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Revision as of 00:39, 27 January 2014

This was a spontaneous PrP that arose from a conversation in the Fernwood Pub - the first part of

this log shows that conversation, with the actual PrP starting a little later on.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* A07: Fernwood Pub *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
          The common room of the Fernwood Pub dominates the inn, spacious and airy because of the 

high, vaulted ceiling. Ornately carved beams of dark, polished wood form a lattice overhead, 

supporting the arched roof two storeys above the floor. To the right of the double-door entry is a 

spiral staircase, winding upwards to a balcony that rings and overlooks the main area. Large windows 

at this level grant an excellent view of the river to the west and colorful market stalls to the 

north and east. An air of coziness is salvaged by keeping the pub dimly lit; parchment-shrouded mana 

lanterns hang at intervals from the base of the balcony, nestled amongst lush, magically propagated 

ivy and ferns that grow over this false demi-ceiling and the struts that support it.
          The bar is sleek and simple, comprised of meticulously polished black lacquer. Tables are 

set under the darker niches formed by the balcony floor as well as on the balcony itself. A few are 

deliberately sized to accommodate halflings and gnomes, but the majority are meant for human-sized 

individuals. A large common table is on the main floor, set before a semi-circular stage situated 

against the western wall. Beside it, with pipes mounted upon the wall and running up past the balcony 

and almost to the ceiling, is a refurbished pipe organ made to look like the one lost when the 

Fernwood was destroyed during the Merkabah Siege.
                                EXTRAS: +view                                 
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
 Duroc           A wide, sturdy looking dwarf wearing a heavy cloak ov 4m   1h
 Findrago        A young gypsy man with a neatly trimmed black beard.  0s   48m
 Vuk             The Avatar Priest that is Jibbom!                     5m   1d
 Ferawyn         Short, red haired sylvan elf                          1m   2h
 Aurala          Giantborn lass, Shiny Breastplate, and a Greatsword   6m   1h
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Objects =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
An Artifice-driven Boggle Board
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
Out <O>                   

Vuk doesn't carry his customary rifle in polite company, then again, he's wondering if most people

consistute as polite company. ESPECIALLY Elves thanks to Sandy shoving him into pocket dimensions.

The Innkeeper waits till Vuk sits down and doesn't appear to be about to do his antics before

delivering his meal, which Vuk uses a small pen knife to cut into and eat heartily. "Here's to the

return of spring, when ever Dana blesses us with it!" He says in a cheerful tone and raises his

tankard to take a long sip!

Aurala shrugs, "Spring, winter, Summer, Fall, All is good, one learns to resist the cold and heat,

and so one doesn't mind as time passes." she chuckles and then shrugs a bit.

Findrago wanders into the pub. "Well met, one and all!" he calls jovially, plopping down into a chair

near the familiar faces. "And how is everyone this fine, foggy day?"

Duroc nods, "And who is your friend? Sorry for being rude, my name is Duroc." He leaves it at that,

but does not raise his cup to the gobber's toast, but he does nod to Aurala, "Aye, no sense

complaining when it changes little, best to just prepare and weather the storms."

Ferawyn sips at her tea as Duroc asks his question. "It isn't here right now, but my friend's name is

Oakheart, or that's the one it gave me." She then smiles. "Ferawyn, Hunter of Gilead. A pleasure to

meet you Duroc."

Vuk just -assumes- Duroc needs a proper introduction from his self, so he stands on the bench of the

table, doffs his Top hat at the dwarf and then gives an exagerated bow. "Vuk Aleksy! Adventurer

Extradionare! Slayer of the Undead! Defender of paths better left untrodden! Dispeller of animated

objects! Scout esquire and camp steward! At your service good sir!" He says with another bow and

doffing of his hat. Then he decides as he almost steps off the bench to sit down in am oment of being


Findrago kicks his feet up onto a nearby chair. "And he's humble, too," he says with a grin and a nod

of his head in Vuk's direction.

Aurala smiles a little adn then stretches, "Nice too meet all, if you need someone strong, or someone

to smash, keep me in mind. Work has been slow lately."

"I see," Duroc says and mumbles something about gobbers as he chews on a piece of beef, "Well, that

isn't good. Work would be most welcome, but I'll take what I can find."

Ferawyn says, "Well, the adventurer's guild offers odd jobs whenever things come up." However, she

then tilts her head. "What is it you do though, Duroc?""

Vuk isn't sure if Findrago is poking fun at him or not so he gives one of his cheerful naive smiles

at the man. "Of Course Good Sir Findrago!" His Sir comes out more like Sah, because Gobber speak or

some such, but he's tearing into his sausages now. Spicy blood and pork sausages!

Findrago waves for the barkeep to bring over a mug of ale. "I mean that in the truest sense," he

says. "I'm sure how you describe yourself barely begins to cover your exploits, Vuk." He turns to

Duroc. "Name's Findrago Garibaldi - pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Duroc hunches over his food a little, almost out of instinct, "I hunt, I make arrows, and I get by.

Bit of a treasure hunter, but trouble usually accompanies treasure so I haven't done too much of

that. But I'll take a look o'er at the guild to see what I can do for them. The coin will be


Aurala has gotten a bit quiet as she eats and then just watches as she has finishes the food. Vuk is thinking Findrago is teasing him, and for about half a second, he might even look less then

cheerful, but then he is right back to it with a broad grin. "I dare say I aspire to be worthy of

even Lady Sandiel's respect!" He says and raises his tankard again, taking polite sips, for he's a

proper Gentleman.

