+3+4+1+2: 13

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Wounded again. Pose."

It is now Benthus' turn! Kravar is next!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Attack the one which Corra wounded. Now, with AP."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "AP?"

<OOC> Benthus says, "I mean PA, sorry."

Corra manages to move out of range of being attacked and aims at the one flanking Benthus. She looses two arrows with the first shot, and then fires two more times, the last arrow misses but the others sink deeply into its hide.

GAME: Benthus rolls bab+strength+1-3: (13)+11+4+1+-3: 26

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "I will let you determine whether you it AC 18, roll damage when you do."

GAME: Benthus rolls bab+strength+1-3: (18)+11+4+1+-3: 31

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d8+15: (3)+15: 18

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d8+15: (1)+15: 16

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "The second hit knocks it out."

<OOC> Benthus says, "thanks. Switching to the none wounded..."

GAME: Benthus rolls bab+strength+1-3-5: (19)+11+4+1+-3+-5: 27

GAME: Benthus rolls bab+strength+1-3-10: (15)+11+4+1+-3+-10: 18

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d8+15: (3)+15: 18

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d8+15: (1)+15: 16

<OOC> Benthus says, "Okay, griffon wants a piece of it..."

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+10: (6)+10: 16

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+10: (5)+10: 15

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+10: (20)+10: 30

<OOC> Benthus says, "Rolling for threat."

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+10: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)

<OOC> Benthus says, "Oh well."

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d4+4: (2)+4: 6

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pose it."

It is now Kravar's turn! Girallons is next!

<OOC> Kravar is gonna full attack, I will shield bash the girallion that is flanking me twice and unarmed strike the one I wounded earlier twice

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Kravar, you have three now."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Unarmed strike rather than sword?"

<OOC> Kravar nods b/c my shield is a heavy weapon...and I can do some extra damage if I hit with 2 unarmed strikes

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Oh right, offhand. You have improved unarmed?"

<OOC> Kravar does

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll it."

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+13: (20)+13: 33

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+13: (1)+13: 14 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+8: (2)+8: 10

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+8: (6)+8: 14

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Confirm?"

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+13: (9)+13: 22

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "So one crit."

<OOC> Kravar hahs...well the 1st one would also have a CMB 33 bull rush on the girallion flanking me

GAME: Kravar rolls 2d4+10: (6)+10: 16

Benthus has had enough of the huge primates tearing at his mount. He grits his teeth and silently swores an oath at the one that injured his griffon badly. He hits it twice and causes the creatures to collapse, unconscious. He shifts his attack on another one, and again, he is rewarded by being able to hit it twice. But it remains standing. His mount wants a piece of the white furred creature as well, and this time, it is its claws than did damage. "If only these creatures can talk..." He sighs.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That would work. 10'."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "So, to be clear, is this the uninjured one behind you or the injured one with a pal ahead of you?"

<OOC> Kravar says, "The uninjured one behind me"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay. You can follow up up to 5' of its 10' moveent."

<OOC> Kravar oohs! and will do so

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Because you have a 5' left. Pose it."

It is now Girallons' turn! Corra is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay. Two flank Kravar, front and back:"

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12: (3)+12: 15

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12: (9)+12: 21

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12: (3)+12: 15

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12: (8)+12: 20

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12: (9)+12: 21

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12: (3)+12: 15

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12: (2)+12: 14

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12: (13)+12: 25

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12: (7)+12: 19

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 12: (7)+12: 19

<OOC> Benthus says, "Yeay!"

Kravar is still trying to back away from the two Girallons he is facing when he hears the sounds of another ape dropping down behind him. He spins around and raises his invisible force shield just in time to catch a blow that would have bashed his head in. Kravar pushes the claw away with his shield then jabs it hard into the creature's midsection, sending it stumbling back away from him. The Aesir tries to lash out behind him with a kick. It smashes into the forearms of one of the creatures behind him, but the Girallon is so large and massive that it's like kicking a wall, and Kravar instead is pushed that much closer to the rest of the party.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That was really impressive."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "The other one attacks Kravar without flank."

