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Fire Fire!

DM: Vuk Players: Savengriff, Corra, and Verna

The Spell Cannon's firing had caused elementals to pop up about the region, most probably were never encountered, or disappeared almost as soon as they formed. That wasn't the case with a cry for help, a young boy on a small pony had been dispatched to Alexandria, the small farming community he lived in had rather permanent residences! Fire Elementals! They aren't even sure how many, but they all congregrated to the local miller and if the mill burned down, they'd lose most of their harvest that was still being milled! Oh how who will accompany the poor young man back and help save them all from such tragedy?

Savengriff makes his way ot where the young man has arrived on horseback. "Whoa there!" he calls, holding up a hand to try and stop their progress. "What's going on?"

Corra is drawn by the call for assistance and the young boy and his pony, she has been itching for something to do and it appears as if the time has come.

Verna is on her way from the temple when the boy arrives. His panted words catch her attention and her hood turns towards. "Elementals? Fascinating? The planar fabric seems especially distrubed as of late." Which is readily explained by such devices as Planar Dysjunction Cannons. "I can assist as needed." As much as she might prefer one infestation be resolved prior to the arrival of the next, this issue is likely temporary. As well, the loss of crops is of great concern. The boy isn't winded, after all, he rode here, he's just young and like many, not entirely used to elementals appearing! "It's awful! Ma hit the pony and told me to find help here! The fire was all moving on it's own! Eating the mill! We kept pouring water all over it but then Old Gregory fainted from the steam! Pa said if they eat the mill we'll all starve we'z will!" Corra cocks her head to the side and moves towards her own horse, "It sounds like out assistance is needed, are you up to leading us back to your home?" she asks the boy.

Savengriff arches an eyebrow. "Moving fire? That really can't be good - I'll accompany you back and see what I can do." He nods to Corra and Verna. "And it appears I may not be alone."

Verna pans her head between her fellow volunteers and the boy "Any uncontained fire is a danger. We should make haste." To that end, any with a horse and/or cart available will become a prime option for requested transportation.

The Boy looks between the three, the mention of showing them the way gets a nervous burst of head nods. "Ma told me to bring every one back! We have to hurry! I don't think they can keep throwing water on the ground forever! Pa said the things might get mad and try to hurt some one if we did!" About all he could do is give Verna a hand up on the pony!

Savengriff flags down a passing merchant, running over to him. "Good sir!" he calls, showing his cityguard tabard to the man. "I have need of your horse, an emergency has risen at a nearby farm. Time is of the utmost essence, and I will return him or recompense you after."

Corra waits for the boy to lead the way.

"Thank you," Verna is grateful for the boy's assistance. Fortunately for both, his weight and stature could easily rival or surpass her own, regardless of his youth.

So with Savengriff on his hijacked horse, and Verna upon a pony, that leaves Corra the only one with her own equine companion to follow with! Fortunately, horses can keep up with a pony with ease, even with it moving at a full gallop. Truthfully, the Pony could have found it's own way home, it's not even a long ride into the country side, and the smoke gives away the area with in an hour or two. Dusk is only beginning to set, and shouts for people to get back can be heard as you approach. "Ma! Pa!" The boy starts to shout as you can see the first of the farms racing past!

Savengriff digs the heel of his boot into the horse's hindquarters, trying to get it to go faster. "Get everyone away from the fire!" he bellows, waving for the locals to stay away from the blaze. "Evveryone, get back!"

Verna holds firmly onto her temproary driver, lest she fall from the horse. The remainder of her attention is at the smoke and yells ahead. That is where their assistance is required, of course.

Corra could outdistance the others but doesn't. She keeps pace withthem and as they get closer, she watches the surroundings, in case a stay elemental has started fires elsewhere or something.

The actual elements are fairly easy to find...'attacking' the mill. Though attacking hardly seems appropriate, they seem more to be playing around it. Two smaller ones accompanied by a larger one. Though smoker -does- issue from the windows of the mill and the fast flowing creek that turns it's small wheel to grind grain is steaming from ambient heat. Clearly when the farmers tried to throw water into the path of the elementals, it made them begome more aggressive. The boy for his part, quickly forgets to help any one get closer to the mill when he sees his Ma and Pa, running over to them to hug his Ma in worry. "Ma! Pa! I brought help!"

Savengriff pulls back on the reins and swings out of the saddle, drawing his sword as he lands. "He did indeed," he says to the parents as he walks up behind the boy. "You've got an incredibly brave young man here. Now, tell me - are there more than those three? Or just the ones over there?"

