Oasis 6.5: Hall of Wisdom pt 1

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The briefing was simple, the way was made clear, and the boat ride was reasonably short. The sound of peacocks heralding your entrance to the docks near Vandalheim. It took a bit of work to get through there without revealing your hand too much about the exiting to the city, but the real trick was transport. I mean, how are you going to get through the Des-"YOU BUY CAMELS!"


And so that's how you all ended up with falafel and camels... even if you didn't need the camels. You have one now. The desert heat was oppressive near the Desolation, with the site you're headed to built into the cavern wall with the only entrance being up top. The buzz of cicadas usher you onward, the scrub brush thinning the closer you get but the noise seeming to grow louder. It's just a little bit further, the cracked ground near the edge of the scar sending back up just as much heat as beating down from above.

Bennet has no use for camels, but, he has no use for most mounts. But it's better than the jackass he usually rides, so the Absolution keeps quiet. About the ride, anyway. The desert... well, he keeps quiet on that too. The Desolation is about as close to home as he gets, so no reason to complain about the familiar.

Arisha has pretty much kept herself buried in her cloak since she got there. and she ACTUALLY FOUGHT OFF THE URGE TO SHOOT A SALESMAN!!!!! so she should be commended for that....even if she'd be ridding the world of a menace worse than undead.....are salesmen really that much worse? Well...the camel says so.....cuz they didn't need the friggin camel.

So she keeps herself more covered cuz of the heat...and not they had a camel. Well...if they end up needing food...they have a wealking meal....

GAME: Bennet rolls fort: (18)+12: 30

GAME: Arisha rolls fortitude: (18)+8: 26

GAME: Smythly rolls fort: (2)+10: 12

"...I should not have taken that left turn at Tashraan," says Smythly, gravelly voiced. He's so confused. How did he get here? HOW?

He stumbles a bit.

GAME: Selerik rolls fortitude: (2)+6: 8

Arisha really does keep herself under her cloak....and she's glad she did. It's keeping most of the heat off of her....

Selerik doesn't looks happy to be here. He doesn't look happy at all. He eyes the sky, taking a moment to adjust his hat to better shield him as he goes. "Too much like home. I wasn't wanting to visit home this season."

The buzzing of the cicadas continues, permeating the very air in its own disturbing way. You see the edge of that scar in the ground so close, just looking for that next landmark. As a breath of fresh air it appears like the shimmer of a mirage, a plateau which is marked as being the wall you follow. A little further in that shade with the cicadas turning up to an almost fevish pitch, painful on the ears. The shade is a relief, especially to two of your members, just a little further to get to the edge and the way down to the entrance.

And the cicadas... stop. The edge only a hundred or so yards away.

Bennet mmms quietly, breathing a little easier once the party reaches the shade. But then the droning suddenly stops, and the gunman sits up a little. "....that don't bode well."

Arisha looks around a bit. "The....cicadas have stopped. that can't be a good sign...."

GAME: Selerik casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 9 DC: 17

Selerik does a lazy cantrip, glancing around the area. "No, it probably isn't. I suggest we send a camel."

"...this is so hot," groans Smythly. He's wearing armor so it's even worse for him. "And can someone stop those things!" He shrills. The buzzing is driving his overly large goblin ears mad.

You are already on channel RPThree.

Arisha looks to Smythly. "yeah. you need a cloak with a hood, man. Your ears are going to get sunburned...."

Bennet readies his rifle, keeps his eyes and ears open, and continues cautiously.

GAME: Selerik rolls perception: (13)+13: 26

GAME: Bennet rolls perception: (20)+8: 28

Wincing, Smythly gives Arisha a dirty look for her suggestion and adds, "Reos will protect me in the long run. Now, can we just move on? The sooner we're done with this nonsense..."

He taps the hammer he has strapped across his back. Nonsense needs hammering.

GAME: Arisha rolls perception: (9)+14: 23

Arisha says, "We're in the shade....but I do understand your problems at the moment." She says drawing her pistol. "Still don't like the fact that we had Cicada's sounding just a few minutes ago has me a little disturbed." She then looks about some more. "at least we don't have to worry about Scorpions...""

Bennet nods. "Whatever it is, is close. And i reckon ain't friendly."

Selerik gestures off ahead. "That looks to be the way down, over there." He eyes his camel, dismounting it warily and holding onto the reins. "Come along, friendly."

The camels all seem to not want to travel further, almost like an invisible line has been drawn. Any that aren't being held by the reins turn and start moving back toward town.

Bennet shrugs, and continues foreward on foot. "Hope they don't wander too far. Make for a long trip back."

"Sure, you say we don't have to worry about scoprions, but now we know we'll be fighting gaint scorpions any minute now becqasue that's how this ALWAYS works," grumbles Smythly. He looks around again.