Ferawyn tilts her head to Duroc. 'Comfortable in the woods, Duroc?" She says giving a longer look to

Duroc, as if she was trying to see how truthful he was, and how comfortable he was in the woods. Bows

and arrows were normally an elf thing, not a dwarf.

"Aye, I can work in the woods, under the mountains, in the fields. Wherever I am sent, I will go,"

Duroc's voice gives little away, "I can use a bow fairly well, but like yonder lady," he gestures to

Aurala, "I prefer to smash my opponents."

Ferawyn says, "Ah, so you are a hunter as well?""

Findrago raises his mug back to Vuk. "And you are most worthy," he says, then takes a long sip of his

drink and looks to Duroc. "Adaptive. Quite impressive," he muses. "Not many that I know who can both

smash and shoot."

Aurala nods, and stretches, "I have learned to harness my rage and it serves me pretty well." she

says and then shakes her head a bit. She takes a drink from the tankard she has.

"Aye, I can hunt. No sense going out and about if you can't feed yourself," Duroc nods and leans

back, having finished his beef, "Enough things out there need a killin' and I am here to oblige." His

tone is actually rather neutral, "It is the way the world works."

Oh By the Gods, some one did it, they mentioned hunting, and it has Vuk soon on top of the table and

animated. "Why! I love a good spot of hunting! Nothing quite like it! Rather thrilling when you've

cornered your game and take the shot! Then you get to prepare the most succulent of dishes!" He says

whilst aiming an invisible rifle and firing. "Jolly good show it is! We should bring Zippo hunting!"

Ferawyn finally looks up at the gobber and scowls. "I don't see how you could ever go hunting. You

can't be quiet long enough for an animal to wander by. You're louder than a mountain dwarf who

doesn't like the woods." She then looks to Duroc and sighs. 'Apologies, Duroc. If you are, indeed, a

hunter like you say, then we could probably work together in the woods."

<OOC> Findrago would be happy to run a hunting scene PrP, if people are up for it. :)

"You talk too much, gobber," Duroc says without a smile. He sips on his ale and waves towards

Ferawyn, "Meh, none taken. Should the opportunity arise, I will go, nothing better to do as of right

now, and the practice would be welcome."

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-<* Roleplay Room One *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

          These rooms are for player-run plots, although plots may also be run ongrid any time and at 

any location. Player Run Plots are a welcome and desired series of events on this MUSH. When we speak 

of Player Run Plots we're speaking of any adventure or IC event that involves at least two or more 

players in addition to the one running the scene.

          This can be anything from an emitted scene of a bar room brawl to a dungeon crawl. The 

system is set up in a way to encourage spontaneous plots as well as pre-planned scenarios with 

minimal fuss with the staff. In short, if you have an itch to run a player run plot, for the most 

part you're allowed to do so. That is, plots tend to not require pre-approval from staff. Visit the 

website at Roleplay > Player Run Plots for details and awards.

          Channel: RPOne
          Add: addcom r1=RPOne
          PrP Help: +prhelp
          Exotic Locales: +prhelp locations

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
 Findrago        A young gypsy man with a neatly trimmed black beard.  0s   1h
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
Plot Nexus <O>            

EVENTS: Hunting Trip has been created for Sun Jan 26 14:25:00 2014. You can check the signup list for

your event with +event/view #. When enough people have signed up, close the event with +event/close

  1. , and confirm the list of characters you've chosen for the plot with +event/view <player1> <player2>

... .

Takiyah has arrived.

EVENTS: Hunting Trip is scheduled to start RIGHT NOW!

<OOC> Findrago says, "Going to keep us in the Fernwood Pub for starters, go from there. Give a good

chance for the newcomers to join in before we hit the forest."

Vuk pages: I foresee this going to hell with non hunters XD

The party continues talking about hunting over their drinks - who can, who can't, and who would most

likely make a lot of noise trudging through the woods. A few people at nearby tables can't help but

be seen eavesdropping on the conversation, and one man actually turns his chair around completely to

face the group. "If it's hunting yer lookin' for," he says, no small amount of rotgut evident on his

breath, "then *hic* about a half day to the north... there's yer spot." He waves his tankard at the

door, sloshing his drink all over the place. "Was there not three days ago, an' it's a hunter's


Ferawyn raises her eyebrows. "really? What exactly is there?"

Vuk was declining on speaking of his abilities, the elf and dwarf didn't think he could be of use,

and it has him -candidly- hurt. He prided him self on his ability to disappear into the woods and

snow. But they were insulting him about it, so he wasn't going to be of much interest in them. He can

hunt on his own! He's done it for a living! He provided an Inn with meat for a long time!

Duroc raises a brow, wiping the ale from his beard, "Aye, what is out there? I like to know what

/can/ be hunted before I go out, surprises are seldom welcome on a hunt."

Takiyah had been quietly drinking off to the side, but the talk of hunting caught her attention.

"Might be willing to lend a hand," she remarked as she walks over to the group. "There's a project

I'm working on, and the right materials could help wrap it up."