"Is anyone inside the mill?" Verna inquires once the structure and the elementals are visible. The distinction between deterrent and resuce is important. Corra dismounts and then looks around a bit, "Yeah that is a good question, just the three?" she looks around a bit more and eyes the elementals, trying to think of ways to fight them.

The Boy's Father is the one who will speak..well, any of the dozen farmers will, but he makes the most sense. "Just three we saw, but we think the Mill is on fire! All the smoke coming out!" He says, another farm is quipping up too. "The old Miller got out in a hurry! Said the whole place might go up at any minute! Hasn't come out of his shack ever since."

Savengriff surveys the situation. "We'll have to deal with the creatures first - trying to put out the blaze with them still around will be like trying to carry water in a sieve. Focus on one at a time - the sooner we whittle down their numbers, the easier it will become."

Corra cocks her head to the side for a moment, "So, have they hurt anyone, or is it just the mill right now?"

The farmers buzz with various statements, the only thing they seem to be able to admit to is the fire elementals haven't hurt any one! "Few of us fainted from all the steam, but we never tried to really throw the water on them either!" One quips.

Corra nods her head a little, "Well know of a way to make them leave without fighting?" she looks at Savengriff and then to Verna. She is watching the elementals."

Verna nods to both of her companions after she dismounts the pony. "There may be no need for violence, and that would likely be best for all involved. If we can determine their motives, perhaps we can convince them to go elsewhere, where they will not endanger others." She regards the beings at play, if that is what they consider their actions. In any case, the farmers' words suggest that there is no immediate ill intent.

Savengriff rubs his chin. "Believe me, if this can be done without violence, I'm all for it. However, just driving them off would just mean fires elsewhere, perhaps on another farm, perhaps where we can't react as quickly to it to stop any damage."

The Fire Elementals..or the bigger one, do seem to have some sort of fascination with the Mill, but haven't actively started going into it.. the fence -around- the Mill is smoldering in places, fully ablaze in others. The smoke from the Mill is wafting out, smelling well..alot like bread. Which sort of makes sense, it is where the grain is made to flour!

Corra cocks her head to the side and nods her head, "They haven't hurt anyone so if we can."

Verna continues to study the beings for further insight. To assist wth this, she adjusts the ring upon one gloved finger as she concentrates. A brief gesture and incantation follow, to impart her with understanding of thing that she has not yet read nor studied.

Savengriff narrows his eyes at the elementals. "Let's try and drive them off, first, then. If they attack, defend yourselves." <OOC> Verna utilizes her Bonded Object to cast Commprehend Languages. "On the chance that the elementals are speaking." You paged Verna with 'They are not. At least not in any verbal or physical form.' Verna remains quiet for some time before she exhales a sigh. "They are not communicating in any fashion that I can deterine. Unfortunate. I had hoped to discern something more of their purpose and intent. Perhaps we could draw them from the mill and detain them? I cannot disperse the effect which brought them to our plane and return them, but the effect may eventually expire of its own accord." Corra nods her head a bit, "Any ideas?" she asks a bit curiously. She looks at the elementals,"If we can't talk to them."

The Elementals are -aware- of being watched, but they are fairly content..for now to simply cause fire to spread along fencing surrounding the Mill. The Larger of the three does however make a drifting motion towards the water wheel, seemingly intent on burning it down, presumably because it keeps causing water to splash up on their heated play area.

Savengriff thinks. "If we can drive them into the creek, perhaps it will discourage them from sticking around."

"If we can draw them from the mill," Verna notes, indicating the increasing smoke from the structure, "it will grant time to douse the fire and determine what else we may attempt." She begins to move for the elementals and their playground. A field or protective force is conjured en route. She may not seek violence, but she is not foolish. Fire is unpredictable.

Savengriff nods. "If it involves aggravating them, I can try and, well... piss them off enough that they follow me. With any luck it'll at leats get them out of barbecue range of the breadmill there."

The Smaller elementals are the ones closest, and when Verna approaches they 'turn' to face her, at least their fiery bodies shift. The larger one just seems to lazy trace flames over the water wheel, some flicker along the edges as they turn, being put out..but some reach the middle, where they can feed along the spokes.

Savengriff edges around the elementals, trying to circle past them to get a little closer to the now-burning wheel. A thin sheen of frost covers his hand, and when he points it at the structure a burst of cold air leaps out to try and extinguish the flames on the central spoke.