Then the camels are moving. He groans.

The silence continues, as equally as powerful as the sound the cicadas had brought. A skitter of legs, and a dull ringing almost in the ears that's broken only by the scuff of shoes and a gust of wind that runs up the scar upon the land.

Hassan's Camels... continue. The walk away from that invisible line as if tethered to their rental agreement.

Selerik rolls his eyes and looks around for a spot to tie off his camel's reins. "I'm not walking back if I can help it."

Arisha says, "These camels really want to get away from here." She says softly, then nods. "Good idea. Tie the little buggers down, so they can't get away.""

GAME: Smythly rolls Handle Animal: Trained Use Only: 0

GAME: Bennet rolls handel animal: (14)+handel animal: 14

GAME: Bennet rolls handle animal: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)

Bennet considers a moment, and goes to grabs for the reins... but the camel has other ideas. Eh, he wasn't -that- concerned anyway.

Three of the camels continue on about a hundred yards and then stop. Selerik still holds the reins of his so it simply continues to pull, trying to join the others.

Arisha looks over as the camel pulls away. She's not really strong enough to hang onto her camel anyways. "Well...looks like the camels really don't wanna stay.'

GAME: Selerik rolls handle animal: Trained Use Only: 0

Selerik finally relents and lets his camel go, sighing to himself as it goes.

The fourth camel joins the other three. And with amazing alacrity, they stay put.

As you continue toward that marker that Selerik points out, the cicadas continue to simply stay quiet. All of you start to notice them now, sitting there and not making a sound. The silence still permeating the landscape with another whistle of wind and the crunch of ground under your shoes.

Like a crack of lightening, the cicadas erupt into noise again. Almost deafening in their volume. The edge of the scarred landscape looms up, and where you see the marker there is simply a cliff face. Some thirty feet below is a ledge and - presumably - the entrance to the Hall.

Selerik stares at the camels for a little while before looking to the others. "I want you all to know my loathing for this place and everything about this mission has nothing to do with any of-" He is cut off by the cicadas, putting a hand to his ear and glaring around a moment before muttering something unpleasant to himself. A foul mood, today.

Arisha says, "allllll right. I'm definitely convinced there is something highly wrong here." She then blinks and........"the Hell?" She says looking down.....and muttering something incredibly oul in elvish........"

Bennet aches a brow, and shrugs. "-Something- unnatural. Demon, spirt, old magic... reckon we'll find out."

GAME: Arisha rolls knowledge/nature+3+3: (1)+10+3+3: 17 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Arisha rolls knowledge/arcana+3+3: (4)+10+3+3: 20

GAME: Arisha rolls knowledge/religion+3+3: (20)+10+3+3: 36

GAME: Bennet rolls knowledge/religion: (7)+5: 12

GAME: Bennet rolls knowledge/arcana: (13)+2: 15

GAME: Smythly rolls Knowledge/R3eligionb: (14)+Knowledge/R3eligionb: 14

GAME: Smythly rolls Knowledge/Religion: (3)+8: 11

GAME: Selerik rolls knowledge/arcana: (14)+14: 28

GAME: Selerik rolls knowledge/nature: (15)+12: 27

GAME: Selerik rolls knowledge/religion: (11)+17: 28

GAME: Bennet refreshes spells.

"Clearly, Reos is taking mercy on us and soothed the forge with crushed ice," says Smyhtly, closing hsi eyes. This makes no sense. But then, none of this makes ANY sense.

Bennet sighs. "Don't 'spose any of ya castery sorts knows weather magic? Snow storm would suit just rightly about now."

"there's something even worse here, Bennet." Arisha says as she takes the time to check her pistol. "I imagine it'll get cold enough, the closer we get to whatever undead is hiding in there. That's why the bugs are unsettled..."

"...oh of course, you /would/ say that," mutters Smythly with a sigh at Arisha.

Bennet ehs. "That's a different sort of cold. And reckon it won't last. Boss Lady don't tolerate that sort for long*."

  • ='Long' being from the viewpoint of an ageless and eternal Godess. Some undead are ignored for centuries before being put down.

Selerik stares down into the hole, wincing at the heat. "Magic. Lots of magic." He glances around. "It'd probably negate a snow storm or the sort."

No sooner has Smythly said that, then Reos seems to have turned down the forge and there's a blissful breeze that runs through the atmosphere. The cool air running through the canyon, as Bennet makes their point known and Selerik comments - as if to spite him - the sky cracks with thunder and everything starts to grow dark. White flakes begin to fall from above. Snow. The weather suddenly turning from blisteringly hot to icy with another howl of wind.

You still have to find a way down, 30 some odd feet to the platform below. A task now more difficult with another howl and a bite of wind that cuts through the heat like a searing knife of cold.

