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Latest revision as of 01:37, 23 April 2014

Log Info

  • Title: Bordering Felwood Pt1
  • Emitter: Naneth
  • Characters: Crow (Level 3), Talon (Level 2), (Altar Level 5), Belladona (Level 2)
  • Place: Felwood Borders
  • Time: April 22nd, 2014
  • Summary: The Felwood's aberrations are reaching beyond its borders
  • APL: 1.7
  • Encounter 1: 2 Otyughs (CR 6)

The Felwood has long been a thorn in the side of those lands bordering it. The corrupted landscape roiling with evil creatures and twisted abominations occasionally tries to spread its borders and the results are never pleasant. Heroes over the years have managed to slow and stop the spread from time to time. On a few memorable and heroic occasions they were even able to make it retreat a bit. But still, the storms come.

In this case, those in the nearest outpost of the Adventurer's Guild - little more than a shabby hut and some supplies - have been approached by a family of farmers, claiming to have been driven off their land by a corrosive fog and terrible monsters.

And so, rallying the adventurers that were available, the Party finds themselves coming up from the rear of the farmhouse. Fields and grassy lands lay nearby, and visible just on the edge of the fields is the thick forests that mark the outskirts of the Felwood. The trees are shrouded in a heavy and unnatural seeming fog that makes the skin crawl, though it's a fog that hasn't yet spread to the fields. All over are the signs of recent attack, scattered livestock corpses and destroyed farm equipment. Perhaps the cause is still nearby.....

Talon gently makes her way to the farm house, verifying the area as she moved. She was a lot more cautious on the field, even if she was normally Naive. She had followed Crow on this job, thankfully someone she knew. THe other two were new faces she was waiting to make friends with. She had her trusted weapons at her side ready to grab in case of emergency. "Are you alright Crow?" She asks gently as she continues to pay attention to her surroundings.

Belladona follows along shield up and claws ready as she is flanked by her companion the lioness Samafa. She looks around at the corpses and she suppresses a shiver. She moves towards the closest corpse to examine it.

Crow walks along slowly, the cloak that he normally wears wrapped especially tightly around him today, leaning on a staff as he makes his way through the area. The scowl on his face speaks volumes about his dislike of the things that have transpired. At Talon's question, he answers quietly, "Nature always manages to find a balance to whatever damage is done to it." He takes a breath, then continues, "But sometimes, it requires instruments to eliminate the source. Or at least alleviate the symptoms." He takes a few careful steps forward, eyes scanning the horizons for anything else that's out of place, letting someone else attend to the actual building itself as they choose. The grasses nearby rustle, but whatever's causing it doesn't seem to concern him overly much, even if it's attempting to stay out of sight.

Altar never does anything quickly, and doesn't tend to talk much. He must be content bringing up the rear or listening, or both. He also can't move quietly, so anyone lying in wait surely knows someone is coming.

Belladona frowns and she gets a look at the livestock and Samafa doesn't like it one bit. She doesn't touch any of them as she looks to the others, "Something unnatural did this. It looks like it has tentacles and teeth and slime. If I had to venture a guess I'd say we are dealing with some kind of aberrations...probably large ones." She looks around and inhales deeply trying to catch the smell of anything.

The farmhouse is quiet and still. Only the sound of the wood creaking and door shuddering under the light breeze can be heard mixed with the tinkle of wind-chimes. From the outside at least, it seems as if there's no one left inside, at least without going in to take a closer look. The trees seem to shiver and turn in the breeze, but the fog doesn't move as if locked to the trees. But then, along the tree-lines, the blur of movement. The shadow of what might be a beast or monster through the concealment of the fog. A sickly smell and a sound like something dragging.....

GAME: Belladona rolls perception: (4)+7: 11

Talon shudders, abberations are disturbing and grotesque things. She hopes it wasn't one. She noted the others going around the farm land checking it out. She peered at the door to the farmhouse, giving it a quick glance and then looked to the others. "Mind if someone joins me in checking inside?" She did not want to go in alone. Specially coming along with her trade, she was not meant to fight things in close quarters.

Belladona looks around and she curses under her breath about the fog, "Hey guys. There is something out in the fog." Samafa's fur is up as she stays by Belladona's side.

GAME: Crow rolls Perception: (20)+12: 32

Belladona looks around and she curses under her breath about the fog, "Hey guys. There is something out in the fog." Samafa's fur is up as she stays by Belladona's side.

