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Latest revision as of 06:24, 29 January 2014

Today has been a pretty average day, people coming, others going. Merchants bringing in wares to be sold in the marketplace are among those coming in, the guards are doing their usual duties, and all seems relatively at ease. Otherwise, it appears to be a pretty average day. Crouched on a boulder at road's edge, Zarr stares lazily, eye curving from one load to the other with jaundice. Cloth bales, white powder in sacks, grain, bleaint chickens.... "...the iron ore finders are supposed to be along this way soon," the scarlet makar grouses, chuffing at the cold air. "Hssk. It is too cold. Smoothskins are insane!"

Elessa is coming into the city, having been out on a task for a bit, and finally able to return home after a few days gone. While wearing warm clothing, she has her rapier at her side, pack on her back, and a long flowing headscarf trailing after her in the wind. It's a good day. On the scene is a giant Veyshanti man, clad conspicuously in ornate platemail armor. Even with his amber eyes looking worried and nervous, he matches the description of Hilal, The Sword Rat. "And this gobber, Vuk, said I should find and wear more uh...fineries and stop wearing my armor out to market like this all the time." He's speaking to his nearly ever-present companion, Zalara. "But I don't really even know what that means! I need some help here..."

Vuk spends plenty of time out of town, hunting mostly, or making sure poachers are reported. Like today, he's with his wolf, watching a pair of squirrels playing in the trees and snow from the road, but with how recent events have been playing out with gnolls in the woods..river pirates..maybe he has other motivations for being out and about today!

Zaxx rides on by on his mighty steed, Mr. Mopey Carrots the mule, who gingerly circles the half, barely and fully frozen puddles on the ground. Zaxx pats the brayful equine's flank and navigates him to one of the merchant wagons. He puts on a smile that is met by a series of squints. Zalara hmms, "I met Vuk recently going down into catacombs, we had to fight a big spider monster and some skeletons." She shrugs a little bit, "I think you are fine wearing your armor all the time. You are a warrior and you never know in this city when something is going to happen. I heard that even the shadows are now attacking people."

Walking along one of the merchant caravans, is a cloaked figure that seems intent upon hiding her features from everyone else. The merchant seems to be conversing with the person normally and there is a feminine voice that speaks back to him. She seems pretty friendly to the merchants, but the wind blows and shows one symbol on the full plate the woman wears......the scales of Vardama.

Soon galloping can be heard and a pony mounted by a tired, bloody lucht siuil. The small fellow is holding on to the leads very tightly. The pony is not saddled, and is more muscled as if it was meant for hauling a wagon.

A guard rushes forward to grab the leads of the pony and asks in a startled tone, "What's wrong!?"

Looking up from where he sits, the lucht siuil says wearily, "Attacked. On the road. Bulette!" The guardsman looks to the small gathering, "Can any of you help deal with this? We don't have the numbers to deal with a bulette right now."

GAME: Zalara refreshes spells.

Although the scales of Vardama catch his attention, the bloody halfling catches Hilal's attention more. "Well, Zalara, this sounds right uh...up our alley?" He's unsure of the expression, but frowns anyway. He snorts a little, "Good thing I'm already in my armor, I guess." And so a decision has been made. "Let's help them out."

Vuk was all manner of willing to go charging off against giant armored monsters! Actually, he wasn't, but Hilal and Steampunk Girl were here! "Hilal! Now you can be bloody and I will think it is most wonderfully appropriate!" He says as he moves to pull him self up onto the back of his wolf and pat it's neck. "Lets show this fiend what Alexandria steel up the back side will taste to it!"

Elessa frowns as she hears 'bulette' and shakes her head. "A Bulette, that doesn't sound familiar. What is that?" But it seems that she's up for attempting to help defend against it. It's a challenge and she's up for one.

GAME: Vuk rolls knowledge/nature+4: (13)+11+4: 28

When the Lucht rides by, the woman in the armor walks her way forward and places her hand upon the back of the Lucht, whispering a prayer. "You should be all right for now." She says before she turns back towards the woods, apparently intent upon meeting these 'bulette'.