The man looks at his drink as if to question how the liquid keeps escaping as he waves the mug

around, then wisely places it down on the table in a rare moment of clarity. "The usual stuff, but

lots of it. Deer. Bears. I think I saw a moose. Big uns, too. Antlers the size of /this/!" he says,

spreading his arms as far wide as he could... which nearly causes him to tip off his chair. "We're

talkin' trophy stuff."

Ferawyn gives the man a level look. "If I'm going to hunt, it's because it's a menace to the

surrounding area, or for food, not for trophies. besides, I don't keep trophies anyways." She then

sighs a bit. "at least I got the smell off of me from the nest. ugh."

"Eh, a large moose means a large amount of meat, and I doubt it is a boon to the farmers. I'll go for

it, antlers will simply be a welcome prize, as well as any hides or pelts we can get," Duroc says

bluntly, sipping from his tankard again.

Ferawyn says, "Mm....good point. Though I'm sure a few of the people around can use the meat. Of

course, you get first call on the meat, Duroc...as long as you eat it." She then smiles a bit. "I'm

going to guess my friend will have to come along too.""

The man shrugs to Ferawyn. "If'n you don't want a trophy, ya' don't need to take one. I've found

decent coin in 'em, though, and I'm sure others might as well. But the meat..." He kisses his fingers

for emhpasis. "Pretty much falls off the bone. Tender as all get out."

Duroc nods, "Aye, we had best get going then, no sense wasting any time." The dwarf looks at Vuk, and

points, "You, if ye can keep your mouth shut, come with us. Maybe you will prove useful."

Ferawyn snerks at the man. "Not worried about trophies. Meat can be good at times. The hide might be

useful though." She says as she gets up. "We'll meet Oakheart on the way, Duroc." She says as she

starts her way on out.

Vuk is already disappearing into the crowd, see? Granted, he's -short- which helps, but he doesn't

need their permission to hunt! It's just moose, and it's not like he has to worry about dire rats or

some thing..or a Genie..

Duroc nods, "Very well." He grabs his own things next to him and makes his way to the door.

Ssylrath is outside brushing his large bear. He is festooned with trinkets and trophies on leather

thongs, each a claw, tooth or feather of some sort. He is taking quietly to the shaggy beast in


"Happy huntin'!" calls the drunk, staggering to the door to see the party off. "When ya' bring home

the catch o' yer lives, don't forget to thank..." His voice trails off as he spies Ssylrath's bear

outside. "Well, if that ain't the damnedest thing," he breathes, then looks into his mug and realizes

it's empty. "Gonna need another drink."

And with that, he stumbles back into the tavern.

Vuk was going to his wolf, which because of silly laws couldn't sit inside and get free scraps of

food, it also has most of his kit on it, so you know, there's that, and he's messing with it's ears

as he whispers quietly to it, apparently he talks to wolves.

Ferawyn waves back to the drunk and chuckles. 'Now lets see if this little tale he tells is true."

She says as she heads for the gate and heads north. She seems to relax a LOT more visibly as she

leaves the city.

After a quick side trip to grab the last of her gear, Takiyah catches up with the rest of the group

as they head out from the city.

Ssylrath nods to Vuk as he appears. "I thought that mussst be your friend there, not many wolves in

the city most of the time." His voice is harsh and sibilant. "How is your nessst keeping?"

Duroc slings his pack and earthbreaker onto his back and picks up his bow. He keeps on appearing

rather gruff and cross, whether he is in a city or in the wild. The presence of a trinket-covered

bear catches his attention, causing him to blink and turn to Farawyn, "A bear?"

Vuk will give a doff of his top hat to Ssyl. "That it is! That it is! Wonderful companion!" He says

and moves to pull him self up right onto it. He doesn't even need a saddle, Gobbers are rather known

for riding wolves after all.

Ferawyn looks to Ssylrath and his bear, then smiles. "yeah. A bear. Seems someone keeps rather good

care of it too." She says before looking to Ssylrath. "Join us for a hunt? We'll make sure your

friends have food after it's over."

The guards at the North Gate seem more than happy to let the ragtag group of goblins, lizardfolk,

bears, wolves, and everything else out of the city, waving incredulously as they set out upon the

road. The traffic into and out of the city has kept the way relatively clear of snow, although either

side of the road is still blanketed in white.

Ssylrath grins toothily, his long tongue licking over his snout. "I'm always up for a hunt if Muddy

here is hungry, and Muddy is always hungry." He emphasizes by slapping the bear on the shoulder then

pulling himself into the saddle. "Meat is good, hunting honour the Green if done properly." He kicks

Muddy into movement, riding easily along.

Looking down at the arrival of another gobber, Duroc comments, "Gobbers are everywhere it seems." He

doesn't seem the most pleased, but he keeps on walking. Keeping an eye out for what may come.

Vuk bobs his head at Ssylrath's words. "Hunting in moderation helps keep the wilds in balance. Dana

allows us to hunt so we may have food, but does not wish us to cull to many, for it would hurt the


Once out of the city and near the forest, Ferawyn seems to say something in a strange language, to no

one in particular....or so it seems. A few seconds later, a tree moves, tearing up a bit of ground as

it lifts it's roots out of the ground and begins to walk in the woods, along with them. "Seems

Oakheart wants to come to......"

Takiyah looks at the various companions, then at her Reos-colored garments. "I certainly feel like

the odd one out," she quietly remarks with a chuckle.