Talon looked over to see Altar with her. She nodded and moved over a bit. "I would prefer second is that is alright with you Altar?" She slinked behind him so that she was right there in case something came out at them. She was very unnerved now after hearing Belladona and then hearing the noises. Something was amiss, something she did not want to look in the eyes. Hearing Belladona talking about something in the fog, Talon picks up her Crossbow and prepares it. Just in case. For any Eventuality after all.

DM: Crow is the first to notice. Though presumably he'll point it out to the others soon enough. In the fog, two large disgusting creatures covered in lesions, boils, and rashes. These three-legged freaks are mostly mouth. Three tentacles, two tipped with barbs and one with eyes, extend from its side. It would look comical, like an over-grown tripod, except for the filth it exudes along it's skin, and the wretched smell coming off of them as the breeze changes directions and the wind shifts the scent towards the party. The monsters stumble forward out of the fog, into the grassy plains and making noises that are the incoherent screetching of madness.....

GAME: Belladona rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 15 GAME: Crow rolls initiative: Roll: 13 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 15 GAME: Altar rolls initiative: Roll: 1 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 2 GAME: You roll initiative for Oty1: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 14 GAME: You roll initiative for Oty2: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 3 GAME: Talon rolls Initiative: (3)+Initiative: 3GAME: Talon rolls initiative: Roll: 2 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 7

GAME: Crow rolls 1d20 + 2: (1)+2: 3 GAME: Crow rolls Longbow: (15)+Longbow: 15 GAME: Naneth rolls 1d20+3: (15)+3: 18 GAME: Naneth rolls 1d6+2: (5)+2: 7

Crow snaps to a slightly closer attention, calling out a single word. "Vash." From out of the grasses, a silvery tiger trots out proudly, moving over to where Crow stands, a rumbling growl coming from the beast as it stands by the half-elf. Crow narrows his eyes, pulling a bow from off his back and holding it ready as his eyes scan the horizon, narrowing a bit as his keen senses find their target. "Incoming." He nods in their direction, indicating their position to the others. The tiger is off like a shot, moving in to try to tear at the closest of the creatures, but the hideous thing manages to grab it and hold it at bay, tearing at the tiger instead. Crow fires a shot, but the arrow misses just a bit, causing the half-elf to frown deeply.

GAME: Naneth rolls 1d20+13: (13)+13: 26 GAME: Belladona casts Magic Fang. Caster Level: 2 DC: 13 GAME: Naneth rolls 1d20+3: (3)+3: 6 GAME: Belladona rolls 1d20+4: (18)+4: 22 GAME: Belladona rolls 1d20+3: (5)+3: 8 GAME: Belladona rolls 1d20+3: (7)+3: 10 GAME: Belladona rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8 GAME: Naneth rolls 1d20+3: (14)+3: 17 GAME: Naneth rolls 1d6+2: (3)+2: 5 GAME: Naneth rolls 1d20+13: (14)+13: 27

Belladona sees the tiger attack the Otyugh and she casts a spell upon Samafa to increase the power of her bite. "Attack Samafa." She tells her animal companion and the lioness heads off into the frey. She bites down hard on the Otyugh that the tiger is also attacking and tries to use it's claws but to no avail.

GAME: Talon rolls 1d4+1: (3)+1: 4 GAME: Talon refreshes spells.

Talon heard the warning as she moved behind Altar, she saw the monstrosity emerge from the fog just from the corner of the house. She without hesitation took her opportunity and brought one hand up, mumbling something under her breath and twirling her finger till it glowed a Shimmering blue. "Magic Missile!" As a jet of blue energy in the form of a bolt came flying from her finger towards the Oty.

GAME: Talon casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 2 DC: 16

The Otyugh's are engaged in combat a little more fierce than they meant to find! Having expected to find more villagers or perhaps the farmers returned to their home, instead a full party of adventurers awaits the aberration. Though the feline familiars take a little damage here and there, they're holding out strong and taking chunks and slices out of one of the monsters. The other one takes a blast from the sorcerer full in the face, the darting magic missiles singing its skin and making it break out into a run towards Altar and Talon......

GAME: Altar rolls 1d20+10: (15)+10: 25 GAME: Altar rolls 1d8+5: (4)+5: 9 GAME: Naneth rolls 1d20+3: (20)+3: 23 GAME: Naneth rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16 GAME: Naneth rolls 1d6+2: (3)+2: 5 GAME: You damaged Altar for 5 points. 49 remaining.