Zaxx raises his hand and says very loudly, for a sil, anyway, "G'day, fellow traveler! Are you sure it is a wild one? It has absolutely no branding or collar?" He leans forward in his saddle.

<OOC> Vuk says, "Ooh Uh. I only got 24. Bulette don't fall under animal.. :("

Zalara hears the galloping and she looks up to see what is the matter. "A bulette..." She ponders a little bit, "I know it's called by something else, but I'm not sure what." She rubs her chin and nods, "I'd be happy to help out" She takes out her death ray, "I always carry this with me and I never leave home without my titan armor." She smiles as she sees Vuk, "Hello again Vuk how are you doing?" She asks, "Who is your friend?" She looks at the wolf and smiles at it.

Vuk seems to be listening to some thing, sitting up a bit on his wolf and then he settles back down. "Why! I do believe I remember seeing the fangs of one..a land shark the wizard said! Quick I believe, rather prone of jumping. Seems a bit strange a shark is in the snow.." Oh but Zalara remembers him, he seems surprised and he waves a doffing of his top hat to her. "Hello Steam goddess! This is my faithful companion and stead! Agile and quick! Much like my self, though it is not nearly as dashing!" The wolf shakes Vuk violently till he almost falls off, seems the wolf would disagree! "Let us find the Landshark!"

Elessa nods to the others, "I'll help. Shouldn't let people suffer and all that." Plus it's something to do and all that was waiting the young woman at getting home was cleaning... So yeah, let's go help people.

The short fellow looks to Zaxx, "I did not stick around to find out. When I see a bulette, I get away. Can't fight it, at least not win a fight against it." He gestures back down the road, "It popped up near our wagon as we were resting and I think I'm the only one who got away." This little bit of energy is enough to overwhelm the lucht siuil and he passes out on the pony's back and is caught by the guard.

GAME: Zaxx rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (11)+8: 19

Hilal raises an eyebrow, "Steam goddess?" He says, questioning both Zalara and Vuk at the sam time. But he moves on. A man of business, Hilal is. Once the accosted halfling passes out he says, "Land shark or no, we need to get after that thing before it devours more people." With that, he starts to move down the road, plodding along as a heavily armored man does.

Zalara shrugs to Hilal, "His words not mine. I've told him my name is Zalara and he is welcome to call me that." She nods, "Agreed we can make pleasantries later." She starts after Hilal, "I'm almost finished with my hoverbike are you ready to test it out?"

Namira looks to the guard. 'make sure he's all right. I have to see to the rest of his group." She says before moving out towards the woods. She's also plodding along like a heavily armored person does with her longsword hitting the back of her leg....

Zaxx lowers his head once while his left ear goes up a little, much like that of Mr. Carrots, but for entirely different reasons. The mul, "I know, I know. So there is one wagon."He is a bit away and cannot apply his lacking healing skills to the short one, "There is a landshark who threatens a wagon's worth of lucht family and belongings. Likely a wild one, not a digger. They are unlikely to eat khazad or sildanyar. Vuk, if your, uhmm, friends would want to join us? There is a family to be rescued.." He scratches at his bald skull under the very colorful woolen cap on his head and rides to the Vardamite, "Kind knave, there might be a few day to bury or children to keep alive. Would you be so kind and come along?"

Vuk isn't sure he can just -make- Hilal and Zalara help, but he can bribe them! "Any who help hunts a land shark is welcome to enjoy steaks of it, merinaded in a honey wine! Roasted above sweet cherry smoke!" He says, looking pointedly at Hilal and Zalara. "Plus, Land Sharks won't eat you!"

As the group approaches the former campsite, still about a hundred yards out, smoke begins to appear from the campsite, which is only about twenty yards away from the road. Clearly the fire was still going. The wagon is visible, though only the side of the back half, the rest obscured by a small stand of trees.

GAME: Vuk rolls stealth: (4)+22: 26

Vuk is going to do his best to approach and circle about, he's hoping this beast perhaps is sleeping upon the surface, today he isn't at his best, must be the squirrels, or the giant clanking brute that is Hilal distracting him by clanking! While the medium sized clanking brute named Namira walks directly into the campsite and looks around. She's even so distracted at looking around for trouble, and where the other people in the camp are, that she pulls down the hood of her cloak, revealing her features.....a Mul'niessa.