GAME: Savengriff casts Ray of Frost. Caster Level: 2 DC: -87

GAME: Vuk rolls 1d20+4: (13)+4: 17 GAME: Vuk rolls 1d4+1d4: (3)+(3): 6

GAME: Savengriff rolls reflex: (9)+2: 11

GAME: Vuk rolls 1d20+4: (10)+4: 14

The smaller of the two fire elementals, when Savengriff moves forward to put out the new fires, swarm forwards..or ...drift, it's really hard to understand how a living fire moves. The larger one just moves to rekindle the fire, though much more focused now, like they want some thing -inside- to catch fire!

GAME: Verna casts Spiritual Weapon. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15 GAME: Verna rolls melee+wisdom: (15)+3+3: 21 GAME: Verna rolls 1d8+1: (2)+1: 3

When the larger now seems intent on burning the mill, and the others attack, Verna takes direct action. She calls to the Harsh Lady for aid and receives an avatar of Lamentation. The force-khopesh coalesces and promptly flies to strike at the larger elemental that threatens he mill.

GAME: Savengriff rolls melee+1: (4)+4+1: 9

GAME: Vuk rolls 1d20+4: (9)+4: 13 GAME: Vuk rolls 1d20+4: (19)+4: 23

GAME: Vuk rolls 1d4+1d4: (4)+(3): 7 GAME: Vuk rolls 1d20+8: (3)+8: 11

Savengriff swings with his longsword as the fire elementals attack him, but the raging heat cause him to lose focus. His blade whips around, sailing right past one of the elementals and totally failing to harmit.

The Two smaller elementals are content to try and consume or burn down Savangriff, the larger of the trio though gives a threatening movement towards Verna, intent on perhaps smashing into her..or over here. Though the flames lick close to her, they don't -quite- come in contact with her as it closes the distance.

GAME: Verna casts Chill Touch. Caster Level: 5 DC: 14

Savengriff rolls 1d20+5: (19)+5: 24

Verna backs away from the flames cautiously. As she does so, she utters an incantation. Negative energy is called to her person. Specifically, her hands.

GAME: Vuk rolls 1d20+4: (14)+4: 18 GAME: Vuk rolls 1d4+1d4: (2)+(1): 3

Savengriff takes a quick step away from the elementals, muttering something under his breath. The winds around him pick up as a small rainstorm suddenly materializes, and a wet gust of wind rshes out and slams into the smaller elemental... however, his armor gets inthe way, and the storm dissipats harmlessly against the hot little bugger.

GAME: Vuk rolls 1d20+4: (18)+4: 22 GAME: Savengriff rolls reflex: (2)+2: 4 GAME: Vuk rolls 1d4+1d4: (4)+(3): 7

Well, Savengriff -had- a good plan, other then the fact his armor got the entire plan bungled by bulk armor..or maybe his armor being sucked into the mud. Not sure which really, but the elementals seem more agitated as they push forward and brush up against him..he'll have some burns, especially since they begin to play on his chest..or some thing.

GAME: Vuk rolls 1d20+7: (13)+7: 20 GAME: Vuk rolls 1d6+1d4: (5)+(2): 7 GAME: Verna rolls reflex: (20)+4: 24

GAME: Verna rolls melee: (15)+3: 18

GAME: Verna rolls 1d6: (1): 1 GAME: Verna rolls 2d6: (6): 6

GAME: Vuk rolls 1d20+7: (14)+7: 21 GAME: Vuk rolls 1d6+1d4: (1)+(4): 5 GAME: Verna rolls reflex: (13)+4: 17

Verna reaches for the flames, despite common sense suggesting otherwise, and jabs her charged hand within. As she does so, she also calls upon the Halls of her Lady. Rather than crack the doors in the area, she figuratively pokes one finger into the keyhole and uses her body as a conduit for further energy into the fiery being.

With Savengriff being flame kissed as a trophy, the larger of the trio is thoroughly focused on Verna...and what she's doing to it doesn't make it any more happy as a fist of fire comes smashing down against her!

GAME: Verna rolls melee+wisdom: (9)+3+3: 15 GAME: Verna rolls melee+wisdom: (14)+3+3: 20 GAME: Verna rolls 1d8+1: (1)+1: 2 GAME: Verna rolls 1d6: (3): 3 GAME: Verna rolls 2d6: (12): 12

The elemental is not of this plane, and the debate of sentience and life may still be argued by some. Regardless, elemental and negative energy do not peacefully coexist any more than postive and negative. Verna the conduit surges more into the being, or perhaps draws more energy from it, dependent on opinions. The flames of its form begin to flicker heavily and dim.