Ssylrath stretches in the saddle, unarmored save for his scales. "I am glad that it is less cold than

it hasss been. Snow is not my friend." He looks around. "What are we hunting, then? Sssmall prey or

large?" He fiddles with the straps of a sling at his belt, and then at the handle of his long wooden


The travel is relatively easy, and after a few hours the woods thicken around the road. Dark copses

of snow-covered trees stand where open plain once was a few miles back, and in the distance the space

between those groves becomes smaller and smaller until it becomes one large forest.

Even at the edge of the wooded area, signs of animal life are all around - droppings, broken

underbrush, and other telltale indicators of creature life.

Vuk tends to range out from the party on his wolf, riding with his long gun cradled in his arms, the

hammer cocked part way back, ready to fire at a moment's notice. His wolf manages to kill a few field

mice every so often by diving into the snow, and Vuk doesn't seem inclined to stop it yet, it's

allowed to hunt, it's not going to go after any thing dangerous, but once they get closer, Vuk will

stop it, and no longer allow it to hunt on it's own. He needs to examine the tracks and take to


<OOC> Findrago says, "As a side note, folks, I normally don't ask for skill checks. If you feel you

have a skill that may be applicable to a particular situation, just OOC what you're rolling and why,

and I'll let you know what the results are in private page."

<OOC> Vuk says, "hide and survival for tracking and hiding :D"

"We've about half a day ahead of us before we get there, but a large moose is our objective, though

some bear and deer can be found there as well." Duroc says. He pulls up the hood of his brownish-grey

cloak. Looking down at the various tracks, he kneels and examines the signs.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "I'd like Survival and/or Perception to find things to hunt. :)"

<OOC> Duroc says, "Survival to track"

Ferawyn says, "Seems there's a large moose in the area. While I don't mind hunting it, I would like

to make sure we use all of it's meat in food, instead of letting some of it rot." She says softly as

they travel. Now she was in her element, which is very dangerous to anyone opposing her. The woods

were her element and home, more so than any ranger....."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls survival: (7)+9: 16

GAME: Ssylrath rolls perception: (4)+9: 13

GAME: Duroc rolls survival+1: (7)+7+1: 15

You paged Ssylrath with 'Definitely markings of a larger animal around here. Decent chunks of bark

off the trees at a higher level, which leads you to believe it was done with antlers.'

You paged Duroc with 'Definitely markings of a larger animal around here. Decent chunks of bark off

the trees at a higher level, which leads you to believe it was done with antlers.'

Ssylrath grins widely at Ferawyn. "There are those who hunt without need, they are an affront to the

Green. If we find prey I can find a use for any parts that are not otherwise needed." He looks around

at the surrounding trees. "You appear to be correct. I have seen these 'moose', but I have never

hunted one before."

GAME: Vuk rolls stealth: (4)+22: 26

GAME: Vuk rolls survival+2: (8)+10+2: 20

<OOC> Vuk says, "Stealth is for tracking :)"

You paged Vuk with 'Definitely markings of a larger animal around here. Decent chunks of bark off the

trees at a higher level, which leads you to believe it was done with antlers. Also, while you don't

/see/ anything in the immediate area, you do catch a /smell/ of something... bad. Almost like rotten


Vuk spend a few minutes observing on foot before slipping back to his wolf and pulling him self onto

it's back, slowly pulling the hammer back on his long gun and moving to follow the freshest signs of

the large animals. "It smells wrong." He says quietly to his wolf, like it's talking back to him, or

confirming it's behavior.

Duroc looks up at the trees, "Yep, made its mark in the trees, and if these are anything to go by,

it's a big 'un." He pulls an arrow from his quiver and holds it in his free hand, "Best that we drop

it quick, they are mean when angered."

Ferawyn turns her head towards Ssylrath and smiles a bit. "keep the green word close to your heart."

She then looks to Vuk. "Smells wrong?" She says looks to Duroc and nods. "all right." She then looks

up towards the trees. "hear that Oakheart?" a loud creak and a wooden groan can be heard before a

'thump' 'thump' out ahead can be heard. "Let's keep our eyes open, in case Oakheart doesn't see it."

<OOC> Ferawyn says, "Perception check for me?"

<OOC> Ferawyn says, "well, for me and Oakheart."

<OOC> Ferawyn says, "me first."

GAME: Ferawyn rolls perception: (7)+14: 21

GAME: Ferawyn rolls 1d20+2: (6)+2: 8

Ssylrath guides Muddy the bear with his knees, pulling out his well-worn sling and socketing a stone.

"Wrong? Wrong how?"

GAME: Ferawyn refreshes spells.

You paged Ferawyn with 'Oakheart doesn't notice anything, but you catch it - the wind shifts for just

a moment, and for that briefest of time you get the whiff of something rotten. Like spoiled meat.'

<OOC> Ferawyn says, "can I roll knowledge/nature or survival to figure out what sort?"

<OOC> Vuk will make a Perception check too Findrago, more ICly concerned with the evilthing. :)

GAME: Vuk rolls perception: (10)+12: 22

You paged Vuk with 'Definitely rotten meat, with a hint of urine. Icky.'