Bennet says, "....huh. Whelp, might as well enjoy the break... and git moving 'fore things get weirder."

Arisha says, "Goooood idea...."

At least it's cooler.

Smythly takes a moment to unsling his massive (for a tiny goblin) hammer.

"Yes. Let's be on with... with... whatever this is," he mutters, serious in expressionl.

Selerik eyes the sky, thinking about what just happened for a few moments before smiling a little bit to himself. He reaches into his handy haversack, pulling out a cold weather cloak and slipping it on. The cold, at least, he finds more manageable for the moment. "Please, lead the way."

Bennet peers for a few moment before fishing in his pack and pulling out a length of silken rope. Hunting aorund a few moments, the gunman ties one end around a solid outcrop before tossing the other end over the edge.

GAME: Arisha rolls athletics: (14)+9: 23

GAME: Bennet rolls athletics: (5)+-2: 3

GAME: Selerik rolls athletics: (13)+10: 23

As soon as Bennet tossed the rope over the edge, Arisha grabbed the rope, as soon as she holstered her pistol, and rapelled down easily. Thankfully, she didn't have to worry about fristion burns on her left hand. It was made of sturdier material than the rope.

GAME: Selerik casts Timely Inspiration. Caster Level: 9 DC: 18

"...this will not go well," says Smythly with a sigh.

And then he's going to start trying to work his way down.

He's probably right.

GAME: Smythly rolls Athletics: (15)+-1: 14

GAME: Bennet rolls athletics+2d4: -2+(3): 1

GAME: Bennet rolls 2d4: (3): 3

Bennet swings over the ledge, but might be a little too focused on keeping his rifle safe to maintain his own self intrest. Thanks to Selerik's intervention, he manages to catch the rope halfway down and slow his fall, but still lands heavily. "...starting to recall why I kept to the flat parts of the Desolation."

"Reos will guide me. Reos will guide me. Reos will guide me." Smythly nearly falls to his death, "AHH REOS GUIDE ME" 5r

He manages to cling to the rope just barely and slides the rest of the way down.

Selerik slips down the rope, using the crook of his arm, protected by his armor, to let him slide with ease. It isn't much of a problem. So little, in fact, that he can manage to shout out and gesture at Bennet with his free hand. "Don't let go of the rope! By all the divines."

Reaching the bottom of the rope, you can see the doorway now. A scent of something old, musty, and the smell of death. A stone in front of the doorway is set down below the surface of the ground, perfect for stubbing one's toes on the way in.

Arisha draws her pistol again. "yeah...this is the place alright." She says with a groan......

Bennet nods, and stands carefully, doublechecking that his weapon is unharmed before makig sure he didn't hurt himself too much. Priorities.

FInally reaching the bottom, yes, Smtythly sniffs a few times and then gets his hammer ready.

"Welp. Let 's get this done, shall we? And then I am going to have words with the damn camel man."

Bennet ehs. "Maybe we'll find a magical flying horse inside, or some such. I've heard of stranger treasures in these sort of places."

"Not likely. Come on. Let's find this.....thing." Arisha really doesn't sound happy either....

Bennet considers the mostly closed door for a moment. "Reckon might be best to get that open a ways more. Can maybe slip though with effort, but comming back out we might be in a hurry. Or injured. Maybe both."

GAME: Selerik casts Detect Magic. Caster Level: 9 DC: 17

"...well. I suppose we go through this door anmd deal with... with whatever is on the other side. Let's not be defeated by doors, fellow adventurers. I hear it is highly embaressing." UNless someone stops him, he's justr gonna open the damn thing.

Selerik takes a moment to begin detecting magic again, glancing around as he gives a sniff to the air. "I'm detecting some probable necromancy. The scent of death in the air, is anyone else noticing it?"

"I asssumed -- erf -- that was the -- erf, Shadow Elf," says Smythly as he pulls on the door.

Arisha says, "Good idea. I can't really help. Not really a strength person."

Bennet gives a hand with the door opening. "Lots of death in teh air. Sorta like home." ....he lives in a temple of death, above a massive crypt. yes, it smells like death. In a good way.

Selerik focuses his senses, slowly fixing his gaze before he points to the stone below the doorway. "Trap. Might be a spent trap, though. I don't think we were the first ones in here recently.""

The door grinds open along the ground, and the further you pull it the more it smells of death. Unnaturally so, you all recognize it now as something that shouldn't be. While Selerik picked up on it first you all now recognize that it shouldn't smell of death. This place is old, and that smell should've long since faded.

Arisha says, "yeah...something's definitely in here." She grumbles as she moves further inwards...."

With the door open, Smythly wastes little time. He's just going to go the hell inside.

Arisha follows Smythly right on in...