<OOC> Benthus says, "It is. But I have seen him do that before."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (16)+10: 26

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (2)+10: 12

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (2)+10: 12

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (17)+10: 27

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (5)+10: 15

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "If I could roll it would go better for them."

<OOC> Kravar grins

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "One last one attacks the griffon."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (8)+10: 18

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (11)+10: 21

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (7)+10: 17

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (19)+10: 29

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "One claw."

<OOC> Benthus will attempt a ride check.

GAME: Benthus rolls ride: (19)+16: 35

<OOC> Benthus says, "No."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "No claws."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Thankee."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Poses if he is allowed?"

The girallons advance, flailing teeth and claws in futility against the iron defense of the adventurers. It seems that they don't like the snow and cold weather at all.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Go ahead."

It is now Corra's turn! Benthus is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Corra, same?"

Benthus sees the one remaining 'girallon' that near them and knows that it is intent on having his mount for dinner. So when the series of attacks are unleashed on it, he helps his mount in spotting all the incoming attacks and avoiding all of them...

<OOC> Corra says, "we have 1 on benthus and griffon rest on kravar?"

<OOC> Benthus says, "Kravar is mobbed by 3, yes."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You can shoot whatever you want, and redirect as you go."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Yes."

<OOC> Corra says, "k...then rinsing and repeating"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Which one to start?"

<OOC> Corra says, "on on benthus"

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+2-2-2: (16)+10+2+1+2+-2+-2: 27

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+2-2-2: (14)+10+2+1+2+-2+-2: 25

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+2-2-25: (16)+10+2+1+2+-2+-25: 4

<OOC> Corra says, "umm..ast one should be a 24...isn't -25..giggles"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You know the AC 18, roll damage on hits. :)"

GAME: Corra rolls 1d8+3+4+1+2: (4)+3+4+1+2: 14

GAME: Corra rolls 1d8+3+4+1+2: (5)+3+4+1+2: 15

GAME: Corra rolls 1d8+3+4+1+2: (1)+3+4+1+2: 11

GAME: Corra rolls 1d8+3+4+1+2: (7)+3+4+1+2: 17

<OOC> Benthus says, "It had subdual damage btw."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Not that it matters..."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "So, two arrows/3 damages knocks it out, last damage to one of Kravars."

<OOC> Corra says, "k"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It looks really unhappy too."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pose."

It is now Benthus' turn! Kravar is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You can charge/flank one with Kravar if you want."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It's just far enough away."

Corra is feeling more comfortable now, and shoots again, first shot fires two arrows at the one on Benthus and Griffin, and with one more arrow in rapid succession. The arrows sink into the beast's hide and drop it. The last shot turns and shoots one of the ones on Kravar, sinking deep and pissing it off.

<OOC> Benthus says, "Okay, no girallon on me. So do I have a line of attack through one of the girallons? Or is the forest not conducive for ride bys?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It really isnt unless you want to go by overhead, then the others will get AoOs."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Rolling... with AP."

<OOC> Benthus says, "PA."

GAME: Benthus rolls bab+strength+1-3: (5)+11+4+1+-3: 18

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You also got the +2 for charging."

GAME: Benthus rolls 3d8+45: (15)+45: 60

<OOC> Benthus says, "One of the weakened ones please."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You knock it out. The only one you can get to."

It is now Kravar's turn! Girallons is next!

<OOC> Kravar will try same as before - shield bash one of them twice, unarmed strike the other one twice (the one I've hit earlier with sword)

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Kravar, the one flanking you just went boom. You have two adjacent to each other now."

<OOC> Kravar oh wait...then I will just hit the injured one with sword

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+15: (19)+15: 34

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You have to 5' in to do so."

<OOC> Kravar oks

<OOC> Kravar says, "Also I think that is a threat with longsword"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Yep."

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+15: (16)+15: 31

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+10: (9)+10: 19

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Confirm. Secondaries?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Crit, hit. Damage?"