GAME: Ferawyn rolls knowledge/nature: (13)+11: 24

GAME: Ferawyn rolls survival: (18)+14: 32

You paged Ferawyn with 'The meat smells definitely spoiled - definitely has a hint of horsemeat to it

- and is acocmpanied by a fragrant bouquet of urine and general unwashed nastiness.'

Ferawyn pages: the loveliness of being a druid.

Takiyah does her best to stay out of the way of those more skilled at forestcraft, her hands resting

on her weapons.

The wind shifts for a second, and carried upon it is a staccato, cackling noise. The noise is echoed

again and again, reverberating off the trees and rocks, the snow doing little to dull it.

Vuk instinctively ducks lower and keeps his long gun close. "Decay." He says quietly, see? Now

there's odd noises -and- bad things. "We should reconsider the nature of this hunt. I smell decay and

some thing is hunting out here." Why did he ever think this would be easy?

Ferawyn sniffs at the air. "There was a horse up here.....it's been dead for a while, and something

else has marked it. And it sounds like we're not alone." She then takes a deep breath. "Oakheart,

stay close." She then looks to Takiyah. "Stay back with me. I imagine we're both the kind of person

that stays out of the fighting." She says softly before looking to Ssylrath and Duroc. "Oakheart is a

treant. If either of you know what it is, then it'll help us. DOn't shoot at it."

Duroc frowns, "Could it be a carrion-eater?" He nods to Farawyn, "All right." Nocking the arrow, but

not pulling back the string, he mutters quietly to himself in Dwarvish.

Ssylrath tucks his sling away again and readies his lance instead. "Walking tree. I know them." He

scans the forest around with care. "If it killed a horssse it is unlikely to flee, that makes hunting

much easier, but the rewards lessss. It may be bad meat." He makes a few hand-gestures with his free

hand, apparently signals of some sort.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Oh, everyone has a +2 Morale versus fear and a +1 Morale on charge attacks

while you can see me. I am all inspiring and stuff. Continuous effect."

<OOC> Ferawyn says, "Since this is the forest, I have an 18 AC."

Amidst the cackling, another sound rises - a low, plaintive moan, which only sets off another wave of

cackles. From the sound of it, it's emanating a little ways to the east of the trail, over a small


Ferawyn says, "Sounds like it's from that way." She says pointing east. Not only for the group, but

for Oakheart, who follows. The steps of the treant aren't quite as thunderous this time."

Vuk is used to generally being coerced to investigate first, but this was dangerous, he was more at

home here, and he just fades away soundlessly to circle wide to find a vantage point to observe over

the hill. Stupid dwarf, stupid elf. Thinking he can't be quiet, maybe he'll just go home!

Takiyah draws her dragonspitter. "Not sure what's making those noises, but it can't be good," she


<OOC> Ferawyn makes a perception check.

GAME: Ferawyn rolls perception: (20)+14: 34

Ssylrath rides forward, directly towards the sound. "I will invessstigate, Muddy and I can take care

of ourselves if necessary, for a time. Our claws are sharp."

"Well, we had best find it then," Duroc says gruffly, "I do not like this, not one bit."


Findrago has dropped a TIMESTOP!

 Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for  
 Findrago to instruct you further.                                           
         For additional in-combat commands, please type: +thelp.             

GAME: Ssylrath rolls initiative: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 19

GAME: Takiyah rolls initiative: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 13

You paged Ferawyn with 'The low sounds is very moose-like. And pain-like. Like a moose in pain.'

Ferawyn pages: uh oh.

GAME: Ferawyn rolls initiative: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 17

GAME: Duroc rolls initiative: Roll: 4 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 6

<OOC> Vuk says, "How do I roll +init with my FTerrain modifier?"

<OOC> Ferawyn only does one init, since my treant will move on the same init as me.

<OOC> Findrago says, "Roll it, and I'll modify. +2?"

GAME: Vuk rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 17

<OOC> Vuk says, "Yep :) +2"

GAME: Vuk's initiative total changed to 19.

 ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
     19   Vuk                 Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     19   Ssylrath            Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     17   Ferawyn             Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     13   Takiyah             Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     6    Duroc               Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  

The group makes their way quietly toward the location of the sounds, slowly cresting the hill to spy

the source of it. Quickly, it becomes evident that something is going horribly wrong on the other


A /giant/ moose is fallen in the center of a small clearing, notable for its shards of bone that

protrude from its skin. Its legs are obviously in bad shape, as crude, rusted jaw-traps are clamped

onto two of them, and a net woven with razors is thrown over the top of it. Two spears stick out from

its flank, and at least three arrows also are in its hide.

More disturbing, however, are the creatures that surround it. Five tall humanoids wrapped in filthy

furs and wielding shortswords covered in dried gore circle the fallen animal, and they take turns

cruelly cutting the beast and cackling at its thrashing.



<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That's my line, Vuk."

<OOC> Vuk pays Ssyl to hiss at Gnolls for me!

<OOC> Ssylrath hisses impressively.


GAME: You roll initiative for gnoll 1: Roll: 2 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 2

GAME: You roll initiative for gnoll 2: Roll: 17 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 17

GAME: You roll initiative for gnoll 3 : Roll: 20 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 20

GAME: You roll initiative for gnoll 4 : Roll: 3 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 3

GAME: You roll initiative for gnoll 5 : Roll: 1 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 1

===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
    20   Gnoll 3             
    19   Vuk                 Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    19   Ssylrath            Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    17   Gnoll 2             
    17   Ferawyn             Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    13   Takiyah             Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    6    Duroc               Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    3    Gnoll 4             
    2    Gnoll 1             
    1    Gnoll 5             

GAME: Findrago advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 20.
     It is now gnoll 3 's turn! Vuk is next!