Being a giant clanking brute definitely has it's disadvantages and Hilal knows it. This is why he had his sword and shield drawn long before even getting to this point. He doesn't even signal to Vuk or Zalara. He doesn't want to give Vuk's position away and Zalara knows him well enough by now to know what he wants to do. "Ok...Time to search for survivors." He says to Namira, not really phased by her Mul'niessa-ness. "Keep us covered." With that, he makes his way into the camp.

GAME: Elessa rolls perception: (16)+11: 27

Elessa comes up with the group and starts to quickly look around, giving a nod to Hilal at the idea of searching for survivors. "I'll help with that," and she starts to look, and perhaps signs of what attacked them and perhaps where it went.

<OOC> Vuk says, "Should I make a perception check Durok for trying to spot it/where it mighta gone? :)"

<OOC> Duroc says, "Sounds good."

<OOC> Namira is doing a perception check too, BTW.

GAME: Vuk rolls perception: (8)+12: 20

GAME: Namira rolls perception: (14)+7: 21

<OOC> Duroc says, "I am not big on prompting checks unless it is necessary/required."

GAME: Hilal rolls perception: (9)+4: 13

GAME: Zalara rolls perception: (2)+12: 14

<OOC> Hilal is the worst at noticing things.

<OOC> Vuk pats Hilal.

<OOC> Elessa says, "Looking for survivors and tracks for where the thing may have gone, for me." Zalara has her deathray up and she's looking around for it. She stops as they get to the camp as Hilal start to stop around, "Be careful." She says to Hilal as she keeps looking around for the bulette.

Elessa stops and holds up her hands to indicate quiet from the others. "I hear something..." She says quietly. "I'm going to check it out." She knows Vuk is off somewhere, but isn't sure where just yet.

NOPE! Vuk generally doesn't respond well to things out there that can eat him, so him and his wolf double back..it's more like they sprint back to the others and he'll actually bodily try to attach him self to Hilal to stop forward progress, hissing out. "Stop! No! Don't! It's there! Stop! We need to be careful!" He says in his quiet Gobber squeaking manner. "We need to climb trees!"

GAME: Duroc rolls d20+11: (10)+d20+11: 21

Drawing her sword, Namira cracks her neck before making her way forward, and she even pointedly walks in front of Hilal. She points at her ears and points at the campsite, telling him she hears something......

GAME: Zaxx rolls perception: (15)+6: 21

Zalara hmms as she looks around, "I hear heavy boots." She has her deathray out and ready. She casts about trying to find the direction they are coming from. Just to be save she activates one of her contraptions to give her better defense.

GAME: Zalara casts Shield. Caster Level: 6 DC: 16

Elessa looks up as she sees Vuk coming back with the warning about going into the trees. "Then up we go," she says without any preamble and starts to climb the nearest tree to get a little high into the branches.

GAME: Elessa rolls climb: (4)+12: 16

Instinctively, Hilal pushes his way past Vuk. He calmly says to him, "Vuk, get by Zalara." He points between himself and Namira. "Her and I will keep you safe." With that he strides forward, not breaking formation with Namira. If she wants to be first to the thing, let her.

Zaxx parked Mopey atop a rock or otherwise a good couple of hundred feet away from the site. He readied his two small crossbows and the large one he put on his back next to a longsword. He carefully watches the ground while he marches forward. He has an easy time keeping pace with the priest. His boots are too thick to feel anything. He, well, he speaks a little less loudly. He hammers morse words into a gong half the usual size, if you wish for a comparison, "It is near. Crunching noises, some footsteps."

<OOC> Vuk says, "Note- I'm just calculating, it can't leap high enough to get us from trees, so it would need to knock them down."

<OOC> Hilal says, "Yeah. Me and Namira in trees is like a not-thing, lol."

<OOC> Namira says, "Not by a long shot."

As the group comes closer, the footsteps seem to accomplish something. A roar comes from it, a ghastly sound erupts from it, and the head of the huge creature appears on the other side of the wagon. Turning to the side facing the group is a maw filled with rows of nasty teeth, blood dripping from them.