GAME: Vuk rolls 1d20+7: (10)+7: 17 GAME: Vuk rolls 1d6+1d4: (2)+(3): 5 GAME: Verna rolls reflex: (20)+4: 24

You paged Savengriff with 'On your turn, pose some of the farmers lead by 'Pa' rushing up with water and hammers to start bashing the smaller elementals..and probably ending up given Savengriff enough bruises to make him groan for a week!'

The Elemental feels it's connection teetering, failing, and it tries to choke Verna's life force out with flame and embers. Smoke coming off the ground as it tries to destroy her, a sort of roaring wind like a forge being worked coming from it.

GAME: Verna rolls melee+wisdom: (9)+3+3: 15 GAME: Verna rolls melee: (17)+3: 20

GAME: Verna rolls 1d6: (3): 3 GAME: Verna rolls 2d6: (6): 6 The conjured avater of the khopesh has difficulties striking the dimming flames without striking its conjuress. Verna, however, doggedly plunges her hands within a third time. This one appears to be the charm as the balance of forces within the creature shifts suddenly. Elemental fire succumbs to negative, the anathema of nearlly all others. The fire is extinguished in a puff of smoke, leaving the Mourner standing, robes wafting steam and possibly further smoke.

Savengriff groans as a mob of farmers charge over with buckets of water, dousing the elementals (and Savengriff). They also have hammers, and proceed topummel the heck out of the elementals.

And Savengriff.

Indeed, with the larger of the trio now destroyed, the smaller two looked ready to rush at Verna..right until buckets of water start being flung on top of them, and farmers with heavy working hammers start smashing at them. Of course..it means Savengriff gets pummeled by hammers meant to smash through rocks, but such is the price of survival. It seems the women and children were the ones trying to contain the mill as this happens, because that boy who brought them here is rushing over with -two- things. A ceramic jug..and a small brass and glass orb..with a -very- small fire elemental inside it. "Pa! Pa! Old Jimmers had these inside! Making a funny water..." Then the Boy sort of staggers. "Pa! This water makin me dizzy!"

"Put those down!" Verna demands brusquely when she notices what the boy carries. "Please," is added afterwards, with less urgency. She approaches Savengriff en route to the boy, briefly kneeling to inject some positive energy into the situation. "He is not yet prepared for Your judgement, Mistress. Allow him to fill the scales." Savengriff groans and rolls around on the ground a little bit. It's a good thing he's bald, because most of his hair would have been singed off by the elementals, but since the farmers were kind enough to throw water on him, he just lies in apuddle of mud and blood and dirty water.

The Boy is of course staggering and slurring, he's a boy after all, doesn't take much Moonshine to make him drunk. His Ma almost faints until another farmer grabs the jug and takes a swig. "Jimmers was making Shine with our grain!" He shouts and several men go off to find Jimmers..the Pa of the boy grabs the vessel for the fire elemental before it's dropped and holds it towards Verna. "Well, guessin this explains that..Jimmers had one of them all kidnapped!"

Savengriff staggers to his feet, sputtering and flailing for a moment to get the elementals away from him. When he realizes what's going on, he settles down, his eyes falling upon Verna. "You kept me alive? Thank you. I owe you one. A big one."

"A concealable heat source," Verna estimates the intent of the sphere as she takes it. While not highly educated in brewing or distillation, a heat source is likley required. "It is not yet your time to receive judgement. It would be a waste and a sacrilege for you to journey before that time." This is to Savengriff before she indicates the sphere. "This is likely what drew the others to this location." Savengriff peers at the item as he considers Verna's words. "Hopefully I don't have judgment for quite some time still," he muses. "What is that thing? What's in there?"

Verna carefully tucks the sphere away in the folds of her robes. "It appears to be a container for a very minute fire elemental. An artifice heat source, I believe... though I am not entirely certain of its purpose."

Thus our..heroes came out victorious, if not with a concussion from overzealous Farmers. Perhaps it is more they inspired the farmers to defend them selves? Time shall tell..the boy has collapsed in the mud in a giggling fit, and the farmers are likely going to run Jimmers out of town..or make him Share The Shine. Though they aren't offered horses, they are promised their pay and will receive it after an hour or so, along with a good home cooked meal..well more like an impromptu feast. With plenty of liberated shine and the elderly women of the community tend to Savengriff..well, they just get him knackered before sending the heroes on their way!