GAME: Crow rolls 1d20 + 3: (19)+3: 22 GAME: Crow rolls 1d6 + 3: (5)+3: 8

Altar charges right at the tentacled shit eater in front of him. Once again thankful that he does not require breathing for proper operation. He slices a nice big cut into its tentacle at is slaps him around on his way in. He does not slow or falter, as he does not feel pain, but some minor damage may be visible upon close inspection.

GAME: Crow rolls 1d20 + 2 + 2 + 1 - 4: (5)+2+2+1+- 4: 14

GAME: Naneth rolls 1d20+2: (16)+2: 18 GAME: Belladona rolls 1d20+6: (14)+6: 20

Crow takes a step forward, knocking the bow again and attempting to fire between the animals into the creature. The arrow misses again, though, as he has to make a last minute correction to avoid hitting Vash, who pounces upon the creature and tears into it with his teeth.

GAME: Belladona rolls 1d6+4: (3)+4: 7 GAME: Belladona rolls 1d20+4: (3)+4: 7

What's going on? Suddenly Oty1 has more enemies than it can handle. Belladona in its face and slipping past its tentacles. The tiger ravaging it on one side, the lioness ravaging it on the other. Lions and Tigers and Belladona's, oh my. Crow's arrows may not be finding their mark, but his tiger has successfully done enough damage to rock the thing back on the defensive.. Reaching out with its tentacles, it lunges forward in one desperate last-ditch move, and attacks Samafa, whirling around again and focusing on the last thing to have hit it....

GAME: Naneth rolls 1d20+7: (2)+7: 9 GAME: Talon rolls 1D20+2: (1)+2: 3 GAME: Naneth rolls 1d20+7: (12)+7: 19 GAME: Altar rolls 1d20+7: (14)+7: 21 GAME: Altar rolls 1d20+7: (14)+7: 21 GAME: Altar rolls 1d8+7: (3)+7: 10

Talon prepares herself once more, feeling the power fom her blood fueling her power, Releasing a torrential lightning based energy ray from her hand towards Oty2. But to no Avail, the sudden energy unbalanced her, making her miss wide.

The Otyugh's are not faring well at the moment. Even though both cats are a little banged up, and Altar is bashed around and bleeding just a bit. Well, their attacks aren't landing nearly as badly or as devestatingly as they'd like to. The Otyugh1 misses the tiger completely, whirling in confusion and giving a slow groan of babble as it tries to decide what to do next. Meanwhile, Oty2 /drastically/ misreads it's positioning, lunging forward for a snapping bite attack at Altar, instead it opens itself up to more attacks, dodging the ELemental Ray only to eat the cold steel of Altar's weapon.....

Altar stands his ground, his shield intercepting the Tentacle slaps from the Otyugh for now. He continues hacking at it with his sword, if it works, why change it?

GAME: Crow rolls 1d20 + 3: (14)+3: 17 GAME: Crow rolls 1d6 + 3: (6)+3: 9 GAME: Crow rolls 1d20 + 1: (11)+1: 12

The tiger takes a calculated step forward, lunging at the otyugh once more. It seems like it might not catch, but the otyugh turns in just the right way at the wrong moment, opening itself up completely to the tiger's gaping maw. Crow tries to fire an arrow again, but can't find a good place to aim, given the ferocity of the combat.

GAME: Belladona rolls 1d20+4: (5)+4: 9 GAME: Belladona rolls 1d20+6: (1)+6: 7 GAME: Naneth rolls 1d20+7: (10)+7: 17

Belladona sees the tiger moving over, "Samafa shift left." She says as the lioness moves out of the way of the bite. The lioness tries to bite back as Belladona goes to swipe again at the Otyugh, but both are wide misses.

GAME: Talon rolls 1D20+2: (1)+2: 3 GAME: Belladona rolls 1D20+2: (9)+2: 11 GAME: Naneth rolls 1d20+7: (6)+7: 13

Talon in her anger of missing the last time, readjusts herself in time to fire anothe rray, only to find that the Oty had moved from its position and she miss fires once more. "Getting Irritated now!"

The poor Otyugh's. They're damn near dead now. The fight has been brief. Though with the adrenaline pumping and the heartrate pounding higher and higher, the adventurers may feel like it is stretching on forever.... in reality it has only been a scant few seconds, perhaps a few minutes at most. Hits are coming fast and furious, near dodges and misses combined with hits.... the adventurers giving out far more than they're recieving. Too stubborn or unintelligent to flee, the monsters are putting up a fight to the last.... but the end is very much within sight now....