GAME: Vuk rolls climb+2: (1)+6+2: 9

GAME: Elessa rolls initiative: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 12

GAME: Namira rolls initiative: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 15

GAME: Hilal rolls initiative: Roll: 19 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 21

GAME: Zalara rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 14

Vuk was pushed aside, but he's going to take his own advice, or try, scrabbling and sinking a small hand axe into the tree trunk. It's fairly comical given how long it'll take him, and he's already ushered his wolf to find some place safe till he's down. Once up as high as he can, he's going to conceal him self in the boughs. Gobber's are green. Pine needles are green!

GAME: Vuk rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 25

GAME: Zaxx rolls initiative: Roll: 15 + Bonus: 4 = Total: 19

GAME: Duroc advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 25.
     It is now Vuk's turn! Hilal is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Vuk ended.

<OOC> Vuk says, "from my tree, can I see the Bulette?"

<OOC> Duroc says, "No."

<OOC> Vuk says, "I'll hold my action till I can, then I'll fire on it. :)"

GAME: Duroc advances the initiative order. Round One - Init 21. It is now Hilal's turn! Bulette is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Hilal ended.

Sword in hand, Hilal perses his lips. The fact that none of the ranged folks are attacking the enormous creature in front of him yet worries him. So he stays still for now, planting his feet and standing firm and ready for when it comes near.

<OOC> Hilal holds for now.

GAME: Duroc advances the initiative order. Round One - Init 20. It is now Bulette 's turn! Zaxx is next!

The huge creature roars in challenge as it emerges from behind the wagon, its hulking, mighty form is now fully revealed and it moves towards Hilal, the thundering steps heralding its strength.

<OOC> Vuk says, "Now I can shoot it? :)"

5GAME: Vuk's initiative total changed to 20.

<OOC> Duroc says, "Yep"

<OOC> Hilal says, "And can I cut it?"

<OOC> Vuk says, "how far away is it?"

<OOC> Duroc says, "Probably about 50 ft."

GAME: Vuk rolls ranged+1-2: (7)+11+1+-2: 17

<OOC> Duroc says, "Misses."

<OOC> Duroc says, "Hilal and co. It is about 20 ft from you guys."

Vuk saw the beast now..and it's big, even from way high up in a tree! It's hide seems damningly sturdy too, or maybe he just pegged a flurry of snow, hard to say. He sure didn't hurt it!

GAME: Duroc advances the initiative order. Round One - Init 19. It is now Zaxx's turn! Namira is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Zaxx ended.

<OOC> Zaxx says, "Two shot. Reload. What is my distance to it, please?"

<OOC> Zaxx says, "shots*"

<OOC> Duroc says, "Probably about 60"

GAME: Zaxx rolls ranged+1+1+1-2-2: (7)+9+1+1+1+-2+-2: 15

GAME: Zaxx rolls ranged+1+1+1-2-2: (14)+9+1+1+1+-2+-2: 22

<OOC> Duroc says, "Second one hits."

GAME: Zaxx rolls 1d4+2+1+1: (1)+2+1+1: 5

GAME: Duroc advances the initiative order. Round One - Init 15. It is now Namira's turn! Zalara is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Namira ended.

<OOC> Zaxx says, "Whirls is away and I have Wirldice.."

<OOC> Namira says, "20 feet away, right?"

<OOC> Duroc says, "Yep"

<OOC> Namira says, "I tromp up to it and hit it with power attack."

<OOC> Duroc says, "Provokes"

<OOC> Namira says, "It has reach huh? That's fine."

GAME: Duroc rolls d20+13: (20)+d20+13: 33

GAME: Duroc rolls d20+13: (6)+d20+13: 19

<OOC> Namira says, "Doesn't confirm, BTW."

GAME: Duroc rolls 2d8+9: (7)+9: 16

<OOC> Namira says, "Looks like my action adds lay on hands."

<OOC> Namira says, "LoH first."

GAME: Namira rolls 2d6: (4): 4

Zaxx kept close to the possible healer only to focus on the surroundings and have h..her!? wander away from him. He blinks at this fact and sends the first bolt right over a digger's untamed cousin. The other nips at the armor, sinks in a little and gives to the power of the temporary enchantment. He reloads while he shrugs off what felt unknowingly familiar.