Selerik keeps a extra safe distance behind the people sludging forward. "That means there might be more traps. Untriggered traps. In case I wasn't being clear."

Bennet ehs. "It's all one big trap. Why they sent us."

Arisha says, "It's usually why they send us." She says still looking about....."

"Don't worry about me. Reos will protect me," says Smythly, firmly. Still, he's leery of the traps. He's going to keep an eye out for anything unusual as he pushes ahead.

GAME: Smythly rolls perception: (7)+3: 10

You all start inside, and after a few torches are lit you can see up ahead why there's a smell of death. Not thirty feet in front of you, you see someone quite dead. Though Selerik can't really see it from behind the party.

Arisha says, "Welp....there's a body. That explains the smell of death...." She doesn't put her pistol away yet."

Selerik continues to hang back, detecting for magic as he goes. He glances around every so often and adjusting his clothes to try to be more comfortable. Unfortunately he can't adjust his skin.

Bennet nods. "Better find out what killed them... neutralize it, carry on, find out what's in here, and report back."

GAME: Kisaiya rolls 5: (17)+5: 22

GAME: Kisaiya rolls 1d8+2: (5)+2: 7

GAME: Arisha rolls reflex: (8)+7: 15

GAME: Smythly rolls ref: (17)+6: 23

GAME: Bennet rolls reflex: (12)+11: 23

As Smythly takes another step forward nearing the corpse there's a KA-CHUNK! Noise and his foot sinks down into the ground. Immediately behind him back for about ten feet spikes shoot out along the walls but Arisha and Bennet both dodge out of the way - Arisha narrowly avoiding the spikes shooting out. Unfortunately, Smythly was too distracted by that noise to notice the two spears angled in that lance through his arms and stab into the Goblin. After a moment they all retreat - at least you now know how the man died.

Bennet says, ".....yep. Might wanna mark that step. Neon paint or something."

"...ow," says Smythly.

To be fair, his armor absorbed most of the impact. HE's bleeding, sure, and there's a nice hole in the plate where it punched through into his form,.

"Ow," he repeats.

Arisha says, "That....could've been worse. You okay Smythly?" She says softly."

Selerik winces from where he is in the back. He moves a little closer, still hanging twenty of so feet back. "I can only offer minor healing, but it is better than nothing?"

"I hte traps. Engineering marvels, more often than not, but I HATE them," says Smythly, firmly, giving a shake of his head.

"I'll be fine," he adds.

Arisha says, "I've got healing too, if you need it.""

Bennet fishes in his pockets a moment before taking out a small bag of chalk dust, marking the trapped stone. No reason to step on it again later. Or leave things deadly for the next fool to come along.

"I'll be fine. Save it for now," says Smthly to Arisah.

The trap marked, he moves on. Carefully. He's trying to keep his eye open for additional pokey, stabby, spellcasty traps.

GAME: Smythly rolls Perception: (12)+3: 15

GAME: Arisha rolls perception: (3)+14: 17

"SMYTHLY!" Arisha yells and grabs him before he steps on the trap....or attempts to.....

GAME: Arisha rolls reflex: (1)+7: 8 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Smythly rolls ref: (3)+6: 9

GAME: Arisha rolls reflex: (16)+7: 23

GAME: Selerik casts Saving Finale. Caster Level: 9 DC: 18

Selerik drones and drones and droooones. It is vaguely educational, and then he suddenly shouts. "ARISHA! EXACTLY like THAT!" There is some magic to his berating the impromptu victim of his lecture on traps, thank goodness.

Bennet doesn't exactly listen, but he's not quite ignoring Selerik either. Then again, he's not the one who almost hit a trap. Though to be fair, he's not out front either.

Arisha manages to grab Smythly and yank him back from the trap she spotted. "Sorry Smythly. I just wanted to keep you from getting hurt again. You almost stepped on a trap."

"Yes, well. I hate traps. so thank you," says Smythly as he's stopped in his tracks and pulled back. "Good thing I'm small," he mutters.

With the two traps passed, you continue onward. The tunnel parts into a cavern where you walk upon a narrow path, darkness extends all around you with the only real visible surface being the roof above you and the way forward and back. Ahead there's another hole in the cavern wall. You seem flames light, casting a glow around the corner of the entrance. Several of them like they're lining the walls and just out of view. And Arisha... senses something. Like a faint tickle, a familiarity of some sort that brings out that idea. Something niggles at the back of her mind, something that she thought of earlier up with the cicadas.

"They're here." Arisha says over her shoulder. "Bennet. Start scanning......It shouldn't be hard to find them....."

Bennet pauses as lights show up other than the party's own. So much for this place being passive. but, light doesn't seem dangeorus unto itself. "....scan? Ain't how it works. It's a question, yes or no, on a target."