GAME: Kravar rolls 2d8+40: (6)+40: 46

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d8+20: (6)+20: 26

Benthus tips his visor to Corra for the assist and lowers his lance to make a charge on one of the Girallons that are crowding on Kravar. "Help is on the way, master Kravar." He says to the one being flanked by the huge apes. Sending a non-verbal command to his mount, the griffon springs into action and charges one of the Girallons. The blue-energized lance of Benthus hits the creature and causes it to fall unconscious. "Two more to go."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You kill one and injure the other. It was a crit, make it a cool kill please, pose."

It is now Girallons' turn! Corra is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "The last remaining one disregards all sense and attacks Kravar."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (16)+10: 26

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (20)+10: 30

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (10)+10: 20

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10: (3)+10: 13

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 10 (confirm): (19)+10 (confirm): 29

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 2d4+8: (5)+8: 13

GAME: You damaged Kravar for 13 points. 70 remaining.

The last standing Girallon flies into a rage at the slaying of its entire family and claws madly at Kravar, a lucky hit drawing blood.

It is now Corra's turn! Benthus is next!

Kravar is nearly buried under a flurry of furry limbs. When the attacker behind him 'mysteriously' drops, and Kravar eyes the remaining two, murder in his eyes. He clutches his sword with both hands and swings it savagely, decapitating the ape in a messy fountain of blood. Then the swordsman's expression changes to a stricken look. "Alive, alive! Damn it!"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "We'll come back."

It is now Benthus' turn! Kravar is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Now you can charge overhead if you want."

Benthus eyes the decapitated girallon and looks sad, but it is only a fleeting thing as they are still not out of the woods yet. "It can't be helped, master Kravar. But let us try not to do so witht he last one...

GAME: Benthus rolls bab+strength+1-3+2: (2)+11+4+1+-3+2: 17

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That gives you higher ground back too."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Oh, so I hit?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Flying is really nice for that. Yes. :)"

GAME: Benthus rolls 3d8+45: (9)+45: 54

<OOC> Corra says, "grrs sorry, phone pulled me away."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You knock the last one out and ride by overhead. Pose please, then free RP."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "No issues."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "5 are still alive."

Benthus looks up and decides to act swiftly least the creature be a dead one. Urging his mount to take to flight, he aims his lance at the last girallon and prods it with blue energy. It falls to the ground, unconscious...

Timestop by Ssylrath has left.

Kravar looks around at the bodies of the Girallons still breathing. He prods the nearest with his boot. It barely moves. Kravar sighs. "Does anyone have any ideas how we can get things back to the portal?" He's afraid it's going to involve carrying them.

Corra glances around arrows still ready to go and then she shakes her head, "I think that is all of them." she says and then seeing Kravar's reaction, "Well she said the giant insects bring back, they didn't even know these were there." she shakes her head a bit. "Could make some kind of support and drag them back.

Benthus pauses as he thinks back on what the dwarf said to them. "I think we were just suppose to capture them alive. The transport should be something the dwarf and his companions will do."

Corra nods, "WEll we would need a way to keep them contained then, while we go after the other."

Benthus nods and says, "Before we do that, I think we should all recover from our wounds first. If you all stand closer to me, please?" He proceeds to draw his hands together and gather the positive energies provided to him by his liege lord...

<OOC> Benthus says, "Channeling until everyone is healed, Ssylrath."

<OOC> Benthus says, "I have 6 charges."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay, we'll do that at the start of another combat as I need a +timestop for that."

Kravar crowds in closer to Benthus, eyeing the Girallons suspiciously.

Benthus moves slightly so that the Girallon are not affected with the healing ritual...

GAME: Benthus rolls 5d6: (14): 14

GAME: Benthus rolls 5d6: (14): 14

GAME: Benthus rolls 5d6: (21): 21

<OOC> Benthus says, "As for the Girallon, I think I will have to send my mount to inform the dwarf of the location of the Girallons. So I will have to go on foot in pursuing the centipede."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Noted. Okay."