<OOC> Namira says, "now attack."

GAME: Namira rolls weapon1-2: (7)+8+-2: 13

<OOC> Namira says, "argh."

<OOC> Duroc says, "Miss"

GAME: You damaged Namira for 15 points. 27 remaining.

GAME: Duroc advances the initiative order. Round One - Init 14. It is now Zalara's turn! Elessa is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Zalara ended.

<OOC> Namira says, "and I get healed for 4, Duroc."

<OOC> Duroc says, "I did the net damage"

<OOC> Duroc says, "Oops"

GAME: You gave Namira 3 temporary HP.

<OOC> Zalara says, "How close is the bulette?"

<OOC> Duroc says, "Bout 20 ft"

<OOC> Zalara says, "I'll stay where I am, activate titan armor (swift) and fire my deathray at it."

<OOC> Duroc says, "Fire away"

GAME: Zalara rolls 1d20+8+1+1: (19)+8+1+1: 29

<OOC> Duroc says, "Hits"

<OOC> Zalara says, "Oh it's on cold setting sorry I forgot"

GAME: Zalara rolls 3d6+6: (13)+6: 19

<OOC> Zalara says, "It needs to do a fort save DC: 18"

Namira doesn't even think of the danger as she makes her way forward. She's hit by the Bulette as she comes in, denting her armor a little, but she then swings her longsword, but it only sparks as it grazes the armor. She even touches her own shoulder for healing, but it doesn't seem to do much.

GAME: Duroc rolls 1d20+11: (15)+11: 26

GAME: Duroc advances the initiative order. Round One - Init 12. It is now Elessa's turn! Hilal is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Alright. She didn't climb a tree, she was up near Hilal when this started, so about 20ft away, right?"

<OOC> Hilal is gonna take this chance to charge it, btw.

<OOC> Duroc says, "Yep, and all right."

<OOC> Duroc says, "Gotta adjust init for this"

GAME: Hilal rolls melee+1+1+1+2: (16)+9+1+1+1+2: 30

3GAME: Hilal's initiative total changed to 13.

<OOC> Duroc says, "That hits"

GAME: Hilal rolls 1d8+4+1+1: (1)+4+1+1: 7

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay, I only have a movement of 30, I know it has reach, but I'm going to start working my way around it so hopefully next round I have flank. Will do my acrobatics, it should be it's CMD+10 since it's my full movement"

GAME: Elessa rolls acrobatics: (12)+15: 27

<OOC> Duroc says, "Succeed."

<OOC> Elessa says, "And then hit"

<OOC> Namira is pretty sure it used it's AoO on me.

GAME: Elessa rolls weapon10: (9)+11: 20

<OOC> Duroc says, "Miss"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Thought so. Done"

<OOC> Elessa says, "Can never be too sure about Combat Reflexes ;)"

GAME: NEW ROUND! Duroc advances the initiative order. Round Two - Init 20. It is now Vuk's turn! Bulette is next!

<OOC> Vuk says, "is it within 30' of me? :)"

After Zalara fires off her Death Ray, Hilal is right behind the icy beam, howling bloody murder. He ends his charge by thrusting his sword in a forward jab, allowing it to sing through the air as he cuts the Bulette but not nearly as deeply as he wanted to.

<OOC> Duroc says, "No"

<OOC> Vuk says, "40' ?"

<OOC> Duroc says, "No"

GAME: Vuk rolls ranged+1-2: (18)+11+1+-2: 28

<OOC> Duroc says, "Hit"

GAME: Vuk rolls 1d10+1: (6)+1: 7

Elessa doesn't let the big thing stop her, and with drawing her rapier, she heads on it to get into reach of it. She bounds over, rolling into a decent position before landing on her feet. However, it puts her just off balance that she doesn't hit home with her strike.

GAME: Duroc advances the initiative order. Round Two - Init 20. It is now Bulette 's turn! Zaxx is next!

Vuk settles in a bit more, and aims a bit lower to send another slug howling out from the tree, to furrow into the thing's back and then moves to tear another cartridge open with his teeth and begin loading. Huzzah!