Vuk pages: Psst, remember. I'm hidden as fark due to my roll :)

GAME: Findrago rolls 1d20+2: (2)+2: 4

The gnolls continue slicing away at the helpless moose, and one pulls off a long strip of flesh and

gobbles it down in the most awful way. He is completely oblivious to the party.

GAME: Findrago advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 19.
     It is now Vuk's turn! Ssylrath is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Vuk ended.

<OOC> Vuk says, "I'm going to mercy kill the moose."

<OOC> Vuk says, "want me to even roll for the shot or?"

<OOC> Findrago says, "Nah, it's essentially helpless. Just pose it."

GAME: Findrago advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 19.
     It is now Ssylrath's turn! Gnoll 2 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Ssylrath ended.

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "How far away am I? I did go ahead."

<OOC> Findrago says, "Probably top of the hill, so I'd say 30 feet or so."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "I'd like to charge the nearest one then. I'll go for nonlethal, basically I'll

be clotheslining it and riding by to a total of 60' move."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "I have Ride-By Attack."

<OOC> Findrago says, "That'll be Gnoll #5. Go for it!"

GAME: Ssylrath rolls melee +1 +4 -4: (2)+9+1+4+-4: 12

<OOC> Findrago says, "Miss. :("

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "It should be flat-footed if that helps..."

Vuk ..was annoyed, even from a hundred steps distant from the gnolls and their trapped pray, he could

was taking the shot. His long gun comes up, and it snaps in the cold air, the slug snarling past a

gnoll, even clipping a few hairs off it, to explode through the moose's skull, blowing shards of

bones, and it's brains out across the sickly snow. Whilst he loads another cartridge, his wolf is

tearing off again, relocating by the gentle pressure of his heel. Where he was once cresting the

hill, is now an empty spot as he moves to a vantage point to the left, behind a copse of young trees.

GAME: Findrago advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 17.
     It is now gnoll 2's turn! Ferawyn is next!

GAME: Findrago rolls 1d20+3: (1)+3: 4 (Gnoll 2 throws a spear)

Ssylrath urges Muddy into action, riding right past the creatures with his lance out to the side. He

pulls up on the far side and calls out to them. "Torturing animals is below a follower of the Green.

Do you wish to withdraw or fight?"

One of the gnolls is covered in the result of Vuk's gunshot, although to be honest it was already

pretty gore-covered. It leaps back as Ssylrath charges past, picking up a spear from the ground and

hurling it at the bear-rider. It must have blood in its eye or something, because its throw is widely

off-mark, and buries itself in a tree harmlessly.

GAME: Findrago advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 17.
     It is now Ferawyn's turn! Takiyah is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Ferawyn ended.

<OOC> Ferawyn says, "How close is the gnoll that tore off the chunk of the moose?"

<OOC> Findrago says, "40 feet. 30 from the top of the hill, plus he's on the far side of the dire


<OOC> Ferawyn says, "so he's in range. not of me....the treant."

<OOC> Findrago says, "Indeed."

<OOC> Ferawyn says, "he closes in and attacks, but I cast bull's strength on it."

GAME: Ferawyn casts Bull's Strength. Caster Level: 5 DC: 16

<OOC> Findrago says, "Sounds good to me. Tree-whomp away."

<OOC> Ferawyn says, "he's also using power attack"

GAME: Ferawyn rolls 1d20+10: (15)+10: 25

<OOC> Findrago says, "hit!"

GAME: Ferawyn rolls 2d6+12: (2)+12: 14

<OOC> Findrago says, "Wow. gnoll #3 drops like a bad habit."

GAME: 'Gnoll 3' removed from initiative list.

GAME: Findrago advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 13.
     It is now Takiyah's turn! Duroc is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Takiyah ended.

<OOC> Takiyah says, "Move to where I can affect most of the party and cast Bless."

"Great hunter. These gnolls are torturing this moose instead of killing it." Ferawyn exhales quietly

and grazes her hand on Oakheart. "Oakheart, teach them to not torture the animals." A groan comes

from the treant and it thumps it's way forward. rearing one branch back, it brings it's branch down

like a fist and hammer.....and crushes the gnoll with one blow.

GAME: Takiyah casts Bless. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15

<OOC> Findrago says, "Everyone, please keep in mind you are all at +1 to hit and +1 to saves vs.


GAME: Findrago advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 6.
     It is now Duroc's turn! Gnoll 4 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Duroc ended.

Takiyah steps forward, drawing her hammer. "Reos, forge our determination into greatness!" she prays.

<OOC> Duroc says, "Going to attack the nearest living gnoll, then."

GAME: Duroc rolls attack+1: (19)+0+1: 20

<OOC> Findrago says, "Nice roll! What weapon do you have? is that a threat?"

<OOC> Duroc says, "Nah, longbow. Surprised it didn't take my BAB or DEX into account."

<OOC> Findrago says, "it's +roll ranged, not +roll attack. :)"

<OOC> Duroc says, "Duly noted"

GAME: Duroc rolls 1d8+4: (4)+4: 8

<OOC> Findrago says, "Okay, I gotta ask. What's the +4 from?"