Corra shrugs a bit, "Thank you." she says and looks around, "So..." she looks at both of them after the healing.

After the girallons the centipede is positively easy to track. It only leaves a track 10' wide but clearly it has a massive bulk from the damage it does to the forest. After a little time you come across it, in a large open clearing, coiled up into a heap. Even compressed this way it must be well over a hundred feet long, and the pile is nearly 30' across. You cannot currently see the head.

<OOC> Benthus says, "May I cast a spell please?"

<OOC> Benthus says, "Or several spells that is."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Please do. It's not reacting so far."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It's a good 100' off."

GAME: Benthus used a Pearl of Power (1st).

Kravar gapes at the sight. "Look at the size of that worm!" he hisses. "Can - can we even slay such a creature? Our swords would be nothing more than thorns to it!"

<OOC> Benthus recalls Merciful Blade and gets that casted. Second, I cast haste on myself and group and then mirror image and righteous vigor.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Cast please."

GAME: Benthus casts Fire of Judgment. Caster Level: 11 DC: 20

<OOC> Benthus says, "That is the haste substitute."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Noted."

GAME: Benthus casts Righteous Vigor. Caster Level: 11 DC: 19

GAME: Benthus casts Resist Energy. Caster Level: 11 DC: 19

<OOC> Benthus says, "That is mirror image."

<OOC> Corra says, "will cast one spell myself"

<OOC> Benthus says, "So merciful blade, righteous vigor, mirror image and haste are all in effect."

Corra cocks her head to the side, "Do we attack it? I can hit it easily from here, but will have to ask for a blessing from my god before we do."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "How many images?"

Benthus halts the group as they get close to the colossal creature. "I didn't expect it to be this big. Please wait as I cast some spells to help us out in capturing this creature alive..." And so he proceeds to cast spells one after the other and then when everything is done, he nods to his group. "Are we ready?"

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d4+2: (4)+2: 6

<OOC> Benthus says, "7 images."

<OOC> Corra says, "casts gravity bow"

GAME: Corra casts Gravity Bow. Caster Level: 6 DC: 13

GAME: Corra rolls initiative: Roll: 19 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 23

GAME: You roll initiative for Centipede: Roll: 8 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 8

GAME: Benthus rolls initiative: Roll: 19 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 22

GAME: Kravar rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 24

GAME: You damaged Benthus for -49 points. 102 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Corra for -49 points. 46 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Kravar for -49 points. 110 remaining.

It is now Kravar's turn! Corra is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "80' away."

<OOC> Kravar hmms...ok I will do a double move towards it.

<OOC> Kravar says, "So 60'"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You are hasted."

<OOC> Kravar says, "Oooh in that case I will charge it."

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+18: (18)+18: 36

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d8+20: (2)+20: 22

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You stab it. Little effect. Pose."

It is now Corra's turn! Benthus is next!

<OOC> Corra says, "so...rapid shot, deadly aim. manyshot in effect"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

Kravar gives Benthus a tight nod. Once the party begins their attack, the Aesir launches himself at the giant worm-like creature. He's surprised at how fast he moves, but then turns the speed into a charge, dashing into the thing's side and slashing it with a two-handed blow. The sword practically bounces off, and Kravar's features twist into a scowl.

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1-2-2: (16)+10+2+1+-2+-2: 25

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1-2-2: (9)+10+2+1+-2+-2: 18

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1-2-2: (5)+10+2+1+-2+-2: 14

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1-2-2-5: (18)+10+2+1+-2+-2+-5: 22

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "2 hits."

GAME: Corra rolls 2d6+3+4: (9)+3+4: 16

GAME: Corra rolls 2d6+3+4: (8)+3+4: 15

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Manyshot?"

GAME: Corra rolls 2d6+3+4: (5)+3+4: 12

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Arrows sink into it. It twitches. Pose."

It is now Benthus' turn! Centipede is next!

<OOC> Benthus same as Kravar, charge.

GAME: Benthus rolls bab+strength+1+2-3: (5)+11+4+1+2+-3: 20

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Miss."