<OOC> Duroc says, "First, it is going to bite at Hilal."

GAME: Duroc rolls 1d20+13: (9)+13: 22

<OOC> Hilal says, "If I hadn't charged, that wouldn't hit, lol. But I did! So it hits. Owie."

GAME: Duroc rolls 2d8+9: (12)+9: 21

GAME: You damaged Hilal for 21 points. 34 remaining.

<OOC> Duroc says, "It is going to try and claw Namira, next."

GAME: Duroc rolls 1d20+12: (1)+12: 13

<OOC> Duroc says, "And again"

GAME: Duroc rolls 1d20+12: (19)+12: 31

<OOC> Duroc says, "I am assuming that hits?"

<OOC> Namira says, "It's 10 over my AC."

GAME: Duroc rolls 2d6+6: (6)+6: 12

GAME: You damaged Namira for 12 points. 18 remaining.

The bulette roars as blades and rays strike it. It snaps at the warrior with the blade that had just struck it, finding some success and tries to claw the other, though only one set of claws is able to cause damage, the other missing by a wide margin.

GAME: Duroc advances the initiative order. Round Two - Init 19. It is now Zaxx's turn! Namira is next!

<OOC> Zaxx says, "Two shots again. How far is the bulette now?"

<OOC> Hilal says, "It's not really moving around, just beating up on me and Nam."

<OOC> Duroc says, "Yeah, it's staying put with people poking at it."

<OOC> Zaxx says, "Okay. Move up to be 30' from it and shoot once."

GAME: Zaxx rolls ranged+1+1+1+1: (12)+9+1+1+1+1: 25

GAME: Zaxx rolls 1d4+2+1+1+1: (1)+2+1+1+1: 6

<OOC> Vuk says, "<In hindsight, being in a tree was a real dumb idea for trying to get into PBS!>"

<OOC> Hilal nods.

<OOC> Duroc says, "25 hits."

<OOC> Namira says, "I think the second one was damage."

Zaxx walks closer while he readies a bolt to reload the right hand crossbow with the pinky and ring fingers of the left. He aims briefly and shoots the landshark with another blue-gleaming bolt which slips past the armor plates nature and magic gifted it with. The baldie cocks the small weapon and reloads in a blur.

<OOC> Zaxx says, "Yep."

GAME: Duroc advances the initiative order. Round Two - Init 15. It is now Namira's turn! Zalara is next!

<OOC> Namira says, "LoH and power attack, of course. not very imaginative."

<OOC> Namira says, "LoH first."

GAME: Namira rolls 2d6: (9): 9

<OOC> Namira says, "Now attack."

GAME: You gave Namira 9 temporary HP.

GAME: Namira rolls weapon1-2: (10)+8+-2: 16

<OOC> Duroc says, "Weapon misses."

GAME: Duroc advances the initiative order. Round Two - Init 14. It is now Zalara's turn! Hilal is next!

<OOC> Zalara says, "Fire with cold based death ray"

GAME: Zalara rolls 1d20+8+1+1: (14)+8+1+1: 24

Namira's not doing so good at the moment. She spits a bit of blood on the ground as the claw hits her hard. She tries to return the favor and cut the bulette, at least, but she can't get past the thick hide. She does heal a little bit of her wounds though....

GAME: Zalara rolls 3d6+6: (5)+6: 11

<OOC> Zalara says, "DC 18 fort or be staggered."

GAME: Duroc rolls 1d20+11: (3)+11: 14

<OOC> Duroc says, "It is now staggered."

GAME: Duroc advances the initiative order. Round Two - Init 13. It is now Hilal's turn! Elessa is next!

<OOC> Hilal says, "Gonna Two-weapon it."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Woots no full attack"

<OOC> Zaxx says, "Ca you cdg it now?"

<OOC> Duroc says, "Go for it"

<OOC> Zaxx says, "can, too."

<OOC> Hilal says, "Oooo. -2 to AC and loses it's Dex to AC."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Nope, it just can't take full attacks."

<OOC> Zaxx nods.

GAME: Hilal rolls melee+10: (4)+9+10: 23

<OOC> Duroc says, "Hit. Show me damage."

