Razen joins the Inquisition

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Yelrona takes the opportunity during their walk to the Warehouse District to catch Razen up on the situation with Charn.

By the end of the explanation Razen is clearly apalled. He is staring at Yelrona as if she has grown a second head, and not a particularly nice one at that. "The Adventure's guild? Are you certain? I was just recently told that I should go and join them!"

Yelrona shrugs. "No, I'm _not_ certain. If I were, all this subtrefuge would be unnecssary. But _someone_ revealed Chay to the Charnith, and he suspects the Guild... or rather, some person or people _in_ the Guild. So, we're investigating."

While it might be better that it could be one person rather tha the whole guild Razen remains uneasy. "Is there anything that I can do to help?"

Yelrona nods. "Yes! Right now we can use as many pairs of eyes as possible keeping tabs on the warehouse, making sure we spot anyone who might be Charnith agents. After that, we'll see what happens... hopefully, we can subdue them and track them back to their masters. Or something. We'll see."

"Certainly!" He looks around the warehouse district and smiles at her. "So this is why you have been down here so often. Well, I will be happy to help."

Yelrona says, "Well, not just that. I have a lot of things going on in this neighborhood," she admits. "But yeah, that too. And thank you!"

Razen shrugs. "It is the least I can do. Slavery is a terrible thing." He shudders again and shakes his head. "No man should be without his freedom."

Yelrona nods. "Agreed." She frowns in thought and adds "Oh! Unrelatedly... do you know anything about bloodragers?"

The half-orc shakes his head. "I have heard of them, but I know nothing about them really. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I was thinking about the bloodline scam Svarshan wants me to spread, and the most efficient way to do it, which reminded me of stories I'd heard about oruch barbarians with magical bloodlines, and... well, I don't know, exactly," Rona admits. "Just figured I'd ask."

Razen laughs. "You would have to ask someone else about magic. I have never understood it and feel like I understand it less every time I hear about it."

A wee Gobber dressed in a fancy suit and bearing a cane sidles up to Yelrona. It taps her leg with the cane, and looks up at the Elf. "What do ya want to know about bloodragers, missy?", it says in a scratchy, gruff voice. Murder winks and grins.

Yelrona nods. "I can respect that. It's easy for me -- I just check with the boss to see what he wants. But for --" she cuts off as the gobber approaches, blinks, and grins back. "Just trying to learn more about them, ma'am!"

Razen blinks at the goblin. "Who are..." He blinks again. "Murder?" Razen's voice is hesitant.

The Goblin huffs at Yelrona. "I'm a boy.", it says, before glancing at Razen. "Who?" It taps its top hat with a hand and nods to Yelrona. "But what did you want to know? I can help."

Yelrona thinks about it. Truthfully, she had only the vaguest of thoughts in this direction. "Well... to start with, is their blood itself useful for anything? Like, do alchemists use it as an ingredient, or something like that?" She ignores the whole question of Murder's sex.

Razen has the grace to look embarassed for thinking that this gentleman is his friend. They look very similar... He shakes his head. "And how do you know so much about blood ragers?" He's suddenly suspicious considering their previous conversation.

"I don't know much, honestly. There were a LOT of rumors, back during the Rune/Dran war, that the oruch and the Dran had cultivated a line of enchanted warriors, who gained power from their bloodlines... like sorcerors, I guess? Ooo, sorcerors would be good too. Do you know any? There's Sandy, I guess."

The gentleman Gobber hmms a bit, their facial expression thoughtful. "Do people use our blood specifically? That I cannot speak to. Could it be used? Most definitely. From what I am told, by those who taught me how to rage, and how to use the power in my blood to cast spells, is that a bloodrager and a sorcerer have much in common. For instance, dragon-blood often runs in their veins, so, yes that blood should have some potency for more than just making life possible. The blood powers their magics, so it can surely power others' magics as well. The only way to find out is rather ... icky."

The Goblin looks to Razen. "I know because I am one. I was trained by Oruch to unlock the powers in my destined blood. I am destined for some greatness, and that destiny powers the powers of my rage and my spells." It leans in close to Razen and whispers, "I am Murder, you silly."

Aya has arrived.

Razen startles back and stares at Murder. "Wow!" He looks amazed for a moment and then grins. "How did you know you were a Bloodrager?"

Yelrona looks surprised. "Funny. No offense, but I always pictured you all as... larger."

The well-dressed Goblin shrugs to Yelrona then. "The Oruch ones definitely are. But good things come in small packages too." It grins and looks to Razen. "Angoron told me so."

Razen eyes shine. "Really?!" He breathes the word like an excited schoolboy. "How?"

Yelrona gets called away by some very boring passersby with very dull questions. :-)

Tapping their cane on the ground a few times, the Gobber leans in to whisper to Razen. "How do you think? He spoke to me in my head. Told me I needed to make a journey. So I did."

"That's amazing." Razen doesn't bother to whisper at all, but does lean in a little to better hear Murder. "I had no idea that Angoron spoke so clearly to those who were not clerics."

The Gobber giggles for a few moments, before clapping a hand over their mouth. Clearing their throat, they simply shrug. "I didn't know anything about him before he did that. Do you follow him, then, sir?"

Razen nods. "Nearly my whole life. And I can say I have never heard him speak to me." Razen glances aside, expression becoming more serious. "Perhaps with reason."

The gentleman Goblin shrugs. "Perhaps he waits until it is very pressing, hmm? It wouldn't be so special if he talked to everyone frequently about any old thing, yes?" It prods Razen lightly with its cane. "Perhaps later we can wrestle or something."

Razen smiles, but the expression is slightly strained. "Perhaps. Angoron's strength be yours until then my friend. I should go. I have much to think on, and promises to keep."

With another tap of its hat, the Gobber smiles and makes their way down the street. "Angoron's strength be yours, be well!"