Corra stands back where she is and loses her arrows. Two fly with the first shot and seem to accelerate the second they leave the bow, three more shots fly from the bow. Of the 5 only 3 arrows strike and sink into the creature which just twitches.

It is now Centipede's turn! Kravar is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay. It double-moves over Kravar and Benthus, trampling and ending up at Corra. Benthus and Kravar, you can either try to dodge with a Reflex save or AoO at -4. The dodge looks hard."

Benthus immediately goes after Kravar, charging the collosal centepede. His spell gives his additional speed and allows him to reach the creature on his charge attempt. He swings his blade at the creature but it merely bounces off its hide. "Great!" He says exasperatedly.

<OOC> Benthus will attempt dodge..

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

GAME: Benthus rolls reflex: (7)+14: 21

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Kravar?"

<OOC> Kravar says, "What kind of action would it be to try and check how close to dying it is? A heal check? Is that a standard action, move action, or...?"

GAME: Kravar rolls reflex: (1)+9: 10 (EPIC FAIL)

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That was DC 33. You both fail to dodge."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 6d6+25: (22)+25: 47

GAME: You damaged Benthus for 47 points. 55 remaining.

GAME: You damaged Kravar for 47 points. 63 remaining.

<OOC> Benthus says, "Is it out of the way now?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Yep, but you are prone and trampled."

The colossal creature walks right over Benthus and Kravar for all that they try to dodge, rearing up over Corra, wide dripping mandiles ready to strike the cource of the prickly needles.

It is now Kravar's turn! Corra is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Kravar, you are prone and 45' away from it."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "If anyone wants to try Knowledge/Dungeoneering this is the time."

GAME: Corra rolls knowledge/dungeoneering+1: (9)+7+1: 17

GAME: Benthus rolls intelligence+2: (3)+2+2: 7

You paged Corra with 'Regular giant centipedes do Dex damage with poison.'

GAME: Kravar rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (9)+6: 15

You paged Kravar with 'Regular giant centipedes do Dex damage with poison.'

You paged Corra with 'They are also mindless.'

<OOC> Kravar is going to stand up, put away his sword and switch to longbow

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Nope. Pose."

It is now Corra's turn! Benthus is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Corra, you are well inside its reach."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Looks like it has 20' at least."

Kravar struggles to his feet, shakes his head to clear his vision, then turns and stares at the centipede. It looks like he can't believe how fast it's moving. Instead of chasing it he puts away his sword (in the elaborate sheath at his waist) and then pulls his longbow and arrows from his pack. "Keep away from it!" he wails, possibly unnecesarrily.

<OOC> Corra says, "double move retreat should move me 120'"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Yes, but will provoke after the first 5'."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "For reference, you have collectively done about a third of its hitpoints in damage."

<OOC> Corra says, "screw it..5' step full attack, rapid shot deadly aim, pbs, ms"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay, it takes the AoO. Just one."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 19: (16)+19: 35

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 4d6+25: (12)+25: 37

GAME: You damaged Corra for 37 points. 9 remaining.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Can I get a Fort save please?"

GAME: Corra rolls fortitude: (9)+6: 15

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "For poison. DC 25"

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d6: (4): 4

GAME: You damaged Corra's Dexterity for 4 points. 4 total damage.

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+1-2-2: (10)+8+2+1+1+-2+-2: 18

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+1-2-2: (9)+8+2+1+1+-2+-2: 17

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+1-2-2: (7)+8+2+1+1+-2+-2: 15

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+1-2-2-5: (2)+8+2+1+1+-2+-2+-5: 5

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "No hits."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It bit and poisoned you, please pose."

Corra moves back a little bit but the creature has a far reach and manages to bite her. She gasps as poison sinks into her and her muscles constrict making her move less easily, its probably why all of her shots miss the centipede.

It is now Benthus' turn! Centipede is next!

<OOC> Benthus stand up, swift heal/Loh, intercept Corra. Prepare to LoH her on next round.