GAME: Hilal rolls 1d8+6: (8)+6: 14

<OOC> Hilal says, "Now for the shield."

GAME: Hilal rolls melee-2: (4)+9+-2: 11

<OOC> Duroc says, "Miss."

GAME: Duroc advances the initiative order. Round Two - Init 12. It is now Elessa's turn! Vuk is next!

<OOC> Elessa says, "Okay, Acrobatics to try and move into a flank position."

GAME: Elessa rolls acrobatics: (19)+15: 34

<OOC> Duroc says, "all of the success."

GAME: Elessa rolls weapon10+2: (20)+11+2: 33

GAME: Elessa rolls weapon10+2: (3)+11+2: 16

<OOC> Elessa says, "NOO!!"

<OOC> Duroc says, "Show me damage"

Getting bitten is not a thing Hilal revels in at all. He growls as he takes a step back, thankful to not be caught in it's jaws, although the monster's teeth definitely sank into his flesh and have drawn blood. He catches his footing once more and launches into a spinning move, assaulting it first with his razor-sharp shield. Although it misses, the subsequent slice from his sword cuts deep into it's flesh.

<OOC> Duroc says, "Does not confirm."

GAME: Elessa rolls sneak: aliased to 1d6+3+4d6: (1)+3+(13): 17

Elessa gets in under the creature quickly to avoid an attack as she now is behind it. Ahh! Good. This is where she wants to be! With it occupied with Namira and Hilal up front, the young woman spins and attacks from behind, slicing it pretty decently too.

The bulette roars as the ray, bullet, and bolt strikes it. And flails as the two swords strike it, falling to the ground, its death wail echoing across the campsite and beyond.

Vuk is staying in his tree till the beast stills before starting the climb down..comically falling the last few feet -right- into a snow drift. Instinctively his rifle comes up first before he does. "Are we sure it is truly defeated?" He asks, moving towards it slowly, to poke it's side with his long gun.

Elessa takes a deep breath as the thing goes down. "So this is a Bulette?" she asks, poking it a bit with her rapier again to make sure it doesn't respond to it, and that it's truly dead.

As the creature falls, breathing it's last breath, Hilal breathes a sigh of relief. Or at least coughs a cough of relief. "Well...That is a nasty creature." He shakes his head, "Let's see if we can find any more survivors who got away." He says this last one without hope, which is made even more grim by how much blood he is covered with. His and the beasts. "I'm pretty sure it's dead." He looks at Namira, "Are you ok? Do you need further healing?"

Namira loosk down at the Bulette. "Well......I can honestly say i wasn't effective. Thank you all for your help." She then turns and starts to look for the luchts around the wagon.

Vuk seems fairly certain this thing must be dead, because his wolf is returning and he's moving to draw his short sword. "Well..I'll get to work then." He says and begins to field dress it, he is a hunter, despite what people may think, and he -is- a chef. Candidly, he actually can hunt and cook grand meals, and a Land shark HAS to be an interesting dish. Of course..hopefully there's no half digested people inside.

Zalara puts away her death ray and she deactivates her titan armor. She whews softly and she moves over to Hilal, "How badly are you hurt? I saw you take some pretty bad damage." She looks to Namira, "You look hurt too."

There is a creaking noise coming from the wagon as its door opens and out pokes the head of a lucht. Once it realizes that the bulette's carcass is dead, judging by the people around it and the blood, he walks out, followed by another, younger lucht. He looks up to Namira, "You killed it..." he says with some shock, "How?" Near the wagon is a dead pony, clearly the source of the blood from the bulette's teeth.

Zaxx holsters his reloaded weapons. He smiles to the others, "Thanks to all of you." His ears sink a little, "Did you see any other luchts?" He clears his throat, "I think we have to cut it open to retrieve possible corpses." He hums low and nods to Elessa, then says with his usual verve, "Vuk!" Then he shrugs as the gobber begins to cut up the felled menace. He clears his throat and leans his head back to actually shout, but the reason to just showed up. The mul man waves to the lucht in sight.

Smiling a little to Zalara, Namira winces a bit and puts her hand to her side. "I'll be fine. Thank you." She says before whispering something very low, and her hand glows lightly just before her woulds close up a little. She then puts her sword away and looks to the Luchts and smiles. "Thank goodness you're all right. You should come with us back to Alexandria. Are there any others?"