GAME: Altar rolls 1d20+7: (20)+7: 27 GAME: Altar rolls 1d20+7: (5)+7: 12 GAME: Altar rolls 1d8+7: (7)+7: 14

Altar has a mechanical regularity to him. Block, chop, block, chop, block, chop. Almost as if this is what he was made for. Which is of course precisely accurate. Imagine that, a War Golem made for fighting.

GAME: Crow rolls 1d20 + 5: (3)+5: 8 GAME: Crow rolls 1d20 + 1: (18)+1: 19 GAME: Crow rolls 1d8 + 1: (3)+1: 4 GAME: Belladona rolls 1d20+4+2: (14)+4+2: 20 GAME: Belladona rolls 1d6+2: (2)+2: 4

Crow takes a breath, drawing the arrow back and letting the flow of combat take its course. The tiger leans in, gnashing its teeth, but the Otyugh reels back away from the deadly creature. But as it's distracted, it opens itself up for a clean shot, which Crow takes, releasing the arrow and burying it deep in the monster's stinking flesh.

GAME: Naneth rolls 1d20+7: (2)+7: 9 GAME: Belladona rolls 1d20+8: (6)+8: 14 GAME: Talon casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 2 DC: 16

Samafa spots the opening as it goes after Belladona and she bites into it killing the aberration. it drops into a puddle of goeyness. Belladona spots Altar engaging another one and she hustles over towards it. She lowers her shield to charge and take a swipe it, but she barely misses. "Samafa come!" She calls out as her lioness leaps over the dead Otyugh to follow after her.

Talon, very annoyed at this Otyugh now thought, enough is enough. It was time to finish this in a sure fire shot. With a whirling of finger in air and chanting under breath, the SHimmering blue light atip her fingers again jettisoned 1 bolt of blue energy to the Otyugh's face. Hitting it square. "That's what I thought!"

The monsters are defeated. In a flurry of claws and chopping, an arrow by Crow into the tentacle that held its eyeballs. And finally, Talon's spell singing in, burning and caustically scouring away the life from the last Otyugh. The aberrations are dead, laying there with their tentacles only slightly twitching as they go through the throes of dying. What little life is left in them is leaking slowly out, and within a few more moments they'll be gone for good. 

The mist noticably roils back, beginning to blow away on the breeze as if whatever fell power was holding it in place has retreated slightly. More of the treeline is visible now, the thick and twisted gnarled rotted wood of the Felwood forest. Still dangerous, but retreating, and giving the heroes a moment to treat their wounds and take stock of the situation. 

"A....Are they gone?" The voice is from a small human child, appearing now from within the farmhouse, coming out very slowly, half-hidden behind the door and looking around in awe and wonderment, half-afraid, but desperate to cling on to the ray of hope that these are good guys she sees standing in the fields over the corpse of her nightmares.

Belladona puts away her claws for the moment as she hears the voice. She turns towards it and nods, "Yes if there were only two of them." She moves forwards towards the girl with Samafa behind her, "Hello I'm Essence Belladona of the Earth Warders...I'm a druid and this is my companion Samafa. Are your parents inside?"

Altar has a knack for fighting, and has an equal but opposite lack of aptitude with children, fortunately for the children, he is aware of this problem, and does not approach them. He cleans his sword and puts it back into the sheath attached to his waist while the others speak to the child.

Crow doesn't put the bow away entirely, but he does pick up his staff and hold it in his other hand, leaning against it as he takes a step towards the rest of them. "Vash," he calls to the tiger, who quickly comes to heel behind the druid, sniffing distrustfully at the other adventurers. WHile Belladona works on tending to the child, crow asks, "Is anyone hurt?"

Talon spotted the young girl and noticed Bella moving closer to the child. She stayed a small distance away, not quite done being angry at the Otyugh and herself for having missed as much as that. When she noticed everyone calming down and the fight finally being over, she relaxed even more. Coming up with Bella, about the only member of the group not in need of healing or bloody from the creatures. "I am fine Crow. Thanks for ASking, How about the others, and Vash?

"They were on the other side of the fields from me. I was out playing by the well. When the monsters came they yelled at me to run, but we got seperated. I got lost." The little girl looks around for a moment, focusing on Belladona as she is the first to speak. "They had said they were going to get help and... I came back, I thought they'd be here." Her parents must have been the very same farmers that came to the Adventurer's Outpost looking for help. "Is... is this because of the lights at the old village?"

(Here we paused, Second Half to Come Later)