GAME: Benthus rolls 5d6: (17): 17

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay, you are 45' behind it, i's 30' across and she's on the far side."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "60' move gets you part way round."

GAME: You damaged Benthus for -17 points. 72 remaining.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That good? Pose."

It is now Centipede's turn! Kravar is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It turns to bite at the running man."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 19: (13)+19: 32

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Fort save Benthus."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 4d6+25: (8)+25: 33

GAME: You damaged Benthus for 33 points. 39 remaining.

GAME: Benthus rolls Fortitude: (19)+17: 36

The massive vermin whips around after moving prey, after all things that it bites usually stop moving shortly thereafter. Benthus takes mandibles across his torso but fights off the venom.

It is now Kravar's turn! Corra is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You can shoot, or move while drawing and attack but that'll provoke."

Benthus gets run over by the huge invertebrate and is winded by the move. He gets enough battlefield perception to notice that the creature has biten on Corra and that a great deal of saliva was imparted on her open wound. Knowing from experience that this is usually a bad sign, he got up, allows himself to heal a bit and then sprints towards his wounded comrade. He gets biten just as he passes, but that is okay, the wound did not do any more damage.

<OOC> Benthus says, "Oh, btw, Ssylrath. Did the creature manage to bypass my 7 images?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Oh, let's check."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d8 (first hits): (5 (first hits)): 5

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Nope."

GAME: You damaged Benthus for -33 points. 72 remaining.

<OOC> Benthus says, "Poof! There goes an image."

<OOC> Ssylrath revises pose.

<OOC> Benthus nods.

The massive vermin whips around after moving prey, after all things that it bites usually stop moving shortly thereafter. Benthus pops, but Benthus, Benthus and all the rest keep running.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Kravar?"

<OOC> Kravar will move, draw and attack - can I end up on a different side of it from Corra and Benthus

Benthus gets run over by the huge invertebrate and is winded by the move. He gets enough battlefield perception to notice that the creature has biten on Corra and that a great deal of saliva was imparted on her open wound. Knowing from experience that this is usually a bad sign, he got up, allows himself to heal a bit and then sprints towards his wounded comrade. He goes straight for Corra, and the centipede knows this as it shifts its angle to intercept him. But attacking the running paladin is not an easy thing to do considering that there are 7 of them. The centipede galumps on one of the images and it goes poof!

<OOC> Kravar says, "So it can only try to trample one of us. :P"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You can. It'll provoke."

<OOC> Kravar nods, ok

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 19: (19)+19: 38

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 4d6+25: (17)+25: 42

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Fort save."

GAME: Kravar rolls fort: (1)+13: 14 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: You damaged Kravar for 42 points. 21 remaining.

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d6: (4): 4

GAME: You damaged Kravar's Dexterity for 4 points. 4 total damage.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Attack! You flank."

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+18: (10)+18: 28

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Hit."

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d8+20: (3)+20: 23

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Gashed. Pose including getting bitten please."

It is now Corra's turn! Benthus is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It can't AoO you. Shoot?"

<OOC> Corra says, "yes shoot but no deadly aim or rapid shot."

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+1: (14)+8+2+1+1: 26

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+1: (13)+8+2+1+1: 25

GAME: Corra rolls ranged+2+1+1-5: (2)+8+2+1+1+-5: 9

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Two hits."

GAME: Corra rolls 2d6+3+1: (11)+3+1: 15

GAME: Corra rolls 2d6+3+1: (7)+3+1: 11

GAME: Corra rolls 2d6+3+1: (8)+3+1: 12

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It felt that, it's under half. Pose."

It is now Benthus' turn! Centipede is next!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Swift heal."

GAME: Benthus rolls 5d6: (19): 19

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Oh wait, Fort save from Corra."

<OOC> Benthus says, "How far is it from me?"