Hilal doesn't say anything to the Lucht as they emerge, he just seems happy that they're alive. "I am fine, Zalara. You have seen me hit with worse." He smiles at her, obviously forced. Pain is pain after all. He chuckles then and watches Vuk at work, "Do you really think you could cook this thing, Vuk?"

The older lucht shakes his head,"Only my brother, who ran with the other pony, he's a bit craven but we prayed he went to get help." The little one stands behind his father, clearly scared of everyone here. The older one continues, "Aye, we will grab what we can and see if we can get it to the city."

Elessa smiles to the lucht as he emerges. "We'll take you back to the city. We're sorry that you lost all this stuff. Your brother got to the city and we gathered up to come and see about this thing."

Zalara nods a little bit, "If you say so, but if you need some healing I have some healing contraptions." She nods, "Yah we wouldn't have come here if he didn't escape to the city."

Hilal nods. "And he seemed wounded." He scoffs at them then. "Doesn't seem so craven to me." He shrugs and then moves away from Vuk doing his thing, looking to help clean up the camp and put whatever he can find onto the wagon.

Vuk got yelled at, but he's working, he's trying to get the choice cuts and pack them into the snow to cool off so he can wrap them in some thing to bring back. For an animal this large, choice cuts means still plenty of meat to work with! Then he's beginning a low prayer to Dana, asking that that which has come to pass, need not go to waste. Spiritual moment.

Namira says, "He made it to the city just fine." She then smiles to Zalara. "My faith protects me. Thank you though." She says quietly as she rubs the inside of her forearm, as if for reassurance. She then kneels in front of the smaller lucht and smiles to him. "I know my features startle you, little one, but I will not harm you. I am Namira Aldor, of the Absolution. I will protect you while we go for Alexandria. I promise.""

The elder lucht nods, "Yes, it seems our prayers were answered. We're short our pony, but we will take what we can. Hopefully he will be all right." The little one blinks and looks Namira in the eyes, "Ooooooh" and clutches to his father's leg. Tugging on his pants he says, "We go now?" in broken childspeak. His father nods to him and says, "Soon." He looks to the group, "You are welcome to whatever we cannot carry back ourselves, and to this beast. I am sorry I do not have much else to offer you all."

<OOC> Vuk says, "Some one had a Mule :) We could probably pull every thing back for them!"

<OOC> Duroc says, "Two pony wagon."

<OOC> Vuk hitches rope to Hilal!

<OOC> Hilal is actually stronger than a pony.

Zaxx almost cannot help it and is about to speak, but then bites back at what he was about to throw at the worried and likely shocked lucht while a shadow crawls over his features. He rolls his head and booms, "Your brother is treated to remedy his injury and safe. Everything will be fine." He casts a quick sideways glance at Namira to look around again. Maybe this wild digger has a hunting friend or mate. When the elder says his part, Zaxx offers, "Place what you can on my mule. Let me get him." He is on his way.

Zalara glances over at Namira, "And which faith is that?" She asks as her gear has symbols of Reos on it. She nods, "I'd be happy to help."

<OOC> Duroc says, "If you wish to pull it, go ahead! :)"

Namira says, "The only thing you can offer me is to make it safely to Alexandria. I shall remain with you until you pass the gates." She says with a nod, before looking to Zalara. "I am one of the Absolution, One of the Grey Lady's Paladins. You may know her better as Vardama." As soon as she says her name, she places her hand upon her chest. She then shows the insides of her forearms, bearing the scales of Vardama with tattoos."

<OOC> Duroc says, "It's not a horribly heavy wagon."

<OOC> Duroc says, "Just set up to be pulled by two ponies."

<OOC> Zalara says, "Hilal is one pony."

Zaxx returns with his mule to help get the short folks to the city. His mule is bigger and stronger than a pony, thus more than adequate. With the wagon now finally returned to the city, pulled by the warrior and the mule, the two halflings give their thanks and a purse to be shared amongst their saviors. They do not stick around for words as they hurry off to the temple to see their kinsman.