<OOC> Duroc says, "Mighty 4"

<OOC> Findrago says, "And you've got the +4 for Str?"

<OOC> Duroc says, "Yep"

<OOC> Findrago says, "You're the man. Pose the damage."

GAME: Findrago advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 3.
     It is now gnoll 4 's turn! Gnoll 1 is next!

Duroc looses an arrow at the nearest gnoll and gives a dark grin when the arrow strikes it in the


<OOC> Findrago says, "There's an "arrow to the knee" joke in thee somewhere. ;)"

GAME: Findrago rolls 1d20+2: (15)+2: 17

<OOC> Findrago says, "Duroc, AC?"

<OOC> Duroc says, "18"

<OOC> Findrago says, "Swing and a miss. Stupid power attack. ;)"

As an arrow firmly embeds itself into his compatriot's thigh, another gnoll grabs his spear and

charges headlong at the source of the attack with a mad laugh. The point of the weapon glances

harmlessly off the dwarf's armor, instead burying itself in the ground.

GAME: Findrago advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 2.
     It is now gnoll 1's turn! Gnoll 5 is next!

<OOC> Findrago says, "Ssylrath, this one's charging you... AoO if you want."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls melee+1: (4)+9+1: 14

<OOC> Findrago says, "Miss on the AoO. and no, it's running around the other side of the moose."

GAME: Findrago rolls 1d20+4: (6)+4: 10

<OOC> Findrago says, "Miss anyway. :)"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Even with the charge AC penalty?"

<OOC> Findrago says, "Ooh, you're right. Roll damage."

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d8+6: (7)+6: 13

<OOC> Findrago says, "He kind of skewers himself. o.O"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "That's the idea. :)"

One of the other gnolls charges madly at Ssylrath, however he seems to miss the point of his lance.

That is, until it's buried in his chest and protruding from his back.

GAME: Findrago advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 1.
     It is now gnoll 5 's turn! Vuk is next!

GAME: 'gnoll 1' removed from initiative list.

GAME: Findrago rolls 1d20+4: (6)+4: 10

The gnoll that was just Duroc's target also charges at him, but the pain in its leg means its attack

is also way off mark.


     Findrago advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 19.
     It is now Vuk's turn! Ssylrath is next!

<OOC> Findrago says, "Quick recap: Gnolls 4 and 5 are on Duroc, and Gnoll 2 is on Ssylrath, who is

definitely male."

<OOC> Vuk says, "Roger Roger. I'll shoot 4."

GAME: Vuk rolls ranged-5: (3)+11+-5: 9

<OOC> Findrago says, "Miss!"

GAME: Findrago advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 19.
     It is now Ssylrath's turn! Gnoll 2 is next!

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "One is attacking me in melee?"

<OOC> Findrago says, "One chucked a spear at you."

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay, I'll charge him. :)"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Heck, I'll challenge him first. :)"

<OOC> Findrago ooOOooOOoo.

Vuk was trying to shoot into a melee, and he was also trying to not shoot the rather insulting dwarf,

it causes his shot to go wide, furrowing into a tree beyond the fight. "This hunt is not

very..hunty." He isn't sure how to not yell 'There's gnolls trying to eat us.' with out sounding like

a coward. Which he is.

GAME: Ssylrath rolls melee+1+1+1+4: (1)+9+1+1+1+4: 17

<OOC> Findrago says, "Hit!"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "My dice suck. That was a 1."

<OOC> Findrago says, "Miss! :D"

<OOC> Ssylrath says, "Okay, with Ride-by Muddy will be charging too, and bite."

<OOC> Findrago says, "OK"

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 1d20+8-1+2 (bite with power attack): (14)+8+-1+2 (bite with power attack): 23

<OOC> Findrago says, "Hit! For realz!"

GAME: Ssylrath rolls 2d6+6+3 (bite damage): (5)+6+3 (bite damage): 14

<OOC> Findrago says, "The bear bites him in half. Probably gags on the taste."

GAME: 'gnoll 2' removed from initiative list.

GAME: Findrago advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 17.
     It is now Ferawyn's turn! Takiyah is next!

<OOC> Ferawyn says, "How close are the other two gnolls to my treant?"

<OOC> Findrago says, "They moved to fight Duroc. 20 feet or so."

<OOC> Ferawyn says, "So he gets one attack. okay. and I'm casting call lightning."

Ssylrath levels his lance at the gnoll who threw a spear. "You will pay for what you have done to

this animal!" He charges, the lance going slightly wide but the bear burying it in an avalance of

claws and teeth. Blood goes everywhere.

<OOC> Ferawyn has the treant attack first.

GAME: Ferawyn rolls 1d20+10: (16)+10: 26

GAME: Ferawyn rolls 2d6+12: (7)+12: 19

<OOC> Findrago says, "which one was this on, 4, or the already-damaged 5?"

<OOC> Ferawyn says, "4."

<OOC> Findrago says, "Dead"

GAME: Ferawyn casts Call Lightning. Caster Level: 5 DC: 17

<OOC> Ferawyn says, "which I use on 5."

<OOC> Findrago says, "Reflex save?"

<OOC> Ferawyn says, "for half."