GAME: Corra rolls fortitude: (16)+6: 22

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d6: (5): 5

Kravar grimaces as the creature closes in on the archer. He notices Benthus trying to move around it. Flinging his bow down, Kravar draws his sword and moves after the centipede. He takes a nasty blow as he approaches, then chops into it's side again. Only then does he start to feel the effects of the blow, blinking and nearly stumbling.

GAME: You damaged Corra's Dexterity for 5 points. 9 total damage.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Ouch. Poison continues. Benthus, you are adjacent to it flanking with Kravar. 30' or so from Corra."

Corra looses more arrows this time but isn't focusing so much on damage more on trying to hit it. The three arrows sink deep the first two fired with the first shot. She cries out a bit as the poison courses through her again, muscles tightening more.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You may want to attract its attention."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Alright, I might as well hit it. Righteous vigor is active. So each time I hit, I get a +1 to hit and a 1d8 roll to determine how much temp HP I get."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Full attack. And try to get its attention."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Roll."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You flank, it's AC 21."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Oh, PA as well..."

GAME: Benthus rolls bab+strength+1+2-3: (12)+11+4+1+2+-3: 27

GAME: Benthus rolls bab+strength+1+2-3: (7)+11+4+1+2+-3: 22

GAME: Benthus rolls bab+strength+1+2-3-5: (12)+11+4+1+2+-3+-5: 22

GAME: Benthus rolls bab+strength+1+2-3-10: (10)+11+4+1+2+-3+-10: 15

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Three hits."

<OOC> Benthus says, "I forgot to add the bonuses successively, but I missed the last one, so it goes back to 0."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Okay damage before temp HP."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "So that's 3d8 temps."

GAME: Benthus rolls 6d4+45: (14)+45: 59

GAME: Benthus rolls 3d8: (7): 7

<OOC> Benthus says, "Btw, I did an LoH earlier."

<OOC> Benthus says, "19 HP."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It's bleeding heavily from multiple gashes but still moving."

GAME: You damaged Benthus for -19 points. 91 remaining.

<OOC> Benthus taunts it, like it can understand him.

It is now Centipede's turn! Kravar is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It is stupid, it attacks the images."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d7 (one hits): (4 (one hits)): 4

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 19: (14)+19: 33

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pops an image."

The centipede is enraged and bleeding, lashing out at the tiny food that dares to injure it. The food that fanishes as soon as its mighty mandibles close.

It is now Kravar's turn! Corra is next!

Benthus shifts his attention back to the centipede when it hurts and poisons Kravar. He changes his plan once again and attacks the creature that is now in front of it. "Oh no you don't! Fight me you ugly monster! I taste better!" He slashes at it several times hitting three of four, and its wounds are starting to look even more graver. But not fatal, as the blue-energized falchion doesn't do lethal injury.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Kravar, you flank."

<OOC> Kravar will full attack!

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+18: (6)+18: 24

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+18: (10)+18: 28

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d20+12: (17)+12: 29

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Hits."

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d8+20: (6)+20: 26

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d8+20: (2)+20: 22

GAME: Kravar rolls 1d8+20: (4)+20: 24

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It drops, unconscious. It narrowly misses you. Pose it."

It is now Corra's turn! Benthus is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Corra, you are still taking poison. Action?"

<OOC> Corra says, "not much I can do to stop poison will clw myself at least get some hp back"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay. Roll, and roll Fort."

GAME: Corra rolls 1d8+1: (7)+1: 8

GAME: Corra casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 1 DC: 15

GAME: Corra rolls fortitude: (6)+6: 12

GAME: You damaged Corra for -8 points. 17 remaining.

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d6: (2): 2

GAME: You damaged Corra's Dexterity for 2 points. 11 total damage.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pose."

It is now Benthus' turn! Centipede is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Benthus?"

Corra sings a little ditty and her wounds seem to heal a little, but the poison racks her again and her muscles tighten up more.

<OOC> Benthus says, "Go to Corra and slap a heal on her."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Does anyone have any way of helping against poison? Antidote or Heal checks?"

<OOC> Kravar has an antitoxin!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Benthus has mercy: poison."

<OOC> Benthus says, "So I can remove her poison with a touch."