GAME: Ferawyn rolls 3d6: (16): 16

GAME: Findrago rolls 1d20: (9): 9

<OOC> Findrago nope nope nope. Crispy gnoll.

Ferawyn is still standing at the top of the hill as her companions try to fight off the gnolls.

Oakheart, the sapling treant, turns it's fury upon one of the gnolls attacking duroc and in one swing

and SMASH, the gnoll goes from laughing to non-existant. The other one, with the arrow in it's knee,

gets a look from Ferawyn after she finishes chanting, electricity from the sky. "you should not have

angered gilead by torturing an animal." She says.....and LOUDly snaps her fingers. The crack of her

finger snap turns into a BOOM from a lightning strike.....right into the arrow from Duroc. The

smoking gnolls falls dead next to the moose, and Oakheart looks to make sure all is now safe.

especially since Oakheart is a LOT taller than the rest of them.

GAME: Findrago removes the timestop.

Timestop by Findrago has left.

GAME: You remove the timestop.

<OOC> Findrago says, "Okay, we're out of rounds now because y'all are just too damn efficient and

deadly. :)"

<OOC> Findrago says, "Also, can I get a quick perception check from everyone."

GAME: Duroc rolls perception: (5)+7: 12

GAME: Ssylrath rolls perception: (10)+9: 19

GAME: Vuk rolls perception: (4)+12: 16

Vuk waits till the gnolls are truly dead, and then moves in towards the carnage, his wolf growls

about it, it reeks here. "We should burn the remains."

GAME: Takiyah rolls Perception: (1)+6: 7

Ssylrath speaks up. "No, even carrion-eaters are good meat if you are careful. Killing without need

makes us as bad as them." He swings out of the saddle and pokes one with his clawed foot. "I will

deal with them if you do not wish to."

GAME: Ferawyn rolls perception: (5)+14: 19

As Duroc was getting ready to deal with the two gnolls that attempted to skewer him when a treant

kills one and a bolt of lightning stikes the other. A few blinks later and the confusion dissipates

he says, "Oi!" He grumbles, "I ain't eating no gnoll, ye can have them if you want."

You paged (Ferawyn, Ssylrath) with 'As you're regrouping fromthe battle, you notice that one of the

gnoll bodies is missing... the first one that the treant mauled to death. There are marks in the snow

indicating that it was likely dragged intot he nearby underbrush, and in the distance you think you

can see a larger humanoid figure striding through the woods with something over its shoulder... then

disappear into the woodline.'

Takiyah carefully looks around, but her attention is drawn to the giant moose. "That... is a big

moose. If I pattern the mana-pistons off of its muscles, I might be able to get better lifting

strength on those belts," she muses.

<OOC> Findrago says, "Okay, folks, feel free to RP amongst yourselves if you'd like... I've got the

log running, but I need to step away for a bit, so I'm going to call the "adventure" part of the PrP

finished here."

<OOC> Findrago says, "Don't forget to +nom your buddies for RP. And thanks for bearing with me - this

was actually my first PrP. :)"

Vuk is -not- eating gnolls. "If you wish to try and butcher the moose, by all means. I meant we

should burn the gnolls and perhaps look for their lair. They surely would have had one close to

here." He points out.."Perhaps they even carried gems on their persons." He makes no move to search


Ferawyn quietly walks down from the hill and smiles to Takiyah. "Thank you for your help." She says

softly before she looks to the others. "Put the carcasses together. They'll bring the carrion eaters

to take care of the scraps." She then sighs a bit and pats Oakheart on the leg, noticing that one of

the gnoll bodies is missing. "Hmm.....we may have more trouble later from these guys." She says

softly. "I think we should head back. I'm sure we can find a few rabbits to eat on the way."

<OOC> Findrago says, "As a side note... the "horsemeat" smell some people got is because the gnolls

have strips of horsemeat under their cloaks to use for rations. The cloaks are also the things that

smell like pee. Gnolls are frighteningly unhygenic. :)"

Ssylrath crouches down and searches the gnolls quickly, pulling out anything of value and then

starting on any garments they had on. "Muddy and I will bring honor to these creatures that they did

not have in life." He seems undisturbed by the smell, perhaps because his nostrils seem to have

closed up completely.

Ferawyn places a hand upon Duroc and Ssylrath. "As for you two, if I may seak with you both on the

way back. If you both follow the ways of nature as i do, and wish to protect it, I may have a loose

group of people you may wish to meet that have the same ideals. Interested?"

"We can talk, we can talk." Duroc says as he readies himself to depart. He begins making his way back

to town to speak with the others.

Vuk is all for finding -not- corrupted filthy game, and he sure isn't eating any gnolls. "Yes yes, I

will keep my ears open for further reports, hopefully they were not part of a larger band. I do not

wish to think of the effects of many upon the local wild life.."

Ssylrath pulls out a skinning knife. "I'll deal with these, I understand if nobody else wants to join


Duroc takes a seat, and tries to tend to his equipment, and maybe try to even catch his breath, it

happens when you have lightning flash in front of you and see a treant whallop a gnoll to death.

Ssylrath finishes butchering the gnolls and makes sure the moose is similarly dealt with. He packs up

everyone of any use into his saddlebags.

<< Note: I was away for a bit and the log cut out here. There was still RP after this. >>

- Findrago!