GAME: Benthus rolls 5d6: (20): 20

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "So roll a caster level check for that."

<OOC> Benthus says, "Oh!"

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+8: (14)+8: 22

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "And thats not enough. DC 25."

GAME: You damaged Corra for -22 points. 39 remaining.

It is now Kravar's turn! Corra is next!

<OOC> Benthus will do so again. I got 4 left.

<OOC> Benthus says, "Make that three."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Kravar, run over with antitoxin?"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Antitoxin gives a +5 against poison for an hour."

Kravar is close enough to strike the centipede at will now. His sword flashes in a series of slashing blows. Kravar takes a few steps along the side of the beast so that he's never striking too deeply. Eventually the blows take their toll and the thing stops moving. Kravar pauses, panting for a bit, then begins moving around to where Corra is.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Kravar, to be clear are you offering Corra an antitoxin?"

<OOC> Kravar nods

It is now Corra's turn! Benthus is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Corra, you drink it?"

<OOC> Corra says, "yes"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "If so, please roll Fort."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "With the +5."

GAME: Kravar used a Antitoxin.

GAME: Corra rolls fortitude+5: (17)+6+5: 28

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "You shake it off for this round, but it's not completely gone."

Benthus gives Kravar a smile and a thumbs up for incapacitating the big monster and then remembers that he has yet to apply a healing on Corra. He turns and speedily makes his way to her side and applies a healing hand on her, "Hang in there..." He grits his teeth as his powers are not enough to overcome the poison that is coursing through her veins.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Pose, Kravar and Corra both please. :)"

It is now Benthus' turn! Kravar is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Bentus, LoH again? Roll the caster level if so."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Healing isn't really relevant at this point."

GAME: Benthus rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "We're just seeing how bad Corra is for getting back."

It is now Kravar's turn! Corra is next!

<OOC> Benthus says, "Heal check later."

It is now Corra's turn! Benthus is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Corra, another save? This one will do it if you succeed..."

Kravar hands over a small vial to Corra. "Drink it!" he urges. "It may help you," he adds.

Corra takes the offered vial and downs it. She waits not looking forward to it, but the poison racks her body but doesn't seem to do much, the antitoxin helping out and staving off the effects.

GAME: Corra rolls fortitude+5: (20)+6+5: 31 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Yay!"

Timestop by Ssylrath has left.

GAME: You remove the timestop.

Benthus applies another healing touch on Corra but whatever toxins it is that is going through her system, it is not allowing his god-given powers to overcome it. "...Just a little bit more..." He is sweating now.

Corra seems to be doing okay, the antitoxin working its way through her system and helping her to fight off the poison, so it seems its done, though she still really doesn't look good, she has lost a lot of motor control. "GOing to be a long walk back." she mutters. "Thank you." she says softly.

Benthus is relieved when he sees Corra shake off the last of the debilitating toxin off of her system. He breathes deeply and looks about. "It is done. The creature is subdued and alive. We just need to have the people who hired us to get come here and make sure that the beast troubles no one anymore."

Corra nods her head, "Sounds good, I just want to make it back and then get to a temple." she shakes her head a bit. She is feeling really stiff and it shows.

The giant insect occasionally twitches in its unconsciousness.

Benthus patpats Corra gently, knowing how she feels. "The lingering effects of the poison will be gone, probably after a day or two. You'll have a full recovery, I am sure." He looks about once again and says, "I guess I have to summon my mount once again and get a faster trip back to our employers. I hope my mount isn't presently occupied with something."

Kravar goes to retrieve his bow from where he dropped it. He takes a walk around the centipede, circling the entire creature. It takes a long time. "Hah. Well fought, all. This will make quite a tale for the campfires and the drinking tables."

When you make it back to the portal area you find Mistress Rekah arranging a team to deal with the centipede, she is very glad to see you. She assures you that both sites will be dealt with, the girallons are already on their way. She pays you with thanks and then heads back to oversee rebuilding of the defenses the vermin knocked down.